Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Disease Control"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Dept of Disease Control (5361)
    Number of items: 167.
    April 2004
  • Environmental Management for Malaria Control in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region. (2004) Lindsay, Steve; Kirby, Matthew; Baris, Enis; Bos, Robert
  • March 2004
  • The effect of five years' implementation of caries-preventive methods in Swedish high-risk adolescents. (2004) Källestål, C
  • 2004
  • Divergent female-male mortality ratios associated with different routine vaccinations among female-male twin pairs. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Jensen, Henrik; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Garly, May-Lill; Benn, Christine Stabell; Lisse, Ida Maria; Simondon, Francois
  • Oral polio vaccination and low case fatality at the paediatric ward in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biai, Sidu; Martins, Cesario; Veirum, Jens Erik; Benn, Christine Stabell; Jensen, Henrik
  • Effects of meteorological factors on epidemic malaria in Ethiopia: a statistical modelling approach based on theoretical reasoning. (2004) Abeku, TA; De Vlas, SJ; Borsboom, GJJM; Tadege, A; Gebreyesus, Y; Gebreyohannes, H; Alamirew, D; Seifu, A; Nagelkerke, NJD; Habbema, JDF
  • Malaria epidemic early warning and detection in African highlands. (2004) Abeku, Tarekegn A; Hay, Simon I; Ochola, Samuel; Langi, Peter; Beard, Brian; de Vlas, Sake J; Cox, Jonathan
  • Vaccines against cholera, typhoid fever and shigellosis for developing countries. (2004) Acosta, CJ; Galindo, CM; Deen, JL; Ochiai, RL; Lee, HJ; von Seidlein, L; Carbis, R; Clemens, JD
  • Artesunate combinations for treatment of malaria: meta-analysis. (2004) Adjuik, M; Babiker, A; Garner, P; Olliaro, P; Taylor, W; White, N; International Artemisinin Study Group
  • Assessing water-related risk factors for Buruli ulcer: a case-control study in Ghana. (2004) Aiga, Hirotsugu; Amano, Takayuki; Cairncross, Sandy; Adomako, Joseph; Nanas, Ofosu-Kwabi; Coleman, Susan
  • Enhanced blood feeding of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) through membranes with applied host odour. (2004) Andreasen, MH; Birtles, A; Curtis, CF; Wood, RJ
  • The effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, J; Bryce, J; de Savigny, D; Lambrechts, T; Mbuya, C; Mgalula, L; Wilczynska, K; Tanzania IMCI Multi-Country Evaluation Health Facility Survey St picture_as_pdf
  • Effectiveness and cost of facility-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Adam, Taghreed; Mshinda, Hassan; Masanja, Honorati; Kabadi, Gregory; Mukasa, Oscar; John, Theopista; Charles, Sosthenes; Nathan, Rose; Wilczynska, Katarzyna; Mgalula, Leslie; Mbuya, Conrad; Mswia, Robert; Manzi, Fatuma; de Savigny, Don; Schellenberg, David; Victora, Cesar
  • The effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna; Bryce, Jennifer; de Savigny, Don; Lambrechts, Thierry; Mbuya, Conrad; Mgalula, Leslie; Wilczynska, Katarzyna; Tanzania IMCI Multi-Country Evaluation Health Facility Survey St
  • Experimental hut comparisons of nets treated with carbamate or pyrethroid insecticides, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes. (2004) Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Hutchinson, RA; Traoré-Lamizana, M; Carnevale, P; Curtis, CF
  • WHO, the Global Fund, and medical malpractice in malaria treatment. (2004) Attaran, Amir; Barnes, Karen I; Curtis, Christopher; d'Alessandro, Umberto; Fanello, Caterina I; Galinski, Mary R; Kokwaro, Gilbert; Looareesuwan, Sornchai; Makanga, Michael; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Talisuna, Ambrose; Trape, Jean François; Watkins, William M
  • Effect of combined caries-preventive methods: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. (2004) Axelsson, Susanna; Söder, Birgitta; Nordenram, Gunilla; Petersson, Lars G; Dahlgren, Helena; Norlund, Anders; Källestål, Carina; Mejàre, Ingegerd; Lingström, Peter; Lagerlöf, Folke; Holm, Anna-Karin; Twetman, Svante
  • Exposure to Schistosoma mansoni infection in a rural area in Brazil. Part III: household aggregation of water-contact behaviour. (2004) Bethony, Jeffrey; Williams, Jeff T; Brooker, Simon; Gazzinelli, Andrea; Gazzinelli, Maria F; LoVerde, Philip T; Corrêa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Kloos, Helmut
  • Fusarium dimerum infection in a stem cell transplant recipient treated successfully with voriconazole. (2004) Bigley, VH; Duarte, RF; Gosling, RD; Kibbler, CC; Seaton, S; Potter, M
