Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Clinical Research"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (18516)
  • Dept of Clinical Research (8545)
    Number of items: 150.
  • Results of trachoma rapid assessment in 11 villages of South Gonder zone, Ethiopia. (2001) Assefa, T; Argaw, D; Foster, A; Schwartz, E
  • Alternative eye care. (2001) Astbury, N
  • Comparison of clinical and laparascopic features of infertile women suffering from genital tuberculosis (TB) or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or endometriosis. (2001) Avan, BI; Fatmi, Z; Rashid, S
  • Moving from concepts to study types approaches to classifying scientific inquiry. (2001) Avan, BI; White, F
  • Perspective on variables in medical research. (2001) Avan, BI; White, F
  • Why a research study needs a design? (2001) Avan, BI; White, F
  • The proposition: an insight into research. (2001) Avan, BI; White, F
  • The SAFE strategy for the elimination of trachoma by 2020: will it work? (2001) Bailey, R; Lietman, T
  • A unified treatment regimen for new cases of tuberculosis in resource-poor countries: a study in a rural district in Malawi. (2001) Banerjee, A; Harries, AD; Mphasa, N; Veen, J; Ringdal, T; Van Gorkom, J; Salaniponi, FM
  • Changing epidemiology of hepatitis A: time for vaccination in childhood. (2001) Behrens, RH
  • SLC11A1 (formerly NRAMP1) and disease resistance. (2001) Blackwell, JM; Goswami, T; Evans, CA; Sibthorpe, D; Papo, N; White, JK; Searle, S; Miller, EN; Peacock, CS; Mohammed, H; Ibrahim, M
  • Natural history of trachomatous scarring in The Gambia: results of a 12-year longitudinal follow-up. (2001) Bowman, RJ; Jatta, B; Cham, B; Bailey, RL; Faal, H; Myatt, M; Foster, A; Johnson, GJ
  • Varicella zoster virus-associated neurological disease in HIV-infected patients. (2001) Brown, M; Scarborough, M; Brink, N; Manji, H; Miller, R
  • Current issues in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. (2001) Bryceson, A
  • A policy for leishmaniasis with respect to the prevention and control of drug resistance. (2001) Bryceson, A
  • Type II secretion by Aeromonas salmonicida: evidence for two periplasmic pools of proaerolysin. (2001) Burr, SE; Diep, DB; Buckley, JT
  • How many patients with a sexually transmitted infection are cured by health services? A study from Mwanza region, Tanzania. (2001) Buvé, A; Changalucha, J; Mayaud, P; Gavyole, A; Mugeye, K; Todd, J; Clayton, T; Mosha, F; Grosskurth, H; Mabey, D; Laga, M; Van Lerberghe, W; Hayes, RJ
  • Persistent radiological changes following miliary tuberculosis in miners exposed to silica dust. (2001) Charalambous, S; Churchyard, GJ; Murray, J; De Cock, KM; Corbett, EL
  • Care of HIV complications in patients receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment in hospitals in Malawi. (2001) Chimzizi, RB; Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • Chemotherapy for patients with multiple parasitic infections. (2001) Chiodini, PL
  • Blastocystis hominis: a common yet neglected human parasite. (2001) Chiodini, PL; Kettelhut, MM
  • Module for distance based learning. Study unit 502. (2001) Corbett, E; Godfrey-Faussett, P; McNerney, R; Movahedzadeh, F; Porter, JDH; Stoker, N
  • The clinical significance of interactions between HIV and TB: more questions than answers. (2001) Corbett, EL; De Cock, KM
  • HIV-1 infection and risk of tuberculosis after rifampicin treatment. (2001) Corbett, EL; Mallory, KF; Grant, AD; Churchyard, GJ; De Cock, KM
  • Population-based case-control study on carotenoids, antioxidants, and ovarian cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women [Abstract]. (2001) Cramer, DW; Kuper, H; Titus-Ernstoff, L; Harlow, BL
