Items where Faculty or Department is "Public Health, Environments and Society"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Public Health, Environments and Society (5717)
    Number of items: 205.
  • Entitlement to concessionary public transport and wellbeing: a qualitative study of young people and older citizens in London, UK. (2012) Jones, Alasdair; Goodman, Anna; Roberts, Helen; Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith
  • Structural and environmental factors are associated with internalised homonegativity in men who have sex with men: findings from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) in 38 countries. (2012) Berg, Rigmor C; Ross, Michael W; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Systematic review examining differences in HIV, sexually transmitted infections and health-related harms between migrant and non-migrant female sex workers. (2012) Platt, Lucy; Grenfell, Pippa; Fletcher, Adam; Sorhaindo, Annik; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Bonell, Chris
  • Atopic dermatitis and indoor use of energy sources in cooking and heating appliances. (2012) Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; García-Marcos, Luís; Llopis-González, Agustín; López-Silvarrey-Varela, Ángel; Miner-Canflanca, Izaskun; Batlles-Garrido, José; Blanco-Quiros, Alfredo; Busquets-Monge, Rosa María; Díaz-Vazquez, Carlos; González-Díaz, Carlos; Martínez-Gimeno, Antonio; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; Arnedo-Pena, Alberto; Morales-Suárez-Varela, María
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of pandemic influenza preparedness: what's missing? (2012) Drake, Tom L; Chalabi, Zaid; Coker, Richard
  • Comparing the effectiveness of copper intrauterine devices available in Canada. Is FlexiT non-inferior to NovaT when inserted immediately after first-trimester abortion? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012) Norman, Wendy V; Chiles, Jessica L; Turner, Caroline A; Brant, Rollin; Aslan, Andra; Kaczorowski, Janusz
  • Escherichia coli contamination and health aspects of soil and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) subsurface drip irrigated with on-site treated domestic wastewater. (2012) Forslund, A; Ensink, JHJ; Markussen, B; Battilani, A; Psarras, G; Gola, S; Sandei, L; Fletcher, T; Dalsgaard, A
  • What types of interventions generate inequalities? Evidence from systematic reviews. (2012) Lorenc, Theo; Petticrew, Mark; Welch, Vivian; Tugwell, Peter
  • Relationship of perfluorooctanoic acid exposure to pregnancy outcome based on birth records in the mid-Ohio Valley. (2012) Savitz, David A; Stein, Cheryl R; Elston, Beth; Wellenius, Gregory A; Bartell, Scott M; Shin, Hyeong-Moo; Vieira, Veronica M; Fletcher, Tony
  • The accuracy of matching target insertion gains with open-fit hearing aids. (2012) Aazh, Hashir; Moore, Brian CJ; Prasher, Deepak
  • A qualitative study of factors influencing different generations of Newfoundland and Saskatchewan trained physicians to leave a work location. (2012) Mathews, Maria; Seguin, Maureen; Chowdhury, Nurun; Card, Robert T
  • Risk reduction and perceived collective efficacy and community support among female sex workers in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, India: the importance of context. (2012) Guha, Mohua; Baschieri, Angela; Bharat, Shalini; Bhatnagar, Tarun; Sane, Suvarna Sanjay; Godbole, Sheela V; S, Saravanamurthy P; Mainkar, Mandar Keshav; Williams, Joseph; Collumbien, Martine
  • When can research from one setting be useful in another? Understanding perceptions of the applicability and transferability of research. (2012) Burchett, Helen ED; Mayhew, Susannah H; Lavis, John N; Dobrow, Mark J
  • Distribution and determinants of risk of teenage motherhood in three British longitudinal studies: implications for targeted prevention interventions. (2012) Kneale, Dylan; Fletcher, Adam; Wiggins, Richard; Bonell, Chris
  • The British government's Troubled Families Programme. (2012) Fletcher, Adam; Gardner, Frances; McKee, Martin; Bonell, Chris
  • Uncertainty in environmental health impact assessment: quantitative methods and perspectives. (2012) Mesa-Frias, Marco; Chalabi, Zaid; Vanni, Tazio; Foss, Anna M
  • Resource provision and environmental change for the prevention of skin cancer: systematic review of qualitative evidence from high-income countries. (2012) Lorenc, Theo; Jamal, Farah; Cooper, Chris
  • How the low carbon economy can improve health. (2012) Haines, Andy; Dora, Carlos
  • Generational differences in factors influencing physicians to choose a work location. (2012) Mathews, M; Seguin, M; Chowdhury, N; Card, RT
  • Effectiveness of agricultural interventions that aim to improve nutritional status of children: systematic review. (2012) Masset, Edoardo; Haddad, Lawrence; Cornelius, Alexander; Isaza-Castro, Jairo
  • Organizational Form as a Mechanism to Involve Staff, Public and Users in Public Services: A Study of the Governance of NHS Foundation Trusts. (2012) Allen, Pauline; Townsend, Jean; Dempster, Paul; Wright, John; Hutchings, Andrew; Keen, Justin
  • Climate change: how can epidemiology best inform policy? (2012) Armstrong, Ben; Hajat, Shakoor; Kovats, Sari; Lloyd, Simon; Scovronick, Noah; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Concentration-response function for ozone and daily mortality: results from five urban and five rural U.K. populations. (2012) Atkinson, Richard W; Yu, Dahai; Armstrong, Ben G; Pattenden, Sam; Wilkinson, Paul; Doherty, Ruth M; Heal, Mathew R; Anderson, H Ross
  • From caution to urgency: the evolution of HIV testing and counselling in Africa. (2012) Baggaley, R; Hensen, B; Ajose, O; Grabbe, KL; Wong, VJ; Schilsky, A; Lo, Y-R; Lule, F; Granich, R; Hargreaves, J
  • Postgraduate career intentions of medical students and recent graduates in Malawi: a qualitative interview study. (2012) Bailey, Nicola; Mandeville, Kate L; Rhodes, Tim; Mipando, Mwapatsa; Muula, Adamson S
  • Cold and heat waves in the United States. (2012) Barnett, AG; Hajat, S; Gasparrini, A; Rocklöv, J
