Items where Faculty or Department is "GM-Nutrition Theme"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
MRC Gambia (1248)
GM-Nutrition Theme (347)
Number of items: 14.
Bibliographic data only
DNA methylation profiling at imprinted loci after periconceptional micronutrient supplementation in humans: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. (2012)
Cooper, Wendy N; Khulan, Batbayar; Owens, Stephen; Elks, Cathy E; Seidel, Veronica; Prentice, Andrew M; Belteki, Gusztav; Ong, Ken K; Affara, Nabeel A; Constância, Miguel; Dunger, David B
Sickle cell anemia: iron availability and nocturnal oximetry. (2012)
Cox, Sharon E; L'Esperance, Veline; Makani, Julie; Soka, Deogratius; Prentice, Andrew M; Hill, Catherine M; Kirkham, Fenella J
Periconceptional maternal micronutrient supplementation is associated with widespread gender related changes in the epigenome: a study of a unique resource in the Gambia. (2012)
Khulan, Batbayar; Cooper, Wendy N; Skinner, Benjamin M; Bauer, Julien; Owens, Stephen; Prentice, Andrew M; Belteki, Gusztav; Constancia, Miguel; Dunger, David; Affara, Nabeel A
Twinning propensity and offspring in utero growth covary in rural African women. (2012)
Rickard, Ian J; Prentice, Andrew M; Fulford, Anthony JC; Lummaa, Virpi
Mid-upper arm circumference at age of routine infant vaccination to identify infants at elevated risk of death: a retrospective cohort study in the Gambia. (2012)
Mwangome, Martha K; Fegan, Greg; Fulford, Tony; Prentice, Andrew M; Berkley, James A
A randomized trial to investigate the effects of pre-natal and infant nutritional supplementation on infant immune development in rural Gambia: the ENID trial: Early Nutrition and Immune Development. (2012)
Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony Jc; Darboe, Momodou K; Jobarteh, Modou Lamin; Jarjou, Landing M; Prentice, Andrew M
Maternal nutritional status, C(1) metabolism and offspring DNA methylation: a review of current evidence in human subjects. (2012)
Dominguez-Salas, Paula; Cox, Sharon E; Prentice, Andrew M; Hennig, Branwen J; Moore, Sophie E
Early-life and contemporaneous nutritional and environmental predictors of antibody response to vaccination in young Gambian adults. (2012)
Moore, Sophie E; Richards, Anna A; Goldblatt, David; Ashton, Lindsey; Szu, Shousun Chen; Prentice, Andrew M
Reliability and accuracy of anthropometry performed by community health workers among infants under 6 months in rural Kenya. (2012)
Mwangome, Martha K; Fegan, Greg; Mbunya, Ronald; Prentice, Andrew M; Berkley, James A
Iron and malaria interactions: research needs from basic science to global policy. (2012)
Prentice, Andrew M; Cox, Sharon E
Hepcidin is the major predictor of erythrocyte iron incorporation in anemic African children. (2012)
Prentice, Andrew M; Doherty, Conor P; Abrams, Steven A; Cox, Sharon E; Atkinson, Sarah H; Verhoef, Hans; Armitage, Andrew E; Drakesmith, Hal
Intergenerational effects of maternal birth season on offspring size in rural Gambia. (2012)
Rickard, Ian J; Courtiol, Alexandre; Prentice, Andrew M; Fulford, Anthony JC; Clutton-Brock, Tim H; Lummaa, Virpi
Identification of gene pathways implicated in Alzheimer's disease using longitudinal imaging phenotypes with sparse regression. (2012)
Silver, Matt; Janousova, Eva; Hua, Xue; Thompson, Paul M; Montana, Giovanni; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Fast identification of biological pathways associated with a quantitative trait using group lasso with overlaps. (2012)
Silver, Matt; Montana, Giovanni; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative