Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Population Health (2012- )"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Population Health (2012- ) (6066)
  • Dept of Nutrition and Public Health Interventions Research (2003-2012) (633)
  • Dept of Population Studies (1974-2012) (364)
    Number of items: 183.
  • Psychometric evaluation and predictive validity of Ryff's psychological well-being items in a UK birth cohort sample of women. (2006) Abbott, Rosemary A; Ploubidis, George B; Huppert, Felicia A; Kuh, Diana; Wadsworth, Michael EJ; Croudace, Tim J
  • Cause-specific mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa and Bangladesh. (2006) Adjuik, Martin; Smith, Tom; Clark, Sam; Todd, Jim; Garrib, Anu; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kahn, Kathy; Mola, Mitiki; Ashraf, Ali; Masanja, Honorati; Adazu, Kubaje; Sacarlal, Jahit; Alam, Nurul; Marra, Adama; Gbangou, Adjima; Mwageni, Eleuther; Binka, Fred ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • A dose response study of inhaled nitric oxide in hypoxic respiratory failure in preterm infants. (2006) Ahluwalia, J; Tooley, J; Cheema, I; Sweet, DG; Curley, AE; Halliday, HL; Field, D; Al'malik, H; Annamalai, S; Midgley, P; Hardy, P; Tomlin, K; Elbourne, D
  • Uses and abuses of surveys on the sexual behaviour of young people. (2006) Ali, MM; Cleland, J
  • Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Hospital-level Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey instrument. (2006) Arah, Onyebuchi A; ten Asbroek, AHA; Delnoij, Diana MJ; de Koning, Johan S; Stam, Piet JA; Poll, Aldien H; Vriens, Barbara; Schmidt, Paul F; Klazinga, Niek S
  • Do symptoms of memory impairment correspond to cognitive impairment: a cross sectional study of a clinical cohort. (2006) Archer, HA; Macfarlane, F; Price, S; Moore, EK; Pepple, T; Cutler, D; Frost, C; Fox, NC; Rossor, MN
  • Efficacy and effectiveness of community-based treatment of severe malnutrition. (2006) Ashworth, Ann
  • B
  • Distance to water source and altitude in relation to active trachoma in Rombo district, Tanzania. (2006) Baggaley, RF; Solomon, AW; Kuper, H; Polack, S; Massae, PA; Kelly, J; Safari, S; Alexander, NDE; Courtright, P; Foster, A; Mabey, DC
  • Better health statistics are possible. (2006) Bchir, Abdallah; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Binka, Fred; Black, Robert; Bradshaw, Debbie; Garnett, Geoff; Hayashi, Kenji; Jha, Prabhat; Peto, Richard; Sawyer, Cheryl; Schwartländer, Bernhard; Walker, Neff; Wolfson, Michael; Yach, Derek; Zaba, Basia
  • The PPD-specific T-cell clonal response in UK and Malawian subjects following BCG vaccination: a new repertoire evolves over 12 months. (2006) Bennett, Andrea R; Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Ben-Smith, Anne; Floyd, Sian; de Lara, Catherine M; Weir, Rosemary E; Lalor, Maeve K; Makamo, Kandakuone; Msiska, Glyn K; Crampin, Amelia C; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M; Beverley, Peter CL
  • Scaling up multisectoral approaches to combating HIV and AIDS. (2006) Binswaner, H; Gillespie, S; Kadiyala, S
  • Levels and trends of adult mortality. (2006) Bradshaw, D; Timaeus, IM
  • C
  • Clients of sex workers in different regions of the world: hard to count. (2006) Carael, M; Slaymaker, E; Lyerla, R; Sarkar, S
  • Risk factors for shigellosis in Thailand. (2006) Chompook, Pornthip; Todd, Jim; Wheeler, Jeremy G; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John; Chaicumpa, Wanpen
  • "Nothing new": responses to the introduction of antiretroviral drugs in South Africa. (2006) Chopra, Mickey; Kendall, Carl; Hill, Zelee; Schaay, Nikki; Nkonki, Lungiswa L; Doherty, Tanya M
  • The relationship of impulsivity to response inhibition and decision-making in remitted patients with bipolar disorder. (2006) Christodoulou, T; Lewis, M; Ploubidis, GB; Frangou, S
  • CRASH2 in Germany [ISRCTN86750102]. (2006) Chung, CH; Freiberger, A; Kalkum, M; Luntz, SP; Shakur, H; Seiler, CM
  • Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoea. (2006) Clasen, T; Roberts, I; Rabie, T; Schmidt, W; Cairncross, S
  • Sex without birth or death: a comparison of two international humanitarian movements. (2006) Cleland, J; Watkins, S
  • Sexual abstinence, contraception, and condom use by young African women: a secondary analysis of survey data. (2006) Cleland, John; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Trends in protective behaviour among single vs. married young women in sub-Saharan Africa: the big picture. (2006) Cleland, John; Ali, Mohamed M; Shah, Iqbal
