Items where Faculty or Department is "Public Health, Environments and Society"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Public Health, Environments and Society (5717)
    Number of items: 230.
    February 2004
  • An evaluation of the environmental and health effects of vehicle exhaust catalysts in the UK. (2004) Hutchinson, Emma J; Pearson, Peter JG
  • 2004
  • Folic acid supplementation in Europe: summary of the EUROCAT report. (2004) Abramsky, L; Busby, A
  • Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection among injecting drug users. (2004) Aceijas, Carmen; Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; United Nations Reference Group on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care a
  • Health impacts of flooding: A global systematic review. (2004) Ahern, M; Kovats, S; Matthies, F; Few, R
  • The needs of people with HIV in the UK: findings from a national survey. (2004) Anderson, WJ; Weatherburn, P
  • Asthma and swimming pools: statistical issues. (2004) Armstrong, B; Strachan, D
  • Effect of influenza vaccination on excess deaths occurring during periods of high circulation of influenza: cohort study in elderly people. (2004) Armstrong, Ben G; Mangtani, Punam; Fletcher, Astrid; Kovats, Sari; McMichael, Anthony; Pattenden, Sam; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Lung cancer risk after exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a review and meta-analysis. (2004) Armstrong, Ben; Hutchinson, Emma; Unwin, John; Fletcher, Tony
  • Climate and socio-economic scenarios for global-scale climate change impacts assessments: characterising the SRES storylines. (2004) Arnell, NW; Livermore, MJL; Kovats, S; Levy, PE; Nicholls, R; Parry, ML; Gaffin, SR
  • Conceptualisation, development, and evaluation of a measure of unplanned pregnancy. (2004) Barrett, G; Smith, SC; Wellings, K
  • A retrospective assessment of mortality from the London smog episode of 1952: the role of influenza and pollution. (2004) Bell, Michelle L; Davis, Devra L; Fletcher, Tony
  • Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Militants, Manufacturers, and Governments: Postwar Smoking Policy in the United Kingdom. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Public/private relationships in health in the twentieth century. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Review: Drink and British Politics since 1830. A Study in Policy Making. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Why alcohol is legal and other drugs are not - An examination of the relevance of past experiences to current policy-making. (2004) Berridge, V
  • The how but not the why; more context needed. (2004) Berridge, Virgina
  • Book Review<b>Drugs, Prisons and Policy Making</b>Karen Duke. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xii + 206 pp. ISBN 0-333-98203-7. (2004) Berridge, Virginia
  • Punishment or treatment? Inebriety, drink, and drugs, 1860-2004. (2004) Berridge, Virginia
  • The importance of the past in public health. (2004) Berridge, Virginia; Gorsky, Martin
  • History of addictions. (2004) Berridge, Virginia; Mars, Sarah
  • Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualized as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. (2004) Bonell, C
  • Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualized as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. (2004) Bonell, Chris
  • Association of quality of life in old age in Britain with socioeconomic position: baseline data from a randomised controlled trial. (2004) Breeze, Elizabeth; Jones, Dee A; Wilkinson, Paul; Latif, Amina M; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Trends in influenza vaccination uptake among people aged over 74 years, 1997-2000: survey of 73 general practices in Britain. (2004) Breeze, Elizabeth; Mangtani, Punam; Fletcher, Astrid E; Price, Gill M; Kovats, Sari; Roberts, Jenny
  • Development of a Cluster Advisory Service for EUROCAT. (2004) Busby, A; Dolk, H
  • Anophthalmos/microphthalmos in England: temporal variation and the association with some maternal infections. (2004) Busby, A; Dolk, H; Armstrong, BG
  • Migration, sex work and ?trafficking?: Learning from Vietnamese women?s experiences in Cambodia. (2004) Busza, J
  • Protection and participation: an interactive programme introducing the female condom to migrant sex workers in Cambodia. (2004) Busza, J; Baker, S
  • Participatory Research in Constrained Settings. (2004) Busza, Joanna
  • Sex Work and Migration: The Dangers of Oversimplification: A Case Study of Vietnamese Women in Cambodia. (2004) Busza, Joanna