  • Families and Firewood: A Comparative Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Children in Firewood Collection and Use in Two Rural Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Biran, Adam; Abbot, Joanne; Mace, Ruth
  • Sustainability of Hygiene Behaviour and the Effectiveness of Change Interventions. 1 - Lessons learned on research methodologies and research implementation from a multi-country research study. (2004) Bolt, E; Cairncross, S
  • Spatial analysis of the distribution of intestinal nematode infections in Uganda. (2004) Brooker, S; Kabatereine, NB; Tukahebwa, EM; Kazibwe, F
  • Human hookworm infection in the 21st century. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Bethony, Jeffrey; Hotez, Peter J
  • Spatial clustering of malaria and associated risk factors during an epidemic in a highland area of western Kenya. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Clarke, Siân; Njagi, Joseph Kiambo; Polack, Sarah; Mugo, Benbolt; Estambale, Benson; Muchiri, Eric; Magnussen, Pascal; Cox, Jonathan
  • Schistosomiasis control. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Kabatereine, Narcis DB; Clements, Archie CA; Stothard, J Russell
  • Leishmaniasis in refugee and local Pakistani populations. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Mohammed, Nasir; Adil, Khaksar; Agha, Said; Reithinger, Richard; Rowland, Mark; Ali, Iftikhar; Kolaczinski, Jan
  • Evaluating the epidemiological impact of national control programmes for helminths. (2004) Brooker, Simon; Whawell, Sarah; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Fenwick, Alan; Anderson, Roy M
  • The Case for Marketing Sanitation. Water & Sanitation Program Field Note. (2004) Cairncross, S
  • Dracunculiasis. (2004) Cairncross, S; Muller, R
  • Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion. Disease Control Priorities Project, Working Paper no. 28. (2004) Cairncross, S; Valdmanis, V
  • It does last! Some findings from a multi-country study of hygiene sustainability. (2004) Cairncross, Sandy; Shordt, Kathleen
  • Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture: revisiting WHO guidelines. (2004) Carr, RM; Blumenthal, UJ; Mara, D Duncan
  • Guide for Conducting Household Surveys for Key Practices that Safeguard Child Health / Guía para Realizar la Encuesta de Hogares Sobre las Prácticas Clave que Protegen la Salud Infantil. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Directors of Community-based Organizations / Guía de Dirigentes de Organizaciones de Base. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Facilitators of Community Health Worker Training / Guía para Facilitadores de la Capacitación a Agentes Comunitarios de Salud. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Health Service Professionals / Guía para Profesionales de los Servicos de Salud. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Local Coordinators, Red Cross and Health Personnel / Guía para Los Coordinadores Locales, la Cruz Roja y Personal de Salud. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Mayors and Local Governments / Guía del Alcalde en su Govierno Local. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Teachers and Schools / Guía del Maestro y su Esquela. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Guide for Volunteers of the Red Cross / Guía para Voluntarios de la Cruz Roja. (2004) Chico, RM; Drasbek, C; Benguigui, Y
  • Malaria morbidity among school children living in two areas of contrasting transmission in western Kenya. (2004) Clarke, Siân E; Brooker, Simon; Njagi, Joseph Kiambo; Njau, Eliud; Estambale, Benson; Muchiri, Eric; Magnussen, Pascal
  • Safe household water treatment and storage using ceramic drip filters: a randomised controlled trial in Bolivia. (2004) Clasen, T; Brown, J; Suntura, O; Collin, S
  • Reducing diarrhea through the use of household-based ceramic water filters: a randomized, controlled trial in rural Bolivia. (2004) Clasen, Thomas F; Brown, Joseph; Collin, Simon; Suntura, Oscar; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Household water management: refining the dominant paradigm. (2004) Clasen, Thomas F; Cairncross, Sandy
  • International network to promote household water treatment and safe storage. (2004) Clasen, Thomas F; Mintz, Eric D
  • Genetic control of vector populations: an imminent prospect. (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Alphey, Luke
