Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Pathogen Molecular Biology (-2019)"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Department of Infection Biology (5552)
  • Dept of Pathogen Molecular Biology (-2019) (1192)
    Number of items: 56.
    November 2002
  • A non-modular type B feruloyl esterase from Neurospora crassa exhibits concentration-dependent substrate inhibition. (2002) Crepin, Valerie F; Faulds, Craig B; Connerton, Ian F
  • May 2002
  • A regulator gene for acetate utilisation from Neurospora crassa. (2002) Bibbins, M; Crepin, VF; Cummings, NJ; Mizote, T; Baker, K; Mellits, KH; Connerton, IF
  • 2002
  • The diagnostic implications of the separation of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar. (2002) Ackers, JP
  • In vitro activity of nitazoxanide and related compounds against isolates of Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis. (2002) Adagu, I Sullayman; Nolder, Deborah; Warhurst, David C; Rossignol, Jean-François
  • A mutant of Burkholderia pseudomallei, auxotrophic in the branched chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway, is attenuated and protective in a murine model of melioidosis. (2002) Atkins, T; Prior, RG; Mack, K; Russell, P; Nelson, M; Oyston, PCF; Dougan, G; Titball, RW
  • Characterisation of an acapsular mutant of Burkholderia pseudomallei identified by signature tagged mutagenesis. (2002) Atkins, Timothy; Prior, Richard; Mack, Kerri; Russell, Paul; Nelson, Michelle; Prior, Joann; Ellis, Jill; Oyston, Petra CF; Dougan, Gordon; Titball, Richard W
  • Chlamydiamicrovirus (Microviridae). (2002) Bavoil, PM; Hsia, R
  • Evidence for separate disease phenotypes in intestinal Crohn's disease. (2002) Borley, NR; Mortensen, NJ McC; Chaudry, MA; Mohammed, S; Clarke, T; Jewell, DP
  • Expression of RoTat 1.2 cross-reactive variable antigen type in Trypanosoma evansi and T. equiperdum. (2002) Claes, F; Verloo, D; De Waal, DT; Urakawa, T; Majiwa, P; Goddeeris, BM; Buscher, P
  • Mutations in dhfr in Plasmodium falciparum infections selected by chlorproguanil-dapsone treatment. (2002) Curtis, J; Maxwell, CA; Msuya, FHM; Mkongewa, S; Alloueche, A; Warhurst, DC
  • In vitro antiplasmodial activity of extracts of Argentinian plants. (2002) Debenedetti, S; Muschietti, L; van Baren, C; Clavin, M; Broussalis, A; Martino, V; Houghton, PJ; Warhurst, D; Steele, J
  • Application of DNA microarrays for comparative and evolutionary genomics. (2002) Dorrell, N; Champion, OL; Wren, BW
  • A role for Human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein gO in mediating celluar fusion and a new hypervariable locus. (2002) Dyer, AP; Paterson, DA; Dewin, D; Mattick, C; Gompels, UA
  • Malarone treatment failure and in vitro confirmation of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum isolate from Lagos, Nigeria. (2002) Fivelman, Quinton L; Butcher, Geoffrey A; Adagu, Ipemida S; Warhurst, David C; Pasvol, Geoffrey
  • Salmonella vaccines for use in humans: present and future perspectives. (2002) Garmory, Helen S; Brown, Katherine A; Titball, Richard W
  • The effect of recombinant plasmids on in vivo colonisation of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains is not reflected by in vitro cellular invasion assays. (2002) Garmory, Helen S; Griffin, Kate F; Leary, Sophie EC; Perkins, Stuart D; Brown, Katherine A; Titball, Richard W
  • A multiplex allele specific polymerase chain reaction (MAS-PCR) on the dihydrofolate reductase gene for the detection of Cryptosporidium parvum genotypes 1 and 2. (2002) Gile, M; Warhurst, DC; Webster, KA; West, DM; Marshall, JA
  • Role of trehalose biosynthesis in environmental survival and virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. (2002) Howells, Angela M; Bullifent, Helen L; Dhaliwal, Kam; Griffin, Kate; García de Castro, Arcadio; Frith, Graeme; Tunnacliffe, Alan; Titball, Richard W