  • Trafficking and health. (2004) Busza, Joanna; Castle, Sarah; Diarra, Aisse
  • British American Tobacco and Formula One motor racing. (2004) Carlyle, Joshua; Collin, Jeff; Muggli, Monique E; Hurt, Richard D
  • Changing patterns of winter- and temperature-related mortality in London in the twentieth century. (2004) Carson, C; Hajat, S; Armstrong, B; Wilkinson, P
  • Epidemic modelling: an introduction. By Daryl J Daley and Joe Gani [Book review]. (2004) Chalabi, Z
  • Developing Countries. (2004) Collin, J; Gilmore, A
  • Complicity in contraband: British American Tobacco and cigarette smuggling in Asia. (2004) Collin, J; Legresley, E; MacKenzie, R; Lawrence, S; Lee, K
  • Complicity in contraband: British American Tobacco and cigarette smuggling in Asia. (2004) Collin, J; Legresley, E; Mackenzie, R; Lawrence, S; Lee, K
  • Etic and emic categories in male sexual health: a case study from Orissa. (2004) Collumbien, M; Bohidar, N; Das, R; Das, B; Pelto, P
  • Sexual Risk Behaviour and Condom use in Orissa. (2004) Collumbien, M; Das, B
  • Non-use and use of ineffective methods of contraception. (2004) Collumbien, M; Gerressu, M; Cleland, J
  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C seroprevalence and risk behaviour among community-recruited drug injectors in North West Wales. (2004) Craine, N; Walker, AM; Williamson, S; Brown, A; Hope, VD
  • Geographies of health: An introduction. (2004) Cummins, S
  • Reducing inequalities in health and diet: the impact of a food retail development: a pilot study. (2004) Cummins, S; Petticrew, M; Higgins, C; Sparks, L; Findlay, A
  • Plasma insulin and cardiovascular mortality in non-diabetic European men and women: a meta-analysis of data from eleven prospective studies. (2004) DECODE Insulin Study Group
  • Beyond prevention? Injecting drug user narratives about hepatitis C. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
  • Managing seen and unseen blood associated with drug injecting: implications for theorising harm reduction for viral risk. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
  • Preventing hepatitis C: 'common sense', 'the bug' and other perspectives from the risk narratives of people who inject drugs. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim; Martin, Anthea
  • Decentring the NHS: A Case Study of Resource Allocation Decisions within a Health District. (2004) Deeming, Chris
  • Policy Targets and Ethical Tensions: UK Nurse Recruitment. (2004) Deeming, Christopher
  • Choice and equity: lessons from long term care. (2004) Deeming, Christopher; Keen, Justin
  • Changing professional practice in tuberculosis care: an educational intervention. (2004) Dick, Judy; Lewin, Simon; Rose, Elizabeth; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Walt, Hester
  • Outsider status: stigma and discrimination experienced by gay men and African people with HIV. (2004) Dodds, C; Keogh, P; Chime, O; Haruperi, T; Nabulya, B; Ssanyu Sseruma, W; Weatherburn, P
  • A telling dilemma: HIV disclosure among male (homo)sexual partners. (2004) Dodds, C; Keogh, P; Weatherburn, P
  • An overview of the use of urine, hair, sweat and saliva to detect drug use. (2004) Dolan, Kate; Rouen, David; Kimber, Jo
  • Toward the effective surveillance of hypospadias. (2004) Dolk, Helen; Vrijheid, Martine; Scott, John ES; Addor, Marie-Claude; Botting, Bev; de Vigan, Catherine; de Walle, Hermien; Garne, Ester; Loane, Maria; Pierini, Anna; Garcia-Minaur, Sixto; Physick, Nigel; Tenconi, Romano; Wiesel, Awi; Calzolari, Elisa; Stone, David
  • Building up rights-based approaches to HIV/AIDS in Pakistan: a national civil society capacity building project: Operational Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation and list of core indicators. (2004) Douthwaite, M; Collumbien, M; Mayhew, SH
  • Researching doctors' decisions. (2004) Dowie, J
  • Research implications of science-informed, value-based decision making. (2004) Dowie, Jack
  • Why cost-effectiveness should trump (clinical) effectiveness: the ethical economics of the South West quadrant. (2004) Dowie, Jack
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior schoolchildren in Moscow. (2004) Eroshina, Ksenia; Danishevski, Kirill; Wilkinson, Paul; McKee, Martin
  • Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine remains efficacious against uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in north-eastern Afghanistan. (2004) Ezard, N; Nellepalli, P; Asha, AW
  • Do childhood growth indicators in developing countries cluster? Implications for intervention strategies. (2004) Fenn, Bridget; Morris, Saul S; Frost, Chris