  • Estimating the public health impact of rabies. (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Fèvre, Eric M; Cleaveland, Sarah
  • Are fitness costs associated with resistance to human serum in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense? (2004) Coleman, Paul G; Welburn, Susan C
  • Conflict and kala-azar: determinants of adverse outcomes of kala-azar among patients in southern Sudan. (2004) Collin, Simon; Davidson, Robert; Ritmeijer, Koert; Keus, Kees; Melaku, Yosef; Kipngetich, Sammy; Davies, Clive
  • Independent origins of Indian caste and tribal paternal lineages. (2004) Cordaux, Richard; Aunger, Robert; Bentley, Gillian; Nasidze, Ivane; Sirajuddin, SM; Stoneking, Mark
  • Y-STR haplotypes from eight south Indian groups based on five loci. (2004) Cordaux, Richard; Bentley, Gillian; Aunger, Robert; Sirajuddin, SM; Stoneking, Mark
  • History of human parasitic diseases. (2004) Cox, Francis EG
  • History of sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis). (2004) Cox, Francis EG
  • A trial of insecticide treated nets for malaria control in Yanomami communities in Amazonas, Venezuela. (2004) Crestini, Magda Mara Magris
  • The art of persuasion. (2004) Curtis, V
  • Evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease. (2004) Curtis, Val; Aunger, Robert; Rabie, Tamer
  • Pilot study of the use of procalcitonin to predict bacterial pneumonia in the Gambia [Abstract]. (2004) Cutts, FT; Zaman, A; Enwere, G; Biney, E; Akano, A; Kaur, H; Olulwalana, C; Vaughan, A; Okoko, B; Adegbola, R; Levine, O; Greenwood, B
  • Multidisciplinary studies of disease burden in the Diseases of the Most Impoverished Programme. (2004) Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John D
  • Colostrum obtained from women vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine during pregnancy inhibits epithelial adhesion of Streptococcus pneumoniae. (2004) Deubzer, Hedwig E; Obaro, Stephen K; Newman, Vanessa O; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Henderson, Don C
  • Parasite infectivity and immunity to Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes in Gambian children. (2004) Drakeley, CJ; Eling, W; Teelen, K; Bousema, JT; Sauerwein, R; Greenwood, BM; Targett, GAT
  • A nation-wide assessment of wastewater in Pakistan: an obscure activity or a vitally important one? (2004) Ensink, JHJ; Mahmood, T; van der Hoek, W; Raschid-Sally, L; Amerasinghe, FP
  • Financing global public health: innovation and investment. (2004) Feachem, R
  • Replying to questioning the claims from Kaiser. (2004) Feachem, R; Sekhri, N
  • The research imperative: fighting AIDS, TB and malaria. (2004) Feachem, Richard GA
  • Factors that influence the prevalence of acaricide resistance and tick-borne diseases. (2004) Foil, LD; Coleman, P; Eisler, M; Fragoso-Sanchez, H; Garcia-Vazquez, Z; Guerrero, FD; Jonsson, NN; Langstaff, IG; Li, AY; Machila, N; Miller, RJ; Morton, J; Pruett, JH; Torr, S
  • Reanalyzing the 1900-1920 sleeping sickness epidemic in Uganda. (2004) Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; Welburn, SC; Maudlin, I
  • Retail supply of malaria-related drugs in rural Tanzania: risks and opportunities. (2004) Goodman, Catherine; Kachur, S Patrick; Abdulla, Salim; Mwageni, Eleuther; Nyoni, Joyce; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Mills, Anne; Bloland, Peter
  • Improving antimicrobial use among health workers in first-level facilities: results from the multi-country evaluation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy. (2004) Gouws, Eleanor; Bryce, Jennifer; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Amaral, João; Pariyo, George; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Fontaine, Olivier
  • Tents pre-treated with insecticide for malaria control in refugee camps: an entomological evaluation. (2004) Graham, Kate; Rehman, Hameed; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Khan, Irfanullah; Rowland, Mark
  • Between hope and a hard place. (2004) Greenwood, Brian
  • Treating malaria in Africa. (2004) Greenwood, Brian
  • The use of anti-malarial drugs to prevent malaria in the population of malaria-endemic areas. (2004) Greenwood, Brian
  • Could insecticide-treated cattle reduce Afrotropical malaria transmission? Effects of deltamethrin-treated Zebu on Anopheles arabiensis behaviour and survival in Ethiopia. (2004) Habtewold, T; Prior, A; Torr, SJ; Gibson, G
  • Large-scale, polymerase chain reaction-based surveillance of Schistosoma haematobium DNA in snails from transmission sites in coastal Kenya: a new tool for studying the dynamics of snail infection. (2004) Hamburger, Joseph; Hoffman, Orit; Kariuki, H Curtis; Muchiri, Eric M; Ouma, John H; Koech, Davy K; Sturrock, Robert F; King, Charles H
  • The Economics of malaria control interventions. (2004) Hanson, K; Goodman, CG; Lines, J; Meek, S; Bradley, D; Mills, A
  • A prospective study of Plasmodium falciparum multiplicity of infection and morbidity in Tanzanian children. (2004) Henning, L; Schellenberg, D; Smith, T; Henning, D; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Beck, H-P; Felger, I
  • Adult anopheline ecology and malaria transmission in irrigated areas of South Punjab, Pakistan. (2004) Herrel, N; Amerasinghe, FP; Ensink, J; Mukhtar, M; van der Hoek, W; Konradsen, F
  • Hookworm infection. (2004) Hotez, Peter J; Brooker, Simon; Bethony, Jeffrey M; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Loukas, Alex; Xiao, Shuhua
  • Anaemia and iron deficiency during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars-Ake; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Lönnerdal, BO; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Is there an association between bacteriological drinking water quality and childhood diarrhoea in developing countries? (2004) Jensen, PK; Jayasinghe, G; van der Hoek, W; Cairncross, S; Dalsgaard, A
  • The social burden of malaria: what are we measuring? (2004) Jones, Caroline OH; Williams, Holly A
  • Epidemiology and geography of Schistosoma mansoni in Uganda: implications for planning control. (2004) Kabatereine, Narcis B; Brooker, Simon; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Kazibwe, Francis; Onapa, Ambrose W
  • Acceptability and accessibility of a Shigellosis vaccine in Nha Trang city of Viet Nam. (2004) Kaljee, Linda M; Genberg, Becky L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Canh, Do Gia; Thoa, Le Thi Kim; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Tho, Le Huu; Minh, Truong Tan; Trach, Dang Duc
  • Healthcare use for diarrhoea and dysentery in actual and hypothetical cases, Nha Trang, Viet Nam. (2004) Kaljee, Linda; Thiem, Vu Dinh; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Genberg, Becky L; Canh, Do Gia; Tho, Le Huu; Minh, Truong Tan; Thoa, Le Thi Kim; Clemens, John D; Trach, Dang Duc
  • Distribution patterns and cercarial shedding of Bulinus nasutus and other snails in the Msambweni area, Coast Province, Kenya. (2004) Kariuki, H Curtis; Clennon, Julie A; Brady, Melinda S; Kitron, Uriel; Sturrock, Robert F; Ouma, John H; Ndzovu, Saidi Tosha Malick; Mungai, Peter; Hoffman, Orit; Hamburger, Joseph; Pellegrini, Cara; Muchiri, Eric M; King, Charles H
  • Predicting geographic variation in cutaneous leishmaniasis, Colombia. (2004) King, Raymond J; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid H; Davies, Clive R
  • Genetic markers of resistance to pyrimethamine and sulfonamides in Plasmodium falciparum parasites compared with the resistance patterns in isolates of Escherichia coli from the same children in Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Kofoed, Poul-Erik; Alfrangis, Michael; Poulsen, Anja; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Gjedde, Susanne Borum; Rønn, Anita; Rombo, Lars
  • Which children come to the health centre for treatment of malaria? (2004) Kofoed, Poul-Erik; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Có, Fernando; Hedegaard, Kathryn; Rombo, Lars; Aaby, Peter
  • Comparison of the OptiMAL (R) rapid antigen test with field microscopy for the detection of Plasmodium vivax and P- falciparum: considerations for the application of the rapid test in Afghanistan. (2004) Kolaczinski, J; Mohammed, N; Ali, I; Ali, M; Khan, N; Ezard, N; Rowland, M
  • Comparison of the OptiMAL rapid antigen test with field microscopy for the detection of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum: considerations for the application of the rapid test in Afghanistan. (2004) Kolaczinski, J; Mohammed, N; Ali, I; Ali, M; Khan, N; Ezard, N; Rowland, M
  • Chronic illness as a result of low-level exposure to synthetic pyrethroid insecticides: a review of the debate. (2004) Kolaczinski, JH; Curtis, CF
  • Investigation of negative cross-resistance as a resistance-management tool for insecticide-treated nets. (2004) Kolaczinski, JH; Curtis, CF
  • Subsidized sales of insecticide-treated nets in Afghan refugee camps demonstrate the feasibility of a transition from humanitarian aid towards sustainability. (2004) Kolaczinski, JH; Muhammad, N; Khan, QS; Jan, Z; Rehman, N; Leslie, TJ; Rowland, M picture_as_pdf
