Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Global Health and Development"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
Dept of Global Health and Development (6942)
Number of items: 163.
Health insurance for the informal sector in Africa: design features, risk protection, and resource mobilization. (2001)
Arhin-Tenkorang, DC
Mobilizing resources for health: the case for user fees revisited. (2001)
Arhin-Tenkorang, DC
Plight of Afghan people must not be forgotten. (2001)
Armstrong, B; Coleman, M; Davies, C; Elbourne, D; Fletcher, A; Grundy, E; Haines, A; Hall, A; Kirkwood, B; Lamping, D; Miles, M; Roberts, I; Sondorp, E
Domestic violence and pregnancy. (2001)
Bacchus, Loraine J; Bewley, Susan; Mezey, Gillian
The cost of free healthcare: under-the-counter payments in Bulgaria. (2001)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M
Keynote address to the DFID-IFPRI consultation on HIV/AIDS and rural livelihoods. (2001)
Barnett, T
Social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS on development. (2001)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS. (2001)
Barnett, T; Rugalema, G
HIV/AIDS: a critical health and development issue. (2001)
Barnett, T; Rugalema, G
The World Development Report 2000/01: HIV/AIDS still not properly considered! (2001)
Barnett, Tony; Whiteside, Alan
The social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS in poor countries: a review of studies and lessons. (2001)
Barnett, Tony; Whiteside, Alan; Desmond, Chris
The epidemiological transition in maternal and child health in a Brazilian city, 1982-93: a comparison of two population-based cohorts. (2001)
Barros, FC; Victora, CG; Vaughan, JP; Tomasi, E; Horta, BL; Cesar, JA; Menezes, MB; Halpern, R; Post, CL; del Mar Garcia, M
Counselling Kenyan heroin users: cross-cultural motivation? (2001)
Beckerleg, S
A study of the variation in tuberculosis incidence and possible influential variables in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Cardiff in 1991-1995. (2001)
Bennett, J; Pitman, R; Jarman, B; Innes, J; Best, N; Alves, B; Cook, A; Hart, D; Coker, R
Consanguinity and the transmission/disequilibrium test for allelic association. (2001)
Bennett, S; Curnow, RN
Mobilisation for total welfare, 1948-1974. (2001)
Berridge, VS; Webster, C; Walt, G
Health and poverty reduction policies in South Africa. (2001)
Blaauw, D; Gilson, L
Participatory Development: Between Hopes and Reality. (2001)
Blanchet, Karl
Nosocomial necrotising enterocolitis outbreaks: epidemiology and control measures. (2001)
Boccia, D; Stolfi, I; Lana, S; Moro, ML
What is the cost of maternal health care and how can it be financed? (2001)
Borghi, J
The adaptation and use of generic health-related quality of life measures in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America: a critical review of the literature. (2001)
Bowden, A; Fox-Rushby, J
The intolerable burden of malaria: a new look at the numbers. (2001)
Breman, JG; Egan, A; Keusch, GT
A global health fund: a leap of faith? (2001)
Brugha, R; Walt, G
Influencing providers: what do we know. (2001)
Brugha, RF
Public-private health partnerships: a strategy for WHO. (2001)
Buse, K; Waxman, A
Feasibility of an ultrasound service on district health care level in Botswana. (2001)
Bussmann, H; Koen, E; Arhin-Tenkorang, D; Munyadzwe, G; Troeger, J
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infection: the linkages. (2001)
Cleland, J; Lush, L
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infections: The linkages. (2001)
Cleland, J; Lush, L
Civil liberties and public good: detention of tuberculous patients and the Public Health Act 1984. (2001)
Coker, R
Control of tuberculosis in Russia. (2001)
Coker, R
Detention and mandatory treatment for tuberculosis patients in Russia. (2001)
Coker, R
Just coercion? Detention of nonadherent tuberculosis patients. (2001)
Coker, R
