Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Global Health and Development"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Global Health and Development (6942)
    Number of items: 147.
  • Global health goals: lessons from the worldwide effort to eradicate poliomyelitis. (2003) Aylward, R Bruce; Acharya, Arnab; England, Sarah; Agocs, Mary; Linkins, Jennifer
  • Experiences of seeking help from health professionals in a sample of women who experienced domestic violence. (2003) Bacchus, Loraine; Mezey, Gill; Bewley, Susan
  • Coping, just - access to care in the new Bulgarian health system [Research Highlight]. (2003) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Winners and losers: expansion of insurance coverage in Russia in the 1990s. (2003) Balabanova, Dina C; Falkingham, Jane; McKee, Martin
  • HIV/AIDS has changed the world: development work cannot be the same again. (2003) Barnett, T
  • HIV/AIDS, human development and the coming epidemic in the Balkans, Baltic, Russian Federation and the CIS. (2003) Barnett, T
  • Mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods through low-labour input agriculture and related activities. (2003) Barnett, T; Grellier, R
  • Mitigation of HIV/AIDS impacts through agriculture and rural development. (2003) Barnett, T; Topouzis, D
  • Improving the Supply Distribution and Use of Antimalarial Drugs by the Private Sector in Tanzania. Report prepared for the National Malaria Control Programme, United Republic of Tanzania. (2003) Battersby, A; Goodman, C; Abondo, C; Mandike, R
  • Evaluación de intervenciones: ¿Cuál es el papel de la economía? (2003) Bertozzi, SM; Gutierrez, JP; Bautista, S
  • Validity of Willingness to Pay: hypothetical versus actual payment. (2003) Bhatia, MR; Fox-Rushby, JA
  • Governmental Relations and HIV Service Delivery: Report prepared for the Local Government Health Consortium, funded by the Health Systems Trust. (2003) Blaauw, D; Gilson, L; Modiba, P; Erasmus, E; Khumalo, G; Schneider, H
  • Organisational relationships and the ?software? of health sector reform - Background paper prepared for the Disease Control Priorities Project, Capacity Strengthening and Management reform. (2003) Blaauw, D; Gilson, L; Penn-Kekana, L; Schneider, H
  • Kanayaka: "The light is on": Understanding HIV and AIDS related Stigma in Urban and Rural Zambia. (2003) Bond, V; Levy, Chilikwela; Clay, S; Kafuma, T; Nyblade, L; Bettega, N
  • Costs of near-miss obstetric complications for women and their families in Benin and Ghana. (2003) Borghi, J; Hanson, K; Acquah, C Adjei; Ekanmian, G; Filippi, V; Ronsmans, C; Brugha, R; Browne, E; Alihonou, Eusebe
  • Costs of publicly provided maternity services in Rosario, Argentina. (2003) Borghi, Josephine; Bastus, Silvia; Belizan, María; Carroli, Guillermo; Hutton, Guy; Fox-Rushby, Julia
  • A systematic and critical review of the process of translation and adaptation of generic health-related quality of life measures in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, South America. (2003) Bowden, Annabel; Fox-Rushby, Julia A
  • The cost effectiveness of universal antenatal screening for HIV in New Zealand. (2003) Bramley, Dale; Graves, Nicholas; Walker, Damian
  • Promoting safe motherhood through the private sector in low- and middle-income countries. (2003) Brugha, Ruair; Pritze-Aliassime, Susanne
  • Antiretroviral treatment in developing countries: the peril of neglecting private providers. (2003) Brugha, Ruairí
  • Impact of public private partnerships addressing access to pharmaceuticals in low and middle income countries: Uganda pilot study. (2003) Caines, K; Bataringaya, J; Lush, L; Murindwa, G; Njie, H
  • Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; a Guidance Note. (2003) Cairncross, S; O'Neill, D; McCoy, A; Sethi, D
  • Ministerial challenges: post-conflict, post-election issues in Kosovo's health sector. (2003) Campbell, Jim; Percival, Val; Zwi, Anthony