  • Subsidized sales of insecticide-treated nets in Afghan refugee camps demonstrate the feasibility of a transition from humanitarian aid towards sustainability. (2004) Kolaczinski, Jan H; Muhammad, Nasir; Khan, Qaiser S; Jan, Zahoor; Rehman, Naveeda; Leslie, Toby J; Rowland, Mark
  • Epidemiology of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Afghan refugee camps in northwest Pakistan. (2004) Kolaczinski, Jan; Brooker, Simon; Reyburn, Hugh; Rowland, Mark
  • Vaccination coverage and epidemiological parameters of the owned-dog population in Thungsong District, Thailand. (2004) Kongkaew, Wandee; Coleman, Paul; Pfeiffer, Dirk U; Antarasena, Chongmas; Thiptara, Anyarat
  • Impact of malaria control on childhood anaemia in Africa -- a quantitative review. (2004) Korenromp, Eline L; Armstrong-Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Williams, Brian G; Nahlen, Bernard L; Snow, Robert W
  • Two new cytoforms of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Malawi and Tanzania and potential onchocerciasis vectors. (2004) Krüger, A; Kalinga, AK; Post, RJ; Maegga, BTA
  • Compliance with 14-day primaquine therapy for radical cure of vivax malaria--a randomized placebo-controlled trial comparing unsupervised with supervised treatment. (2004) Leslie, Toby; Rab, Mohammad Abdur; Ahmadzai, Hayat; Durrani, Naeem; Fayaz, Mohammad; Kolaczinski, Jan; Rowland, Mark
  • Horizontal and vertical dispersal of dengue vector mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, in Singapore. (2004) Liew, C; Curtis, CF
  • Dietary iron intake is positively associated with hemoglobin concentration during infancy but not during the second year of life. (2004) Lind, Torbjörn; Hernell, Olle; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Domellöf, Magnus; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • A community-based randomized controlled trial of iron and zinc supplementation in Indonesian infants: effects on growth and development. (2004) Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Gamayanti, Indria L; Ismail, Djauhar; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Plasma concentrations of nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine in human alcoholic cirrhosis. (2004) Lluch, Paloma; Torondel, Belén; Medina, Pascual; Segarra, Gloria; Del Olmo, Juan A; Serra, Miguel A; Rodrigo, José M
  • Malaria morbidity and immunity among residents of villages with different Plasmodium falciparum transmission intensity in North-Eastern Tanzania. (2004) Lusingu, John PA; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Mmbando, Bruno P; Drakeley, Chris J; Jones, Caroline; Akida, Juma; Savaeli, Zacharia X; Kitua, Andrew Y; Lemnge, Martha M; Theander, Thor G
  • HIV-1 superinfections in a cohort of commercial sex workers in Burkina Faso as assessed by an autologous heteroduplex mobility procedure. (2004) Manigart, Olivier; Courgnaud, Valérie; Sanou, Oumar; Valéa, Diane; Nagot, Nicolas; Meda, Nicolas; Delaporte, Eric; Peeters, Martine; Van de Perre, Philippe
  • Effect of perinatal zidovudine prophylaxis on the evolution of cell-free HIV-1 RNA in breast milk and on postnatal transmission. (2004) Manigart, Olivier; Crepin, Montcho; Leroy, Valeriane; Meda, Nicolas; Valea, Diane; Janoff, Edward N; Rouet, Francois; Dequae-Merchadoux, Laurence; Dabis, Francois; Rouzioux, Christine; Van de Perre, Philippe; Diminution de la Transmission Mere-Enfant Study Group
  • A molecular marker for the identification of Simulium squamosum (Diptera: Simuliidae). (2004) Mank, R; Wilson, MD; Rubio, JM; Post, RJ
  • Anaemia in pregnancy and infant mortality in Tanzania. (2004) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mshinda, Hassan; Lengeler, Christian
  • Prospective evaluation of BDProbeTec strand displacement amplification (SDA) system for diagnosis of tuberculosis in non-respiratory and respiratory samples. (2004) McHugh, TD; Pope, CF; Ling, CL; Patel, S; Billington, OJ; Gosling, RD; Lipman, MC; Gillespie, SH
  • Climate change. (2004) McMichael, AJ; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Kovats, RS; Edwards, S; Wilkinson, P; Edmonds, N; Nicholls, N; Hales, S; Tanser, FC; le Sueur, D; Schlesinger, M; Andronova, N
  • The effects of short-term iron supplementation on iron status in infants in malaria-endemic areas. (2004) Menendez, Clara; Schellenberg, David; Quinto, Llorenç; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Alvarez, Luisa; Aponte, John J; Alonso, Pedro L
