Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Population Health (2012- )"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Population Health (2012- ) (6066)
  • Dept of Nutrition and Public Health Interventions Research (2003-2012) (633)
  • Dept of Population Studies (1974-2012) (364)
    Number of items: 183.
    April 2005
  • Gangliosides for acute spinal cord injury. (2005) Chinnock, P; Roberts, I
  • Binge drinking. (2005) Chinnock, P
  • 2005
  • How local community knowledge about malaria affects insecticide-treated net use in northern Ghana. (2005) Adongo, Philip B; Kirkwood, Betty; Kendall, Carl
  • Hormone replacement therapy and cataract: a population-based case-control study. (2005) Aina, FO; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Hurt, LS; Fletcher, AE
  • Are these data real? Statistical methods for the detection of data fabrication in clinical trials. (2005) Al-Marzouki, Sanaa; Evans, Stephen; Marshall, Tom; Roberts, Ian
  • The effect of scientific misconduct on the results of clinical trials: a Delphi survey. (2005) Al-Marzouki, Sanaa; Roberts, Ian; Marshall, Tom; Evans, Stephen
  • Sexual and reproductive behaviour among single women aged 15-24 in eight Latin American countries: a comparative analysis. (2005) Ali, Mohamed M; Cleland, John
  • Tagging a T. brucei RRNA locus improves stable transfection efficiency and circumvents inducible expression position effects. (2005) Alsford, Sam; Kawahara, Taemi; Glover, Lucy; Horn, David
  • Effects of chronic copper exposure during early life in rhesus monkeys. (2005) Araya, Magdalena; Kelleher, Shannon L; Arredondo, Miguel A; Sierralta, Walter; Vial, María Teresa; Uauy, Ricardo; Lönnerdal, Bo
  • Supplementing copper at the upper level of the adult dietary recommended intake induces detectable but transient changes in healthy adults. (2005) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; Méndez, Marco A; González, Mauricio; Uauy, Ricardo
  • HIV-1 diversity and prevalence differ between urban and rural areas in the Mbeya region of Tanzania. (2005) Arroyo, Miguel A; Hoelscher, Michael; Sateren, Warren; Samky, Eleuter; Maboko, Leonard; Hoffmann, Oliver; Kijak, Gustavo; Robb, Merlin; Birx, Deborah L; McCutchan, Francine E
  • Infant feeding patterns and risks of death and hospitalization in the first half of infancy: multicentre cohort study. (2005) Bahl, R; Frost, C; Kirkwood, BR; Edmond, K; Martines, J; Bhandari, N; Arthur, P
  • Infant feeding patterns and risks of death and hospitalization in the first half of infancy: multicentre cohort study. (2005) Bahl, Rajiv; Frost, Chris; Kirkwood, Betty R; Edmond, Karen; Martines, Jose; Bhandari, Nita; Arthur, Paul
  • Simple clinical criteria to identify sepsis or pneumonia in neonates in the community needing treatment or referral. (2005) Bang, Abhay T; Bang, Rani A; Reddy, M Hanimi; Baitule, Sanjay B; Deshmukh, Mahesh D; Paul, Vinod K; de C Marshal, Tom F
  • The Millennium Development Goals will not be attained without new research addressing health system constraints to delivering effective interventions: Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research. (2005) Becerra-Posada, F; Berwick, D; Bhutta, Z; Chowdhury, M; de Savigny, D; Haines, A; Hyder, A; Lavis, J; Lumbiganon, P; Mills, A; Mshinda, H; Narayan, R; Oxman, A; Sanders, D; Tomson, G; Victora, C
  • Immune responses induced by infant BCG vaccination in Malawi and the UK. (2005) Ben-Smith, A; Lalor, MK; Weir, RE; Gorak-Stolinska, P; Floyd, S; Makamo, K; Blitz, R; Mvula, H; Newport, MJ; Branson, K; Jahn, A; Crampin, AC; Fine, PE; Dockrell, HM
  • Handbook of Psychiatry: A South Asian perspective. (2005) Bhugra, D; Ranjith, G; Patel, V
  • Visual maturation of term infants fed long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid-supplemented or control formula for 12 mo. (2005) Birch, Eileen E; Castañeda, Yolanda S; Wheaton, Dianna H; Birch, David G; Uauy, Ricardo D; Hoffman, Dennis R
  • The estimation of infant mortality from the proportions dying among births in the past 24 months. (2005) Blacker, J; Brass, W
  • Fertility in Kenya and Uganda: a comparative study of trends and determinants. (2005) Blacker, John; Opiyo, Collins; Jasseh, Momodou; Sloggett, Andy; Ssekamatte-Ssebuliba, John
  • Searching for evidence-based information in eye care. (2005) Blackhall, Karen
  • Accuracy of referencing in the ophthalmic literature. (2005) Buchan, John C; Norris, John; Kuper, Hannah
  • The long shadow of childhood: associations between parental social class and own social class, educational attainment and timing of first birth; results from the ONS Longitudinal Study. (2005) Buxton, Julian; Clarke, Lynda; Grundy, Emily; Marshall, CE
  • The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal. (2005) Case, Anne; Hosegood, Victoria; Lund, Frances
  • Sexual conduct before marriage and subsequent marital happiness in Shanghai. (2005) Che, Y; Cleland, J
  • Factors influencing young women's decision making regarding hormonal contraceptives: a qualitative study. (2005) Cheung, Eileen; Free, Caroline
  • Cochrane Library feedback. (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Cochrane injuries group. (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Road safety campaigns: do they work? (2005) Chinnock, P
  • Is evidence-based medicine relevant to the developing world? (2005) Chinnock, Paul; Siegfried, Nandi; Clarke, Mike picture_as_pdf
  • Factors affecting the duration of exclusive breastfeeding among HIV-infected and -uninfected women in Lusaka, Zambia. (2005) Chisenga, Molly; Kasonka, Lackson; Makasa, Mpundu; Sinkala, Moses; Chintu, Chifumbe; Kaseba, Christine; Kasolo, Francis; Tomkins, Andrew; Murray, Susan; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Estimating the burden of shigellosis in Thailand: 36-month population-based surveillance study. (2005) Chompook, Pornthip; Samosornsuk, Seksun; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Jitsanguansuk, Supot; Sirima, Nunta; Sudjai, Sanit; Mangjit, Prasitchai; Kim, Deok Ryun; Wheeler, Jeremy G; Todd, Jim; Lee, Hyejon; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John; Tapchaisri, Pramuan; Chaicumpa, Wanpen
  • Family and Economic roles. (2005) Clarke, L; Evandrou, M
  • Fathering behind Bars in English Prisons: Imprisoned Fathers' Identity and Contact with their Children. (2005) Clarke, L; O'Brien, M; Day, R; Godwin, H; Connolly, J; Hemmings, J; van Leeson, T
  • Use of the male condom within marriage. (2005) Cleland, J
  • Power over Reproductive health Decisions: Relative Roles of Husbands and Wives in Eastern and Southern Africa. (2005) Cleland, J; Maharaj, P
  • What would Malthus say about AIDS in Africa? (2005) Cleland, John; Sinding, Steven
  • Consent in emergency research: new regulations. (2005) Coats, TJ; Shakur, H
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic hemorrhage. (2005) Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverley; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic hemorrhage: a large scale randomized controlled trial is needed. (2005) Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverley; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic haemorrhage. (2005) Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverly; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema
  • Developmental changes in leptin as a measure of energy status in human infants in a natural ecologic setting. (2005) Collinson, Andrew; Moore, Sophie; O'Connell, Maria; Charalambos, Charles; Prentice, Andrew
  • Childhood developmental predictors of mental health during a forty-year period from adolescence to adulthood. (2005) Colman, J; Croudace, TJ; Ploubidis, G; Wadsworth, MEJ; Jones, PB
  • Comparison of the effect of two systems for the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. (2005) Coutinho, Sonia Bechara; de Lira, Pedro Israel Cabral; de Carvalho Lima, Marilia; Ashworth, Ann
  • Energy metabolism. (2005) Cox, S
  • Rapid acquisition of isolate-specific antibodies to chondroitin sulfate A-adherent plasmodium falciparum isolates in Ghanaian primigravidae. (2005) Cox, Sharon E; Staalsoe, Trine; Arthur, Paul; Bulmer, Judith N; Hviid, Lars; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo; Kirkwood, Betty R; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Maternal vitamin A supplementation and immunity to malaria in pregnancy in Ghanaian primigravids. (2005) Cox, Sharon E; Staalsoe, Trine; Arthur, Paul; Bulmer, Judith N; Tagbor, Harry; Hviid, Lars; Frost, Chris; Riley, Eleanor M; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • Statistical software review. (2005) Croudace, T; Ploubidis, G; Abbott, R