  • Extensive polymorphism and ancient origin of Plasmodium falciparum. (2002) Hughes, Austin L; Verra, Federica
  • Histone deacetylases in Trypanosoma brucei: two are essential and another is required for normal cell cycle progression. (2002) Ingram, Alexandra K; Horn, David
  • The first strain of Clostridium perfringens isolated from an avian source has an alpha-toxin with divergent structural and kinetic properties. (2002) Justin, Neil; Walker, Nicola; Bullifent, Helen L; Songer, Glenn; Bueschel, Dawn M; Jost, Helen; Naylor, Claire; Miller, Julie; Moss, David S; Titball, Richard W; Basak, Ajit K
  • Further strategies for signature-tagged mutagenesis and the application of oligonucleotide microarrays for the quantification of DNA-tagged strains. (2002) Karlyshev, AV; Dorrell, N; Winzeler, E; Wren, BW
  • Chromosome fragmentation as an approach to whole-genome analysis in trypanosomes. (2002) Kelly, JM; Obado, S
  • Exploiting genome sequence: predictions for mechanisms of Campylobacter chemotaxis (vol 10,pg 155, 2002). (2002) Ketley, J; Marchant, J; Wren, B
  • Drug-resistance mutations in the dihydropteroate synthetase of Plasmodium falciparum in samples from north-east Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Kiani, SA; Curtis, J; Warhurst, DC
  • Crystal structure of inositol 1-phosphate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a key enzyme in phosphatidylinositol synthesis. (2002) Norman, Richard A; McAlister, Mark SB; Murray-Rust, Judith; Movahedzadeh, Farahnaz; Stoker, Neil G; McDonald, Neil Q
  • Genetic diversity among Paraguayan isolates of Leishmania braziliensis: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Oddone, R; Canese, A; Jamjoon, M; Nolder, D; Miles, MA; Noyes, H
  • Treatment of uncomplicated malaria:[Letter to editor: Authors reply]. (2002) Omar, S; Warhurst, DC
  • The common aromatic amino acid biosynthesis pathway is essential in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2002) Parish, Tanya; Stoker, Neil G
  • A role for human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein O (gO) in cell fusion and a new hypervariable locus. (2002) Paterson, David A; Dyer, Angela P; Milne, Richard SB; Sevilla-Reyes, Edgar; Gompels, Ursula A
  • Morphometrics of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Triatominae) popluations: a tool for Chagas disease vector control surveillance in Ecuador and Peru: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Patterson, JS; Abad-Franch, F; Marcelo Aguilar V., H; Cuba Cuba, C; Miles, MA
  • Eye colour as a genetic marker for fertility and fecundity of Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834) Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae. (2002) Pires, Herton Helder Rocha; Abrao, Daniele Oliveira; Machado, Evandro Marques de Menezes; Schofield, Christopher John; Diotaiuti, Liléia
  • Monoclonal antibodies against Yersinia pestis lipopolysaccharide detect bacteria cultured at 28 degrees C or 37 degrees C. (2002) Prior, JL; Titball, RW
  • Intracellular signalling. (2002) Ruben, L; Kelly, JM; Chakrabarti, D
  • Chagas disease (South American trypanosomiasis). (2002) Schofield, CJ
  • TV or not TV? (2002) Smith, A; Portsmouth, S; Curran, B; Warhurst, D; Kell, P; Saulsbury, N
  • A liquid-based method for the assessment of bacterial pathogenicity using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. (2002) Smith, Martin P; Laws, Thomas R; Atkins, Timothy P; Oyston, Petra CF; de Pomerai, David I; Titball, Richard W
  • Simple and rapid differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra from M. tuberculosis clinical isolates through two cytochemical tests using neutral red and nile blue stains. (2002) Soto, Carlos Y; Andreu, Núria; Gibert, Isidre; Luquin, Marina
