Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Global Health and Development"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Global Health and Development (6942)
    Number of items: 211.
    Bibliographic data only
  • Examining catastrophic costs and benefit incidence of subsidized antiretroviral treatment (ART) programme in south-east Nigeria. (2008) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Dike, Nkem; Chukwuka, Chinwe; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Onyedum, Cajetan; Onoka, Chima; Ichoku, Hyacinth
  • Motivating public use of physician-level performance data: an experiment on the effects of message and mode. (2008) Ranganathan, Meghna; Hibbard, Judith; Rodday, Angie Mae C; de Brantes, Francois; Conroy, Kelly; Rogers, William H; Gelb Safran, Dana
  • Utilization and management of maternal and child health funds in rural Nepal. (2008) Morrison, Joanna; Thapa, Rita; Sen, Aman; Neupane, Rishi; Borghi, Jo; Tumbahangphe, Kirti Man; Osrin, David; Manandhar, Dharma; Costello, Anthony
  • Using in-depth qualitative data to enhance our understanding of quantitative results regarding the impact of HIV and AIDS on households in rural Uganda. (2008) Seeley, Janet; Biraro, Samuel; Shafer, Leigh Anne; Nasirumbi, Pamela; Foster, Susan; Whitworth, Jimmy; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Pharmacovigilance of antimalarial treatment in Uganda: community perceptions and suggestions for reporting adverse events. (2008) Bukirwa, Hasifa; Nayiga, Susan; Lubanga, Rosalind; Mwebaza, Norah; Chandler, Clare; Hopkins, Heidi; Talisuna, Ambrose O; Staedke, Sarah G
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of introduction of rapid, alternative methods to identify multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in middle-income countries. (2008) Acuna-Villaorduna, Carlos; Vassall, Anna; Henostroza, German; Seas, Carlos; Guerra, Humberto; Vasquez, Lucy; Morcillo, Nora; Saravia, Juan; O'Brien, Richard; Perkins, Mark D; Cunningham, Jane; Llanos-Zavalaga, Luis; Gotuzzo, Eduardo
  • Late diagnosis of HIV in Europe: definitional and public health challenges. (2008) Adler, A; Mounier-Jack, S; Coker, RJ
  • Public awareness of the abuse of herbs and drugs to decrease body weight: a novel national survey in Jordan. (2008) Al-Safi, Saafan A; Ayoub, Nehad M; Ayoub, Abeer M; Al-Momany, Enaam; Al-Doghim, Imad; Al-Balas, Mosa’b; Alkofahi, Ahmad S; Aboul-Enein, Faisal H; Aboul-Enein, Basil H
  • Confirming the impact of HIV/AIDS epidemics on household vulnerability in Asia: the case of Cambodia. (2008) Alkenbrack Batteh, Sarah E; Forsythe, Steven; Martin, Gayle; Chettra, Ty
  • Is the standardised term 'Black African' useful in demographic and health research in the United Kingdom? (2008) Aspinall, Peter John; Chinouya, Martha
  • HIV/AIDS and hope(lessness). (2008) Barnett, T
  • Unpalatable truths: review essay of Helen Epstein's 'The Invisible Cure'. (2008) Barnett, T
  • The fallacy of the condom: review essay of 'the invisible cure: Africa, the West and the fight against AIDS' by Helen Epstein. (2008) Barnett, T
  • The long wave of HIV/AIDS: a special case of pathogen-host-environment interactions. (2008) Barnett, T
  • Aid, truth, and policy: what do we know? (2008) Barnett, Tony
  • Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty: From Understanding to Action. (2008) Bennett, S; Gilson, L; and Mills, A; (eds.)
  • Conclusions: Implications for national policy and international assistance. (2008) Bennett, S; Mills, A; and Gilson, L
  • Protecting the poor from the costs of services through financing reform. (2008) Bennett, S; and Gilson, L
  • Modelling the effects of pre-exposure and post-exposure vaccines in tuberculosis control. (2008) Bhunu, CP; Garira, W; Mukandavire, Z; Magombedze, G
  • Tuberculosis transmission model with chemoprophylaxis and treatment. (2008) Bhunu, CP; Garira, W; Mukandavire, Z; Zimba, M
  • Addressing social determinants of health inequities: what can the state and civil society do? (2008) Blas, Erik; Gilson, Lucy; Kelly, Michael P; Labonté, Ronald; Lapitan, Jostacio; Muntaner, Carles; Ostlin, Piroska; Popay, Jennie; Sadana, Ritu; Sen, Gita; Schrecker, Ted; Vaghri, Ziba
  • Using mathematical modelling to investigate the plausibility of attributing observed antenatal clinic declines to a female sex worker intervention in Karnataka state, India. (2008) Boily, Marie-Claude; Pickles, Michael; Vickerman, Peter; Buzdugan, Raluca; Isac, Shajy; Deering, Kathleen N; Blanchard, James F; Moses, Stephen; Lowndes, Catherine M; Ramesh, Banadakoppa M; Demers, Eric; Alary, Michel
  • Overview of the Costs of Obstetric Care and the Economic and Social Consequences for Households. (2008) Borghi, J; Storeng, KT; Filippi, V
  • Measuring the benefits of health promotion programmes: application of the contingent valuation method. (2008) Borghi, Josephine; Jan, Stephen
  • The importance of context in malaria diagnosis and treatment decisions - a quantitative analysis of observed clinical encounters in Tanzania. (2008) Chandler, CI; Chonya, S; Boniface, G; Juma, K; Reyburn, H; Whitty, CJ
  • The importance of context in malaria diagnosis and treatment decisions - a quantitative analysis of observed clinical encounters in Tanzania. (2008) Chandler, Clare IR; Chonya, Semkini; Boniface, Gloria; Juma, Kaseem; Reyburn, Hugh; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Malaria overdiagnosis: is patient pressure the problem? (2008) Chandler, Clare IR; Mwangi, Rose; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Olomi, Raimos; Whitty, Chris JM; Reyburn, Hugh
