Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
    Number of items: 210.
    Bibliographic data only
  • The meaning of 'health improvement'. (2002) Abbott, S; Florin, D; Fulop, N; Gillam, S
  • Review of D. Himmelstein, S. Woolhandler and I. Woolhandler ?Bleeding the patient: the consequences of corporate health care? [Review]. (2002) Allen, P
  • Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose: to the internal market and back in the British National Health Service? (2002) Allen, Pauline
  • A socio-legal and economic analysis of contracting in the NHS internal market using a case study of contracting for district nursing. (2002) Allen, Pauline
  • The use of contracts in the management of infectious disease related risk in the NHS internal market. (2002) Allen, Pauline; Croxson, Bronwyn; Roberts, Jennifer A; Archibald, Kate; Crawshaw, Shirley; Taylor, Lynda
  • Health professionals' views of contracting for infection control in the NHS internal market. (2002) Allen, Pauline; Croxson, Bronwyn; Roberts, Jennifer; Crawshaw, Shirley; Archibald, Kate; Taylor, Lynda
  • Early and midterm outcome after off-pump and on-pump surgery in Beating Heart Against Cardioplegic Arrest Studies (BHACAS 1 and 2): a pooled analysis of two randomised controlled trials. (2002) Angelini, Gianni D; Taylor, Fiona C; Reeves, Barnaby C; Ascione, Raimondo
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of renal satellite units in the UK: Findings from the national renal satellite unit evaluation study phase 2. (2002) Armitage, AJ; Roderick, PJ; Feest, TG; Lamping, D; Greenwood, R; Tomson, CRV; Drey, N; Nicholson, T; Mehta, R; Mullee, M; Gerard, K; Townsend, J
  • Predictors of stroke in the modern era of coronary artery bypass grafting: a case control study. (2002) Ascione, Raimondo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Chamberlain, Martin H; Ghosh, Arup K; Lim, Kelvin HH; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Effectiveness of coronary artery bypass grafting with or without cardiopulmonary bypass in overweight patients. (2002) Ascione, Raimondo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Rees, Karen; Angelini, Gianni D
  • The development of a simulation model of primary prevention strategies for coronary heart disease. (2002) Babad, Hannah; Sanderson, Colin; Naidoo, Bhash; White, Ian; Wang, Duolao
  • Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2002) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Self-reported health in Bulgaria: levels and determinants. (2002) Balabanova, Dina C; McKee, Martin
  • Access to health care in a system transition: the case of Bulgaria. (2002) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Understanding informal payments for health care: the example of Bulgaria. (2002) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • DEMQOL: A new measure of health related quality of life in dementia. (2002) Banerjee, S; Smith, S; Murray, J; Foley, B; Smith, P; Lamping, D
  • Reforming the EU health competence: Framing the discussion [Editorial]. (2002) Belcher, P; McKee, M; Mossialos, E
  • Re-assessing accumulated oxygen deficit in middle-distance runners. (2002) Bickham, D; Le Rossignol, P; Gibbons, C; Russell, AP
  • Reduction in the use of surgery for glue ear: did national guidelines have an impact? (2002) Black, N; Hutchings, A
  • Should the NHS be run by an independent institution? (2002) Black, NA; Stoate, H
  • Decision making heuristics and the elicitation of preferences: being fast and frugal about the future. (2002) Cairns, John; van der Pol, Marjon; Lloyd, Andrew
  • Effect of off-pump coronary surgery with right ventricular assist device on organ function and inflammatory response: a randomized controlled trial. (2002) Caputo, Massimo; Yeatman, Mark; Narayan, Pradeep; Marchetto, Giovanni; Ascione, Raimondo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in high-risk patients: an observational study. (2002) Chamberlain, Martin H; Ascione, Raimondo; Reeves, Barnaby C; Angelini, Gianni D
