Items where Faculty or Department is "Public Health, Environments and Society"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Public Health, Environments and Society (5717)
    Number of items: 206.
    December 2006
  • January 2006
  • Interventions for prevention of drug use by young people delivered in non-school settings. (2006) Gates, S; McCambridge, J; Smith, LA; Foxcroft, DR
  • 2006
  • The Gloucestershire Extension of Medical Services Scheme: an experiment in the integration of public sector health services before the NHS. (2006) MGorsky
  • What sort of networks are public health networks? (2006) Abbott, S; Petchey, R; Kessel, A; Killoran, A
  • Estimates of injecting drug users at the national and local level in developing and transitional countries, and gender and age distribution. (2006) Aceijas, C; Friedman, SR; Cooper, HLF; Wiessing, L; Stimson, GV; Hickman, M
  • Antiretroviral treatment for injecting drug users in developing and transitional countries 1 year before the end of the "Treating 3 million by 2005. Making it happen. The WHO strategy" ("3 by 5"). (2006) Aceijas, Carmen; Oppenheimer, Edna; Stimson, Gerry V; Ashcroft, Richard E; Matic, Srdan; Hickman, Matthew
  • Symptoms, ill-health and quality of life in a support group of Porton Down veterans. (2006) Allender, Steven; Maconochie, Noreen; Keegan, Thomas; Brooks, Claire; Fletcher, Tony; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J; Doyle, Pat; Carpenter, Lucy M; Venables, Katherine M
  • European training for health professionals on rapid response to health threats following biochemical terrorism incidents. (2006) Andriopoulou, E; Galatas, I; Baka, A; Kirch, W; Fuchs, A; Kyncl, J; Dowie, J; Szosland, D; Koycheva, V; Tavoulari, E; Kotsioni, I; Linos, A
  • Models for the relationship between ambient temperature and daily mortality. (2006) Armstrong, Ben
  • Temporal associations between daily counts of fungal spores and asthma exacerbations. (2006) Atkinson, RW; Strachan, DP; Anderson, HR; Hajat, S; Emberlin, J
  • Giving urban policy its ‘medical’: assessing the place of health in area-based regeneration. (2006) Atkinson, Rowland; Thomson, Hilary; Kearns, Ade; Petticrew, Mark
  • Hope, prevention and treatment: a new way to look at the HIV epidemic. (2006) Barnett, T; Bernays, S; Rhodes, T
  • Public Health in the 1980s and 1990s: Decline and rise. The transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 12 October 2004. (2006) Berridge, VA; Christie, DA; Tansey, E. M. (eds)
  • Digitizing and democratizing historical research. (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • New strategies for alcohol policy—lessons from history? (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Pubs and Progressives.�Reinventing the Public House in England, 1896-1960. (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Sander L Gilman and Zhou Xun (eds), Smoke: a global history of smoking, London, Reaktion Books, 2004, pp. 408, illus., £29.00 (hardback 1-86189-200-4). (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Social medicine: national and international transfer of ideas. (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Sociodemographic and sexual health profile of users of emergency hormonal contraception: data from a British probability sample survey. (2006) Black, Kirsten I; Mercer, Catherine H; Johnson, Anne M; Wellings, Kaye
  • Barriers to accessing drug treatment in Russia: a qualitative study among injecting drug users in two cities. (2006) Bobrova, Natalia; Rhodes, Tim; Power, Robert; Alcorn, Ron; Neifeld, Elena; Krasiukov, Nikolai; Latyshevskaia, Natalia; Maksimova, Svetlana
  • Transfer and scale-up of health promotion interventions. (2006) Bonell, C
  • Influence of family type and parenting behaviours on teenage sexual behaviour and conceptions. (2006) Bonell, C; Allen, E; Strange, V; Oakley, A; Copas, A; Johnson, A; Stephenson, J
  • Assessment of generalisability in trials of health interventions: suggested framework and systematic review. (2006) Bonell, C; Oakley, A; Hargreaves, J; Strange, V; Rees, R
  • Normalized management of HIV prevention services in an advanced liberal NHS in the 1990s. (2006) Bonell, Chris
  • HIV prevention outreach in commercial gay venues in large cities: evaluation findings from London. (2006) Bonell, Chris; Strange, V; Allen, E; Barnett-Page, E
  • Should structural interventions be evaluated using RCTs? The case of HIV prevention. (2006) Bonell, Christopher; Hargreaves, James; Strange, Vicki; Pronyk, Paul; Porter, John
  • Optimization of household survey sampling without sample frames. (2006) Bostoen, Kristof; Chalabi, Zaid
