Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Clinical Research"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
Dept of Clinical Research (8545)
Number of items: 305.
Non-specific effects of standard measles vaccine at 4.5 and 9 months of age on childhood mortality: randomised controlled trial. (2010)
Aaby, Peter; Martins, Cesário L; Garly, May-Lill; Balé, Carlito; Andersen, Andreas; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Ravn, Henrik; Lisse, Ida M; Benn, Christine S; Whittle, Hilton C
Child Eye Health Tertiary Facilities in Africa. (2010)
Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar; Bowman, Richard; Courtright, Paul
Physical accessibility and utilization of health services in Yemen. (2010)
Al-Taiar, Abdullah; Clark, Allan; Longenecker, Joseph C; Whitty, Christopher JM
Rapid testing for malaria in settings where microscopy is available and peripheral clinics where only presumptive treatment is available: a randomised controlled trial in Ghana. (2010)
Ansah, Evelyn K; Narh-Bana, Solomon; Epokor, Michael; Akanpigbiam, Samson; Quartey, Alberta Amu; Gyapong, John; Whitty, Christopher JM
Lack of association between mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms and didexoxynucleoside-induced hyperlactataemia in Black African HIV-1 infected patients. (2010)
Arenas-Pinto, A; Weller, I; Ekong, R; Grant, A; Karstaedt, A; Telisinghe, L; Bolhaar, M; Charalambous, S; Bradman, N; Ingram, C
Biometry formula choice and cataract refractive outcomes. (2010)
Aristodemou, P; Cartwright, NEK; Sparrow, JM; Johnston, RL
Maternal postnatal depression and children's growth and behaviour during the early years of life: exploring the interaction between physical and mental health. (2010)
Avan, Bilal; Richter, Linda M; Ramchandani, Paul G; Norris, Shane A; Stein, Alan
Would rational use of antibiotics be compromised in the era of test-based management of malaria? (2010)
Baiden, Frank; Webster, Jayne; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Chandramohan, Daniel
Health and human rights education: time to act. (2010)
Backman, Gunilla; Fitchett, Joseph R
The need for new antibiotics. (2010)
Baiden, Frank; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Webster, Jayne; Chandramohan, Daniel
Reducing the joint burden of disease from diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis: missing research priorities. (2010)
Bailey, SL; Godfrey-Faussett, P
Where is diabetes in The Lancet's tuberculosis Series? (2010)
Bailey, Sl; Godfrey-Faussett, P
Managing eye health in young children. (2010)
Baiyeroju, Aderonke; Bowman, Richard; Gilbert, Clare; Taylor, David
Implementation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and maternal syphilis screening and treatment programmes in Mwanza region, Tanzania : uptake and challenges. (2010)
Balira, Rebecca
Evaluation of Interceptor long-lasting insecticidal nets in eight communities in Liberia. (2010)
Banek, Kristin; Kilian, Albert; Allan, Richard
The visiting friends or relatives traveler in the 21st century: time for a new definition. (2010)
Barnett, Elizabeth D; MacPherson, Douglas W; Stauffer, William M; Loutan, Louis; Hatz, Christoph F; Matteelli, Alberto; Behrens, Ron H
The incidence of malaria in travellers to South-East Asia: is local malaria transmission a useful risk indicator? (2010)
Behrens, Ron H; Carroll, Bernadette; Hellgren, Urban; Visser, Leo G; Siikamäki, Heli; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Calleri, Guido; Jänisch, Thomas; Myrvang, Bjørn; Gascon, Joaquim; Hatz, Christoph
Travel case scenarios as a demonstration of risk assessment of VFR travelers: introduction to criteria and evidence-based definition and framework. (2010)
Behrens, Ron H; Stauffer, William M; Barnett, Elizabeth D; Loutan, Louis; Hatz, Christoph F; Matteelli, Alberto; Macpherson, Douglas W
Vitamin A supplementation and BCG vaccination at birth in low birthweight neonates: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial. (2010)
Benn, Christine Stabell; Fisker, Ane Baerent; Napirna, Bitiguida Mutna; Roth, Adam; Diness, Birgitte Rode; Lausch, Karen Rokkedal; Ravn, Henrik; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Whittle, Hilton; Aaby, Peter
Measuring the efficacy of anti-malarial drugs in vivo: quantitative PCR measurement of parasite clearance. (2010)
Beshir, Khalid B; Hallett, Rachel L; Eziefula, Alice C; Bailey, Robin; Watson, Julie; Wright, Stephen G; Chiodini, Peter L; Polley, Spencer D; Sutherland, Colin J
Should antiretroviral therapy be delayed for 10 weeks for patients treated with fluconazole for cryptococcal meningitis? (2010)
Bicanic, Tihana; Jarvis, Joseph N; Muzoora, Conrad; Harrison, Thomas S
Performance of commercial herpes simplex virus type-2 antibody tests using serum samples from Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2010)
Biraro, Samuel; Mayaud, Philippe; Morrow, Rhoda Ashley; Grosskurth, Heiner; Weiss, Helen A
Targeting antibiotics to households for trachoma control. (2010)
Blake, Isobel M; Burton, Matthew J; Solomon, Anthony W; West, Sheila K; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Gambhir, Manoj; Bailey, Robin L; Mabey, David CW; Grassly, Nicholas C
Serological analysis of the outcome of treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infections with praziquantel. (2010)
Bligh, J; Schramm, G; Chiodini, PL; Doenhoff, MJ
Impacts of the diagnosis of leprosy and of visible impairments amongst people affected by leprosy in Cebu, the Philippines. (2010)
Boku, Noriko; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Balagon, Maria Victoria; Pardillo, Fe Eleanor F; Maghanoy, Armi A; Mallari, Irene B; Cross, Hugh
Children's role in enhanced case finding in Zambia. (2010)
Bond, V; Chilikwela, L; Simwinga, M; Reade, Z; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Hunleth, J
Immunological consequences of intermittent preventive treatment against malaria in Senegalese preschool children. (2010)
Boulanger, Denis; Sarr, Jean Biram; Fillol, Florie; Sokhna, Cheikh; Cisse, Badara; Schacht, Anne-Marie; Trape, Jean-François; Riveau, Gilles; Simondon, François; Greenwood, Brian; Remoué, Franck
Prolonged deferral of antiretroviral therapy in the SAPIT trial: did we need a clinical trial to tell us that this would increase mortality? (2010)
Boulle, Andrew; Clayden, Polly; Cohen, Karen; Cohen, Ted; Conradie, Francesca; Dong, Krista; Geffen, Nathan; Grimwood, Ashraf; Hurtado, Rocio; Kenyon, Christopher; Lawn, Stephen; Maartens, Gary; Meintjes, Graeme; Mendelson, Marc; Murray, Megan; Rangaka, Molebogeng; Sanne, Ian; Spencer, David; Taljaard, Jantjie; Variava, Ebrahim; Venter, WD Francois; Wilson, Douglas
Optic neuropathy endemic in secondary school children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2010)
Bowman, RJC; Wedner, S; Bowman, RF; Masanja, H; Bunce, C; Wood, ML; Gilbert, C
The 'mirror test' for estimating visual acuity in infants. (2010)
Bowman, Richard; McCulloch, Daphne L; Law, Elizabeth; Mostyn, Karen; Dutton, Gordon N
Quality assurance in trichiasis surgery: a methodology. (2010)
Buchan, John C; Limburg, Hans; Burton, Matthew J
A single round of mass azithromycin treatment is sufficiant for trachoma elimination in The Gambia. (2010)
Burr, S; Harding-Esch, E; Holland, M; Sillah, A; Bailey, R; Mabey, D
Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. piscium subsp. nov., isolated from freshwater fish. (2010)
Burr, Sarah E; Gobeli, Stefanie; Kuhnert, Peter; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Elinor; Frey, Joachim
Trachoma. (2010)
Burton, MJ
Conjunctival expression of matrix metalloproteinase and proinflammatory cytokine genes after trichiasis surgery. (2010)
Burton, Matthew J; Bailey, Robin L; Jeffries, David; Rajak, Saul N; Adegbola, Richard A; Sillah, Ansumana; Mabey, David CW; Holland, Martin J
Profound and sustained reduction in Chlamydia trachomatis in The Gambia: a five-year longitudinal study of trachoma endemic communities. (2010)
Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Makalo, Pateh; Aryee, Esther AN; Sillah, Ansumana; Cohuet, Sandra; Natividad, Angels; Alexander, Neal DE; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
Conjunctival transcriptome in scarring trachoma. (2010)
Burton, Matthew J; Rajak, Saul N; Bauer, Julien; Weiss, Helen A; Tolbert, Sonda B; Shoo, Alice; Habtamu, Esmail; Manjurano, Alphaxard; Emerson, Paul M; Mabey, David CW; Holland, Martin J; Bailey, Robin L
Trends in loss to follow-up among migrant workers on antiretroviral therapy in a community cohort in Lesotho. (2010)
Bygrave, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Whittall, Jonathan; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Ford, Nathan
Incidence of malaria and efficacy of combination antimalarial therapies over 4 years in an urban cohort of Ugandan children. (2010)
Clark, Tamara D; Njama-Meya, Denise; Nzarubara, Bridget; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, Catherine; Greenhouse, Bryan; Staedke, Sarah G; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant; Rosenthal, Philip J
Age related macular degeneration. (2010)
Chakravarthy, Usha; Evans, Jennifer; Rosenfeld, Philip J
