Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Disease Control"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Dept of Disease Control (5361)
    Number of items: 133.
  • Impact on malaria morbidity of a programme supplying insecticide treated nets in children aged under 2 years in Tanzania: community cross sectional study. (2001) Abdulla, S; Schellenberg, JA; Nathan, R; Mukasa, O; Marchant, T; Smith, T; Tanner, M; Lengeler, C
  • Evaluation of Binax now Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen test in children in a community with a high carriage rate of pneumococcus. (2001) Adegbola, RA; Obaro, SK; Biney, E; Greenwood, BM
  • The epidemiology of hepatitis A in Rio de Janeiro: environmental and domestic risk factors. (2001) Almeida, LM; Werneck, GL; Cairncross, S; Coeli, CM; Costa, MC; Coletty, PE
  • Partial cross-resistance to carbosulfan of pyrethroid-resistant strains of Anopheles: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001) Asidi, A; Curtis, C
  • Insecticide-treated bed nets reduce plasma antibody levels and limit the repertoire of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum variant surface antigens. (2001) Askjaer, N; Maxwell, C; Chambo, W; Staalsoe, T; Nielsen, M; Hviid, L; Curtis, C; Theander, TG
  • Conclusion. (2001) Aunger, R
  • Introduction. (2001) Aunger, R
  • Erratum to “Risk assessment of the use of deltamethrin on bednets for the prevention of malaria” [Food and Chemical Toxicology 39 (2001) 407–422]. (2001) Barlow, SM; Sullivan, FM; Lines, J
  • Risk assessment of the use of deltamethrin on bednets for the prevention of malaria. (2001) Barlow, SM; Sullivan, FM; Lines, J
  • Population genetic analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte binding antigen-175 (eba-175) gene. (2001) Binks, RH; Baum, J; Oduola, AM; Arnot, DE; Babiker, HA; Kremsner, PG; Roper, C; Greenwood, BM; Conway, DJ
  • Epidemiology: a tool for the assessment of risk. (2001) Blumenthal, U; Fleisher, JM; Esrey, SA; Peasey, A
  • The risk of enteric infections associated with wastewater reuse: the effect of season and degree of storage of wastewater. (2001) Blumenthal, UJ; Cifuentes, E; Bennett, S; Quigley, M; Ruiz-Palacios, G
  • Efficacy of RTS,S/AS02 malaria vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum infection in semi-immune adult men in The Gambia: a randomised trial. (2001) Bojang, KA; Milligan, PJ; Pinder, M; Vigneron, L; Alloueche, A; Kester, KE; Ballou, WR; Conway, DJ; Reece, WH; Gothard, P; Yamuah, L; Delchambre, M; Voss, G; Greenwood, BM; Hill, A; McAdam, KP; Tornieporth, N; Cohen, JD; Doherty, T; RTS, S Malaria Vaccine Trial Team
  • A case study of using artificial neural networks for classifying cause of death from verbal autopsy. (2001) Boulle, A; Chandramohan, D; Weller, P
  • Giving advice on malaria prevention. (2001) Bradley, D; Bannister, B
  • How to give up-to-date advice on malaria prevention. (2001) Bradley, D; Bannister, B
  • Health and sustainable development. (2001) Bradley, D; Cairncross, S; Haines, A; Stephens, C
  • The Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine. (2001) Bradley, DC
  • Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine Series. (2001) Bradley, DC
  • Guidelines for malaria prevention in travellers from the United Kingdom for 2001. (2001) Bradley, DJ; Bannister, B; Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention for UK Travellers
  • Predicting the distribution of urinary schistosomiasis in Tanzania using satellite sensor data. (2001) Brooker, S; Hay, SI; Issae, W; Hall, A; Kihamia, CM; Lwambo, NJ; Wint, W; Rogers, DJ; Bundy, DA
  • Community perception of school-based delivery of anthelmintics in Ghana and Tanzania. (2001) Brooker, S; Marriot, H; Hall, A; Adjei, S; Allan, E; Maier, C; Bundy, DA; Drake, LJ; Coombes, MD; Azene, G; Lansdown, RG; Wen, ST; Dzodozmenyo, M; Cobbinah, J; Obro, N; Kihamia, CM; Issae, W; Mwanri, L; Mweta, MR; Mwaikemwa, A; Salimu, M; Ntimbwa, P; Kiwelu, VM; Turuka, A; Nkungu, DR; Magingo, J; Partnership for Child Development
  • The potential of rapid screening methods for Schistosoma mansoni in western Kenya. (2001) Brooker, S; Miguel, EA; Waswa, P; Namunyu, R; Moulin, S; Guyatt, H; Bundy, DA
  • The application of kudzu as a medium for the adsorption of heavy metals from dilute aqueous wastestreams. (2001) Brown, PA; Brown, JM; Allen, SJ
  • Effect of passive zooprophylaxis on malaria transmission in The Gambia. (2001) Bøgh, C; Clarke, SE; Pinder, M; Sanyang, F; Lindsay, SW
  • Domestic and peridomestic transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis: changing epidemiological patterns present new control opportunities. (2001) Campbell-Lendrum, D; Dujardin, JP; Martinez, E; Feliciangeli, MD; Perez, JE; Silans, LN; Desjeux, P
  • Assessment of the global burden of disease attributable to climate change. (2001) Campbell-Lendrum, DH; McMichael, AJ; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, PW; Pruess, A; Menne, B; Corvalan, CF
  • A clinical algorithm for the diagnosis of malaria: results of an evaluation in an area of low endemicity. (2001) Chandramohan, D; Carneiro, I; Kavishwar, A; Brugha, R; Desai, V; Greenwood, B
  • Relationship between malaria endemicity and acute febrile illness mortality in children. (2001) Chandramohan, D; Greenwood, B; Cox, J; Mswia, R; Setel, P
  • Effect of misclassification of causes of death in verbal autopsy: can it be adjusted? (2001) Chandramohan, D; Setel, P; Quigley, M
  • Costing vaccines versus bednets. (2001) Charlwood, JD; Clarke, SE; Bøgh, C
  • Preventing malaria in Malawi. (2001) Chavasse, D; Kolwicz, C; Smith, B
  • Risk factors for Giardia intestinalis infection in agricultural villages practicing wastewater irrigation in Mexico. (2001) Cifuentes, E; Gomez, M; Blumenthal, U; Tellez-Rojo, M; Romieu, I; Palacios, GR; Ruiz-Velazco, S
  • Do untreated bednets protect against malaria? (2001) Clarke, SE; Bøgh, C; Brown, RC; Pinder, M; Walraven, GE; Lindsay, SW
  • Endemic stability--a veterinary idea applied to human public health. (2001) Coleman, PG; Perry, BD; Woolhouse, ME
  • Diploma in Hospital Infection Control: a progress report. (2001) Cookson, BD; Jenner, EA; Roberts, C; Drasar, B; Ridgway, G
  • Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae to human-specific sweat components. (2001) Costantini, C; Birkett, MA; Gibson, G; Ziesmann, J; Sagnon, NF; Mohammed, HA; Coluzzi, M; Pickett, JA
  • Concomitant infections, parasites and immune responses. (2001) Cox, FE
  • Present and future control of malaria - Response. (2001) Curtis, C
  • Treated nets vs house spraying. (2001) Curtis, C; Mnzava, A
  • Insecticide resistance and mosquito-borne disease. (2001) Curtis, CF
  • Mosquito: The story of mankind's deadliest foe/mosquito: A natural history of our most persistent and deadly foe. (2001) Curtis, CF
  • Present use of pesticides for vector and allergen control and future requirements. (2001) Curtis, CF; Davies, CR
  • Hygiene: how myths, monsters, and mothers-in-law can promote behaviour change. (2001) Curtis, V
  • Dirt, disgust, and disease. Is hygiene in our genes? (2001) Curtis, V; Biran, A
  • Evidence of behaviour change following a hygiene promotion programme in Burkina Faso. (2001) Curtis, V; Kanki, B; Cousens, S; Diallo, I; Kpozehouen, A; Sangaré, M; Nikiema, M
