LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
Dept of Global Health and Development (6942)
Number of items: 234.
Do malaria control interventions reach the poor? A view through the equity lens. (2004)
Barat, LM; Palmer, N; Basu, S; Worrall, E; Hanson, K; Mills, A
Immunogenicity and safety of a low-dose diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combination vaccine with either inactivated or oral polio vaccine as a pre-school booster in UK children. (2004)
Collins, CL; Salt, P; McCarthy, N; Chantler, T; Lane, L; Hemme, F; Diggle, L; Buttery, J; Kitchin, NRE; Moxon, ER; Pollard, AJ
Civil society representation in the participatory budget and deliberative councils of Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2004)
Acharya, A; Lavalle, AG; Houtzager, PP
Toward establishing a universal basic health norm. (2004)
Acharya, Arnab K
Time Preference and Life Cycle Consumption with Endogenous Survival. (2004)
Acharya, Arnab K; Balvers, Ronald J
Another group at high risk for HIV. (2004)
Allison, Edward H; Seeley, Janet A
HIV and AIDS among fisherfolk: a threat to 'responsible fisheries'? (2004)
Allison, Edward H; Seeley, Janet A
Family planning and sexual health organizations: management lessons for health system reform. (2004)
Ambegaokar, Maia; Lush, Louisiana
Price discrimination in obstetric services--a case study in Bangladesh. (2004)
Amin, Mohammad; Hanson, Kara; Mills, Anne
A framework and toolkit for capturing the communicable disease programmes within health systems: tuberculosis control as an illustrative example. (2004)
Atun, RA; Lennox-Chhugani, N; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, YA; Coker, RJ
Prevalence of domestic violence when midwives routinely enquire in pregnancy. (2004)
Bacchus, Loraine; Mezey, Gill; Bewley, Susan; Haworth, Alison
Domestic violence: prevalence in pregnant women and associations with physical and psychological health. (2004)
Bacchus, Loraine; Mezey, Gillian; Bewley, Susan
Funding health care: Options for Europe. European Observatory on health care systems series. (2004)
Balabanova, D
How would you like to pay? Health care financing reforms and popular values in Bulgaria [Research Highlight]. (2004)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M
Paying for ‘free’ health care: informal payments in Bulgaria. (2004)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M
Urban-rural disparities in health and living conditions in the Former Soviet Union: towards a comprehensive regional analysis. (2004)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Akingbade, KR
Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2004)
Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
Health service utilization in the former soviet union: evidence from eight countries. (2004)
Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Pomerleau, Joceline; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian
Antimicrobial prescribing patterns for respiratory diseases including tuberculosis in Russia: a possible role in drug resistance? (2004)
Balabanova, Yanina; Fedorin, Ivan; Kuznetsov, Sergey; Graham, Catriona; Ruddy, Michael; Atun, Rifat; Coker, Richard; Drobniewski, Francis
Do malaria control interventions reach the poor? A view through the equity lens. (2004)
Barat, Lawrence M; Palmer, Natasha; Basu, Suprotik; Worrall, Eve; Hanson, Kara; Mills, Anne
HIV: a challenge for anthropology. (2004)
Barnett, T
AIDS denial costs lives. (2004)
Barnett, T; Pryns, G; Whiteside, A
Editorial: The cost of an HIV/AIDS epidemic. (2004)
Barnett, Tony
HIV/AIDs and development concern us all. (2004)
Barnett, Tony
Postscript: HIV/AIDS?how bad does bad have to be before we believe it is bad? How can we translate words to deeds? (2004)
Barnett, Tony
The costs, effects and cost-effectiveness of strategies to increase coverage of routine immunizations in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review of the grey literature. (2004)
Batt, Katherine; Fox-Rushby, JA; Castillo-Riquelme, Marianela
A medical student's experience of being taught medical ethics. (2004)
Bayntun, Claire
Screening for HIV-specific T-cell responses using overlapping 15-mer peptide pools or optimized epitopes. (2004)
Beattie, Tara; Kaul, Rupert; Rostron, Tim; Dong, Tao; Easterbrook, Philippa; Jaoko, Walter; Kimani, Joshua; Plummer, Francis; McMichael, Andrew; Rowland-Jones, Sarah
The characteristics and recent growth of heroin injecting in a Kenyan coastal town. (2004)
Beckerleg, SE; Hundt, G Lewando
How ‘Cool’ is heroin injection at the Kenya coast. (2004)
Beckerleg, Susan
The role of community-based health insurance within the health care financing system: a framework for analysis. (2004)
Bennett, Sara
Estimating resource needs for HIV/AIDS health care services in low-income and middle-income countries. (2004)