  • Assessment of survival benefit after lung transplantation by patient diagnosis. (2002) Charman, Susan C; Sharples, Linda D; McNeil, Keith D; Wallwork, John
  • The changing nature of murder in Russia. (2002) Chervyakov, Valeriy V; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Pridemore, William Alex; McKee, Martin
  • Clinical nurse specialists in palliative care. Part 2. Explaining diversity in the organization and costs of Macmillan nursing services. (2002) Clark, David; Seymour, Jane; Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Bath, Peter; Beech, Nicola; Corner, Jessica; Halliday, Deborah; Hughes, Philippa; Haviland, Jo; Normand, Charles; Marples, Rachael; Skilbeck, Julie; Webb, Tom
  • Length of in-hospital stay and its relationship to quality of care. (2002) Clarke, A
  • Corporate (anti)social (ir)responsibility: Transnational tobacco companies and the attempted subversion of global health policy. (2002) Collin, J; Gilmore, A
  • Tobacco control, the European Union and WHO. Two conventions provide opportunities to advance public health. (2002) Collin, Jeff; Gilmore, Anna B
  • Dividends for care coordination from investments in information technology. Lessons from the Illawarra Coordinated Care Trial. (2002) Cromwell, D; Bomba, D; Hang, T; Dalley, A
  • The lore of private health insurance and pressure on public hospitals [Editorial]. (2002) Cromwell, DA
  • Waiting time information services: how well do different statistics forecast a patient’s wait? (2002) Cromwell, DA; Griffiths, DA
  • Surgery the quality of information disseminated by Web-based waiting time information services. (2002) Cromwell, David A; Griffiths, David A; Kreis, Irene A
  • Waiting time information services: what are the implications of waiting list behaviour for their design? (2002) Cromwell, David; Griffiths, David
  • Reform and counter reform: how sustainable is New Zealand's latest health system restructuring? (2002) Cumming, Jackie; Mays, Nicholas
  • How common is male circumcision in Britain? Findings from a national probability survey. (2002) Dave, SD; Fenton, KA; Mercer, CH; Johnson, AM; Erens, B; Wellings, K
  • [Factors associated with hospital mortality in patients admitted to the intensive care unit in Colombia]. (2002) Dennis, RJ; Pérez, A; Rowan, K; Londoño, D; Metcalfe, A; Gómez, C; McPherson, K
  • The clinical encounter--the focal point of patient-centred care. (2002) Dieppe, Paul; Rafferty, Ann-Marie; Kitson, Alison
  • Changing life expectancy in Romania after the transition. (2002) Dolea, C; Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Food safety and consumers: Constructions of choice and risk. (2002) Draper, A; Green, J
  • Nurses' views about returning to practice after a career break. (2002) Durand, Mary Alison; Randhawa, Gurch
  • A national measure of functional dependency for Home and Community Care services in Australia. (2002) Eagar, K; Owen, A; Green, J; Cromwell, D; Poulos, R; Gordon, R; Quinsey, K; Fildes, D
  • The future role of the hospital [Editorial]. (2002) Edwards, N; McKee, M
  • Perceptions of partnership. A documentary analysis of Health Improvement Programmes. (2002) Elston, J; Fulop, N
  • Quality of life on randomized treatment for isolated systolic hypertension: results from the Syst-Eur Trial. (2002) Fletcher, Astrid E; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Thijs, Lutgarde; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Antikainen, Riitta; Bossini, Alfredo; Browne, John; Duggan, Joseph; Kawecka-Jaszcz, Kalina; Kivinen, Paula; Sarti, Cinzia; Terzoli, Laura; Staessen, Jan A; Syst-Eur Trial Investigators
  • PCTs/health improvement. The object of the exercise. (2002) Florin, Dominique; Gillam, Steve; Abbott, Stephen; Fulop, Naomi
  • The experiences of bilingual children interpreting in primary care settings. (2002) Free, C; Bhavnani, V; Green, J; Newman, T