  • 18-Month mortality and perinatal exposure to zidovudine in West Africa. (2001) Dabis, F; Elenga, N; Meda, N; Leroy, V; Viho, I; Manigart, O; Dequae-Merchadou, L; Msellati, P; Sombie, I; DITRAME Study Group
  • Community perceptions of a mass administration of an antimalarial drug combination in The Gambia. (2001) De Martin, S; von Seidlein, L; Deen, JL; Pinder, M; Walraven, G; Greenwood, B
  • The safety of the combination artesunate and pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine given during pregnancy. (2001) Deen, JL; von Seidlein, L; Pinder, M; Walraven, GE; Greenwood, BM
  • The first 100 years. (2001) Drasar, BS
  • Respiratory rate as a predictor of positive lung aspirates in young Gambian children with lobar pneumonia. (2001) Falade, AG; Adegbola, RA; Mulholland, EK; Greenwood, BM
  • Evaluation of the efficacy of carbosulfan and permethrin-impregnated curtains against Anopheles gambiae in a village in Burkina Faso, West Africa: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001) Fanello, C; Sanogo-, Ilboudo; Cuzin-, Ouattara; Badolo, A; Curtis, C
  • HAART--the need for strategically focused investments. (2001) Feachem, R
  • Globalisation is good for your health, mostly. (2001) Feachem, RG
  • Globalization: from rhetoric to evidence. (2001) Feachem, RG
  • Infotech and biotech: learning the lessons. (2001) Feachem, RG
  • The Bulletin in 2001. (2001) Feachem, RG; Avery, D
  • Comparing approximations to spatio-temporal models for epidemics with local spread. (2001) Filipe, JA; Gibson, GJ
  • The origins of a new Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense sleeping sickness outbreak in eastern Uganda. (2001) Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; Odiit, M; Magona, JW; Welburn, SC; Woolhouse, ME
  • Stories of pre-war, war and exile: Bosnian refugee children in Sweden. (2001) Goldin, S; Levin, L; Persson, LA; Hägglof, B
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus in African immigrants. (2001) Greenwood, B; Corrah, T
  • Parasite Immunology and the clinical immunologist. (2001) Greenwood, BM
  • The organisation of Luo conceptions of intelligence: A study of implicit theories in a Kenyan village. (2001) Grigorenko, Elena L; Geissler, P Wenzel; Prince, Ruth; Okatcha, Frederick; Nokes, Catherine; Kenny, David A; Bundy, Donald A; Sternberg, Robert J
  • New automated immunoassay measuring immunoglobulin A antigliadin antibodies for prediction of celiac disease in childhood. (2001) Grodzinsky, E; Ivarsson, A; Juto, P; Olcén, P; Fälth-Magnusson, K; Persson, LA; Hernell, O
  • Specifications for netting materials: report of an informal consultation WHO, Geneva, 8-9 June 2000. (2001) Guillet, P; Cham, K; Zaim, M; Carnivale, P; Hougard, J.-, M; Lengeler, C; Rowland, M
  • Environmental risk factors for clinical malaria: a case-control study in the Grau region of Peru. (2001) Guthmann, JP; Hall, AJ; Jaffar, S; Palacios, A; Lines, J; Llanos-Cuentas, A
  • Evaluation of efficacy of school-based anthelmintic treatments against anaemia in children in the United Republic of Tanzania. (2001) Guyatt, HL; Brooker, S; Kihamia, CM; Hall, A; Bundy, DA
  • The feeding behaviour and Plasmodium infection of Anopheles mosquitoes in southern Ethiopia in relation to use of insecticide-treated livestock for malaria control. (2001) Habtewold, T; Walker, AR; Curtis, CF; Osir, EO; Thapa, N
  • Anaemia in schoolchildren in eight countries in Africa and Asia. (2001) Hall, A; Bobrow, E; Brooker, S; Jukes, M; Nokes, K; Lambo, J; Guyatt, H; Bundy, D; Adjei, S; Wen, ST; Satoto; Subagio, H; Rafiluddin, MZ; Miguel, T; Moulin, S; de Graft Johnson, J; Mukaka, M; Roschnik, N; Sacko, M; Zacher, A; Mahumane, B; Kihamia, C; Mwanri, L; Tatala, S; Lwambo, N; Siza, J; Khanh, LN; Khoi, HH; Toan, ND