  • Co-localization of centromere activity, proteins and topoisomerase II within a subdomain of the major human X alpha-satellite array. (2002) Spence, Jennifer M; Critcher, Ricky; Ebersole, Thomas A; Valdivia, Manuel M; Earnshaw, William C; Fukagawa, Tatsuo; Farr, Christine J
  • Coxsackie B viruses that use human DAF as a receptor infect pig cells via pig CAR and do not use pig DAF. (2002) Spiller, O Brad; Goodfellow, Ian G; Evans, David J; Hinchliffe, Stewart J; Morgan, B Paul
  • Two novel assays for the detection of haemin-binding properties of antimalarials evaluated with compounds isolated from medicinal plants. (2002) Steele, JCP; Phelps, RJ; Simmonds, MSJ; Warhurst, DC; Meyer, DJ
  • Indole and beta-carboline alkaloids from Geissospermum sericeum. (2002) Steele, Jonathan CP; Veitch, Nigel C; Kite, Geoffrey C; Simmonds, Monique SJ; Warhurst, David C
  • Gambian children successfully treated with chloroquine can harbor and transmit Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes carrying resistance genes. (2002) Sutherland, Colin J; Alloueche, Ali; Curtis, Jill; Drakeley, Chris J; Ord, Rosalynn; Duraisingh, Manoj; Greenwood, Brian M; Pinder, Margaret; Warhurst, David; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Differentiation of entamoeba histolytica/entamoeba dispar by PCR and their correlation with humoral and cellular immunity in individuals with clinical variants of amoebiasis. (2002) Sánchez-Guillén, María Del Carmen; Pérez-Fuentes, Ricardo; Salgado-Rosas, Hilda; Ruiz-Argüelles, Alejandro; Ackers, John; Shire, Abdirashid; Talamas-Rohana, Patricia
  • Restricted genetic and antigenic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum under mesoendemic transmission in the Venezuelan Amazon. (2002) Tami, A; Grundmann, H; Sutherland, C; McBride, JS; Cavanagh, DR; Campos, E; Snounou, G; Barnabé, C; Tibayrenc, M; Warhurst, DC
  • Functional dissection of the Trypanosoma cruzi genome: New approaches in a new era. (2002) Taylor, MC; Kelly, JM
  • Characterisation of a human herpesvirus 6 variant A 'amplicon' and replication modulation by U94-Rep 'latency gene'. (2002) Turner, Simon; DiLuca, Dario; Gompels, Ursula
  • Potentially Pathogenic Free-living Amebae. (2002) Warhurst, DC
  • Resistance to antifolates in Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of tropical malaria. (2002) Warhurst, David C
  • Lysosomes and drug resistance in malaria. (2002) Warhurst, David C; Craig, John C; Adagu, Ipemida S
  • Trypanosoma cruzi expresses a plant-like ascorbate-dependent hemoperoxidase localized to the endoplasmic reticulum. (2002) Wilkinson, Shane R; Obado, Samson O; Mauricio, Isabel L; Kelly, John M
  • TcGPXII, a glutathione-dependent Trypanosoma cruzi peroxidase with substrate specificity restricted to fatty acid and phospholipid hydroperoxides, is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum. (2002) Wilkinson, Shane R; Taylor, Martin C; Touitha, Said; Mauricio, Isabel L; Meyer, David J; Kelly, John M
  • Methods in microbiology: functional microbial genomics. (2002) Wren, BW; Dorrell, N. (Eds)
  • Trypanosoma cruzi: multiclonality, genetic diversity, and experimental proof of genetic hybridization: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Yeo, M; Gaunt, MW; Miles, G; Miles, MA
  • Homologues of human macrophage migration inhibitory factor from a parasitic nematode. Gene cloning, protein activity, and crystal structure. (2002) Zang, Xingxing; Taylor, Paul; Wang, Ji Ming; Meyer, David J; Scott, Alan L; Walkinshaw, Malcolm D; Maizels, Rick M
  • Assessment of the antiprotozoal activity of Galphimia glauca and the isolation of new nor-secofriedelanes and nor-friedelanes. (2002) del Rayo Camacho, Maria; Phillipson, J David; Croft, Simon L; Marley, Dereck; Kirby, Geoffrey C; Warhurst, David C