  • Epidemiology and the emergence of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. (2001) De Cock, KM
  • Proposed diagnostic criteria for neurocysticercosis. (2001) Del Brutto, OH; Rajshekhar, V; White, AC; Tsang, VC; Nash, TE; Takayanagui, OM; Schantz, PM; Evans, CA; Flisser, A; Correa, D; Botero, D; Allan, JC; Sarti, E; Gonzalez, AE; Gilman, RH; García, HH
  • Social Health Insurance. (2001) Doherty, J; McIntyre, D; Gilson, L
  • Standardizing Chlamydia pneumoniae assays: recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) and the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (Canada). (2001) Dowell, SF; Peeling, RW; Boman, J; Carlone, GM; Fields, BS; Guarner, J; Hammerschlag, MR; Jackson, LA; Kuo, CC; Maass, M; Messmer, TO; Talkington, DF; Tondella, ML; Zaki, SR; C. pneumoniae Workshop Participants
  • The immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in HIV-infected and uninfected adults in Uganda: application of a whole blood cytokine assay in an epidemiological study. (2001) Elliott, AM; Hurst, TJ; Balyeku, MN; Quigley, MA; Kaleebu, P; French, N; Biryahwaho, B; Whitworth, JA; Dockrell, HM; Hayes, RJ
  • Inverse association between BCG immunisation and intestinal nematode infestation among HIV-1-positive individuals in Uganda. (2001) Elliott, AM; Nakiyingi, J; Quigley, MA; French, N; Gilks, CF; Whitworth, JA
  • Human and other faeces as breeding media of the trachoma vector Musca sorbens. (2001) Emerson, PM; Bailey, RL; Walraven, GE; Lindsay, SW
  • Nramp1 is expressed in neurons and is associated with behavioural and immune responses to stress. (2001) Evans, CA; Harbuz, MS; Ostenfeld, T; Norrish, A; Blackwell, JM
  • Risk factors for age-related macular degeneration. (2001) Evans, JR
  • Cataract and "Vision 2020-the right to sight" initiative. (2001) Foster, A
  • Microtubule associated motor proteins of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites. (2001) Fowler, RE; Smith, AM; Whitehorn, J; Williams, IT; Bannister, LH; Mitchell, GH
  • Efficacy of oral azithromycin versus topical tetracycline in mass treatment of endemic trachoma. (2001) Fraser-Hurt, N; Bailey, RL; Cousens, S; Mabey, D; Faal, H; Mabey, DC
  • Retinopathy of prematurity--the "second lull"? (2001) Gilbert, C
  • Blindness in children: control priorities and research opportunities. (2001) Gilbert, C; Foster, A
  • Childhood blindness in the context of VISION 2020--the right to sight. (2001) Gilbert, C; Foster, A
  • ABC of AIDS. HIV infection and AIDS in the developing world. (2001) Grant, AD; De Cock, KM
  • Preventing opportunistic infections among human immunodeficiency virus-infected adults in African countries. (2001) Grant, AD; Kaplan, JE; De Cock, KM
  • Investigating eosinophilia in patients returned from the tropics. (2001) Gyawali, P; Whitty, CJ
  • Nephrotic syndrome due to loiasis following a tropical adventure holiday: a case report and review of the literature. (2001) Hall, CL; Stephens, L; Peat, D; Chiodini, PL
  • The heritability of age-related cortical cataract: the twin eye study. (2001) Hammond, CJ; Duncan, DD; Snieder, H; de Lange, M; West, SK; Spector, TD; Gilbert, CE
  • Genes and environment in refractive error: the twin eye study. (2001) Hammond, CJ; Snieder, H; Gilbert, CE; Spector, TD
  • Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients being registered for smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi. (2001) Hargreaves, NJ; Kadzakumanja, O; Phiri, S; Lee, CH; Tang, X; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD; Squire, SB