  • Evaluation design for large-scale HIV prevention programmes: the case of Avahan, the India AIDS initiative. (2008) Chandrasekaran, Padma; Dallabetta, Gina; Loo, Virginia; Mills, Stephen; Saidel, Tobi; Adhikary, Rajatashuvra; Alary, Michel; Lowndes, Catherine M; Boily, Marie-Claude; Moore, James; Avahan Evaluation Partners
  • Community Engagement at a Critical Juncture in Preparations for an HIV Vaccine Trial. (2008) Chantler, T; Thomas, T; Chege, W; Nyikuri, M; Laserson, K; Chen, R; Kretsinger, K; Gust, D; Geissler, PW
  • Pachedu-Zenzele in the Diaspora: Promoting Sexual Health Amongst Zimbabweans in England. (2008) Chinouya, Martha Judith; O’Keefe, Eileen
  • Analysis of a human transmission model with discrete delays. (2008) Chiyaka, C; Garira, W; Dube, S; Mukandavire, Z
  • Contemporary emerging and re-emerging to electable diseases: challenges to control. (2008) Coker, R; Atun, R; McKee, M
  • Health systems and communicable diseases: predicting and responding to future challenges. (2008) Coker, R; Atun, R; Menusa, A; McKee, M
  • Business Continuity Planning and Pandemic Influenza in Europe: A thematic analysis of independent sector and governments' guidance. (2008) Conseil, A; Mounier-Jack, S; Coker, R
  • Identifying context appropriate strategies for introducing microbicides into different settings in order to maximise impact. (2008) Cox, A; Foss, AM; Kumaranayake, L; Vickerman, P; Terris-Prestholt, F; Vyas, S; Watts, C
  • Variations in obstetric practice in Russia: a story of professional autonomy, isolation and limited evidence. (2008) Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin; Balabanova, Dina
  • The impact of out-migrants and out-migration on the HIV/AIDS epidemic: a case study from south-west India. (2008) Deering, Kathleen N; Vickerman, Peter; Moses, Stephen; Ramesh, Banadakoppa M; Blanchard, James F; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Overseas Sun Exposure, Nevus Counts, and Premature Skin Aging in Young English Women: A Population-Based Survey. (2008) Dos Santos Silva, I; Higgins, CD; Abramsky, T; Swanwick, MA; Frazer, J; Whitaker, LM; Blanshard, ME; Bradshaw, J; Apps, JM; Bishop, DT; Newton-Bishop, JA; Swerdlow, AJ
  • Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: an observational study. (2008) Ellsberg, Mary; Jansen, Henrica AFM; Heise, Lori; Watts, Charlotte H; Garcia-Moreno, Claudia; WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence
  • How to start thinking about investigating power in the organizational settings of policy implementation. (2008) Erasmus, Ermin; Gilson, Lucy
  • Is Participation Prevention? (2008) Evans, Ruth; Spicer, Neil
  • Housing and health: health risk modelling in the INTARESE project. (2008) Fenn, B; Chalabi, Z; Foss, A; Wilkinson, P
  • Reaching communities: evaluation of alternative strategies for microbicide introduction in South Africa. (2008) Foss, AM; Kumaranayake, L; Cox, A; Vickerman, P; Terris-Prestholt, F; Moyes, J; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Rees, H; Watts, C
  • Phasing introduction – what is the impact? Examination of potential microbicide introduction strategies in India. (2008) Foss, AM; Kumaranayake, L; Vickerman, P; Cox, A; Vyas, S; Reza-Paul, S; Ramesh, BM; Beattie, T; Guinness, L; Lowndes, C; Alary, M; Moses, S; Watts, C
  • Exploring the interactions between HSV-2 and HIV: model predictions for a southern Indian setting. (2008) Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Mayaud, P; Weiss, H; Ramesh, BM; Reza-Paul, S; Washington, R; Lowndes, CM; Alary, M; Watts, C
  • HIV/AIDS and rape: modelling predictions of the increase in individual risk of contracting HIV from forced sex in South Africa. (2008) Foss, AM; von Simson, R; Zimmerman, C; Hossain, M; Watts, C
  • Socio-cultural, psychosexual and biomedical factors associated with genital symptoms experienced by men in rural India. (2008) Gautham, Meenakshi; Singh, Rajesh; Weiss, Helen; Brugha, Ruairi; Patel, Vikram; Desai, Nimesh G; Nandan, Deoki; Kielmann, Karina; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • 'He is now like a brother, I can even give him some blood'--relational ethics and material exchanges in a malaria vaccine 'trial community' in The Gambia. (2008) Geissler, P Wenzel; Kelly, Ann; Imoukhuede, Babatunde; Pool, Robert
  • Vaccine-Preventable Haemophilus influenza Type B Disease Burden and Cost-Effectiveness of Infant Vaccination in Indonesia. (2008) Gessner, Bradford D; Sedyaningsih, Endang R; Griffiths, Ulla K; Sutanto, Agustinus; Linehan, Mary; Mercer, Dave; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Walker, Damian G; Steinhoff, Mark; Nadjib, Mardiati
  • Vaccine-preventable haemophilus influenza type B disease burden and cost-effectiveness of infant vaccination in Indonesia. (2008) Gessner, Bradford D; Sedyaningsih, Endang R; Griffiths, Ulla K; Sutanto, Agustinus; Linehan, Mary; Mercer, Dave; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Walker, Damian G; Steinhoff, Mark; Nadjib, Mardiati
  • Future directions for health policy analysis: a tribute to the work of Professor Gill Walt. (2008) Gilson, Lucy; Buse, Kent; Murray, Susan F; Dickinson, Clare