  • Guidelines: the current position. (2001) Havelaar, A; Blumenthal, U; Strauss, M; Kay, D; Bartram, J
  • Coeliac disease: effect of early feeding on the incidence of the disease. (2001) Hernell, O; Ivarsson, A; Persson, LA
  • Breeding of Anopheles mosquitoes in irrigated areas of South Punjab, Pakistan. (2001) Herrel, N; Amerasinghe, FP; Ensink, J; Mukhtar, M; van der Hoek, W; Konradsen, F
  • Head lice: offering resistance, but the battle can be won. (2001) Hill, N
  • Limitations of irrigation water quality guidelines from a multiple use perspective. (2001) Jensen, Peter K; Matsuno, Yutaka; van der Hoek, Wim; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Epidemiology of intestinal helminth infestations among schoolchildren in southern Uganda. (2001) Kabatereine, NB; Tukahebwa, EM; Brooker, S; Alderman, H; Hall, A
  • Laboratory evaluation of fipronil, a phenylpyrazole insecticide, against adult Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) and investigation of its possible cross-resistance with dieldrin in Anopheles stephensi. (2001) Kolaczinski, J; Curtis, C
  • Early effects of climate change: do they include changes in vector-borne disease? (2001) Kovats, RS; Campbell-Lendrum, DH; McMichael, AJ; Woodward, A; Cox, JS
  • Screening for adult coeliac disease - which serological marker(s) to use? (2001) Lagerqvist, C; Ivarsson, A; Juto, P; Persson, LA; Hernell, O
  • Maternal plasma viral load, zidovudine and mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in Africa: DITRAME ANRS 049a trial. (2001) Leroy, V; Montcho, C; Manigart, O; Van de Perre, P; Dabis, F; Msellati, P; Meda, N; You, B; Simonon, A; Rouzioux, C; DITRAME Study Group
  • Insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania. (2001) Lines, J; Addington, W
  • Immunologic memory 5 years after meningococcal A/C conjugate vaccination in infancy. (2001) MacLennan, J; Obaro, S; Deeks, J; Lake, D; Elie, C; Carlone, G; Moxon, ER; Greenwood, B
  • Prevalence of iron deficiency in 12-mo-old infants from 11 European areas and influence of dietary factors on iron status (Euro-Growth study). (2001) Male, C; Persson, LA; Freeman, V; Guerra, A; van't Hof, MA; Haschke, F; Euro-Growth Iron Study Group
  • Taps and toilets for all: two decades already and now a quarter century more. (2001) Mara, D; Feachem, R
  • Comparing apples and oranges - model-based assessment of different tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis control strategies. (2001) McDermott, JJ; Coleman, PG
  • Global campaign to eradicate malaria. Meeting showed scope for scaling up campaign. (2001) Meek, S; Edmondson, J; Carroll, D
  • Effect of malaria on soluble transferrin receptor levels in Tanzanian infants. (2001) Menendez, C; Quinto, LL; Kahigwa, E; Alvarez, L; Fernandez, R; Gimenez, N; Schellenberg, D; Aponte, JJ; Tanner, M; Alonso, PL
  • Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education and communication (IEC) campaign. (2001) Minja, H; Schellenberg, JA; Mukasa, O; Nathan, R; Abdulla, S; Mponda, H; Tanner, M; Lengeler, C; Obrist, B
  • Development and validation of a 'tablet pole' for the administration of praziquantel in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Montresor, A; Engels, D; Chitsulo, L; Bundy, DA; Brooker, S; Savioli, L
  • The efficacy of different mosquito trapping methods in a forest-fringe village, Yunnan Province, Southern China: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001) Moore, SJ; Honnging, Z; Hill, N
