Items where Faculty or Department is "Public Health, Environments and Society"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Public Health, Environments and Society (5717)
    Number of items: 279.
    December 2014
  • Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s: Concepts and Responses in Italy, Poland, Austria, and the United Kingdom. (2014) Berridge, V; Mold, A; Beccaria, F; Eisenbach-Stangl, I; Herczy Ska, G; Moskalewicz, J; Petrilli, E; Taylor, S
  • Head trauma in sport and neurodegenerative disease: an issue whose time has come? (2014) Pearce, Neil; Gallo, Valentina; McElvenny, Damien
  • Confirmatory assays are essential when using molecular testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in low-prevalence settings: insights from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2014) Field, Nigel; Clifton, Soazig; Alexander, Sarah; Ison, Catherine A; Hughes, Gwenda; Beddows, Simon; Tanton, Clare; Soldan, Kate; Coelho da Silva, Filomeno; Mercer, Catherine H; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • Understanding evidence: a statewide survey to explore evidence-informed public health decision-making in a local government setting. (2014) Armstrong, Rebecca; Waters, Elizabeth; Moore, Laurence; Dobbins, Maureen; Pettman, Tahna; Burns, Cate; Swinburn, Boyd; Anderson, Laurie; Petticrew, Mark
  • Is ethnic density associated with risk of child pedestrian injury? A comparison of inter-census changes in ethnic populations and injury rates. (2014) Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith; Kenward, Michael G; Edwards, Phil
  • Alcohol harm reduction: corporate capture of a key concept. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Drummond, Colin; Strang, John
  • Nonprobability Web surveys to measure sexual behaviors and attitudes in the general population: a comparison with a probability sample interview survey. (2014) Erens, Bob; Burkill, Sarah; Couper, Mick P; Conrad, Frederick; Clifton, Soazig; Tanton, Clare; Phelps, Andrew; Datta, Jessica; Mercer, Catherine H; Sonnenberg, Pam; Prah, Philip; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Copas, Andrew J
  • How do systematic reviews incorporate risk of bias assessments into the synthesis of evidence? A methodological study. (2014) Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Egan, Matt; Petticrew, Mark
  • Consulting with young people to inform systematic reviews: an example from a review on the effects of schools on health. (2014) Jamal, Farah; Langford, Rebecca; Daniels, Philip; Thomas, James; Harden, Angela; Bonell, Chris
  • Transactional Sex: Supply and Demand Among European Men Who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the Context of Local Laws. (2014) Berg, Rigmor C; Schmidt, Axel J; Weatherburn, Peter; The Emis Network
  • From inebriety to addiction: terminology and concepts in the UK, 1860-1930. (2014) Berridge, V; Walke, J; Mold, A
  • The price of sex: condom use and the determinants of the price of sex among female sex workers in eastern Zimbabwe. (2014) Elmes, Jocelyn; Nhongo, Kundai; Ward, Helen; Hallett, Timothy; Nyamukapa, Constance; White, Peter J; Gregson, Simon
  • November 2014
  • One for all: workplace social context and drinking among railway workers in Ukraine. (2014) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; McGowan, Catherine; Kizilova, Kseniya; Kizilov, Alexiy; Rhodes, Tim; McKee, Martin ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Using real-time syndromic surveillance systems to help explore the acute impact of the air pollution incident of March/April 2014 in England. (2014) Smith, Gillian E; Bawa, Zharain; Macklin, Yolande; Morbey, Roger; Dobney, Alec; Vardoulakis, Sotiris; Elliot, Alex J
  • Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995-2009: analysis of individual data for 25,676,887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2). (2014) Allemani, Claudia; Weir, Hannah K; Carreira, Helena; Harewood, Rhea; Spika, Devon; Wang, Xiao-Si; Bannon, Finian; Ahn, Jane V; Johnson, Christopher J; Bonaventure, Audrey; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Stiller, Charles; Azevedo e Silva, Gulnar; Chen, Wan-Qing; Ogunbiyi, Olufemi J; Rachet, Bernard; Soeberg, Matthew J; You, Hui; Matsuda, Tomohiro; Bielska-Lasota, Magdalena; Storm, Hans; Tucker, Thomas C; Coleman, Michel P; CONCORD Working Group
  • Why do local authorities undertake controlled evaluations of health impact? A qualitative case study of interventions in housing. (2014) Milton, S; Petticrew, M; Green, J
  • What am I 'living' with? Growing up with HIV in Uganda and Zimbabwe. (2014) Bernays, Sarah; Seeley, Janet; Rhodes, Tim; Mupambireyi, Zivai
  • Increasing User Involvement in Health Care and Health Research Simultaneously: A Proto-Protocol for "Person-as-Researcher" and Online Decision Support Tools. (2014) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Conditional Poisson models: a flexible alternative to conditional logistic case cross-over analysis. (2014) Armstrong, Ben G; Gasparrini, Antonio; Tobias, Aurelio
  • Determinants of the risk of dying of HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community over the period of the decentralised roll-out of antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study. (2014) Mee, P; Collinson, MA; Madhavan, S; Kabudula, C; Gómez-Olivé, FX; Kahn, K; Tollman, SM; Hargreaves, J; Byass, P
  • 'Dark logic': theorising the harmful consequences of public health interventions. (2014) Bonell, Chris; Jamal, Farah; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Cummins, Steven
  • Prising open the 'black box': An epistemological critique of discursive constructions of scaling up the provision of mental health care in Africa. (2014) Cooper, Sara
  • The prevalence of, and factors associated with, paying for sex among men resident in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2014) Jones, Kyle G; Johnson, Anne M; Wellings, Kaye; Sonnenberg, Pam; Field, Nigel; Tanton, Clare; Erens, Bob; Clifton, Soazig; Datta, Jessica; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Prah, Phillip; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Hearing-aid use and its determinants in the UK National Health Service: a cross-sectional study at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. (2014) Aazh, Hashir; Prasher, Deepak; Nanchahal, Kiran; Moore, Brian CJ
  • Non-clinical interventions for acute respiratory infections and diarrhoeal diseases among young children in developing countries. (2014) Seguin, Maureen; Niño Zarazúa, Miguel
  • Potential impact of removing general practice boundaries in England: a policy analysis. (2014) Mays, Nicholas; Tan, Stefanie; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Erens, Bob; Lagarde, Mylene; Wright, Michael
  • October 2014
  • Strategies for containing Ebola in West Africa. (2014) Pandey, Abhishek; Atkins, Katherine E; Medlock, Jan; Wenzel, Natasha; Townsend, Jeffrey P; Childs, James E; Nyenswah, Tolbert G; Ndeffo-Mbah, Martial L; Galvani, Alison P