Bertozzi, Stefano; Gutierrez, Juan-Pablo; Opuni, Marjorie; Walker, Neff; Schwartländer, Bernhard
The geographic relationship between the use of antimicrobial drugs and the pattern of resistance for Streptococcus pneumoniae in Italy. (2004)
Boccia, D; Alegiani, S Spila; Pantosti, A; Moro, ML; Traversa, G
Outbreak of a new Salmonella phage type in South West England: alternative epidemiological investigations are needed. (2004)
Boccia, D; Oliver, CI; Charlett, A; Bennett, S; Orr, H; Sarangi, J; Stuart, J
Are economic evaluations of vaccines useful to decision-makers? Case study of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines. (2004)
Brinsmead, Regina; Hill, Suzanne; Walker, Damian
The Global Fund: managing great expectations. (2004)
Brugha, Ruairí; Donoghue, Martine; Starling, Mary; Ndubani, Phillimon; Ssengooba, Freddie; Fernandes, Benedita; Walt, Gill
The multi-country evaluation of the integrated management of childhood illness strategy: lessons for the evaluation of public health interventions. (2004)
Bryce, Jennifer; Victora, Cesar G; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Vaughan, J Patrick; Black, Robert E
Governing Public-Private Infectious Disease Partnerships. (2004)
Buse, K
Power to the Partners?: The politics of public-private health partnerships. (2004)
Buse, Kent; Harmer, Andrew
Human resources for health: overcoming the crisis. (2004)
Chen, Lincoln; Evans, Timothy; Anand, Sudhir; Boufford, Jo Ivey; Brown, Hilary; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Cueto, Marcos; Dare, Lola; Dussault, Gilles; Elzinga, Gijs; Fee, Elizabeth; Habte, Demissie; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Jacobs, Marian; Kurowski, Christoph; Michael, Sarah; Pablos-Mendez, Ariel; Sewankambo, Nelson; Solimano, Giorgio; Stilwell, Barbara; de Waal, Alex; Wibulpolprasert, Suwit
Increasing opportunities for the poor to access benefits from common pool resources: the case of community forestry in the Terai of Nepal. (2004)
Chhetry, B; Francis, P; Gurung, M; Iversen, V; Kafle, G; Pain, A; Seeley, J
What's in a name? Policy transfer in Mozambique: DOTS for tuberculosis and syndromic management for sexually transmitted infections. (2004)
Cliff, Julie; Walt, Gill; Nhatave, Isabel
Ethical dimensions of health policy. (2004)
Coker, R
Untangling Gordian knots: improving tuberculosis control through the development of 'programme theories'. (2004)
Coker, R; Atun, R; McKee, M
Screening programmes for tuberculosis in new entrants across Europe. (2004)
Coker, RJ; Bell, A; Pitman, R; Hayward, A; Watson, J
Compulsory screening of immigrants for tuberculosis and HIV. (2004)
Coker, Richard
Review: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: public health challenges. (2004)
Coker, Richard J
Health-care system frailties and public health control of communicable disease on the European Union's new eastern border. (2004)
Coker, Richard J; Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin
A threshold analysis of the cost-effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapies in sub-saharan Africa. (2004)
Coleman, Paul G; Morel, Chantal; Shillcutt, Sam; Goodman, Catherine; Mills, Anne J
Complicity in contraband: British American Tobacco and cigarette smuggling in Asia. (2004)
Collin, J; Legresley, E; MacKenzie, R; Lawrence, S; Lee, K
Complicity in contraband: British American Tobacco and cigarette smuggling in Asia. (2004)
Collin, J; Legresley, E; Mackenzie, R; Lawrence, S; Lee, K
Unlocking the corporate documents of British American Tobacco: an invaluable global resource needs radically improved access. (2004)
Collin, Jeff; Lee, Kelley; Gilmore, Anna B
A race to the death: British American Tobacco and the Chinese Grand Prix. (2004)
Collin, Jeff; Muggli, Monique E; Carlyle, Joshua; Lee, Kelley; Hurt, Richard D
The cost and cost-effectiveness of malaria vector control by residual insecticide house-spraying in southern Mozambique: a rural and urban analysis. (2004)
Conteh, Lesong; Sharp, Brian L; Streat, Elisebeth; Barreto, Avertino; Konar, Sundragasen
Cost and unit cost calculations using step-down accounting. (2004)
Conteh, Lesong; Walker, Damian
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals and the community: stealth dynamics and control catastrophes. (2004)
Cooper, BS; Medley, GF; Stone, SP; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Duckworth, G; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S
Isolation measures in the hospital management of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): systematic review of the literature. (2004)
Cooper, BS; Stone, SP; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Medley, GF; Duckworth, G; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S