Amodiaquine dosage and tolerability for intermittent preventive treatment to prevent malaria in children. (2010)
Cairns, M; Cisse, B; Sokhna, C; Cames, C; Simondon, K; Ba, EH; Trape, J-F; Gaye, O; Greenwood, BM; Milligan, PJM
Duration of protection against clinical malaria provided by three regimens of intermittent preventive treatment in Tanzanian infants. (2010)
Cairns, Matthew; Gosling, Roly; Carneiro, Ilona; Gesase, Samwel; Mosha, Jacklin F; Hashim, Ramadhan; Kaur, Harparkash; Lemnge, Martha; Mosha, Frank W; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel
Estimating unreported malaria cases in England: a capture-recapture study. (2010)
Cathcart, SJ; Lawrence, J; Grant, A; Quinn, D; Whitty, CJM; Jones, J; Chiodini, PL; Fraser, G
Effect of ivermectin on Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes fed on humans: the potential of oral insecticides in malaria control. (2010)
Chaccour, Carlos; Lines, Jo; Whitty, Christopher JM
Development of a new assay for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis, using cercarial antigens. (2010)
Chand, MA; Chiodini, PL; Doenhoff, MJ
How can malaria rapid diagnostic tests achieve their potential? A qualitative study of a trial at health facilities in Ghana. (2010)
Chandler, Clare IR; Whitty, Christopher JM; Ansah, Evelyn K
When your eye patient is a child. (2010)
Chandna, Arvind; Gilbert, Clare
Association of isoniazid preventive therapy with lower early mortality in individuals on antiretroviral therapy in a workplace programme. (2010)
Charalambous, Salome; Grant, Alison D; Innes, Craig; Hoffmann, Christopher J; Dowdeswell, Rob; Pienaar, Jan; Fielding, Katherine L; Churchyard, Gavin J
Eosinophilia in returning travellers and migrants from the tropics: UK recommendations for investigation and initial management. (2010)
Checkley, Anna M; Chiodini, Peter L; Dockrell, David H; Bates, Imelda; Thwaites, Guy E; Booth, Helen L; Brown, Michael; Wright, Stephen G; Grant, Alison D; Mabey, David C; Whitty, Christopher JM; Sanderson, Frances; British Infection Society and Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Empiric albendazole therapy and eosinophilia recommendations – a cautionary note. (2010)
Checkley, Anna M; Whitty, Christopher JM; Sanderson, Frances
Syphilis and Social Upheaval in China REPLY. (2010)
Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Tucker, Joseph D; Peeling, Rosanna W
Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. (2010)
Chiang, Far; Kuper, Hannah; Lindfield, Robert; Keenan, Tiarnan; Seyam, Na'el; Magauran, Denise; Khalilia, Nasrallah; Batta, Habes; Abdeen, Ziad; Sargent, Nicholas
Characteristics, immunological response & treatment outcomes of HIV-2 compared with HIV-1 & dual infections (HIV 1/2) in Mumbai. (2010)
Chiara, Montaldo; Rony, Zachariah; Homa, Mansoor; Bhanumati, Varghese; Ladomirska, Joanna; Manzi, M; Wilson, N; Alaka, Deshpande; Harries, AD
Liquid vs. solid culture for tuberculosis: performance and cost in a resource-constrained setting. (2010)
Chihota, VN; Grant, AD; Fielding, K; Ndibongo, B; van Zyl, A; Muirhead, D; Churchyard, GJ
Statins enhance formation of phagocyte extracellular traps. (2010)
Chow, Ohn A; von Köckritz-Blickwede, Maren; Bright, A Taylor; Hensler, Mary E; Zinkernagel, Annelies S; Cogen, Anna L; Gallo, Richard L; Monestier, Marc; Wang, Yanming; Glass, Christopher K; Nizet, Victor
Symptom and chest radiographic screening for infectious tuberculosis prior to starting isoniazid preventive therapy: yield and proportion missed at screening. (2010)
Churchyard, Gavin J; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; Chihota, Violet N; Hanifa, Yasmeen; Grant, Alison D
Tuberculosis among community-based health care researchers. (2010)
Claassens, MM; Sismanidis, C; Lawrence, K-A; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, H; Enarson, DA; Beyers, N
Staphylococcus epidermidis antimicrobial delta-toxin (phenol-soluble modulin-gamma) cooperates with host antimicrobial peptides to kill group A Streptococcus. (2010)
Cogen, Anna L; Yamasaki, Kenshi; Muto, Jun; Sanchez, Katheryn M; Crotty Alexander, Laura; Tanios, Jackelyn; Lai, Yuping; Kim, Judy E; Nizet, Victor; Gallo, Richard L
Comparison of two active case-finding strategies for community-based diagnosis of symptomatic smear-positive tuberculosis and control of infectious tuberculosis in Harare, Zimbabwe (DETECTB): a cluster-randomised trial. (2010)
Corbett, Elizabeth L; Bandason, Tsitsi; Duong, Trinh; Dauya, Ethel; Makamure, Beauty; Churchyard, Gavin J; Williams, Brian G; Munyati, Shungu S; Butterworth, Anthony E; Mason, Peter R; Mungofa, Stanley; Hayes, Richard J
Provider-initiated symptom screening for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: diagnostic value and the effect of HIV status. (2010)
Corbett, Elizabeth L; Zezai, Abbas; Cheung, Yin Bun; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Munyati, Shungu S; Butterworth, Anthony E; Rusikaniko, Simba; Churchyard, Gavin J; Mungofa, Stanley; Hayes, Richard J; Mason, Peter R
Optimising the management of vaginal discharge syndrome in Bulgaria: cost effectiveness of four clinical algorithms with risk assessment. (2010)
Cornier, Nadine; Petrova, Elena; Cavailler, Philippe; Dentcheva, Rossitza; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Janin, Arnaud; Ninet, Béatrice; Anguenot, Jean-Luc; Vassilakos, Pierre; Gerbase, Antonio; Mayaud, Philippe
MODS accreditation process for regional reference laboratories in Peru: validation by GenoType® MTBDRplus. (2010)
Coronel, J; Roper, M; Mitchell, S; Castillo, E; Gamarra, N; Drobniewski, F; Luna, G; Mendoza, A; Moore, DAJ
Prevalence of eye disease in early childhood and associated factors: findings from the millennium cohort study. (2010)
Cumberland, Phillippa M; Pathai, Sophia; Rahi, Jugnoo S; Millennium Cohort Study Child Health Group
Interferon-γ release assays for the diagnosis of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2010)
Diel, R; Goletti, D; Ferrara, G; Bothamley, G; Cirillo, D; Kampmann, B; Lange, C; Losi, M; Markova, R; Migliori, GB; Nienhaus, A; Ruhwald, M; Wagner, D; Zellweger, JP; Huitric, E; Sandgren, A; Manissero, D
Oxidative stress in obstructive nephropathy. (2010)
Dendooven, Amélie; Ishola, David A; Nguyen, Tri Q; Van der Giezen, Dionne M; Kok, Robbert Jan; Goldschmeding, Roel; Joles, Jaap A
Contrasting predictors of poor antiretroviral therapy outcomes in two South African HIV programmes: a cohort study. (2010)
Dahab, Mison; Charalambous, Salome; Karstaedt, Alan S; Fielding, Katherine L; Hamilton, Robin; La Grange, Lettie; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D
Chest radiograph reading and recording system: evaluation for tuberculosis screening in patients with advanced HIV. (2010)
Dawson, R; Masuka, P; Edwards, DJ; Bateman, ED; Bekker, L-G; Wood, R; Lawn, SD
Leprosy presenting as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: proposed definitions and classification. (2010)
Deps, Patricia; Lockwood, Diana NJ
The risk and timing of tuberculosis diagnosed in smear-negative TB suspects: a 12 month cohort study in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2010)
Dimairo, Munyaradzi; MacPherson, Peter; Bandason, Tsitsi; Zezai, Abbas; Munyati, Shungu S; Butterworth, Anthony E; Mungofa, Stanley; Rusikaniko, Simba; Fielding, Katherine; Mason, Peter R; Corbett, Elizabeth L
Interpreting tuberculin skin tests in a population with a high prevalence of HIV, tuberculosis, and nonspecific tuberculin sensitivity. (2010)
Dodd, Peter J; Millington, Kerry A; Ghani, Azra C; Mutsvangwa, Junior; Butterworth, Anthony E; Lalvani, Ajit; Corbett, Elizabeth L
The MIT D-lab electricity-free PortaTherm™ incubator for remote testing with the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube assay. (2010)
Dominguez, M; Smith, A; Luna, G; Brady, MF; Austin-Breneman, J; Lopez, S; Yataco, R; Moore, DAJ
Artesunate versus quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria in African children (AQUAMAT): an open-label, randomised trial. (2010)
Dondorp, Arjen M; Fanello, Caterina I; Hendriksen, Ilse CE; Gomes, Ermelinda; Seni, Amir; Chhaganlal, Kajal D; Bojang, Kalifa; Olaosebikan, Rasaq; Anunobi, Nkechinyere; Maitland, Kathryn; Kivaya, Esther; Agbenyega, Tsiri; Nguah, Samuel Blay; Evans, Jennifer; Gesase, Samwel; Kahabuka, Catherine; Mtove, George; Nadjm, Behzad; Deen, Jacqueline; Mwanga-Amumpaire, Juliet; Nansumba, Margaret; Karema, Corine; Umulisa, Noella; Uwimana, Aline; Mokuolu, Olugbenga A; Adedoyin, Olanrewaju T; Johnson, Wahab BR; Tshefu, Antoinette K; Onyamboko, Marie A; Sakulthaew, Tharisara; Ngum, Wirichada Pan; Silamut, Kamolrat; Stepniewska, Kasia; Woodrow, Charles J; Bethell, Delia; Wills, Bridget; Oneko, Martina; Peto, Tim E; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Day, Nicholas PJ; White, Nicholas J; AQUAMAT group
Artemisinin resistance: current status and scenarios for containment. (2010)
Dondorp, Arjen M; Yeung, Shunmay; White, Lisa; Nguon, Chea; Day, Nicholas PJ; Socheat, Duong; von Seidlein, Lorenz
Using touchscreen electronic medical record systems to support and monitor national scale-up of antiretroviral therapy in Malawi. (2010)