  • What causes smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi, an area of high HIV seroprevalence? (2001) Hargreaves, NJ; Kadzakumanja, O; Phiri, S; Nyangulu, DS; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD; Squire, SB
  • 'Smear-negative' pulmonary tuberculosis in a DOTS programme: poor outcomes in an area of high HIV seroprevalence. (2001) Hargreaves, NJ; Kadzakumanja, O; Whitty, CJ; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD; Squire, SB
  • Is oral intermittent initial phase anti-tuberculosis treatment associated with higher mortality in high HIV-prevalent areas in sub-Saharan Africa? (2001) Harries, AD; Gausi, FK; Kwanjana, JH; Nyirenda, TE; Salaniponi, FM
  • High early death rate in tuberculosis patients in Malawi. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Gausi, F; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • Deaths from tuberculosis in sub-Saharan African countries with a high prevalence of HIV-1. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Kemp, J; Jindani, A; Enarson, DA; Maher, D; Salaniponi, FM
  • Clinical diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis: an audit of diagnostic practice in hospitals in Malawi. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • Design of regimens for treating tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection, with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Salaniponi, FM
  • Resources for controlling tuberculosis in Malawi. (2001) Harries, AD; Kwanjana, JH; Hargreaves, NJ; Van Gorkom, J; Salaniponi, FM
  • Preventing antiretroviral anarchy in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Harries, AD; Nyangulu, DS; Hargreaves, NJ; Kaluwa, O; Salaniponi, FM
  • Recurrent tuberculosis in Malawi: improved diagnosis and management following operational research. (2001) Harries, AD; Salaniponi, FM
  • Under-diagnosis of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Nairobi, Kenya. (2001) Hawken, MP; Muhindi, DW; Chakaya, JM; Bhatt, SM; Ng'ang'a, LW; Porter, JD
  • Commentary: Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis in Bangladesh: widespread or targeted prevention strategies? (2001) Hawkes, S
  • Interpretation of the Mwanza and Rakai STD trials. (2001) Hayes, R; Grosskurth, H; Mabey, D
  • Psychosocial risk factors for coronary disease in White, South Asian and Afro-Caribbean civil servants: the Whitehall II study. (2001) Hemingway, H; Whitty, CJ; Shipley, M; Stansfeld, MS; Brunner, E; Fuhrer, R; Marmot, M
  • Long term clinical outcome of a randomised controlled trial of anterior chamber lenses after high volume intracapsular cataract surgery. (2001) Hennig, A; Johnson, GJ; Evans, JR; Lagnado, R; Poulson, A; Pradhan, D; Foster, A; Wormald, RP
  • HIV-1-related pleural tuberculosis: elevated production of IFN-gamma, but failure of immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2001) Hodsdon, WS; Luzze, H; Hurst, TJ; Quigley, MA; Kyosiimire, J; Namujju, PB; Johnson, JL; Kaleebu, P; Okwera, A; Elliott, AM
  • Clinical findings, consanguinity, and pedigrees in children with anophthalmos in southern India. (2001) Hornby, SJ; Dandona, L; Foster, A; Jones, RB; Gilbert, CE
  • The Serostatus Approach to Fighting the HIV Epidemic: prevention strategies for infected individuals. (2001) Janssen, RS; Holtgrave, DR; Valdiserri, RO; Shepherd, M; Gayle, HD; De Cock, KM
  • Drug Treatment as a Crime Fighting Tool. (2001) Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; Sindelar, Jody L
  • Utility of nucleic acid amplification techniques for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Kambashi, B; Mbulo, G; McNerney, R; Tembwe, R; Kambashi, A; Tihon, V; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • The comparative efficacy of chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Kampala, Uganda. (2001) Kamya, MR; Dorsey, G; Gasasira, A; Ndeezi, G; Babirye, JN; Staedke, SG; Rosenthal, PJ