Survey of local immunisation training in England--the case for setting national standards. (2004)
Cummins, A; Lane, L; Boccia, D; Crowcroft, NS
Comparing French and US hospital technologies: a directional input distance function approach. (2004)
Dervaux *, Benoît; Ferrier, Gary D; Leleu, Hervé; Valdmanis, Vivian
Smoking cessation for pregnant women: current Canadian programs and future development. (2004)
Devries, Karen M; Greaves, Lorraine J
The 'bear trap': the colliding epidemics of tuberculosis and HIV in Russia. (2004)
Drobniewski, FA; Atun, R; Fedorin, I; Bikov, A; Coker, R
Clinical features, diagnosis, and management of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis since 2002. (2004)
Drobniewski, Francis; Balabanova, Yanina; Coker, Richard
High prevalence of obesity among the poor in Mexico. (2004)
Fernald, Lia C; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Neufeld, Lynnette M; Olaiz, Gustavo; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Mietus-Snyder, Michele; Gertler, Paul J
Condoms and prevention of HIV. (2004)
Foss, Anna M; Watts, Charlotte H; Vickerman, Peter; Heise, Lori
The economics of vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. (2004)
Fox-Rushby, JA; Kaddar, Miloud; Levine, R; Brenzel, L
How good is the provision of sexual health services for young people across England? Oral presentation at the 8th Congress of the European Society of Contraception, Edinburgh, June 2004. (2004)
French, R; Stephenson, JM; Kane, R; Kingori, P; Hadley, A; Dennison, C; Wellings, K
The new General Medical Services (GMS) contract and the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV in England. (2004)
Gafos, Mitzy
Blood-stealing rumours in rural western Kenya: a local critique of medical research in its wider context. (2004)
Geissler, PW
Shared lives: Exploring practices of amity between grandmothers and grandchildren in western Kenya. (2004)
Geissler, PW; Prince, RJ
The scaling up of low-technology health interventions has been recognised in theory. Practical measures remain few and far between, however. (2004)
Gericke, C; Ranson, K; Kurowski, C; Mills, A
Retail supply of malaria-related drugs in rural Tanzania: risks and opportunities. (2004)
Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim; Mwageni, Eleuther; Nyoni, Joyce; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Mills, Anne; Bloland, Peter
Would universal antenatal screening for HIV infection be cost-effective in a setting of very low prevalence? Modelling the data for Australia. (2004)
Graves, Nicholas; Walker, Damian G; McDonald, Ann M; Kaldor, John M; Ziegler, John B
Incremental cost-effectiveness of supplementary immunization activities to prevent neonatal tetanus in Pakistan. (2004)
Griffiths, Ulla K; Wolfson, Lara J; Quddus, Arshad; Younus, Mohammed; Hafiz, Rehan A
Competitive effects on teaching hospitals. (2004)
Grosskopf, Shawna; Margaritis, Dimitri; Valdmanis, Vivian
10 best resources in...cost analysis for HIV/AIDS programmes in low and middle income countries. (2004)
Guinness, Lorna; Levine, Ruth; Weaver, Marcia
Achieving the WHO/UNAIDS antiretroviral treatment 3 by 5 goal: what will it cost? (2004)
Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Johns, Benjamin; Adam, Taghreed; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Edejer, Tessa Tan-Torres; Greener, Robert; Hankins, Catherine; Evans, David B
[XV International Conference on SIDA]. (2004)
Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Kendall, Tamil; Negroni, Mirka; Bautista, Sergio
[Facing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Mexico: the response of the health sector]. (2004)
Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; López-Zaragoza, José Luis; Valencia-Mendoza, Atanacio; Pesqueira, Eduardo; Ponce-de-León, Samuel; Bertozzi, Stefano M
Individuals and Global Health Improvement—Reply. (2004)
Haines, A; Walt, G; Lee, K
Public and private roles in malaria control: the contributions of economic analysis. (2004)
Hanson, Kara
The impact of quality on the demand for outpatient services in Cyprus. (2004)
Hanson, Kara; Yip, Winnie C; Hsiao, William
Antenatal syphilis control: people, programmes, policies and politics. (2004)
Hawkes, Sarah; Miller, Suellen; Reichenbach, Laura; Nayyar, Anjali; Buses, Kent
HIV-1 populations in blood and breast milk are similar. (2004)
Henderson, Gavin J; Hoffman, Noah G; Ping, Li Hua; Fiscus, Susan A; Hoffman, Irving F; Kitrinos, Kathryn M; Banda, Topia; Martinson, Francis EA; Kazembe, Peter N; Chilongozi, David A; Cohen, Myron S; Swanstrom, Ronald
Hospitals in a changing Europe. (2004)
Hongoro, C
How to bridge the gap in human resources for health. (2004)
Hongoro, Charles; McPake, Barbara