Douglas, Gerald P; Gadabu, Oliver J; Joukes, Sabine; Mumba, Soyapi; McKay, Michael V; Ben-Smith, Anne; Jahn, Andreas; Schouten, Erik J; Landis Lewis, Zach; van Oosterhout, Joep J; Allain, Theresa J; Zachariah, Rony; Berger, Selma D; Harries, Anthony D; Chimbwandira, Frank
Long-term biological and behavioural impact of an adolescent sexual health intervention in Tanzania: follow-up survey of the community-based MEMA kwa Vijana Trial. (2010)
Doyle, Aoife M; Ross, David A; Maganja, Kaballa; Baisley, Kathy; Masesa, Clemens; Andreasen, Aura; Plummer, Mary L; Obasi, Angela IN; Weiss, Helen A; Kapiga, Saidi; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Changalucha, John; Hayes, Richard J; MEMA kwa Vijana Trial Study Group
Oral activated charcoal prevents experimental cerebral malaria in mice and in a randomized controlled clinical trial in man did not interfere with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate. (2010)
de Souza, J Brian; Okomo, Uduak; Alexander, Neal D; Aziz, Naveed; Owens, Benjamin MJ; Kaur, Harparkash; Jasseh, Momodou; Muangnoicharoen, Sant; Sumariwalla, Percy F; Warhurst, David C; Ward, Stephen A; Conway, David J; Ulloa, Luis; Tracey, Kevin J; Foxwell, Brian MJ; Kaye, Paul M; Walther, Michael
Radiotherapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2010)
Evans, Jennifer R; Sivagnanavel, Vasuki; Chong, Victor
Isoniazid preventive therapy for HIV-infected people: evidence to support implementation. (2010)
Eldred, Lois J; Churchyard, Gavin; Durovni, Betina; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Grant, Alison D; Getahun, Haileyesus; Chaisson, Richard E
Effects of maternal and infant co-infections, and of maternal immunisation, on the infant response to BCG and tetanus immunisation. (2010)
Elliott, Alison M; Mawa, Patrice A; Webb, Emily L; Nampijja, Margaret; Lyadda, Nancy; Bukusuba, Joseph; Kizza, Moses; Namujju, Proscovia B; Nabulime, Juliet; Ndibazza, Juliet; Muwanga, Moses; Whitworth, James AG
Tuberculosis transmission risk and infection control in a hospital emergency department in Lima, Peru. (2010)
Escombe, AR; Huaroto, L; Ticona, E; Burgos, M; Sanchez, I; Carrasco, L; Farfán, E; Flores, F; Moore, DAJ
Evidence-based reviews and meta-analysis. (2010)
Evans, Jennifer
Association of schistosomiasis with false-positive HIV test results in an African adolescent population. (2010)
Everett, Dean B; Baisely, Kathy J; McNerney, Ruth; Hambleton, Ian; Chirwa, Tobias; Ross, David A; Changalucha, John; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Helmby, Helena; Dunne, David W; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard J
Neglected tropical diseases. (2010)
Feasey, Nick; Wansbrough-Jones, Mark; Mabey, David CW; Solomon, Anthony W
Causes of acute hospitalization in adolescence: burden and spectrum of HIV-related morbidity in a country with an early-onset and severe HIV epidemic: a prospective survey. (2010)
Ferrand, Rashida A; Bandason, Tsitsi; Musvaire, Praise; Larke, Natasha; Nathoo, Kusum; Mujuru, Hilda; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Munyati, Shungu; Cowan, Frances M; Gibb, Diana M; Corbett, Elizabeth L
Undiagnosed HIV infection among adolescents seeking primary health care in Zimbabwe. (2010)
Ferrand, Rashida A; Munaiwa, Lucia; Matsekete, John; Bandason, Tsitsi; Nathoo, Kusum; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Munyati, Shungu; Cowan, Frances M; Gibb, Diana M; Corbett, Elizabeth L
Survey of children accessing HIV services in a high prevalence setting: time for adolescents to count? (2010)
Ferrand, Rashida; Lowe, Sara; Whande, Barbra; Munaiwa, Lucia; Langhaug, Lisa; Cowan, Frances; Mugurungi, Owen; Gibb, Diana; Munyati, Shungu; Williams, Brian G; Corbett, Elizabeth L
Competent minors. (2010)
Fitchett, Joseph R
Genetically engineered parasites: the solution to designing an effective malaria vaccine? (2010)
Fitchett, Joseph R; Cooke, Mary K
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV in a community-based antiretroviral clinic in South Africa. (2010)
Fitzgerald, Felicity C; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Kaplan, Richard; Myer, Landon; Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
Prolonged infectiousness of tuberculosis patients in a directly observed therapy short-course program with standardized therapy. (2010)
Fitzwater, Sean P; Caviedes, Luz; Gilman, Robert H; Coronel, Jorge; LaChira, Doris; Salazar, Cayo; Saravia, Juan Carlos; Reddy, Krishna; Friedland, Jon S; Moore, David AJ
Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy and associated reduction in mortality, morbidity and defaulting in a nurse-managed, community cohort in Lesotho. (2010)
Ford, Nathan; Kranzer, Katharina; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Bygrave, Helen
Safety of efavirenz in first-trimester of pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes from observational cohorts. (2010)
Ford, Nathan; Mofenson, Lynne; Kranzer, Katharina; Medu, Lanre; Frigati, Lisa; Mills, Edward J; Calmy, Alexandra
Reply to Athanasiadis et al. (2010)
Foster, PJ; Yip, JL; Nolan, W; Gilbert, CE; Johnson, GJ; Khaw, PT
Intensive care admissions for children with imported malaria in the United kingdom. (2010)
Garbash, Mehdi; Round, Jonathan; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; Riordan, F Andrew I; Shingadia, Delane; Ladhani, Shamez
Using weight gain among premature babies to determine the risk of ROP may be premature. (e-letter). (2010)
Gilbert, C; Darlow, D; Quinn, G; Zin, A
Couching in Nigeria: prevalence, risk factors and visual acuity outcomes. (2010)
Gilbert, Clare E; Murthy, GVS; Sivasubramaniam, S; Kyari, F; Imam, A; Rabiu, MM; Abdull, M; Tafida, A
Changes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotype families over 20 years in a population-based study in Northern Malawi. (2010)
Glynn, Judith R; Alghamdi, Saad; Mallard, Kim; McNerney, Ruth; Ndlovu, Richard; Munthali, Lumbani; Houben, Rein M; Fine, Paul EM; French, Neil; Crampin, Amelia C
Identification of people with disabilities using participatory rural appraisal and key informants: a pragmatic approach with action potential promoting validity and low cost. (2010)
Gona, Joseph K; Xiong, Tengbin; Muhit, Mohammad A; Newton, Charles R; Hartley, Sally
Effect of primary selective laser trabeculoplasty on tonographic outflow facility: a randomised clinical trial. (2010)
Goyal, Saurabh; Beltran-Agullo, Laura; Rashid, Safina; Shah, Shaheen P; Nath, Remin; Obi, Adanna; Lim, K Sheng
HIV in the developing world. (2010)
Grant, AD; De Cock, KM
'Team up against TB': promoting involvement in Thibela TB, a trial of community-wide tuberculosis preventive therapy. (2010)
Grant, Alison D; Coetzee, Leonie; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; Ntshele, Smanga; Luttig, Mariëtha M; Mngadi, Kathryn T; Muller, Dorothy; Popane, Flora; Mdluli, John; Mngadi, Nkosinathi; Sefuthi, Clement; Clark, David A; Churchyard, Gavin
Why have trials of isoniazid preventive therapy among people with HIV infection not demonstrated an effect on mortality?: did close examination of the trees obscure our view of the wood? (2010)
Grant, Alison D; Fielding, Katherine L; Charalambous, Salome; Chaisson, Richard E; Churchyard, Gavin J
Adverse events with isoniazid preventive therapy: experience from a large trial. (2010)
Grant, Alison D; Mngadi, Kathryn T; van Halsema, Clare L; Luttig, Mariëtha M; Fielding, Katherine L; Churchyard, Gavin J
HIV decline in Zimbabwe due to reductions in risky sex? Evidence from a comprehensive epidemiological review. (2010)
Gregson, Simon; Gonese, Elizabeth; Hallett, Timothy B; Taruberekera, Noah; Hargrove, John W; Lopman, Ben; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Dorrington, Rob; Dube, Sabada; Dehne, Karl; Mugurungi, Owen
Dengue: a continuing global threat. (2010)
Guzman, Maria G; Halstead, Scott B; Artsob, Harvey; Buchy, Philippe; Farrar, Jeremy; Gubler, Duane J; Hunsperger, Elizabeth; Kroeger, Axel; Margolis, Harold S; Martínez, Eric; Nathan, Michael B; Pelegrino, Jose Luis; Simmons, Cameron; Yoksan, Sutee; Peeling, Rosanna W
Trachoma prevalence and associated risk factors in the gambia and Tanzania: baseline results of a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2010)
Harding-Esch, Emma M; Edwards, Tansy; Mkocha, Harran; Munoz, Beatriz; Holland, Martin J; Burr, Sarah E; Sillah, Ansumana; Gaydos, Charlotte A; Stare, Dianne; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L; West, Sheila K; PRET Partnership
Epidemiology and control of trachoma: systematic review. (2010)
Hu, Victor H; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Burton, Matthew J; Bailey, Robin L; Kadimpeul, Julbert; Mabey, David CW
A/H1N1 flu pandemic. Life threatening infections labelled swine flu. (2010)
Houlihan, Catherine F; Patel, Sanjay; Price, David A; Valappil, Manoj; Schwab, Uli
Cryptococcal immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-1-infected individuals: proposed clinical case definitions. (2010)
Haddow, Lewis J; Colebunders, Robert; Meintjes, Graeme; Lawn, Stephen D; Elliott, Julian H; Manabe, Yukari C; Bohjanen, Paul R; Sungkanuparph, Somnuek; Easterbrook, Philippa J; French, Martyn A; Boulware, David R; International Network for the Study of HIV-associated IRIS (INSH