  • Environmental changes and vector and rodent borne diseases in Europe. (2004) Menne, B; Davies, C; Daniel, M; Kriz, B; Gratz, N
  • Adaptation of Acceptability Curves: Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis According to Fixed Parameters. (2004) Mills, A; Shillcutt, S; Coleman, P; Morel, C; Goodman, C
  • Comparative analysis of patterns of survival by season of birth in rural Bangladeshi and Gambian populations. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony JC; Streatfield, P Kim; Persson, Lars Ake; Prentice, Andrew M
  • A randomised, double-blind, controlled vaccine efficacy trial of DNA/MVA ME-TRAP against malaria infection in Gambian adults. (2004) Moorthy, Vasee S; Imoukhuede, Egeruan B; Milligan, Paul; Bojang, Kalifa; Keating, Sheila; Kaye, Pauline; Pinder, Margaret; Gilbert, Sarah C; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian SV picture_as_pdf
  • Environmental interventions and the pattern of geohelminth infections in Salvador, Brazil. (2004) Moraes, LRS; Cairncross, S
  • Impact of drainage and sewerage on intestinal nematode infections in poor urban areas in Salvador, Brazil. (2004) Moraes, LRS; Cancio, Jacira Azevedo; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Malaria Panel Assay versus PCR: detection of naturally infected Anopheles melas in a coastal village of Equatorial Guinea. (2004) Moreno, Marta; Cano, Jorge; Nzambo, Sisinio; Bobuakasi, Leonardo; Buatiche, Jesús N; Ondo, Melchor; Micha, Francisco; Benito, Agustín
  • A new cytotype of Simulium squamosum from south-west Cameroon. (2004) Mustapha, M; Post, RJ; Enyong, P; Lines, J
  • The cytotaxonomy and morphotaxonomy of Simulium mengense (Diptera: Simuliidae). (2004) Mustapha, M; Post, RJ; Krüger, A
  • Mosquito nets and the poor: can social marketing redress inequities in access? (2004) Nathan, Rose; Masanja, Honorati; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna A; de Savigny, Don; Lengeler, Christian; Tanner, Marcel; Victora, Cesar G
  • The efficacy of chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and a combination of both for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in an area of low transmission in western Uganda. (2004) Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Magnussen, Pascal; Clarke, Siân
  • Participation of African social scientists in malaria control: identifying enabling and constraining factors. (2004) Ngalame, Paulyne M; Williams, Holly Ann; Jones, Caroline; Nyamongo, Isaac; Diop, Samba; Gaspar, Felisbela
  • Knowledge of malaria influences the use of insecticide treated nets but not intermittent presumptive treatment by pregnant women in Tanzania. (2004) Nganda, Rhoida Y; Drakeley, Chris; Reyburn, Hugh; Marchant, Tanya
  • Predictors for compliance with community directed ivermectin treatment in Bushenyi district of Uganda: qualitative results. (2004) Nuwaha, F; Okware, J; Ndyomugyenyi, R
  • Serotype-specific pneumococcal antibodies in breast milk of Gambian women immunized with a pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine during pregnancy. (2004) Obaro, Stephen K; Deubzer, Hedwig E; Newman, Vanessa O; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Henderson, Don C
  • Spatial and temporal risk factors for the early detection of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness patients in Tororo and Busia districts, Uganda. (2004) Odiit, M; Coleman, PG; McDermott, JJ; Fèvre, EM; Welburn, SC; Woolhouse, MEJ
  • Assessing the patterns of health-seeking behaviour and awareness among sleeping-sickness patients in eastern Uganda. (2004) Odiit, M; Shaw, A; Welburn, SC; Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; McDermott, JJ
  • Travel histories as risk factors in the analysis of urban malaria in Colombia. (2004) Osorio, Lyda; Todd, Jim; Bradley, David J
  • Unhealthy landscapes: Policy recommendations on land use change and infectious disease emergence. (2004) Patz, Jonathan A; Daszak, Peter; Tabor, Gary M; Aguirre, A Alonso; Pearl, Mary; Epstein, Jon; Wolfe, Nathan D; Kilpatrick, A Marm; Foufopoulos, Johannes; Molyneux, David; Bradley, David J; Working Group on Land Use Change and Disease Emergence
  • Seroepidemiology and risk factors for sporadic norovirus/Mexico strain. (2004) Peasey, Anne E; Ruiz-Palacios, Guillermo M; Quigley, Maria; Newsholme, William; Martinez, Julia; Rosales, Gustavo; Jiang, Xi; Blumenthal, Ursula J