  • HIV in the United States at the turn of the century: an epidemic in transition. (2001) Karon, JM; Fleming, PL; Steketee, RW; De Cock, KM
  • Oxidative Damage in Inflammatory Joint Diseases [Abstract]. (2001) Kaur, H
  • HLA-B*35-restricted CD8 T cell epitopes in the antigen 85 complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2001) Klein, MR; Smith, SM; Hammond, AS; Ogg, GS; King, AS; Vekemans, J; Jaye, A; Lukey, PT; McAdam, KP
  • Using patient-based measures to evaluate surgical outcomes: myths and realities. (2001) Lamping, DL; Browne, J; Smith, S
  • Knowledge of malaria, risk perception, and compliance with prophylaxis and personal and environmental preventive measures in travelers exiting Zimbabwe from Harare and Victoria Falls International airport. (2001) Laver, SM; Wetzels, J; Behrens, RH
  • Contribution of immune activation to the pathogenesis and transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. (2001) Lawn, SD; Butera, ST; Folks, TM
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in Kumasi, Ghana: presentation, drug resistance, molecular epidemiology and outcome of treatment. (2001) Lawn, SD; Frimpong, EH; Al-Ghusein, H; Acheampong, JW; Uttley, AH; Butcher, PD; Griffin, GE
  • The irreversible cost of delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV co-infected persons in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Lawn, SD; Griffin, GE
  • Anatomically compartmentalized human immunodeficiency virus replication in HLA-DR+ cells and CD14+ macrophages at the site of pleural tuberculosis coinfection. (2001) Lawn, SD; Pisell, TL; Hirsch, CS; Wu, M; Butera, ST; Toossi, Z
  • Lack of induction of interleukin-2-receptor-alpha in patients with tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection: implications for pathogenesis. (2001) Lawn, SD; Rudolph, D; Ackah, A; Coulibaly, D; Wiktor, S; Lal, RB
  • Serum C-reactive protein and detection of tuberculosis in persons co-infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. (2001) Lawn, SD; Wiktor, S; Coulibaly, D; Ackah, AN; Lal, RB
  • Identification of frequently recognized dimorphic T-cell epitopes in plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-1 in West and East Africans: lack of correlation of immune recognition and allelic prevalence. (2001) Lee, EA; Flanagan, KL; Odhiambo, K; Reece, WH; Potter, C; Bailey, R; Marsh, K; Pinder, M; Hill, AV; Plebanski, M
  • Management of sexually transmitted diseases in urban pharmacies in The Gambia. (2001) Leiva, A; Shaw, M; Paine, K; Manneh, K; McAdam, K; Mayaud, P
  • Immunohistochemical analysis of cellular infiltrate and gamma interferon, interleukin-12, and inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in leprosy type 1 (reversal) reactions before and during prednisolone treatment. (2001) Little, D; Khanolkar-Young, S; Coulthart, A; Suneetha, S; Lockwood, DN
  • The diagnosis of leprosy is delayed in the United Kingdom. (2001) Lockwood, DN; Reid, AJ
  • Commentary (on treatment of Indian visceral leishmaniasis with single or daily infusions of low dose liposomal amphotericn B: randomised trial) Cost and resistance remain issues. (2001) Lockwood, DNJ
  • Editor's Choice. (2001) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Evaluation of suspected tuberculous pleurisy: clinical and diagnostic findings in HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative adults in Uganda. (2001) Luzze, H; Elliott, AM; Joloba, ML; Odida, M; Oweka-Onyee, J; Nakiyingi, J; Quigley, M; Hirsch, C; Mugerwa, RD; Okwera, A; Johnson, JL