  • The interface between research and policy: experience from South Africa. (2008) Gilson, Lucy; McIntyre, Di
  • Countdown to 2015: assessment of donor assistance to maternal, newborn, and child health between 2003 and 2006. (2008) Greco, Giulia; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Borghi, Josephine; Mills, Anne
  • Structural approaches to HIV prevention. (2008) Gupta, Geeta Rao; Parkhurst, Justin O; Ogden, Jessica A; Aggleton, Peter; Mahal, Ajay
  • Financing the Response to HIV/AIDS: Some Fiscal and Macroeconomic Considerations,. (2008) Haacker, M
  • How have Global Health Initiatives impacted on health equity? (2008) Hanefeld, Johanna
  • Health system and equity perspectives in health technology assessment. (2008) Hanvoravongchai, Piya
  • The association between school attendance, HIV infection and sexual behaviour among young people in rural South Africa. (2008) Hargreaves, JR; Morison, LA; Kim, JC; Bonell, CP; Porter, JDH; Watts, C; Busza, J; Phetla, G; Pronyk, PM
  • Systematic review exploring time trends in the association between educational attainment and risk of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. (2008) Hargreaves, James R; Bonell, Christopher P; Boler, Tania; Boccia, Delia; Birdthistle, Isolde; Fletcher, Adam; Pronyk, Paul M; Glynn, Judith R
  • Commercialism, choice and consumer protection: regulation of complementary medicines in Australia. (2008) Harvey, Ken J; Korczak, Viola S; Marron, Loretta J; Newgreen, David B
  • Post hoc insights from PAC-Man--the U.K. pulmonary artery catheter trial. (2008) Harvey, Sheila E; Welch, Catherine A; Harrison, David A; Rowan, Kathryn M; Singer, Mervyn
  • Effectiveness of bereavement interventions in neonatal intensive care: a review of the evidence. (2008) Harvey, Sheila; Snowdon, Claire; Elbourne, Diana
  • Predicting the unpredictable real-world impact of ARV-based microbicides. (2008) Heise, Lori; Philpott, Sean
  • Health services for survivors of gender-based violence in northern Uganda: a qualitative study. (2008) Henttonen, Mirkka; Watts, Charlotte; Roberts, Bayard; Kaducu, Felix; Borchert, Matthias
  • Review of national AIDS councils in Africa: findings from five countries. (2008) Hongoro, C; Mturi, AJ; Kembo, J
  • Big Governance Research: Institutional Constraints, the Validity Gap and BIM. (2008) Houtzager, Peter P; Acharya, Arnab
  • Women and work in the development context: an introduction to changing perspectives and gains over the last 40 years. (2008) Hutchinson, E
  • Validation of a health literacy screening tool (REALM) in a UK population with coronary heart disease. (2008) Ibrahim, SY; Reid, F; Shaw, A; Rowlands, G; Gomez, GB; Chesnokov, M; Ussher, M
  • Attendance for injury at accident and emergency departments in London: a cross-sectional study. (2008) Jamrozik, Konrad; Samarasundera, Edgar; Miracle, Rebekah; Blair, Mitch; Sethi, Dinesh; Saxena, Sonia; Bowen, Simon
  • Accounting for institutional change in health economic evaluation: a program to tackle HIV/AIDS and gender violence in Southern Africa. (2008) Jan, Stephen; Pronyk, Paul; Kim, Julia
  • Using mathematical modelling to gain insights into the transmission dynamics of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Bangalore, India. (2008) Johnson, HC; Foss, AM; Phillips, A
  • Pragmatic Evidence and the Politics of Everyday Practice. (2008) Kelly, A
  • Transition from long-term nonprogression to HIV-1 disease associated with escape from cellular immune control. (2008) Kemal, Kimdar Sherefa; Beattie, Tara; Dong, Tao; Weiser, Barbara; Kaul, Rupert; Kuiken, Carla; Sutton, Julian; Lang, Dorothy; Yang, Hongbing; Peng, Yan Chun; Collman, Ronald; Philpott, Sean; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Burger, Harold
  • The economic impact of SARS: how does the reality match the predictions? (2008) Keogh-Brown, Marcus Richard; Smith, Richard David
  • Exploring the role of economic empowerment in HIV prevention. (2008) Kim, Julia; Pronyk, Paul; Barnett, Tony; Watts, Charlotte
  • Bioethics or local ethics: Can anthropology help answer which is more important in the conduct of medical research in developing countries? (2008) Kingori, P
  • We're just like these.footballers": Medical researchers and their place in international research collaborations. (2008) Kingori, P
  • The economics of scaling up: cost estimation for HIV/AIDS interventions. (2008) Kumaranayake, Lilani
  • Gaining access to Vietnam's cigarette market: British American Tobacco's strategy to enter 'a huge market which will become enormous'. (2008) Lee, K; Kinh, HV; Mackenzie, R; Gilmore, AB; Minh, NT; Collin, J
  • Effective governmental responses to communicable disease challenges. (2008) Lee, K; Wyn Owen, J
  • South Korea: KT&G Prepares for FCTC with Charity Drive. (2008) Lee, S; Holden, C
  • News Analysis: Clouding visibility on South Korea: Smoke on the roads. (2008) Lee, S; Lee, K
  • South Korea: Smoke on the roads. (2008) Lee, S; Lee, K
  • Health in Developing Countries. (2008) Legido-Quigley, H
  • Assuring the Quality of Health Care in the European Union: A Call for Action. (2008) Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Nolte, E; Glinos, I
  • Domestic violence in a genitourinary medicine setting--an anonymous prevalence study in women. (2008) Loke, WC; Torres, C; Bacchus, L; Fox, E