  • Price and consumption of tobacco in Spain over the period 1965-2000. (2004) Fernández, E; Gallus, S; Schiaffino, A; López-Nicolás, A; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H; Townsend, J
  • Floods, health and climate change: a strategic review. (2004) Few, R; Ahern, M; Matthies, F; Kovats, S
  • The role of rapid assessment in drug use epidemiology. (2004) Fitch, C; Rhodes, T; Hope, V; Stimson, G; Renton, A
  • Rapid assessment: an international review of diffusion, practice and outcomes in the substance use field. (2004) Fitch, Chris; Stimson, Gerry V; Rhodes, Tim; Poznyak, Vladimir
  • Estimating past exposure to arsenic from drinking water from both residential and occupational sources. (2004) Fletcher, T; Hough, R; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P
  • Selection of controls for hospital-based case-control studies using retrospective data on the geographic distribution of cases and controls. (2004) Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Koppova, K; Hough, R; Rudnai, P; Gurzau, E
  • PM10 and respiratory symptoms in primary school children in multi-country study. (2004) Fletcher, T; Pattenden, S; Hoek, G; Heinrich, J; Neuberger, M; Braun, C; Nikiforov, B; Slachtova, H; Rudnai, P; Fabianova, E; Zlotkowska, R; Houthuijs, D; Forestiere, F; Furman, V; Katsnelson, B
  • Database on health promotion infrastructure, policy and practice (HP-Source). (2004) Fosse, E; Mittelmark, M; Hagard, S
  • Environmental perceptions and walking in English adults. (2004) Foster, Charles; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret
  • How good is the provision of sexual health services for young people across England? Oral presentation at the 8th Congress of the European Society of Contraception, Edinburgh, June 2004. (2004) French, R; Stephenson, JM; Kane, R; Kingori, P; Hadley, A; Dennison, C; Wellings, K
  • Hormonally impregnated intrauterine systems (IUSs) versus other forms of reversible contraceptives as effective methods of preventing pregnancy. (2004) French, R; Van Vliet, H; Cowan, F; Mansour, D; Morris, S; Hughes, D; Robinson, A; Proctor, T; Summerbell, C; Logan, S; Helmerhorst, F; Guillebaud, J
  • Review: Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital 1123-1995. (2004) Gorsky, M
  • 'Threshold of a New Era': The Development of an Integrated Hospital System in Northeast Scotland, 1900-39. (2004) Gorsky, M
  • 'Threshold of a new era': The development of an integrated hospital system in Northeast Scotland, 1900-39. (2004) Gorsky, M
  • Qualitative Methods for Health Research. (2004) Green, J; Thorogood, N
  • Antidepressant-related deaths. (2004) Griffiths, C; Morgan, O
  • Report of the Public Health Sciences Working Group convened by the Wellcome Trust: Public Health Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities. (2004) Haines, A
  • Individuals and Global Health Improvement—Reply. (2004) Haines, A; Walt, G; Lee, K
  • Can the millennium development goals be attained? (2004) Haines, Andy; Cassels, Andrew
  • Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action for health. (2004) Haines, Andy; Kuruvilla, Shyama; Borchert, Matthias
  • Health effects of climate change. (2004) Haines, Andy; Patz, Jonathan A
  • Evidence-based action needed on health systems. (2004) Haines, Andy; Victora, Cesar
  • The Lancet's series on health-systems research: a call for papers. (2004) Haines, Andy; Victora, Cesar; Horton, Richard
  • Comparison of mortality displacement of heat-related deaths in Delhi, Sao Paulo and London. (2004) Hajat, S; Armstrong, B; Gouveia, N; Wilkinson, P
  • Cold weather and GP consultations for respiratory conditions by elderly people in 16 locations in the UK. (2004) Hajat, Shakoor; Bird, William; Haines, Andy
  • Patterns and determinants of alcohol consumption in people aged 75 years and older: results from the MRC trial of assessment and management of older people in the community. (2004) Hajat, Shakoor; Haines, Andy; Bulpitt, Christopher; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Childhood mortality among former Mozambican refugees and their hosts in rural South Africa. (2004) Hargreaves, James R; Collinson, Mark A; Kahn, Kathleen; Clark, Samuel J; Tollman, Stephen M
  • A single-centre assessment of long-term quality-of-life status after sibling allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukaemia in first chronic phase. (2004) Hayden, PJ; Keogh, F; Ni Conghaile, M; Carroll, M; Crowley, M; Fitzsimon, N; Gardiner, N; Vandenberghe, E; O'Riordan, J; McCann, SR
  • Injecting drug use in Brighton, Liverpool, and London: best estimates of prevalence and coverage of public health indicators. (2004) Hickman, Matthew; Higgins, Vanessa; Hope, Vivian; Bellis, Mark; Tilling, Kate; Walker, Angeline; Henry, John
  • HIV, sexual risk, and ethnicity among men in England who have sex with men. (2004) Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Stephens, M; Nutland, W; Boakye, P
  • Can a simple measure of vigorous physical activity predict future mortality? Results from the OXCHECK study. (2004) Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret; Murphy, Mike; Jones, Lesley
  • The Global Economy of Care. (2004) Holden, C
  • Assessing potential risk of heavy metal exposure from consumption of home-produced vegetables by urban populations. (2004) Hough, Rupert L; Breward, Neil; Young, Scott D; Crout, Neil MJ; Tye, Andrew M; Moir, Ann M; Thornton, Iain
  • An Evaluation of the Environmental and Health Effects of Vehicle Exhaust Catalysts in the UK. (2004) Hutchinson, EJ; Pearson, PJ
  • The impact of the 2003 heat wave on mortality and hospital admissions in England. (2004) Johnson, H; Kovats, S; McGregor, G; Stedman, J; Gibbs, M; Walton, H; Cook, L
  • The detection of atmospheric waves produced by the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999. (2004) Jones, TB; Wright, DM; Milner, J; Yeoman, TK; Reid, T; Chapman, PJ; Senior, A
  • Migrant gay men: redefining community, restoring identity. (2004) Keogh, P; Dodds, C; Henderson, L
  • Working class gay men: redefining community, restoring identity. (2004) Keogh, P; Dodds, C; Henderson, L
  • Ethnic minority gay men: redifining community, restoring. (2004) Keogh, P; Henderson, L; Dodds, C
  • Doctoring gay men: exploring the contribution of General Practice. (2004) Keogh, P; Weatherburn, P; Henderson, L; Reid, D; Dodds, C; Hickson, F
  • Sex and relationship education and the media: an analysis of national and regional newspaper coverage in England. (2004) Kingori, P; Wellings, K; French, R; Kane, R; Gerressu, M; Stephenson, J
  • Emergency contraception and the media: an analysis of English national and regional newspaper coverage from September 2000 to September 2003. Oral presentation at the 8th Congress of the European Society of Contraception, Edinburgh, June 2004. (2004) Kingori, P; Wellings, K; Stephenson, J; Kane, R; French, R
  • Prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the general population of Slovenia: serious gaps in control. (2004) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Wellings, K; Kese, D; Hayes, R
  • Heat-waves: impacts and responses. (2004) Koppe, C; Kovats, RS; Jendritzky, G; Menne, B
  • Will climate change really affect our health? Results from a European assessment. (2004) Kovats, R Sari
  • Estimates of temperature-related mortality due to climate change in Europe. (2004) Kovats, RS
  • The effect of temperature on food poisoning: a time-series analysis of salmonellosis in ten European countries. (2004) Kovats, RS; Edwards, SJ; Hajat, S; Armstrong, BG; Ebi, KL; Menne, B
  • Contrasting patterns of mortality and hospital admissions during hot weather and heat waves in Greater London, UK. (2004) Kovats, RS; Hajat, S; Wilkinson, P
  • Rainfall, temperature and mortality in New Delhi, India. (2004) Kovats, S; Wilkinson, P
  • GTZ in Indonesia: Strengthening health systems through neglected diseases. (2004) Krentel, A
  • Use of research to inform public policymaking. (2004) Lavis, John N; Posada, Francisco Becerra; Haines, Andy; Osei, Eric
  • Competing with kreteks: transnational tobacco companies, globalisation, and Indonesia. (2004) Lawrence, S; Collin, J
  • Competing with kreteks: transnational tobacco companies, globalisation, and Indonesia. (2004) Lawrence, S; Collin, J
  • Practical strategies to combat biopiracy. (2004) Lawrence, Sue; Skordis, Jolene
  • The challenge to improve global health: financing the Millennium Development Goals. (2004) Lee, Kelley; Walt, Gill; Haines, Andy
  • The influence of weather on the risk of preterm birth in a UK population. (2004) Lee, S; Hajat, S; Filippi, V
  • Selection of controls for hospital-based case-control studies using retrospective data on the geographic distribution of cases and controls. (2004) Leonardi, G; Fletcher, T; Koppova, K; Hough, R; Rudnai, P; Gurzau, E
  • "Almost a role model of what we would like to do everywhere": British American Tobacco in Cambodia. (2004) MacKenzie, R; Collin, J; Sopharo, C; Sopheap, Y
  • "If we can just 'stall' new unfriendly legislations, the scoreboard is already in our favour": transnational tobacco companies and ingredients disclosure in Thailand. (2004) MacKenzie, R; Collin, J; Sriwongcharoen, K; Muggli, ME
  • Communicable disease control: detecting and managing communicable disease outbreaks across borders. (2004) MacLehose, L; Coker, R; McKee, M
  • Recent trends in diagnoses of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in England and Wales among men who have sex with men. (2004) Macdonald, N; Dougan, S; McGarrigle, CA; Baster, K; Rice, BD; Evans, BG; Fenton, KA
  • Editorial: The department of health (policy research programme) drug misuse research initiative. (2004) Macgregor, Susanne
  • Evaluating the ethics of health promotion: acquiring informed consent. (2004) Marks, D
  • Census of clinics providing specialist lipid services in the United Kingdom. (2004) Marks, D; Thorogood, M; Farrer, JM; Humphries, SE
  • Changing gender relations among young people: an ethnographic study of the Gente Joven ("young people") programme in Mexico City. (2004) Marston, C
  • The effects of contraception on obstetric outcomes. (2004) Marston, C; Cleland, J
  • Gendered communication among young people in Mexico: implications for sexual health interventions. (2004) Marston, Cicely
  • Young, unmarried men and sex: do friends and partners shape risk behaviour? (2004) Marston, Cicely; Juarez, Fatima; Antonio Izazola, José
  • Are Chronically Poor People being Left Out of Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals? A quantitative analysis of older people, disabled people and orphans. (2004) Masset, Edoardo; White, Howard
  • Buprenorphine maintenance versus placebo or methadone maintenance for opioid dependence. (2004) Mattick, RP; Kimber, J; Breen, C; Davoli, M
  • Consultancy report on rights-based approaches and monitoring/evaluation for Banja La Motsogolo, Malawi. (2004) Mayhew, SH; Busza, J
  • A specialist adolescent self-harm service. (2004) McAlaney, John; Fyfe, Margo; Dale, Maria
  • Patterns of alcohol consumption and problems among the Irish in London: A preliminary comparison with Dublin pub drinkers. (2004) McCambridge, J; Conlon, P; Keaney, F; Wanigaratne, S; Strang, J
  • Interventions for prevention of drug use by young people delivered in non-school settings (protocol). (2004) McCambridge, J; Gates, S; Smith, L; Foxcroft, D
  • Drug problems - what problems? Predictors of selected types of drug problems in a London community sample of young people who use drugs. (2004) McCambridge, J; Strang, J
  • Drug policy and the public good? (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • Motivational interviewing is equivalent to more intensive treatment, superior to placebo, and will be tested more widely. (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • The opportunity for public health activism to reduce alcohol harm. (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • The value of independence? (2004) McCambridge, Jim
  • Encouraging GP alcohol intervention: pilot study of change-orientated reflective listening (CORL). (2004) McCambridge, Jim; Platts, Simon; Whooley, David; Strang, John
  • Patterns of drug use in a sample of 200 young drug users in London. (2004) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • The efficacy of single-session motivational interviewing in reducing drug consumption and perceptions of drug-related risk and harm among young people: results from a multi-site cluster randomized trial. (2004) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • Mortality in a cohort of vermiculite miners exposed to fibrous amphibole in Libby, Montana. (2004) McDonald, JC; Harris, J; Armstrong, B
  • Meta-analysis in occupational epidemiology: a review of practice. (2004) McElvenny, DM; Armstrong, BG; Järup, L; Higgins, JP
  • Meta-analysis in occupational epidemiology: a review of practice. (2004) McElvenny, Damien M; Armstrong, Ben G; Järup, Lars; Higgins, Julian PT
  • Health status and trends in candidate countries. (2004) McKee, M; Adany, R; MacLehose, L
  • Free movement of patients. (2004) McKee, M; MacLehose, L; Albreht, T
  • European Union enlargement: The implications for health policy. (2004) McKee, M; MacLehose, L; Nolte, E
  • Health and enlargement. (2004) McKee, M; MacLehose, L; Nolte, E
  • The process of enlargement. (2004) McKee, M; Rosenmöller, M; MacLehose, L; Zajac, M
  • The National Survey of sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles: summary of key findings. (2004) McManus, S; Erens, B; Field, J; Johnson, AM; Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; MacDowall, W; Nanchahal, K; Fenton, KA