  • Family planning: the unfinished agenda. (2006) Cleland, John; Bernstein, Stan; Ezeh, Alex; Faundes, Anibal; Glasier, Anna; Innis, Jolene
  • The key lesson of family planning programmes for HIV/AIDS control. (2006) Cleland, John; Watkins, Susan C
  • Consent in emergency research. (2006) Coats, TJ; Ng, G; Shakur, H
  • Social inequalities in response to antidepressant treatment in older adults. (2006) Cohen, Alex; Houck, Patricia R; Szanto, Katalin; Dew, Mary Amanda; Gilman, Stephen E; Reynolds, Charles F
  • Factors associated with postpartum physical and mental morbidity among women with known HIV status in Lusaka, Zambia. (2006) Collin, S; Chisenga, M; Kasonka, L; Haworth, A; Young, C; Filteau, S; Murray, S
  • Factors associated with postpartum physical and mental morbidity among women with known HIV status in Lusaka, Zambia. (2006) Collin, SM; Chisenga, MM; Kasonka, L; Haworth, A; Young, C; Filteau, S; Murray, SF
  • Risk factors for low birthweight based on birth registration and census information, England and Wales, 1981-2000. (2006) Collingwood Bakeo, Aleks; Clarke, Lynda
  • What is the relevance of mental health to HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs in developing countries? A systematic review. (2006) Collins, Pamela Y; Holman, Alea R; Freeman, Melvyn C; Patel, Vikram
  • Using evaluation to improve the sexual health of young people. (2006) Collumbien, M; Douthwaite, M; Jana, L
  • Longitudinal phenotypes of mental disorder from age 13 to 53: A latent class analysis. (2006) Colman, I; Croudace, TJ; Wadsworth, EJ; Ploubidis, GB; Jones, PB
  • Vitamin A supplementation increases ratios of proinflammatory to anti-inflammatory cytokine responses in pregnancy and lactation. (2006) Cox, SE; Arthur, P; Kirkwood, BR; Yeboah-Antwi, K; Riley, EM
  • Tuberculosis transmission attributable to close contacts and HIV status, Malawi. (2006) Crampin, Amelia C; Glynn, Judith R; Traore, Hamidou; Yates, Malcolm D; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Mwenebabu, Michael; Chaguluka, Steven D; Floyd, Sian; Drobniewski, Francis; Fine, Paul EM
  • Aetiological role of viral and bacterial infections in acute adult lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in primary care. (2006) Creer, DD; Dilworth, JP; Gillespie, SH; Johnston, AR; Johnston, SL; Ling, C; Patel, S; Sanderson, G; Wallace, PG; McHugh, TD
  • Latent variable modelling of longitudinal data: applications of Mplusâ„¢ methodologies (latent class growth and growth mixture models) in epidemiological cohort studies and household panel data. (2006) Croudace, TJ; Ploubidis, GB; Abbott, RA; Kuh, D; Jones, PB; Wadsworth, MEJ; Huppert, FA
  • Social Capital and Education in Urban and Rural Peru. (2006) Cueto, S; Guerrero, G; Leon, J; de Silva, M; Penny, M; Lanata, C; Villar, E
  • Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods: micro-level investigations in Three African countries. (2006) Curry, J; Wiegers, E; Garbero, A; Stokes, CS; Hourihan, J
  • D
  • Time delays between patient and laboratory selectively affect accuracy of helminth diagnosis. (2006) Dacombe, RJ; Crampin, AC; Floyd, S; Randall, A; Ndhlovu, R; Bickle, Q; Fine, PEM
  • Book review. (2006) Dangour, AD
  • A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive and retinal function in cognitively healthy older people: the Older People And n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPAL) study protocol [ISRCTN72331636]. (2006) Dangour, Alan D; Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Fasey, Nicky; Fletcher, Astrid E; Hardy, Pollyanna; Holder, Graham E; Huppert, Felicia A; Knight, Rosemary; Letley, Louise; Richards, Marcus; Truesdale, Ann; Vickers, Madge; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Nutrition challenges for the twenty-first century. (2006) Dangour, Alan D; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Identification of nutritionally adequate mixtures of vegetable oils by linear programming. (2006) Darmon, N; Darmon, M; Ferguson, E
  • Impact of a cost constraint on nutritionally adequate food choices for French women: an analysis by linear programming. (2006) Darmon, Nicole; Ferguson, Elaine L; Briend, André
  • Altered CD45 expression in C77G carriers influences immune function and outcome of hepatitis C infection. (2006) Dawes, R; Hennig, B; Irving, W; Petrova, S; Boxall, S; Ward, V; Wallace, D; Macallan, DC; Thursz, M; Hill, A; Bodmer, W; Beverley, PCL; Tchilian, EZ