  • Pseudoaneurysm of the peroneal artery: presentation of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. (2008) Mandeville, K; Bicknell, C; Tran, T; MacDermot, K; Renton, S
  • Inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm with occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, coeliac trunk and right renal artery. (2008) Mandeville, KLD; Bicknell, C; Narula, S; Renton, S
  • Employment preferences of public sector nurses in Malawi: results from a discrete choice experiment. (2008) Mangham, Lindsay J; Hanson, Kara
  • The Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (Tnvs): Evidence on Core Bednet and Malaria Indicators for Pregnant Women and Infants after Three Years of Implementation. (2008) Marchant, TJ; Hanson, K; Nathan, R; Bruce, J; Mponda, H; Jones, C; Schellenberg, JA
  • Re: This special issue of AIDS--a mix of recent economic analyses and commentary on how best to distill economic insights to improve HIV/AIDS policies and programmes. (2008) Marlink, Richard; Forsythe, Steven; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Muirhead, Debbie; Holmes, Marionette; Sturchio, Jeffrey; Editorial Steering Committee
  • Genital signs in women with and without laboratory confirmed STIs in MDP301. (2008) Mathur, R; Ndlovu, H; McCormack, S; Foss, A; Crook, A
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: the incremental cost-effectiveness of a new delivery system in Uganda. (2008) Mbonye, AK; Hansen, KS; Bygbjerg, IC; Magnussen, P
  • Effect of a community-based delivery of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy on treatment seeking for malaria at health units in Uganda. (2008) Mbonye, AK; Schultz Hansen, K; Bygbjerg, IC; Magnussen, P
  • Propinquity Matters: How Better Health, Urbanization, and Income Grew Together, 1870-2008. (2008) McGreevey, W; Acharya, A; Hammer, JS; MacKellar, L
  • Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty: the role of the health sector. (2008) Mills, A; Bennett, S; Gilson, L
  • What do we mean by rigorous health-systems research? (2008) Mills, Anne; Gilson, Lucy; Hanson, Kara; Palmer, Natasha; Lagarde, Mylene
  • The predicted impact of immunosuppression upon population age-intensity profiles for schistosomiasis. (2008) Mitchell, KM; Mutapi, F; Woolhouse, MEJ
  • Persistence of the emerging pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis outside the amphibian host greatly increases the probability of host extinction. (2008) Mitchell, Kate M; Churcher, Thomas S; Garner, Trenton WJ; Fisher, Matthew C
  • The role of partnership dynamics in determining the acceptability of condoms and microbicides. (2008) Montgomery, CM; Lees, S; Stadler, J; Morar, NS; Ssali, A; Mwanza, B; Mntambo, M; Phillip, J; Watts, C; Pool, R
  • HIV testing strategies across European countries. (2008) Mounier-Jack, S; Nielsen, S; Coker, RJ
  • An Assessment of the Health Financing System in Tanzania. Report on SHIELD Work Package 1. (2008) Mtei, G; Mulligan, J; Ally, M; Palmer, N; Mills, A
  • Costs and cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis cultures using solid and liquid media in a developing country. (2008) Mueller, DH; Mwenge, L; Muyoyeta, M; Muvwimi, MW; Tembwe, R; McNerney, R; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, HM
  • Perceptions of mothers and hospital staff of paediatric care in 13 public hospitals in northern Tanzania. (2008) Mwangi, Rose; Chandler, Clare; Nasuwa, Fortunata; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Poulsen, Anja; Bygbjerg, Ib Christian; Reyburn, Hugh
  • Perceptions of anal sex in rural South Africa. (2008) Ndinda, Catherine; Chimbwete, Chiweni; McGrath, Nuala; Pool, Robert
  • Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Prevention in Pregnancy in Low and Unstable Transmission: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial. (2008) Ndyomugyenyi, R; Clarke, SE; Hutchison, C; Hansen, KS; Chandramohan, D; Magnussen, P
  • ‘African Sex is Dangerous!’ Renegotiating ‘Ritual Sex’ in Contemporary Masaka District. (2008) Nyanzi, Stella; Nassimbwa, Justine; Kayizzi, Vincent; Kabanda, Strivan
  • Male Promiscuity. (2008) Nyanzi, Stella; Nyanzi-Wakholi, Barbara; Kalina, Bessie
  • Who pays for health care in Asia? (2008) O'Donnell, Owen; van Doorslaer, Eddy; Rannan-Eliya, Ravi P; Somanathan, Aparnaa; Adhikari, Shiva Raj; Akkazieva, Baktygul; Harbianto, Deni; Garg, Charu C; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Herrin, Alejandro N; Huq, Mohammed N; Ibragimova, Shamsia; Karan, Anup; Kwon, Soon-man; Leung, Gabriel M; Lu, Jui-fen Rachel; Ohkusa, Yasushi; Pande, Badri Raj; Racelis, Rachel; Tin, Keith; Tisayaticom, Kanjana; Trisnantoro, Laksono; Wan, Quan; Yang, Bong-Min; Zhao, Yuxin
  • Are Malaria Treatment Expenditures Catastrophic to Different Socio-Economic and Geographic Groups and How Do They Pay in Southeast Nigeria? (2008) Onwujekwe, O; Hanson, K; Uzochukwu, B
  • Construct validity of the bidding game, binary with follow-up, and a novel structured haggling question format in determining willingness to pay for insecticide-treated mosquito nets. (2008) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Hanson, Kara
  • The Health of Persons Trafficked for Forced Labour. (2008) Oram, S; Zimmerman, C
  • Pandemic influenza preparedness in Africa is a profound challenge for an already distressed region: analysis of national preparedness plans. (2008) Ortu, Giuseppina; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Coker, Richard