Ethical approval for health research in central and eastern Europe: an international survey. (2001)
Coker, R; McKee, M
Mandatory screening and treatment of immigrants for latent tuberculosis in the USA: just restraint? (2001)
Coker, R; van Weezenbeek, KL
National survey of detention and TB. (2001)
Coker, RJ
Promoting healthy behavior: How much freedom? Whose responsibility? (2001)
Coker, RJ
Cost effectiveness study of iron supplementation and malaria chemoprophylaxis in the prevention of anaemia and malaria among infants in Northern Ghana - Interim study. (2001)
Conteh, L
HIV transmission risk among sub-Saharan Africans in London travelling to their countries of origin. (2001)
Fenton, KA; Chinouya, M; Davidson, O; Copas, A; MAYISHA research team
Whose values count? A critique of disability adjusted life years (DALYs). [Abstract]. (2001)
Fox-Rushby, J
Calculating and presenting disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in cost-effectiveness analysis. (2001)
Fox-Rushby, JA; Hanson, K
To use or not to use emergency contraception? Within subject attitudinal and situational differences between the last episode of emergency contraception use and the last episode of contraceptive risk not followed by emergency contraception use. (2001)
Free, C; Ogden, J
Emergency contraception use in young women: differences between users and non users. (2001)
Free, C; Ogden, J; Lee, R
Balancing imbalances: Facilitating community perspectives in times of adversity. In Williams HA (Ed) Caring for those in crisis: integrating anthropology and public health in complex humanitarian emergencies. (2001)
Fustukian, S; Zwi, A
Self-treatment by Kenyan and Ugandan schoolchildren and the need for school-based education. (2001)
Geissler, PW; Meinert, L; Prince, R; Nokes, C; Aagaard-Hansen, J; Jitta, J; Ouma, JH
Social health insurance stakeholder analysis: Report of preliminary investigation. (2001)
Gilson, L
Strategies for promoting equity: experience with community financing in three African countries. (2001)
Gilson, L; Kalyalya, D; Kuchler, F; Lake, S; Oranga, H; Ouendo, M
South Africa: addressing the legacy of apartheid. (2001)
Gilson, L; McIntyre, D
Designing and implementing health financing reform. (2001)
Gilson, L; Scribner, S; Bennett, S
Changing the first line drug for malaria treatment--cost-effectiveness analysis with highly uncertain inter-temporal trade-offs. (2001)
Goodman, CA; Coleman, PG; Mills, AJ
The cost-effectiveness of antenatal malaria prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001)
Goodman, CA; Coleman, PG; Mills, AJ
Comparison of the cost and cost-effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets and residual house-spraying in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2001)
Goodman, CA; Mnzava, AE; Dlamini, SS; Sharp, BL; Mthembu, DJ; Gumede, JK
Health Service utilisation and expenditures in Tbilisi - 2000. (2001)
Gotsadze, G; Gzirishvili, D; Bennett, S; Ranson, K
How to roll out CBO provided home-based care for AIDS: Government's role? (2001)
Goudge, J; Gilson, L; Msimange, L
Using costing as a district planning and management tool in Balochistan, Pakistan. (2001)
Green, A; Ali, B; Naeem, A; Vassall, A
Enhancing the quality of humanitarian assistance: taking stock and future initiatives. (2001)
Griekspoor, A; Sondorp, E
The effects of teaching on hospital productivity. (2001)
Grosskopf, S; Margaritis, D; Valdmanis, V
Truck drivers, middlemen and commercial sex workers: AIDS and the mediation of sex in south west Uganda. (2001)
Gysels, M; Pool, R; Bwanika, K
Creating markets in hospital care: the adoption of developed country health sector reforms by developing countries. Is it appropriate? (2001)
Hanson, K; Archard, L; McPake, B
Ends versus means: the role of markets in expanding access to contraceptives. (2001)
Hanson, K; Kumaranayake, L; Thomas, I