  • The Impact of Hospital Trust Mergers in London A Process Analysis of NHS Provider Organisations :Final report. (2002) Fulop, N; Protopsaltis, G; King, A; Hutchings, A; Allen, P; Normand, C
  • [Using different indicators of preventable mortality as an approach to measuring health inequalities in Chilean municipalities]. (2002) Gattini, Cesar; Sanderson, Colin; Castillo-Salgado, Carlos
  • Modelling does not predict reality accurately. Letter to Editor, Authors' reply. (2002) Gilbert, RE; Augood, C; Gupta, R; Logan, S; Ades, AE; Sculpher, M; van der Meulen, JHP
  • Russia: the lobbyist's art is alive and well. (2002) Gilmore, A; Balabanova, D
  • Germany: tobacco industry makes further inroads. (2002) Gilmore, A; Nolte, E
  • Determinants of and inequalities in self-perceived health in Ukraine. (2002) Gilmore, Anna BC; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard
  • Tobacco control policy: the European dimension. (2002) Gilmore, Anna; McKee, Martin
  • Continuing influence of tobacco industry in Germany. (2002) Gilmore, Anna; Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin; Collin, Jeff
  • Rejection of an innovation: health information management training materials in east Africa. (2002) Gladwin, J; Dixon, RA; Wilson, TD
  • An evaluation of systematic reviews of palliative care services. (2002) Goodwin, Danielle M; Higginson, Irene J; Edwards, Adrian GK; Finlay, Ilora G; Cook, Alison M; Hood, Kerry; Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles E
  • What is palliative day care? A patient perspective of five UK services. (2002) Goodwin, Danielle M; Higginson, Irene J; Myers, Kathy; Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles E
  • Cost data for individual patients included in clinical studies: no amount of statistical analysis can compensate for inadequate costing methods. (2002) Graves, Nicholas; Walker, Damian; Raine, Rosalind; Hutchings, Andrew; Roberts, Jennifer A
  • Increasing the capacity for general practice registrar training: A study in the London region. (2002) Green, J; Osborne, K; Bowler, I; Jackson, N
  • Learning to live with glaucoma: a qualitative study of diagnosis and the impact of sight loss. (2002) Green, Judith; Siddall, Helen; Murdoch, Ian
  • Economic evaluation for hepatitis C. (2002) Grieve, R; Roberts, J
  • Dual job holding practitioners in Bangladesh: an exploration. (2002) Gruen, Reinhold; Anwar, Raqibul; Begum, Tahmina; Killingsworth, James R; Normand, Charles
  • Perioperative melatonin secretion in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. (2002) Guo, Xiangyang; Kuzumi, Eiko; Charman, Susan C; Vuylsteke, Alain
  • Clinical outcomes and quality of life in elderly patients on peritoneal dialysis versus hemodialysis. (2002) Harris, Susan AC; Lamping, Donna L; Brown, Edwina A; Constantinovici, Niculae; North Thames Dialysis Study (NTDS) Group
  • Health care systems in transition. (2002) Healy, J; Falkingham, J; McKee, M
  • The evolution of hospital systems. (2002) Healy, J; McKee, M
  • The role and function of hospitals. (2002) Healy, J; McKee, M
  • Implementing hospital reform in central and eastern Europe. (2002) Healy, Judith; McKee, Martin
  • Fluticasone propionate spray and betamethasone sodium phosphate mouthrinse: a randomized crossover study for the treatment of symptomatic oral lichen planus. (2002) Hegarty, AM; Hodgson, TA; Lewsey, JD; Porter, SR
  • The Five-Factor Personality Inventory: Assessing the Big Five by means of brief and concrete statements. (2002) Hendriks, AAJ; Hofstee, WBK; de Raad, B
  • Reliability and validity of the Satisfaction with Hospital Care Questionnaire. (2002) Hendriks, AAJ; Oort, FJ; Vrielink, MR; Smets, EMA
  • Do hospital-based palliative teams improve care for patients or families at the end of life? (2002) Higginson, Irene J; Finlay, Ilora; Goodwin, Danielle M; Cook, Alison M; Hood, Kerry; Edwards, Adrian GK; Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Norman, Charles E
  • The Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life scale-39-item version (SAQOL-39). (2002) Hilari, K; Byng, S; Lamping, D; Smith, S