  • Sexual behaviour and condom use among unmarried young men in Cambodia. (2006) Douthwaite, Megan R; Saroun, Ly
  • Risk factors for cataract subtypes waterclefts and retrodots: two case-control studies. (2006) Durant, JS; Frost, NA; Trivella, M; Sparrow, JM
  • The methods minefield: a systematic review of the methods used in studies of social capital and mental health. (2006) de Silva, M
  • E
  • Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality. (2006) Edmond, Karen M; Zandoh, Charles; Quigley, Maria A; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • Deaths from injury in children and employment status in family: analysis of trends in class specific death rates. (2006) Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Green, Judith; Lutchmun, Suzanne
  • Impact of health education on active trachoma in hyperendemic rural communities in Ethiopia. (2006) Edwards, Tansy; Cumberland, Phillippa; Hailu, Girum; Todd, Jim
  • Development and behaviour of low-birthweight term infants at 8 years in northeast Brazil: a longitudinal study. (2006) Emond, Alan M; Lira, Pedro IC; Lima, Marilia C; Grantham-McGregor, Sally M; Ashworth, Ann
  • F
  • Migrant men: a priority for HIV control in Pakistan? (2006) Faisel, A; Cleland, J
  • Healthy, wealthy and old? (2006) Falkingham, Jane; Grundy, Emily
  • Design of optimal food-based complementary feeding recommendations and identification of key "problem nutrients" using goal programming. (2006) Ferguson, Elaine L; Darmon, Nicole; Fahmida, Umi; Fitriyanti, Suci; Harper, Timothy B; Premachandra, Inguruwatte M
  • Class II cytokine receptor gene cluster is a major locus for hepatitis B persistence. (2006) Frodsham, Angela J; Zhang, Lyna; Dumpis, Uga; Taib, Nor Azizah Mohd; Best, Steve; Durham, Andrew; Hennig, Branwen JW; Hellier, Simon; Knapp, Susanne; Wright, Mark; Chiaramonte, Maria; Bell, John I; Graves, Mary; Whittle, Hilton C; Thomas, Howard C; Thursz, Mark R; Hill, Adrian VS
  • G
  • Ageing and vulnerable elderly people: European perspectives. (2006) GRUNDY, EMILY
  • Between elderly parents and adult children: a new look at the intergenerational care provided by the ‘sandwich generation’. (2006) GRUNDY, EMILY; HENRETTA, JOHN C
  • Medicine, Medsin, and global health. (2006) Garman, Katharine; Hughes, Robert
  • Determinants of the living arrangements of older people in Europe Déterminants des modes de vie des personnes âgées en Europe. (2006) Gaymu, Joëlle; Delbès, Christiane; Springer, Sabine; Binet, Adrian; Désesquelles, Aline; Kalogirou, Stamatis; Ziegler, Uta
  • Multiple role occupancy and social participation among midlife wives and husbands in the United Kingdom. (2006) Glaser, Karen; Evandrou, Maria; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Immunogenicity of Danish-SSI 1331 BCG vaccine in the UK: comparison with Glaxo-Evans 1077 BCG vaccine. (2006) Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Weir, Rosemary E; Floyd, Sian; Lalor, Maeve K; Stenson, Sally; Branson, Keith; Blitz, Rose; Luke, Sarah; Nazareth, Bernadette; Ben-Smith, Anne; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Gender and Healthy Ageing. (2006) Grundy, E
  • The demography of ageing in ESRC: Demographic aspects of population ageing. (2006) Grundy, E
  • Kin Availability, Contact and Support Exchanges between Adult Children and their Parents in Great Britain. (2006) Grundy, E; Murphy, M
  • Marital status and family support for the oldest-old in Great Britain. (2006) Grundy, E; Murphy, M
  • Fatherhood history and later life health and mortality in England and Wales: a record linkage study. (2006) Grundy, E; Tomassini, C
  • Demographic change and the care of older people: introduction. (2006) Grundy, Emily; Tomassini, Cecilia; Festy, Patrick
  • H
  • Determinants of progression to AIDS or death after HIV diagnosis, United States, 1996 to 2001. (2006) Hall, H Irene; McDavid, Kathleen; Ling, Qiang; Sloggett, Andrew
  • Maternal social capital and child wellbeing in comparative perspective: Young Lives Working Paper 31. (2006) Harpham, T; de Silva, M; Jones, N; Garlick, C
  • Maternal social capital and child health in Vietnam. (2006) Harpham, Trudy; De Silva, Mary J; Tuan, Tran
  • A life course approach to well-being. (2006) Hatch, S; Huppert, FA; Abbott, RA; Croudace, TJ; Ploubidis, GB; Richards, M; Wadsworth, MEJ; Kuh, D
  • Depression as an etiologic and prognostic factor in coronary heart disease: A meta-analysis of 6608 events among 150217 participants in 63 observational studies. (2006) Hemingway, Harry; Nicholson, Amanda; Kuper, Hannah
  • Effect of multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy on inflammatory markers in Nepalese women. (2006) Hindle, Laura J; Gitau, Rachel; Filteau, Suzanne M; Newens, Katie J; Osrin, David; Costello, Anthony M; Tomkins, Andrew M; Vaidya, Anjana; Mahato, Raj Kumar; Yadav, Birendra; Manandhar, Dharma S
  • Achieving the global goals on HIV among young people most at risk in developing countries: young sex workers, injecting drug users and men who have sex with men. (2006) Hoffmann, Oliver; Boler, Tania; Dick, Bruce
  • HIV/AIDS and older people in South Africa. (2006) Hosegood, V; Timaeus, IM
  • Household composition and dynamics in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa: mirroring social reality in longitudinal data collection. (2006) Hosegood, V; Timaeus, IM
  • Does the number of sons born affect long-term mortality of parents? A cohort study in rural Bangladesh. (2006) Hurt, LS; Ronsmans, C; Quigley, M
  • The effect of number of births on women's mortality: systematic review of the evidence for women who have completed their childbearing. (2006) Hurt, LS; Ronsmans, C; Thomas, SL
  • Mental Disorders. (2006) Hyman, S; Chisholm, D; Kessler, R; Patel, V; Whiteford, H
  • J
  • News and Information. (2006) Jackson, AA; Ashworth, A
  • Community-level Impacts of AIDS-Related Mortality: Panel Survey Evidence from Zambia*. (2006) Jayne, Thomas S; Chapoto, Antony; Byron, Elizabeth; Ndiyoi, Mukelabai; Hamazakaza, Petan; Kadiyala, Suneetha; Gillespie, Stuart
  • Imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria: are patients originating from disease-endemic areas less likely to develop severe disease? A prospective, observational study. (2006) Jennings, Richard M; DE Souza, J Brian; Todd, Jim E; Armstrong, Margaret; Flanagan, Katie L; Riley, Eleanor M; Doherty, Justin F
  • Safe sex versus safe love? Relationship context and condom use among male adolescents in the favelas of Recife, Brazil. (2006) Juarez, Fatima; Martín, Teresa Castro
  • K
  • Interventions in the alcohol server setting for preventing injuries. (2006) Ker, K; Chinnock, P
  • WHO guidelines for severe malnutrition: are they feasible in rural African hospitals? (2006) Karaolis, Nadina; Jackson, Debra; Ashworth, Ann; Sanders, David; Sogaula, Nonzwakazi; McCoy, David; Chopra, Mickey; Schofield, Claire
  • Risk factors for subclinical mastitis among HIV-infected and uninfected women in Lusaka, Zambia. (2006) Kasonka, Lackson; Makasa, Mpundu; Marshall, Tom; Chisenga, Molly; Sinkala, Moses; Chintu, Chifumbe; Kaseba, Christine; Kasolo, Francis; Gitau, Rachel; Tomkins, Andrew; Murray, Susan; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Alcohol related harm. (2006) Ker, K; Ivers, R
  • Mobility and HIV in Tanzanian couples: both mobile persons and their partners show increased risk. (2006) Kishamawe, Coleman; Vissers, Debby CJ; Urassa, Mark; Isingo, Raphael; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Borsboom, Gerard JJM; Voeten, Hélène ACM; Zaba, Basia; Habbema, J Dik F; de Vlas, Sake J
  • Psychosocial determinants of coronary heart disease in middle-aged women: a prospective study in Sweden. (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Adami, Hans-Olov; Theorell, Töres; Weiderpass, Elisabete
  • The socioeconomic gradient in the incidence of stroke: a prospective study in middle-aged women in Sweden. (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Adami, Hans-Olov; Theorell, Töres; Weiderpass, Elisabete
  • Impact of VISION 2020 on global blindness. (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Foster, Allen
  • Blindness in Sudan: is it time to scrutinise survey methods? (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Gilbert, Clare picture_as_pdf
  • Economic evaluation for ophthalmologists. (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Jofre-Bonet, Mireia; Gilbert, Clare
  • Searching for observational studies: what does citation tracking add to PubMed? A case study in depression and coronary heart disease. (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Nicholson, Amanda; Hemingway, Harry
  • Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness. (2006) Kuper, Hannah; Polack, Sarah; Limburg, Hans
  • L
  • Omega 3 fatty acid for the prevention of dementia. (2006) Lim, WS; Gammack, JK; Van Niekerk, J; Dangour, AD
  • M
  • The uptake of modern contraception in a Gambian community: the diffusion of an innovation over 25 years. (2006) Mace, R; Allal, N; Sear, R; Prentice, A
  • Are condoms infiltrating marital and cohabiting partnerships? Perspectives of couples in KwaZulu Natal. (2006) Maharaj, P; Cleland, J
  • Condoms become the norm in the sexual culture of college students in Durban, South Africa. (2006) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Emergence of a three codon deletion in gag p17 in HIV type 1 subtype C long-term survivors, and general population spread. (2006) McCormack, Grace P; Glynn, Judith R; Clewley, Jonathan P; Crampin, Amelia C; Travers, Simon AA; Redmond, Niamh; Keane, Thomas M; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; Fine, Paul EM
  • What influences recruitment to randomised controlled trials? A review of trials funded by two UK funding agencies. (2006) McDonald, Alison M; Knight, Rosemary C; Campbell, Marion K; Entwistle, Vikki A; Grant, Adrian M; Cook, Jonathan A; Elbourne, Diana R; Francis, David; Garcia, Jo; Roberts, Ian; Snowdon, Claire
  • Perceived quality of reproductive care for girls in a competitive voucher programme. A quasi-experimental intervention study, Managua, Nicaragua. (2006) Meuwissen, Liesbeth E; Gorter, Anna C; Knottnerus, JA
  • Reproductive knowledge, attitudes and behavior among adolescent males in Tehran, Iran. (2006) Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza; Mohammad, Kazem; Farahani, Farideh KA; Alikhani, Siamak; Zare, Mohammad; Tehrani, Fahimeh R; Ramezankhani, Ali; Alaeddini, Farshid
  • Men's involvement in the South African family: engendering change in the AIDS era. (2006) Montgomery, Catherine M; Hosegood, Victoria; Busza, Joanna; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Effect of month of vaccine administration on antibody responses in The Gambia and Pakistan. (2006) Moore, Sophie E; Collinson, Andrew C; Fulford, Anthony JC; Jalil, Fehmida; Siegrist, Claire-Anne; Goldblatt, David; Hanson, Lars A; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Early immunological development and mortality from infectious disease in later life. (2006) Moore, Sophie E; Collinson, Andrew C; Tamba N'Gom, Pa; Aspinall, Richard; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Plasma homocysteine, folate and vitamin B(12) compared between rural Gambian and UK adults. (2006) Moore, Sophie E; Mansoor, M Azam; Bates, Christopher J; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Out-of-home day care for families living in a disadvantaged area of London: economic evaluation alongside a RCT. (2006) Mota, RM; Lorgelly, PK; Mugford, M; Toroyan, T; Oakley, A; Laing, G; Roberts, I
  • Barriers to accessing antiretroviral therapy in Kisesa, Tanzania: a qualitative study of early rural referrals to the national program. (2006) Mshana, Gerry Hillary; Wamoyi, Joyce; Busza, Joanna; Zaba, Basia; Changalucha, John; Kaluvya, Samuel; Urassa, Mark
  • Using tuberculosis suspects to identify patients eligible for antiretroviral treatment. (2006) Munthali, L; Mwaungulu, JN; Munthali, K; Bowie, C; Crampin, AC
  • N
  • Depression as an aetiologic and prognostic factor in coronary heart disease: A meta-analysis of 6608 events and 150217 participants in 63 observational studies. (2006) Nicholson, A; Kuper, H; Hemingway, H
  • Depression as an aetiologic and prognostic factor in coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of 6362 events among 146 538 participants in 54 observational studies. (2006) Nicholson, Amanda; Kuper, Hannah; Hemingway, Harry
  • O
  • Rationale and design of the MEMA kwa Vijana adolescent sexual and reproductive health intervention in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. (2006) Obasi, AI; Cleophas, B; Ross, DA; Chima, KL; Mmassy, G; Gavyole, A; Plummer, ML; Makokha, M; Mujaya, B; Todd, J; Wight, D; Grosskurth, H; Mabey, DC; Hayes, RJ
  • Prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment in Muyuka: a rural health district in South West Province, Cameroon. (2006) Oye, JE; Kuper, H; Dineen, B; Befidi-Mengue, R; Foster, A
  • P
  • Nutritional support for head-injured patients. (2006) Perel, P; Yanagawa, T; Bunn, F; Roberts, I; Wentz, R; Pierro, A
  • Mental Health. (2006) Patel, V; , Cohen, A; Flisher, A
  • Mental Health. (2006) Patel, V; Cohen, A; Flisher, A
  • Global Mental Health. (2006) Patel, V; Prince, M; Saxena, S
  • The evidence from resource-poor settings. (2006) Patel, V; Swartz, L; Cohen, A
  • The burden and determinants of dysmenorrhoea: a population-based survey of 2262 women in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, V; Tanksale, V; Sahasrabhojanee, M; Gupte, S; Nevrekar, P