  • THOMAS M. HUNT. Drug Games: The International Olympic Committee and the Politics of Doping, 1960-2008. (2012) Berridge, V
  • Golden holocaust: origins of the cigarette catastrophe and the case for abolition. (2012) Berridge, Virginia
  • The rise, fall, and revival of recovery in drug policy. (2012) Berridge, Virginia
  • History: a social science neglected by other social sciences (and why it should not be). (2012) Berridge, Virginia; Stewart, John
  • Heat and risk of myocardial infarction: hourly level case-crossover analysis of MINAP database. (2012) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Armstrong, Ben; Hajat, Shakoor; Haines, Andy; Wilkinson, Paul; Smeeth, Liam
  • Realist randomised controlled trials: a new approach to evaluating complex public health interventions. (2012) Bonell, Chris; Fletcher, Adam; Morton, Matthew; Lorenc, Theo; Moore, Laurence
  • Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: rationale for and challenges of guidance development. (2012) Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Lavis, John N; Lewin, Simon; Atun, Rifat; Røttingen, John-Arne; Dröschel, Daniel; Beck, Lise; Abalos, Edgardo; El-Jardali, Fadi; Gilson, Lucy; Oliver, Sandy; Wyss, Kaspar; Tugwell, Peter; Kulier, Regina; Pang, Tikki; Haines, Andy
  • Problems with sex among gay and bisexual men with diagnosed HIV in the United Kingdom. (2012) Bourne, Adam; Hickson, Ford; Keogh, Peter; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • A systematic review of the influence on alcohol use of community level availability and marketing of alcohol. (2012) Bryden, Anna; Roberts, Bayard; McKee, Martin; Petticrew, Mark
  • New vaccine adoption: qualitative study of national decision-making processes in seven low- and middle-income countries. (2012) Burchett, HED; Mounier-Jack, S; Griffiths, UK; Biellik, R; Ongolo-Zogo, P; Chavez, E; Sarma, H; Uddin, J; Konate, M; Kitaw, Y; Molla, M; Wakasiaka, S; Gilson, L; Mills, A
  • National decision-making on adopting new vaccines: a systematic review. (2012) Burchett, HED; Mounier-Jack, S; Griffiths, UK; Mills, AJ
  • Perceptions of the usefulness and use of research conducted in other countries. (2012) Burchett, Helen ED; Lavis, John N; Mayhew, Susannah H; Dobrow, Mark J
  • Community-based approaches for prevention of mother to child transmission in resource-poor settings: a social ecological review. (2012) Busza, Joanna; Walker, Damilola; Hairston, Alana; Gable, Alicia; Pitter, Christian; Lee, Stephen; Katirayi, Leila; Simiyu, Rogers; Mpofu, Daphne
  • Cervical cancer screening visit as an occasion for counseling female smokers to quit. (2012) Chellini, Elisabetta; Gorini, Giuseppe; Gasparrini, Antonio; Grazzini, Grazia; Iossa, Anna; Martellucci, Pietro Mario; Terrone, Rosangela
  • Fiber intake and total and cause-specific mortality in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. (2012) Chuang, Shu-Chun; Norat, Teresa; Murphy, Neil; Olsen, Anja; Tjønneland, Anne; Overvad, Kim; Boutron-Ruault, Marie Christine; Perquier, Florence; Dartois, Laureen; Kaaks, Rudolf; Teucher, Birgit; Bergmann, Manuela M; Boeing, Heiner; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Lagiou, Pagona; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Grioni, Sara; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Panico, Salvatore; Palli, Domenico; Tumino, Rosario; Peeters, Petra HM; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Ros, Martine M; Brustad, Magritt; Åsli, Lene Angell; Skeie, Guri; Quirós, J Ramón; González, Carlos A; Sánchez, María-José; Navarro, Carmen; Ardanaz Aicua, Eva; Dorronsoro, Miren; Drake, Isabel; Sonestedt, Emily; Johansson, Ingegerd; Hallmans, Göran; Key, Timothy; Crowe, Francesca; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Wareham, Nicholas; Ferrari, Pietro; Slimani, Nadia; Romieu, Isabelle; Gallo, Valentina; Riboli, Elio; Vineis, Paolo
  • Impact of the smoking ban on the volume of bar sales in Ireland: evidence from time series analysis. (2012) Cornelsen, Laura; Normand, Charles
  • Using natural experiments to evaluate population health interventions: new Medical Research Council guidance. (2012) Craig, Peter; Cooper, Cyrus; Gunnell, David; Haw, Sally; Lawson, Kenny; Macintyre, Sally; Ogilvie, David; Petticrew, Mark; Reeves, Barney; Sutton, Matt; Thompson, Simon
  • Does greener mean thinner? Associations between neighbourhood greenspace and weight status among adults in England. (2012) Cummins, S; Fagg, J
  • Where are we going? A further question for the addiction field. (2012) Cunningham, John A; McCambridge, Jim
  • Health, wealth and ways of life: what can we learn from the Swedish, US and UK experience? Overview. (2012) Curtis, Sarah; Leonardi, Giovanni S
  • The role of fathers in breastfeeding: Decision-making and support. (2012) Datta, Jessica; Graham, Berni; Wellings, Kaye
  • Complaints about dog faeces as a symbolic representation of incivility in London, UK: a qualitative study. (2012) Derges, Jane; Lynch, Rebecca; Clow, Angela; Petticrew, Mark; Draper, Alizon
  • Perceptions of tap water temperatures, scald risk and prevention among parents and older people in social housing: a qualitative study. (2012) Durand, Mary Alison; Green, Judith; Edwards, Phil; Milton, Sarah; Lutchmun, Suzanne
  • Time-series analysis of weather and mortality patterns in Nairobi's informal settlements. (2012) Egondi, Thaddaeus; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Kovats, Sari; Muindi, Kanyiva; Ettarh, Remare; Rocklöv, Joacim
  • Risky alcohol use among reproductive-age men, not women, in Mae La refugee camp, Thailand, 2009. (2012) Ezard, Nadine; Thiptharakun, Supan; Nosten, François; Rhodes, Tim; McGready, Rose
  • OP05 From Trial to Population: Effect of a Weight Management Intervention on body Mass Index When Scaled Up. (2012) Fagg, J; Cole, T; Cummins, S; Goldstein, H; Roberts, H; Law, C