  • Epidemiological correlates of asymptomatic gonorrhea. (2006) Bozicevic, Ivana; Fenton, Kevin A; Martin, Iona MC; Rudd, Elizabeth A; Ison, Catharine A; Nanchahal, Kiran; Wellings, Kaye
  • High cumulative risk of lung cancer death among smokers and nonsmokers in Central and Eastern Europe. (2006) Brennan, Paul; Crispo, Anna; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Mates, Dana; Bencko, Vladimir; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Fletcher, Tony; Boffetta, Paolo
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of HIV and STI prevention initiatives in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: where are we now? (2006) Brown, AE; Tomkins, SE; Logan, LE; Lamontagne, DS; Munro, HL; Hope, VD; Righarts, A; Blackham, JE; Rice, BD; Chadborn, TR; Tookey, PA; Parry, JV; Delpech, V; Gill, ON; Fenton, KA
  • A synthesis of research addressing children's, young people's and parents views of walking and cycling for transport. (2006) Brunton, G; Oliver, S; Oliver, K; Lorenc, T
  • Reviewing the evidence base for health promotion planning. (2006) Brunton, G; Rees, R; Bonell, C
  • Erratum to “Preventing neural tube defects in Europe: A missed opportunity” [Reprod. Toxicol. 20 (2005) 393–402]. (2006) Busby, Araceli; Abramsky, Lenore; Dolk, Helen; Armstrong, Ben; Addor, Marie-Claude; Anneren, Goran; Armstrong, Nicola; Baguette, Andre; Barisic, Ingeborg; Berghold, Andrea; Bianca, Sebastiano; Braz, Paula; Calzolari, Elisa; Christiansen, Marianne; Cocchi, Guido; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti; De Walle, Hermien; Edwards, Grace; Gatt, Miriam; Gener, Blanca; Gillerot, Yves; Gjergja, Romana; Goujard, Janine; Haeusler, Martin; Latos-Bielenska, Anna; McDonnell, Robert; Neville, Amanda; Olars, Birgitta; Portillo, Isabel; Ritvanen, Annukka; Robert-Gnansia, Elizabeth; Rösch, Christine; Scarano, Gioacchino; Steinbicker, Volker
  • Having the rug pulled from under your feet: one project's experience of the US policy reversal on sex work. (2006) Busza, Joanna
  • Self management of arthritis in primary care: randomised controlled trial. (2006) Buszewicz, Marta; Rait, Greta; Griffin, Mark; Nazareth, Irwin; Patel, Anita; Atkinson, Angela; Barlow, Julie; Haines, Andy
  • Declining vulnerability to temperature-related mortality in London over the 20th century. (2006) Carson, Claire; Hajat, Shakoor; Armstrong, Ben; Wilkinson, Paul
  • National assessment of human health effects of climate change in Portugal: approach and key findings. (2006) Casimiro, Elsa; Calheiros, Jose; Santos, Filipe Duarte; Kovats, Sari picture_as_pdf
  • A comparison of the population diagnosed with chlamydia in primary care with that diagnosed in sexual health clinics: implications for a national screening programme. (2006) Cassell, JA; Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Copas, AJ; Erens, B; Wellings, K; Johnson, AM
  • Pathways between education and health: a causal modelling approach. (2006) Chandola, T; Clarke, P; Morris, JN; Blane, D
  • Pathways Between Education and Health: A Causal Modelling Approach. (2006) Chandola, Tarani; Clarke, Paul; Morris, JN; Blane, David
  • The World Cup, sport sponsorship, and health. (2006) Collin, Jeff; MacKenzie, Ross
  • Using evaluation to improve the sexual health of young people. (2006) Collumbien, M; Douthwaite, M; Jana, L
  • Accounting for risk and responsibility associated with smoking among mothers of children with respiratory illness. (2006) Coxhead, Lauren; Rhodes, Tim
  • Medical, surgical, and health outcomes of gastrostomy feeding. (2006) Craig, GM; Carr, LJ; Cass, H; Hastings, RP; Lawson, M; Reilly, S; Ryan, M; Townsend, J; Spitz, L
  • Real time carbon monoxide measurements from 270 UK homes. (2006) Croxford, BJF; Hutchinson, E; Leonardi, GS; McKenna, L; Nicholson, L; Volans, G; Wilkinson, P
  • Food environments and obesity--neighbourhood or nation? (2006) Cummins, Steven; Macintyre, Sally
  • Estimating the number of asbestos-related lung cancer deaths in Great Britain from 1980 to 2000. (2006) Darnton, Andrew J; McElvenny, Damien M; Hodgson, John T
  • Health Promotion Theory. (2006) Davies, M; MacDowall, W
  • The care of older people. (2006) Deeming, Christopher; Keen, Justin
  • HIV-related stigma in England: experiences of gay men and heterosexual African migrants living with HIV. (2006) Dodds, C
  • PEP talk: awareness of, and access to post-exposure prophylaxis among gay & bisexual men in the UK. (2006) Dodds, C; Hammond, G; Keogh, P; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P
  • Criminal prosecutions for HIV transmission: people living with HIV respond. (2006) Dodds, C; Keogh, P
  • Supporting people with HIV: research into the housing and related support needs of people with HIV in Nottingham City. (2006) Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P