  • Climate change. (2004) McMichael, AJ; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Kovats, RS; Edwards, S; Wilkinson, P; Edmonds, N; Nicholls, N; Hales, S; Tanser, FC; le Sueur, D; Schlesinger, M; Andronova, N
  • Who has sex with whom? Analyses of heterosexual partnerships in the last year reported in the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000 (?Natsal 2000?). (2004) Mercer, CH; Copas, AJ; Fenton, KA; Wellings, K; Erens, B; Johnson, AM
  • Sexual function problems and help-seeking behaviour in Britain: Evidence from the 2000 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (?Natsal 2000?). (2004) Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM; Wellings, K; Erens, B
  • First heterosexual partnerships: Age differences and their significance. Empirical evidence from the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000 ?Natsal 2000?). (2004) Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; Copas, AJ; MacDowall, W; Erens, B; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM
  • Increasing prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000: evidence from national probability surveys. (2004) Mercer, Catherine H; Fenton, Kevin A; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Erens, Bob; McManus, Sally; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Johnson, Anne M
  • The 'British System' of Heroin Addiction Treatment and the Opening of Drug Dependence Units, 1965-1970. (2004) Mold, A
  • Review: A History of Cocaine: The Mystery of Coca Java and the Kew Plant. (2004) Mold, A
  • Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition. By James H. Mills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. xii + 239 pp. Photographs, illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-199-24938-5. (2004) Mold, Alex
  • Social theory in drug research, drug policy and harm reduction. (2004) Moore, David; Rhodes, Tim
  • Using routinely recorded ethnicity: analysis of waiting times for elective admissions by ethnic group. (2004) Morgan, OWC; Hamm, J
  • Infectious disease risks from dead bodies following natural disasters. (2004) Morgan, Oliver
  • Following in the footsteps of smallpox: can we achieve the global eradication of measles? (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC
  • Association between mortality from suicide in England and antidepressant prescribing: an ecological study. (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC; Griffiths, Clare; Majeed, Azeem
  • Risk of low birth weight near EUROHAZCON hazardous waste landfill sites in England. (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC; Vrijheid, Martine; Dolk, Helen
  • Fatal toxicity of antidepressants in England and Wales, 1993-2002. (2004) Morgan, Oliver; Griffiths, Clare; Baker, Allan; Majeed, Azeem
  • Recalling the miracle that was penicillin: two memorable patients. (2004) Morris, JN
  • Minimum Incomes for Healthy Living (MIHL): next thrust in UK social policy? (2004) Morris, JN; Deeming, C
  • Deep and crisp and eaten: Scotland's deep-fried Mars bar. (2004) Morrison, David S; Petticrew, Mark
  • Evaluation of the health effects of a neighbourhood traffic calming scheme. (2004) Morrison, David S; Thomson, Hilary; Petticrew, Mark
  • Criticisms of health study funded by Pluspetrol and conducted by Universidad Cayetano Heredia. (2004) Napolitano, D
  • Fresh or frozen: Changing food habits among Bangladeshi migrants in London. (2004) Nunez-de la Mora, A; Din, F; Napolitano, D; Choudhury, O; Bentley, GR
  • Reducing social inequalities in smoking: can evidence inform policy? A pilot study. (2004) Ogilvie, D; Petticrew, M
  • Promoting walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars: systematic review. (2004) Ogilvie, David; Egan, Matt; Hamilton, Val; Petticrew, Mark
  • Health financing to promote access in low income settings-how much do we know? (2004) Palmer, Natasha; Mueller, Dirk H; Gilson, Lucy; Mills, Anne; Haines, Andy
  • What influences physiotherapy use by children with cerebral palsy? (2004) Parkes, J; Hill, N; Dolk, H; Donnelly, M
  • Patient and health service delays in initiating treatment for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: retrospective cohort study. (2004) Paynter, S; Hayward, A; Wilkinson, P; Lozewicz, S; Coker, R
  • Child public health and social welfare: lessons from the evidence. (2004) Petticrew, M; Roberts, H
  • Evidence for public health policy on inequalities: 1: the reality according to policymakers. (2004) Petticrew, Mark; Whitehead, Margaret; Macintyre, Sally J; Graham, Hilary; Egan, Matt