Multi-locus sequence typing: A useful tool for trachoma molecular epidemiology. (2010)
Harding-Esch, E; Christerson, L; Grannas, K; Roberts, C; Holland, M; Andreasen, A; Sillah, A; Sarr, B; Herrmann, B; Bailey, R; Mabey, D
Prevalence of, and risk factors for, trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in The Gambia and Tanzania. (2010)
Harding-Esch, E; Edwards, T; Mkocha, H; Munoz, B; Holland, M; Burr, S; Sillah, A; Mabey, D; Bailey, R; West, S
Process evaluation of the Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE) in rural South Africa. (2010)
Hargreaves, James; Hatcher, Abigail; Strange, Vicki; Phetla, Godfrey; Busza, Joanna; Kim, Julia; Watts, Charlotte; Morison, Linda; Porter, John; Pronyk, Paul; Bonell, Christopher
Defining the research agenda to reduce the joint burden of disease from diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis. (2010)
Harries, Anthony D; Murray, Megan B; Jeon, Christie Y; Ottmani, Salah-Eddine; Lonnroth, Knut; Barreto, Mauricio L; Billo, Nils; Brostrom, Richard; Bygbjerg, Ib Christian; Fisher-Hoch, Susan; Mori, Toru; Ramaiya, Kaushik; Roglic, Gojka; Strandgaard, Hanne; Unwin, Nigel; Viswanathan, Vijay; Whiting, David; Kapur, Anil
The HIV-associated tuberculosis epidemic--when will we act? (2010)
Harries, Anthony D; Zachariah, Rony; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Lawn, Stephen D; Santos-Filho, Ezio T; Chimzizi, Rhehab; Harrington, Mark; Maher, Dermot; Williams, Brian G; De Cock, Kevin M
Strategies to improve patient retention on antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. (2010)
Harries, Anthony D; Zachariah, Rony; Lawn, Stephen D; Rosen, Sydney
Keeping health facilities safe: one way of strengthening the interaction between disease-specific programmes and health systems. (2010)
Harries, Anthony D; Zachariah, Rony; Tayler-Smith, Katie; Schouten, Erik J; Chimbwandira, Frank; Van Damme, Wim; El-Sadr, Wafaa M
Diagnosis and management of antiretroviral-therapy failure in resource-limited settings in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and perspectives. (2010)
Harries, Anthony D; Zachariah, Rony; van Oosterhout, Joep J; Reid, Steven D; Hosseinipour, Mina C; Arendt, Vic; Chirwa, Zengani; Jahn, Andreas; Schouten, Erik J; Kamoto, Kelita
Predictors of gastroduodenal erosions in patients taking low-dose aspirin. (2010)
Hart, J; Hawkey, CJ; Lanas, A; Naesdal, J; Talley, NJ; Thomson, ABR; Yeomans, ND
Modulation of human immune responses during anti-tuberculosis treatment. (2010)
Hassan, S; Dockrell, H; Cliff, J
Treatment of sexually transmitted infections for HIV prevention: end of the road or new beginning? (2010)
Hayes, Richard; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Celum, Connie; van de Wijgert, Janneke; Wasserheit, Judith
A retrospective analysis of immunology and infection-related funding awarded to institutions in the UK between 1997 and 2007. (2010)
Head, M; Cooke, M; Fitchett, JR
Literacy, education and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in The Gambia. (2010)
Hegazi, A; Bailey, RL; Ahadzie, B; Alabi, A; Peterson, K
Community-based treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2010)
Heller, T; Lessells, RJ; Wallrauch, CG; Bärnighausen, T; Cooke, GS; Mhlongo, L; Master, I; Newell, ML
Short course for focused assessment with sonography for human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis: preliminary results in a rural setting in South Africa with high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis. (2010)
Heller, Tom; Wallrauch, Claudia; Lessells, Richard J; Goblirsch, Sam; Brunetti, Enrico
Prime-boost vectored malaria vaccines: progress and prospects. (2010)
Hill, Adrian VS; Reyes-Sandoval, Arturo; O'Hara, Geraldine; Ewer, Katie; Lawrie, Alison; Goodman, Anna; Nicosia, Alfredo; Folgori, Antonella; Colloca, Stefano; Cortese, Riccardo; Gilbert, Sarah C; Draper, Simon J
Reducing mortality with cotrimoxazole preventive therapy at initiation of antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. (2010)
Hoffmann, Christopher J; Fielding, Katherine L; Charalambous, Salome; Innes, Craig; Chaisson, Richard E; Grant, Alison D; Churchyard, Gavin J
Pathway-focused arrays reveal increased matrix metalloproteinase-7 (matrilysin) transcription in trachomatous trichiasis. (2010)
Holland, Martin J; Jeffries, David; Pattison, Michael; Korr, Gerit; Gall, Alevtina; Joof, Hassan; Manjang, Ahmed; Burton, Matthew J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
NK cells as effectors of acquired immune responses: effector CD4+ T cell-dependent activation of NK cells following vaccination. (2010)
Horowitz, Amir; Behrens, Ron H; Okell, Lucy; Fooks, Anthony R; Riley, Eleanor M
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) in adults: a qualitative study of perspectives from professional practice. (2010)
Horton, Simon MC; Poland, Fiona; Kale, Swati; Drachler, Maria de Lourdes; de Carvalho Leite, Jose Carlos; McArthur, Maggie A; Campion, Peter D; Pheby, Derek; Nacul, Luis
Cohort profile: Hlabisa HIV treatment and care programme. (2010)
Houlihan, Catherine F; Bland, Ruth M; Mutevedzi, Portia C; Lessells, Richard J; Ndirangu, James; Thulare, Hilary; Newell, Marie-Louise
The tuberculosis challenge in a rural South African HIV programme. (2010)
Houlihan, Catherine F; Mutevedzi, Portia C; Lessells, Richard J; Cooke, Graham S; Tanser, Frank C; Newell, Marie-Louise
Bacterial infection in scarring trachoma. (2010)
Hu, Victor H; Massae, Patrick; Weiss, Helen A; Chevallier, Caroline; Onyango, Jecinta J; Afwamba, Isaac A; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L; Burton, Matthew J
In vivo confocal microscopy of trachoma in relation to normal tarsal conjunctiva. (2010)
Hu, Victor H; Massae, Patrick; Weiss, Helen A; Cree, Ian A; Courtright, Paul; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L; Burton, Matthew J
The effect of aqualase and phacoemulsification on the corneal endothelium. (2010)
Hu, Victor; Hughes, Edward H; Patel, Nishal; Whitefield, Laurence A
Cryptococcal antigen screening for patients initiating antiretroviral therapy: time for action. (2010)
Jarvis, Joseph N; Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; Harrison, Thomas S
Outcomes of cryptococcal meningitis in antiretroviral naïve and experienced patients in South Africa. (2010)
Jarvis, Joseph N; Meintjes, Graeme; Harrison, Thomas S
Adult meningitis in a setting of high HIV and TB prevalence: findings from 4961 suspected cases. (2010)
Jarvis, Joseph N; Meintjes, Graeme; Williams, Anthony; Brown, Yolande; Crede, Tom; Harrison, Thomas S
Symptomatic relapse of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in South Africa: the role of inadequate secondary prophylaxis. (2010)
Jarvis, Joseph N; Meintjes, Graeme; Williams, Zomzi; Rebe, Kevin; Harrison, Thomas S
Testing but not treating: missed opportunities and lost lives in the South African antiretroviral therapy programme. (2010)
Jarvis, Joseph N; Meintjes, Graeme; Wood, Robin; Harrison, Thomas S
Pulmonary cryptococcosis misdiagnosed as smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis with fatal consequences. (2010)
Jarvis, Joseph N; Wainwright, Helen; Harrison, Thomas S; Rebe, Kevin; Meintjes, Graeme
Bi-directional screening for tuberculosis and diabetes: a systematic review. (2010)
Jeon, Christie Y; Harries, Anthony D; Baker, Meghan A; Hart, Jessica E; Kapur, Anil; Lönnroth, Knut; Ottmani, Salah-Eddine; Goonesekera, Sunali; Murray, Megan B
The Cataract National Dataset electronic multi-centre audit of 55,567 operations: variation in posterior capsule rupture rates between surgeons. (2010)
Johnston, RL; Taylor, H; Smith, R; Sparrow, JM
Levator function revisited: a two-phase assessment of lid movement to better identify levator-superior rectus synkinesis. (2010)
Jones, Carole A; Lee, Edward J; Sparrow, John M; Harrad, Richard A
Examining sex differentials in the uptake and process of HIV testing in three high prevalence districts of India. (2010)
Joseph, Saju; Kielmann, Karina; Kudale, Abhay; Sheikh, Kabir; Shinde, Swati; Porter, John; Rangan, Sheela
Prevalence and risk factors for trachoma in central and southern Malawi. (2010)
Kalua, Khumbo; Chirwa, Tobias; Kalilani, Linda; Abbenyi, Sam; Mukaka, Mavuto; Bailey, Robin
Antimalarial drug quality: methods to detect suspect drugs. (2010)
Kaur, Harparkash; Green, Michael D; Hostetler, Dana M; Fernández, Facundo M; Newton, Paul N
Treatment of active tuberculosis in HIV-coinfected patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2010)
Khan, Faiz A; Minion, Jessica; Pai, Madhukar; Royce, Sarah; Burman, William; Harries, Anthony D; Menzies, Dick
Objective radiological disease control with sandostatin monotherapy in metastatic neuroendocrine tumours. (2010)
Khasraw, M; Townsend, A; Price, T; Hart, J; Bell, D; Pavlakis, N
Tracking the rise of the "expert patient" in evolving paradigms of HIV care. (2010)
Kielmann, Karina; Cataldo, Fabian
The use of placebo in a trial of rectal artesunate as initial treatment for severe malaria patients en route to referral clinics: ethical issues. (2010)