  • The Bayesian approach to decision-making. (2006) Dowie, J
  • Placing health in context. (2006) Dunn, James R; Cummins, Steven
  • Lung cancer risk and occupational exposure to meat and live animals. (2006) Durusoy, Raika; Boffetta, Paolo; Mannetje, Andrea 't; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Cassidy, Adrian; Mates, Dana; Bencko, Vladimir; Salajka, Frantisek; Janout, Vladimir; Fevotte, Joelle; Fletcher, Tony; Brennan, Paul
  • An approach for assessing human health vulnerability and public health interventions to adapt to climate change. (2006) Ebi, Kristie L; Kovats, R Sari; Menne, Bettina
  • Influenza pandemic plans: what about displaced populations? (2006) Ezard, Nadine; Gupta, Ravindra K
  • The Business-Social Policy Nexus: Corporate Power and Corporate Inputs into Social Policy. (2006) Farnsworth, K; Holden, C
  • The national security implications of HIV/AIDS. (2006) Feldbaum, Harley; Lee, Kelley; Patel, Preeti picture_as_pdf
  • Open-access repositories-taking data out of the hands of the protagonists. (2006) Fletcher, T
  • Long-term arsenic exposure and cancer risk-sensitivity to choice of indicators based on recent and lifetime arsenic intake. (2006) Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Hough, R; Goessler, W; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Clemens, F; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
  • Relationship between spatial urban environmeltal change and malaria and diarrhoea mortality in Accra, Ghana. (2006) Fobil, J; Hajat, S
  • One stop shop versus collaborative integration: what is the best way of delivering sexual health services? (2006) French, RS; Coope, CM; Graham, A; Gerressu, M; Salisbury, C; Stephenson, JM; One-Stop Shop Evaluation Team
  • Price and cigarette consumption in Europe. (2006) Gallus, S; Schiaffino, A; La Vecchia, C; Townsend, J; Fernandez, E
  • [Second-hand smoke exposure in Florence and Belluno before and after the Italian smoke-free legislation]. (2006) Gasparrini, Antonio; Gorini, Giuseppe; Marcolina, Daniela; Albertini, Marco; Fondelli, Maria Cristina; Tamang, Elizabeth; Nebot, Manel
  • Parental education and children's respiratory and allergic symptoms in the Pollution and the Young (PATY) study. (2006) Gehring, U; Pattenden, S; Slachtova, H; Antova, T; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Fabianova, E; Fletcher, T; Galassi, C; Hoek, G; Kuzmin, SV; Luttmann-Gibson, H; Moshammer, H; Rudnai, P; Zlotkowska, R; Heinrich, J
  • Home is where the hearth is: grant recipients' views of England's home energy efficiency scheme (Warm Front). (2006) Gilbertson, Jan; Stevens, Maryjane; Stiell, Bernadette; Thorogood, Nicki; Warm Front Study Group
  • Transnational tobacco company influence on tax policy during privatization of a state monopoly: British American Tobacco and Uzbekistan. (2006) Gilmore, Anna; Collin, Jeff; Townsend, Joy
  • Age, Sickness, and Longevity in the Late Nineteenth and the Early Twentieth Centuries: Evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society. (2006) Gorsky, M; Harris, B; Hinde, A
  • Mutualism and health care: British hospital contributory schemes in the twentieth century. (2006) Gorsky, M; Mohan, J; With Willis, T
  • Financing Medicine: The British experience since 1750. (2006) Gorsky, M; Sheard, S
  • The Gloucestershire extension of medical services scheme: an experiment in the integration of health services in Britain before the NHS. (2006) Gorsky, Martin
  • A History of Britain's Hospitals and the Background to the Medical, Nursing and Allied Professions. (2006) Gorsky, Martin
  • Climate change and human health: impacts, vulnerability and public health. (2006) Haines, A; Kovats, RS; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Corvalan, C
  • Climate change and human health: impacts, vulnerability, and mitigation. (2006) Haines, A; Kovats, RS; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Corvalan, C
  • The determinants of heat-related mortality in England and Wales. (2006) Hajat, S; Kovats, S; Lachowycz, K
  • Impact of high temperatures on mortality: is there an added heat wave effect? (2006) Hajat, Shakoor; Armstrong, Ben; Baccini, Michela; Biggeri, Annibale; Bisanti, Luigi; Russo, Antonio; Paldy, Anna; Menne, Bettina; Kosatsky, Tom
  • Young people, pregnancy and social exclusion: A systematic synthesis of research evidence to identify effective, appropriate and promising approaches for prevention and support. (2006) Harden, A; Brunton, G; Fletcher, A; Oakley, A; Burchett, H; Backhans, M
  • Overcoming barriers to recruitment in health research. (2006) Hewison, Jenny; Haines, Andy
