Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Population Health (2012- )"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Population Health (2012- ) (6066)
  • Dept of Nutrition and Public Health Interventions Research (2003-2012) (633)
  • Dept of Population Studies (1974-2012) (364)
    Number of items: 210.
    Bibliographic data only
  • The Impact of HIV 1 on Fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: Causes and Consequences. (2003) GregsonS; ZabaB; HunterSC
  • Prostate cancer risk and serologic evidence of human papilloma virus infection: a population-based case-control study. (2003) Adami, Hans-Olov; Kuper, Hannah; Andersson, Swen-Olof; Bergström, Reinhold; Dillner, Joakim
  • Trends in reproductive behavior among young single women in Colombia and Peru: 1985-1999. (2003) Ali, Mohamed M; Cleland, John; Shah, Iqbal H
  • Sex, studies or strife? What to integrate in adolescent health services. (2003) Andrew, Gracy; Patel, Vikram; Ramakrishna, Jayashree
  • Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance: a quest for effectiveness, quality, and improvement. (2003) Arah, OA; Klazinga, NS; Delnoij, DMJ; ten Asbroek, AHA; Custers, T
  • Copper deficiency and excess in infancy: developing a research agenda. (2003) Araya, Magdalena; Koletzko, Berthold; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Copper exposure and potential biomarkers of copper metabolism. (2003) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; González, Mauricio; Speisky, Hernán; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms and blood indicators of copper load in apparently healthy adults undergoing controlled copper exposure. (2003) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; González, Mauricio; Speisky, Hernán; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Treating depression in primary care in low-income women in Santiago, Chile: a randomised controlled trial. (2003) Araya, Ricardo; Rojas, Graciela; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Gaete, Jorge; Rojas, Maritza; Simon, Greg; Peters, Tim J
  • Severe malnutrition. (2003) Ashworth, A
  • Caring for severely malnourished children. (2003) Ashworth, A; Burgess, A
  • Guidelines for the inpatient treatment of severely malnourished children. (2003) Ashworth, A; Khanum, S; Jackson, A; : Schofield, C
  • Interferon-alpha receptor-1 (IFNAR1) variants are associated with protection against cerebral malaria in the Gambia. (2003) Aucan, C; Walley, AJ; Hennig, BJW; Fitness, J; Frodsham, A; Zhang, L; Kwiatkowski, D; Hill, AVS
  • Susceptibility to mycobacterial infections: the importance of host genetics. (2003) Bellamy, R
  • An assessment of the KDICP and MDICP data quality: Interviewer effects, question reliability and sample attrition. (2003) Bignami-van Assche, S; Reniers, G; Weinreb, AA
  • Gamma interferon responses induced by a panel of recombinant and purified mycobacterial antigens in healthy, non-mycobacterium bovis BCG-vaccinated Malawian young adults. (2003) Black, Gillian F; Weir, Rosemary E; Chaguluka, Steven D; Warndorff, David; Crampin, Amelia C; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Sichali, Lifted; Floyd, Sian; Bliss, Lyn; Jarman, Elizabeth; Donovan, Linda; Andersen, Peter; Britton, Warwick; Hewinson, Glyn; Huygen, Kris; Paulsen, Jens; Singh, Mahavir; Prestidge, Ross; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Where and why are 10 million children dying every year? (2003) Black, Robert E; Morris, Saul S; Bryce, Jennifer
  • Annual mortality rates and excess deaths of children under five in Iraq, 1991-98. (2003) Blacker, John; Jones, Gareth; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Linear programming: a mathematical tool for analyzing and optimizing children's diets during the complementary feeding period. (2003) Briend, André; Darmon, Nicole; Ferguson, Elaine; Erhardt, Juergen G
  • Traffic calming for the prevention of road traffic injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2003) Bunn, F; Collier, T; Frost, C; Ker, K; Roberts, I; Wentz, R
  • Child support grant study findings. (2003) Case, A; Hosegood, V; Lund, F