Kitua, Andrew; Folb, Peter; Warsame, Marian; Binka, Fred; Faiz, Abul; Ribeiro, Isabela; Peto, Tom; Gyapong, John; Yunus, Emran Bin; Rahman, Ridwan; Baiden, Frank; Clerk, Christine; Mrango, Zakayo; Makasi, Charles; Kimbute, Omari; Hossain, Amir; Samad, Rasheda; Gomes, Melba
ART in low-resource settings: how to do more with less. (2010)
Koole, Olivier; Colebunders, Robert
Tuberculosis screening and diagnosis in people with HIV. (2010)
Koole, Olivier; van Griensven, Johan; Colebunders, Robert
Community health care workers in South Africa are at increased risk for tuberculosis. (2010)
Kranzer, Katharina; Bekker, L-G; van Schaik, N; Thebus, L; Dawson, M; Caldwell, J; Hausler, H; Grant, R; Wood, R
Yield of HIV-associated tuberculosis during intensified case finding in resource-limited settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2010)
Kranzer, Katharina; Houben, Rein Mgj; Glynn, Judith R; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin; Lawn, Stephen D
Treatment interruption in a primary care antiretroviral therapy program in South Africa: cohort analysis of trends and risk factors. (2010)
Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Ford, Nathan; Zeinecker, Jennifer; Orrell, Catherine; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
Linkage to HIV care and antiretroviral therapy in Cape Town, South Africa. (2010)
Kranzer, Katharina; Zeinecker, Jennifer; Ginsberg, Philip; Orrell, Catherine; Kalawe, Nosindiso N; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
Prevalence of early and late age-related macular degeneration in India: the INDEYE study. (2010)
Krishnan, Tiruvengada; Ravindran, Ravilla D; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Vashist, Praveen; Fitzpatrick, Kathryn E; Thulasiraj, R Duraisami; John, Neena; Maraini, Giovanni; Camparini, Monica; Chakravarthy, Usha; Fletcher, Astrid E
Health systems' responses to the roll-out of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in India: a comparison of two HIV high-prevalence settings. (2010)
Kudale, Abhay; Salve, Solomon; Rangan, Sheela; Kielmann, Karina
Does cataract surgery alleviate poverty? Evidence from a multi-centre intervention study conducted in Kenya, the Philippines and Bangladesh. (2010)
Kuper, Hannah; Polack, Sarah; Mathenge, Wanjiku; Eusebio, Cristina; Wadud, Zakia; Rashid, Mamunur; Foster, Allen
Diagnostic Tests Spearhead The Fight Against Malaria - 17 November 2010. (2010)
So You Want To Be An Expert In Global Health? - 5 November 2010. (2010)
Leprosy: Puzzles, Perils and Prejudices in the 21st Century - 8 July 2010. (2010)
World Malaria Day 2010: How To Provide Cures For All Who Need Them - 20 May 2010. (2010)
Zimbabwe: HIV-AIDS Infection At Birth: Far More Common Than Was Thought - 16 March 2010. (2010)
Women Just As Likely As Men To Have Tuberculosis - 2 February 2010. (2010)
Exploring the feasibility of establishing a disease-specific post-mortem tissue bank in the UK: a case study in ME/CFS. (2010)
Lacerda, Eliana M; Nacul, Luis; Pheby, Derek; Shepherd, Charles; Spencer, Peter
Prospective, national clinical and epidemiologic study on imported childhood malaria in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. (2010)
Ladhani, Shamez; Garbash, Mehdi; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; Aibara, Rashna J; Riordan, F Andrew I; Shingadia, Delane
Activation of TLR2 by a small molecule produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis increases antimicrobial defense against bacterial skin infections. (2010)
Lai, Yuping; Cogen, Anna L; Radek, Katherine A; Park, Hyun Jeong; Macleod, Daniel T; Leichtle, Anke; Ryan, Allen F; Di Nardo, Anna; Gallo, Richard L
Presbyopic spectacle coverage, willingness to pay for near correction, and the impact of correcting uncorrected presbyopia in adults in Zanzibar, East Africa. (2010)
Laviers, Heidi R; Omar, Fatma; Jecha, Hakika; Kassim, Garnia; Gilbert, Clare
Reducing the burden of tuberculosis presenting during the initial months of antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. (2010)
Lawn, Stephen D; Edwards, David J; Wood, Robin
Strategies to reduce early morbidity and mortality in adults receiving antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. (2010)
Lawn, Stephen D; Harries, Anthony D; Wood, Robin
Tuberculosis during the first year of antiretroviral therapy in a South African cohort using an intensive pretreatment screening strategy. (2010)
Lawn, Stephen D; Kranzer, Katharina; Edwards, David J; McNally, Matthew; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
Antiretroviral therapy for control of the HIV-associated MDR and XDR tuberculosis epidemic in South Africa. (2010)
Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. (2010)
Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
Antiretrovirals and isoniazid preventive therapy in the prevention of HIV-associated tuberculosis in settings with limited health-care resources. (2010)
Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; De Cock, Kevin M; Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Churchyard, Gavin J
No selection of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance associated mutations by acyclovir suppressive therapy in herpes simplex virus-2/HIV-1 dually infected persons. (2010)
LeGoff, Jerome; Tanton, Clare; Delaugerre, Constance; Weiss, Helen A; Changalucha, John; Ross, David A; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Belec, Laurent; Hayes, Richard J; Watson-Jones, Deborah
Integrating tuberculosis and HIV services in low- and middle- income countries: a systematic review. (2010)
Legido-Quigley, H; Montgomery, C; Palwasha, K; Fakoya, A; Haileyesus, G; Grant, A
The impact of phenotypic and genotypic G6PD deficiency on risk of plasmodium vivax infection: a case-control study amongst Afghan refugees in Pakistan. (2010)
Leslie, Toby; Briceño, Marnie; Mayan, Ismail; Mohammed, Nasir; Klinkenberg, Eveline; Sibley, Carol Hopkins; Whitty, Christopher JM; Rowland, Mark
Barriers to implementation of isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV clinics: a qualitative study. (2010)
Lester, Rebecca; Hamilton, Robin; Charalambous, Salome; Dwadwa, Thobeka; Chandler, Clare; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D
Treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2010)
Lightowler, Josephine VJ; Cooke, Graham S; Mutevedzi, Portia; Lessells, Richard J; Newell, Marie-Louise; Dedicoat, Martin
Editor's Choice September 2010. (2010)
Lockwood, Diana NJ
Leprosy and HIV, where are we at? (2010)
Lockwood, Diana NJ; Lambert, Saba M
Cervical infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) 6 or 11 in high-risk women in Burkina Faso. (2010)
Low, Andrea; Didelot-Rousseau, Marie-Noelle; Nagot, Nicolas; Ouedraougo, Abdoulaye; Clayton, Tim; Konate, Issouf; Van de Perre, Philippe; Segondy, Michel; Mayaud, Philippe
Histopathology of the arachnoid granulations and brain in HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis: correlation with cerebrospinal fluid pressure. (2010)
Loyse, Angela; Wainwright, Helen; Jarvis, Joseph N; Bicanic, Tihana; Rebe, Kevin; Meintjes, Graeme; Harrison, Thomas S
An economic evaluation of home management of malaria in Uganda: an interactive Markov model. (2010)
Lubell, Yoel; Mills, Anne J; Whitty, Christopher JM; Staedke, Sarah G
Phylogenetic analysis of Chlamydia trachomatis Tarp and correlation with clinical phenotype. (2010)
Lutter, Erika I; Bonner, Christine; Holland, Martin J; Suchland, Robert J; Stamm, Walter E; Jewett, Travis J; McClarty, Grant; Hackstadt, Ted
What have we learned from sexually transmitted infection research in sub-Saharan Africa? (2010)
Mabey, David; Ndowa, Francis; Latif, Ahmed
A decline in the incidence of invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella infection in The Gambia temporally associated with a decline in malaria infection. (2010)
Mackenzie, Grant; Ceesay, Serign J; Hill, Philip C; Walther, Michael; Bojang, Kalifa A; Satoguina, Judith; Enwere, Godwin; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Saha, Debasish; Ikumapayi, Usman NA; O'Dempsey, Tim; Mabey, David CW; Corrah, Tumani; Conway, David J; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M
Molecular detection of mixed infections of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in sputum samples from patients in Karonga District, Malawi. (2010)
Mallard, Kim; McNerney, Ruth; Crampin, Amelia C; Houben, Rein; Ndlovu, Richard; Munthali, Lumbani; Warren, Robin M; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R
Scale-up of services and research priorities for diagnosis, management, and control of tuberculosis: a call to action. (2010)
Marais, Ben J; Raviglione, Mario C; Donald, Peter R; Harries, Anthony D; Kritski, Afranio L; Graham, Stephen M; El-Sadr, Wafaa M; Harrington, Mark; Churchyard, Gavin; Mwaba, Peter; Sanne, Ian; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Whitty, Christopher JM; Atun, Rifat; Zumla, Alimuddin
Modeling the risk of malaria for travelers to areas with stable malaria transmission. (2010)
Massad, Eduardo; Behrens, Ronald H; Burattini, Marcelo N; Coutinho, Francisco AB