  • Towards a comprehensive global approach to prevention and control of NCDs. (2014) McKee, Martin; Haines, Andy; Ebrahim, Shah; Lamptey, Peter; Barreto, Mauricio L; Matheson, Don; Walls, Helen L; Foliaki, Sunia; Miranda, J Jaime; Chimeddamba, Oyun; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Vineis, Paolo; Pearce, Neil ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • What does it mean to be a 'picky eater'? A qualitative study of food related identities and practices. (2014) Thompson, Claire; Cummins, Steven; Brown, Tim; Kyle, Rosemary description
  • Brief report: Cyberbullying perpetration and its associations with socio-demographics, aggressive behaviour at school, and mental health outcomes. (2014) Fletcher, Adam; Fitzgerald-Yau, Natasha; Jones, Rebecca; Allen, Elizabeth; Viner, Russell M; Bonell, Chris
  • Help-seeking behaviour and adolescent self-harm: a systematic review. (2014) Rowe, Sarah L; French, Rebecca S; Henderson, Claire; Ougrin, Dennis; Slade, Mike; Moran, Paul description
  • Reducing the risk of bias in health behaviour change trials: improving trial design, reporting or bias assessment criteria? A review and case study. (2014) de Bruin, Marijn; McCambridge, Jim; Prins, Jan M
  • Universal treatment success among healthcare workers diagnosed with occupationally acquired acute hepatitis C. (2014) Tomkins, SE; Rice, BD; Roy, K; Cullen, B; Ncube, FM
  • PFOA and PFOS are associated with reduced expression of the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor (PTH2R) gene in women. (2014) Galloway, Tamara S; Fletcher, Tony; Thomas, Oliver J; Lee, Ben P; Pilling, Luke C; Harries, Lorna W
  • Renewed efforts needed to counter myths and misconceptions that persistently pervade sexual violence. (2014) Macdowall, W
  • Health information on alcoholic beverage containers: has the alcohol industry's pledge in England to improve labelling been met? (2014) Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; Knai, C; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • Excess mortality among opioid-using patients treated with oral naltrexone in Australia. (2014) Degenhardt, Louisa; Larney, Sarah; Kimber, Jo; Farrell, Michael; Hall, Wayne
  • After the RCT: who comes to a family-based intervention for childhood overweight or obesity when it is implemented at scale in the community? (2014) Fagg, James; Cole, Tim J; Cummins, Steven; Goldstein, Harvey; Morris, Stephen; Radley, Duncan; Sacher, Paul; Law, Catherine
  • HCV treatment rates and sustained viral response among people who inject drugs in seven UK sites: real world results and modelling of treatment impact. (2014) Martin, NK; Foster, GR; Vilar, J; Ryder, S; Cramp, ME; Gordon, F; Dillon, JF; Craine, N; Busse, H; Clements, A; Hutchinson, SJ; Ustianowski, A; Ramsay, M; Goldberg, DJ; Irving, W; Hope, V; De Angelis, D; Lyons, M; Vickerman, P; Hickman, M
  • Sex work amongst people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: findings from a National Survey of Health Harms and Behaviours. (2014) Croxford, Sara; Platt, Lucy; Hope, Vivian D; Cullen, Katelyn J; Parry, John V; Ncube, Fortune
  • Controlling HIV among people who inject drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: insights from modeling. (2014) Vickerman, Peter; Platt, Lucy; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Kazatchkine, Michel D; Latypov, Alisher
  • Self-care behaviors of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Greece. (2014) Chourdakis, Michael; Kontogiannis, Vasileios; Malachas, Konstantinos; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Kritis, Aristidis
  • September 2014
  • Initiating change locally in bullying and aggression through the school environment (INCLUSIVE): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2014) Bonell, Chris; Allen, Elizabeth; Christie, Deborah; Elbourne, Diana; Fletcher, Adam; Grieve, Richard; LeGood, Rosa; Mathiot, Anne; Scott, Stephen; Wiggins, Meg; Viner, Russell M
  • Authors' reply to McGregor and Foley. (2014) Flint, Ellen; Cummins, Steven; Sacker, Amanda
  • Internet-based cohort study of HIV testing over 1 year among men who have sex with men living in England and exposed to a social marketing intervention promoting testing. (2014) Hickson, Ford; Tomlin, Keith; Hargreaves, James; Bonell, Chris; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Salinity in drinking water and the risk of (pre)eclampsia and gestational hypertension in coastal Bangladesh: a case-control study. (2014) Khan, Aneire Ehmar; Scheelbeek, Pauline Franka Denise; Shilpi, Asma Begum; Chan, Queenie; Mojumder, Sontosh Kumar; Rahman, Atiq; Haines, Andy; Vineis, Paolo
  • Stopping and switching contraceptive methods: findings from Contessa, a prospective longitudinal study of women of reproductive age in England. (2014) Wellings, Kaye; Brima, Nataliya; Sadler, Katharine; Copas, Andrew J; McDaid, Lisa; Mercer, Catherine H; McManus, Sally; Stephenson, Judith; Glasier, Anna
  • "It's Russian roulette": adulteration, adverse effects and drug use transitions during the 2010/2011 United Kingdom heroin shortage. (2014) Harris, Magdalena; Forseth, Kirsten; Rhodes, Tim
  • How can planning add value to obesity prevention programmes? A qualitative study of planning and planners in the Healthy Towns programme in England. (2014) May Goodwin, Denise; Mapp, Fiona; Sautkina, Elena; Jones, Andy; Ogilvie, David; White, Martin; Petticrew, Mark; Cummins, Steven
  • Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes XRCC1 and XRCC3, occupational exposure to arsenic and sunlight, and the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer in a European case-control study. (2014) Surdu, Simona; Fitzgerald, Edward F; Bloom, Michael S; Boscoe, Francis P; Carpenter, David O; Haase, Richard F; Gurzau, Eugen; Rudnai, Peter; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Vahter, Marie; Leonardi, Giovanni; Goessler, Walter; Kumar, Rajiv; Fletcher, Tony
  • Roundtable discussion: how lessons learned from HIV can inform the global response to viral hepatitis. (2014) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Lundgren, Jens; Casabona, Jordi; Wiessing, Lucas; Matheï, Catharina; Vickerman, Peter; Prins, Maria; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Kantzanou, Maria; Giraudon, Isabelle; Ferri, Marica; Griffiths, Paul; Harris, Magdalena; Walker, Margaret; Chavdarova, Lilyana; Schatz, Eberhard; Schiffer, Katrin; Kools, John; Farell, Jason; Mendão, Luís
  • What Happens to Patterns of Food Consumption when Food Prices Change? Evidence from A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Food Price Elasticities Globally. (2014) Cornelsen, Laura; Green, Rosemary; Turner, Rachel; Dangour, Alan D; Shankar, Bhavani; Mazzocchi, Mario; Smith, Richard D
  • The Fag Lady, revisited: Margaret Thatcher's efforts on behalf of the tobacco industry. (2014) Petticrew, M; Krishnaratne, S
  • Comparative assessment of the effects of climate change on heat- and cold-related mortality in the United Kingdom and Australia. (2014) Vardoulakis, Sotiris; Dear, Keith; Hajat, Shakoor; Heaviside, Clare; Eggen, Bernd; McMichael, Anthony J
  • The impact of introducing new vaccines on the health system: case studies from six low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Burchett, Helen ED; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Griffiths, Ulla K; Ongolo-Zogo, Pierre; Rulisa, Stephen; Edengue, Jean-Marie; Chavez, Enrique; Kitaw, Yayehirad; Molla, Mitike; Konate, Mamadou; Gelmon, Lawrence; Onyango-Ouma, Washington; Lagarde, Mylene; Mills, Anne