  • Epidemiology of STIs: worldwide. (2001) Mabey, D
  • Rapid and simple point of care diagnostics for STIs. (2001) Mabey, D; Peeling, RW; Perkins, MD
  • Failure to detect HLA-A*6802-restricted CD8+ T cells specific for Chlamydia trachomatis antigens in subjects from trachoma-endemic communities. (2001) Mahdi, OS; Whittle, HC; Joof, H; Mabey, DC; Bailey, RL
  • Can guardians supervise TB treatment as well as health workers? A study on adherence during the intensive phase. (2001) Manders, AJ; Banerjee, A; van den Borne, HW; Harries, AD; Kok, GJ; Salaniponi, FM
  • Update on leprosy. (2001) Marlowe, SN; Lockwood, DN
  • Infertility in Africa: the role of reproductive tract infections. (2001) Mayaud, P
  • The challenge of sexually transmitted infections control for HIV prevention in refugee settings: Rwandan refugees in Tanzania. (2001) Mayaud, P
  • The interrelation of HIV, cervical human papillomavirus, and neoplasia among antenatal clinic attenders in Tanzania. (2001) Mayaud, P; Gill, DK; Weiss, HA; Uledi, E; Kopwe, L; Todd, J; ka-Gina, G; Grosskurth, H; Hayes, RJ; Mabey, DC; Lacey, CJ
  • Interventions against sexually transmitted infections (STI) to prevent HIV infection. (2001) Mayaud, P; McCormick, D
  • Micro-well phage replication assay for screening mycobacteria for resistance to rifampicin and streptomycin. (2001) McNerney, R
  • Phage replication technology for diagnosis and drug susceptibility testing. (2001) McNerney, R
  • Surgery for persistent otitis media with effusion: generalizability of results from the UK trial (TARGET). Trial of Alternative Regimens in Glue Ear Treatment. (2001) Medical Research Council Multicentre Otitis Media Study Group
  • Trichinellosis acquired in the United Kingdom. (2001) Milne, LM; Bhagani, S; Bannister, BA; Laitner, SM; Moore, P; Eza, D; Chiodini, PL
  • Will the high rates of post-treatment sexual stage parasitaemia seen in malaria-endemic areas make the optimal antigen test unreliable in predicting malaria treatment outcome? Reply to Tjitra and Anstey. (2001) Moody, AH; Chiodini, PL
  • Etiology and natural history of neutropenia in human immunodeficiency virus disease: a prospective study. (2001) Moore, DA; Benepal, T; Portsmouth, S; Gill, J; Gazzard, BG
  • The efficacy of different mosquito trapping methods in a forest-fringe village, Yunnan Province, Southern China. (2001) Moore, SJ; Zunwei, D; Hongning, Z; Xuezhong, W; Hongbing, L; Yujiang, X; Hill, N
  • Polymorphisms in the IkappaB-alpha promoter region and risk of diseases involving inflammation and fibrosis. (2001) Mozzato-Chamay, N; Corbett, EL; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC; Raynes, J; Conway, DJ
  • Risk Factors for Persistence of Bilateral Otitis Media with Effusion. (2001) Mrc Multicentre Otitis Media Study Group (, inc; Smith, S; )
  • A population-based eye survey of older adults in a rural district of Rajasthan: II. Outcomes of cataract surgery. (2001) Murthy, GV; Ellwein, LB; Gupta, S; Tanikachalam, K; Ray, M; Dada, VK
  • A population-based eye survey of older adults in a rural district of Rajasthan: I. Central vision impairment, blindness, and cataract surgery. (2001) Murthy, GV; Gupta, S; Ellwein, LB; Munoz, SR; Bachani, D; Dada, VK
  • The use of a newspaper insertion to promote DIY testing of vision in India. (2001) Murthy, GV; Gupta, SK; Dada, VK; Pant, TD; Savita, C; Sanga, L; Neena, J
  • A trial of proguanil-dapsone in comparison with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the clearance of Plasmodium falciparum infections in Tanzania. (2001) Mutabingwa, TK; Maxwell, CA; Sia, IG; Msuya, FH; Mkongewa, S; Vannithone, S; Curtis, J; Curtis, CF