  • Postscript, commentary ministerial challenges: post-conflict, post-election issues in Kosovo's health sector. (2003) Campbell, Jim; Zwi, Anthony; Percival, Val
  • The cost of measles in industrialised countries. (2003) Carabin, H; Edmunds, WJ; Gyldmark, M; Beutels, P; Lévy-Bruhl, D; Salo, H; Griffiths, UK
  • Provider payments and patient charges as policy tools for cost-containment: How successful are they in high-income countries? (2003) Carrin, Guy; Hanvoravongchai, Piya
  • The economic impact of malaria in Africa: a critical review of the evidence. (2003) Chima, Reginald Ikechukwu; Goodman, Catherine A; Mills, Anne
  • Zimbabweans in England: building capacity for culturally competent health promotion. (2003) Chinouya, M
  • The Padare Project: the sexual behaviours of HIV positive Africans living in London. (2003) Chinouya, M., Davidson, O
  • We can tell them: Aids doesn't come through being together. (2003) Clay, S; Bond, V; Nyblade, L
  • Betrayal of trust: the collapse of global public health. (2003) Coker, R
  • Public health impact of detention of individuals with tuberculosis: systematic literature review. (2003) Coker, RJ
  • Tuberculosis control in Samara Oblast, Russia: institutional and regulatory environment. (2003) Coker, RJ; Dimitrova, B; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, Y; Balabanova, Y; Kuznetsov, S; Fedorin, I; Melentsiev, A; Marchenko, G; Zakharova, S; Atun, R
  • Transborder health risks and the UK: Case studies on population mobility and tobacco control. (2003) Collin, J; Lee, K
  • Methods for studying private sector supply of public health products in developing countries: a conceptual framework and review. (2003) Conteh, Lesong; Hanson, Kara
  • Systematic review of isolation policies in the hospital management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a review of the literature with epidemiological and economic modelling. (2003) Cooper, BS; Stone, SP; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Medley, GF; Duckworth, GJ; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S
  • What do we know about the state of maternal health in Russia? Report on the situation analysis. (2003) Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; Parkhurst, J; McKee, M
  • Introduction. Learning from HIV and AIDS: from multidisciplinary to interdisciplinarity. (2003) Ellison, G; Parker, M; Campbell, C
  • Learning from HIV and AIDS. (2003) Ellison, G; Parker, M; Campbell, C
  • The impact of CARE-SHAKTI IDU intervention in Dhaka: model projections [Abstract 845 460-2542]. (2003) Foss, A; Watts, C; Vickerman, P; Guinness, L; Azim, T; Jana, S
  • Are people using condoms? Current evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and the implications for microbicides. (2003) Foss, AM; Watts, C; Vickerman, P; Kumaranayake, L
  • Shifts in condom use following microbicide introduction: should we be concerned? (2003) Foss, Anna M; Vickerman, Peter T; Heise, Lori; Watts, Charlotte H
  • Understanding the components of HRQL amongst the Kamba of Kenya: Putting a qualitatively-derived conceptual model to the psychometric test. (2003) Fox-Rushby, J; Bowden, A; Smith, S; Lamping, D
  • A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: changes in young women?s contraception use over time. (2003) Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
  • A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: key themes. (2003) Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
  • What young people do when contraception goes wrong. (2003) Free, C; Ogden, J
  • Effects on haemoglobin of multi-micronutrient supplementation and multi-helminth chemotherapy: a randomized, controlled trial in Kenyan school children. (2003) Friis, H; Mwaniki, D; Omondi, B; Muniu, E; Thiong'o, F; Ouma, J; Magnussen, P; Geissler, PW; Michaelsen, K Fleischer