Urbanization, ethnicity and cardiovascular risk in a population in transition in Nakuru, Kenya: a population-based survey. (2010)
Mathenge, Wanjiku; Foster, Allen; Kuper, Hannah
Is a new definition required for travelers who visit friends and relatives? (2010)
Matteelli, Alberto; Stauffer, William M; Barnett, Elizabeth D; MacPherson, Douglas W; Loutan, Louis; Hatz, Christoph; Behrens, Ron H
The role of mathematical modelling in guiding the science and economics of malaria elimination. (2010)
Maude, Richard J; Lubell, Yoel; Socheat, Duong; Yeung, Shunmay; Saralamba, Sompob; Pongtavornpinyo, Wirichada; Cooper, Ben S; Dondorp, Arjen M; White, Nicholas J; White, Lisa J
Chronic cough and its association with TB-HIV co-infection: factors affecting help-seeking behaviour in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2010)
Mavhu, Webster; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Munyati, Shungu; Cowan, Frances M; Hart, Graham; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Chikovore, Jeremiah
What happens to ART-eligible patients who do not start ART? Dropout between screening and ART initiation: a cohort study in Karonga, Malawi. (2010)
McGrath, Nuala; Glynn, Judith R; Saul, Jacqueline; Kranzer, Katharina; Jahn, Andreas; Mwaungulu, Frank; Ngwira, Msenga HC; Mvula, Hazzie; Munthali, Fipson; Mwinuka, Venance; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Fine, Paul EM; Crampin, Amelia C
Reference values for nerve function assessments among a study population in northern India - II: Thermal sensation thresholds. (2010)
McKnight, J; Nicholls, PG; Loretta, Das; Desikan, KV; Lockwood, DNJ; Wilder-Smith, EP; van Brakel, WH
Reference values for nerve function assessments among a study population in northern India - III: Sensory and motor nerve conduction. (2010)
McKnight, J; Nicholls, PG; Loretta, Das; Desikan, KV; Lockwood, DNJ; Wilder-Smith, EP; van Brakel, WH
Symposium: Point of care tests for tuberculosis. (2010)
McNerney, R
Field test of a novel detection device for Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen in cough. (2010)
McNerney, Ruth; Wondafrash, Beyene A; Amena, Kebede; Tesfaye, Ato; McCash, Elaine M; Murray, Nicol J
Enhanced chloroplast transgene expression in a nuclear mutant of Chlamydomonas. (2010)
Michelet, Laure; Lefebvre-Legendre, Linnka; Burr, Sarah E; Rochaix, Jean-David; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Michel
Antiretroviral program associated with reduction in untreated prevalent tuberculosis in a South African township. (2010)
Middelkoop, Keren; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Myer, Landon; Whitelaw, Andrew; Grant, Alison; Kaplan, Gilla; McIntyre, James; Wood, Robin
Fluidity of HIV-1-specific T-cell responses during acute and early subtype C HIV-1 infection and associations with early disease progression. (2010)
Mlotshwa, Mandla; Riou, Catherine; Chopera, Denis; de Assis Rosa, Debra; Ntale, Roman; Treunicht, Florette; Woodman, Zenda; Werner, Lise; van Loggerenberg, Francois; Mlisana, Koleka; Abdool Karim, Salim; Williamson, Carolyn; Gray, Clive M; CAPRISA 002 Study Team
Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. (2010)
Moore, EM; Lockwood, DN
Integrating preconception care for women with diabetes into primary care: a qualitative study. (2010)
Mortagy, Iman; Kielmann, Karina; Baldeweg, Stephanie E; Modder, Jo; Pierce, Mary B
Outcomes and safety of concomitant nevirapine and rifampicin treatment under programme conditions in Malawi. (2010)
Moses, M; Zachariah, R; Tayler-Smith, K; Misinde, D; Foncha, C; Manzi, M; Bauerfeind, A; Mwagomba, B; Kwanjana, J; Harries, AD
High Prevalence of Distal Sensory Polyneuropathy in Treated and Untreated Tanzanians with HIV. A Cross-Sectional Survey. (2010)
Mullin, S; Temu, A; Kalluvya, S; Grant, A; Manji, H
Prevelence and causes of visual impairment and blindness in older adults in an area of India with a high cataract surgical rate. (2010)
Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Vashist, Praveen; John, Neena; Pokharel, Gopal; Ellwein, Leon B
Scale-up of a decentralized HIV treatment programme in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: does rapid expansion affect patient outcomes? (2010)
Mutevedzi, Portia C; Lessells, Richard J; Heller, Tom; Bärnighausen, Till; Cooke, Graham S; Newell, Marie-Louise
Identifying recent Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in the setting of high HIV and TB burden. (2010)
Mutsvangwa, Junior; Millington, Kerry A; Chaka, Kathryn; Mavhudzi, Tafadzwa; Cheung, Yin-Bun; Mason, Peter R; Butterworth, Anthony E; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Lalvani, Ajit
Evaluation of the Capilia TB assay for culture confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections in Zambia and South Africa. (2010)
Muyoyeta, Monde; de Haas, Petra EW; Mueller, Dirk H; van Helden, Paul D; Mwenge, Lawrence; Schaap, Ab; Kruger, Clarissa; Gey van Pittius, Nicolaas C; Lawrence, Katherine; Beyers, Nulda; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Ayles, Helen
Mortality reduction associated with HIV/AIDS care and antiretroviral treatment in rural Malawi: evidence from registers, coffin sales and funerals. (2010)
Mwagomba, Beatrice; Zachariah, Rony; Massaquoi, Moses; Misindi, Dalitso; Manzi, Marcel; Mandere, Bester C; Bemelmans, Marielle; Philips, Mit; Kamoto, Kelita; Schouten, Eric J; Harries, Anthony D
Addressing congenital causes of disability. (2010)
Nacul, Luis; Moorthie, Sowmiya; Kapila, Mukesh; Zimmern, Ron
WHO guidelines for antimicrobial treatment in children admitted to hospital in an area of intense Plasmodium falciparum transmission: prospective study. (2010)
Nadjm, Behzad; Amos, Ben; Mtove, George; Ostermann, Jan; Chonya, Semkini; Wangai, Hannah; Kimera, Juma; Msuya, Walii; Mtei, Frank; Dekker, Denise; Malahiyo, Rajabu; Olomi, Raimos; Crump, John A; Whitty, Christopher JM; Reyburn, Hugh
Nutritional status of children living in a community with high HIV prevalence in rural Uganda: a cross-sectional population-based survey. (2010)
Nalwoga, Agnes; Maher, Dermot; Todd, Jim; Karabarinde, Alex; Biraro, Samuel; Grosskurth, Heiner
Adaptation of Western measures of cognition for assessing 5-year-old semi-urban Ugandan children. (2010)
Nampijja, M; Apule, B; Lule, S; Akurut, H; Muhangi, L; Elliott, AM; Alcock, KJ
Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of three regimens for prevention of malaria: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in Ugandan schoolchildren. (2010)
Nankabirwa, Joaniter; Cundill, Bonnie; Clarke, Sian; Kabatereine, Narcis; Rosenthal, Philip J; Dorsey, Grant; Brooker, Simon; Staedke, Sarah G
The TDR Tuberculosis Specimen Bank: a resource for diagnostic test developers. (2010)
Nathanson, C-M; Cuevas, LE; Cunningham, J; Perkins, MD; Peeling, RW; Guillerm, M; Moussy, F; Ramsay, A
Human conjunctival transcriptome analysis reveals the prominence of innate defense in Chlamydia trachomatis infection. (2010)
Natividad, Angels; Freeman, Tom C; Jeffries, David; Burton, Matthew J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L; Holland, Martin J
Effects of deworming during pregnancy on maternal and perinatal outcomes in Entebbe, Uganda: a randomized controlled trial. (2010)
Ndibazza, J; Muhangi, L; Akishule, D; Kiggundu, M; Ameke, C; Oweka, J; Kizindo, R; Duong, T; Kleinschmidt, I; Muwanga, M; Elliott, AM
A review of risk factors for imported malaria in the European African diaspora. (2010)
Neave, Penny E; Jones, Caroline OH; Behrens, Ron H
Identification of losses to follow-up in a community-based antiretroviral therapy clinic in South Africa using a computerized pharmacy tracking system. (2010)
Nglazi, Mweete D; Kaplan, Richard; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Lawn, Stephen D
Consultation meeting on tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: meeting summary and recommendations. (2010)
Ottmani, S-E; Murray, MB; Jeon, CY; Baker, MA; Kapur, A; Lönnroth, K; Harries, AD
Utilising the internet to test for sexually transmitted infections: results of a survey and accuracy testing. (2010)
Owens, Sherria L; Arora, Nick; Quinn, Nicole; Peeling, Rosanna W; Holmes, King K; Gaydos, Charlotte A
Evaluation of diagnostic tests: dengue. (2010)
Peeling, Rosanna W; Artsob, Harvey; Pelegrino, Jose Luis; Buchy, Philippe; Cardosa, Mary J; Devi, Shamala; Enria, Delia A; Farrar, Jeremy; Gubler, Duane J; Guzman, Maria G; Halstead, Scott B; Hunsperger, Elizabeth; Kliks, Susie; Margolis, Harold S; Nathanson, Carl M; Nguyen, Vinh Chau; Rizzo, Nidia; Vázquez, Susana; Yoksan, Sutee
Increased risk of HIV-infection among school-attending orphans in rural Zimbabwe. (2010)
Pascoe, SJS; Langhaug, LF; Durawo, J; Woelk, G; Ferrand, R; Jaffar, S; Hayes, R; Cowan, FM
Ophthalmic equipment survey 2010: preliminary results. (2010)
Patel, Daksha; Mercer, Elizabeth; Mason, Ingrid
Imported enteric fever: case series from the hospital for tropical diseases, London, United Kingdom. (2010)
Patel, Trupti A; Armstrong, Margaret; Morris-Jones, Stephen D; Wright, Stephen G; Doherty, Tom
Invited comment. (2010)
Pathai, S
Prevalence of and early-life influences on childhood strabismus: findings from the Millennium Cohort Study. (2010)