  • Estimating prevalence of injecting drug use: a comparison of multiplier and capture-recapture methods in cities in England and Russia. (2006) Hickman, Matthew; Hope, Vivian; Platt, Lucy; Higgins, Vanessa; Bellis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim; Taylor, Colin; Tilling, Kate
  • 'Combined vaccines are like a sudden onslaught to the body's immune system': parental concerns about vaccine 'overload' and 'immune-vulnerability'. (2006) Hilton, Shona; Petticrew, Mark; Hunt, Kate
  • Book Review of Maynard, A. (ed) (2005) The Public-Private Mix in Health. (2006) Holden, C
  • Assessing and communicating risk with communities living on contaminated land. (2006) Hough, Rupert L; Stephens, Carolyn; Busby, Araceli; Cracknell, Joyce; Males, Beryl
  • Diversity of needle exchange provision in the UK: findings from a national survey. (2006) Huntington, S; Hope, V; Hutchinson, S; Goldberg, D; Ncube, F picture_as_pdf
  • Can we improve the identification of cold homes for targeted home energy-efficiency improvements? (2006) Hutchinson, Emma J; Wilkinson, Paul; Hong, Sung H; Oreszczyn, Tadj
  • The "Americanisation" of migrants: evidence for the contribution of ethnicity, social deprivation, lifestyle and life-course processes to the mid-20th century Coronary Heart Disease epidemic in the US. (2006) Kelleher, CC; Lynch, JW; Daly, L; Harper, S; Fitz-Simon, N; Bimpeh, Y; Daly, E; Ulmer, H
  • Morality, responsibility and risk: Gay men and proximity to HIV. (2006) Keogh, P; Henderson, L; Dodds, C; Hammond, G
  • Lambeth LGBT matters: the needs and experiences of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans men and women in Lambeth. (2006) Keogh, P; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P
  • Skinfold thickness, body mass index, and fatal coronary heart disease: 30 year follow up of the Northwick Park heart study. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Meade, Tom; Haines, Andy
  • A systematic review and economic model of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of methylphenidate, dexamfetamine and atomoxetine for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. (2006) King, S; Griffin, S; Hodges, Z; Weatherly, H; Asseburg, C; Richardson, G; Golder, S; Taylor, E; Drummond, M; Riemsma, R
  • Years of life lost due to summertime heat in 16 European cities. (2006) Kosatsky, T; Baccini, M; Biggeri, A; Accetta, G; Armstrong, B; Menne, B; Micchelozzi, P
  • Heat waves and health protection. (2006) Kovats, R Sari
  • Mortality in southern England during the 2003 heat wave by place of death. (2006) Kovats, R Sari; Johnson, Helen; Griffith, Clare
  • Heatwaves and public health in Europe. (2006) Kovats, R Sari; Kristie, L Ebi
  • Social and environmental determinants of heat-related mortality: A systematic review. (2006) Kovats, RS
  • Using knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) surveys on lymphatic filariasis to prepare a health promotion campaign for mass drug administration in Alor District, Indonesia. (2006) Krentel, Alison; Fischer, Peter; Manoempil, Paul; Supali, Taniawati; Servais, Gérard; Rückert, Paul
  • Estimating the burden of disease due to heat and cold under current and future climates. (2006) Lachowycz, K; Kovats, RS
  • Liver cirrhosis mortality rates in Britain - Authors' reply. (2006) Leon, DA; McCambridge, J
  • Syndromic surveillance use to detect the early effects of heat-waves: an analysis of NHS direct data in England. (2006) Leonardi, GS; Hajat, S; Kovats, RS; Smith, GE; Cooper, D; Gerard, E
  • Factors influencing the metabolite pattern of urinary arsenic following exposure via drinking water. (2006) Lindberg, AL; Goessler, W; Leonardi, G; Rahman, M; Person, LA; Ekstrom, EC; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
  • Arsenic exposure in Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. (2006) Lindberg, Anna-Lena; Goessler, Walter; Gurzau, Eugen; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Rudnai, Peter; Kumar, Rajiv; Fletcher, Tony; Leonardi, Giovanni; Slotova, Katarina; Gheorghiu, Emilia; Vahter, Marie
  • Tackling drugs together: Ten years on. (2006) MacGregor, Susanne
  • ‘<b><i>Tackling Drugs Together</i></b>’ and the establishment of the principle that ‘treatment works’. (2006) MacGregor, Susanne
  • Health Promotion Practice. (2006) Macdowall, W; Bonell, C; Davies, M; (Eds)
  • Mass media campaigns. (2006) Macdowall, W; Head, R; Wellings, K
  • Sexual health communication: Letting young people have their say. (2006) Macdowall, W; Mitchell, K
  • Learning about sex: results from Natsal 2000. (2006) Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye; Mercer, Catherine H; Nanchahal, Kiran; Copas, Andrew J; McManus, Sally; Fenton, Kevin A; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