  • A framework for a new approach to antenatal care. (2003) Gerein, N; Mayhew, S; Lubben, M
  • Intervention complexity - a conceptual framework to inform priority setting in health. (2003) Gericke, C; Kurowski, C; Ranson, M; Mills, A
  • Intervening in the public private mix ? the strategy of policy action. (2003) Gilson, L; Thomas, S
  • Trust and the development of health care as a social institution. (2003) Gilson, Lucy
  • The SAZA study: implementing health financing reform in South Africa and Zambia. (2003) Gilson, Lucy; Doherty, Jane; Lake, Sally; McIntyre, Di; Mwikisa, Chris; Thomas, Stephen
  • Generalisability of Trials and Implementation of Research into Practice. (2003) Grosskurth, H; Kumaranayake, L
  • Cost-effectiveness of the CARE-SHAKTI IDU intervention in Bangladesh [Abstract 844 460-2541]. (2003) Guinness, L; Foss, A; Watts, C; Quayyuum, Z; Vickerman, P; Azim, T; Jana, S; Kumaranayake, L
  • Surviving the impact of HIV-related illness in the Zambian business sector. (2003) Guinness, Lorna; Walker, Damian; Ndubani, Phillimon; Jama, John; Kelly, Paul
  • A prioritised research agenda for DOTS-Plus for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). (2003) Gupta, Rajesh; Espinal, Marcos; Stop TB Working Group on DOTS-Plus for MDR-TB
  • A culturally-specific measure of visual outcome in India: Development and validation of the Indian Visual Function Questionnaire-33 (IND-VFQ33). (2003) Gupta, S; Viswanath, K; Thulasiraj, R; Murthy, G; Lamping, D; Smith, S; Donoghue, M; Fletcher, A
  • [The health gap in Mexico, measured through child mortality]. (2003) Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Bertozzi, Stefano M ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Providing Health Services to HIV/AIDS Patients in Southern Africa. (2003) Haacker, M
  • Cost-effectiveness of social marketing of insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in the United Republic of Tanzania. (2003) Hanson, Kara; Kikumbih, Nassor; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna; Mponda, Haji; Nathan, Rose; Lake, Sally; Mills, Anne; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
  • Expanding access to priority health interventions: a framework for understanding the constraints to scaling-up. (2003) Hanson, Kara; Ranson, M Kent; Oliveira-Cruz, Valeria; Mills, Anne
  • Identifying the determinants of tuberculosis control in resource-poor countries: insights from a qualitative study in The Gambia. (2003) Harper, M; Ahmadu, FA; Ogden, JA; McAdam, KP; Lienhardt, C
  • Epidemiology and control of tuberculosis in Western European cities. (2003) Hayward, AC; Darton, T; Van-Tam, JN; Watson, JM; Coker, R; Schwoebel, V
  • Hospital costs of high-burden diseases: malaria and pulmonary tuberculosis in a high HIV prevalence context in Zimbabwe. (2003) Hongoro, Charles; McPake, Barbara
  • Human resources in health: putting the right agenda back to the front. (2003) Hongoro, Charles; McPake, Barbara
  • Socio-economic factors associated with the purchasing of insecticide-treated nets in Afghanistan and their implications for social marketing. (2003) Howard, Natasha; Chandramohan, Daniel; Freeman, Tim; Shafi, Ahmed; Rafi, Mohammed; Enayatullah, Sayed; Rowland, Mark
  • Why does economic analysis in health care not get implemented more? Towards a greater understanding of the rules of the game and the costs of decision making. (2003) Jan, Stephen
  • A perspective on the analysis of credible commitment and myopia in health sector decision making. (2003) Jan, Stephen
  • A politico-economic analysis of decision making in funding health service organisations. (2003) Jan, Stephen; Dommers, Eric; Mooney, Gavin
  • How do Zimbabweans value health states? (2003) Jelsma, Jennifer; Hansen, Kristian; De Weerdt, Willy; De Cock, Paul; Kind, Paul