Constraints to scaling up health interventions: a conceptual framework and empirical analysis. (2001)
Hanson, K; Ranson, K; Oliveira-Cruz, V; Mills, A
How can we improve access to and coverage of health services using private insurance schemes in Zimbabwe? (2001)
Hongoro, C; Kumaranayake, L; Nherera, L
Globalisation - a new agenda for health? (2001)
Lee, K
A dialogue of the deaf? The health impacts of globalisation. (2001)
Lee, K
The global dimensions of cholera. (2001)
Lee, K
A review of the existing empirical evidence on globalisation and health. (2001)
Lee, K; LEE K. and Collin J. (2001), \"A review of the existing empirica, March2001
Recent advances: International perspectives on health inequalities and policy. (2001)
Leon, DA; Walt, G; Gilson, L
Knowledge, action and resistance: the selective use of pre-natal screening among Bedouin women of the Negev, Israel. (2001)
Lewando-Hundt, G; Shoham-Vardi, I; Beckerleg, S; Belmaker, I; Kassem, F; Jaafar, AA
International effort for antiretrovirals: a storm in a teacup? (2001)
Lush, L
Policies and programmes for reproductive and sexual health for refugees: what do we know? (2001)
Lush, L
Public-private partnerships and guaranteeing drug delivery through health systems: issues needing further research. (2001)
Lush, L
The politics of increased access to essential medicines in developing countries: the case of anti-retrovirals. (2001)
Lush, L
International co-operation for reproductive health. (2001)
Lush, L; Campbell, O
Review of output 1 of Kenya HAPAC phase one: final report. (2001)
Lush, L; Odhiambo, D
The role of MCH and family planning services in HIV/STD control: is integration the answer? (2001)
Lush, L; Walt, G; Cleland, J; Mayhew, S
Transport costs: a review of literature, policy options and modelling approaches. (2001)
Matsebula, T; Msimango, L; Gilson, L
Pharmacists' role in managing sexually transmitted infections: policy issues and options for Ghana. (2001)
Mayhew, S; Nzambi, K; Pépin, J; Adjei, S
Report of a Technical Assistance Consultation to facilitate the establishment of a research project on health Sector Reforms and Reproductive Health in Tanzania. (2001)
Mayhew, SH
Unhappy Alliance - does integrated reproductive healthcare work? (2001)
Mayhew, SH; Cleland, J
Protecting efficient, comprehensive and integrated primary health care - principles and guidelines for inter-governmental contracting and service agreements. (2001)
McCoy, D; Buch, E; Palmer, N
Coping strategies of health workers in Uganda. (2001)
McPake, B; Asiimwe, D; Mwesigye, F; Ofumbi, M; Streefland, P; Turinde, A
Hepatitis-B virus endemicity: heterogeneity, catastrophic dynamics and control. (2001)
Medley, GF; Lindop, NA; Edmunds, WJ; Nokes, DJ
Sexual health seeking behaviours of young people in the Gambia. (2001)
Miles, K; Shaw, M; Paine, K; Hart, GJ; Ceesay, S
Understanding competition among private hospitals in Bangladesh. (2001)
Mills, A; Amin, M; Hanson, H
The challenge of health sector reform: what must governments do? (2001)
Mills, A; Bennett, S; Russell, S; Attanayake, N; Hongoro, C; Muraleedharan, VR; Smithson, P
Understanding the market for the provision of malaria-related treatment in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Mills, A; Goodman, C; Hanson, K
Contracting out primary care services: feasibility and desirability in middle-and low-income countries. (2001)
Mills, A; McIntyre, D; Palmer, N; Gilson, L
The design of health systems. (2001)
Mills, A; Ranson, K
A stakeholder approach towards hospital accreditation in India. (2001)
Nandraj, S; Khot, A; Menon, S; Brugha, R
User fees for health services: guidelines for protecting the poor. (2001)
Newbrander, W; Collins, D; Gilson, L
The negotiation of sexual relationships among school pupils in south-western Uganda. (2001)
Nyanzi, S; Pool, R; Kinsman, J
Operationalising conceptions of 'health' amongst the Wakamba and Maragoli of Kenya: the basis of the KENQOL instrument [Abstract]. (2001)