  • Clinical outcomes following percutaneous magnetic resonance image guided laser ablation of symptomatic uterine fibroids. (2002) Hindley, JT; Law, PA; Hickey, M; Smith, SC; Lamping, DL; Gedroyc, WMW; Regan, L
  • Cost-effectiveness of preoperative positron emission tomography in ischemic heart disease. (2002) Jacklin, Paul B; Barrington, Sally F; Roxburgh, James C; Jackson, Graham; Sariklis, Dimitrios; West, Peter A; Maisey, Michael N
  • Investing in well-being: an analytical framework. (2002) Jacobsen, V; Mays, N; Crawford, R; Annesley, B; Christoffel, P; Johnston, G; Durbin, S
  • The implications of terrorism for public health. (2002) Janson, Staffan; McKee, Martin
  • Resource utilisation during the 4 months following a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. (2002) Kahn, S; Ducruet, T; Johri, M; Arsenault, L; Investigators, for the Venous Thrombosis Outcomes (VETO) Study I
  • Management of recalcitrant ulcerative oral lichen planus with topical tacrolimus. (2002) Kaliakatsou, F; Hodgson, TA; Lewsey, JD; Hegarty, AM; Murphy, AG; Porter, SR
  • The welfare state as piggy bank. (2002) Klein, R
  • Viagra: a success story for rationing? (2002) Klein, Rudolf; Sturm, Heidrun
  • Injuries: a public health threat to children and adolescents in the European Region. (2002) Koupilova, I; Leon, D; McKee, M; Sethi, D; Zwi, A
  • Cost-effectiveness of different MRSA screening methods. (2002) Kunori, T; Cookson, B; Roberts, JA; Stone, S; Kibbler, C
  • Health-related quality of life in elderly people on dialysis. (2002) Lamping, DL
  • The community-acquired pneumonia symptom questionnaire: a new, patient-based outcome measure to evaluate symptoms in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. (2002) Lamping, Donna L; Schroter, Sara; Marquis, Patrick; Marrel, Alexia; Duprat-Lomon, Isabelle; Sagnier, Pierre-Philippe
  • Randomised controlled trials from the critical care literature: Identification and assessment of quality. (2002) Langham, J; Thompson, E; Rowan, K
  • Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomised trial of training in information management, evidence-based medicine, both or neither: the PIER trial. (2002) Langham, Julia; Tucker, Helen; Sloan, David; Pettifer, Jane; Thom, Simon; Hemingway, Harry
  • Addressing the inverse care law in cardiac services. (2002) Langham, Sue; Basnett, Ian; McCartney, Peter; Normand, Charles; Pickering, Julie; Sheers, Dilwyn; Thorogood, Margaret
  • Are we blind to injuries in the visually impaired? A review of the literature. (2002) Legood, R; Scuffham, P; Cryer, C
  • Determinants and assessment of regurgitation after mitral valve repair. (2002) Lim, Eric; Ali, Ziad A; Barlow, Clifford W; Hosseinpour, A Reza; Wisbey, Christopher; Charman, Susan C; Wells, Francis C; Barlow, John B
  • The Global Burden of Disease attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake - What does this mean for public health policy in Europe? (2002) Lock, K
  • What targets for international development policies are appropriate for improving health in Russia? (2002) Lock, Karen; Andreev, Evgueni M; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; McKee, Martin
  • Learning about sex: results from Natsal 2000 [Conference presentation]. (2002) MacDowall, W; Wellings, K; Nanchahal, K; Mercer, C; Erens, B; Fenton, K; Johnson, A
  • Looking forward, looking back [Editorial]. (2002) MacLehose, L; McKee, M
  • Responding to the challenge of communicable disease in Europe. (2002) MacLehose, Laura; McKee, Martin; Weinberg, Julius
  • Clinical evaluation of azathioprine as a steroid-sparing agent for Type 1 reactions in leprosy: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Oral Presentation]. (2002) Marlowe, SNS; Hawksworth, RA; Butlin, CR; Jacob, M; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Health targets: for and against. (2002) McCormick, J; Fulop, N
  • Values, beliefs and implications. (2002) McKee, M