  • Comparative analysis for four European countries. (2003) Castagnaro, C; Garbero, A; Iezzi, F
  • Doubting the existence of AIDS: a barrier to voluntary HIV testing and counselling in urban Mali. (2003) Castle, Sarah
  • Factors influencing young Malians' reluctance to use hormonal contraceptives. (2003) Castle, Sarah
  • The prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking in industrial workers: a study from Goa, India. (2003) Chagas Silva, Melvin; Gaunekar, Gaurish; Patel, Vikram; Kukalekar, Damodar S; Fernandes, John
  • Evaluation of a community-based rehabilitation model for chronic schizophrenia in rural India. (2003) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Patel, Vikram; Chatterjee, Achira; Weiss, Helen A
  • Contraceptive use before and after marriage in Shanghai. (2003) Che, Yan; Cleland, John
  • Knowledge into action for child survival. (2003) Claeson, M; Gillespie, D; Mshinda, H; Troedsson, H; Victora, CG; Bellagio Study Group on Child Survival
  • Family Change and the Role of Grandparents. (2003) Clarke, L; Grundy, E
  • Children's changing families and family resources. (2003) Clarke, L; Joshi, H
  • Father Involvement in Britain: the research and policy evidence. (2003) Clarke, L; O'Brien, M
  • Fatherhood in the New Millennium. (2003) Clarke, L; Roberts, C
  • Mortality-Fertility Relationships. (2003) Cleland, J
  • World Fertility Survey. (2003) Cleland, J
  • The value of the imperfect: the contribution of interview surveys to the study of gynaecological ill health. (2003) Cleland, J; Harlow, S
  • Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in resaerch on reproductive health. (2003) Cleland, J; Pelto, P
  • Birth season and environmental influences on patterns of thymic growth in rural Gambian infants. (2003) Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Cole, TJ; Prentice, AM
  • Early seasonal effects on leucocyte and lymphocyte numbers in rural Gambian infants. (2003) Collinson, AC; N'Gom, PT; Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Prentice, AM; Keneba, MRC
  • Methotrexate therapy in asthma increases T cell susceptibility to corticosteroid inhibition. (2003) Corrigan, CJ; Shiner, R; Shakur, BH; Ind, PW
  • The long-term impact of HIV and orphanhood on the mortality and physical well-being of children in rural Malawi. (2003) Crampin, Amelia C; Floyd, Sian; Glynn, Judith R; Madise, Nyovani; Nyondo, Andrew; Khondowe, Masiya M; Njoka, Chance L; Kanyongoloka, Huxley; Ngwira, Bagrey; Zaba, Basia; Fine, Paul E
  • Trends and measurement of HIV prevalence in northern Malawi. (2003) Crampin, Amelia C; Glynn, Judith R; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Mwaungulu, Frank D; Pönnighaus, Jörg M; Warndorff, David K; Fine, Paul E
  • Determinants of muscle strength in free-living older people in Santiago, Chile (abstract). (2003) Dangour, AD; Bunout, D; Barrera, G; Uauy, R
  • Anthropometric status of Kazakh children in the 1990s. (2003) Dangour, AD; Farmer, A; Hill, HL; Ismail, SJ
  • Cross-sectional changes in anthropometric variables among Wapishana and Patamona Amerindian adults. (2003) Dangour, Alan D
  • Ageing and nutrition in developing countries. (2003) Dangour, Alan D; Ismail, Suraiya J
  • Do economic constraints encourage the selection of energy dense diets? (2003) Darmon, Nicole; Ferguson, Elaine; Briend, André
  • Individual counselling for injury prevention. (2003) DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I
  • Men in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Reproductive health issues. (2003) Douthwaite, M
  • Violence against women. (2003) Dutton, MA; Kilpatrick, D; Friedman, M; Patel, V
  • Methods to influence the completeness of response to self-administered questionnaires (Protocol for a Cochrane Methodology Review). (2003) Edwards, P; Cooper, R; Wentz, R; Fernandes, J
  • Geographic targeting: a cost-effective way to enhance programme impact? (2003) Fenn, B; Morris, SS
  • Infant-feeding strategies to prevent post-natal HIV transmission. (2003) Filteau, Suzanne
  • The influence of mastitis on antibody transfer to infants through breast milk. (2003) Filteau, Suzanne
