LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
Dept of Population Health (2012- ) (6066)
Dept of Population Studies (1974-2012) (364)
Number of items: 25.
HIV-1 diversity and prevalence differ between urban and rural areas in the Mbeya region of Tanzania. (2005)
Arroyo, Miguel A; Hoelscher, Michael; Sateren, Warren; Samky, Eleuter; Maboko, Leonard; Hoffmann, Oliver; Kijak, Gustavo; Robb, Merlin; Birx, Deborah L; McCutchan, Francine E
The estimation of infant mortality from the proportions dying among births in the past 24 months. (2005)
Blacker, J; Brass, W
The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal. (2005)
Case, Anne; Hosegood, Victoria; Lund, Frances
Statistical software review. (2005)
Croudace, T; Ploubidis, G; Abbott, R
Increasing contraceptive use in rural Pakistan: an evaluation of the Lady Health Worker Programme. (2005)
Douthwaite, Megan; Ward, Patrick
AIDS mortality and the mobility of children in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. (2005)
Ford, Kathleen; Hosegood, Victoria
In-depth, longitudinal analysis of viral quasispecies from an individual triply infected with late-stage human immunodeficiency virus type 1, using a multiple PCR primer approach. (2005)
Gerhardt, M; Mloka, D; Tovanabutra, S; Sanders-Buell, E; Hoffmann, O; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; Birx, DL; McCutchan, FE; Hoelscher, M
Avant-propos. Le soutien aux personnes âgés en Europe. (2005)
Grundy, E; Festy, P
Le soutien aux personnes âgés en Europe. (2005)
Grundy, E; Festy, PE
Population mobility and household dynamics in rural South Africa: implications for demographic and health research. (2005)
Hosegood, V; Benzler, J; Solarsh, G
Sexually transmitted infections in New Zealand in 2003. (2005)
Johnston, A; Fernando, D; MacBride-Stewart, G
In-depth analysis of a heterosexually acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection: evolution, temporal fluctuation, and intercompartment dynamics from the seronegative window period through 30 months postinfection. (2005)
McCutchan, FE; Hoelscher, M; Tovanabutra, S; Piyasirisilp, S; Sanders-Buell, E; Ramos, G; Jagodzinski, L; Polonis, V; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; Hoffmann, O; Riedner, G; von Sonnenburg, F; Robb, M; Birx, DL
'I never go anywhere': extricating the links between women's mobility and uptake of reproductive health services in Pakistan. (2005)
Mumtaz, Zubia; Salway, Sarah
HIV/AIDS interventions in low prevalence countries: a case study of Albania. (2005)
Roura, M
Women's employment in urban Bangladesh: A challenge to gender identity? (2005)
Salway, S; Jesmin, S; Rahman, S
Rencontres entre parents âgés et enfants: quelles différences en Europe? (2005)
Tomassini, C; Grundy, E; Kalogirou, S; Gaymu, J; Binet, A; Martikainen, P; Karisto, A
Seeking conception: experiences of urban Indian women with in vitro fertilisation. (2005)
Widge, Anjali