  • What can health services contribute to the reduction of inequalities in health? (2002) McKee, M
  • The mortality crisis in transitional economies. (2002) McKee, M
  • Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2002) McKee, M; Balabanova, D
  • For and against: Social insurance - the right way forward for health care in the United Kingdom? [Against]. (2002) McKee, M; Dixon, A; Mossialos, E
  • Strategies for health services. (2002) McKee, M; Figueras, J
  • Hospitals in a changing Europe. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Investing in hospitals. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Réorganisation des systèmes hospitaliers : leçons tirées de l’Europe de l’Ouest. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • The significance of hospitals: an introduction. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Pressures for change. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J; Edwards, N; Harrison, A
  • Health care in Central Asia. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J; Falkingham, J
  • Health care systems in the Central Asian Republics: an introduction. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J; Falkingham, J
  • The impact of EU law on health care systems. (2002) McKee, M; Mossialos, E; Baeten, R
  • Ischaemic heart disease: more than just lipids? [Editorial]. (2002) McKee, M; Perry, I
  • Developing schools of public health. Forward. (2002) McKee, Martin
  • Substance use and social and economic transition: the need for evidence. (2002) McKee, Martin
  • What can health services contribute to the reduction of inequalities in health? (2002) McKee, Martin
  • Paying for the NHS: are we asking the right question? (2002) McKee, Martin; Mossialos, Elias; Dixon, Anna
  • Health economics: an international perspective [textbook]. (2002) McPake, B; Kumaranayake, L; Normand, C
  • Assessment of health-related quality-of-life in males with Anderson Fabry Disease before therapeutic intervention. (2002) Miners, AH; Holmes, A; Sherr, L; Jenkinson, C; MacDermot, KD
  • Cost-utility analysis of primary prophylaxis versus treatment on-demand for individuals with severe haemophilia. (2002) Miners, Alexander H; Sabin, Caroline A; Tolley, Keith H; Lee, Christine A
  • EU law and the social character of health care. (2002) Mossialos, E; McKee, M
  • Understanding health inequalities. (2002) Nolte, E
  • The transformation of the East German healthcare system: lessons for enlargement? (2002) Nolte, E
  • Changing health inequalities in east and west Germany since unification. (2002) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • The increase in very-low-birthweight infants in Germany: artefact or reality? (2002) Nolte, Ellen; Koupilová, Ilona; McKee, Martin
  • The contribution of medical care to changing life expectancy in Germany and Poland. (2002) Nolte, Ellen; Scholz, Rembrandt; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; McKee, Martin
  • Social health insurance. (2002) Normand, C; Busse, R
  • NHS resource allocation scoping study overview report: report prepared for the Department of Health, February 2002. (2002) Normand, C; Sanderson, C; McCartney, P; Cox, H; Dolea, C; Castlenuovo, E; Chambers, M; Hutton, J
  • Social insurance. Eastern block. (2002) Normand, Charles
  • Student criteria, assessment, involvement in planning of MPH contents, and follow-up. (2002) Normand, Charles
  • Summary of working group presentations. (2002) Normand, Charles
  • Stressful incidents, stress and coping strategies in the pre-registration house officer year. (2002) Paice, Elisabeth; Rutter, Harry; Wetherell, Mike; Winder, Belinda; McManus, IC
  • Treatment of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (SAHS): A randomised trial of standard care versus enhanced nurse intervention in a district general hospital. (2002) Palmer, S; Selvaraj, S; Dunn, C; Osman, LM; Cairns, J; Franklin, D; Hulks, G; Godden, DJ