  • Cross-sectional survey of older peoples' views related to influenza vaccine uptake. (2006) Mangtani, Punam; Breeze, Elizabeth; Stirling, Sue; Hanciles, Smita; Kovats, Sari; Fletcher, Astrid picture_as_pdf
  • The association of respiratory syncytial virus infection and influenza with emergency admissions for respiratory disease in London: an analysis of routine surveillance data. (2006) Mangtani, Punam; Hajat, Shakoor; Kovats, Sari; Wilkinson, Paul; Armstrong, Ben
  • Administering leprosy control in Ogoja Province, Nigeria, 1950-1967: a case study in government-mission relations. (2006) Manton, J
  • Cascade screening for familial hypercholesterolaemia : implications of a pilot study for national screening programmes. (2006) Marks, D; Thorogood, M; Humphries, SE; Neil, HAW
  • Cascade screening for familial hypercholesterolaemia: implications of a pilot study for national screening programmes. (2006) Marks, D; Thorogood, M; Neil, SM; Humphries, SE; Neil, HAW
  • Report of a technical consultation on birth spacing, Geneva, 13-15 June 2005. (2006) Marston, C
  • Young people and condom use: findings from qualitative studies. (2006) Marston, C; King, E; Ingham, R
  • Young women described the benefits of having advance supplies of emergency contraception but emphasised its use as a "last resort" rather than an alternative form of contraception. (2006) Marston, Cicely
  • Factors that shape young people's sexual behaviour: a systematic review. (2006) Marston, Cicely; King, Eleanor
  • Contrasting patterns of hospital admissions and mortality during heat waves: are deaths from circulatory disease a real excess or an artifact? (2006) Mastrangelo, Giuseppe; Hajat, Shakoor; Fadda, Emanuela; Buja, Alessandra; Fedeli, Ugo; Spolaore, Paolo
  • Increasing participation of cancer patients in randomised controlled trials: a systematic review. (2006) Mc Daid, Catriona; Hodges, Zoé; Fayter, Debra; Stirk, Lisa; Eastwood, Alison
  • Establishing the rates of binge drinking in the UK: Anomalies in the data. (2006) McAlaney, J; McMahon, J
  • The rise of Viagra among British illicit drug users: 5-year survey data. (2006) McCambridge, Jim; Mitcheson, Luke; Hunt, Neil; Winstock, Adam
  • The reliability of drug use data collected in the classroom: what is the problem, why does it matter and how should it be approached? (2006) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • Hazardous drinking and the NHS: the costs of pessimism and the benefits of optimism. (2006) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John; Butler, Chris C; Keaney, Francis; Anderson, Peter
  • First sexual partnerships--age differences and their significance: empirical evidence from the 2000 British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles ('Natsal 2000'). (2006) Mercer, Catherine H; Wellings, Kaye; Macdowall, Wendy; Copas, Andrew J; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Fenton, Kevin A; Johnson, Anne M
  • Occupational factors and risk of adult bone sarcomas: a multicentric case-control study in Europe. (2006) Merletti, Franco; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Bertoni, Franco; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Buemi, Antoine; Costa-Santos, Cristina; Eriksson, Mikael; Guénel, Pascal; Kaerlev, Linda; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Llopis-Gonzalez, Agustin; Merler, Enzo; Miranda, Ana; Morales-Suárez-Varela, Maria M; Olsson, Håkan; Fletcher, Tony; Olsen, Jorn
  • Spatial variation of CO concentrations within an office building and outdoor influences. (2006) Milner, James T; ApSimon, Helen M; Croxford, Ben
  • 'The Welfare Branch of the Alternative Society?' The Work of Drug Voluntary Organization Release, 1967-1978. (2006) Mold, A
  • Indigenous health in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2006) Montenegro, Raul A; Stephens, Carolyn
  • Men's involvement in the South African family: engendering change in the AIDS era. (2006) Montgomery, Catherine M; Hosegood, Victoria; Busza, Joanna; Timaeus, Ian M
  • The medical delivery business: health reform, childbirth, and the economic order. (2006) Moscucci, O
  • Treating Childhood Leukaemia: the MRC's Childhood Leukaemia Trials. (2006) Moscucci, O; Berridge, V
  • A Surgical Temptation: The Demonization of the Foreskin and the Rise of Circumcision in Britain. (2006) Moscucci, Ornella
  • Parental smoking and lung function in children: an international study. (2006) Moshammer, Hanns; Hoek, Gerard; Luttmann-Gibson, Heike; Neuberger, Manfred A; Antova, Temenuga; Gehring, Ulrike; Hruba, Frantiska; Pattenden, Sam; Rudnai, Peter; Slachtova, Hana; Zlotkowska, Renata; Fletcher, Tony