  • Understanding determinants of health service use from a systems perspective. (2008) Parkhurst, Justin
  • "What worked?": the evidence challenges in determining the causes of HIV prevalence decline. (2008) Parkhurst, Justin O
  • AMFm – Economic Appraisal and Access by the Poor. (2008) Pearson, M; Hanson, K; Goodman, C
  • Self-diagnosis of active head lice infestation by individuals from an impoverished community: high sensitivity and specificity. (2008) Pilger, Daniel; Khakban, Adak; Heukelbach, Jorg; Feldmeier, Hermann
  • Investigations on the biology, epidemiology, pathology, and control of Tunga penetrans in Brazil: VII. The importance of animal reservoirs for human infestation. (2008) Pilger, Daniel; Schwalfenberg, Stefan; Heukelbach, Jörg; Witt, Lars; Mehlhorn, Heinz; Mencke, Norbert; Khakban, Adak; Feldmeier, Hermann
  • Can social capital be intentionally generated? a randomized trial from rural South Africa. (2008) Pronyk, Paul M; Harpham, Trudy; Busza, Joanna; Phetla, Godfrey; Morison, Linda A; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Watts, Charlotte H; Porter, John D
  • Is social capital associated with HIV risk in rural South Africa? (2008) Pronyk, Paul M; Harpham, Trudy; Morison, Linda A; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Phetla, Godfrey; Watts, Charlotte H; Porter, John D
  • A combined microfinance and training intervention can reduce HIV risk behaviour in young female participants. (2008) Pronyk, Paul M; Kim, Julia C; Abramsky, Tanya; Phetla, Godfrey; Hargreaves, James R; Morison, Linda A; Watts, Charlotte; Busza, Joanna; Porter, John Dh
  • Working HIV caregivers in Botswana: Spill-over effects on work and family well-being. (2008) Rajaraman, D; Earle, A; Heymann, J
  • Changing roles and responses of health care workers in HIV treatment and care. (2008) Rajaraman, Divya; Palmer, Natasha
  • Declines in risk behaviour and sexually transmitted infection prevalence following a community-led HIV preventive intervention among female sex workers in Mysore, India. (2008) Reza-Paul, Sushena; Beattie, Tara; Syed, Hafeez Ur Rahman; Venukumar, Koppal T; Venugopal, Mysore S; Fathima, Mary P; Raghavendra, HR; Akram, Pasha; Manjula, Ramaiah; Lakshmi, M; Isac, Shajy; Ramesh, Banadakoppa M; Washington, Reynold; Mahagaonkar, Sangameshwar B; Glynn, Judith R; Blanchard, James F; Moses, Stephen
  • Trust, disruption and responsibility in accounts of injecting equipment sharing and hepatitis C risk. (2008) Rhodes, Tim; Prodanović, Ana; Žikić, Bojan; Kuneski, Elena; Pavićević, Tijana; Karadžić, Davor; Bernays, Sarah
  • Hygiene and uncertainty in qualitative accounts of hepatitis C transmission among drug injectors in Serbia. (2008) Rhodes, Tim; Zikic, Bojan; Prodanović, Ana; Kuneski, Elena; Bernays, Sarah
  • A basic package of health services for post-conflict countries: implications for sexual and reproductive health services. (2008) Roberts, Bayard; Guy, Samantha; Sondorp, Egbert; Lee-Jones, Louise
  • Micro-epidemiology of urinary schistosomiasis in Zanzibar: Local risk factors associated with distribution of infections among schoolchildren and relevance for control. (2008) Rudge, James W; Stothard, J Russell; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Mgeni, Ali F; Khamis, I Simba; Khamis, Alliepo N; Rollinson, David
  • Supporting orphans and vulnerable children affected by AIDS: using community-generated definitions to explore patterns of children's vulnerability in Zambia. (2008) Schenk, K; Ndhlovu, L; Tembo, S; Nsune, A; Nkhata, C; Walusiku, B; Watts, C
  • Antiretroviral therapy in Zambia: colours, 'spoiling', 'talk' and the meaning of antiretrovirals. (2008) Schumaker, Lynette Louise; Bond, Virginia A
  • A model for community representation and participation in HIV prevention trials among women who engage in transactional sex in Africa. (2008) Shagi, Charles; Vallely, Andrew; Kasindi, Stella; Chiduo, Betty; Desmond, Nicola; Soteli, Selephina; Kavit, Natujwa; Vallely, Lisa; Lees, Shelley; Hayes, Richard; Ross, David; Microbicides Development Programme
  • Global Change and Health: Mapping the Challenges of Global Non-healthcare Influences on Health. (2008) Smith, RD; Martinez-Alvarez, M
  • Places of Exclusion and Inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Experiences of Neighbourhoods in the UK. (2008) Spicer, Neil
  • Evaluating Complex, Area-Based Initiatives in a Context of Change. (2008) Spicer, Neil; Smith, Penny
  • Trafficking of women into forced prostitution- the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan (German: Frauenhandel in die Zwangsprostitution- am Beispiel der Republik Usbekistan). (2008) Stoeckl, H
  • Crime Control and Victim-Centred Approaches to Human Trafficking: A Response to Testai. (2008) Stoeckl, H; Klantschnig, G
  • Family planning methods among women in a vaginal microbicide feasibility study in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2008) Subramanian, Laura; McGrath, Nuala; Ndlovu, Hlengiwe; Gafos, Mitzy
  • The role of state and non-state actors in the policy process: the contribution of policy networks to the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy in Thailand. (2008) Tantivess, Sripen; Walt, Gill
  • Using modelling to explore the degree to which a microbicide's STI efficacy may contribute to the HIV effectiveness measured in Phase III microbicide trials. (2008) Vickerman, P; Foss, A; Watts, C