  • Physical and mental health outcomes following housing improvements: evidence from the GoWell study. (2014) Curl, Angela; Kearns, Ade; Mason, Phil; Egan, Matthew; Tannahill, Carol; Ellaway, Anne
  • Alcohol brief interventions practice following training for multidisciplinary health and social care teams: A qualitative interview study. (2014) Fitzgerald, Niamh; Molloy, Heather; MacDonald, Fiona; McCambridge, Jim
  • August 2014
  • Prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use in hospital outpatients. (2014) Johnson, Natalie A; Kypri, Kypros; Latter, Joanna; McElduff, Patrick; Saunders, John B; Saitz, Richard; Attia, John; Dunlop, Adrian; Doran, Christopher; Wolfenden, Luke; McCambridge, Jim
  • Letter commenting on: Panjwani, C. and Caraher, M. (2014). The Public Health Responsibility Deal: brokering a deal for public health, but on whose terms? Health Policy, 114(2), pp. 163-173. (2014) Petticrew, Mark; Mays, Nicholas; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Durand, Mary Alison; Knai, Cecile; Nolte, Ellen
  • Exposure to elevated temperatures and risk of preterm birth in Valencia, Spain. (2014) Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Iñíguez, Carmen; Barona, Carmen; Ballester, Ferran
  • Mechanisms of action of brief alcohol interventions remain largely unknown - a narrative review. (2014) Gaume, Jacques; McCambridge, Jim; Bertholet, Nicolas; Daeppen, Jean-Bernard
  • Genetic variation in arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (AS3MT), arsenic metabolism and risk of basal cell carcinoma in a European population. (2014) Engström, Karin S; Vahter, Marie; Fletcher, Tony; Leonardi, Giovanni; Goessler, Walter; Gurzau, Eugen; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Rudnai, Peter; Kumar, Rajiv; Broberg, Karin
  • Associations between active commuting, body fat, and body mass index: population based, cross sectional study in the United Kingdom. (2014) Flint, Ellen; Cummins, Steven; Sacker, Amanda
  • Spaces for Citizen Involvement in Healthcare: An Ethnographic Study. (2014) Renedo, Alicia; Marston, Cicely
  • August 2014 podcast - cancer risk, anal sex, and mapping NTDs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Strengthening nonrandomized studies of health communication strategies for HIV prevention. (2014) Davey, Calum; Boulay, Marc; Hargreaves, James R
  • Factors associated with recently acquired hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: new findings from an unlinked anonymous monitoring survey. (2014) Cullen, KJ; Hope, VD; Croxford, S; Shute, J; Ncube, F; Parry, JV
  • Cicely Marston - Anal sex. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Risk factors for UK Plasmodium falciparum cases. (2014) Pinsent, Amy; Read, Jonathan M; Griffin, Jamie T; Smith, Valerie; Gething, Peter W; Ghani, Azra C; Pasvol, Geoffrey; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre
  • July 2014
  • Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in Europe: a systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention. (2014) Wiessing, Lucas; Ferri, Marica; Grady, Bart; Kantzanou, Maria; Sperle, Ida; Cullen, Katelyn J; EMCDDA DRID group; Hatzakis, Angelos; Prins, Maria; Vickerman, Peter; Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Hope, Vivian D; Matheï, Catharina
  • Anal heterosex among young people and implications for health promotion: a qualitative study in the UK. (2014) Marston, C; Lewis, R
  • The development of mental health services within primary care in India: learning from oral history. (2014) van Ginneken, Nadja; Jain, Sanjeev; Patel, Vikram; Berridge, Virginia
  • Daily mean temperature and clinical kidney stone presentation in five U.S. metropolitan areas: a time-series analysis. (2014) Tasian, Gregory E; Pulido, Jose E; Gasparrini, Antonio; Saigal, Christopher S; Horton, Benjamin P; Landis, J Richard; Madison, Rodger; Keren, Ron; Urologic Diseases in America Project
  • The impact of spatial and temporal availability of alcohol on its consumption and related harms: a critical review in the context of UK licensing policies. (2014) Holmes, John; Guo, Yelan; Maheswaran, Ravi; Nicholls, James; Meier, Petra S; Brennan, Alan
  • Decision-making criteria among European patients: exploring patient preferences for primary care services. (2014) Tinelli, M; Nikoloski, Z; Kumpunen, S; Knai, C; Pribakovic Brinovec, R; Warren, E; Wittgens, K; Dickmann, P
  • Do family factors protect against sexual risk behaviour and teenage pregnancy among multiply disadvantaged young people? Findings from an English longitudinal study. (2014) Bonell, Chris; Wiggins, Meg; Fletcher, Adam; Allen, Elizabeth
  • Medical abuse at Guantanamo Bay Military Prison--what do we do now? (2014) Buckley, Emmeline J; Rokadiya, Sakib; Kessel, Anthony; Porter, John; Dar, Osman
  • June 2014
  • Lost in translation? Theory, policy and practice in systems-based environmental approaches to obesity prevention in the Healthy Towns programme in England. (2014) Sautkina, Elena; Goodwin, Denise; Jones, Andy; Ogilvie, David; Petticrew, Mark; White, Martin; Cummins, Steven
  • Improving the assessment and attribution of effects of development assistance for health. (2014) Ataya, Nour; Aluttis, Christoph; Flahault, Antoine; Atun, Rifat; Haines, Andy
  • An exploratory review of HIV prevention mass media campaigns targeting men who have sex with men. (2014) French, Rebecca S; Bonell, Chris; Wellings, Kaye; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Job loss, wealth and depression during the Great Recession in the USA and Europe. (2014) Riumallo-Herl, Carlos; Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David; Courtin, Emilie; Avendano, Mauricio
  • Nosocomial transmission of C. difficile in English hospitals from patients with symptomatic infection. (2014) van Kleef, Esther; Gasparrini, Antonio; Guy, Rebecca; Cookson, Barry; Hope, Russell; Jit, Mark; Robotham, Julie V; Deeny, Sarah R; Edmunds, W John
  • Helsingør statement on poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs). (2014) Scheringer, Martin; Trier, Xenia; Cousins, Ian T; de Voogt, Pim; Fletcher, Tony; Wang, Zhanyun; Webster, Thomas F
  • From trial to population: a study of a family-based community intervention for childhood overweight implemented at scale. (2014) Fagg, J; Chadwick, P; Cole, TJ; Cummins, S; Goldstein, H; Lewis, H; Morris, S; Radley, D; Sacher, P; Law, C
  • Excess winter deaths in Europe: a multi-country descriptive analysis. (2014) Fowler, Tom; Southgate, Rosamund J; Waite, Thomas; Harrell, Ruth; Kovats, Sari; Bone, Angie; Doyle, Yvonne; Murray, Virginia
  • Global differences between women and men in the prevalence of obesity: is there an association with gender inequality? (2014) Garawi, F; Devries, K; Thorogood, N; Uauy, R
  • Preparedness for a major incident: creation of an epidemiology protocol for a health protection register in England. (2014) Close, RM; Maguire, H; Etherington, G; Brewin, CR; Fong, K; Saliba, V; Barker, RM; Leonardi, GS
  • Bounded agency in humanitarian settings: a qualitative study of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among refugees situated in Kenya and Malaysia. (2014) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Rhodes, Tim; Spiegel, Paul; Schilperoord, Marian; Burton, John Wagacha; Balasundaram, Susheela; Wong, Chunting; Ross, David A