  • [Children's right of survival--vulnerable status in spite of progress]. (2004) Persson, Lars Ake
  • Professional fluoride varnish treatment for caries control: a systematic review of clinical trials. (2004) Petersson, Lars G; Twetman, Svante; Dahlgren, Helena; Norlund, Anders; Holm, Anna-Karin; Nordenram, Gunilla; Lagerlöf, Folke; Söder, Birgitta; Källestål, Carina; Mejàre, Ingegerd; Axelsson, Susanna; Lingström, Peter
  • Infectious reservoir of Plasmodium infection in Mae Hong Son Province, north-west Thailand. (2004) Pethleart, Aree; Prajakwong, Somsak; Suwonkerd, Wannapa; Corthong, Boontawee; Webber, Roger; Curtis, Christopher
  • Diet, growth, and the risk for type 1 diabetes in childhood: a matched case-referent study. (2004) Pundziute-Lyckå, Auste; Persson, Lars-Ake; Cedermark, Gunilla; Jansson-Roth, Agneta; Nilsson, Ulla; Westin, Vera; Dahlquist, Gisela
  • New irrigation methods sustain malaria control in Sichuan Province, China. (2004) Qunhua, Liu; Xin, Kang; Changzhi, Chao; Shengzheng, Feng; Yan, Li; Rongzhi, He; Zhihua, Zhang; Gibson, G; Wenmin, Kang
  • A CD4(+) T-cell immune response to a conserved epitope in the circumsporozoite protein correlates with protection from natural Plasmodium falciparum infection and disease. (2004) Reece, William HH; Pinder, Margaret; Gothard, Philip K; Milligan, Paul; Bojang, Kalifa; Doherty, Tom; Plebanski, Magdalena; Akinwunmi, Peter; Everaere, Simone; Watkins, Katherine R; Voss, Gerald; Tornieporth, Nadia; Alloueche, Ali; Greenwood, Brian M; Kester, Kent E; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Cohen, Joe; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Epidemiology and control of canine leishmaniasis in Peru and Brazil. (2004) Reithinger, Richard
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis, northern Afghanistan. (2004) Reithinger, Richard; Aadil, Khoksar; Hami, Samad; Kolaczinski, Jan
  • Are insecticide-impregnated dog collars a feasible alternative to dog culling as a strategy for controlling canine visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil? (2004) Reithinger, Richard; Coleman, Paul G; Alexander, Bruce; Vieira, Edvar Paula; Assis, Geraldo; Davies, Clive R
  • Overdiagnosis of malaria in patients with severe febrile illness in Tanzania: a prospective study. (2004) Reyburn, Hugh; Mbatia, Redepmta; Drakeley, Chris; Carneiro, Ilona; Mwakasungula, Emmanuel; Mwerinde, Ombeni; Saganda, Kapalala; Shao, John; Kitua, Andrew; Olomi, Raimos; Greenwood, Brian M; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Malaria control and public health. (2004) Roberts, Donald; Curtis, Christopher; Tren, Richard; Sharp, Brian; Shiff, Clive; Bate, Roger
  • Transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis by sand flies is enhanced by regurgitation of fPPG. (2004) Rogers, Matthew E; Ilg, Thomas; Nikolaev, Andrei V; Ferguson, Michael AJ; Bates, Paul A
  • Low birth weight infants and Calmette-Guérin bacillus vaccination at birth: community study from Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Roth, Adam; Jensen, Henrik; Garly, May-Lill; Djana, Queba; Martins, Cesário Lourenco; Sodemann, Morten; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Aaby, Peter
  • DEET mosquito repellent provides personal protection against malaria: a household randomized trial in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. (2004) Rowland, Mark; Downey, Gerald; Rab, Abdur; Freeman, Tim; Mohammad, Nasir; Rehman, Hamid; Durrani, Naeem; Reyburn, Hugh; Curtis, Chris; Lines, Jo; Fayaz, Mohammad
  • DEET mosquito repellent sold through social marketing provides personal protection against malaria in an area of all-night mosquito biting and partial coverage of insecticide-treated nets: a case-control study of effectiveness. (2004) Rowland, Mark; Freeman, Tim; Downey, Gerald; Hadi, Abdul; Saeed, Mohammed
  • Globalization and infectious diseases, A review of the linkages. (2004) Saker, L; LEE, K; Cannito, B; Gilmore, A; and Campbell-Lendrum, D
  • Preferences for treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery in Kaengkhoi district, Saraburi province, Thailand. (2004) Samosornsuk, Seksun; Jitsanguansuk, Supot; Sirima, Nunta; Sudjai, Sanit; Tapchaisri, Pramuan; Chompook, Pornthip; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Robertson, Susan E; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John D; Chaicumpa, Wanpen
  • A randomized comparison of two anemia treatment regimens in Tanzanian children. (2004) Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Sanz, Sergi; Aponte, John J; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro; Menendez, Clara