  • The prevalence of injecting drug use in a Russian city: implications for harm reduction and coverage. (2004) Platt, Lucy; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Mikhailova, Larissa; Karavashkin, Victor; Vlasov, Alexander; Tilling, Kate; Hope, Vivian; Khutorksoy, Mikhail; Renton, Adrian
  • Undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis deaths in rural South Africa. (2004) Pronyk, PM; Kahn, K; Hargreaves, JR; Tollman, SM; Collinson, M; Hausler, HP; Porter, JDH
  • In forests and factories: sexual behaviour among young migrant workers in Nepal. (2004) Puri, Mahesh C; Busza, Joanna
  • Interprofessional collaboration in the hospital: strategies and meanings. (2004) Reeves, Scott; Lewin, Simon
  • On the move: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men’s Sex Survey, 2003. (2004) Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Stephens, M; Hammond, G
  • Hepatitis C and its risk management among drug injectors in London: renewing harm reduction in the context of uncertainty. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Davis, Mark; Judd, Ali
  • Injecting equipment sharing among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russian Federation: maximizing the protective effects of syringe distribution. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa; Sarang, Anya; Khutorskoy, Mikhail; Platt, Lucy; Lowndes, Catherine M; Renton, Adrian
  • HIV transmission and HIV prevention associated with injecting drug use in the Russian Federation. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Bobrik, Alexei; Bobkov, Eugene; Platt, Lucy
  • Prevalent diagnosed HIV in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: adjusted totals 1996 to 2001 and extrapolations to 2004. (2004) Rice, Brian D; McHenry, Angela; Sinka, Katy; Payne, Lara JC; Baster, Kathleen; Patel, Bela; Evans, Barry G
  • A clinical and cost evaluation of hemodialysis in renal satellite units in England and Wales. (2004) Roderick, Paul; Armitage, Alison; Nicholson, Tricia; Mehta, Raj; Gerard, Karen; Mullee, Mark; Drey, Nick; Lamping, Donna; Feest, Terry; Greenwood, Roger; Townsend, Joy
  • Occupational exposure to vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile and styrene and lung cancer risk (europe). (2004) Scélo, Ghislaine; Constantinescu, Vali; Csiki, Irma; Zaridze, David; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Rudnai, Peter; Lissowska, Jolanta; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Cassidy, Adrian; Slamova, Alena; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Fevotte, Joelle; Fletcher, Tony; Mannetje, Andrea 't; Brennan, Paul; Boffetta, Paolo
  • Aquí vivimos bien: Territorio y uso de recursos de los pueblos indígenas de la Reserva Kugapakori Nahua. (2004) Shinai (inc. Napolitano, D; Feather, C; MacLennan, G; Ryan, A.)
  • Comparative Risk Assessment: Unsafe Sex. (2004) Slaymaker, E; Walker, N; Zaba, B; Collumbien, M
  • Thomas Tryon, (biographical Index no.101027783); William Banting, (Index no. 101001320); Jonathan Green, (Index no. 101011392); Howard Williams,(Index no. 101041000); Josiah Oldfield, (Index no. 101040999); Ernest Bell, (Index no. 101040996). (2004) Smith, V
  • Can the practitioner correctly predict outcome in motivational interviewing? (2004) Strang, John; McCambridge, Jim
  • Engaging the reluctant GP in care of the opiate misuser: Pilot study of change-orientated reflective listening (CORL). (2004) Strang, John; McCambridge, Jim; Platts, Simon; Groves, Paramabandhu
  • In the City: An Evaluation of Detached HIV Prevention in Commercial Venues and Public Sex Environments. (2004) Strange, V; Bonell, C; Barnett-Page, E
  • Informed choices for attaining the Millennium Development Goals: towards an international cooperative agenda for health-systems research. (2004) Task Force on Health Systems Research
  • Evaluating the health effects of social interventions. (2004) Thomson, Hilary; Hoskins, Robert; Petticrew, Mark; Ogilvie, David; Craig, Neil; Quinn, Tony; Lindsay, Grace
  • Using research for effective health promotion. (2004) Thorogood, M
  • Predictors of personal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposures among pregnant minority women in New York City. (2004) Tonne, Cathryn C; Whyatt, Robin M; Camann, David E; Perera, Frederica P; Kinney, Patrick L
  • Routine examination of the newborn: the EMREN study. Evaluation of an extension of the midwife role including a randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained midwives and paediatric senior house officers. (2004) Townsend, J; Wolke, D; Hayes, J; Davé, S; Rogers, C; Bloomfield, L; Quist-Therson, E; Tomlin, M; Messer, D