  • Indicators linking health and sustainability in the post-2015 development agenda. (2014) Dora, C; Haines, A; Balbus, J; Fletcher, E; Adair-Rohani, H; Alabaster, G; Hossain, R; de Onis, M; Branca, F; Neira, M
  • The alcohol industry, charities and policy influence in the UK. (2014) Lyness, Sarah M; McCambridge, Jim
  • Effects of high summer temperatures on mortality in 50 Spanish cities. (2014) Tobías, Aurelio; Armstrong, Ben; Gasparrini, Antonio; Diaz, Julio
  • Short-term effects of air pollution on a range of cardiovascular events in England and Wales: case-crossover analysis of the MINAP database, hospital admissions and mortality. (2014) Milojevic, Ai; Wilkinson, Paul; Armstrong, Ben; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Smeeth, Liam; Hajat, Shakoor
  • The benefits and harms of providing parents with weight feedback as part of the national child measurement programme: a prospective cohort study. (2014) Falconer, Catherine L; Park, Min Hae; Croker, Helen; Skow, Áine; Black, James; Saxena, Sonia; Kessel, Anthony S; Karlsen, Saffron; Morris, Stephen; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
  • May 2014
  • Barriers to provider-initiated testing and counselling for children in a high HIV prevalence setting: a mixed methods study. (2014) Kranzer, Katharina; Meghji, Jamilah; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Mungofa, Stanley; Busza, Joanna; Hatzold, Karin; Kidia, Khameer; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Measuring the healthfulness of food retail stores: variations by store type and neighbourhood deprivation. (2014) Black, Christina; Ntani, Georgia; Inskip, Hazel; Cooper, Cyrus; Cummins, Steven; Moon, Graham; Baird, Janis
  • Why fat taxes won't make us thin. (2014) Cornelsen, Laura; Green, Rosemary; Dangour, Alan; Smith, Richard
  • Editorial commentary: successful methadone delivery in East Africa and its global implications. (2014) Guise, Andy; Kazatchkine, Michel; Rhodes, Tim; Strathdee, Steffanie A
  • Why schools should promote students' health and wellbeing. (2014) Bonell, Chris; Humphrey, Neil; Fletcher, Adam; Moore, Laurence; Anderson, Rob; Campbell, Rona
  • The modifying effect of the building envelope on population exposure to PM2.5 from outdoor sources. (2014) Taylor, J; Shrubsole, C; Davies, M; Biddulph, P; Das, P; Hamilton, I; Vardoulakis, S; Mavrogianni, A; Jones, B; Oikonomou, E
  • "I don't want financial support but verbal support." How do caregivers manage children's access to and retention in HIV care in urban Zimbabwe? (2014) Busza, Joanna; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Estimating mortality displacement during and after heat waves. (2014) Armstrong, Ben; Gasparrini, Antonio; Hajat, Shakoor
  • Triple jeopardy: adolescent experiences of sex work and migration in Zimbabwe. (2014) Busza, Joanna; Mtetwa, Sibongile; Chirawu, Petronella; Cowan, Frances
  • A population search filter for hard-to-reach populations increased search efficiency for a systematic review. (2014) Cooper, Chris; Levay, Paul; Lorenc, Theo; Craig, Gillian M
  • April 2014
  • A probabilistic model to evaluate population dietary recommendations. (2014) Chalabi, Zaid; Ferguson, Elaine; Stanley, Robert; Briend, André
  • Retirement and physical activity. (2014) Laverty, AA; Flint, E
  • Green and blue areas as predictors of overweight and obesity in an 8-year follow-up study. (2014) Halonen, Jaana I; Kivimäki, Mika; Pentti, Jaana; Stenholm, Sari; Kawachi, Ichiro; Subramanian, SV; Vahtera, Jussi
  • April 2014 podcast - Chemsex, climate change health risks, and heart disease research. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Sari Kovats - health risks of climate change. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Attributable risk from distributed lag models. (2014) Gasparrini, Antonio; Leone, Michela
  • The WHO Health Promoting School framework for improving the health and well-being of students and their academic achievement. (2014) Langford, Rebecca; Bonell, Christopher P; Jones, Hayley E; Pouliou, Theodora; Murphy, Simon M; Waters, Elizabeth; Komro, Kelli A; Gibbs, Lisa F; Magnus, Daniel; Campbell, Rona
  • The impact of opioid substitution therapy on mortality post-release from prison: retrospective data linkage study. (2014) Degenhardt, Louisa; Larney, Sarah; Kimber, Jo; Gisev, Natasa; Farrell, Michael; Dobbins, Timothy; Weatherburn, Don J; Gibson, Amy; Mattick, Richard; Butler, Tony; Burns, Lucy
  • Injection site infections and injuries in men who inject image- and performance-enhancing drugs: prevalence, risks factors, and healthcare seeking. (2014) Hope, VD; McVeigh, J; Marongiu, A; Evans-Brown, M; Smith, J; Kimergård, A; Parry, JV; Ncube, F
  • Meeting the needs of adolescents living with HIV through home based care: Lessons learned from Tanzania. (2014) Busza, Joanna; Besana, Giulia VR; Mapunda, Pasiens; Oliveras, Elizabeth description
  • 'Well London' and the benefits of participation: results of a qualitative study nested in a cluster randomised trial. (2014) Derges, Jane; Clow, Angela; Lynch, Rebecca; Jain, Sumeet; Phillips, Gemma; Petticrew, Mark; Renton, Adrian; Draper, Alizon
  • Climate change and health: on the latest IPCC report. (2014) Woodward, A; Smith, KR; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Chadee, DD; Honda, Y; Liu, Q; Olwoch, J; Revich, B; Sauerborn, R; Chafe, Z; Confalonieri, U; Haines, A
  • The effects of ambient temperature on cerebrovascular mortality: an epidemiologic study in four climatic zones in China. (2014) Zhang, Yanshen; Li, Shanshan; Pan, Xiaochuan; Tong, Shilu; Jaakkola, Jouni Jk; Gasparrini, Antonio; Guo, Yuming; Wang, Sheng
  • March 2014
  • Adam Bourne - Chemsex study. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Cultures of evidence across policy sectors: systematic review of qualitative evidence. (2014) Lorenc, Theo; Tyner, Elizabeth F; Petticrew, Mark; Duffy, Steven; Martineau, Fred P; Phillips, Gemma; Lock, Karen
  • Understanding the development of minimum unit pricing of alcohol in Scotland: a qualitative study of the policy process. (2014) Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Hilton, Shona; Bonell, Chris; Bond, Lyndal
  • Embodied accounts of HIV and hope: using audio diaries with interviews. (2014) Bernays, Sarah; Rhodes, Tim; Jankovic Terzic, Katarina
  • Measuring the health systems impact of disease control programmes: a critical reflection on the WHO building blocks framework. (2014) Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Griffiths, Ulla K; Closser, Svea; Burchett, Helen; Marchal, Bruno
  • March 2014 podcast - Sally Davies, GP choice, and crowd-sourcing data. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Contribution of the physical environment to socioeconomic gradients in walking in the Whitehall II study. (2014) Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Wilkinson, Paul; Tonne, Cathryn
  • Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (STROME-ID): an extension of the STROBE statement. (2014) Field, Nigel; Cohen, Ted; Struelens, Marc J; Palm, Daniel; Cookson, Barry; Glynn, Judith R; Gallo, Valentina; Ramsay, Mary; Sonnenberg, Pam; Maccannell, Duncan; Charlett, Andre; Egger, Matthias; Green, Jonathan; Vineis, Paolo; Abubakar, Ibrahim