Pathai, Sophia; Cumberland, Phillippa M; Rahi, Jugnoo S
Bringing neglected tropical diseases into the spotlight. (2010)
Payne, Lara; Fitchett, Joseph R
Determinants of HIV type 1 shedding from genital ulcers among men in South Africa. (2010)
Paz-Bailey, Gabriela; Sternberg, Maya; Puren, Adrian J; Steele, Lisa; Lewis, David A
Barriers to targeted HIV testing on an acute admissions unit: evaluation of the UK guideline. (2010)
Peck, L; Ferenczi, E; Burns, F; Cosgrove, C; Brown, M
Point-of-care tests for diagnosing infections in the developing world. (2010)
Peeling, RW; Mabey, D
Evaluation of diagnostic tests: dengue. (2010)
Peeling, Rosanna W; Artsob, Harvey; Pelegrino, Jose Luis; Buchy, Philippe; Cardosa, Mary J; Devi, Shamala; Enria, Delia A; Farrar, Jeremy; Gubler, Duane J; Guzman, Maria G; Halstead, Scott B; Hunsperger, Elizabeth; Kliks, Susie; Margolis, Harold S; Nathanson, Carl M; Nguyen, Vinh Chau; Rizzo, Nidia; Vázquez, Susana; Yoksan, Sutee
Streptococcal inhibitor of complement promotes innate immune resistance phenotypes of invasive M1T1 group A Streptococcus. (2010)
Pence, Morgan A; Rooijakkers, Suzan HM; Cogen, Anna L; Cole, Jason N; Hollands, Andrew; Gallo, Richard L; Nizet, Victor
Impact of aciclovir on ulcer healing, lesional, genital and plasma HIV-1 RNA among patients with genital ulcer disease in Malawi. (2010)
Phiri, Sam; Hoffman, Irving F; Weiss, Helen A; Martinson, Francis; Nyirenda, Naomi; Kamwendo, Debbie; Fiscus, Susan A; Chen, Cheng-Yen; Miller, William C; van der Hoeven, Len; Chilongozi, David; Cohen, Myron S; Mayaud, Philippe
Does money matter for mental health? Evidence from the Child Support Grants in Johannesburg, South Africa. (2010)
Plagerson, Sophie; Patel, Vikram; Harpham, Trudy; Kielmann, Karina; Mathee, Angela
A qualitative study of participant adherence in a randomized controlled trial of herpes suppressive therapy for HIV prevention in Tanzania. (2010)
Plummer, Mary L; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Lees, Shelley; Baisley, Kathy; Matari, Salma; Changalucha, John; Clayton, Tim; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Tanton, Clare; Weiss, Helen A; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J
The impact of cataract surgery on health related quality of life in Kenya, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. (2010)
Polack, Sarah; Eusebio, Christina; Mathenge, Wanjiku; Wadud, Zakia; Mamunur, AKM; Fletcher, Astrid; Foster, Allen; Kuper, Hannah
The impact of cataract surgery on activities and time-use: results from a longitudinal study in Kenya, Bangladesh and the Philippines. (2010)
Polack, Sarah; Eusebio, Christina; Mathenge, Wanjiku; Wadud, Zazkia; Rashid, Mamunur; Foster, Allen; Kuper, Hannah
Visual impairment from cataract and health related quality of life: results from a case-control study in the Philippines. (2010)
Polack, Sarah; Eusebio, Cristina; Fletcher, Astrid; Foster, Allen; Kuper, Hannah
Mitochondrial DNA targets increase sensitivity of malaria detection using loop-mediated isothermal amplification. (2010)
Polley, Spencer D; Mori, Yasuyoshi; Watson, Julie; Perkins, Mark D; González, Iveth J; Notomi, Tsugunori; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J
What 'outliers' tell us about missed opportunities for tuberculosis control: a cross-sectional study of patients in Mumbai, India. (2010)
Pradhan, Anagha; Kielmann, Karina; Gupte, Himanshu; Bamne, Arun; Porter, John DH; Rangan, Sheela
A study to explore the risk factors for the early onset of cataract in India. (2010)
Praveen, MR; Shah, GD; Vasavada, AR; Mehta, PG; Gilbert, C; Bhagat, G
Plasmodium infection and its risk factors in eastern Uganda. (2010)
Pullan, Rachel L; Bukirwa, Hasifa; Staedke, Sarah G; Snow, Robert W; Brooker, Simon
Trichiasis surgery in The Gambia: a 4-year prospective study. (2010)
Rajak, Saul N; Makalo, Pateh; Sillah, Ansumana; Holland, Martin J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L; Burton, Matthew J
Risk of iatrogenic peripheral retinal breaks in 20-G pars plana vitrectomy. (2010)
Ramkissoon, Yashin D; Aslam, Sher A; Shah, Shaheen P; Wong, S Chien; Sullivan, Paul M
Human papillomavirus infection in women with and without cervical cancer in Karachi, Pakistan. (2010)
Raza, SA; Franceschi, S; Pallardy, S; Malik, FR; Avan, BI; Zafar, A; Ali, SH; Pervez, S; Serajuddaula, S; Snijders, PJF; van Kemenade, FJ; Meijer, CJLM; Shershah, S; Clifford, GM
Microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay for tuberculosis screening before isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV-infected persons. (2010)
Reddy, Krishna P; Brady, Mark F; Gilman, Robert H; Coronel, Jorge; Navincopa, Marcos; Ticona, Eduardo; Chavez, Gonzalo; Sánchez, Eduardo; Rojas, Christian; Solari, Lely; Valencia, Jorge; Pinedo, Yvett; Benites, Carlos; Friedland, Jon S; Moore, David AJ
Qualitative social research in addictions publishing: Creating an enabling journal environment. (2010)
Rhodes, Tim; Stimson, Gerry V; Moore, David; Bourgois, Philippe
Trachoma visual impairment in a SAFE area in Ethiopia. (2010)
Roba, Assegid Aga; Zondervan, Marcia; Patel, Daksha
KIR 'B' Haplotypes co-segregate with scarring trachoma in Gambian families : preliminary indications of a role for KIR in the immune response to a bacterial infection. (2010)
Roberts, CH; Molina, S; Makalo, P; Harding-Esch, EM; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC; Holland, MJ
Short template amplicon and multiplex megaprimer-enabled relay (STAMMER) sequencing, a simultaneous approach to higher throughput sequence-based typing of polymorphic genes. (2010)
Roberts, Chrissy H; Mayor, Neema P; Madrigal, J Alejandro; Marsh, Steven GE
Plasma cytokine levels during acute HIV-1 infection predict HIV disease progression. (2010)
Roberts, Lindi; Passmore, Jo-Ann S; Williamson, Carolyn; Little, Francesca; Bebell, Lisa M; Mlisana, Koleka; Burgers, Wendy A; van Loggerenberg, Francois; Walzl, Gerhard; Djoba Siawaya, Joel F; Karim, Quarraisha Abdool; Karim, Salim S Abdool
Low haemoglobin predicts early mortality among adults starting antiretroviral therapy in an HIV care programme in South Africa: a cohort study. (2010)
Russell, Elizabeth C; Charalambous, Salome; Pemba, Lindiwe; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D; Fielding, Katherine
Off-axis digital flash photography: a common cause of artefact leukocoria in children. (2010)
Russell, Heather C; Agarwal, Pankaj K; Somner, John EA; Bowman, Richard JC; Dutton, Gordon N
Mass treatment with azithromycin for trachoma control: participation clusters in households. (2010)
Ssemanda, Elizabeth N; Munoz, Beatriz; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Edwards, Tansy; Mkocha, Harran; Bailey, Robin L; Sillah, Ansumana; Stare, Dianne; Mabey, David CW; West, Sheila K; PRET Project Team
Treatment for lymph node tuberculosis. (2010)
Sellar, Rob S; Corbett, EL; D'Sa, Shirley; Linch, David C; Ardeshna, Kirit M
Determinants of use of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: Jinja, Uganda. (2010)
Sangaré, Laura R; Stergachis, Andy; Brentlinger, Paula E; Richardson, Barbra A; Staedke, Sarah G; Kiwuwa, Mpungu S; Weiss, Noel S
Haptoglobin and sickle cell polymorphisms and risk of active trachoma in Gambian children. (2010)
Savy, Mathilde; Hennig, Branwen J; Doherty, Conor P; Fulford, Anthony J; Bailey, Robin; Holland, Martin J; Sirugo, Giorgio; Rockett, Kirk A; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Prentice, Andrew M; Cox, Sharon E
Challenges and perspectives for improved management of HIV/Mycobacterium tuberculosis co-infection. (2010)
Sester, M; Giehl, C; McNerney, R; Kampmann, B; Walzl, G; Cuchí, P; Wingfield, C; Lange, C; Migliori, GB; Kritski, AL; Meyerhans, A; European Network for global cooperation in the field of AIDS and
Anophthalmos, microphthalmos, and typical coloboma in the United Kingdom: a prospective study of incidence and risk. (2010)
Shah, Shaheen P; Taylor, Amy E; Sowden, Jane C; Ragge, Nicola K; Russell-Eggitt, Isabelle; Rahi, Jugnoo S; Gilbert, Clare E; Surveillance of Eye Anomalies (SEA-UK) Special Interest Group
Intra-assay reliability and robustness of QuantiFERON(R)-TB Gold In-Tube test in Zambia. (2010)
Shanaube, K; De Haas, P; Schaap, A; Moyo, M; Kosloff, B; Devendra, A; Raby, E; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, H
Susceptibility testing and clinical outcome in fungal keratitis. (2010)
Shapiro, Brett L; Lalitha, Prajna; Loh, Allison R; Fothergill, Annette W; Prajna, Namperumalsamy V; Srinivasan, Muthiah; Kabra, Amit; Chidambaram, Jaya; Acharya, Nisha R; Lietman, Thomas M
Discursive gaps in the implementation of public health policy guidelines in India: the case of HIV testing. (2010)
Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John
In Tanzania, hemolysis after a single dose of primaquine coadministered with an artemisinin is not restricted to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient (G6PD A-) individuals. (2010)
Shekalaghe, Seif A; ter Braak, Roel; Daou, Modibo; Kavishe, Reginald; van den Bijllaardt, Wouter; van den Bosch, Sven; Koenderink, Jan B; Luty, Adrian JF; Whitty, Christopher JM; Drakeley, Chris; Sauerwein, Robert W; Bousema, Teun