  • Scoping the impact of the national child measurement programme feedback on the child obesity pathway: study protocol. (2012) Falconer, Catherine; Park, Minhae; Skow, Aine; Black, James; Sovio, Ulla; Saxena, Sonia; Kessel, Anthony; Croker, Helen; Morris, Steve; Viner, Russell; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Does transportation mode modify associations between distance to food store, fruit and vegetable consumption, and BMI in low-income neighborhoods? (2012) Fuller, Daniel; Cummins, Steven; Matthews, Stephen A
  • The impact of public transportation strikes on use of a bicycle share program in London: interrupted time series design. (2012) Fuller, Daniel; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Cummins, Steven; Ogilvie, David
  • Serum perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) concentrations and liver function biomarkers in a population with elevated PFOA exposure. (2012) Gallo, Valentina; Leonardi, Giovanni; Genser, Bernd; Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose; Frisbee, Stephanie J; Karlsson, Lee; Ducatman, Alan M; Fletcher, Tony
  • Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. (2012) Gasparrini, A; Armstrong, B; Kenward, MG
  • The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study. (2012) Goodwin, DM; Cummins, S; Sautkina, E; Ogilvie, D; Petticrew, M; Jones, A; Wheeler, K; White, M
  • The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study. (2012) Goodwin, Denise May; Cummins, Steven; Sautkina, Elena; Ogilvie, David; Petticrew, Mark; Jones, Andy; Wheeler, Katy; White, Martin
  • Pat Jalland, Death in War and Peace: A History of Loss and Grief in England, 1914–1970. (2012) Gorsky, M
  • 'To regulate and confirm inequality'? A regional history of geriatric hospitals under the English National Health Service, c.1948-c.1975. (2012) Gorsky, M
  • Creating the Poor Law Legacy: Institutional Care for Older People Before the Welfare State. (2012) Gorsky, Martin
  • Hospitals, finance, and health system reform in Britain and the United States, c. 1910-1950: historical revisionism and cross-national comparison. (2012) Gorsky, Martin
  • The Travelling Citizen: Emergent Discourses of Moral Mobility in a Study of Cycling in London. (2012) Green, Judith; Steinbach, Rebecca; Datta, Jessica
  • Economic evaluations of adult weight management interventions: a systematic literature review focusing on methods used for determining health impacts. (2012) Griffiths, Ulla K; Anigbogu, Benedict; Nanchahal, Kiran
  • Long-term changes in sickness and health: further evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society1. (2012) HARRIS, BERNARD; GORSKY, MARTIN; GUNTUPALLI, ARAVINDA MEERA; HINDE, ANDREW
  • Health benefits of a low carbon economy. (2012) Haines, A
  • Sustainable policies to improve health and prevent climate change. (2012) Haines, Andy
  • From the Earth Summit to Rio+20: integration of health and sustainable development. (2012) Haines, Andy; Alleyne, George; Kickbusch, Ilona; Dora, Carlos
  • Changes over time in sexual behaviour among young people with different levels of educational attainment in Tanzania. (2012) Hargreaves, James R; Slaymaker, Emma; Fearon, Elizabeth; Howe, Laura D
  • The 'do-it-yourself' New Zealand injecting scene: implications for harm reduction. (2012) Harris, Magdalena
  • Venous access and care: harnessing pragmatics in harm reduction for people who inject drugs. (2012) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Hepatitis C prevalence in England remains low and varies by ethnicity: an updated evidence synthesis. (2012) Harris, Ross J; Ramsay, Mary; Hope, Vivian D; Brant, Lisa; Hickman, Matthew; Foster, Graham R; De Angelis, Daniela
  • Universal voluntary HIV testing in antenatal care settings: a review of the contribution of provider-initiated testing & counselling. (2012) Hensen, Bernadette; Baggaley, Rachel; Wong, Vincent J; Grabbe, Kristina L; Shaffer, Nathan; Lo, Ying-Ru Jacqueline; Hargreaves, James
  • Hepatitis C infection among recent initiates to injecting in England 2000-2008: Is a national hepatitis C action plan making a difference? (2012) Hope, V; Parry, JV; Marongui, A; Ncube, F
  • A decade of spore-forming bacterial infections among European injecting drug users: pronounced regional variation. (2012) Hope, Vivian D; Palmateer, Norah; Wiessing, Lucas; Marongiu, Andrea; White, Joanne; Ncube, Fortune; Goldberg, David
  • Measuring socio-economic position for epidemiological studies in low- and middle-income countries: a methods of measurement in epidemiology paper. (2012) Howe, Laura D; Galobardes, Bruna; Matijasevich, Alicia; Gordon, David; Johnston, Deborah; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Patel, Rita; Webb, Elizabeth A; Lawlor, Debbie A; Hargreaves, James R
  • Effect of increasing active travel in urban England and Wales on costs to the National Health Service. (2012) Jarrett, James; Woodcock, James; Griffiths, Ulla K; Chalabi, Zaid; Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Haines, Andy
  • HIV among people who inject drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: a systematic review with implications for policy. (2012) Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Hope, Vivian; Latypov, Alisher; Donoghoe, Martin; Wilson, David
  • Rethinking passive transport: bus fare exemptions and young people's wellbeing. (2012) Jones, Alasdair; Steinbach, Rebecca; Roberts, Helen; Goodman, Anna; Green, Judith
  • The ethics of unlinked anonymous testing of blood: views from in-depth interviews with key informants in four countries. (2012) Kessel, Anthony S; Datta, Jessica; Wellings, Kaye; Perman, Sarah
  • The quest for culturally-sensitive health-care systems in Scotland: insights for a multi-ethnic Europe. (2012) Kessel, Anthony; Wilson, James
  • Global health and environmental change: linking research and policy. (2012) Kovats, RS; Butler, CD
  • Health protection and heatwaves: The need for systematic reviews. (2012) Kovats, Sari; Bickler, Graham
  • Causal chain mapping: a novel method to analyse treatment compliance decisions relating to lymphatic filariasis elimination in Alor, Indonesia. (2012) Krentel, Alison; Aunger, Robert
  • Risk factors for non-communicable diseases in prison populations. (2012) Kuester, Landon B; Flanigan, Timothy P; Clarke, Jennifer G; Fletcher, Adam
  • Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: linking guidance development to policy development. (2012) Lavis, John N; Røttingen, John-Arne; Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Atun, Rifat; El-Jardali, Fadi; Gilson, Lucy; Lewin, Simon; Oliver, Sandy; Ongolo-Zogo, Pierre; Haines, Andy
  • Inorganic arsenic and basal cell carcinoma in areas of Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia: a case-control study. (2012) Leonardi, Giovanni; Vahter, Marie; Clemens, Felicity; Goessler, Walter; Gurzau, Eugen; Hemminki, Kari; Hough, Rupert; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Kumar, Rajiv; Rudnai, Peter; Surdu, Simona; Fletcher, Tony
  • Educational level and risk of colorectal cancer in EPIC with specific reference to tumor location. (2012) Leufkens, Anke M; Van Duijnhoven, Fränzel JB; Boshuizen, Hendriek C; Siersema, Peter D; Kunst, Anton E; Mouw, Traci; Tjønneland, Anne; Olsen, Anja; Overvad, Kim; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Morois, Sophie; Krogh, Vittorio; Tumino, Rosario; Panico, Salvatore; Polidoro, Silvia; Palli, Domenico; Kaaks, Rudolf; Teucher, Birgit; Pischon, Tobias; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Orfanos, Philippos; Goufa, Ioulia; Peeters, Petra HM; Skeie, Guri; Braaten, Tonje; Rodríguez, Laudina; Lujan-Barroso, Leila; Sánchez-Pérez, Maria-José; Navarro, Carmen; Barricarte, Aurelio; Zackrisson, Sophia; Almquist, Martin; Hallmans, Goran; Palmqvist, Richard; Tsilidis, Konstantinos K; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Wareham, Nick; Gallo, Valentina; Jenab, Mazda; Riboli, Elio; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas
  • Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: assessing how much confidence to place in the research evidence. (2012) Lewin, Simon; Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Oliver, Sandy; Akl, Elie A; Vist, Gunn E; Lavis, John N; Ghersi, Davina; Røttingen, John-Arne; Steinmann, Peter; Gulmezoglu, Metin; Tugwell, Peter; El-Jardali, Fadi; Haines, Andy
  • The impact of extreme heat on morbidity in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (2012) Li, Bo; Sain, Steve; Mearns, Linda O; Anderson, Henry A; Kovats, Sari; Ebi, Kristie L; Bekkedal, Marni YV; Kanarek, Marty S; Patz, Jonathan A
  • Thyroid function and perfluoroalkyl acids in children living near a chemical plant. (2012) Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose; Mondal, Debapriya; Armstrong, Ben; Bloom, Michael S; Fletcher, Tony
  • Health equity, social justice and human rights, by Ann Taket. (2012) Lorenc, T
  • Crime, fear of crime, environment, and mental health and wellbeing: mapping review of theories and causal pathways. (2012) Lorenc, Theo; Clayton, Stephen; Neary, David; Whitehead, Margaret; Petticrew, Mark; Thomson, Hilary; Cummins, Steven; Sowden, Amanda; Renton, Adrian
  • The role of systematic reviews of qualitative evidence in evaluating interventions: a case study. (2012) Lorenc, Theo; Pearson, Mark; Jamal, Farah; Cooper, Chris; Garside, Ruth
  • Survey of patient and public perceptions of electronic health records for healthcare, policy and research: study protocol. (2012) Luchenski, Serena; Balasanthiran, Anjali; Marston, Cicely; Sasaki, Kaori; Majeed, Azeem; Bell, Derek; Reed, Julie E
  • Do we need a European drugs strategy? (2012) MacGregor, Susanne
  • Condom use within marriage: an assessment of changes in South Africa and Uganda. (2012) Maharaj, Pranitha; Neema, Stella; Cleland, John; Busza, Joanna; Shah, Iqbal
  • Prevalence of HIV among MSM in Europe: comparison of self-reported diagnoses from a large scale internet survey and existing national estimates. (2012) Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; EMIS Network
  • Male IDUs who have sex with men in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: are they at greater risk of bloodborne virus infection and harm than those who only have sex with women? (2012) Marongiu, Andrea; Hope, Vivian D; Parry, John V; Ncube, Fortune
  • The Politics of Addiction Medical Conflict and Drug Dependence in England since the 1960s Conclusion. (2012) Mars, SG
  • The Politics of Addiction Medical Conflict and Drug Dependence in England since the 1960s Introduction. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Building characteristics as determinants of propensity to high indoor summer temperatures in London dwellings. (2012) Mavrogianni, Anna; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael; Biddulph, Phillip; Oikonomou, Eleni
  • Dealing responsibly with the alcohol industry in London. (2012) McCambridge, Jim
  • Alcohol email assessment and feedback study dismantling effectiveness for university students (AMADEUS-1): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012) McCambridge, Jim; Bendtsen, Preben; Bendtsen, Marcus; Nilsen, Per
  • How should debriefing be undertaken in web-based studies? Findings from a randomized controlled trial. (2012) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Wilson, Amanda ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • The effects of demand characteristics on research participant behaviours in non-laboratory settings: a systematic review. (2012) McCambridge, Jim; de Bruin, Marijn; Witton, John
  • Social and environmental predictors of plasma HIV RNA rebound among injection drug users treated with antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Milloy, M-J; Kerr, Thomas; Buxton, Jane; Rhodes, Tim; Krusi, Andrea; Guillemi, Silvia; Hogg, Robert; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan
  • Social and structural factors associated with HIV disease progression among illicit drug users: a systematic review. (2012) Milloy, Michael-John S; Marshall, Brandon DL; Kerr, Thomas; Buxton, Jane; Rhodes, Tim; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan
  • Respondent driven sampling and community structure in a population of injecting drug users, Bristol, UK. (2012) Mills, HL; Colijn, C; Vickerman, P; Leslie, D; Hope, V; Hickman, M