  • Has industry funding biased studies of the protective effects of alcohol on cardiovascular disease? A preliminary investigation of prospective cohort studies. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Hartwell, Greg
  • Europe. (2014) Kovats, Sari; Valentini, Riccardo; Bouwer, Laurens; Georgopoulou, Elena; Jacob, Daniella; Martin, Eric; Rounsevell, Mark; Soussana, Jean-Francois
  • February 2014
  • Factors associated with the use of cleaned needles and syringes among people who inject drugs in the UK: who should we target to minimise the risks? (2014) Hope, VD; Cullen, KJ; Croxford, S; Parry, JV; Ncube, F
  • Estimating the health effects of greenhouse gas mitigation strategies: addressing parametric, model, and valuation challenges. (2014) Remais, Justin V; Hess, Jeremy J; Ebi, Kristie L; Markandya, Anil; Balbus, John M; Wilkinson, Paul; Haines, Andy; Chalabi, Zaid
  • Carbon in airway macrophages from children with asthma. (2014) Brugha, Rossa E; Mushtaq, Naseem; Round, Thomas; Gadhvi, Dev H; Dundas, Isobel; Gaillard, Erol; Koh, Lee; Fleming, Louise J; Lewis, Daniel J; Sanak, Marek; Wood, Helen E; Barratt, Benjamin; Mudway, Ian S; Kelly, Frank J; Griffiths, Christopher J; Grigg, Jonathan
  • Healthcare seeking and hospital admissions by people who inject drugs in response to symptoms of injection site infections or injuries in three urban areas of England. (2014) Hope, VD; Ncube, F; Parry, JV; Hickman, M
  • February 2014 podcast - Human parasites, HIV, obesity. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Steven Cummins - tackling obesity. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis of the economic impact of smoking bans in restaurants and bars. (2014) Cornelsen, Laura; McGowan, Yvonne; Currie-Murphy, Laura M; Normand, Charles
  • Access to Complex Abortion Care Service and Planning Improved through a Toll-Free Telephone Resource Line. (2014) Norman, Wendy V; Hestrin, Barbara; Dueck, Royce
  • The early history of ideas on brief interventions for alcohol. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Cunningham, John A
  • Measures of exposure to the Well London Phase-1 intervention and their association with health well-being and social outcomes. (2014) Phillips, Gemma; Bottomley, Christian; Schmidt, Elena; Tobi, Patrick; Lais, Shahana; Yu, Ge; Lynch, Rebecca; Lock, Karen; Draper, Alizon; Moore, Derek; Clow, Angela; Petticrew, Mark; Hayes, Richard; Renton, Adrian
  • Predictors of health-related behaviour change in parents of overweight children in England. (2014) Park, Min Hae; Falconer, Catherine L; Croker, Helen; Saxena, Sonia; Kessel, Anthony S; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
  • The road to 25×25: how can the five-target strategy reach its goal? (2014) Pearce, Neil; Ebrahim, Shah; McKee, Martin; Lamptey, Peter; Barreto, Mauricio L; Matheson, Don; Walls, Helen; Foliaki, Sunia; Miranda, Jaime; Chimeddamba, Oyun; Marcos, Luis Garcia; Haines, Andy; Vineis, Paolo
  • Data mashups: potential contribution to decision support on climate change and health. (2014) Fleming, Lora E; Haines, Andy; Golding, Brian; Kessel, Anthony; Cichowska, Anna; Sabel, Clive E; Depledge, Michael H; Sarran, Christophe; Osborne, Nicholas J; Whitmore, Ceri; Cocksedge, Nicola; Bloomfield, Daniel
  • Climate change effects on human health: projections of temperature-related mortality for the UK during the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. (2014) Hajat, Shakoor; Vardoulakis, Sotiris; Heaviside, Clare; Eggen, Bernd
  • Extreme ambient temperatures and cardiorespiratory emergency room visits: assessing risk by comorbid health conditions in a time series study. (2014) Lavigne, Eric; Gasparrini, Antonio; Wang, Xiang; Chen, Hong; Yagouti, Abderrahmane; Fleury, Manon D; Cakmak, Sabit
  • January 2014
  • Well London Phase-1: results among adults of a cluster-randomised trial of a community engagement approach to improving health behaviours and mental well-being in deprived inner-city neighbourhoods. (2014) Phillips, Gemma; Bottomley, Christian; Schmidt, Elena; Tobi, Patrick; Lais, Shahana; Yu, Ge; Lynch, Rebecca; Lock, Karen; Draper, Alizon; Moore, Derek; Clow, Angela; Petticrew, Mark; Hayes, Richard; Renton, Adrian
  • Public health and English local government: historical perspectives on the impact of 'returning home'. (2014) Gorsky, Martin; Lock, Karen; Hogarth, Sue
  • January 2014 podcast - TB control, sexual wellbeing of gay men, and changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Ford Hickson - sexual health and wellbeing of gay and bisexual men. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Virginia Berridge - changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Planning Framework for Human Resources for Health for Maternal and Newborn Care. (2014) Chilvers, R
  • Improving accountability through alignment: the role of academic health science centres and networks in England. (2014) Ovseiko, Pavel V; Heitmueller, Axel; Allen, Pauline; Davies, Stephen M; Wells, Glenn; Ford, Gary A; Darzi, Ara; Buchan, Alastair M
  • Meningococcal vaccine introduction in Mali through mass campaigns and its impact on the health system. (2014) Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Burchett, Helen Elizabeth Denise; Griffiths, Ulla Kou; Konate, Mamadou; Diarra, Kassibo Sira
  • Population health intervention research: developing a much needed science of solutions. (2014) Potvin, Louise; Petticrew, Mark; Cohen, Emma RM
  • Epidemic cholera spreads like wildfire. (2014) Roy, Manojit; Zinck, Richard D; Bouma, Menno J; Pascual, Mercedes
  • RE: The effect of the late 2000s financial crisis on suicides in Spain: an interrupted time-series analysis. (2014) Lopez Bernal, James; Gasparrini, Antonio; Artundo, Carlos; McKee, Martin
  • Patient preferences and performance bias in a weight loss trial with a usual care arm. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Sorhaindo, Annik; Quirk, Alan; Nanchahal, Kiran
  • Home energy efficiency and radon related risk of lung cancer: modelling study. (2014) Milner, James; Shrubsole, Clive; Das, Payel; Jones, Benjamin; Ridley, Ian; Chalabi, Zaid; Hamilton, Ian; Armstrong, Ben; Davies, Michael; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Can the relationship between ethnicity and obesity-related behaviours among school-aged children be explained by deprivation? A cross-sectional study. (2014) Falconer, Catherine L; Park, Min Hae; Croker, Helen; Kessel, Anthony S; Saxena, Sonia; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
  • The relationship between meteorological variables and sporadic cases of Legionnaires' disease in residents of England and Wales. (2014) Halsby, KD; Joseph, CA; Lee, JV; Wilkinson, P
  • Prevalence of hepatitis C in a Swiss sample of men who have sex with men: whom to screen for HCV infection? (2014) Schmidt, Axel J; Falcato, Luis; Zahno, Benedikt; Burri, Andrea; Regenass, Stephan; Müllhaupt, Beat; Bruggmann, Philip picture_as_pdf
  • Air pollution and gene-specific methylation in the Normative Aging Study: association, effect modification, and mediation analysis. (2014) Bind, Marie-Abele; Lepeule, Johanna; Zanobetti, Antonella; Gasparrini, Antonio; Baccarelli, Andrea; Coull, Brent A; Tarantini, Letizia; Vokonas, Pantel S; Koutrakis, Petros; Schwartz, Joel