  • The ART of rationing--the need for a new approach to rationing health interventions. (2003) Kenyon, Christopher; Skordis, Jolene; Boulle, Andrew; Pillay, Karrisha
  • Rape and HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: addressing the dual epidemics in South Africa. (2003) Kim, Julia C; Martin, Lorna J; Denny, Lynette
  • Coping with private health markets: regulatory effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2003) Kumaranayake, L; Hongoro, C; Lake, S; Mujinja, P; Mpembeni, R
  • Cost Analysis of the Malawian ProTEST Initiative - Report Prepared for the World Health Organization and Malawian National Tuberculosis Programme. (2003) Kumaranayake, L; Muvira, A
  • Effectiveness and Reform of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) by Stephen Klingebiel [Book Review]. (2003) Lee, K
  • Globalisation and health: an introduction. (2003) Lee, K
  • Health impacts of globalization, Towards global governance. (2003) Lee, K
  • The global trade and public health nexus: The role of the World Health Organization. (2003) Lee, K
  • Public health, foreign policy and security: a discussion paper. (2003) Lee, K; McInnes, C
  • The global trade and public health nexus: the role of WHO. (2003) Lee, Kelley
  • The South African Old Age Pension: Exploring the role on poverty alleviation in households affected by HIV/AIDS. (2003) Legido-Quigley, H
  • Interdisciplinary approaches towards TB control. (2003) Lienhardt, C; Ogden, J; Sow, O
  • Scaling-up and sustaining insecticide-treated net coverage. (2003) Lines, Jo; Lengeler, Christian; Cham, Kabir; de Savigny, Don; Chimumbwa, John; Langi, Peter; Carroll, Dennis; Mills, Anne; Hanson, Kara; Webster, Jayne; Lynch, Matthew; Addington, Whitney; Hill, Jenny; Rowland, Mark; Worrall, Eve; MacDonald, Michael; Kilian, Albert
  • Transferring policies for treating sexually transmitted infections: what's wrong with global guidelines? (2003) Lush, Louisiana; Walt, Gill; Ogden, Jessica
  • Handbook on the use of tobacco industry documents for research. (2003) MacKenzie, R; Collin, J; Lee, K
  • Priority setting in Ghana?s Health Sector Reforms: Where is sexual and reproductive health? (2003) Mayhew, SH; Adjei, S
  • The impact of decentralisation on sexual and reproductive health services in Ghana. (2003) Mayhew, Susannah H
  • A tale of two visions: the changing fortunes of Social Health Insurance in South Africa. (2003) McIntyre, Di; Doherty, Jane; Gilson, Lucy
  • Politics and science. (2003) McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
  • The dangerous rise of American exceptionalism. (2003) McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
  • Is the Colombian health system reform improving the performance of public hospitals in Bogotá? (2003) McPake, Barbara; Yepes, Francisco Jose; Lake, Sally; Sanchez, Luz Helena
  • Midwives' perceptions and experiences of routine enquiry for domestic violence. (2003) Mezey, Gill; Bacchus, Loraine; Haworth, Alison; Bewley, Susan
  • Expanding access to health interventions in low and middle-income countries: Constraints and opportunities for scaling-up. (2003) Mills, A; Hanson, K
  • Economics of AIDS and access to HIV-AIDS care in developing countries: issues and challenges. (2003) Moatti, J.-, P; Barnett, T; Coriat, B; Souteyrand, Y; Dumoulin, J; Flori, Y.-, A
  • Unit costs of health care inputs in low and middle income regions. (2003) Mulligan, J; Fox-Rushby, J; Adam, T; Johns, B; Mills, A
  • Unit costs of health care inputs in low and middle income regions. Working Paper No. 9, Disease Control Priorities Project. (2003) Mulligan, J; Fox-Rushby, J; Johns, TAB; Mills, A
  • Assesing the distribution of household financial contributions to the health system: Concepts and empirical application. (2003) Murray, CJL; Xu, K; Klavus, J; Kawabata, K; Hanvoravongchai, P; Zeramdini, R; Aguilar-Rivera, AM; Evans, DB