  • Modelling the cost per ulcer treated of incorporating episodic treatment for HSV-2 into the syndromic algorithm for genital ulcer disease. (2008) Vickerman, P; Ndowa, F; Mayaud, P
  • Using modeling to explore the degree to which a microbicide's sexually transmitted infection efficacy may contribute to the HIV effectiveness measured in phase 3 microbicide trials. (2008) Vickerman, Peter; Foss, Anna; Watts, Charlotte
  • How does economic empowerment affect women's risk of intimate partner violence in low and middle income countries? A systematic review of published evidence. (2008) Vyas, Seema; Watts, Charlotte
  • Chapter 7: The Economics and Financing of Tropical and Infectious Disease Control. (2008) Walker, D; Goodman, C
  • Identifying optimal strategies for microbicide distribution in India and South Africa: Modelling and cost-effectiveness analyses. (2008) Watts, C; Foss, A; Kumaranayake, L; Cox, A; Terris-Prestholt, F; Vickerman, P
  • Apples and oranges? Interpreting success from contraceptive and HIV prevention research. (2008) Watts, C; Heise, L; McCormack, S; Foss, A; Vickerman, P; TrussellJ; Bradford, C
  • Determinants of provider choice for malaria treatment: experiences from The Gambia. (2008) Wiseman, Virginia; Scott, Anthony; Conteh, Lesong; McElroy, Brendan; Stevens, Warren
  • The health of trafficked women: a survey of women entering posttrafficking services in Europe. (2008) Zimmerman, Cathy; Hossain, Mazeda; Yun, Katherine; Gajdadziev, Vasil; Guzun, Natalia; Tchomarova, Maria; Ciarrocchi, Rosa Angela; Johansson, Anna; Kefurtova, Anna; Scodanibbio, Stefania; Motus, Maria Nenette; Roche, Brenda; Morison, Linda; Watts, Charlotte
  • Unmet need and access to HIV services in Europe. (2008) de Sa, Joia; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Lock, Karen; Coker, Richard J
  • Public
  • Shifting paradigms: how the fight for 'universal access to AIDS treatment and prevention' supports achieving 'comprehensive primary health care for all'. (2008) Ooms, Gorik
  • Why combating tobacco smuggling is a priority. (2008) West, Robert; Townsend, Joy; Joossens, Luk; Arnott, Deborah; Lewis, Sarah
  • Factors associated with the sexual behavior of Canadian Aboriginal young people and their implications for health promotion. (2008) Devries, Karen M; Free, Caroline J; Morison, Linda; Saewyc, Elizabeth
  • The 'diagonal' approach to Global Fund financing: a cure for the broader malaise of health systems? (2008) Ooms, Gorik; Van Damme, Wim; Baker, Brook K; Zeitz, Paul; Schrecker, Ted
  • Andy Haines and Kara Hanson - 19 Mar 2008. (2008) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Effect of herpes simplex suppression on incidence of HIV among women in Tanzania. (2008) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Weiss, Helen A; Rusizoka, Mary; Changalucha, John; Baisley, Kathy; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Tanton, Clare; Ross, David; Everett, Dean; Clayton, Tim; Balira, Rebecca; Knight, Louise; Hambleton, Ian; Le Goff, Jerome; Belec, Laurent; Hayes, Richard; HSV trial team; Steering and Data Monitoring Committees
  • A prospective key informant surveillance system to measure maternal mortality - findings from indigenous populations in Jharkhand and Orissa, India. (2008) Barnett, Sarah; Nair, Nirmala; Tripathy, Prasanta; Borghi, Jo; Rath, Suchitra; Costello, Anthony
  • An interactive model for the assessment of the economic costs and benefits of different rapid diagnostic tests for malaria. (2008) Lubell, Yoel; Hopkins, Heidi; Whitty, Christopher JM; Staedke, Sarah G; Mills, Anne
  • Determinants of the accuracy of rapid diagnostic tests in malaria case management: evidence from low and moderate transmission settings in the East African highlands. (2008) Abeku, Tarekegn A; Kristan, Mojca; Jones, Caroline; Beard, James; Mueller, Dirk H; Okia, Michael; Rapuoda, Beth; Greenwood, Brian; Cox, Jonathan
  • HIV and state failure: is HIV a security risk? (2008) Barnett, T; Dutta, I
  • Wealth, health, HIV and the economics of hope. (2008) Barnett, Tony; Weston, Mark
  • The costs of preventing and treating chagas disease in Colombia. (2008) Castillo-Riquelme, Marianela; Guhl, Felipe; Turriago, Brenda; Pinto, Nestor; Rosas, Fernando; Martínez, Mónica Flórez; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Davies, Clive; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid
  • Assessment of Children for Acute Respiratory Infections in Hospital Outpatients in Tanzania: What Drives Good Practice? (2008) Chandler, Clare IR; Boniface, Gloria; Whitty, Christopher JM; Juma, Kaseem; Reyburn, Hugh; Nadjm, Behzad
  • Guidelines and mindlines: why do clinical staff over-diagnose malaria in Tanzania? A qualitative study. (2008) Chandler, Clare IR; Jones, Caroline; Boniface, Gloria; Juma, Kaseem; Reyburn, Hugh; Whitty, Christopher JM picture_as_pdf
  • Assessment of children for acute respiratory infections in hospital outpatients in Tanzania: what drives good practice? (2008) Chandler, Clare IR; Nadjm, Behzad; Boniface, Gloria; Juma, Kaseem; Reyburn, Hugh; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Reproductive health for refugees by refugees in Guinea II: sexually transmitted infections. (2008) Chen, Mark I; von Roenne, Anna; Souare, Yaya; von Roenne, Franz; Ekirapa, Akaco; Howard, Natasha; Borchert, Matthias