  • Active trachoma in children aged three to nine years in rural communities in Ethiopia: prevalence, indicators and risk factors. (2005) Cumberland, Phillippa; Hailu, Girum; Todd, Jim
  • Chile's national nutritional supplementation program for older people: lessons learned. (2005) Dangour, Alan D; Moreno, Ximena; Albala, Cecilia; Rivera-Marquez, Alberto; Lera, Lydia; Villalobos, Alicia; Morris, Saul S; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Psychometric and cognitive validation of a social capital measurement tool in Peru and Vietnam. (2005) De Silva, MJ; Harpham, T; Tuan, T; Bartolini, R; Penny, ME; Huttly, SR
  • Social capital and mental illness: a systematic review. (2005) De Silva, MJ; McKenzie, K; Harpham, T; Huttly, SR
  • Increasing contraceptive use in rural Pakistan: an evaluation of the Lady Health Worker Programme. (2005) Douthwaite, Megan; Ward, Patrick
  • Effect of dietary supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid on markers of calcium and bone metabolism in healthy adult men. (2005) Doyle, L; Jewell, C; Mullen, A; Nugent, AP; Roche, HM; Cashman, KD
  • Risk and trust: determinants of public perceptions. (2005) Draper, A; Green, J; Dowler, E
  • Plasma zinc concentrations are depressed during the acute phase response in children with falciparum malaria. (2005) Duggan, Christopher; MacLeod, William B; Krebs, Nancy F; Westcott, Jamie L; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Premji, Zul G; Mwanakasale, Victor; Simon, Jonathon L; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo; Hamer, Davidson H
  • Final results of MRC CRASH, a randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroid in adults with head injury-outcomes at 6 months. (2005) Edwards, Phil; Arango, Miguel; Balica, Laura; Cottingham, Rowland; El-Sayed, Hesham; Farrell, Barbara; Fernandes, Janice; Gogichaisvili, Tamar; Golden, Nyoman; Hartzenberg, Bennie; Husain, Mazhar; Ulloa, Mario Izurieta; Jerbi, Zouheir; Khamis, Hussein; Komolafe, Edward; Laloë, Véronique; Lomas, Gabrielle; Ludwig, Silke; Mazairac, Guy; Muñoz Sanchéz, Maria de los Angeles; Nasi, Luis; Olldashi, Fatos; Plunkett, Patrick; Roberts, Ian; Sandercock, Peter; Shakur, Haleema; Soler, Caridad; Stocker, Reto; Svoboda, Petr; Trenkler, Stefan; Venkataramana, NK; Wasserberg, Jonathan; Yates, David; Yutthakasemsunt, Surakrant; CRASH trial collaborators
  • Meta-analysis of randomised trials of monetary incentives and response to mailed questionnaires. (2005) Edwards, Phil; Cooper, Rachel; Roberts, Ian; Frost, Chris
  • Rapid assessment for prioritisation of trachoma control at community level in one district of the Kaolack Region, Senegal. (2005) Faye, Marcel; Kuper, Hannah; Dineen, Brendan; Bailey, Robin
  • Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respiratory Failure: the INNOVO multicentre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN 17821339). (2005) Field, D; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A; Grieve, R; Hardy, P; Fenton, AC; Subhedar, N; Ahluwalia, J; Halliday, HL; Stocks, J; Tomlin, K; Normand, C; INNOVO Trial Collaborating Group
  • HIV and orphanhood: report on collaborative study prepared for UNICEF. (2005) Floyd, S; Marston, M; Hosegood, V; Scholten, F; Zaba, B
  • AIDS mortality and the mobility of children in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. (2005) Ford, Kathleen; Hosegood, Victoria
  • Advice about sexual health for young people. (2005) Free, Caroline
  • Transcultural communication and ethnic comparisons in the experience of services. (2005) Free, Caroline
  • Emergency contraception use and non-use in young women: the application of a contextual and dynamic model. (2005) Free, Caroline; Ogden, Jane
  • Young women's contraception use as a contextual and dynamic behaviour: A qualitative study. (2005) Free, Caroline; Ogden, Jane; Lee, Ray
  • Integrating mental health in global initiatives for HIV/AIDS. (2005) Freeman, Melvyn; Patel, Vikram; Collins, Pamela Y; Bertolote, Jose
  • Benzodiazepine use in Santiago, Chile. (2005) Fritsch Montero, R; Rojas Castillo, G; Gaete Olivares, J; Araya Baltra, R; González Rubio, I
  • Stable isotope dilution techniques for assessing vitamin A status and bioefficacy of provitamin A carotenoids in humans. (2005) Furr, Harold C; Green, Michael H; Haskell, Marjorie; Mokhtar, Najat; Nestel, Penelope; Newton, Sam; Ribaya-Mercado, Judy D; Tang, Guangwen; Tanumihardjo, Sherry; Wasantwisut, Emorn
  • Exploratory data analysis of the FAO/DCI dataset on "improving livelihoods of HIV/AIDS affected households in Northern Province, Zambia". (2005) Garbero, A
  • The impact and patterns of hazardous drinking amongst male industrial workers in Goa, India. (2005) Gaunekar, Gaurish; Patel, Vikram; Rane, Anil
  • In-depth, longitudinal analysis of viral quasispecies from an individual triply infected with late-stage human immunodeficiency virus type 1, using a multiple PCR primer approach. (2005) Gerhardt, M; Mloka, D; Tovanabutra, S; Sanders-Buell, E; Hoffmann, O; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; Birx, DL; McCutchan, FE; Hoelscher, M
  • Infection: Nutritional Interactions. (2005) Ghattas, H
  • HIV/AIDS and food and nutrition security: From evidence to action. (2005) Gillespie, S; Kadiyala, S
  • HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition Security: Interactions and Response. (2005) Gillespie, Stuart; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • Determining the cost effectiveness of a smoke alarm give-away program using data from a randomized controlled trial. (2005) Ginnelly, Laura; Sculpher, Mark; Bojke, Chris; Roberts, Ian; Wade, Angie; Diguiseppi, Carolyn
  • Maternal micronutrient status and decreased growth of Zambian infants born during and after the maize price increases resulting from the southern African drought of 2001-2002. (2005) Gitau, R; Makasa, M; Kasonka, L; Sinkala, M; Chintu, C; Tomkins, A; Filteau, S
  • The health consequences of multiple roles at older ages in the UK. (2005) Glaser, Karen; Evandrou, Maria; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype, northern Malawi. (2005) Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Traore, Hamidou; Yates, Malcolm D; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Chaguluka, Steven D; Mwafulirwa, Donex T; Floyd, Sian; Murphy, Caroline; Drobniewski, Francis A; Fine, Paul EM
  • The importance of recent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an area with high HIV prevalence: a long-term molecular epidemiological study in Northern Malawi. (2005) Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Yates, Malcolm D; Traore, Hamidou; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Ndlovu, Richard; Drobniewski, Francis; Fine, Paul EM
  • Do young New Zealand Pacific Island and European children differ in bone size or bone mineral? (2005) Grant, AM; Gordon, FK; Ferguson, EL; Williams, SM; Henry, TE; Toafa, VM; Guthrie, BE; Goulding, A
  • Methods to estimate the number of orphans as a result of AIDS and other causes in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Grassly, Nicholas C; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Translators and mediators: bilingual young people's accounts of their interpreting work in health care. (2005) Green, Judith; Free, Caroline; Bhavnani, Vanita; Newman, Tony
  • Avant-propos. Le soutien aux personnes âgés en Europe. (2005) Grundy, E; Festy, P
  • Le soutien aux personnes âgés en Europe. (2005) Grundy, E; Festy, PE
  • Commentary: The McKeown debate: time for burial. (2005) Grundy, Emily
  • Reciprocity in relationships: socio-economic and health influences on intergenerational exchanges between Third Age parents and their adult children in Great Britain. (2005) Grundy, Emily
  • Fertility history and health in later life: a record linkage study in England and Wales. (2005) Grundy, Emily; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa. (2005) HOSEGOOD, VICTORIA; TIMÆUS, IAN M
  • Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research to the WHO Advisory Committee on Health Research. (2005) Haines, A
  • Task Force on Health Systems Research: a research agenda to help attain the MDGs. (2005) Haines, A