  • Postoperative astigmatism after intracapsular cataract surgery: results of a randomised controlled trial in Nepal. (2001) Nag, D; Hennig, A; Foster, A; Evans, JR; Pradhan, D; Johnson, GJ; Wormaid, RP
  • Socio-economic, gender and health services factors affecting diagnostic delay for tuberculosis patients in urban Zambia. (2001) Needham, DM; Foster, SD; Tomlinson, G; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Prevalence of HIV and Chlamydia trachomatis infection in 15--19-year olds in rural Tanzania. (2001) Obasi, AI; Balira, R; Todd, J; Ross, DA; Changalucha, J; Mosha, F; Grosskurth, H; Peeling, R; Mabey, DC; Hayes, RJ
  • Researching TB Control in India: the politics of partnership in tropical public health. (2001) Ogden, JA; Porter, JDH
  • Atovaquone-proguanil versus mefloquine for malaria prophylaxis in nonimmune travelers: results from a randomized, double-blind study. (2001) Overbosch, D; Schilthuis, H; Bienzle, U; Behrens, RH; Kain, KC; Clarke, PD; Toovey, S; Knobloch, J; Nothdurft, HD; Shaw, D; Roskell, NS; Chulay, JD; Malarone International Study Team
  • Needing to know? Ethical dilemmas in leprosy treatment and control. (2001) Porter, JD; Kessel, AS
  • Missed opportunities? Coercion or commitment: policies of prevention. (2001) Porter, JD; Ogden, JA
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Tuberculosis Control. (2001) Porter, JDH
  • Commentary on: Tuberculosis in Retrospect & Prospect, by Gandy, M. and Zumla, A. (2001) Porter, JDH; Ogden, J
  • The globalisation of DOTS: TB as a global emergency. (2001) Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Lee, K
  • A prospective study of 413 cases of lens-induced glaucoma in Nepal. (2001) Pradhan, D; Hennig, A; Kumar, J; Foster, A
  • Bacteriologic and clinical efficacy of ofloxacin 0.3% versus ciprofloxacin 0.3% ophthalmic solutions in the treatment of patients with culture-positive bacterial keratitis. (2001) Prajna, NV; George, C; Selvaraj, S; Lu, KL; McDonnell, PJ; Srinivasan, M
  • Whose priorities? A response to the issue of antiretrovirals in Africa. (2001) Pronyk, PM; Kim, J; Porter, JD
  • Long-term effect of preventive therapy for tuberculosis in a cohort of HIV-infected Zambian adults. (2001) Quigley, MA; Mwinga, A; Hosp, M; Lisse, I; Fuchs, D; Porter JDH; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Local production of anti-vibrio cholerae mucosal antibody in reproductive tract tissues after cholera. (2001) Ryan, ET; Bridges, EA; Crean, TI; Gausia, K; Hamadani, JD; Aziz, A; Hawkes, S; Begum, M; Bogaerts, J; Faruque, SM; Salam, MA; Fuchs, GJ; Calderwood, SB
  • Radical changes to chlamydial taxonomy are not necessary just yet. (2001) Schachter, J; Stephens, RS; Timms, P; Kuo, C; Bavoil, PM; Birkelund, S; Boman, J; Caldwell, H; Campbell, LA; Chernesky, M; Christiansen, G; Clarke, IN; Gaydos, C; Grayston, JT; Hackstadt, T; Hsia, R; Kaltenboeck, B; Leinonnen, M; Ojcius, D; Ocjius, D; McClarty, G; Orfila, J; Peeling, R; Puolakkainen, M; Quinn, TC; Rank, RG; Raulston, J; Ridgeway, GL; Saikku, P; Stamm, WE; Taylor-Robinson, DT; Wang, SP; Wyrick, PB
  • Parasitic infections of the intestine. (2001) Schuster, H; Chiodini, PL
  • Cervical schistosomiasis. (2001) Sharma, S; Boyle, D; Wansbrough-Jones, MH; Chiodini, PL; Smith, JR
  • Prevalence of herpes simplex type 2 and syphilis serology among young adults in a rural Gambian community. (2001) Shaw, M; van der Sande, M; West, B; Paine, K; Ceesay, S; Bailey, R; Walraven, G; Morison, L; McAdam, K
  • Childhood blindness in India. (2001) Sil, AK; Gilbert, C
  • WHO activities for prevention of deafness and hearing impairment in children. (2001) Smith, AW