  • Overcoming health-systems constraints to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. (2004) Travis, Phyllida; Bennett, Sara; Haines, Andy; Pang, Tikki; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Hyder, Adnan A; Pielemeier, Nancy R; Mills, Anne; Evans, Timothy
  • The burden of infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2: seroprevalence study in Estonia. (2004) Uusküla, Anneli; Nygard-Kibur, Mari; Cowan, Frances M; Mayaud, Philippe; French, Rebecca S; Robinson, Jamie NR; Brown, David WG
  • Urinary arsenic metabolites in relation to exposure via food and water. (2004) Vahter, M; Fletcher, T; Rudnai, P; Goessler, W; Leonardi, G; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Lindberg, AL
  • Three scenarios of clinical claim reimbursement for nosocomial infection: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (2004) Vegni, FE; Panceri, ML; Biffi, M; Banfi, E; Porretta, AD; Privitera, G
  • Methodological issues in using drugs data in epidemiology. (2004) Vegni, FE; Wilkinson, P
  • The role of drug use data in public health research. (2004) Vegni, FE; Wilkinson, P
  • Effects of parathyroid hormone and alendronate alone or in combination in osteoporosis. (2004) Vegni, Ferdinando E; Corradini, Constantino; Privitera, Gaetano
  • Hospital Accident and Emergency burden is unaffected by today's air pollution levels. (2004) Vegni, Ferdinando E; Ros, Oscar
  • Homosexual activity among rural Indian men: implications for HIV interventions. (2004) Verma, Ravi Kumar; Collumbien, Martine
  • Virtual outreach: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint teleconferenced medical consultations. (2004) Wallace, P; Barber, J; Clayton, W; Currell, R; Fleming, K; Garner, P; Haines, A; Harrison, R; Jacklin, P; Jarrett, C; Jayasuriya, R; Lewis, L; Parker, S; Roberts, J; Thompson, S; Wainwright, P
  • Local area deprivation and urban-rural differences in anxiety and depression among people older than 75 years in Britain. (2004) Walters, Kate; Breeze, Elizabeth; Wilkinson, Paul; Price, Gill M; Bulpitt, Chris J; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Factors affecting feasibility and acceptability of a practice-based educational intervention to support evidence-based prescribing: a qualitative study. (2004) Watkins, Chris; Timm, Anja; Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Harvey, Ian; Haines, Andy; Donovan, Jenny
  • Evaluating Mass Media Approaches. (2004) Wellings, K; MacDowall, W
  • Resource pack for the implementation of the project to introduce disinfectant tablets in prisons. (2004) Wellings, K; Stevens, M-, J
  • Sexual Crimes, Medical Cures: The Development of a Therapeutic Approach toward Sexual Offenders in English Prisons, c. 1900-1950. (2004) Weston, J
  • Mortality in England and Wales attributable to any drinking, drinking above sensible limits and drinking above lowest-risk level. (2004) White, Ian R; Altmann, Dan R; Nanchahal, Kiran
  • Evidence for public health policy on inequalities: 2: assembling the evidence jigsaw. (2004) Whitehead, Margaret; Petticrew, Mark; Graham, Hilary; Macintyre, Sally J; Bambra, Clare; Egan, Matt
  • Evaluation of the Young People's Development Programme. First interim report. (2004) Wiggins, M; Bonell, C; Sawtell, M; Burchett, H; Austerberry, H; Strange, V
  • How should we compare associations of temperature with mortality across different populations? (2004) Wilkinson, P; Armstrong, B; Hajat, S
  • Winter mortality in elderly people in Britain: Author's reply. (2004) Wilkinson, Paul
  • Vulnerability to winter mortality in elderly people in Britain: population based study. (2004) Wilkinson, Paul; Pattenden, Sam; Armstrong, Ben; Fletcher, Astrid; Kovats, R Sari; Mangtani, Punam; McMichael, Anthony J
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of the genetic screening program for familial hypercholesterolemia in The Netherlands. (2004) Wonderling, David; Umans-Eckenhausen, Marina AW; Marks, Dalya; Defesche, Joep C; Kastelein, John JP; Thorogood, Margaret
  • Closing the gap: health and safety. (2004) Wright-Read, A; McKee, M; MacLehose, L
  • The Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre: reducing harm associated with heroin overdose. (2004) van Beek, I; Kimber, J; Dakin, A; Gilmour, S
  • Climate change and malaria: analysis of the SRES climate and socio-economic scenarios. (2004) van Lieshout, M; Kovats, RS; Livermore, MTJ; Martens, P
  • A large increase of Salmonella infections in 2003 in the Netherlands: hot summer or side effect of the avian influenza outbreak? (2004) van Pelt, W; Mevius, DJ; Stoelhorst, HG; Kovats, S; van de Giessen, AW; Wannet, WJB; Duynhoven, YTHP