  • The burden and determinants of reproductive tract infections in India: a population based study of women in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, V; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D; West, B; D'Souza, S; Patil, V; Nevrekar, P; Gupte, S; Kirkwood, BR
  • Ethics of placebo-controlled trial in severe mania. (2006) Patel, Vikram
  • Returning the debt: how rich countries can invest in mental health capacity in developing countries. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Boardman, Ed; Prince, Martin; Bhugra, Dinesh
  • Returning the debt: how rich countries can invest in mental health capacity in developing countries. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Boardman, Jed; Prince, Martin; Bhugra, Dinesh
  • Is the outcome of schizophrenia really better in developing countries? (2006) Patel, Vikram; Cohen, Alex; Thara, Rangaswamy; Gureje, Oye
  • Gender disadvantage and reproductive health risk factors for common mental disorders in women: a community survey in India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Pereira, Bernadette; Barros, Preetam; Fernandes, Janice; Datta, Jane; Pai, Reshma; Weiss, Helen; Mabey, David
  • Risk factors for common mental disorders in women. Population-based longitudinal study. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Weiss, Helen; Mabey, David
  • Maternal psychological morbidity and low birth weight in India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Beyond evidence: the moral case for international mental health. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Saraceno, Benedetto; Kleinman, Arthur
  • Psychological approaches to somatisation in developing countries. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Sumathipala, Athula
  • Common genital complaints in women: the contribution of psychosocial and infectious factors in a population-based cohort study in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Nevrekar, Prasad; Gupte, Sheela; Mabey, David
  • Compartmental analyses of plasma 13C- and 2H-labeled n-6 fatty acids arising from oral administrations of 13C-U-18:2n-6 and 2H5-20:3n-6 in newborn infants. (2006) Pawlosky, Robert J; Lin, Yu Hong; Llanos, Adolfo; Mena, Patricia; Uauy, Ricardo; Salem, Norman
  • Systematic review of prognostic models in traumatic brain injury. (2006) Perel, Pablo; Edwards, Phil; Wentz, Reinhard; Roberts, Ian picture_as_pdf
  • Factors influencing breast milk HIV RNA viral load among Zambian women. (2006) Phiri, William; Kasonka, Lackson; Collin, Simon; Makasa, Mpundu; Sinkala, Moses; Chintu, Chifumbe; Kasolo, Francis; Kaseba, Christine; Tomkins, Andrew M; Filteau, Suzanne M
  • Early life characteristics predict psychological well-being in mid-life: Life-course associations among women in the 1946 British birth cohort. (2006) Ploubidis, GB; Croudace, TJ; Abbott, RA; Huppert, FA; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, MEJ
  • Latent structure of PSE-9 neurotic symptoms in a national birth cohort sample. (2006) Ploubidis, GB; Croudace, TJ; Colman, I; Jones, PB
  • The relationship between prevalence of active trachoma, water availability and its use in a Tanzanian village. (2006) Polack, Sarah; Kuper, Hannah; Solomon, Anthony W; Massae, Patrick A; Abuelo, Carolina; Cameron, Ewen; Valdmanis, Vivian; Mahande, Michael; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David
  • Detection of depression in women of child-bearing age in non-Western cultures: a comparison of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 in Mongolia. (2006) Pollock, JI; Manaseki-Holland, S; Patel, V
  • Weight, shape, and mortality risk in older persons: elevated waist-hip ratio, not high body mass index, is associated with a greater risk of death. (2006) Price, Gill M; Uauy, Ricardo; Breeze, Elizabeth; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Sexual behavior and perceived risk of HIV/AIDS among young migrant factory workers in Nepal. (2006) Puri, M; Cleland, J
  • R
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid and 3,10 dithia stearic acid inhibit the desaturation of trans-vaccenic acid into cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid through different pathways in Caco-2 and T84 cells. (2006) Renaville, Bénédicte; Mullen, Anne; Moloney, Fiona; Larondelle, Yvan; Schneider, Yves-Jacques; Roche, Helen M
  • Life table estimates of adult HIV/AIDS mortality in Addis Ababa. (2006) Reniers, Georges; Araya, Tekebash; Sanders, Eduard J