  • Cultural epidemiology of pandemic influenza in urban and rural Pune, India: a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study. (2014) Sundaram, Neisha; Schaetti, Christian; Purohit, Vidula; Kudale, Abhay; Weiss, Mitchell G
  • The unintended consequences of sex education: an ethnography of a development intervention in Latin America. (2014) Nelson, Erica; Edmonds, Alexander; Ballesteros, Marco; Encalada Soto, Diana; Rodriguez, Octavio
  • 2014
  • Housing improvement and home safety Effectiveness Matters. (2014) Crd; Sphr@, L; MrcSphsu
  • Insights from the First International Conference on Hyperacusis: causes, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. (2014) Aazh, Hashir; McFerran, Don; Salvi, Richard; Prasher, Deepak; Jastreboff, Margaret; Jastreboff, Pawel
  • How does money influence health? (2014) Benzeval, M; Bond, L; Campbell, M; Egan, M; Lorenc, T; Petticrew, M; Popham, F
  • Demons: Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. (2014) Berridge, V
  • Victoria A. Harden, AIDS at 30: A History. (2014) Berridge, V
  • Drugs, alcohol, and the First World War. (2014) Berridge, Virginia
  • Electronic cigarettes and history. (2014) Berridge, Virginia
  • Effects of temperature and relative humidity on DNA methylation. (2014) Bind, Marie-Abele; Zanobetti, Antonella; Gasparrini, Antonio; Peters, Annette; Coull, Brent; Baccarelli, Andrea; Tarantini, Letizia; Koutrakis, Petros; Vokonas, Pantel; Schwartz, Joel
  • What is the impact of BEAMS research? An evaluation of REF impact case studies from UCL BEAMS. (2014) Biri, D; Oliver, K; Cooper, A
  • Where’s the evidence? A systematic review of the evidence base for health interventions in humanitarian crises. (2014) Blanchet, K; Sistenich, V; Ramesh, A; Frison, S; Warren, E; Hossain, M; Knight, A; Lewis, C; Smith, J; Woodward, A; Dahab, M; Pantuliano, S; B., R
  • The Chemsex study: drug use in sexual settings among gay and bisexual men in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. (2014) Bourne, A; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres Rueda, S; Weatherburn, P
  • Transdisciplinary research: understanding the stakeholder perspective. (2014) Bracken, LJ; Bulkeley, HA; Whitman, G
  • Prostitution and the Politics of HIV Prevention in Cambodia: A Historical Case Study. (2014) Busza, JR
  • Prostitution and the Politics of HIV Prevention in Cambodia: A Historical Case Study. (2014) Busza, Joanna R
  • Men who Sell Sex in Peru: Evolving Technology and Sexual Cultures. (2014) Caceres, CF; Bayer, AM; Gomero, A; Grenfell, PM; Salazar, X
  • Impact of climate change on global malaria distribution. (2014) Caminade, Cyril; Kovats, Sari; Rocklov, Joacim; Tompkins, Adrian M; Morse, Andrew P; Colón-González, Felipe J; Stenlund, Hans; Martens, Pim; Lloyd, Simon J
  • Considering methodological options for reviews of theory: illustrated by a review of theories linking income and health. (2014) Campbell, M; Egan, M; Lorenc, T; Bond, L; Popham, F; Fenton, C; Benzeval, M
  • Social capital, mortality, cardiovascular events and cancer: a systematic review of prospective studies. (2014) Choi, Minkyoung; Mesa-Frias, Marco; Nuesch, Eveline; Hargreaves, James; Prieto-Merino, David; Bowling, Ann; Snith, G Davey; Ebrahim, Shah; Dale, Caroline; Casas, Juan P
  • Grocery stores and obesity: the authors reply. (2014) Cummins, Steven; Flint, Ellen; Matthews, Stephen A
  • New neighborhood grocery store increased awareness of food access but did not alter dietary habits or obesity. (2014) Cummins, Steven; Flint, Ellen; Matthews, Stephen A
  • Using probabilistic sampling-based sensitivity analyses for indoor air quality modelling. (2014) Das, Payel; Shrubsole, Clive; Jones, Benjamin; Hamilton, Ian; Chalabi, Zaid; Davies, Michael; Mavrogianni, Anna; Taylor, Jonathon
  • Doyal, L. and Doyal, L. Living with HIV and Dying with AIDS: Diversity, Inequality and Human Rights in the Global Pandemic. Farnham: Ashgate. 2013. xii + 249pp £25.00 (pbk) £65.00 (hbk) ISBN: 9781409431114. (2014) Dodds, Catherine
  • Electronic discharge summaries in cross-border care in the European Union: How close are we to making it happen? (2014) Döring, N; Doupi, P; Glonti, K; Winkelmann, J; Warren, E; McKee, M; Knai, C
  • Use of retail data in the assessment of natural experiments: the case of Reducing the Strength, an intervention to reduce alcohol availability. (2014) Egan, M; Pliakas, T; Grace, D; McGill, E; Jones, A; Wong, J; Aalders, S; Lock, K
  • Biopolitics. (2014) Filipe, AM
  • The Rise of Child Psychiatry in Portugal: An Intimate Social and Political History, 1915-1959. (2014) Filipe, AM
  • Founding of the Global Health Film initiative. (2014) Fitchett, Joseph R; Bhagavatheeswaran, Lalitha; Dahab, Maysoon; Haines, Andy P; Edmunds, W John; Global Health Film initiative picture_as_pdf
  • ‘We’ve Got Some Underground Business Selling Junk Food’: Qualitative Evidence of the Unintended Effects of English School Food Policies. (2014) Fletcher, Adam; Jamal, Farah; Fitzgerald-Yau, Natasha; Bonell, Chris
  • Pricing Policies And Control of Tobacco in Europe (PPACTE) project: cross-national comparison of smoking prevalence in 18 European countries. (2014) Gallus, Silvano; Lugo, Alessandra; La Vecchia, Carlo; Boffetta, Paolo; Chaloupka, Frank J; Colombo, Paolo; Currie, Laura; Fernandez, Esteve; Fischbacher, Colin; Gilmore, Anna; Godfrey, Fiona; Joossens, Luk; Leon, Maria E; Levy, David T; Nguyen, Lien; Rosenqvist, Gunnar; Ross, Hana; Townsend, Joy; Clancy, Luke
  • Agriculture, nutrition and education: On the status and determinants of primary schooling in rural Mali before the crises of 2012. (2014) Gelli, Aulo; Masset, Edoardo; Diallo, Amadou Sekou; Assima, Amidou; Hombrados, Jorge; Watkins, Kristie; Drake, Lesley
  • E-cigarettes: threat or opportunity? (2014) Gilmore, Anna B; Hartwell, Greg
  • ‘We Can All Just Get on a Bus and Go’: Rethinking Independent Mobility in the Context of the Universal Provision of Free Bus Travel to Young Londoners. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Jones, Alasdair; Roberts, Helen; Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith
  • From design to interpretation: Lessons from a public health campaign promoting physical activity. (2014) Goodwin, Denise May; Peerbhoy, Denise; Murphy, Rebecca; Stratton, Gareth
  • Documentary Approaches. (2014) Gorsky, M
  • Mayumi Hayashi, The Care of Older People: England and Japan, a Comparative Study. (2014) Gorsky, M
  • Sally Sheard, The Passionate Economist: How Brian Abel-Smith Shaped Global Health and Social Welfare. (2014) Gorsky, M
  • ‘A Tale of Two Health Systems: Health Services Reform in Britain and the United States, 1900-1950’. (2014) Gorsky, M
  • The Resource Allocation Working Party: Origins, Implementation and Development, 1974-1990. (2014) Gorsky, M; Preston, V
  • On the buses: a mixed-method evaluation of the impact of free bus travel for young people on the public health. (2014) Green, Judith; Steinbach, Rebecca; Jones, Alasdair; Edwards, Phil; Kelly, Charlotte; Nellthorp, John; Goodman, Anna; Roberts, Helen; Petticrew, Mark; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Health implications of adopting nutritious, low-carbon diets in the U.K. (2014) Green, R; Milner, J; Dangour, AD; Haines, A; Chalabi, Z; Markandya, A; Spadaro, J; Wilkinson, P