  • Evaluation of the Family Allowance Program (PRAF) in Honduras: nutritional impact. (2003) Flores, R; Morris, SS; Olinto, P; Medina, J; Neidecker, O
  • What motivates interest in attending a familial cancer genetics clinic? (2003) Fraser, L; Bramald, S; Chapman, C; Chu, C; Cornelius, V; Douglas, F; Lucassen, A; Nehammer, A; Sutton, S; Trivella, M; Hodgson, S
  • Teenage Pregnancy. (2003) Free, C
  • Bilingual young people's experiences of interpreting in primary care: a qualitative study. (2003) Free, C; Green, J; Bhavnani, V; Newman, A
  • A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: changes in young women?s contraception use over time. (2003) Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
  • A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: key themes. (2003) Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
  • What young people do when contraception goes wrong. (2003) Free, C; Ogden, J
  • HIV in married couples: factors affecting concordancy and discordancy in four African cities. (2003) Freeman, EE; Glynn, JR
  • Measurement of Social Exclusion and its Demographic Implications in Ireland. (2003) Garbero, A
  • Measurement of Social Exclusion and its Demographic Implications in Spain. (2003) Garbero, A
  • Part B: Quantitative Baseline Survey. (2003) Garbero, A
  • Social Exclusion: conceptual and meausurement issues. (2003) Garbero, A
  • The long-term effects of perinatal malnutrition on immunity: Lymphocyte subset distribution and kinetics in young Gambian men (Abstract). (2003) Ghattas, H; Irvine, A; Wallace, D; Solon, J; Morgan, G; Prentice, A; MacAllan, D
  • Effect of moderate anaemia on later mortality in rural African children. (2003) Ghattas, Hala; Fulford, Tony; Prentice, Andrew
  • The effect of sepsis on long term survival. (2003) Ghelani, DR; Moran, JL; Sloggett, A
  • The Risk of Inadequate Zinc Intake in United States and New Zealand Adults. (2003) Gibson, Rosalind S; McKenzie, Joanne E; Ferguson, Elaine L; Parnell, Winsome R; Wilson, Noela C; Russell, David G
  • Transitions to supported environments in England and Wales among elderly widowed and divorced women: The changing balance between co-residence with family and institutional care. (2003) Glaser, K; Grundy, E; Lynch, K
  • Subclinical mastitis among HIV-infected and uninfected Zimbabwean women participating in a multimicronutrient supplementation trial. (2003) Gomo, Exnevia; Filteau, Suzanne M; Tomkins, Andrew M; Ndhlovu, Patricia; Michaelsen, Kim Fleischer; Friis, Henrik
  • Tobacco Smoking: a public health problem. (2003) Gonzalez, I; Figueroa, A; Gaete, J; Rojas, G
  • High levels of childhood obesity observed among 3- to 7-year-old New Zealand Pacific children is a public health concern. (2003) Gordon, Fiona K; Ferguson, Elaine L; Toafa, Viliami; Henry, Teavekura-Emma; Goulding, Ailsa; Grant, Andrea M; Guthrie, Barbara E
  • Delayed immunisation and risk of pertussis in infants: unmatched case-control study. (2003) Grant, Cameron C; Roberts, Mavis; Scragg, Robert; Stewart, Joanna; Lennon, Diana; Kivell, Denise; Ford, Rodney; Menzies, Rosalie
  • Conditions de vie et ?tat de sant? des personnes ag?es dans les pays d?velopp. (2003) Grundy, E
  • Las disposiciones para la vida la salud de las personas de edad en los paises desarrollados. (2003) Grundy, E
  • The epidemiology of aging. (2003) Grundy, EMD
  • Health inequalities in the older population: the role of personal capital, social resources and socio-economic circumstances. (2003) Grundy, Emily; Sloggett, Andy
  • The human health consequences of flooding in Europe and the implications for public health: a review of the evidence. (2003) Hajat, S; Ebi, KL; Kovats, S; Menne, B; Edwards, S; Haines, A
  • Women's Autonomy and Uptake of Contraception in Pakistan. (2003) Hakim, A; Salway, S; Mumtaz, Z
  • Association of genetic variants of the chemokine receptor CCR5 and its ligands, RANTES and MCP-2, with outcome of HCV infection. (2003) Hellier, Simon; Frodsham, Angela J; Hennig, Branwen JW; Klenerman, Paul; Knapp, Suzanne; Ramaley, Patricia; Satsangi, Jack; Wright, Mark; Zhang, Lyna; Thomas, Howard C; Thursz, Mark; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Recognizing childhood illnesses and their traditional explanations: exploring options for care-seeking interventions in the context of the IMCI strategy in rural Ghana. (2003) Hill, Zelee; Kendall, Carl; Arthur, Paul; Kirkwood, Betty; Adjei, Eunice