  • The changing epidemiology of malaria in Ifakara Town, southern Tanzania. (2004) Schellenberg, David; Menendez, Clara; Aponte, John; Guinovart, Caterina; Mshinda, Hassan; Tanner, Marcel; Alonso, Pedro
  • Health sector reforms and decentralization in Tanzania: The case of the Expanded Programme of Immunization at national level. (2004) Semali, I; de Savigny, D; Tanner, M; Akim, C
  • Sustainability of Hygiene Behaviour and the Effectiveness of Change Interventions. 2 – Findings of a multi-country research study and implications for water and sanitation programmes. (2004) Shordt, K; Cairncross, S
  • Diarrhoea episodes and treatment-seeking behaviour in a slum area of North Jakarta, Indonesia. (2004) Simanjuntak, Cyrus H; Punjabi, Narain H; Wangsasaputra, Ferry; Nurdin, Dazwir; Pulungsih, Sri Pandam; Rofiq, Ainur; Santoso, Hari; Pujarwoto, H; Sjahrurachman, Agus; Sudarmono, Pratiwi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Acosta, Camilo; Robertson, Susan E; Ali, Mohammad; Lee, Hyejon; Park, JinKyung; Deen, Jacqueline L; Agtini, Magdarina D; Clemens, John D
  • Factors associated with reported diarrhoea episodes and treatment-seeking in an urban slum of Kolkata, India. (2004) Sur, Dipika; Manna, Byomkesh; Deb, Alok K; Deen, Jacqueline L; Danovaro-Holliday, M Carolina; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John D; Bhattacharya, Sujit K
  • Informed choices for attaining the Millennium Development Goals: towards an international cooperative agenda for health-systems research. (2004) Task Force on Health Systems Research
  • Endothelium-dependent responses in human isolated thyroid arteries from donors. (2004) Torondel, Belén; Vila, José M; Segarra, Gloria; Lluch, Paloma; Medina, Pascual; Martínez-León, Juan; Ortega, Joaquin; Lluch, Salvador
  • Caries-preventive effect of sodium fluoride mouthrinses: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. (2004) Twetman, Svante; Petersson, Lars; Axelsson, Susanna; Dahlgren, Helena; Holm, Anna-Karin; Källestål, Carina; Lagerlöf, Folke; Lingström, Peter; Mejàre, Ingegerd; Nordenram, Gunilla; Norlund, Anders; Söder, Birgitta
  • Etiology of diarrhea in children less than five years of age in Ifakara, Tanzania. (2004) Vargas, Martha; Gascon, Joaquim; Casals, Climent; Schellenberg, David; Urassa, Honorati; Kahigwa, Eliseus; Ruiz, Joaquim; Vila, Jordi
  • Detection of Shigella by a PCR assay targeting the ipaH gene suggests increased prevalence of shigellosis in Nha Trang, Vietnam. (2004) Vu, Dinh Thiem; Sethabutr, Orntipa; Von Seidlein, Lorenz; Tran, Van Tung; Do, Gia Canh; Bui, Trong Chien; Le, Huu Tho; Lee, Hyejon; Houng, Huo-Shu; Hale, Thomas L; Clemens, John D; Mason, Carl; Dang, Duc Trach
  • Ethnobotanical survey and testing of plants traditionally used against hematophagous insects in Eritrea. (2004) Waka, Maedot; Hopkins, Richard James; Curtis, Chris
  • A community-based cluster survey on preferences for treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery in Zhengding county, Hebei province, China. (2004) Wang, Xuan-yi; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Robertson, Susan E; Ma, Jin-Cheng; Han, Chang-Quan; Zhang, Ying-Lin; Lee, Hyejon; Liu, Wei; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John D; Xu, Zhi-Yi
  • A critical review of behavioral issues related to malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa: what contributions have social scientists made? (2004) Williams, HA Holly Ann; Jones, Caroline OH
  • Surgical wound infection as a performance indicator: agreement of common definitions of wound infection in 4773 patients. (2004) Wilson, APR; Gibbons, C; Reeves, BC; Hodgson, B; Liu, M; Plummer, D; Krukowski, ZH; Bruce, J; Wilson, J; Pearson, A
  • Control of vectors and incidence of malaria in an irrigated settlement scheme in Sri Lanka by using the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen. (2004) Yapabandara, AMGM; Curtis, CF
  • Vectors and malaria transmission in a gem mining area in Sri Lanka. (2004) Yapabandara, AMGM; Curtis, CF
  • Fixing Health Systems. (2004) de Savigny, D; Kasale, H; Mbuya, C; Reid, G
  • Monitoring future impact on malaria burden in sub-saharan Africa. (2004) de Savigny, Don; Binka, Fred
  • Care-seeking patterns for fatal malaria in Tanzania. (2004) de Savigny, Don; Mayombana, Charles; Mwageni, Eleuther; Masanja, Honorati; Minhaj, Abdulatif; Mkilindi, Yahya; Mbuya, Conrad; Kasale, Harun; Reid, Graham