  • What lies behind the GP contract controversy? (2002) Peckham, S
  • Systematic review of outreach clinics in primary care in the UK. (2002) Powell, John
  • Modernising regulation: can we still trust health professionals? (2002) Rafferty, AM
  • Review: An assessment of lead R&D nursing roles in acute trusts and an evaluation of their status within the NHS research agenda. (2002) Rafferty, AM
  • Nursing and midwifery research in England: Working towards establishing a dedicated fund. (2002) Rafferty, AM; Newall, R; Traynor, M
  • Sustainable funding for nursing research in higher education. (2002) Rafferty, Anne Marie; Traynor, Michael
  • Gender differences in the management and outcome of patients with acute coronary artery disease. (2002) Raine, RA; Black, NA; Bowker, TJ; Wood, DA
  • Are Maori under-served for cardiac intervention? (2002) Raine, Rosalind
  • Bias measuring bias. (2002) Raine, Rosalind
  • UK government's response to health inequalities. (2002) Raine, Rosalind; Basnett, Ian
  • Influence of patient gender on admission to intensive care. (2002) Raine, Rosalind; Goldfrad, C; Rowan, K; Black, N
  • Power calculation and sampling frame for a survey of prescribing behaviour in general practice using the Theory of Planned Behaviour. (2002) Rashidian, A; Russell, D; Russell, IT
  • Clinical guidelines in primary care: the views of general practitioners - A qualitative study. Policy, finance and performance in health care. (2002) Rashidian, A; Russell, IT
  • Relationship between body mass index and the use of healthcare services in Australia. (2002) Reidpath, Daniel D; Crawford, David; Tilgner, Linda; Gibbons, Carl
  • Detection and response to a meningococcal disease outbreak following a youth football tournament with teams from four European countries. (2002) Reintjes, Ralf; Kistemann, Thomas; MacLehose, Laura; McKee, Martin; Gill, Noel; Weinberg, Julius; Schaefer, Oliver; Camaroni, Ivonne; Fulop, Naomi; Brand, Helmut
  • Influence of thrombolytic therapy on the patterns of ventricular septal rupture after acute myocardial infarction. (2002) Rhydwen, GR; Charman, S; Schofield, PM
  • Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29): reliability and validity in hospital based samples. (2002) Riazi, A; Hobart, JC; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
  • "Getting ahead of the curve": a strategy and its implementation. (2002) Roberts, JA; Haworth, EA
  • My favourite software. (2002) Rutter, H
  • Stress in doctors and dentists who teach. (2002) Rutter, Harry; Herzberg, Joe; Paice, Elisabeth
  • Clinical nurse specialists in palliative care. Part 3. Issues for the Macmillan Nurse role. (2002) Seymour, Jane; Clark, David; Hughes, Philippa; Bath, Peter; Beech, Nicola; Corner, Jessica; Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Halliday, Deborah; Haviland, Jo; Marples, Rachael; Normand, Charles; Skilbeck, Julie; Webb, Tom
  • Tracking diabetes in Albania: a natural experiment on the impact of modernization on health. (2002) Shapo, L; Coker, R; McKee, M
  • Is the link between alcohol and cardiovascular death among young Russian men attributable to misclassification of acute alcohol intoxication? Evidence from the city of Izhevsk. (2002) Shkolnikov, VM; McKee, M; Chervyakov, VV; Kyrianov, NA
  • Bread and butter public health: when things are just important. (2002) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • It were to be wished the flaws were fewer...but the main thing is, does it hold good measure? (2002) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Planning for the unthinkable. (2002) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Public health and primary care--arranged marriage or free love? (2002) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Clinical nurse specialists in palliative care. Part 1. A description of the MacMillan Nurse caseload. (2002) Skilbeck, Julie; Corner, Jessica; Bath, Peter; Beech, Nicola; Clark, David; Hughes, Phillipa; Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Halliday, Deborah; Haviland, Jo; Marples, Rachael; Normand, Charles; Seymour, Jane; Webb, Tom