  • Patterns of adherence to antiretrovirals: why adherence has no simple measure. (2003) Hill, Zelee; Kendall, Carl; Fernandez, Manuel
  • Visual function in breast-fed term infants weaned to formula with or without long-chain polyunsaturates at 4 to 6 months: a randomized clinical trial. (2003) Hoffman, Dennis R; Birch, Eileen E; Castañeda, Yolanda S; Fawcett, Sherry L; Wheaton, Dianna H; Birch, David G; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Reply to “Unanswered Questions About Sexual Transmission of HIV in Mwanza, Tanzania”. (2003) Hugonnet, Stephane; Todd, James; Ross, David; Hayes, Richard
  • Mechanisms of action of LCPUFA effects on infant growth an neurodevelopment: Perinatal biochemistry and physiology of LCPUFA discussion. (2003) Innis, S; Uauy, R
  • Geographical variations in the prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in rural Tanzania. (2003) Jansen, Henrica AFM; Morison, Linda; Mosha, Frank; Changalucha, John; Todd, James; Obasi, Angela; Rusizoka, Mary; Mayaud, Philippe; Munguti, Katua; Mabey, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • A randomized trial of the impact of multiple micronutrient supplementation on mortality among HIV-infected individuals living in Bangkok. (2003) Jiamton, Sukhum; Pepin, Jacques; Suttent, Reungpung; Filteau, Suzanne; Mahakkanukrauh, Bussakorn; Hanshaoworakul, Wanna; Chaisilwattana, Pongsakdi; Suthipinittharm, Puan; Shetty, Prakash; Jaffar, Shabbar
  • How many child deaths can we prevent this year? (2003) Jones, Gareth; Steketee, Richard W; Black, Robert E; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Morris, Saul S; Bellagio Child Survival Study Group
  • In vivo assessment of lung inflammatory cell activity in patients with COPD and asthma. (2003) Jones, HA; Marino, PS; Shakur, BH; Morrell, NW
  • Diverse Family Living Situations and Child Development: a multi-level analysis comparing longitudinal evidence from Britain and the United States. (2003) Joshi, H; Cooksey, EC; Wiggins, RD; McCulloch, A; Verropoulou, G; Clarke, L
  • Adolescent reproductive health in Latin America among low income groups. (2003) Juarez, F
  • Essential Medical Statistics. (2003) Kirkwood, BR; Sterne, JAC
  • Polymorphisms in interferon-induced genes and the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection: roles of MxA, OAS-1 and PKR. (2003) Knapp, S; Yee, LJ; Frodsham, AJ; Hennig, BJW; Hellier, S; Zhang, L; Wright, M; Chiaramonte, M; Graves, M; Thomas, HC; Hill, AVS; Thursz, MR
  • Interleukin-10 promoter polymorphisms and the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection. (2003) Knapp, Susanne; Hennig, Branwen JW; Frodsham, Angela J; Zhang, Lyna; Hellier, Simon; Wright, Mark; Goldin, Rob; Hill, Adrian VS; Thomas, Howard C; Thursz, Mark R
  • Job strain, job demands, decision latitude, and risk of coronary heart disease within the Whitehall II study. (2003) Kuper, H; Marmot, M
  • Intimations of mortality: perceived age of leaving middle age as a predictor of future health outcomes within the Whitehall II study. (2003) Kuper, Hannah; Marmot, Michael
  • A critical review of the SAFE strategy for the prevention of blinding trachoma. (2003) Kuper, Hannah; Solomon, Anthony W; Buchan, John; Zondervan, Marcia; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David
  • Occupational therapy and physiotherapy for developmental coordination disorder (Protocol for a Cochrane Review). (2003) Lipson, A; Edwards, P; Logan, GS
  • Saude e nutricao de criancas de areas urbanas da Zona da Mata Meridional de Pernambuco: resultados preliminares de um estudo de coorte. (2003) Lira, PIC; Lima, MC; da Silva, GAP; Romani, SAM; Eickmann, SH; Alessio, MLM; Filho, MB; Leger, CLA; Ashworth, A
  • Measurement and modeling of human T cell kinetics. (2003) Macallan, Derek C; Asquith, Becca; Irvine, Andrew J; Wallace, Diana L; Worth, Andrew; Ghattas, Hala; Zhang, Yan; Griffin, George E; Tough, David F; Beverley, Peter C
