Items where Faculty or Department is "GM-Nutrition Theme"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
MRC Gambia (1248)
GM-Nutrition Theme (347)
Number of items: 30.
Serum Hepcidin Concentrations Decline during Pregnancy and May Identify Iron Deficiency: Analysis of a Longitudinal Pregnancy Cohort in The Gambia. (2017)
Bah, Amat; Pasricha, Sant-Rayn; Jallow, Momodou W; Sise, Ebrima A; Wegmuller, Rita; Armitage, Andrew E; Drakesmith, Hal; Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M
Delivering an action agenda for nutrition interventions addressing adolescent girls and young women: priorities for implementation and research. (2017)
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Lassi, Zohra S; Bergeron, Gilles; Koletzko, Berthold; Salam, Rehana; Diaz, Angela; McLean, Mireille; Black, Robert E; De-Regil, Luz Maria; Christian, Parul; Prentice, Andrew M; Klein, Jonathan D; Keenan, William; Hanson, Mark
Iron Nutriture of the Fetus, Neonate, Infant, and Child. (2017)
Cerami, Carla
Protocol for the EMPHASIS study; epigenetic mechanisms linking maternal pre-conceptional nutrition and children's health in India and Sub-Saharan Africa. (2017)
Chandak, Giriraj R; Silver, Matt J; Saffari, Ayden; Lillycrop, Karen A; Shrestha, Smeeta; Sahariah, Sirazul Amin; Di Gravio, Chiara; Goldberg, Gail; Tomar, Ashutosh Singh; Betts, Modupeh; Sajjadi, Sara; Acolatse, Lena; James, Philip; Issarapu, Prachand; Kumaran, Kalyanaraman; Potdar, Ramesh D; Prentice, Andrew M; Fall, Caroline Hd
Nutrition in adolescents: physiology, metabolism, and nutritional needs. (2017)
Das, Jai K; Salam, Rehana A; Thornburg, Kent L; Prentice, Andrew M; Campisi, Susan; Lassi, Zohra S; Koletzko, Berthold; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
Growth and Morbidity of Gambian Infants are Influenced by Maternal Milk Oligosaccharides and Infant Gut Microbiota. (2017)
Davis, Jasmine CC; Lewis, Zachery T; Krishnan, Sridevi; Bernstein, Robin M; Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M; Mills, David A; Lebrilla, Carlito B; Zivkovic, Angela M
Host iron status and erythropoietic response to iron supplementation determines susceptibility to the RBC stage of falciparum malaria during pregnancy. (2017)
Goheen, Morgan M; Bah, Amat; Wegmüller, Rita; Verhoef, Hans; Darboe, Bakary; Danso, Ebrima; Prentice, Andrew M; Cerami, Carla
The role of the red blood cell in host defence against falciparum malaria: an expanding repertoire of evolutionary alterations. (2017)
Goheen, Morgan M; Campino, Susana; Cerami, Carla
mRNA Levels of Placental Iron and Zinc Transporter Genes Are Upregulated in Gambian Women with Low Iron and Zinc Status. (2017)
Jobarteh, Modou Lamin; McArdle, Harry J; Holtrop, Grietje; Sise, Ebrima A; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E
Preconceptional and gestational weight trajectories and risk of delivering a small-for-gestational-age baby in rural Gambia. (2017)
Johnson, William; Elmrayed, Seham Aa; Sosseh, Fatou; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E
High blood pressure and associated risk factors as indicator of preclinical hypertension in rural West Africa: A focus on children and adolescents in The Gambia. (2017)
Jobe, Modou; Agbla, Schadrac C; Prentice, Andrew M; Hennig, Branwen J
Cortical specialisation to social stimuli from the first days to the second year of life: A rural Gambian cohort. (2017)
Lloyd-Fox, S; Begus, K; Halliday, D; Pirazzoli, L; Blasi, A; Papademetriou, M; Darboe, MK; Prentice, AM; Johnson, MH; Moore, SE; Elwell, CE
Marital Status and Sleeping Arrangements Predict Salivary Testosterone Levels in Rural Gambian Men. (2017)
Lawson, David W; Nuñez-de la Mora, Alejandra; Cooper, Gillian D; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Sear, Rebecca
Iron for Africa-Report of an Expert Workshop. (2017)
Mwangi, Martin N; Phiri, Kamija S; Abkari, Abdelhak; Gbané, Mory; Bourdet-Sicard, Raphaelle; Braesco, Véronique Azaïs; Zimmermann, Michael B; Prentice, Andrew M
What's normal? Oligosaccharide concentrations and profiles in milk produced by healthy women vary geographically. (2017)
McGuire, Michelle K; Meehan, Courtney L; McGuire, Mark A; Williams, Janet E; Foster, James; Sellen, Daniel W; Kamau-Mbuthia, Elizabeth W; Kamundia, Egidioh W; Mbugua, Samwel; Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M; Kvist, Linda J; Otoo, Gloria E; Brooker, Sarah L; Price, William J; Shafii, Bahman; Placek, Caitlyn; Lackey, Kimberly A; Robertson, Bianca; Manzano, Susana; Ruíz, Lorena; Rodríguez, Juan M; Pareja, Rossina G; Bode, Lars
Safety and benefits of antenatal oral iron supplementation in low-income countries: a review. (2017)
Mwangi, Martin N; Prentice, Andrew M; Verhoef, Hans
Hormonal Correlates and Predictors of Nutritional Recovery in Malnourished African Children. (2017)
Nabwera, Helen M; Bernstein, Robin M; Agbla, Schadrac C; Moore, Sophie E; Darboe, Momodou K; Colley, Mariama; Jallow, Amadou T; Bradbury, Richard; Karafin, Jennifer; Fulford, Anthony J; Prentice, Andrew M
What influences feeding decisions for HIV-exposed infants in rural Kenya? (2017)
Nabwera, Helen M; Jepkosgei, Joyline; Muraya, Kelly W; Hassan, Amin S; Molyneux, Catherine S; Ali, Rehema; Prentice, Andrew M; Berkley, James A; Mwangome, Martha K
Growth faltering in rural Gambian children after four decades of interventions: a retrospective cohort study. (2017)
Nabwera, Helen M; Fulford, Anthony J; Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M
Diagnostic utility of zinc protoporphyrin to detect iron deficiency in Kenyan preschool children: a community-based survey. (2017)
Teshome, Emily M; Prentice, Andrew M; Demir, Ayşe Y; Andang'o, Pauline EA; Verhoef, Hans
Daily home fortification with iron as ferrous fumarate versus NaFeEDTA: a randomised, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority trial in Kenyan children. (2017)
Teshome, Emily M; Andang'o, Pauline EA; Osoti, Victor; Terwel, Sofie R; Otieno, Walter; Demir, Ayşe Y; Prentice, Andrew M; Verhoef, Hans
Comparison of home fortification with two iron formulations among Kenyan children: Rationale and design of a placebo-controlled non-inferiority trial. (2017)
Teshome, Emily M; Otieno, Walter; Terwel, Sofie R; Osoti, Victor; Demir, Ayşe Y; Andango, Pauline EA; Prentice, Andrew M; Verhoef, Hans
Impact of fortified versus unfortified lipid-based supplements on morbidity and nutritional status: A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial in ill Gambian children. (2017)
Unger, Stefan A; Drammeh, Saikou; Hasan, Jahid; Ceesay, Kabiru; Sinjanka, Edrisa; Beyai, Sainey; Sonko, Bakary; Dondeh, Bai Lamin; Fulford, Anthony J; Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M