  • The human health consequences of flooding in Europe: a review. (2005) Hajat, S; Ebi, KL; Kovats, RS; Menne, B; Edwards, S; Haines, A
  • Early sexual debut among young men in rural South Africa: heightened vulnerability to sexual risk? (2005) Harrison, A; Cleland, J; Gouws, E; Frohlich, J
  • The MEMA kwa Vijana project: design of a community randomised trial of an innovative adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania. (2005) Hayes, Richard J; Changalucha, John; Ross, David A; Gavyole, Awene; Todd, Jim; Obasi, Angela IN; Plummer, Mary L; Wight, Daniel; Mabey, David C; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Unconventional approaches to mortality estimation. (2005) Hill, Kenneth; Choi, Yoonjoung; Timaeus, Ian
  • Population mobility and household dynamics in rural South Africa: implications for demographic and health research. (2005) Hosegood, V; Benzler, J; Solarsh, G
  • Sexually transmitted infections in New Zealand in 2003. (2005) Johnston, A; Fernando, D; MacBride-Stewart, G
  • Trends in height and BMI of 6-year-old children during the nutrition transition in Chile. (2005) Kain, Juliana; Uauy, Ricardo; Lera, Lydia; Taibo, Marcela; Albala, Cecilia
  • [Evolution of the nutritional status of six years old Chilean children (1987-2003)]. (2005) Kain, Juliana; Uauy, Ricardo; Lera, Lydia; Taibo, Marcela; Espejo, Francisco; Albala, Cecilia
  • The case for strategic international alliances to harness nutritional genomics for public and personal health. (2005) Kaput, Jim; Ordovas, Jose M; Ferguson, Lynnette; van Ommen, Ben; Rodriguez, Raymond L; Allen, Lindsay; Ames, Bruce N; Dawson, Kevin; German, Bruce; Krauss, Ronald; Malyj, Wasyl; Archer, Michael C; Barnes, Stephen; Bartholomew, Amelia; Birk, Ruth; van Bladeren, Peter; Bradford, Kent J; Brown, Kenneth H; Caetano, Rosane; Castle, David; Chadwick, Ruth; Clarke, Stephen; Clément, Karine; Cooney, Craig A; Corella, Dolores; Manica da Cruz, Ivana Beatrice; Daniel, Hannelore; Duster, Troy; Ebbesson, Sven OE; Elliott, Ruan; Fairweather-Tait, Susan; Felton, Jim; Fenech, Michael; Finley, John W; Fogg-Johnson, Nancy; Gill-Garrison, Rosalynn; Gibney, Michael J; Gillies, Peter J; Gustafsson, Jan-Ake; Hartman, John L; He, Lin; Hwang, Jae-Kwan; Jais, Jean-Philippe; Jang, Yangsoo; Joost, Hans; Junien, Claudine; Kanter, Mitchell; Kibbe, Warren A; Koletzko, Berthold; Korf, Bruce R; Kornman, Kenneth; Krempin, David W; Langin, Dominique; Lauren, Denis R; Ho Lee, Jong; Leveille, Gilbert A; Lin, Su-Ju; Mathers, John; Mayne, Michael; McNabb, Warren; Milner, John A; Morgan, Peter; Muller, Michael; Nikolsky, Yuri; van der Ouderaa, Frans; Park, Taesun; Pensel, Norma; Perez-Jimenez, Francisco; Poutanen, Kaisa; Roberts, Matthew; Saris, Wim HM; Schuster, Gertrud; Shelling, Andrew N; Simopoulos, Artemis P; Southon, Sue; Tai, E Shyong; Towne, Bradford; Trayhurn, Paul; Uauy, Ricardo; Visek, Willard J; Warden, Craig; Weiss, Rick; Wiencke, John; Winkler, Jack; Wolff, George L; Zhao-Wilson, Xi; Zucker, Jean-Daniel
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2005) Ker, Katharine; Roberts, Ian; Collier, Timothy; Beyer, Fiona; Bunn, Frances; Frost, Chris
  • Promoting informed choice: evaluating a decision-making tool for family planning clients and providers in Mexico. (2005) Kim, Young Mi; Kols, Adrienne; Martin, Antonieta; Silva, David; Rinehart, Ward; Prammawat, Sarah; Johnson, Sarah; Church, Kathryn
  • Exclusive and predominant breastfeeding - a letter of reply. (2005) Kirkwood, B; Bahl, R; Martines, J
  • Using climate to predict infectious disease epidemics. (2005) Kuhn, K; Campbell-Lendrum, D; Haines, A; Cox, J
  • Epidemiology for ophthalmologists: an introduction to concepts, study designs, and interpreting findings. (2005) Kuper, H; Gilbert, C
  • Participatory evaluations of trachoma control programmes in eight countries. (2005) Kuper, Hannah; Solomon, Anthony W; Buchan, John C; Zondervan, Marcia; Mabey, David; Foster, Allen
  • Micronutrient intake during pregnancy in relation to birth size. (2005) Lagiou, Pagona; Mucci, Lorelei; Tamimi, Rulla; Kuper, Hannah; Lagiou, Areti; Hsieh, Chung-Cheng; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios
  • Infants with intrauterine growth restriction have impaired formation of docosahexaenoic acid in early neonatal life: a stable isotope study. (2005) Llanos, Adolfo; Lin, Yuhong; Mena, Patricia; Salem, Norman; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Poverty, violence and depression during pregnancy: a survey of mothers attending a public hospital in Brazil. (2005) Lovisi, Giovanni Marcos; López, José Ramon RA; Coutinho, Evandro Silva Freire; Patel, Vikram
  • B-cell kinetics in humans: rapid turnover of peripheral blood memory cells. (2005) Macallan, Derek C; Wallace, Diana L; Zhang, Yan; Ghattas, Hala; Asquith, Becca; de Lara, Catherine; Worth, Andrew; Panayiotakopoulos, George; Griffin, George E; Tough, David F; Beverley, Peter CL
  • Are humans cooperative breeders? (2005) Mace, R; Sear, R picture_as_pdf
  • Surveying the literature from animal experiments: systematic review and meta-analysis are important contributions. (2005) Macleod, Malcolm R; Ebrahim, Shah; Roberts, Ian
  • Integration of sexual and reproductive health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2005) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Risk perception and condom use among married or cohabiting couples in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2005) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Women on top: the relative influence of wives and husbands on contraceptive use in KwaZulu-Natal. (2005) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Estimating the net effect of HIV on child mortality in African populations affected by generalized HIV epidemics. (2005) Marston, Milly; Zaba, Basia; Salomon, Joshua A; Brahmbhatt, Heena; Bagenda, Danstan
  • Donor agencies' involvement in reproductive health: saying one thing and doing another? (2005) Mayhew, Susannah H; Walt, Gill; Lush, Louisiana; Cleland, John
  • In-depth analysis of a heterosexually acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection: evolution, temporal fluctuation, and intercompartment dynamics from the seronegative window period through 30 months postinfection. (2005) McCutchan, FE; Hoelscher, M; Tovanabutra, S; Piyasirisilp, S; Sanders-Buell, E; Ramos, G; Jagodzinski, L; Polonis, V; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; Hoffmann, O; Riedner, G; von Sonnenburg, F; Robb, M; Birx, DL
  • Validity of the construct of post-traumatic stress disorder in a low-income country: interview study of women in Gujarat, India. (2005) Mehta, Khyati; Vankar, Ganpat; Patel, Vikram
  • Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: does mental health play a role? (2005) Miranda, J Jaime; Patel, Vikram
  • Early immunological development and mortality from infectious disease in later life. (2005) Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; N'Gom, PT; Aspinall, R; Prentice, AM
  • Maternal malnutrition and the risk of infection in later life. (2005) Moore, SE; Collinson, AG; N'Gom, PT; Prentice, AM
  • Revaccination does not improve observed deficit in antibody responses in Pakistani adults born of a lower birth weight. (2005) Moore, SE; Jalil, F; Prentice, AM; Hanson, LA
  • Commentary: patterns in mortality governed by the seasons. (2005) Moore, Sophie E
  • Maternal malnutrition and the risk of infection in later life. (2005) Moore, Sophie E; Collinson, Andrew C; N'Gom, Pa Tamba; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Pilot study of losartan for pulmonary hypertension in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2005) Morrell, Nicholas W; Higham, Matthew A; Phillips, Peter G; Shakur, B Haleema; Robinson, Paul J; Beddoes, Ray J
  • 'I never go anywhere': extricating the links between women's mobility and uptake of reproductive health services in Pakistan. (2005) Mumtaz, Zubia; Salway, Sarah
  • Aetiology and clinical presentation of pneumonia in hospitalized and outpatient children in Northeast Brazil and risk factors for severity. (2005) Nacul, Luis C; Kirkwood, Betty R; Carneiro, Araci C; Pannuti, Claudio S; Magalhaes, Marcelo; Arthur, Paul
  • Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D does not vary over the course of a malarial infection. (2005) Newens, Katie; Filteau, Suzanne; Tomkins, Andrew