  • Urban energy, carbon management (low carbon cities) and co-benefits for human health. (2012) Milner, James; Davies, Michael; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Health effects of flooding in rural bangladesh. (2012) Milojevic, A; Armstrong, Ben; Hashizume, M; McAllister, K; Faruque, A; Yunus, M; Kim Streatfield, P; Moji, K; Wilkinson, P
  • Health effects of flooding in rural Bangladesh. (2012) Milojevic, Ai; Armstrong, Ben; Hashizume, Masahiro; McAllister, Katherine; Faruque, Asg; Yunus, Md; Kim Streatfield, Peter; Moji, Kazuhiko; Wilkinson, Paul
  • The Natsal-SF: a validated measure of sexual function for use in community surveys. (2012) Mitchell, Kirstin R; Ploubidis, George B; Datta, Jessica; Wellings, Kaye
  • Measuring sexual function in community surveys: development of a conceptual framework. (2012) Mitchell, Kirstin R; Wellings, Kaye
  • The buncefield oil depot fire of 2005: potential air-pollution health impacts under alternative meteorological scenarios. (2012) Mohan, Richard; Walton, Heather A; Thomson, David; Webster, Helen; Wilkinson, Paul; Grundy, Chris; Murray, Virginia; Leonardi, Giovanni
  • From the Alternative Society to the Big Society? Voluntary Organisations and Drug Services in Britain, 1960s-2010s. (2012) Mold, A
  • Patients' rights and the National Health Service in Britain, 1960s-1980s. (2012) Mold, Alex
  • Relationships of perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctane sulfonate serum concentrations between mother-child pairs in a population with perfluorooctanoate exposure from drinking water. (2012) Mondal, Debapriya; Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose; Armstrong, Ben; Stein, Cheryl R; Fletcher, Tony
  • A pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care of the Camden Weight Loss (CAMWEL) programme. (2012) Nanchahal, Kiran; Power, Tom; Holdsworth, Elizabeth; Hession, Michelle; Sorhaindo, Annik; Griffiths, Ulla; Townsend, Joy; Thorogood, Nicki; Haslam, David; Kessel, Anthony; Ebrahim, Shah; Kenward, Mike; Haines, Andrew
  • Alcohol licensing in Scotland: a historical overview. (2012) Nicholls, James
  • Everyday, everywhere: alcohol marketing and social media--current trends. (2012) Nicholls, James
  • When is it appropriate to address patients' alcohol consumption in health care--national survey of views of the general population in Sweden. (2012) Nilsen, Per; Bendtsen, Preben; McCambridge, Jim; Karlsson, Nadine; Dalal, Koustuv
  • Are rocket mud stoves associated with lower indoor carbon monoxide and personal exposure in rural Kenya? (2012) Ochieng, CA; Vardoulakis, S; Tonne, C
  • Modelling the relative importance of the urban heat island and the thermal quality of dwellings for overheating in London. (2012) Oikonomou, Eleni; Davies, Michael; Mavrogianni, Anna; Biddulph, Phillip; Wilkinson, Paul; Kolokotroni, Maria
  • Prevalence and risk of violence and the physical, mental, and sexual health problems associated with human trafficking: systematic review. (2012) Oram, Siân; Stöckl, Heidi; Busza, Joanna; Howard, Louise M; Zimmerman, Cathy
  • Temperature-related deaths in people with psychosis, dementia and substance misuse. (2012) Page, Lisa A; Hajat, Shakoor; Kovats, R Sari; Howard, Louise M
  • Type A behavior pattern and coronary heart disease: Philip Morris's "crown jewel". (2012) Petticrew, Mark P; Lee, Kelley; McKee, Martin
  • To RCT or not to RCT: deciding when 'more evidence is needed' for public health policy and practice. (2012) Petticrew, Mark; Chalabi, Zaid; Jones, David R
  • What works, for whom, in what contexts, who needs to know, and how will they use the information (if at all): a response. (2012) Petticrew, Mark; Chalabi, Zaid; Jones, David R
  • The monkey puzzle: a systematic review of studies of stress, social hierarchies, and heart disease in monkeys. (2012) Petticrew, Mark; Davey Smith, George
  • The Well London program--a cluster randomized trial of community engagement for improving health behaviors and mental wellbeing: baseline survey results. (2012) Phillips, Gemma; Renton, Adrian; Moore, Derek G; Bottomley, Christian; Schmidt, Elena; Lais, Shahana; Yu, Ge; Wall, Martin; Tobi, Patrick; Frostick, Caroline; Clow, Angela; Lock, Karen; Petticrew, Mark; Hayes, Richard
  • Social determinants of tuberculosis in Europe: a prospective ecological study. (2012) Ploubidis, George B; Palmer, Melissa J; Blackmore, Charlotte; Lim, Tek-Ang; Manissero, Davide; Sandgren, Andreas; Semenza, Jan C
  • Think of your art-eries: arts participation, behavioural cardiovascular risk factors and mental well-being in deprived communities in London. (2012) Renton, A; Phillips, G; Daykin, N; Yu, G; Taylor, K; Petticrew, M description
  • "Back then" and "nowadays": social transition narratives in accounts of injecting drug use in an East European setting. (2012) Rhodes, Tim; Bivol, Stela
  • Drug treatment and the conditionality of HIV treatment access: a qualitative study in a Russian city. (2012) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya
  • Safe travels? HIV transmission among Britons travelling abroad. (2012) Rice, B; Gilbart, VL; Lawrence, J; Smith, R; Kall, M; Delpech, V
  • A new method to assign country of HIV infection among heterosexuals born abroad and diagnosed with HIV. (2012) Rice, Brian D; Elford, Jonathan; Yin, Zheng; Delpech, Valerie C
  • Wet cooling systems as a source of sporadic Legionnaires' disease: a geographical analysis of data for England and Wales, 1996-2006. (2012) Ricketts, Kate D; Joseph, Carol A; Lee, John V; Wilkinson, Paul
  • The influence of concern about crime on levels of psychological distress in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Petticrew, Mark; McKee, Martin
  • 'The Anglo-Saxon disease': a pilot study of the barriers to and facilitators of the use of randomised controlled trials of social programmes in an international context. (2012) Roberts, Helen; Petticrew, Mark; Liabo, Kristin; Macintyre, Sally
  • [AIDS. New challenges for social and medical prevention]. (2012) Rosenbrock, R; Schmidt, AJ