  • Chlamydia trachomatis and cervical squamous cell carcinoma. (2001) Smith, JS; Muñoz, N; Franceschi, S; Eluf-Neto, J; Herrero, R; Peeling, RW
  • An economic evaluation of the costs of the new programme of antenatal care in Saudi Arabia. (2001) Smith, S; Fox-Rushby, J; Hutton, G; Mugford, M
  • Pilot study of the use of community volunteers to distribute azithromycin for trachoma control in Ghana. (2001) Solomon, AW; Akudibillah, J; Abugri, P; Hagan, M; Foster, A; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC
  • HIV-1 and recurrence, relapse, and reinfection of tuberculosis after cure: a cohort study in South African mineworkers. (2001) Sonnenberg, P; Murray, J; Glynn, JR; Shearer, S; Kambashi, B; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Amodiaquine, sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, and combination therapy for treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Kampala, Uganda: a randomised trial. (2001) Staedke, SG; Kamya, MR; Dorsey, G; Gasasira, A; Ndeezi, G; Charlebois, ED; Rosenthal, PJ
  • Pharmacopoeial quality of drugs supplied by Nigerian pharmacies. (2001) Taylor, RB; Shakoor, O; Behrens, RH; Everard, M; Low, AS; Wangboonskul, J; Reid, RG; Kolawole, JA
  • Risk factors for active syphilis and TPHA seroconversion in a rural African population. (2001) Todd, J; Munguti, K; Grosskurth, H; Mngara, J; Changalucha, J; Mayaud, P; Mosha, F; Gavyole, A; Mabey, D; Hayes, R
  • Tuberculosis contacts but not patients have higher gamma interferon responses to ESAT-6 than do community controls in The Gambia. (2001) Vekemans, J; Lienhardt, C; Sillah, JS; Wheeler, JG; Lahai, GP; Doherty, MT; Corrah, T; Andersen, P; McAdam, KP; Marchant, A
  • Subacute pulmonary granulomatous schistosomiasis: high resolution CT appearances--another cause of the halo sign. (2001) Waldman, AD; Day, JH; Shaw, P; Bryceson, AD
  • The burden of reproductive-organ disease in rural women in The Gambia, West Africa. (2001) Walraven, G; Scherf, C; West, B; Ekpo, G; Paine, K; Coleman, R; Bailey, R; Morison, L
  • Epidemiology. (2001) Whitty, CJM
  • Statistics. (2001) Whitty, CJM
  • Treatment of malaria. (2001) Whitty, CJM; Mwanechanya, JJ
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae major outer membrane protein is a surface-exposed antigen that elicits antibodies primarily directed against conformation-dependent determinants. (2001) Wolf, K; Fischer, E; Mead, D; Zhong, G; Peeling, R; Whitmire, B; Caldwell, HD
  • Photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2001) Wormald, R; Evans, J; Smeeth, L; Henshaw, K
  • A parallel synthetic approach for the analysis of membrane interactive copolypeptides. (2001) Wyrsta, MD; Cogen, AL; Deming, TJ
  • Paediatric HIV infection--diagnostic and epidemiological aspects. (2001) Yeung, SM; Gibb, DM
  • Results of cataract surgery in young children in east Africa. (2001) Yorston, D; Wood, M; Foster, A
  • Compliance with cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for the prevention of opportunistic infections in HIV-positive tuberculosis patients in Thyolo district, Malawi. (2001) Zachariah, R; Harries, AD; Arendt, V; Wennig, R; Schneider, S; Spielmann, M; Panarotto, E; Gomani, P; Salaniponi, FM
  • A template for improved prevention and control of cardiovascular disease in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) van der Sande, MA; Coleman, RL; Schim van der Loeff, MF; McAdam, KP; Nyan, OA; Thien, T; Dolmans, WM; Walraven, GE
  • Changing causes of death in the West African town of Banjul, 1942-97. (2001) van der Sande, MA; Inskip, HM; Jaiteh, KO; Maine, NP; Walraven, GE; Hall, AJ; McAdam, KP