  • What is the probability of successive cases of Legionnaires' disease occurring in European hotels? (2006) Ricketts, KD; Slaymaker, E; Verlander, NQ; Joseph, CA
  • Tracking atrophy progression in familial Alzheimer's disease: a serial MRI study. (2006) Ridha, Basil H; Barnes, Josephine; Bartlett, Jonathan W; Godbolt, Alison; Pepple, Tracey; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C
  • Decline in sexually transmitted infection prevalence and HIV incidence in female barworkers attending prevention and care services in Mbeya Region, Tanzania. (2006) Riedner, Gabriele; Hoffmann, Oliver; Rusizoka, Mary; Mmbando, Donan; Maboko, Leonard; Grosskurth, Heiner; Todd, Jim; Hayes, Richard; Hoelscher, Michael
  • When doctors learned to speak carbon. (2006) Roberts, I
  • Car manufacturers and global road safety: a word frequency analysis of road safety documents. (2006) Roberts, I; Wentz, R; Edwards, P
  • S
  • Long-Term Protection against Carriage of Hepatitis B Virus after Infant Vaccination. (2006) Sande, MA; Waight, P; Mendy, M; Rayco-Solon, P; Hutt, P; Fulford, T; Doherty, C; McConkey, SJ; Jeffries, D; Hall, AJ; Whittle, HC
  • Personally addressed hand-signed letters increase questionnaire response: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. (2006) Scott, Pippa; Edwards, Phil
  • Height and reproductive success : How a Gambian population compares with the west. (2006) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Size‐dependent reproductive success in Gambian men: Does height or weight matter more? (2006) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Patient safety requires a new way to publish clinical trials. (2006) Smith, Richard; Roberts, Ian
  • Financial considerations in the conduct of multi-centre randomised controlled trials: evidence from a qualitative study. (2006) Snowdon, Claire; Elbourne, Diana R; Garcia, Jo; Campbell, Marion K; Entwistle, Vikki A; Francis, David; Grant, Adrian M; Knight, Rosemary C; McDonald, Alison M; Roberts, Ian
  • Walking, cycling and transport safety: an analysis of child road deaths. (2006) Sonkin, Beth; Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Green, Judith
  • Projecting the demographic impact of AIDS and the number of people in need of treatment: updates to the Spectrum projection package. (2006) Stover, J; Walker, N; Grassly, NC; Marston, M
  • T
  • Evaluation of vitamin A supplementation regimens in Ghanaian postpartum mothers with the use of the modified-relative-dose-response test. (2006) Tchum, Samuel K; Tanumihardjo, Sherry A; Newton, Samuel; de Benoist, Bruno; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Arthur, Fareed KN; Tetteh, Antonia
  • From trial intervention to scale-up: costs of an adolescent sexual health program in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2006) Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Obasi, Angela IN; Cleophas-Mazige, Bernadette; Makokha, Maende; Todd, Jim; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J
  • The costs of treating curable sexually transmitted infections in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2006) Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Vyas, Seema; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Mayaud, Philippe; Watts, Charlotte
  • Risk factors influencing HIV infection incidence in a rural African population: a nested case-control study. (2006) Todd, James; Grosskurth, Heiner; Changalucha, John; Obasi, Angela; Mosha, Frank; Balira, Rebecca; Orroth, Kate; Hugonnet, Stephane; Pujades, Mar; Ross, David; Gavyole, Awene; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
  • Reply to Gisselquist. (2006) Todd, James; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • Culture or kinship: demographic and other influences on living arrangments in mid and later life. (2006) Tomassini, C; Grundy, E
  • Twins and their health cost: consequences of multiple births on parental health and mortality in Denmark and England and Wales. (2006) Tomassini, Cecilia; Grundy, Emily; Skytthe, Axel; Christensen, Kaare
  • Target antigen, age, and duration of antigen exposure independently regulate immunoglobulin G subclass switching in malaria. (2006) Tongren, J Eric; Drakeley, Christopher J; McDonald, Suzanna LR; Reyburn, Hugh G; Manjurano, Alphaxard; Nkya, Watoky MM; Lemnge, Martha M; Gowda, Channe D; Todd, Jim E; Corran, Patrick H; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Maternal Social Capital and Child Health in Vietnam. (2006) Tuan, T; Harpham, T; de Silva, M; Huong, N; Tod, B; Lan, P; Thach, T; Abeyasekera, S
  • U