  • Understanding young men's sexual health and prospects for sexual behaviour change in rural Zambia. (2003) Ndubani, Phillimon; Bond, Virginia; Liljeström, Rita; Höjer, Bengt
  • Disentangling HIV and AIDS Stigma in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia. (2003) Nyblade, L; Pande, R; Mathur, S; MacQuarrie, K; Kidd, R; Banteyerga, H; Kidanu, A; Kilonzo, G; J, M; Bond, V
  • The politics of 'branding' in policy transfer: the case of DOTS for tuberculosis control. (2003) Ogden, Jessica; Walt, Gill; Lush, Louisiana
  • Agency theory and the relationships between recipient governments and international development partners – case study of Uganda [Short-format oral plus poster presentation]. (2003) Oliveira-Cruz, V; McPake, B
  • Approaches to overcoming constraints to effective health service delivery: a review of the evidence. (2003) Oliveira-Cruz, Valeria; Hanson, Kara; Mills, Anne
  • Delivery of priority health services: searching for synergies within the vertical versus horizontal debate. (2003) Oliveira-Cruz, Valeria; Kurowski, Christoph; Mills, Anne
  • Effects of multimicronutrient supplementation on helminth reinfection: a randomized, controlled trial in Kenyan schoolchildren. (2003) Olsen, Annette; Thiong'o, Fred W; Ouma, John H; Mwaniki, David; Magnussen, Pascal; Michaelsen, Kim Fleischer; Friis, Henrik; Geissler, P Wenzel
  • Who buys insecticide-treated nets? Implications for increasing coverage in Nigeria. (2003) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Hanson, Kara; Fox-Rushby, Julia A
  • Serious contractual difficulties? A case study of contracting for PHC in South Africa. (2003) Palmer, N; Mills, A
  • A new face for private providers in developing countries: what implications for public health? (2003) Palmer, Natasha; Mills, Anne; Wadee, Haroon; Gilson, Lucy; Schneider, Helen
  • Inferring the potential success of pneumococcal vaccination in Italy: serotypes and antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from invasive diseases. (2003) Pantosti, Annalisa; Boccia, Delia; D'Ambrosio, Fabio; Recchia, Simona; Orefici, Graziella; Moro, Maria Luisa; National Surveillance of Bacterial Meningitis; Earss-Italia Study
  • The impact of migration on health beliefs and behaviours: the case of Ethiopian refugees in the UK. (2003) Papadopoulos, Rena; Lay, Maggie; Lees, Shelley; Gebrehiwot, Alem
  • Anthropological reflections on HIV prevention strategies: the case for targeting London's backrooms. (2003) Parker, M
  • National responses to HIV/AIDS: the importance of understanding context. (2003) Parkhurst, JO
  • National responses to HIV/AIDS: the importance of understanding context. (2003) Parkhurst, Justin
  • Comparative health report. (2003) Pomerleau, J; McKee, M; Rose, R; Balabanova, D; Gilmore, A
  • Community-based health insurance schemes in India: a review. (2003) Ranson, M Kent
  • Constraints to expanding access to health interventions: an empirical analysis and country typology. (2003) Ranson, M Kent; Hanson, Kara; Oliveira-Cruz, Valeria; Mills, Anne
  • Anthropology of Human Rights: Why Conversion to Christianity Might Be Good to Think With. (2003) Reubi, D
  • HIV/AIDS and Employment: Protecting Young People and Involving Them in Work-Related Solutions. (2003) Santis, W; Whitman, CV; Venkatapuram, S; Rosenblum, L; Rosati, M; Palakurthi, P
  • Emergency contraception: lessons learned from the UK. (2003) Schenk, Katie D
  • The development of policy for syndromic management of STIs in South Africa, 1970-2000. (2003) Schneider, H; Lush, L; Ogden, J
  • An analysis of policy transfer: tuberculosis policy and DOTS in South Africa. (2003) Schneider, H; Ogden, J; Lush, L
  • Prevalence and determinants of smoking in Tirana city, Albania: a population-based survey. (2003) Shapo, Laidon; Gilmore, Anna B; Coker, Richard; McKee, Martin; Shapo, Entela
  • Body weight patterns in a country in transition: a population-based survey in Tirana City, Albania. (2003) Shapo, Laidon; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard; Ylli, Agron