  • Vitamin a supplementation does not affect infants' immune responses to polio and tetanus vaccines. (2005) Newton, Sam; Cousens, Simon; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Filteau, Suzanne; Stanley, Carolynne; Linsell, Louise; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry for sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Njenga, F; Acuda, W; Patel, V; Maj, M
  • Effects of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation on birthweight and gestational duration in Nepal: double-blind, randomised controlled trial. (2005) Osrin, David; Vaidya, Anjana; Shrestha, Yagya; Baniya, Ram Bahadur; Manandhar, Dharma S; Adhikari, Ramesh K; Filteau, Suzanne; Tomkins, Andrew; Costello, Anthony M de L
  • Social origins, biological treatments: the public health significance of common mental disorders in India. (2005) Patel, V
  • Mental health. (2005) Patel, V; Flisher, A; Cohen, A
  • Irrational drug use in India: a prescription survey from Goa. (2005) Patel, V; Vaidya, R; Naik, D; Borker, P
  • Poverty, gender and mental health promotion in a global society. (2005) Patel, Vikram
  • Chronic fatigue in developing countries: population based survey of women in India. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Weiss, Helen; Pednekar, Sulochana; Fernandes, Janice; Pereira, Bernadette; Upadhye, Medha; Mabey, David
  • Why do women complain of vaginal discharge? A population survey of infectious and pyschosocial risk factors in a South Asian community. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Pednekar, Sulochana; Weiss, Helen; Rodrigues, Merlyn; Barros, Preetam; Nayak, Bernice; Tanksale, Vandana; West, Beryl; Nevrekar, Prasad; Kirkwood, Betty R; Mabey, David
  • Using HIV surveillance data: recent experiences and avenues for the future. (2005) Pervilhac, Cyril; Stover, John; Pisani, Elizabeth; Brown, Tim; Mayorga, Ruben; Mugurungi, Owen; Shaukat, Mohammed; Fan, Lu; Ghys, Peter D
  • The household distribution of trachoma in a Tanzanian village: an application of GIS to the study of trachoma. (2005) Polack, SR; Solomon, AW; Alexander, NDE; Massae, PA; Safari, S; Shao, JF; Foster, A; Mabey, DC
  • Mapping the global distribution of trachoma. (2005) Polack, Sarah; Brooker, Simon; Kuper, Hannah; Mariotti, Silvio; Mabey, David; Foster, Allen
  • Childhood obesity and disease risk. (2005) Poskitt, EME
  • Tackling childhood obesity: diet, physical activity or lifestyle change? (2005) Poskitt, Elizabeth ME
  • Early programming of adult diseases in resource poor countries. (2005) Prentice, AM; Moore, SE
  • Insights from the developing world: thrifty genotypes and thrifty phenotypes. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M; Rayco-Solon, Pura; Moore, Sophie E
  • The influence of social relations on mortality in later life: a study on elderly Danish twins. (2005) Rasulo, Domenica; Christensen, Kaare; Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Monitoring cause-specific adult mortality in developing countries: a comparison of data sources for Addis Ababa and its implications for policy and research. (2005) Reniers, Georges; Araya, Tekebash; Schaap, Ab; Kumie, Abera; Kebede, Derege; Nagelkerke, Nico; Coutinho, Roel; Sanders, Eduard J
  • Single-dose azithromycin versus penicillin G benzathine for the treatment of early syphilis. (2005) Riedner, Gabriele; Rusizoka, Mary; Todd, Jim; Maboko, Leonard; Hoelscher, Michael; Mmbando, Donan; Samky, Eleuter; Lyamuya, Eligius; Mabey, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • Confession of a climate criminal. (2005) Roberts, I
  • Death on the road to international development. (2005) Roberts, I
  • Possible explanations for the results of CRASH. (2005) Roberts, I; Edwards, P; Shakur, H
  • Climate change: the implications for policy on injury control and health promotion. (2005) Roberts, I; Hillman, M
  • Antifibrinolytic agents in traumatic hemorrhage. (2005) Roberts, Ian
  • Trauma care research and the war on uncertainty. (2005) Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema; Edwards, Phil; Yates, David; Sandercock, Peter
  • Use of psychotropic medication in Santiago, Chile. (2005) Rojas, Graciela; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Gaete, Jorge; González, Isabel; Araya, Ricardo
  • HIV/AIDS interventions in low prevalence countries: a case study of Albania. (2005) Roura, M