  • Food-based dietary guidelines for healthier populations: international considerations. (2006) Uauy, R; Hertrampf, E; Dangour, AD
  • Nutrition in brain development and aging: role of essential fatty acids. (2006) Uauy, Ricardo; Dangour, Alan D
  • Prevention and control of obesity in preschool children: importance of normative standards. (2006) Uauy, Ricardo; Rojas, Juanita; Corvalan, Camila; Lera, Lydia; Kain, Juliana
  • HIV prevalence and sexual behaviour changes measured in an antenatal clinic setting in northern Tanzania. (2006) Urassa, M; Kumogola, Y; Isingo, R; Mwaluko, G; Makelemo, B; Mugeye, K; Boerma, T; Calleja, T; Slaymaker, E; Zaba, B
  • V
  • The interaction of UGT1A, HO1 and alpha-thalassemia variants with bilirubin levels and gallstones in sickle cell disease. (2006) Vasavda, N; Menzel, S; Kondaveeti, S; Maytham, E; Awogbade, M; Bannister, S; Cunningham, J; Daniel, Y; Okpala, I; Fulford, T; Thein, SL
  • Reviewing occupational safety intervention research within the framework of the Cochrane Collaboration: An invitation. (2006) Verbeek, Jos; Hale, Andrew; Ker, Katharine
  • Methodological aspects of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study. (2006) Victora, Cesar Gomes; Araújo, Cora Luiza Pavin; Menezes, Ana Maria Batista; Hallal, Pedro Curi; Vieira, Maria de Fátima; Neutzling, Marilda Borges; Gonçalves, Helen; Valle, Neiva Cristina; Lima, Rosangela Costa; Anselmi, Luciana; Behague, Dominique; Gigante, Denise Petrucci; Barros, Fernando Celso
  • Constructing socio-economic status indices: how to use principal components analysis. (2006) Vyas, Seema; Kumaranayake, Lilani
  • Long-term protection against carriage of hepatitis B virus after infant vaccination. (2006) van der Sande, MAB; Waight, P; Mendy, M; Rayco-Solon, P; Hutt, P; Fulford, T; Doherty, C; McConkey, SJ; Jeffries, D; Hall, AJ; Whittle, HC
  • W
  • Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness and needs assessment of cataract surgical services in Satkhira District, Bangladesh. (2006) Wadud, Z; Kuper, H; Polack, S; Lindfield, R; Akm, MR; Choudhury, KA; Lindfield, T; Limburg, H; Foster, A
  • Geographical distribution and disease associations of the CD45 exon 6 138G variant. (2006) Ward, Victoria; Hennig, Branwen J; Hirai, Kouzo; Tahara, Hideki; Tamori, Akihiro; Dawes, Ritu; Saito, Mineki; Bangham, Charles; Stephens, Henry; Goldfeld, Anne E; Kunachiwa, Warunee; Leetrakool, Nipapan; Hopkin, Julian; Dunstan, Sarah; Hill, Adrian; Bodmer, Walter; Beverley, Peter CL; Tchilian, Elma Z
  • Feasibility and effectiveness of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV-1-infected adults attending an HIV/AIDS clinic in Uganda. (2006) Watera, Christine; Todd, Jim; Muwonge, Richard; Whitworth, James; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Brink, Anne; Miiro, George; Antvelink, Lucy; Kamali, Anatoli; French, Neil; Mermin, Jonathan
  • The influence of prior exposure to environmental mycobacteria on the IFN-(gamma) response to BCG vaccination in southern England and northern Malaw. (2006) Weir, R; Black, G; Nazareth, B; Floyd, S; Stenson, S; Stanley, C; Branson, K; Sichali, L; Chaguluka, S; Donovan, L; Crampin, A; Fine, P; Dockrell, HM
  • The influence of previous exposure to environmental mycobacteria on the interferon-gamma response to bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in southern England and northern Malawi. (2006) Weir, RE; Black, GF; Nazareth, B; Floyd, S; Stenson, S; Stanley, C; Branson, K; Sichali, L; Chaguluka, SD; Donovan, L; Crampin, AC; Fine, PEM; Dockrell, HM
  • Sexual behaviour in context: a global perspective. (2006) Wellings, Kaye; Collumbien, Martine; Slaymaker, Emma; Singh, Susheela; Hodges, Zoé; Patel, Dhaval; Bajos, Nathalie
  • Patterns of vulnerability to AIDS impacts in Zambian households. (2006) Wiegers, E; Curry, J; Garbero, A; Hourihan, J
  • Y
  • Care providers, care receivers: a longitudinal perspective. (2006) Young, H; Grundy, E; Jitlal, M
  • Z
  • Cocaine self-administration in mice is inversely related to phosphorylation at Thr34 (protein kinase A site) and Ser130 (kinase CK1 site) of DARPP-32. (2006) Zhang, Y; Svenningsson, P; Picetti, R; Schlussman, SD; Nairn, AC; Ho, A; Greengard, P; Kreek, MJ
  • Demonstrating zinc and iron bioavailability from intrinsically labeled microencapsulated ferrous fumarate and zinc gluconate Sprinkles in young children. (2006) Zlotkin, Stanley H; Schauer, Claudia; Owusu Agyei, Seth; Wolfson, Julian; Tondeur, Melody C; Asante, Kwaku P; Newton, Samuel; Serfass, Robert E; Sharieff, Waseem