  • Global variation in the effects of ambient temperature on mortality: a systematic evaluation. (2014) Guo, Yuming; Gasparrini, Antonio; Armstrong, Ben; Li, Shanshan; Tawatsupa, Benjawan; Tobias, Aurelio; Lavigne, Eric; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Micheline; Leone, Michela; Pan, Xiaochuan; Tong, Shilu; Tian, Linwei; Kim, Ho; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Guo, Yue-Liang Leon; Wu, Chang-Fu; Punnasiri, Kornwipa; Yi, Seung-Muk; Michelozzi, Paola; Saldiva, Paulo Hilario Nascimento; Williams, Gail
  • Health risks of climate change: act now or pay later. (2014) Haines, Andy; Ebi, Kristie L; Smith, Kirk R; Woodward, Alistair
  • Planetary health: a call for papers. (2014) Haines, Andy; Whitmee, Sarah; Horton, Richard
  • Climate change effects on human health: projections of temperature-related mortality for the UK during the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. (2014) Hajat, S; Vardoulakis, S; Heaviside, C; Eggen, B
  • A note of caution about the excess winter deaths measure. (2014) Hajat, Shakoor; Kovats, Sari
  • Understanding the health impact of future energy efficiency and low-emissions in London. (2014) Hamilton, IG; Milner, J; Das, P; Chalabi, Z; Shrubsole, C; Wilkinson, P; Davies, M
  • An Oyster Odyssey: Science, state and commerce in England, 1895-1905. (2014) Hardy, A
  • Hepatitis C testing for people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: Why is uptake so low? (2014) Harris, Magdalena; McDonald, Bethan; Rhodes, Tim
  • Systematic review of strategies to increase men's HIV-testing in sub-Saharan Africa. (2014) Hensen, Bernadette; Taoka, Sachiko; Lewis, James J; Weiss, Helen A; Hargreaves, James
  • Two decades of successes and failures in controlling the transmission of HIV through injecting drug use in England and Wales, 1990 to 2011. (2014) Hope, VD; Harris, RJ; de Angelis, D; Croxford, S; Marongiu, A; Parry, JV; Ncube, F
  • EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research. (2014) Jacob, Daniela; Petersen, Juliane; Eggert, Bastian; Alias, Antoinette; Christensen, Ole Bøssing; Bouwer, Laurens M; Braun, Alain; Colette, Augustin; Déqué, Michel; Georgievski, Goran; Georgopoulou, Elena; Gobiet, Andreas; Menut, Laurent; Nikulin, Grigory; Haensler, Andreas; Hempelmann, Nils; Jones, Colin; Keuler, Klaus; Kovats, Sari; Kröner, Nico; Kotlarski, Sven; Kriegsmann, Arne; Martin, Eric; van Meijgaard, Erik; Moseley, Christopher; Pfeifer, Susanne; Preuschmann, Swantje; Radermacher, Christine; Radtke, Kai; Rechid, Diana; Rounsevell, Mark; Samuelsson, Patrick; Somot, Samuel; Soussana, Jean-Francois; Teichmann, Claas; Valentini, Riccardo; Vautard, Robert; Weber, Björn; Yiou, Pascal
  • Modelling uniformly porous facades to predict dwelling infiltration rates. (2014) Jones, BM; Lowe, RJ; Davies, M; Chalabi, Z; Das, P; Ridley, I
  • Enhancing informatics competency under uncertainty at the point of decision: a knowing about knowing vision. (2014) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • 'Children will always be children': exploring perceptions and experiences of HIV-positive children who may not take their treatment and why they may not tell. (2014) Kawuma, Rachel; Bernays, Sarah; Siu, Godfrey; Rhodes, Tim; Seeley, Janet
  • The health implications of fracking. (2014) Kovats, Sari; Depledge, Michael; Haines, Andy; Fleming, Lora E; Wilkinson, Paul; Shonkoff, Seth B; Scovronick, Noah
  • Web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention for university students: a randomized trial. (2014) Kypri, Kypros; Vater, Tina; Bowe, Steven J; Saunders, John B; Cunningham, John A; Horton, Nicholas J; McCambridge, Jim
  • Illicit drugs in Central Asia: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we need to know. (2014) Latypov, Alisher; Grund, Jean-Paul; El-Bassel, Nabila; Platt, Lucy; Stöver, Heino; Strathdee, Steffanie
  • Environmental health. (2014) Leonardi, G; Rechel, B
  • Crime, fear of crime and mental health: synthesis of theory and systematic reviews of interventions and qualitative evidence. (2014) Lorenc, Theo; Petticrew, Mark; Whitehead, Margaret; Neary, David; Clayton, Stephen; Wright, Kath; Thomson, Hilary; Cummins, Steven; Sowden, Amanda; Renton, Adrian
  • Welfare: theoretical and analytical paradigms. (2014) MacGregor, S
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 1: Historical and Cultural Studies). (2014) MacGregor, S; Thom, B
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 2: Theoretical Studies). (2014) MacGregor, S; Thom, B
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 3: Methods and Measurements). (2014) MacGregor, S; Thom, B
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 4: Policy approaches). (2014) MacGregor, S; Thom, B
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 5: Interventions). (2014) MacGregor, S; Thom, B
  • Drug and Alcohol Studies (Volume 6: Current trends, continuing issues and new challenges). (2014) MacGregor, S; Thom, B
  • Towards good governance in drug policy: evidence, stakeholders and politics. (2014) MacGregor, Susanne; Singleton, Nicola; Trautmann, Franz
  • Experiences of front-line health professionals in the delivery of telehealth: a qualitative study. (2014) MacNeill, Virginia; Sanders, Caroline; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Hendy, Jane; Barlow, James; Knapp, Martin; Rogers, Anne; Bardsley, Martin; Newman, Stanton P
  • Natsal and sexual violence in Britain--authors' reply. (2014) Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye
  • <b>Who counts what? Some observations on participatory statistics based on a review of ‘Who counts? The power of participatory statistics’</b>, edited by J. Holland. (2014) Masset, Edoardo
  • The impact of occupancy patterns, occupant-controlled ventilation and shading on indoor overheating risk in domestic environments. (2014) Mavrogianni, A; Davies, M; Taylor, J; Chalabi, Z; Biddulph, P; Oikonomou, E; Das, P; Jones, B
  • Evaluation of the choice of GP practice pilot, 2012-13. (2014) Mays, N; Eastmure, E; Erens, B; Lagarde, M; Roland, M; Tan, S; Wright, M
  • Commentary on Schwartz et al. (2014): Where next for face-to-face, person-to-person, computerized and online brief interventions for drug users? (2014) McCambridge, Jim
  • Big issues. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Rollnick, Stephen
  • Determinants of the risk of dying of HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community over the period of the decentralised roll-out of antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study. (2014) Mee, Paul; Collinson, Mark A; Madhavan, Sangeetha; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa; Gómez-Olivé, Francesc Xavier; Kahn, Kathleen; Tollman, Stephen M; Hargreaves, James; Byass, Peter
  • Event-level case-crossover analysis of drug use and sexual risk in men who have sex with men in England. (2014) Melendez-Torres, G; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Bonell, C
  • Typologies of risk in sexual encounters reported by MSM in England. (2014) Melendez-Torres, G; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Bonell, C
  • Social Security Policy and the Early Disability Movement--Expertise, Disability, and the Government, 1965-77. (2014) Millward, G