  • Deaths in the era of HAART: contribution of late presentation, treatment exposure, resistance and abnormal laboratory markers. (2005) Sabin, Caroline A; Smith, Colette J; Youle, Mike; Lampe, Fiona C; Bell, Di Robertson; Puradiredja, Dewi; Lipman, Marc CI; Bhagani, Sanjay; Phillips, Andrew N; Johnson, Margaret A
  • Women's employment in urban Bangladesh: A challenge to gender identity? (2005) Salway, S; Jesmin, S; Rahman, S
  • Biology at work: Rethinking sexual equality. (2005) Sear, R picture_as_pdf
  • Energy requirements of adults. (2005) Shetty, Prakash
  • Are breast-fed infants and toddlers in New Zealand at risk of iodine deficiency? (2005) Skeaff, Sheila A; Ferguson, Elaine L; McKenzie, Joanne E; Valeix, Pierre; Gibson, Rosalind S; Thomson, Christine D
  • Using the File Command to Produce Formatted Output for other Applications. (2005) Slaymaker, Emma
  • The Cochrane Library: more systematic reviews on nutrition needed. (2005) Summerbell, CD; Chinnock, P; O'Malley, C; van Binsbergen, JJ
  • Validity of a Social Capital Measurement Tool in Vietnam. (2005) Thuy Huong, Van Thi; Dewitt, Darin; Harpham, Trudy; Thu Huong, Nguyen; Thap Long, Tran; Thi Van Ha, Nguyen; Tuan, Tran; De Silva, Mary
  • Rencontres entre parents âgés et enfants: quelles différences en Europe? (2005) Tomassini, C; Grundy, E; Kalogirou, S; Gaymu, J; Binet, A; Martikainen, P; Karisto, A
  • Nutrition of the Preterm Infant: Scientific Basis and Practical Guidelines. (2005) Tsang, RC; Uauy, R; Koletzko, B; Zlotkin, S
  • Measuring social capital and mental health in Vietnam: a validity study. (2005) Tuan, T; Harpham, T; Huong, N; de Silva, M
  • Defining and addressing the nutritional needs of populations. (2005) Uauy, Ricardo
  • Commentary: the importance of addressing the rise of overweight and obesity--progress or lack of action during the last fifty years? (2005) Uauy, Ricardo; Lock, Karen
  • Diet, nutrition, and the life-course approach to cancer prevention. (2005) Uauy, Ricardo; Solomons, Noel
  • A compilation of energy costs of physical activities. (2005) Vaz, Mario; Karaolis, Nadine; Draper, Alizon; Shetty, Prakash
  • Co-coverage of preventive interventions and implications for child-survival strategies: evidence from national surveys. (2005) Victora, Cesar G; Fenn, Bridget; Bryce, Jennifer; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • Seeking conception: experiences of urban Indian women with in vitro fertilisation. (2005) Widge, Anjali
  • Postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner city areas: a randomised controlled trial. (2005) Wiggins, M; Oakley, A; Roberts, I; Turner, H; Rajan, L; Austerberry, H; Mujica, R; Mugford, M; Barker, M
  • Case mix and outcomes for admissions to UK adult, general critical care units with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database. (2005) Wildman, Martin J; Harrison, David A; Brady, Anthony R; Rowan, Kathy
  • Who cares? Geographic variation in unpaid caregiving in England and Wales: evidence from the 2001 census. (2005) Young, Harriet; Grundy, Emily; Kalogirou, Stamatis
  • The role of behavioral data in HIV surveillance. (2005) Zaba, Basia; Slaymaker, Emma; Urassa, Mark; Boerma, J Ties
  • HIV and mortality of mothers and children: evidence from cohort studies in Uganda, Tanzania, and Malawi. (2005) Zaba, Basia; Whitworth, Jimmy; Marston, Milly; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Ruberantwari, Anthony; Urassa, Mark; Issingo, Raphaeli; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Floyd, Sian; Nyondo, Andrew; Crampin, Amelia
  • Social inequalities in maternal opinion of child development in southern Brazil. (2005) de Lourdes Drachler, Maria; de Castro Aerts, Denise Ganzo; de Souza, Rosana Mendonça; de Carvalho Leite, José Carlos; Giugliani, Elsa Justo; Marshall, Tom
  • Implementing global knowledge in local practice: a WHO lung health initiative in Nepal. (2005) ten Asbroek, AHA; Delnoij, DMJ; Niessen, LW; Scherpbier, RW; Shrestha, N; Bam, DS; Gunneberg, C; van der Hor, CW; Klazinga, NS
  • Rapport d’évaluation du projet cases de santé au Sénégal de l’ASDI et Sankana. (2005) van Ginneken, NH
  • Une mission d'evaluation. La sante, la brousse, le Senegal. (2005) van Ginneken, NH