  • Barriers to accessing antiretroviral therapy in Kisesa, Tanzania: a qualitative study of early rural referrals to the national program. (2006) Mshana, Gerry Hillary; Wamoyi, Joyce; Busza, Joanna; Zaba, Basia; Changalucha, John; Kaluvya, Samuel; Urassa, Mark
  • Toward guidelines for the ethical reanalysis and reinterpretation of another's research. (2006) Neutra, Raymond Richard; Cohen, Aaron; Fletcher, Tony; Michaels, David; Richter, Elihu D; Soskolne, Colin L
  • Food baskets as a tool for measuring food access. (2006) Nisbet, L; Marshall, D; Cummins, S
  • Process evaluation in randomised controlled trials of complex interventions. (2006) Oakley, Ann; Strange, Vicki; Bonell, Chris; Allen, Elizabeth; Stephenson, Judith; RIPPLE Study Team
  • Foresight. Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future: Executive Summary. (2006) Office of Science and Innovation( inc. Barnett, T; Bartlett, C; Smith, PG; Berridge, V; Bradley, D; Coker, R; Fine, P; Geissler, PW; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, P
  • Evaluating health effects of transport interventions methodologic case study. (2006) Ogilvie, David; Mitchell, Richard; Mutrie, Nanette; Petticrew, Mark; Platt, Stephen
  • Determinants of winter indoor temperatures in low income households in England. (2006) Oreszczyn, Tadj; Hong, Sung H; Ridley, Ian; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Mould and Winter Indoor Relative Humidity in Low Income Households in England. (2006) Oreszczyn, Tadj; Ridley, Ian; Hong, Sung H; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Malaria resurgence in the East African highlands: temperature trends revisited. (2006) Pascual, M; Ahumada, JA; Chaves, LF; Rodó, X; Bouma, M
  • NO2 and children's respiratory symptoms in the PATY study. (2006) Pattenden, S; Hoek, G; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Forastiere, F; Kosheleva, A; Neuberger, M; Fletcher, T
  • Parental smoking and children's respiratory health: independent effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure. (2006) Pattenden, Sam; Antova, Temenuga; Neuberger, Manfred; Nikiforov, Bojidar; De Sario, Manuela; Grize, Leticia; Heinrich, Joachim; Hruba, Frantiska; Janssen, Nicole; Luttmann-Gibson, Heike; Privalova, Larissa; Rudnai, Peter; Splichalova, Anna; Zlotkowska, Renata; Fletcher, Tony
  • Systematic reviews in the social sciences: a practical guide. (2006) Petticrew, M; Roberts, H
  • The Centre for Evidence-based Public Health Policy: part of the ESRC Evidence Network. (2006) Petticrew, M; Whitehead, M; Bambra, C; Egan, M; Graham, H; MacIntyre, S; E; M
  • High prevalence of HIV among injecting drug users in Estonia: Implications for understanding the risk environment. (2006) Platt, L; Bobrova, N; Rhodes, Tetal
  • High HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in Estonia: implications for understanding the risk environment. (2006) Platt, Lucy; Bobrova, Natalia; Rhodes, Tim; Uusküla, Anneli; Parry, John V; Rüütel, Kristi; Talu, Ave; Abel, Katri; Rajaleid, Kristiina; Judd, Ali
  • Methods to recruit hard-to-reach groups: comparing two chain referral sampling methods of recruiting injecting drug users across nine studies in Russia and Estonia. (2006) Platt, Lucy; Wall, Martin; Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Hickman, Matthew; Johnston, Lisa G; Renton, Adrian; Bobrova, Natalia; Sarang, Anya
  • Effect of a structural intervention for the prevention of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: a cluster randomised trial. (2006) Pronyk, Paul M; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Morison, Linda A; Phetla, Godfrey; Watts, Charlotte; Busza, Joanna; Porter, John DH
  • The contextual development of healthy living centres services: an examination of food-related initiatives. (2006) Rankin, David; Truman, Julie; Backett-Milburn, Kathryn; Platt, Stephen; Petticrew, Mark
  • An anthropological study of blood supply and demand with health care system staff and users in a Chinese province. (2006) Reynolds, L; McKee, M
  • Visual data in addictions research: Seeing comes before words? (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Fitzgerald, John
  • Public injecting and the need for 'safer environment interventions' in the reduction of drug-related harm. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Kimber, Jo; Small, Will; Fitzgerald, John; Kerr, Thomas; Hickman, Matthew; Holloway, Greg
  • Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis among injecting drug users in Russia: a multi-city study. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Maximova, Svetlana; Koshkina, Evgeniya; Latishevskaya, Natalia; Hickman, Matthew; Renton, Adrian; Bobrova, Natalia; McDonald, Tamara; Parry, John V