  • Health-sector responses to intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income settings: a review of current models, challenges and opportunities. (2008) Colombini, Manuela; Mayhew, Susannah; Watts, Charlotte
  • Health-sector responses to intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income settings: a review of current models, challenges and opportunities. (2008) Colombini, Manuela; Mayhew, Susannah; Watts, Charlotte
  • The potential use of methotrexate in the treatment of falciparum malaria: in vitro assays against sensitive and multidrug-resistant falciparum strains. (2008) Dar, O; Khan, MS; Adagu, I
  • The knowledge, the will and the power: a plan of action to meet the HIV prevention needs of Africans in England. (2008) Dodds, C; Hickson, F; Chinouya, M; Chwaula, J; Weatherburn, P
  • The terrain of health policy analysis in low and middle income countries: a review of published literature 1994-2007. (2008) Gilson, Lucy; Raphaely, Nika
  • Setting priorities for the health care sector in Zimbabwe using cost-effectiveness analysis and estimates of the burden of disease. (2008) Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Chapman, Glyn
  • Is private health care the answer to the health problems of the world's poor? (2008) Hanson, Kara; Gilson, Lucy; Goodman, Catherine; Mills, Anne; Smith, Richard; Feachem, Richard; Feachem, Neelam Sekhri; Koehlmoos, Tracey Perez; Kinlaw, Heather
  • Vouchers for scaling up insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania: methods for monitoring and evaluation of a national health system intervention. (2008) Hanson, Kara; Nathan, Rose; Marchant, Tanya; Mponda, Hadji; Jones, Caroline; Bruce, Jane; Stephen, Godlove; Mulligan, Jo; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • A highly efficacious pediculicide based on dimeticone: randomized observer blinded comparative trial. (2008) Heukelbach, Jorg; Pilger, Daniel; Oliveira, Fabíola A; Khakban, Adak; Ariza, Liana; Feldmeier, Hermann
  • Frequency, factors and costs associated with injection site infections: findings from a national multi-site survey of injecting drug users in England. (2008) Hope, Vivian; Kimber, Jo; Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matthew; Ncube, Fortune
  • A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of safety and efficacy of combined praziquantel and artemether treatment for acute schistosomiasis japonica in China. (2008) Hou, Xun-Ya; McManus, Donald P; Gray, Darren J; Balen, Julie; Luo, Xin-Song; He, Yong-Kang; Ellis, Magda; Williams, Gail M; Li, Yue-Sheng
  • Reproductive health services for refugees by refugees in Guinea I: family planning. (2008) Howard, Natasha; Kollie, Sarah; Souare, Yaya; von Roenne, Anna; Blankhart, David; Newey, Claire; Chen, Mark I; Borchert, Matthias
  • A nationwide survey of the quality of antimalarials in retail outlets in Tanzania. (2008) Kaur, Harparkash; Goodman, Catherine; Thompson, Eloise; Thompson, Katy-Anne; Masanja, Irene; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim picture_as_pdf
  • The impact of user fees on health service utilization in low- and middle-income countries: how strong is the evidence? (2008) Lagarde, Mylene; Palmer, Natasha
  • Tobacco control yields clear dividends for health and wealth. (2008) Lee, Kelley
  • How can quality of health care be safeguarded across the European Union? (2008) Legido-Quigley, Helena; McKee, Martin; Walshe, Kieran; Suñol, Rosa; Nolte, Ellen; Klazinga, Niek
  • British American Tobacco and the "insidious impact of illicit trade" in cigarettes across Africa. (2008) Legresley, E; Lee, K; Muggli, ME; Patel, P; Collin, J; Hurt, RD picture_as_pdf
  • The impact of response to the results of diagnostic tests for malaria: cost-benefit analysis. (2008) Lubell, Yoel; Reyburn, Hugh; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Mwangi, Rose; Chonya, Semkini; Whitty, Christopher JM; Mills, Anne
  • Individual, facility and policy level influences on national coverage estimates for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Tanzania. (2008) Marchant, Tanya; Nathan, Rose; Jones, Caroline; Mponda, Hadji; Bruce, Jane; Sedekia, Yovitha; Schellenberg, Joanna; Mshinda, Hassan; Hanson, Kara
  • Developing health systems research capacities through north-south partnership: an evaluation of collaboration with South Africa and Thailand. (2008) Mayhew, Susannah H; Doherty, Jane; Pitayarangsarit, Siriwan
  • Beyond fragmentation and towards universal coverage: insights from Ghana, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania. (2008) McIntyre, Diane; Garshong, Bertha; Mtei, Gemini; Meheus, Filip; Thiede, Michael; Akazili, James; Ally, Mariam; Aikins, Moses; Mulligan, Jo-Ann; Goudge, Jane
  • Malaria eradication: the economic, financial and institutional challenge. (2008) Mills, Anne; Lubell, Yoel; Hanson, Kara
  • Ethics and the ethnography of medical research in Africa. (2008) Molyneux, Sassy; Geissler, P Wenzel
  • The economic burden of malaria on the household in south-central Vietnam. (2008) Morel, Chantal M; Thang, Ngo Duc; Xa, Nguyen Xuan; Hung, Le Xuan; Thuan, Le Khan; Van Ky, Pham; Erhart, Annette; Mills, Anne J; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Prospects, achievements, challenges and opportunities for scaling-up malaria chemoprevention in pregnancy in Tanzania: the perspective of national level officers. (2008) Mubyazi, Godfrey M; Bygbjerg, Ib C; Magnussen, Pascal; Olsen, Oystein; Byskov, Jens; Hansen, Kristian S; Bloch, Paul