Nzioka, C; Fox-Rushby, J; Muia, PI
Researching TB Control in India: the politics of partnership in tropical public health. (2001)
Ogden, JA; Porter, JDH
Strengthening grant applications from Africa. (2001)
Ogunbanwo, JA; Tsoka, J; Egan, A
The Brazilian health system: an overview. (2001)
Oliveira-Cruz, V
Approaches to overcoming health systems constraints at the peripheral level: a review of the evidence. (2001)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; Hanson, K; Mills, A
Constraints to scaling up needle exchange programs in Brazil [Abstract # 2459]. (2001)
Oliveira-Cruz, V; Hanson, K; Mills, A
Onchocerciasis control in Nigeria: will households be able to afford community-directed treatment with ivermectin? (2001)
Onwujekwe, O; Shu, E; Onwuameze, O; Ndum, C; Okonkwo, P
Primary health care contracting study. Phase: Western Cape district surgeons. Report on methods and findings. (2001)
Palmer, N; Sinanovic, E
Stuck in GUM: Life in a clap clinic. (2001)
Parker, M
The Crisis of AIDS and the Politics of Response: The Case of Uganda. (2001)
Parkhurst, Justin O
Palliatieve zorg voor AIDS patienten op het platteland in zuidwest Oeganda (Palliative care for rural AIDS patients in south-west Uganda.). (2001)
Pool, R
Traditional healers, STDs and infertility in north-west Tanzania. (2001)
Pool, R; Washija, NR
Commentary on: Tuberculosis in Retrospect & Prospect, by Gandy, M. and Zumla, A. (2001)
Porter, JDH; Ogden, J
The globalisation of DOTS: TB as a global emergency. (2001)
Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Lee, K
Becoming 'one who treats': a case study of a Luo healer and her grandson in western Kenya. (2001)
Prince, RJ; Geissler, PW
Knowledge of herbal and pharmaceutical medicines among Luo schoolchildren in western Kenya. (2001)
Prince, RJ; Geissler, PW; Nokes, K; Okatcha, F; Grigorenko, EL; Sternberg, RJ
Equity versus efficiency: a dilemma for the NHS. If the NHS is serious about equity it must offer guidance when principles conflict. (2001)
Sassi, F; Le Grand, J; Archard, L
AIDS. Resource needs for HIV/AIDS. (2001)
Schwartländer, B; Stover, J; Walker, N; Bollinger, L; Gutierrez, JP; McGreevey, W; Opuni, M; Forsythe, S; Kumaranayake, L; Watts, C; Bertozzi, S
In search of a healthy life... skeletal fluorosis, disability and the rural livelihoods framework. (2001)
Seeley, J
Recognising diversity: disability and rural livelihoods approaches in India. (2001)
Seeley, J
Advanced trauma life support training versus basic life support training. (2001)
Sethi, D; Kwan, I; Kelly, AM; Roberts, I; Bunn, F
Advanced trauma life support training versus basic life support training. (2001)
Sethi, D; Kwan, I; Kelly, AM; Roberts, I; Bunn, F
Experience of 'screening' for domestic violence in women's services. (2001)
Sethi, D; Watts, S; Watson, J; McCarthy, C; Zwi, A
A political analysis of corporate drug donations: the example of Malarone in Kenya. (2001)
Shretta, R; Walt, G; Brugha, R; Snow, R
Primary health care contracting study. Phase 2: Eastern Cape GP group practises. Report on methods and findings. (2001)
Sinanovic, E; Palmer, N
Primary health care contracting study. Public Sector Facilities: report on methods and findings. (2001)
Sinanovic, E; Wadee, H; Taole, K; Palmer, N; Gilson, L; Schneider, H; Mills, A
Working with the private sector providers for better health care, an introductory guide. (2001)
Smith, E; Brugha, RF; Zwi, A
An economic evaluation of the costs of the new programme of antenatal care in Saudi Arabia. (2001)
Smith, S; Fox-Rushby, J; Hutton, G; Mugford, M
Book Review: World Disasters Report 2000: Focus on Public Health (P. Walker, J. Walter, Eds). (2001)
Sondorp, E
Beyond emergency care: challenges to health planning in complex emergencies. (2001)
Sondorp, E; Kaiser, T; Zwi, A
The relationship between academic and practical intelligence: a case study in Kenya. (2001)