  • Street policing, injecting drug use and harm reduction in a Russian city: a qualitative study of police perspectives. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Sarang, Anya; Vlasov, Alexander; Mikhailova, Larissa; Monaghan, Geoff
  • Science, action and the International Journal of Drug Policy. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Stimson, Gerry V
  • Groin injecting in the context of crack cocaine and homelessness: From ‘risk boundary’ to ‘acceptable risk’? (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Stoneman, April; Hope, Vivian; Hunt, Neil; Martin, Anthea; Judd, Ali
  • Social Injustice and Public Health. Barry S Levy and Victor W Sidel (eds). Oxford University Press, £35.99, 2006, ISBN: 0-19 517185-3. (2006) STEPHENS, CAROLYN
  • The Disabler, the Disablee and their Context: A Tripartite View of Disability. (2006) Sakellariou, D
  • If not the Disability, then what? Barriers to Reclaiming Sexuality Following Spinal Cord Injury. (2006) Sakellariou, D
  • Sexuality and Disability: A Case of Occupational Injustice. (2006) Sakellariou, D; Algado, SS
  • Sexuality and Occupational Therapy: Exploring the Link. (2006) Sakellariou, D; Algado, SS
  • Rehabilitation: in the community or with the community. (2006) Sakellariou, D; Pollard, N
  • Influence of wrist joint position and metacarpophalangeal joint range of motion on extensor digitorum communis (EDC) activity: an electromyographic study. (2006) Sakellariou, D; Sawada, Y; Tsubota, S
  • Sexuality after spinal cord injury: the Greek male's perspective. (2006) Sakellariou, Dikaios; Sawada, Yuji
  • Implementation research is needed to achieve international health goals. (2006) Sanders, David; Haines, Andy
  • Drug injecting and syringe use in the HIV risk environment of Russian penitentiary institutions: Qualitative study. (2006) Sarang, Anya; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Kirzhanova, Valentina; Shelkovnikova, Olga; Volnov, Venyamin; Blagovo, Dmitri; Rylkov, Andrei
  • Erratum to “Ethnic variations in sexual activity and contraceptive use: national cross-sectional survey” [Contraception 74 (2006) 224–233]. (2006) Saxena, Sonia; Copas, Andrew J; Mercer, Catherine; Johnson, Anne M; Fenton, Kevin; Erens, Bob; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye
  • Ethnic variations in sexual activity and contraceptive use: national cross-sectional survey. (2006) Saxena, Sonia; Copas, Andrew J; Mercer, Catherine; Johnson, Anne M; Fenton, Kevin; Erens, Bob; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye
  • Potential barriers to prevention of cancers and to early cancer detection among Irish people living in Britain: a qualitative study. (2006) Scanlon, Karen; Harding, Seeromanie; Hunt, Kate; Petticrew, Mark; Rosato, Michael; Williams, Rory
  • Review of 'The Nation's Doctor: The Role of the Chief Medical Officer 1855-1998', by Sally Sheard and Sir Liam Donaldson. (2006) Seymour, JK
  • Occupational exposure and laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer risk in central and eastern Europe. (2006) Shangina, Oxana; Brennan, Paul; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Mates, Dana; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Fletcher, Tony; t'Mannetje, Andrea; Boffetta, Paolo; Zaridze, David
  • Lack of activity of cadmium in in vitro estrogenicity assays. (2006) Silva, Elisabete; Lopez-Espinosa, Maria José; Molina-Molina, José-Manuel; Fernández, Marieta; Olea, Nicolas; Kortenkamp, Andreas
  • Exploring barriers to 'respondent driven sampling' in sex worker and drug-injecting sex worker populations in Eastern Europe. (2006) Simic, Milena; Johnston, Lisa Grazina; Platt, Lucy; Baros, Sladjana; Andjelkovic, Violeta; Novotny, Tom; Rhodes, Tim picture_as_pdf
  • Reporting on the WFOT-CBR master project plan: the data collection subproject. (2006) Sinclair, K; Fransen, H; Sakellariou, D; Pollard, N; Kronenberg, F
  • Neighbourhood effects on health: a structural equation modelling approach. (2006) Stafford, M; Sacker, A; Ellaway, A; Cummins, S; Wiggins, D; MacIntyre, S
  • An overview of methods for calculating the burden of disease due to specific risk factors. (2006) Steenland, Kyle; Armstrong, Ben
  • Disappearing, displaced, and undervalued: a call to action for Indigenous health worldwide. (2006) Stephens, Carolyn; Porter, John; Nettleton, Clive; Willis, Ruth
  • Rapid assessment and response studies of injection drug use: knowledge gain, capacity building, and intervention development in a multisite study. (2006) Stimson, Gerry V; Fitch, Chris; DesJarlais, Don; Poznyak, Vladimir; Perlis, Theresa; Oppenheimer, Edna; Rhodes, Tim