  • Cost analysis of the South African ProTEST Inititiative: Central District - Report Prepared for the City of Cape Town and World Health Organization. (2003) Sinanovic, E; Hausler, H; Naidoo, P; Kumaranayake, L
  • Conflict and catastrophe medicine: a practical guide [Book review]. (2003) Sondorp, E
  • Climate change, conflict and health. (2003) Sondorp, Egbert; Patel, Preeti
  • Is antenatal syphilis screening still cost effective in sub-Saharan Africa. (2003) Terris-Prestholt, F; Watson-Jones, D; Mugeye, K; Kumaranayake, L; Ndeki, L; Weiss, H; Changalucha, J; Todd, J; Lisekie, F; Gumodoka, B; Mabey, D; Hayes, R
  • Are vaccination sites in Bangladesh scale efficient? (2003) Valdmanis, Vivian; Walker, Damian; Fox-Rushby, Julia
  • TB services in partnership: the case of Egypt. (2003) Vassall, A
  • Equity, health equity, and the work of the International Trachoma Initiative. (2003) Venkatapuram, S
  • Survey of monitoring and measurement tools of health and human rights programs. (2003) Venkatapuram, S
  • Women, equity and the work of International Trachoma Initiative. (2003) Venkatapuram, S
  • Sensitivity requirements for the point of care diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in women. (2003) Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Alary, M; Mabey, D; Peeling, RW
  • Injecting drug use and the sexual transmission of HIV: simple model insights. (2003) Vickerman, Peter; Watts, Charlotte
  • The Pelotas birth cohort study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001. (2003) Victora, Cesar G; Barros, Fernando C; Lima, Rosângela C; Behague, Dominique P; Gon alves, Helen; Horta, Bernardo L; Gigante, Denise P; Vaughan, J Patrick
  • Public-private interactions in the South African health sector: Experiences and perspectives from national, provincial and local levels. (2003) Wadee, H; Gilson, L; Blaauw, D; Erasmus, E; Mills, A
  • Health care inequity in South Africa and the public-private mix. (2003) Wadee, H; Gilson, L; Thiede, M; Okorafor, O; McIntyre, D
  • Economic Evaluation of Health Care Interventions in Developing Countries. (2003) Walker, D; Mulligan, J; Fox-Rushby, J
  • Cost and cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies in developing countries: is there an evidence base? (2003) Walker, Damian
  • The economics of TB control in developing countries. (2003) Walker, Damian; Stevens, Warren
  • Determinants of impact of a HIV vaccine: model projections. Mimeo report to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative. Nov 2003. (2003) Watts, C; Vickerman, P; Foss, A
  • Preventing incident infections in long-term partnerships: a role for microbicides [Rapid response]. (2003) Watts, CH; Foss, A
  • Involving the general public in priority setting: experiences from Australia. (2003) Wiseman, V; Mooney, G; Berry, G; Tang, KC
  • The cost-effectiveness of permethrin-treated bed nets in an area of intense malaria transmission in western Kenya. (2003) Wiseman, Virginia; Hawley, William A; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Phillips-Howard, Penelope A; Vulule, John M; Nahlen, Bernard L; Mills, Anne J
  • Household health system contributions and capacity to pay: Definitional, empirical and technical challenges. (2003) Xu, K; Klavus, J; Kawabata, K; Evans, DB; Hanvoravongchai, P; Ortiz de Iturbide, J
  • WHO ethical and safety recommendations for interviewing trafficked women. (2003) Zimmerman, C; Watts, C
  • The health risks and consequences of trafficking in women and adolescents: Findings from a European study. (2003) Zimmerman, C; Yun, K; Shvab, I; Watts, C; Trappolin, L; Treppete, M; Bimbi, F; Adams, B; Jiraporn, S; Beci, L; Albrecht, M; Bindel, J; Regan, L
  • Editorial: should medicines be kept away from children? African considerations. (2003) van der Geest, Sjaak; Geissler, PW