  • Shaping cities for health: complexity and the planning of urban environments in the 21st century. (2012) Rydin, Yvonne; Bleahu, Ana; Davies, Michael; Dávila, Julio D; Friel, Sharon; De Grandis, Giovanni; Groce, Nora; Hallal, Pedro C; Hamilton, Ian; Howden-Chapman, Philippa; Lai, Ka-Man; Lim, CJ; Martins, Juliana; Osrin, David; Ridley, Ian; Scott, Ian; Taylor, Myfanwy; Wilkinson, Paul; Wilson, James
  • Lower educational level is a predictor of incident type 2 diabetes in European countries: the EPIC-InterAct study. (2012) Sacerdote, Carlotta; Ricceri, Fulvio; Rolandsson, Olov; Baldi, Ileana; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Feskens, Edith; Bendinelli, Benedetta; Ardanaz, Eva; Arriola, Larraitz; Balkau, Beverley; Bergmann, Manuela; Beulens, Joline WJ; Boeing, Heiner; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Crowe, Francesca; de Lauzon-Guillain, Blandine; Forouhi, Nita; Franks, Paul W; Gallo, Valentina; Gonzalez, Carlos; Halkjær, Jytte; Illner, Anne-Kathrin; Kaaks, Rudolf; Key, Timothy; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Navarro, Carmen; Nilsson, Peter M; Dal Ton, Susanne Oksbjerg; Overvad, Kim; Pala, Valeria; Palli, Domenico; Panico, Salvatore; Polidoro, Silvia; Quirós, J Ramón; Romieu, Isabelle; Sánchez, María-José; Slimani, Nadia; Sluijs, Ivonne; Spijkerman, Annemieke; Teucher, Birgit; Tjønneland, Anne; Tumino, Rosario; van der A, Daphne; Vergnaud, Anne-Claire; Wennberg, Patrik; Sharp, Stephen; Langenberg, Claudia; Riboli, Elio; Vineis, Paolo; Wareham, Nicholas
  • Mixed Evidence on Mixed Tenure Effects: Findings from a Systematic Review of UK Studies, 1995–2009. (2012) Sautkina, Elena; Bond, Lyndal; Kearns, Ade
  • The impact of housing type on temperature-related mortality in South Africa, 1996-2015. (2012) Scovronick, N; Armstrong, Ben
  • Corrigendum to “The impact of housing type on temperature-related mortality in South Africa, 1996–2015” [Environ. Res. 113 (2012) 46–51]. (2012) Scovronick, Noah; Armstrong, Ben
  • The impact of housing type on temperature-related mortality in South Africa, 1996-2015. (2012) Scovronick, Noah; Armstrong, Ben
  • How might the London 2012 Olympics influence health and the determinants of health? Local newspaper analysis of pre-Games pathways and impacts. (2012) Selvanayagam, Marinie; Thompson, Claire; Taylor, Stephanie JC; Cummins, Steven; Bourke, Liam
  • Indoor PM2.5 exposure in London's domestic stock: Modelling current and future exposures following energy efficient refurbishment. (2012) Shrubsole, C; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Milner, J; Vardoulakis, S; Ucci, M; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M
  • Physical Activity and Mortality in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus A Prospective Study and Meta-analysis. (2012) Sluik, D; Buijsse, B; Muckelbauer, R; Kaaks, R; Teucher, B; Johnsen, NF; Tjonneland, A; Overvad, K; Ostergaard, JN; Amiano, P; Ardanaz, E; Bendinelli, B; Pala, V; Tumino, R; Ricceri, F; Mattiello, A; Spijkerman, AMW; Monninkhof, EM; May, AM; Franks, PW; Nilsson, PM; Wennberg, P; Rolandsson, O; Fagherazzi, G; Boutron-Ruault, MC; Clavel-Chapelon, F; Castano, JMH; Gallo, V; Boeing, H; Nothlings, U
  • The Olympic Regeneration in East London (ORiEL) study: protocol for a prospective controlled quasi-experiment to evaluate the impact of urban regeneration on young people and their families. (2012) Smith, Neil R; Clark, Charlotte; Fahy, Amanda E; Tharmaratnam, Vanathi; Lewis, Daniel J; Thompson, Claire; Renton, Adrian; Moore, Derek G; Bhui, Kamaldeep S; Taylor, Stephanie JC; Eldridge, Sandra; Petticrew, Mark; Greenhalgh, Tricia; Stansfeld, Stephen A; Cummins, Steven
  • Look who's walking: social and environmental correlates of children's walking in London. (2012) Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith; Edwards, Phil
  • Biodiversity and global health & hubris, humility and the unknown. (2012) Stephens, C
  • Urban inequities; urban rights: a conceptual analysis and review of impacts on children, and policies to address them. (2012) Stephens, Carolyn
  • Modelling HIV in the injecting drug user population and the male homosexual population in a developed country context. (2012) Sutton, AJ; House, T; Hope, VD; Ncube, F; Wiessing, L; Kretzschmar, M
  • Understanding interactions with the food environment: an exploration of supermarket food shopping routines in deprived neighbourhoods. (2012) Thompson, Claire; Cummins, Steven; Brown, Tim; Kyle, Rosemary
  • Mortality on extreme heat days using official thresholds in Spain: a multi-city time series analysis. (2012) Tobias, Aurelio; Armstrong, Ben; Zuza, Ines; Gasparrini, Antonio; Linares, Cristina; Diaz, Julio
  • PM mass concentration and PM oxidative potential in relation to carotid intima-media thickness. (2012) Tonne, Cathryn; Yanosky, Jeff D; Beevers, Sean; Wilkinson, Paul; Kelly, Frank J
  • Increasing the use of skilled health personnel where traditional birth attendants were providers of childbirth care: a systematic review. (2012) Vieira, Claudia; Portela, Anayda; Miller, Tina; Coast, Ernestina; Leone, Tiziana; Marston, Cicely
  • How to do a good systematic review of effects in international development: a tool kit. (2012) Waddington, Hugh; White, Howard; Snilstveit, Birte; Hombrados, Jorge Garcia; Vojtkova, Martina; Davies, Philip; Bhavsar, Ami; Eyers, John; Koehlmoos, Tracey Perez; Petticrew, Mark; Valentine, Jeffrey C; Tugwell, Peter
  • PRISMA-Equity 2012 extension: reporting guidelines for systematic reviews with a focus on health equity. (2012) Welch, Vivian; Petticrew, Mark; Tugwell, Peter; Moher, David; O'Neill, Jennifer; Waters, Elizabeth; White, Howard; PRISMA-Equity Bellagio group
  • Does consideration and assessment of effects on health equity affect the conclusions of systematic reviews? A methodology study. (2012) Welch, Vivian; Petticrew, Mark; Ueffing, Erin; Benkhalti Jandu, Maria; Brand, Kevin; Dhaliwal, Bharbhoor; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Smylie, Janet; Wells, George Anthony; Tugwell, Peter