  • Integrating Process with Outcome Data in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Sex Education. (2006) Strange, Vicki; Allen, Elizabeth; Oakley, Ann; Bonell, Chris; Johnson, Anne; Stephenson, Judith; The Ripple Study Team
  • Modelling the hepatitis B vaccination programme in prisons. (2006) Sutton, AJ; Gay, NJ; Edmunds, WJ; Andrews, NJ; Hope, VD; Gilbert, RL; Piper, M; Gill, ON
  • Modelling the force of infection for hepatitis B and hepatitis C in injecting drug users in England and Wales. (2006) Sutton, AJ; Gay, NJ; Edmunds, WJ; Hope, VD; Gill, ON; Hickman, M
  • Dietary exposures and lung cancer risk. (2006) Swiatkowska, B; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Sobala, W; Wilczynska, U; Fletcher, T; Brennan, P; Boffetta, P
  • Life style-related factors and lung cancer risk. (2006) Swiatkowska, B; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Sobala, W; Wilczynska, U; Fletcher, T; Brennan, P; Boffetta, P
  • Temperature dependence of reported Campylobacter infection in England, 1989-1999. (2006) Tam, CC; Rodrigues, LC; O'Brien, SJ; Hajat, S
  • Education campaigns to reduce stormwater pollution in commercial areas: do they work? (2006) Taylor, André; Curnow, Rob; Fletcher, Tim; Lewis, Justin
  • Medicinal plants and Malaria: an historical case study of research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the twentieth century. (2006) Taylor, Suzanne; Berridge, Virginia
  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and basal cell carcinoma of skin. (2006) Thirumaran, Ranjit Kumar; Bermejo, Justo Lorenzo; Rudnai, Peter; Gurzau, Eugene; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Goessler, Walter; Vahter, Marie; Leonardi, Giovanni S; Clemens, Felicity; Fletcher, Tony; Hemminki, Kari; Kumar, Rajiv
  • Do urban regeneration programmes improve public health and reduce health inequalities? A synthesis of the evidence from UK policy and practice (1980-2004). (2006) Thomson, Hilary; Atkinson, Rowland; Petticrew, Mark; Kearns, Ade
  • Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations, and health equity. (2006) Tugwell, Peter; Petticrew, Mark; Robinson, Vivian; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Maxwell, Lara; Cochrane Equity Field Editorial Team
  • Patterns of respiratory drug use in the Lombardy region of Italy, 1995-1997. (2006) Vegni, Ferdinando E; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Model projections on the required coverage of syringe distribution to prevent HIV epidemics among injecting drug users. (2006) Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Watts, Charlotte
  • Does usage of domestic heating influence internal environmental conditions and health? (2006) Walker, Jeremy J; Mitchell, Richard; Platt, Stephen D; Petticrew, Mark P; Hopton, Jane
  • A randomized controlled trial of an interactive Web-based intervention for reducing alcohol consumption. (2006) Wallace, P; Linke, S; Murray, E; McCambridge, J; Thompson, S
  • fasTest community HIV testing pilot (DH funded): final evaluation report. (2006) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Hammond, G
  • fasTest community HIV testing pilot (gsk funded): final evaluation report. (2006) Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Hammond, G
  • Sexual behaviour in context: a global perspective. (2006) Wellings, Kaye; Collumbien, Martine; Slaymaker, Emma; Singh, Susheela; Hodges, Zoé; Patel, Dhaval; Bajos, Nathalie
  • Carboxyhaemoglobin levels and their determinants in older British men. (2006) Whincup, Peter; Papacosta, Olia; Lennon, Lucy; Haines, Andrew
  • Evaluating health promotion. (2006) Wiggins, M; Bonell, C; Burchett, H
  • Evaluation of the Young People's Development Programme Second interim report. (2006) Wiggins, M; Sawtell, M; Austerberry, H; Burchett, H; Strange, V; Bonell, C
  • Teenage conceptions, abortions, and births in England, 1994-2003, and the national teenage pregnancy strategy. (2006) Wilkinson, Paul; French, Rebecca; Kane, Ros; Lachowycz, Kate; Stephenson, Judith; Grundy, Chris; Jacklin, Paul; Kingori, Patricia; Stevens, Maryjane; Wellings, Kaye
  • A Case Study of Sample Design for Longitudinal Research : Young Lives. (2006) Wilson, I; Huttly, SRA; Fenn, B
  • Women who fall by the roadside: gender, sexual risk and alcohol in rural Uganda. (2006) Wolff, Brent; Busza, Joanna; Bufumbo, Leonard; Whitworth, Jimmy
  • Lung cancer and occupation in nonsmokers: a multicenter case-control study in Europe. (2006) Zeka, Ariana; Mannetje, Andrea't; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Mates, Dana; Bencko, Vladimir; Navratilova, Marie; Cassidy, Adrian; Janout, Vladimir; Travier, Noemie; Fevotte, Joelle; Fletcher, Tony; Brennan, Paul; Boffetta, Paolo