The human perspective on health care reform: coping with diabetes in Kyrgyzstan. (2004)
Hopkinson, B; Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Kutzin, J
The human perspective on health care reform: coping with diabetes in Kyrgyzstan. (2004)
Hopkinson, Botagoz; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Kutzin, Joseph
An holistic economic evaluation of an Aboriginal community-controlled midwifery programme in Western Sydney. (2004)
Jan, Stephen; Conaty, Stephen; Hecker, Rosalind; Bartlett, Mark; Delaney, Sheilah; Capon, Tony
Interviewer Training in the WHO Multi-Country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence. (2004)
Jansen, Henrica AFM; Watts, Charlotte; Ellsberg, Mary; Heise, Lori; García-Moreno, Claudia
AIDS in India. (2004)
Kadiyala, S; Barnett, T
AIDS in India: Disaster in the making. (2004)
Kadiyala, S; Barnett, T
Sex and relationship education and the media: an analysis of national and regional newspaper coverage in England. (2004)
Kingori, P; Wellings, K; French, R; Kane, R; Gerressu, M; Stephenson, J
The cost-effectiveness of HIV preventive measures among injecting drug users in Svetlogorsk, Belarus. (2004)
Kumaranayake, Lilani; Vickerman, Peter; Walker, Damian; Samoshkin, Syiatsaslav; Romantzov, Vladimir; Emelyanova, Zoya; Zviagin, Victor; Watts, Charlotte
Practical strategies to combat biopiracy. (2004)
Lawrence, Sue; Skordis, Jolene
Through the smokescreen. (2004)
Lee, K
Breaking and re-entering: British American Tobacco in China 1979-2000. (2004)
Lee, K; Gilmore, AB; Collin, J
Globalisation: what is it and how does it affect health? (2004)
Lee, Kelley
The Pit and the Pendulum: Can globalization take health governance forward? (2004)
Lee, Kelley
Looking inside the tobacco industry: revealing insights from the Guildford Depository. (2004)
Lee, Kelley; Gilmore, Anna B; Collin, Jeff
The challenge to improve global health: financing the Millennium Development Goals. (2004)
Lee, Kelley; Walt, Gill; Haines, Andy
Geophagy among pregnant and lactating women in Bondo District, western Kenya. (2004)
Luoba, Alfred I; Geissler, P Wenzel; Estambale, Benson; Ouma, John H; Magnussen, Pascal; Alusala, Dorkas; Ayah, Rosemary; Mwaniki, David; Friis, Henrik
Sexual and reproductive health: challenges for priority-setting in Ghana's health reforms. (2004)
Mayhew, Susannah H; Adjei, Sam
Improving health systems and enhancing reproductive health: linkages and lessons for action. (2004)
Mayhew, Susannah H; Gerein, Nancy; Green, Andrew; Cleland, John
Malaria incidence in rural Benin: does economics matter in endemic area? (2004)
Mensah, Omer A; Kumaranayake, Lilani
Improving the quality of primary health care: public and private provision. (2004)
Mills, A; Palmer, N; Gilson, L; McIntyre, D; Schneider, H; Sinanovic, E; Wadee, H
The performance of different models of primary care provision in Southern Africa. (2004)
Mills, Anne; Palmer, Natasha; Gilson, Lucy; McIntyre, Di; Schneider, Helen; Sinanovic, Edina; Wadee, Haroon
A human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) clade A vaccine in clinical trials: stimulation of HIV-specific T-cell responses by DNA and recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vaccines in humans. (2004)
Mwau, Matilu; Cebere, Inese; Sutton, Julian; Chikoti, Priscilla; Winstone, Nicola; Wee, Edmund G-T; Beattie, Tara; Chen, Yun-Hsiang; Dorrell, Lucy; McShane, Helen; Schmidt, Claudia; Brooks, Mary; Patel, Sandip; Roberts, Joanna; Conlon, Christopher; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Bwayo, Job J; McMichael, Andrew J; Hanke, Tomáš
Effects of iron and multimicronutrient supplementation on geophagy: a two-by-two factorial study among Zambian schoolchildren in Lusaka. (2004)
Nchito, Mbiko; Geissler, P Wenzel; Mubila, Likezo; Friis, Henrik; Olsen, Annette
Burden of mortality in Greenland--today and tomorrow. (2004)
Nielsen, Lasse Christian; Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Nielsen, Ulla Ringgren
Mobility, sexual networks and exchange among bodabodamen in southwest Uganda. (2004)
Nyanzi, S; Nyanzi, B; Kalina, B; Pool, R
"Its more than cash!" Debunking myths about 'sugar-daddy' relationships in Africa. (2004)
Nyanzi, S; Nyanzi-Wakholi, B
Equity in resource allocation in the Irish health service. A policy Delphi study. (2004)
O'Loughlin, Rosalyn; Kelly, Alan
Viewpoint: the Brazilian HIV/AIDS 'success story'--can others do it? (2004)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; Kowalski, J; McPake, B
Criterion and content validity of a novel structured haggling contingent valuation question format versus the bidding game and binary with follow-up format. (2004)
Onwujekwe, Obinna
Valuing the benefits of a health intervention using three different approaches to contingent valuation: re-treatment of mosquito bed-nets in Nigeria. (2004)