Smith, J; Brooker, S; Haddad, D; Polack, S; Hooper, P; Harding-Esch, E; Bailey, R; Mabey, D
Urine output on an intensive care unit: case-control study. (2010)
Solomon, Anthony W; Kirwan, Christopher J; Alexander, Neal DE; Nimako, Kofi; Jurukov, Angela; Forth, Rebecca J; Rahman, Tony M; Prospective Analysis of Renal Compensation for Hypohydration in
Elution and antibacterial activity of meropenem from implanted acrylic bone cement. (2010)
Solomon, Anthony W; Stott, Philip M; Duffy, Kim; Kumar, PG Anil; Holliman, Richard E; Bridle, Simon H
Variations in human herpesvirus type 8 seroprevalence in Native Americans, South America. (2010)
Souza, Vanda AUF; Salzano, Francisco M; Petzl-Erler, Maria Luiza; Nascimento, Maria Claudia; Mayaud, Philippe; Borges, Jaila Dias; Pannuti, Claudio S
Two nonrecombining sympatric forms of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium ovale occur globally. (2010)
Sutherland, Colin J; Tanomsing, Naowarat; Nolder, Debbie; Oguike, Mary; Jennison, Charlie; Pukrittayakamee, Sasithon; Dolecek, Christiane; Hien, Tran Tinh; do Rosário, Virgilio E; Arez, Ana Paula; Pinto, João; Michon, Pascal; Escalante, Ananias A; Nosten, Francois; Burke, Martina; Lee, Rogan; Blaze, Marie; Otto, Thomas Dan; Barnwell, John W; Pain, Arnab; Williams, John; White, Nicholas J; Day, Nicholas PJ; Snounou, Georges; Lockhart, Peter J; Chiodini, Peter L; Imwong, Mallika; Polley, Spencer D
Integrated syphilis/HIV screening in China: a qualitative analysis. (2010)
Tucker, Joseph D; Yang, Li-Gang; Zhu, Zheng-Jun; Yang, Bin; Yin, Yue-Pin; Cohen, Myron S; Chen, Xiang-Sheng
Long-term impact of acyclovir suppressive therapy on genital and plasma HIV RNA in Tanzanian women: a randomized controlled trial. (2010)
Tanton, Clare; Weiss, Helen A; Rusizoka, Mary; Legoff, Jerome; Changalucha, John; Baisley, Kathy; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Everett, Dean; Belec, Laurent; Clayton, Tim C; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J; Watson-Jones, Deborah
Evaluation of three sampling methods to monitor outcomes of antiretroviral treatment programmes in low- and middle-income countries. (2010)
Tassie, Jean-Michel; Malateste, Karen; Pujades-Rodríguez, Mar; Poulet, Elisabeth; Bennett, Diane; Harries, Anthony; Mahy, Mary; Schechter, Mauro; Souteyrand, Yves; Dabis, François; ART Linc of IeDEA and MSF Collaborations
Unacceptable attrition among WHO stages 1 and 2 patients in a hospital-based setting in rural Malawi: can we retain such patients within the general health system? (2010)
Tayler-Smith, Katie; Zachariah, Rony; Massaquoi, Moses; Manzi, Marcel; Pasulani, Olesi; van den Akker, Thomas; Bemelmans, Marielle; Bauernfeind, Ariane; Mwagomba, Beatrice; Harries, Anthony D
The management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in the United Kingdom and Vietnam: a multi-centre evaluation. (2010)
Thwaites, Guy E; United Kingdom Clinical Infection Research Group (UKCIRG)
Syphilis and social upheaval in China. (2010)
Tucker, Joseph D; Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Peeling, Rosanna W
Scaling up syphilis testing in China: implementation beyond the clinic. (2010)
Tucker, Joseph D; Hawkes, Sarah J; Yin, Yue-Pin; Peeling, Rosanna W; Cohen, Myron S; Chen, Xiang-Sheng
Are women who work in bars, guesthouses and similar facilities a suitable study population for vaginal microbicide trials in Africa? (2010)
Vallely, Andrew; Hambleton, Ian R; Kasindi, Stella; Knight, Louise; Francis, Suzanna C; Chirwa, Tobias; Everett, Dean; Shagi, Charles; Cook, Claire; Barberousse, Celia; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Changalucha, John; Ross, David; Hayes, Richard J; Microbicides Development Programme
Do platelets have a role in the pathogenesis of aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity? (2010)
Vinekar, Anand; Hegde, Kaushik; Gilbert, Clare; Braganza, Sherine; Pradeep, Maralusiddappa; Shetty, Rohit; Shetty, K Bhujang
Review of leprosy research evidence (2002-2009) and implications for current policy and practice. (2010)
van Brakel, Wim; Cross, Hugh; Declercq, Etienne; Deepak, Sunil; Lockwood, Diana; Saunderson, Paul; Smith, W Cairns; Batty, Jenny; Nahodilova, Lenka; Soutar, Doug; Augustine, Valsa; Ebenso, Bassey; ILEP Technical Commission
Tuberculosis outcomes and drug susceptibility in individuals exposed to isoniazid preventive therapy in a high HIV prevalence setting. (2010)
van Halsema, Clare L; Fielding, Katherine L; Chihota, Violet N; Russell, Elizabeth C; Lewis, James JC; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D
Earlier HIV diagnosis--are mobile services the answer? (2010)
van Schaik, N; Kranzer, K; Wood, R; Bekker, L-G
Use of acyclovir for suppression of human immunodeficiency virus infection is not associated with genotypic evidence of herpes simplex virus type 2 resistance to acyclovir: analysis of specimens from three phase III trials. (2010)
Watson-Jones, Deborah; Wald, Anna; Celum, Connie; Lingappa, Jairam; Weiss, Helen A; Changalucha, John; Baisley, Kathy; Tanton, Clare; Hayes, Richard J; Marshak, Joshua O; Gladden, Rula Green; Koelle, David M
Management of malaria and other severe infections in rural Africa and Asia. (2010)
Whitty, Christopher JM; Leslie, Toby; Chandler, Clare IR; Staedke, Sarah G
The Millennium Development Goals: a cross-sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting after 2015 Lancet and London International Development Centre Commission. (2010)
Waage, Jeff; Banerji, Rukmini; Campbell, Oona; Chirwa, Ephraim; Collender, Guy; Dieltiens, Veerle; Dorward, Andrew; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Kingdon, Geeta; Little, Angela; Mills, Anne; Mulholland, Kim; Mwinga, Alwyn; North, Amy; Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn; Poulton, Colin; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Unterhalter, Elaine
The cutaneous expression of toll-like receptors in leprosy type 1 reactions. (2010)
Walker, SL; Roberts, CH; Cogen, AL; Atkinson, SE; Dhakal, S; Hawksworth, RA; Mahat, K; Lockwood, DNJ
High uptake of HIV testing for tuberculosis patients in an integrated primary health care HIV/TB programme in rural KwaZulu-Natal. (2010)
Wallrauch, Claudia; Heller, Tom; Lessells, Richard; Kekana, Mmabatho; Barnighausen, Till; Newell, Marie-Louise
Extra-pulmonary and smear-negative forms of tuberculosis are associated with treatment delay and hospitalisation. (2010)
Whitehorn, J; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P
Dengue. (2010)
Whitehorn, James; Farrar, Jeremy
Water, health and development. (2010)
Whitty, CJM
Mechanisms of pattern decorrelation by recurrent neuronal circuits. (2010)
Wiechert, Martin T; Judkewitz, Benjamin; Riecke, Hermann; Friedrich, Rainer W
Antiretroviral therapy for tuberculosis control in nine African countries. (2010)
Williams, Brian G; Granich, Reuben; De Cock, Kevin M; Glaziou, Philippe; Sharma, Abhishek; Dye, Christopher
Changing prevalence of tuberculosis infection with increasing age in high-burden townships in South Africa. (2010)
Wood, R; Liang, H; Wu, H; Middelkoop, K; Oni, T; Rangaka, MX; Wilkinson, RJ; Bekker, L-G; Lawn, SD
Tuberculosis transmission to young children in a South African community: modeling household and community infection risks. (2010)
Wood, Robin; Johnstone-Robertson, Simon; Uys, Pieter; Hargrove, John; Middelkoop, Keren; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail
Factors influencing uptake of HIV care and treatment among children in South Africa - a qualitative study of caregivers and clinic staff. (2010)
Yeap, AD; Hamilton, R; Charalambous, S; Dwadwa, T; Churchyard, GJ; Geissler, PW; Grant, AD
Prophylactic laser peripheral iridotomy and cataract progression. (2010)
Yip, JLY; Nolan, WP; Gilbert, CE; Uranchimeg, D; Baassanhuu, J; Lee, PS; Khaw, PT; Johnson, GJ; Foster, PJ
Randomised controlled trial of screening and prophylactic treatment to prevent primary angle closure glaucoma. (2010)
Yip, Jennifer LY; Foster, Paul J; Uranchimeg, Davatseren; Javzandulam, Balt; Javzansuren, Dash; Munhzaya, Tsengenbayar; Lee, Pak S; Baassanhuu, Jamyanjav; Gilbert, Clare E; Khaw, Peng T; Johnson, Gordon J; Nolan, Winifred P
The published research paper: is it an important indicator of successful operational research at programme level? (2010)
Zachariah, R; Tayler-Smith, K; Ngamvithayapong-Yana, J; Ota, M; Murakami, K; Ohkado, A; Yamada, N; Van Den Boogard, W; Draguez, B; Ishikawa, N; Harries, AD
Attrition of HIV-infected individuals not yet eligible for antiretroviral treatment: why should we care? (2010)
Zachariah, Rony; Tayler-Smith, Katie; Manzi, Marcel; Massaquoi, Moses; Harries, Anthony D
Development of low-cost inverted microscope to detect early growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in MODS culture. (2010)
Zimic, Mirko; Velazco, Abner; Comina, Germán; Coronel, Jorge; Fuentes, Patricia; Luna, Carmen G; Sheen, Patricia; Gilman, Robert H; Moore, David AJ
Retinopathy of prematurity in 7 neonatal units in Rio de Janeiro: screening criteria and workload implications. (2010)
Zin, Andrea A; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth Lopes; Bunce, Catey; Darlow, Brian A; Gilbert, Clare E