  • The association of season and temperature with adverse pregnancy outcome in two German states, a time-series analysis. (2012) Wolf, Jennyfer; Armstrong, Ben
  • Bostin Value. (2012) Woodhouse, Leila; Bussell, Patricia; Jones, Stacey; Lloyd, Helen; Macdowall, Wendy; Merritt, Rowena
  • A genome-wide association study identifies a novel susceptibility locus for renal cell carcinoma on 12p11.23. (2012) Wu, Xifeng; Scelo, Ghislaine; Purdue, Mark P; Rothman, Nathaniel; Johansson, Mattias; Ye, Yuanqing; Wang, Zhaoming; Zelenika, Diana; Moore, Lee E; Wood, Christopher G; Prokhortchouk, Egor; Gaborieau, Valerie; Jacobs, Kevin B; Chow, Wong-Ho; Toro, Jorge R; Zaridze, David; Lin, Jie; Lubinski, Jan; Trubicka, Joanna; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonilia; Lissowska, Jolanta; Rudnai, Peter; Fabianova, Eleonora; Mates, Dana; Jinga, Viorel; Bencko, Vladimir; Slamova, Alena; Holcatova, Ivana; Navratilova, Marie; Janout, Vladimir; Boffetta, Paolo; Colt, Joanne S; Davis, Faith G; Schwartz, Kendra L; Banks, Rosamonde E; Selby, Peter J; Harnden, Patricia; Berg, Christine D; Hsing, Ann W; Grubb, Robert L; Boeing, Heiner; Vineis, Paolo; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Palli, Domenico; Tumino, Rosario; Krogh, Vittorio; Panico, Salvatore; Duell, Eric J; Quirós, José Ramón; Sanchez, Maria-José; Navarro, Carmen; Ardanaz, Eva; Dorronsoro, Miren; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Allen, Naomi E; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas; Peeters, Petra HM; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Linseisen, Jakob; Ljungberg, Börje; Overvad, Kim; Tjønneland, Anne; Romieu, Isabelle; Riboli, Elio; Stevens, Victoria L; Thun, Michael J; Diver, W Ryan; Gapstur, Susan M; Pharoah, Paul D; Easton, Douglas F; Albanes, Demetrius; Virtamo, Jarmo; Vatten, Lars; Hveem, Kristian; Fletcher, Tony; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Cussenot, Olivier; Cancel-Tassin, Geraldine; Benhamou, Simone; Hildebrandt, Michelle A; Pu, Xia; Foglio, Mario; Lechner, Doris; Hutchinson, Amy; Yeager, Meredith; Fraumeni, Joseph F; Lathrop, Mark; Skryabin, Konstantin G; McKay, James D; Gu, Jian; Brennan, Paul; Chanock, Stephen J
  • Modeling exposures to the oxidative potential of PM10. (2012) Yanosky, Jeff D; Tonne, Cathryn C; Beevers, Sean D; Wilkinson, Paul; Kelly, Frank J
  • Invasive pneumococcal disease among HIV-positive individuals, 2000-2009. (2012) Yin, Zheng; Rice, Brian D; Waight, Pauline; Miller, Elizabeth; George, Robert; Brown, Alison E; Smith, Ruth D; Slack, Mary; Delpech, Valerie C
  • Book Section
  • Drug use among men who have sex with men. Implications for harm reduction. (2012) Bourne, A
  • Drug use among men who have sex with men: Implications for harm reduction. (2012) Bourne, A
  • Structural influences on sexual health. (2012) Collumbien, M; Datta, J; Davis, B; Wellings, K
  • A “top-down centralized system”? The British National Health Service in the 1950s and 1960s. (2012) Gorsky, M
  • Alcoholism and Drunkness in Polish Poster Art. (2012) Gorsky, M; Krajewski-Siuda, K
  • The Public in Public Health. (2012) Hardy, A
  • Sickness Insurance and Welfare Reform in England and Wales, 1870-1914. (2012) Harris, B; Gorsky, M; Guntapali, A; Hinde, A
  • Tarde's Pansocial Ontology. (2012) Lorenc, T
  • Parliamentary committees and drug policy governance. (2012) MacGregor, S
  • 1965-2010: A Background Sketch. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Ambiguous Justice: The General Medical Council and Dr Ann Dally. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Defining 'Good Clinical Practice'. (2012) Mars, SG
  • 'Friendly' Visits and 'Evil Men': The Home Office Drugs Inspectorate. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Guidelines and the Licensing Question. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Prescribing and Proscribing: The Treatment and Rehabilitation Report. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Unifying Hierarchs and Fragmenting Individualists: Three Professional Groups. (2012) Mars, SG
  • Young people. (2012) Mitchell, K; Wellings, K; Zuurmond, M
  • Monograph
  • Policy Recommendations for Tobacco Taxation in the European Union Integrated Research Findings from the PPACTE Project. (2012) Currie, L; Townsend, J; Roux, ML; Godfrey, F; Gallus, S; Gilmore, A; Levy, D; Nguyen, L; Rosenqvist, G; Clancy, L
  • Accessibility and integration of HIV, TB and harm reduction services for people who inject drugs in Portugal: a rapid assessment. (2012) Grenfell, P; Carvalho, AC; Martins, A; Cosme, D; Barros, H; Rhodes, T
  • Barriers and facilitators to hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs: A qualitative study. (2012) Harris, M; Jolly, E; Martin, A; Wells, H; Rhodes, T
  • Assessing Capacity for Work. (2012) Millward, G; Border, P
  • EVALUATION OF THE ALCOHOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME. (2012) Thom, B; MacGregor, S; Herring, R; Tchilingirian, J; Godfrey, C; Lloyd, C; Toner, P
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Operationalising structural programming for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. (2012) Hargreaves, JR
  • Numerical simulations of air flows and pollution transport in street canyons using mesh-adaptive LES. (2012) Aristodemou, E; Milner, J; Pavlidis, D; Pain, C; Robins, A
  • A methodology for determining optimal air flow rates in dwellings when considering multiple criteria. (2012) Das, P; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M; Jones, Bm; Milner, J; Shrubsole, C; Wilkinson, P
  • OP84 Do Supermarket Interventions Improve Food Access, Fruit and Vegetable Intake and BMI? Evaluation of the Philadelphia Fresh Food Financing Initiative. (2012) Flint, E; Cummins, S; Matthews, S
  • The relationship between permeability and infiltration in conjoined dwellings. (2012) Jones, B; Das, P; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M; Hamilton, I; Milner, J; Ridley, I; Shrubsole, C; Wilkinson, P
  • Housing energy efficiency and radon-related health risks. (2012) Milner, J; Shrubsole, C; Chalabi, Z; Das, P; Davies, M; Jones, B; Ridley, I; Wilkinson, P
  • Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. (2012) Murray, CJ; Vos, T; Lozano, R; Naghavi, M; Flaxman, AD; Michaud, C; Ezzati, M; Shibuya, K; Salomon, JA; Abdalla, S; Aboyans, V; Abraham, J; Ackerman, I; Aggarwal, R; Ahn, SY; Ali, MK; Alvarado, M; Anderson, HR; Anderson, LM; Andrews, KG; Atkinson, C; Baddour, LM; Bahalim, AN; Barker-Collo, S; Barrero, LH; Bartels, DH; Basáñez, MG; Baxter, A; Bell, ML; Benjamin, EJ; Bennett, D; Bernabé, E; Bhalla, K; Bhandari, B; Bikbov, B; Bin Abdulhak, A; Birbeck, G; Black, JA; Blencowe, H; Blore, JD; Blyth, F; Bolliger, I; Bonaventure, A; Boufous, S; Bourne, R; Boussinesq, M; Braithwaite, T; Brayne, C; Bridgett, L; Brooker, S; Brooks, P; Brugha, TS; Bryan-Hancock, C; Bucello, C; Buchbinder, R; Buckle, G; Budke, CM; Burch, M; Burney, P; Burstein, R; Calabria, B; Campbell, B; Canter, CE; Carabin, H; Carapetis, J; Carmona, L; Cella, C; Charlson, F; Chen, H; Cheng, AT; Chou, D; Chugh, SS; Coffeng, LE; Colan, SD; Colquhoun, S; Colson, KE; Condon, J; Connor, MD; Cooper, LT; Corriere, M; Cortinovis, M; de Vaccaro, KC; Couser, W; Cowie, BC; Criqui, MH; Cross, M; Dabhadkar, KC; Dahiya, M; Dahodwala, N; Damsere-Derry, J; Danaei, G; Davis, A; De Leo, D; Degenhardt, L; Dellavalle, R; Delossantos, A; Denenberg, J; Derrett, S; Des Jarlais, DC; Dharmaratne, SD; Dherani, M; Diaz-Torne, C; Dolk, H; Dorsey, ER; Driscoll, T; Duber, H; Ebel, B; Edmond, K; Elbaz, A; Ali, SE; Erskine, H; Erwin, PJ; Espindola, P; Ewoigbokhan, SE; Farzadfar, F; Feigin, V; Felson, DT; Ferrari, A; Ferri, CP; Fèvre, EM; Finucane, MM; Flaxman, S; Flood, L; Foreman, K; Forouzanfar, MH; Fowkes, FG; Fransen, M; Freeman, MK; Gabbe, BJ; Gabriel, SE; Gakidou, E; Ganatra, HA; Garcia, B; Gaspari, F; Gillum, RF; Gmel, G; Gonzalez-Medina, D; Gosselin, R; Grainger, R; Grant, B; Groeger, J; Guillemin, F; Gunnell, D; Gupta, R; Haagsma, J; Hagan, H; Halasa, YA; Hall, W; Haring, D; Haro, JM; Harrison, JE; Havmoeller, R; Hay, RJ; Higashi, H; Hill, C; Hoen, B; Hoffman, H; Hotez, PJ; Hoy, D; Huang, JJ; Ibeanusi, SE; Jacobsen, KH; James, SL; Jarvis, D; Jasrasaria, R; Jayaraman, S; Johns, N; Jonas, JB; Karthikeyan, G; Kassebaum, N; Kawakami, N; Keren, A; Khoo, JP; King, CH; Knowlton, LM; Kobusingye, O; Koranteng, A; Krishnamurthi, R; Laden, F; Lalloo, R; Laslett, LL; Lathlean, T; Leasher, JL; Lee, YY; Leigh, J; Levinson, D; Lim, SS; Limb, E; Lin, JK; Lipnick, M; Lipshultz, SE; Liu, W; Loane, M; Ohno, SL; Lyons, R; Mabweijano, J; MacIntyre, MF; Malekzadeh, R; Mallinger, L; Manivannan, S; Marcenes, W; March, L; Margolis, DJ; Marks, GB; Marks, R; Matsumori, A; Matzopoulos, R; Mayosi, BM; McAnulty, JH; McDermott, MM; McGill, N; McGrath, J; Medina-Mora, ME; Meltzer, M; Mensah, GA; Merriman, TR; Meyer, AC; Miglioli, V; Miller, M; Miller, TR; Mitchell, PB; Mock, C; Mocumbi, AO; Moffitt, TE; Mokdad, AA; Monasta, L; Montico, M; Moradi-Lakeh, M; Moran, A; Morawska, L; Mori, R; Murdoch, ME; Mwaniki, MK; Naidoo, K; Nair, MN; Naldi, L; Narayan, KM; Nelson, PK; Nelson, RG; Nevitt, MC; Newton, CR; Nolte, S; Norman, P; Norman, R; O'Donnell, M; O'Hanlon, S; Olives, C; Omer, SB; Ortblad, K; Osborne, R; Ozgediz, D; Page, A; Pahari, B; Pandian, JD; Rivero, AP; Patten, SB; Pearce, N; Padilla, RP; Perez-Ruiz, F; Perico, N; Pesudovs, K; Phillips, D; Phillips, MR; Pierce, K; Pion, S; Polanczyk, GV; Polinder, S; Pope, CA3rd; Popova, S; Porrini, E; Pourmalek, F; Prince, M; Pullan, RL; Ramaiah, KD; Ranganathan, D; Razavi, H; Regan, M; Rehm, JT; Rein, DB; Remuzzi, G; Richardson, K; Rivara, FP; Roberts, T; Robinson, C; De Leòn, FR; Ronfani, L; Room, R; Rosenfeld, LC; Rushton, L; Sacco, RL; Saha, S; Sampson, U; Sanchez-Riera, L; Sanman, E; Schwebel, DC; Scott, JG; Segui-Gomez, M; Shahraz, S; Shepard, DS; Shin, H; Shivakoti, R; Singh, D; Singh, GM; Singh, JA; Singleton, J; Sleet, DA; Sliwa, K; Smith, E; Smith, JL; Stapelberg, NJ; Steer, A; Steiner, T; Stolk, WA; Stovner, LJ; Sudfeld, C; Syed, S; Tamburlini, G; Tavakkoli, M; Taylor, HR; Taylor, JA; Taylor, WJ; Thomas, B; Thomson, WM; Thurston, GD; Tleyjeh, IM; Tonelli, M; Towbin, JA; Truelsen, T; Tsilimbaris, MK; Ubeda, C; Undurraga, EA; van der Werf, MJ; van Os, J; Vavilala, MS; Venketasubramanian, N; Wang, M; Wang, W; Watt, K; Weatherall, DJ; Weinstock, MA; Weintraub, R; Weisskopf, MG; Weissman, MM; White, RA; Whiteford, H; Wiebe, N; Wiersma, ST; Wilkinson, JD; Williams, HC; Williams, SR; Witt, E; Wolfe, F; Woolf, AD; Wulf, S; Yeh, PH; Zaidi, AK; Zheng, ZJ; Zonies, D; Lopez, AD; AlMazroa, MA; Memish, ZA
  • Assessing improved biomass stoves as an intervention for reducing indoor air pollution exposure in rural Kenya. (2012) Ochieng, C; Vardoulakis, S; Tonne, C
  • The Public Health Responsibility Deal: how should such a complex public health policy be assessed? (2012) Petticrew, M; Eastmure, E; Mays, N; Knai, C; Bryden, A
  • Decarbonising London’s domestic stock: implications for indoor PM2.5 exposure and health. (2012) Shrubsole, Cs; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Davies, M; Milner, J; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z
  • Public health outcomes of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies in the built environment. (2012) Vardoulakis, S; Shrubsole, C; Milner, J; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Lai, K; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Ucci, M; Davies, M
  • Public health outcomes of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies in the built environment. (2012) Vardoulakis, S; Shrubsole, Cs; Milner, J; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Lai, K; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Ucci, M; Davies, M
  • Book
  • Guidelines for social science research in sexual and reproductive health. (2012) Collumbien, M; Busza, J; Cleland, J; Campbell, O
  • The Politics of Addiction: Medical Conflict and Drug Dependence in England since the 1960s. (2012) Mars, SG
  • ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]
  • Rio Conference on Sustainable Development: "Health Should Be Top Priority" - 18 June 2012. (2012) UNSPECIFIED audio_file