Onwujekwe, Obinna; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Hanson, Kara
Inequalities in purchase of mosquito nets and willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets in Nigeria: challenges for malaria control interventions. (2004)
Onwujekwe, Obinna; Hanson, Kara; Fox-Rushby, Julia
Stated and actual altruistic willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets in Nigeria: validity of open-ended and binary with follow-up questions. (2004)
Onwujekwe, Obinna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin
Is combination therapy for malaria based on user-fees worthwhile and equitable to consumers? Assessment of costs and willingness to pay in Southeast Nigeria. (2004)
Onwujekwe, Obinna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Shu, Elvis; Ibeh, Christian; Okonkwo, Paul
Contracting out: the case of primary care in South Africa. (2004)
Palmer, N; Mills, A
Health financing to promote access in low income settings-how much do we know? (2004)
Palmer, Natasha; Mueller, Dirk H; Gilson, Lucy; Mills, Anne; Haines, Andy
Cancer and communication: similarities and differences of men with cancer from six different ethnic groups. (2004)
Papadopoulos, I; Lees, S
Ethiopian refugees in the UK: migration, adaptation and settlement experiences and their relevance to health. (2004)
Papadopoulos, I; Lees, S; Lay, M; Gebrehiwot, A
The political environment of HIV: lessons from a comparison of Uganda and South Africa. (2004)
Parkhurst, Justin O; Lush, Louisiana
Longitudinal study of determinants of dependence in an elderly population. (2004)
Paterson, Donald H; Govindasamy, Devin; Vidmar, Marjan; Cunningham, David A; Koval, John J
Patient and health service delays in initiating treatment for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: retrospective cohort study. (2004)
Paynter, S; Hayward, A; Wilkinson, P; Lozewicz, S; Coker, R
Burundi: a population deprived of basic health care. (2004)
Philips, Mit; Ooms, Gorik; Hargreaves, Sally; Durrant, Andrew
"You're not going to dehydrate mom, are you?": Euthanasia, versterving, and good death in the Netherlands. (2004)
Pool, Robert
The white paper on public health. (2004)
Raine, Rosalind; Walt, Gill; Basnett, Ian
Systems and software: principles and implementation strategies for the scaling up of anti-retroviral therapy. (2004)
Schneider, H; Gilson, L; Blaauw, D
Gender and HIV/AIDS impact mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa--recognising the constraints. (2004)
Seeley, J; Grellier, R; Barnett, T
Experience of domestic violence by women attending an inner city accident and emergency department. (2004)
Sethi, D; Watts, S; Zwi, A; Watson, J; McCarthy, C
Type 2 diabetes in Tirana City, Albania: a rapid increase in a country in transition. (2004)
Shapo, L; McKee, M; Coker, R; Ylli, A
World No Tobacco Day 2005: the role of health professionals. (2004)
Sharma, G
World No Tobacco Day 2005: the role of health professionals. (2004)
Sharma, G
Comparing alternative measures of household income: Evidence from the Khayelitsha/Mitchell's plain survey. (2004)
Skordis, Jolene; Welch, Matthew
Communicable disease control: a 'Global Public Good' perspective. (2004)
Smith, Richard; Woodward, David; Acharya, Arnab; Beaglehole, Robert; Drager, Nick
Primary health care and armed conflict. (2004)
Sondorp, E; Bornemisza, O
The role of health services in conflict-ridden countries. (2004)
Sondorp, Egbert; Patel, Preeti
Adolescent vaccination in the developing world: time for serious consideration? (2004)
Stevens, Warren; Walker, Damian
Epidemiology in conflict - A call to arms. (2004)
Tam, Clarence C; Lopman, Ben A; Bornemisza, Olga; Sondorp, Egbert
Actor management in the development of health financing reform: health insurance in South Africa, 1994-1999. (2004)
Thomas, Stephen; Gilson, Lucy
[Compensated sex: a practice at the heart of young Mexican women's vulnerabilities (STI/HIV/AIDS)]. (2004)
Théodore, Florence Lise; Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Torres, Pilar; Luna, Gabriela
Capacity in Thai public hospitals and the production of care for poor and nonpoor patients. (2004)
Valdmanis, Vivian; Kumanarayake, Lilani; Lertiendumrong, Jongkol
Achieving universal coverage with health interventions. (2004)
Victora, Cesar G; Hanson, Kara; Bryce, Jennifer; Vaughan, J Patrick
Emergency contraception use is correlated with increased condom use among adolescents: results from Mexico. (2004)
Walker, Dilys M; Torres, Pilar; Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; Flemming, Kendra; Bertozzi, Stefano M
'We are bitter but we are satisfied': nurses as street-level bureaucrats in South Africa. (2004)
Walker, Liz; Gilson, Lucy
WHO's World Health Report 2003. (2004)
Walt, Gill