  • The efficacy of different mosquito trapping methods in a forest-fringe village, Yunnan Province, Southern China. (2001) Moore, SJ; Zunwei, D; Hongning, Z; Xuezhong, W; Hongbing, L; Yujiang, X; Hill, N
  • Characterisation of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences from Onchocerca volvulus and Mansonella ozzardi (Nematoda: Filarioidea) and development of a PCR-based method for their detection in skin biopsies. (2001) Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Shelley, AJ; Maia-Herzog, M; Coscarón, S; Cheke, RA
  • A trial of proguanil-dapsone in comparison with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the clearance of Plasmodium falciparum infections in Tanzania. (2001) Mutabingwa, TK; Maxwell, CA; Sia, IG; Msuya, FH; Mkongewa, S; Vannithone, S; Curtis, J; Curtis, CF
  • Human serum antibody response to Helicobacter pylori whole cell antigen in an institutionalized Bangladeshi population. (2001) Nessa, J; Chart, H; Owen, RJ; Drasar, B
  • Factors influencing the use of bed nets in Mbarara municipality of Uganda. (2001) Nuwaha, F
  • The challenge of chloroquine-resistant malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Nuwaha, F
  • Psycho-social determinants for sexual partner referral in Uganda: quantitative results. (2001) Nuwaha, F; Faxelid, E; Wabwire-Mangen, F; Eriksson, C; Hojer, B
  • Efficacy of patient-delivered partner medication in the treatment of sexual partners in Uganda. (2001) Nuwaha, F; Kambugu, F; Nsubuga, PS; Höjer, B; Faxelid, E
  • Temephos-resistant larvae of Simulium sanctipauli associated with a distinctive new chromosome inversion in untreated rivers of south-western Ghana. (2001) Osei-Atweneboana, MY; Wilson, MD; Post, RJ; Boakye, DA
  • Unexpected anthropophagic behaviour in Anopheles quadriannulatus. (2001) Pates, HV; Takken, W; Curtis, CF; Huisman, PW; Akinpelu, O; Gill, GS
  • Differential behaviour of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) to human and cow odours in the laboratory. (2001) Pates, HV; Takken, W; Stuke, K; Curtis, CF
  • Why global health matters to US primary care physicians. (2001) Peabody, JW; Feachem, RG
  • Breaking the cycles of malnutrition: are pregnancy nutrition interventions effective? (2001) Persson, LA
  • Phlebotomine sandfly responses to carbon dioxide and human odour in the field. (2001) Pinto, MC; Campbell-Lendrum, DH; Lozovei, AL; Teodoro, U; Davies, CR
  • Susceptibility of two cambodian population of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae to temephos during 2001. (2001) Polson, KA; Curtis, C; Seng, CM; Olson, JG; Chantha, N; Rawlins, SC
  • Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum malaria to chloroquine is widespread in eastern Afghanistan. (2001) Rab, MA; Freeman, TW; Durrani, N; de Poerck, D; Rowland, MW
  • Bogus antimalarials: a forgotten tale. (2001) Reithinger, R
  • Prophylactic livestock in malaria control. (2001) Reithinger, R
  • Protective saliva: sandfly spit delivers. (2001) Reithinger, R
  • Skinny rodents, kala-azar and prostaglandin E(2). (2001) Reithinger, R
  • Topical insecticide treatments to protect dogs from sand fly vectors of leishmaniasis. (2001) Reithinger, R; Teodoro, U; Davies, CR
  • Refugee health in the tropics. Malaria control in Afghan refugee camps: novel solutions. (2001) Rowland, M
  • Control of malaria in Pakistan by applying deltamethrin insecticide to cattle: a community-randomised trial. (2001) Rowland, M; Durrani, N; Kenward, M; Mohammed, N; Urahman, H; Hewitt, S
  • Malaria epidemiology and control in refugee camps and complex emergencies. (2001) Rowland, M; Nosten, F