  • Yugoslavia: jobs or health? (2002) Stambolovic, V; McKee, M
  • The wider adoption of minimally invasive valvular heart surgery. (2002) Stoica, Serban C; Charman, Susan; Wells, Francis C
  • Swan-Ganz catheter assessment of donor hearts: outcome of organs with borderline hemodynamics. (2002) Stoica, Serban C; Satchithananda, Duwarakan K; Charman, Susan; Sharples, Linda; King, Robert; Rozario, Chris; Dunning, John; Tsui, Steven S; Wallwork, John; Large, Stephen R
  • Effects of hypertonic saline, alternate day and daily rhDNase on healthcare use, costs and outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis. (2002) Suri, R; Grieve, R; Normand, C; Metcalfe, C; Thompson, S; Wallis, C; Bush, A
  • Evaluation of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: annual synthesis report No.1. (2002) Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Evaluation Research Team Including:; Wellings, K; Wilkinson, P; Grundy, C; Kane, R; Jacklin, P; Gilmour, M; Gerressu, M; Creed-Miles, M; Normand, C; Barrett, G
  • Economic evaluations. (2002) Thomas, Steven M; Calvert, Neill W
  • Commentary. (2002) Thomson, R; Clarke, A
  • The oil crisis, risk and evidence-based practice. (2002) Traynor, Michael
  • Cash backing. (2002) Traynor, Michael; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Spragg, Julia
  • Lethal mesenteric ischaemia after cardiopulmonary bypass: a common complication? (2002) Venkateswaran, RV; Charman, SC; Goddard, M; Large, SR
  • Mapping the public health workforce I: a tool for classifying the public health workforce. (2002) Walters, R; Sim, F; Schiller, G
  • Mental health and the built environment: cross-sectional survey of individual and contextual risk factors for depression. (2002) Weich, Scott; Blanchard, Martin; Prince, Martin; Burton, Elizabeth; Erens, Bob; Sproston, Kerry
  • Variation in consultant's prognostic estimates for identical patients may explain variation in COPD intensive care unit (ICU) admission: Simulation study from one critical care network. (2002) Wildman, MJ; O'Dea, J; Walia, S; Tindall, M; Kostopoulou, O; Khan, Z
  • A cost-effectiveness analysis of the genetic screening program for familial hypercholesterolemia in the Netherlands. (2002) Wonderling, D; Umans-Eckenhausen, MAW; Marks, D; Defesche, JC; Kastelein, JJP; Thorogood, M
  • Experience of prophylaxis treatment in children with severe haemophilia. (2002) Yee, TT; Beeton, K; Griffioen, A; Harrington, C; Miners, A; Lee, CA; Brown, SA
  • Type II diabetes in Albania: a rapid increase in a country in transition. (2002) Ylli, A; Ylli, Z; Shapo, L; McKee, M; Coker, R
  • Free trade and the protection of health: the implications of EU accession for tobacco consumption in Poland. (2002) Zatonski, W; Gilmore, A
  • Clinical decision making in ophthalmology. (2002) van der Meulen, J; Rahi, J
  • Commentary: Maternal smoking during pregnancy and obesity in the offspring. (2002) van der Meulen, Jan
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy and obesity in the offspring. (2002) van der Meulen, Jan
  • A comparison of the discounted utility model and hyperbolic discounting models in the case of social and private intertemporal preferences for health. (2002) van der Pol, Marjon; Cairns, John
  • Public
  • A comparative study of hypertonic saline, daily and alternate-day rhDNase in children with cystic fibrosis. (2002) Suri, R; Wallis, C; Bush, A; Thompson, S; Normand, C; Flather, M; Grieve, R; Metcalfe, C; Lees, B
  • Effectiveness of guidelines on persistent glue ear in children. Authors' estimates of size of impact are probably excessive. (2002) Black, Nick; Hutchings, Andrew
  • Improving the use of clinical databases. (2002) Black, Nick; Payne, Mary
  • Foods prepared outside the home: association with selected nutrients and body mass index in adult Australians. (2002) Burns, Cate; Jackson, Michelle; Gibbons, Carl; Stoney, Rachel M