  • Invalid Definitions, Invalid Responses: Disability and the Welfare State, 1965-1995. (2014) Millward, Gareth
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 1: Factors determining vulnerability to winter- and cold-related mortality/morbidity. (2014) Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Cairns, J; Das, P; Davies, M; Duffy, S; Eggen, B; Hajat, S; Hamilton, I; Jones, L; Petticrew, M; Scovronik, N; Taylor, J; Vardoulakis, S
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 2: Interventions and economic studies. (2014) Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Cairns, J; Duffy, S; Hajat, S; Jones, L; Petticrew, M; Scovronik, N
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 3: Delivery and implementation of approaches for the prevention of excess winter deaths and morbidity. (2014) Milner, J; Chalabi, Z; Wilkinson, P; Duffy, S; Jones, L; Petticrew, M
  • Potential ‘co-benefits’ for health and greenhouse gas emissions of adopting acceptable healthy diets in the UK. (2014) Milner, J; Green, R; Dangour, AD; Haines, A; Chalabi, Z; Markandya, A; Spadaro, J; Wilkinson, P
  • Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Economic modelling report. (2014) Milner, J; Hamilton, I; Chalabi, Z; Cairns, J; Davies, M; Das, P; WilkinsonP
  • Population displacement after the 2007 floods in Kingston upon Hull, England. (2014) Milojevic, A; Kovats, S; Leonardi, G; Murray, V; Nye, M; Wilkinson, P
  • Navigating and circumventing a fragmented health system: the patient's pathway in the Sierra Madre Region of Chiapas, Mexico. (2014) Molina, Rose Leonard; Palazuelos, Daniel
  • What we can't see? Understanding the representations and meanings of UAI, barebacking, and semen exchange in gay male pornography. (2014) Mowlabocus, Sharif; Harbottle, Justin; Witzel, Charlie
  • A Systematic Review of Interventions That Adopt the “Good Lives” Approach to Offender Rehabilitation. (2014) Netto, Nicholas Raphael; Carter, James Michael; Bonell, Christopher
  • Covert networks: structures, processes and types. (2014) Oliver, K; Crossley, N; Edwards, G; Koskinen, J; Everett, M
  • Fertility decisions and contraceptive use at different stages of relationships: windows of risk among men and women in accra. (2014) Osei, Ivy Frances; Mayhew, Susannah Harding; Biekro, Leticia; Collumbien, Martine; ECAF Team
  • AM last page: funding of academic research in clinical medicine in the United Kingdom. (2014) Ovseiko, Pavel V; Davies, Stephen M; Buchan, Alastair M
  • Climate change: challenges and opportunities for global health. (2014) Patz, Jonathan A; Frumkin, Howard; Holloway, Tracey; Vimont, Daniel J; Haines, Andrew
  • Sports-related head trauma and neurodegenerative disease. (2014) Pearce, Neil; Gallo, Valentina; McElvenny, Damien
  • Heat and mortality in New York City since the beginning of the 20th century. (2014) Petkova, Elisaveta P; Gasparrini, Antonio; Kinney, Patrick L
  • Contribution of the physical environment to socioeconomic gradients in walking in the Whitehall II study. (2014) Pliakas, T; Wilkinson, P; Tonne, C
  • 'Race' and ethnicity. (2014) Ponsford, R
  • “I don’t really care about me, as long as he gets everything he needs” – young women becoming mothers in consumer culture. (2014) Ponsford, Ruth
  • From ‘politics of numbers’ to ‘politics of singularisation’: Patients’ activism and engagement in research on rare diseases in France and Portugal. (2014) Rabeharisoa, Vololona; Callon, Michel; Filipe, Angela Marques; Nunes, João Arriscado; Paterson, Florence; Vergnaud, Frédéric
  • What does patient involvement mean? (2014) Renedo, A
  • Spaces for Citizen Involvement in Healthcare: An Ethnographic Study. (2014) Renedo, A; Marston, C
  • Spaces for citizen involvement in healthcare: an ethnographic study. (2014) Renedo, A; Marston, C
  • Patient and public involvement in healthcare quality improvement: how organisations can help patients and professionals to collaborate. (2014) Renedo, A; Marston, C; Spyridonidis, D; & Barlow, J
  • Care Versus Control: The Identity Dilemmas of UK Homelessness Professionals Working in a Contract Culture. (2014) Renedo, Alicia
  • Trends in HIV diagnoses, HIV care, and uptake of antiretroviral therapy among heterosexual adults in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. (2014) Rice, Brian; Elford, Jonathan; Yin, Zheng; Croxford, Sara; Brown, Alison; Delpech, Valerie
  • Erratum zu: Defizite in den Angeboten zur STI-Diagnostik für Männer mit gleichgeschlechtlichen Sexualkontakten in deutschsprachigen Städten. (2014) Schmidt, AJ; Marcus, U
  • Altitudinal changes in malaria incidence in highlands of Ethiopia and Colombia. (2014) Siraj, AS; Santos-Vega, M; Bouma, MJ; Yadeta, D; Ruiz Carrascal, D; Pascual, M
  • Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas (eds), Toxicants, Health and Regulation since 1945. (2014) Sirrs, C
  • Commentary: Class action lawsuits: can they advance epidemiologic research? (2014) Steenland, Kyle; Savitz, David A; Fletcher, Tony
  • How people-centred health systems can reach the grassroots: experiences implementing community-level quality improvement in rural Tanzania and Uganda. (2014) Tancred, T; Mandu, R; Hanson, C; Okuga, M; Manzi, F; Peterson, S; Schellenberg, J; Waiswa, P; Marchant, T; Team, TES
  • The relative importance of input weather data for indoor overheating risk assessment in dwellings. (2014) Taylor, J; Davies, M; Mavrogianni, A; Chalabi, Z; Biddulph, P; Oikonomou, E; Das, P; Jones, B
  • Modelling the modifying effect of homes on population exposure to pollution. (2014) Taylor, J; Davies, M; Wilkinson, P; Mavrogianni, A; Milner, J; Shrubsole, C; Das, P; Chalabi, Z
  • Perceptions on the role of evidence: an English alcohol policy case study. (2014) Toner, Paul; Lloyd, Charlie; Thom, Betsy; MacGregor, Susanne; Godfrey, Christine; Herring, Rachel; Tchilingirian, Jordan
  • Traffic-related air pollution in relation to cognitive function in older adults. (2014) Tonne, Cathryn; Elbaz, Alexis; Beevers, Sean; Singh-Manoux, Archana
  • "I can't do this, it's too much": building social inclusion in cancer diagnosis and treatment experiences of Aboriginal people, their carers and health workers. (2014) Treloar, Carla; Gray, Rebecca; Brener, Loren; Jackson, Clair; Saunders, Veronica; Johnson, Priscilla; Harris, Magdalena; Butow, Phyllis; Newman, Christy
  • Combination methods for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men (MSM). (2014) Verboom, Benjamin; Melendez-Torres, Gerardo; Bonell, Christopher P
  • 'Risky places?': mapping gambling machine density and socio-economic deprivation. (2014) Wardle, Heather; Keily, Ruth; Astbury, Gaynor; Reith, Gerda
  • Conceptualizations of Uncertainty and Risk and Implications for Biomedical HIV Prevention Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. (2014) Warren, E; Paterson, P; Lees, S; Eakle, R; Stadler, J; Larson, H
  • Sexual Crimes, Medical Cures: The Development of a Therapeutic Approach toward Sexual Offenders in English Prisons, c.1900–1950. (2014) Weston, Janet
  • Climate change and health: on the latest IPCC report. (2014) Woodward, Alistair; Smith, Kirk R; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Chadee, Dave D; Honda, Yasushi; Liu, Qiyong; Olwoch, Jane; Revich, Boris; Sauerborn, Rainer; Chafe, Zoë; Confalonieri, Ulisses; Haines, Andy