International Organizations in Transfer of Infectious Diseases: Iterative Loops of Adoption, Adaptation, and Marketing. (2004)
Walt, Gill; Lush, Louisiana; Ogden, Jessica
Reproductive health services and intimate partner violence: shaping a pragmatic response in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2004)
Watts, Charlotte; Mayhew, Susannah
Compulsory detention of recalcitrant tuberculosis patients in the context of a new tuberculosis control programme in Israel. (2004)
Weiler-Ravell, D; Leventhal, A; Coker, RJ; Chemtob, D
Different resistance mutations can be detected simultaneously in the blood and the lung of HIV-1 infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy. (2004)
White, Natalie C; Israel-Biet, Dominique; Coker, Richard J; Mitchell, David M; Weber, Jonathan N; Clarke, John R
Averting a malaria disaster in Africa--where does the buck stop? (2004)
Whitty, Christopher JM; Allan, Richard; Wiseman, Virginia; Ochola, Sam; Nakyanzi-Mugisha, Maria Veronicah; Vonhm, Benjamin; Mwita, Mahemba; Miaka, Constantin; Oloo, Aggrey; Premji, Zul; Burgess, Craig; Mutabingwa, Theonest K
Lifetimes intertwined? Grandparents and grandchildren in Africa. (2004)
Whyte, SR; Alber, E; Geissler, PW
Quantitative association tests of immune responses to antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a study of twins in West Africa. (2004)
Wiart, Amanda; Jepson, Annette; Banya, Winston; Bennett, Steve; Whittle, Hilton; Martin, Nicholas G; Hill, Adrian VS
Erratum to “Involving the general public in priority setting: experiences from Australia”. (2004)
Wiseman, V; Mooney, G; Berry, G; Tang, KC
Aggregating public preferences for healthcare: putting theory into practice. (2004)
Wiseman, Virginia
The burden of malaria epidemics and cost-effectiveness of interventions in epidemic situations in Africa. (2004)
Worrall, Eve; Rietveld, Aafje; Delacollette, Charles
Risks and responsibilities: guidelines for interviewing trafficked women. (2004)
Zimmerman, Cathy; Watts, Charlotte
Book Section
Disability-adjusted Life Years: A critical review. (2004)
Anand, S; Hanson, K
HIV/AIDS is not just about HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS preparedness in the CIS, Baltic, East and Southeast Europe and the Balkans: a situation report. (2004)
Barnett, T
Humanitarian assistance to Iraq: what happend to independence and impartiality? (2004)
Bornemisza, O; Poletti, T
Welfare Implications of HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Crafts, N; Haacker, M
Kachinja: Local debates about the practices of medical research in western Kenya. (2004)
Geissler, PW
Looking ahead and tackling the challenges. (2004)
Gilson, L
The state of decentralisation in the South African health sector, 2003. (2004)
Gilson, L
Condom Use by MSM in Ecuador: Low Use Rates with Male Partners and Even Lower Use Rates with Female Sexual Partners. (2004)
Gutierrez, JP; Molina-Yepez, D; McPherson, S; Samuels, F; Morrison, K; Ostrabidis, O; Bertozzi, S
Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ecuador: The Risk Is with Regular Partners. (2004)
Gutierrez, JP; Molina-Yepez, D; McPherson, S; Samuels, F; Morrison, K; Ostrabidis, O; Bertozzi, S
HIV/AIDS: The Impact on the Social Fabric and the Economy. (2004)
Haacker, M
The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Government Finance and Public Services. (2004)
Haacker, M
Communicable disease control: detecting and managing communicable disease outbreaks across borders. (2004)
MacLehose, L; Coker, R; McKee, M
A New Approach HIV/AIDS Surveillance: the Mexican Experience. (2004)
Magis-Rodriguez, C; Gayet, C; Gutierrez, JP; Juarez, F; Bertozzi, S; Noriega, S; Bravo, E; Pervilhac, C; Garcia-Calleja, J
Case Study: Sexual & reproductive health in Ghana and the role of donor assistance. (2004)
Mayhew, SH
The Challenge of Communicable Disease. (2004)
Mills, A; Shillcutt, S
Global migrants, gendered tradition & human rights: Africans and HIV in the United Kingdom. (2004)
O'Keefe, E; Chinouya, M
Understanding Pathways: Exploring Quantitative Social Capital Measures and Their Links to Health Outcomes. (2004)
Samuels, F; McPherson, S; Chikukwa, P; Gutierrez, JP; Bertozzi, S; Dandona, L
Combining quantitative and qualitative methods. (2004)
Spicer, N
Their Voices: Adolescents in Morelos, Mexico Speak About a School Based HIV/AIDS Intervention. (2004)
Torres, P; Walker, D; Gutierrez, JP; Turman, L; Bertozzi, S
Health aspects of trafficking: Health concerns for beneficiaries and staff. (2004)
Zimmerman, C
Costing the HIV/AIDS epidemic - thinking about scope, responses and long term implications. (2004)
Barnett, T
Structural adjustment and the spread of HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Barnett, T; Blackwell, M
HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States: reversing the epidemic - facts and policy options. (2004)
Barnett, T; Seeley, J; Grellier, R
Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion. Disease Control Priorities Project, Working Paper no. 28. (2004)
Cairncross, S; Valdmanis, V
The Health and Social Care needs of Zimbabweans in Luton: The Pachedu-Zenzele model. (2004)
Chinouya, M
Building up rights-based approaches to HIV/AIDS in Pakistan: a national civil society capacity building project: Operational Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation and list of core indicators. (2004)
Douthwaite, M; Collumbien, M; Mayhew, SH
Involving young people in the care and support of people living with HIV and AIDS in Zambia. (2004)
Esu-Williams, E; Schenk, K; Motsepe, J; Geibel, S; Zulu, A
The potential impact of the PATH Woman's condom in Bagalkot District, Karnataka, India: summary and technical annex. Mimeo report for Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health. Oct 2004. (2004)
Foss, A; Vickerman, P; Watts, C
The potential impact of microbicides in Bagalkot District, Karnataka, India: model projections and implications for product promotion. (2004)
Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Ramesh, BM; Moses, S; Blanchard, J; Watts, C
Values in Use and Organisational Culture: Exploring the relevance to Health Systems Development: Paper prepared for the UN Millennium Project’s Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health. (2004)
Gilson, L; Erasmus, E
Exploring the influence of workplace trust over health worker performance: Preliminary national overview report South Africa. (2004)
Gilson, L; Khumalo, G; Erasmus, E; Mbatsha, S; McIntyre, D
The Economics of malaria control interventions. (2004)
Hanson, K; Goodman, CG; Lines, J; Meek, S; Bradley, D; Mills, A
Human resource studies in health for poor and transitional countries. (2004)
Hongoro, C; Oliveira-Cruz, V; McPake, B; Ssengooba, F
Human resources for health: requirements and availability in the context of scaling-up priority interventions in low-income countries. Case studies from Tanzania and Chad. (2004)
Kurowski, C; Wyss, K; Abdulla, S; Yemadji, N; Mills, A
Consultancy report on rights-based approaches and monitoring/evaluation for Banja La Motsogolo, Malawi. (2004)
Mayhew, SH; Busza, J
Integration revisited: Millennium Project Background Paper on Integration of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services. (2004)
Mitchell, M; Mayhew, SH; Haivas, I
Capacity of Ministries of Health and Opportunities to Scale Up Health Interventions in Low Income Countries: A Case Study of Uganda: Paper commissioned by the United Nations Millennium Development Project. (2004)
Ssengooba, F; Oliveira-Cruz, V; Pariyo, G
Decentralising Health Services in South Africa: Constraints and Opportunities. (2004)
The Local Government And Health Consortium (Including L. Gilson)
Non-state provision of public services: South African health sector case study. (2004)
Wadee, H; Gilson, L
Microbicide awareness, investment and demand: advocacy and networking to accelerate microbicide development and availability. Emerging issues from the epidemiological and economic analysis. Mimeo briefing note for International Family Health. July 2004. (2004)
Watts, C; Foss, A; Vickerman, P; Kumaranayake, L
Conference or Workshop Item
Winners and losers: The expansion of insurance coverage in Russia in the 1990s. In Globalisation and Health in Europe: Harmonising Public Health Practices. [poster]. (2004)
Balabanova, D; Falkingham, J; McKee, M
Urban-rural disparities in health and living conditions in the Former Soviet Union: towards a comprehensive regional analysis. [oral presentation]. (2004)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Akingbade, K
Urban-rural disparities in health and living conditions in the Former Soviet Union: towards a comprehensive regional analysis. (2004)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Akingbade, KR
Implementing cervical cancer screening in Bulgaria: what are the health system-level constraints that should be addressed? [oral presentation]. (2004)
Balabanova, D; Panayotova, Y; Georgiev, J; Bradley, J
HIV/AIDS policy and practice: who did what, who didn't do what and what might they do? (2004)
Barnett, T
Preparedness: the social and economic dimension of HIV/AIDS in the CIS, Eastern Europe, Baltic and Balkans. (2004)
Barnett, T
Young African Londoners affected by HIV: making sense of rights. (2004)
Chinouya, M., O'Keefe, E
Variations in obstetric practices in Tula region of Russia. (2004)
Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; Parkhurst, J; McKee, M
Towards a better understanding of birth outcomes in Russia. (2004)