  • Implementing Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria in Pregnancy: Review of Prospects, Achievements, Challenges and Agenda for Research. (2008) Mubyazi, Godfrey Martin; Magnussen, Pascal; Goodman, Catherine; Bygbjerg, Ib Christian; Kitua, Andrew Yona; Olsen, Oystein Evjen; Byskov, Jens; Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Bloch, Paul
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of insecticide-treated net distribution as part of the Togo Integrated Child Health Campaign. (2008) Mueller, Dirk H; Wiseman, Virginia; Bakusa, Dankom; Morgah, Kodjo; Daré, Aboudou; Tchamdja, Potougnima picture_as_pdf
  • "Efforts to Reprioritise the Agenda" in China: British American Tobacco's Efforts to Influence Public Policy on Secondhand Smoke in China. (2008) Muggli, Monique E; Lee, Kelley; Gan, Quan; Ebbert, Jon O; Hurt, Richard D picture_as_pdf
  • A Case Study of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Implementation in Kenya. (2008) Mullei, K; Wafula, F; Goodman, C
  • Costs and effects of the Tanzanian national voucher scheme for insecticide-treated nets. (2008) Mulligan, Jo-Ann; Yukich, Joshua; Hanson, Kara
  • Smuggling as the "key to a combined market": British American Tobacco in Lebanon. (2008) Nakkash, R; Lee, K
  • The costs of introducing artemisinin-based combination therapy: evidence from district-wide implementation in rural Tanzania. (2008) Njau, Joseph D; Goodman, Catherine A; Kachur, S Patrick; Mulligan, Jo; Munkondya, John S; McHomvu, Naiman; Abdulla, Salim; Bloland, Peter; Mills, Anne
  • "They have opened our mouths": increasing women's skills and motivation for sexual communication with young people in rural South Africa. (2008) Phetla, Godfrey; Busza, Joanna; Hargreaves, James R; Pronyk, Paul M; Kim, Julia C; Morison, Linda A; Watts, Charlotte; Porter, John DH
  • Controlling tungiasis in an impoverished community: an intervention study. (2008) Pilger, Daniel; Schwalfenberg, Stefan; Heukelbach, Jörg; Witt, Lars; Mencke, Norbert; Khakban, Adak; Feldmeier, Hermann picture_as_pdf
  • The reliability and validity of the SF-8 with a conflict-affected population in northern Uganda. (2008) Roberts, Bayard; Browne, John; Ocaka, Kaducu Felix; Oyok, Thomas; Sondorp, Egbert
  • Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression amongst internally displaced persons in northern Uganda. (2008) Roberts, Bayard; Ocaka, Kaducu Felix; Browne, John; Oyok, Thomas; Sondorp, Egbert
  • Population genetics of Schistosoma japonicum within the Philippines suggest high levels of transmission between humans and dogs. (2008) Rudge, James W; Carabin, Hélène; Balolong, Ernesto; Tallo, Veronica; Shrivastava, Jaya; Lu, Da-Bing; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Olveda, Remigio; McGarvey, Stephen T; Webster, Joanne P
  • Cost-effectiveness of malaria diagnostic methods in sub-Saharan Africa in an era of combination therapy. (2008) Shillcutt, Samuel; Morel, Chantal; Goodman, Catherine; Coleman, Paul; Bell, David; Whitty, Christopher JM; Mills, A
  • A new tool for measuring the brutality of war. (2008) Sondorp, Egbert
  • Costs and cost-effectiveness of delivering intermittent preventive treatment through schools in western Kenya. (2008) Temperley, Matilda; Mueller, Dirk H; Njagi, J Kiambo; Akhwale, Willis; Clarke, Siân E; Jukes, Matthew CH; Estambale, Benson BA; Brooker, Simon picture_as_pdf
  • Integrating tuberculosis and HIV services for people living with HIV: costs of the Zambian ProTEST Initiative. (2008) Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Ginwalla, Rokaya; Ayles, Helen; Kayawe, Ignatius; Hillery, Mary; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter
  • 'Doing' health policy analysis: methodological and conceptual reflections and challenges. (2008) Walt, Gill; Shiffman, Jeremy; Schneider, Helen; Murray, Susan F; Brugha, Ruairi; Gilson, Lucy
  • Why don't health workers prescribe ACT? A qualitative study of factors affecting the prescription of artemether-lumefantrine. (2008) Wasunna, Beatrice; Zurovac, Dejan; Goodman, Catherine A; Snow, Robert W
  • Mathematical model for low density lipoprotein (LDL) endocytosis by hepatocytes. (2008) Wattis, JAD; O'Malley, B; Blackburn, H; Pickersgill, L; Panovska, J; Byrne, HM; Jackson, KG
  • Treating curable sexually transmitted infections to prevent HIV in Africa: still an effective control strategy? (2008) White, Richard G; Orroth, Kate K; Glynn, Judith R; Freeman, Esther E; Bakker, Roel; Habbema, J Dik F; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Buvé, Anne; Hayes, Richard J
  • Deployment of ACT antimalarials for treatment of malaria: challenges and opportunities. (2008) Whitty, Christopher JM; Chandler, Clare; Ansah, Evelyn; Leslie, Toby; Staedke, Sarah G
  • Costs and consequences of large-scale vector control for malaria. (2008) Yukich, Joshua O; Lengeler, Christian; Tediosi, Fabrizio; Brown, Nick; Mulligan, Jo-Ann; Chavasse, Des; Stevens, Warren; Justino, John; Conteh, Lesong; Maharaj, Rajendra; Erskine, Marcy; Mueller, Dirk H; Wiseman, Virginia; Ghebremeskel, Tewolde; Zerom, Mehari; Goodman, Catherine; McGuire, David; Urrutia, Juan Manuel; Sakho, Fana; Hanson, Kara; Sharp, Brian picture_as_pdf