Sternberg, R
Cost recovery beds in public hospitals in Indonesia. (2001)
Suwandono, A; Gani, A; Purwani, S; Blas, E; Brugha, R
The Pricon study. Report: Sites T and U. (2001)
Taole, K; Wadee, H; Palmer, N; Brijlal, V; Magongo, B; Gilson, L; Schneider, H; Mills, A
Primary health care contracting study- report on the Lesotho phase: report on the methods and findings. (2001)
Taole, K; Wadee, H; Palmer, N; Brijlal, V; Magongo, B; Gilson, L; Schneider, H; Mills, A
Cost analysis of on-site antenatal syphilis screening in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2001)
Terris-Prestholt, F; Kumaranayake, L
Cost analysis of the Zambian ProTEST project: a package to reduce the impact of tuberculosis and other HIV-related diseases. (2001)
Terris-Prestholt, F; Kumaranayake, L
Complex humanitarian emergencies. (2001)
Toole, MJ; Waldman, RJ; Zwi, A
[Epidemiology and clinical course of S. pneumoniae infections in children]. (2001)
Tozzi, AE; Boccia, D; D'Ancona, F; Salmaso, S
Social inequalities in injury risk: implications for prevention. (2001)
Tursz, A; Zwi, A
Tackling the diseases of poverty: accelerating action against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. (2001)
Vaughan, J. P., (Global Health Team,)
The impact of health interventions on health inequalities: inflant and child health in Brazil. (2001)
Victora, CG; Barros, FC; Vaughan, J
WHO antenatal care randomised trial for the evaluation of a new model of routine antenatal care. (2001)
Villar, J; Ba'aqeel, H; Piaggio, G; Lumbiganon, P; Miguel Belizán, J; Farnot, U; Al-Mazrou, Y; Carroli, G; Pinol, A; Donner, A; Langer, A; Nigenda, G; Mugford, M; Fox-Rushby, J; Hutton, G; Bergsjø, P; Bakketeig, L; Berendes, H; Garcia, J; WHO Antenatal Care Trial Research Group
Cost and cost-effectiveness guidelines: which ones to use? (2001)
Walker, D
Economic analysis of tuberculosis diagnostic tests in disease control: how can it be modelled and what additional information is needed? (2001)
Walker, D
Future of research into rotavirus vaccine. Cost effectiveness of vaccine is being assessed. (2001)
Walker, D; Akramuzzaman, SM; Lanata, CF
Allowing for uncertainty in economic evaluations: qualitative sensitivity analysis. (2001)
Walker, D; Fox-Rushby, J
What does it cost? An economic analysis of a harm reduction intervention in Svetlogorsk, Belarus. (2001)
Walker, D; Kumaranayake, L; Romantsov, V; Samoshkin, S; Zviagin, V
Global cooperation in international public health. (2001)
Walt, G
Globalisation of international health. (2001)
Walt, G
Globalization and health. (2001)
Walt, G
Health care in the developing world, 1974-2001. (2001)
Walt, G
Getting drugs to where they are needed: Global public private partnerships for neglected diseases. (2001)
Walt, G; Lush, L
Agenda Setting for Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2001)
Walt, G; Lush, L; Ogden, J
World Health Report 2000: responses to Murray and Frenk. (2001)
Walt, Gill; Mills, Anne
How sensitive does a rapid test for Chlamydia trachomatic or Neisseria gonorrhoea have to be? (2001)
Watts, C; Vickerman, P
The impact of microbicides on HIV and STD transmission: model projections. (2001)
Watts, C; Vickerman, P
Developing the policy response to inequities in health: four inter-related elements. (2001)
Whitehead, M; Dahlgren, G; Gilson, L
Prospects for tobacco control in Zimbabwe: a historical perspective. (2001)
Woelk, G; Mtisi, S; Vaughan, JP
Injuries, inequalities and health: From policy vacuum to policy action. (2001)
Zwi, A
Hospital Policy in post-conflict societies: site of care and struggle. (2001)
Zwi, A; Percival, V; Campbell, J
Private health care in developing countries. (2001)
Zwi, AB; Brugha, R; Smith, E
Health and peace: an opportunity to join forces. (2001)
Zwi, AB; Garfield, R; Sondorp, E
Injuries, inequalities and health in Europe. (2001)
Zwi, AB; Leon, D; Koupilova, I; Sethi, D; McKee, M