  • Intermittent treatment for malaria and anaemia control at time of routine vaccinations in Tanzanian infants: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. (2001) Schellenberg, D; Menendez, C; Kahigwa, E; Aponte, J; Vidal, J; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Alonso, P
  • Effect of large-scale social marketing of insecticide-treated nets on child survival in rural Tanzania. (2001) Schellenberg, JR; Abdulla, S; Nathan, R; Mukasa, O; Marchant, TJ; Kikumbih, N; Mushi, AK; Mponda, H; Minja, H; Mshinda, H; Tanner, M; Lengeler, C
  • Inhibition of nitric oxide activity by arginine analogs in human renal arteries. (2001) Segarra, G; Medina, P; Vila, JM; Chuan, P; Domenech, C; Torondel, B; Lluch, A
  • In vitro activity of rifaximin against bacterial enteropathogens causing diarrhoea in children under 5 years of age in Ifakara, Tanzania. (2001) Sierra, JM; Navia, MM; Vargas, M; Urassa, H; Schellemberg, D; Gascón, J; Vila, J; Ruiz, J
  • The association of bacterial adhesion with dental caries. (2001) Stenudd, C; Nordlund, A; Ryberg, M; Johansson, I; Källestål, C; Strömberg, N
  • Schistosomiasis epidemiology and control: how did we get here and where should we go? (2001) Sturrock, RF
  • Seasonality in the transmission of schistosomiasis and in populations of its snail intermediate hosts in and around a sugar irrigation scheme at Richard Toll, Senegal. (2001) Sturrock, RF; Diaw, OT; Talla, I; Niang, M; Piau, JP; Capron, A
  • Prenatal risk factors of wheezing at the age of four years in Tanzania. (2001) Sunyer, J; Mendendez, C; Ventura, PJ; Aponte, JJ; Schellenberg, D; Kahigwa, E; Acosta, C; Antó, JM; Alonso, PL
  • Sex chromosome variation and cytotaxonomy of the onchocerciasis vector Simulium squamosum in Cameroon and Nigeria. (2001) Traore-Lamizana, M; Somiari, S; Mafuyai, HB; Vajime, CG; Post, RJ
  • The effect pf alphacypermetherin-impregnated nets on sporozite rates in mosquitoes in Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 7 December 2000: Research in progress: short presentation. (2001) Tsang, L; Curtis, C; Maxwell, C
  • Long-term reduction of HIV transmission from mother to breastfed child by antiretroviral agents: are more drugs better than less? (2001) Van de Perre, P; Manigart, O; Meda, N
  • Amazonian onchocerciasis: parasitological profiles by host-age, sex, and endemicity inn southern Venezuela. (2001) Vivas-Martinez, S; Basanez, M; Botto, C; Rojas, S; Garcia, M; Pacheco, M; Curtis, CF
  • Sleeping sickness: a tale of two diseases. (2001) Welburn, SC; Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; Odiit, M; Maudlin, I
  • Identification of human-infective trypanosomes in animal reservoir of sleeping sickness in Uganda by means of serum-resistance-associated (SRA) gene. (2001) Welburn, SC; Picozzi, K; Fèvre, EM; Coleman, PG; Odiit, M; Carrington, M; Maudlin, I
  • A note on the early history of the Ross Institute. (2001) Wilkinson, L; Bradley, DJ
  • Twenty years of AIDS, and no end in sight. A BMJ theme issue will refocus attention on this catastrophic epidemic. (2001) Yamey, G; Rankin, W; Feachem, R
  • Control of malaria vectors with the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen in a gem-mining area in Sri Lanka. (2001) Yapabandara, AM; Curtis, CF; Wickramasinghe, MB; Fernando, WP
  • Molecular evidence of incipient speciation within Anopheles gambiae s.s. in West Africa. (2001) della Torre, A; Fanello, C; Akogbeto, M; Dossou-Yovo, J; Favia, G; Petrarca, V; Coluzzi, M
  • Irrigation water as a source of drinking water: is safe use possible? (2001) van der Hoek, W; Konradsen, F; Ensink, JH; Mudasser, M; Jensen, PK
  • Risk factors for gametocyte carriage in Gambian children. (2001) von Seidlein, L; Drakeley, C; Greenwood, B; Walraven, G; Targett, G