Danishevskiy, K; Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Nolte, E; Vasilieva, N; Schwalbe, N
Resources required for collaborative TB and HIV/AIDS programme activities in the context of the World Health Organization's '3 by 5' initiative: Abstract [TuOrD1209]. (2004)
Floyd, K; Kumaranayake, L; Getahun, H; Nunn, P
Can the impact of an HIV vaccine be negated by increases in sexual risk behaviour? [Abstract ThOrC1430]. (2004)
Foss, A; Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Rowley, J
The role of intervention complexity for the feasibility of scaling-up health interventions in low and middle-income countries. (2004)
Gericke, CA; Ranson, MK; Kurowski, C; Mills, A
Scale and Cost Variations Across HIV Prevention Interventions: a case study from Andhra Pradesh, India Abstract [TuPeE5459]. (2004)
Guinness, L; Kumaranayake, L; George, A; Ganghadar, V; Raghupathi
Achieving efficiency in a harm reduction programme for injecting drug users in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2004)
Guinness, L; Quayyuum, Z; Foss, A; Watts, C; Vickerman, P; Azim, T; Jana, S; Kumaranayake, L
Cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS care interventions complementary to antiretroviral therapy implementation in South Africa Abstract [MoPeB3205]. (2004)
Hausler, H; Sinanovic, E; Kumaranayake, L; Naidoo, P; Schoeman, H; Karpakis, B; Godfrey-Faussett, P
Cost-effectiveness of isoniazid preventive therapy of averting tuberculosis among HIV-infected employees in South Africa: evaluation of a randomised intervention Abstract [TuOrD1210]. (2004)
Kumaranayake, L; Fielding, K; Grant, A; Roux, S; Charalambous, S; Day, J; Churchyard, G
Economic Analysis of delivering integrated TB and HIV services: The Malawi ProTEST Project Abstract [TuPeD5214]. (2004)
Kumaranayake, L; Muvira, A; Chimzizi, R; Hargreaves, N; Golombe, C; Salaniponi, F; Godfrey-Faussett, P
Applying the Capability Approach: To evaluate the well-being among older people in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. (2004)
Legido-Quigley, H
Acting for reproductive health in reform contexts: challenges and research priorities [Presentation]. (2004)
Mayhew, S
Adaptation of Acceptability Curves: Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis According to Fixed Parameters. (2004)
Mills, A; Shillcutt, S; Coleman, P; Morel, C; Goodman, C
Firm-level economic impact of HIV/AIDS: abseenteism, medical costs and turnover for a mining workplace in South Africa Abstract [MoPeD3717]. (2004)
Muirhead, D; Kumaranayake, L; Churchyard, G
Costs of initiating and delivering an employer based antiretroviral programme in South Africa Abstract [MoPeB3353]. (2004)
Muirhead, D; Kumaranayake, L; Matseluba, T; Khotle, LS; Charalambous, S; Churchyard, G
Comparing two ‘success stories’ in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Brazil and Uganda [Poster Exhibition WePeE6830]. (2004)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; McPake, B
The use of targets as a monitoring and evaluation mechanism in development aid for HIV/AIDS [Poster Exhibition ThPeE8036]. (2004)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; McPake, B
Capacity of the Ugandan health system to scale up access to ARVs [Poster Exhibition TuPeD5139]. (2004)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; Ssengooba, F; McPake, B
Scaling up ARVs in Uganda: Through vertical projects or through the SWAp? [Poster Exhibition TUPeE5334]. (2004)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; Ssengooba, F; McPake, B
Continuity of Care for HIV-patients in the Private Medical Sector, Pune, India. (2004)
Sheikh, K
Resource requirements of a community-based intervention for behaviour change and treatment of sexually transmitted infections Abstract [E10279]. (2004)
Terris-Prestholt, F; Foster, S; Kumaranayake, L; Kamali, A; Whitworth, J
Costs of an adolescent sexual health programme in Mwanza, Tanzania: pilot costs and estimates for district-wide implementation Abstract [TuPeC4956]. (2004)
Terris-Prestholt, F; Kumaranayake, L; Obasi, A; Cleophas-Mazige, B; Makhkha, M; Ross, D; Hayes, R
HIV transmission in primary partnerships: a neglected but important target for prevention [Abstract MoPeC3504]. (2004)
Watts, C; Foss, A; Heise, L; Vickerman, P
Who uses condoms? Evidence from population surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia [Abstract 02695]. (2004)
Watts, C; Foss, A; Vickerman, P
Making Choices in Health: WHO Guide to Cost-effectiveness Analysis. (2004)
Baltussen, R; Taghreed, A; Tan Torres, T; Hutubessy, R; Acharya, A; Evans, DB; Murray, CJ
The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Haacker, ME
Globalization and infectious diseases, A review of the linkages. (2004)
Saker, L; LEE, K; Cannito, B; Gilmore, A; and Campbell-Lendrum, D