  • Systematic review of involving patients in the planning and development of health care. (2002) Crawford, Mike J; Rutter, Deborah; Manley, Catherine; Weaver, Timothy; Bhui, Kamaldeep; Fulop, Naomi; Tyrer, Peter
  • Campaigners fear that Russia's new tobacco law won't work. (2002) Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin
  • Empirical studies assessing the quality of health information for consumers on the world wide web: a systematic review. (2002) Eysenbach, Gunther; Powell, John; Kuss, Oliver; Sa, Eun-Ryoung
  • Process and impact of mergers of NHS trusts: multicentre case study and management cost analysis. (2002) Fulop, Naomi; Protopsaltis, Gerasimos; Hutchings, Andrew; King, Annette; Allen, Pauline; Normand, Charles; Walters, Rhiannon
  • Economic analysis of a pragmatic randomised trial of home visits by a nurse to elderly people with hypertension in Mexico. (2002) García-Peña, Carmen; Thorogood, Margaret; Wonderling, David; Reyes-Frausto, Sandra
  • Screening for Down's syndrome - Reply. (2002) Gilbert, RE; Augood, C; Gupta, R; Logan, S; Ades, AE; Sculpher, M; van den Meulen, JHP
  • The world's first international tobacco control treaty. (2002) Gilmore, Anna B; Collin, Jeff
  • Improving performance within the hospital. (2002) Healy, J; McKee, M
  • Treatment of established osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost-utility analysis. (2002) Kanis, JA; Brazier, JE; Stevenson, M; Calvert, NW; Lloyd Jones, M
  • Mr Milburn's good hospital guide. (2002) Klein, Rudolf
  • PFI is here to stay. Select committee's report used parliamentary privilege unacceptably. (2002) Macfarlane, Alison; Heyman, Bob; Dorling, Daniel; Gordon, Dave; Davey-Smith, George; Dolk, Helen; Roberts, Helen; Basnett, Ian; Roberts, Ian; Lewis, Jane; Popay, Jennie; McKee, Martin; Mugford, Miranda; Barker, Rodney; Raine, Rosalind; Baldwin, Sally; Glen, Sally; Platt, Stephen; Sheldon, Trevor
  • Patterns of health. (2002) McKee, M; Chenet, L
  • Against. (2002) McKee, M; Dixon, A; Mossialos, E
  • Future hospitals. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Childhood injury: call for action. (2002) McKee, Martin; Oresković, Stjepan
  • Nurse led follow up and conventional medical follow up in management of patients with lung cancer: randomised trial. (2002) Moore, Sally; Corner, Jessica; Haviland, Jo; Wells, Mary; Salmon, Emma; Normand, Charles; Brada, Mike; O'Brien, Mary; Smith, Ian
  • Health care and the European Union. (2002) Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin
  • The "redisorganisation" of the NHS. Radical changes can be made only if the basic environment is stable. (2002) Normand, Charles
  • Nitric oxide is not licensed for preterm neonates. (2002) Normand, Charles EM; Field, David; Elbourne, Diana; Truesdale, Ann
  • Food security in the Baltic Republics. (2002) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; McKee, Martin; Robertson, Aileen; Vaask, Sirje; Pudule, Iveta; Grinberga, Daiga; Abaravicius, Algis; Bartkeviciute, Roma
  • Livelihoods, nutrition and health in Dhaka slums. (2002) Pryer, Jane A; Rogers, Stephen; Normand, Charles; Rahman, Ataur; Urban Livelihoods Study
  • Systematic review of mental health interventions for patients with common somatic symptoms: can research evidence from secondary care be extrapolated to primary care? (2002) Raine, Rosalind; Haines, Andy; Sensky, Tom; Hutchings, Andrew; Larkin, Kirsten; Black, Nick
  • Public health systems and the emerging infections - assessing the capabilities of the public and private sectors. Eds. J.R. Davies and X. Lederberg. National Academy Press 2001. ?16.45. [Book Review]. (2002) Roberts, J
  • Design and performance of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint tele-consultations [ISRCTN54264250]. (2002) Wallace, Paul; Haines, Andrew; Harrison, Robert; Barber, Julie A; Thompson, Simon; Roberts, Jennifer; Jacklin, Paul B; Lewis, Leo; Wainwright, Paul; Virtual Outreach Project Group