  • Rapid turnover of T cells in acute infectious mononucleosis. (2003) Macallan, Derek C; Wallace, Diana L; Irvine, Andrew J; Asquith, Becca; Worth, Andrew; Ghattas, Hala; Zhang, Yan; Griffin, George E; Tough, David F; Beverley, Peter C
  • Fluid resuscitation strategies: A systematic review of animal trials. (2003) Mapstone, J; Roberts, I; Evans, P
  • Interpreting results from different sources of data. (2003) Marshall, T; Filippi, V; Meheus, A; Bulut, A
  • Do unintended pregnancies carried to term lead to adverse outcomes for mother and child? An assessment in five developing countries. (2003) Marston, Cicely; Cleland, John
  • Relationships between contraception and abortion: a review of the evidence. (2003) Marston, Cicely; Cleland, John
  • Highly divergent HIV type 1 group M sequences evident in Karonga District, Malawi in early 1980s. (2003) McCormack, Grace P; Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; Fine, Paul EM; Clewley, Jonathan P
  • Accessing grants: the never ending story. (2003) Moitse, S; Hosegood, V
  • Impact of nutritional status on antibody responses to different vaccines in undernourished Gambian children. (2003) Moore, SE; Goldblatt, D; Bates, CJ; Prentice, AM
  • Predicting the distribution of under-five deaths by cause in countries without adequate vital registration systems. (2003) Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E; Tomaskovic, Lana
  • The Allocation of Natural Disaster Relief Funds: Hurricane Mitch in Honduras. (2003) Morris, Saul S; Wodon, Quentin
  • Gender-based barriers to primary health care provision in Pakistan: the experience of female providers. (2003) Mumtaz, Zubia; Salway, Sarah; Waseem, Muneeba; Umer, Nighat
  • Mothers with living children and children with living mothers: the role of fertility and mortality in the period 1911-2050. (2003) Murphy, Michael; Grundy, Emily
  • Trends in HIV and sexual behaviour in a longitudinal study in a rural population in Tanzania, 1994-2000. (2003) Mwaluko, Gabriel; Urassa, Mark; Isingo, Raphael; Zaba, Basia; Boerma, J Ties
  • Child survival in relation to mother's HIV infection and survival: evidence from a Ugandan cohort study. (2003) Nakiyingi, Jessica S; Bracher, Michael; Whitworth, James A; Ruberantwari, Anthony; Busingye, June; Mbulaiteye, Sam M; Zaba, Basia
  • Complementary food supplements to achieve micronutrient adequacy for infants and young children. (2003) Nestel, P; Briend, A; de Benoist, B; Decker, E; Ferguson, E; Fontaine, O; Micardi, A; Nalubola, R
  • HIV impact on mother and child mortality in rural Tanzania. (2003) Ng'weshemi, Japheth; Urassa, Mark; Isingo, Raphael; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Ngalula, Juliana; Boerma, Ties; Marston, Milly; Zaba, Basia
  • Using Random Allocation to Evaluate Social Interventions: Three Recent U.K. Examples. (2003) Oakley, Ann; Strange, Vicki; Toroyan, Tami; Wiggins, Meg; Roberts, Ian; Stephenson, Judith
  • Impact of comorbidity on the outcome of laryngeal squamous cancer. (2003) Paleri, Vinidh; Wight, Richard G; Davies, Gareth R
  • Political will and the promotion of breastfeeding. (2003) Palmer, Gabrielle; Costello, Anthony
  • Cultural issues in measurement and research. (2003) Patel, V
  • Where there is No Psychiatrist. (2003) Patel, V
  • Psychiatry in India [Review]. (2003) Patel, V; Saxena, S
  • Introduction: The role of NGOs in mental health care. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO innovations in India. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Pharmacological treatment of severe psychiatric disorders in the developing world : lessons from India. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Andrade, Chittaranjan
  • Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of drug and psychological treatments for common mental disorders in general health care in Goa, India: a randomised, controlled trial. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Chisholm, Daniel; Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia; Dias-Saxena, Fiona; Andrew, Gracy; Mann, Anthony
  • Sleep-wake states and their regulatory mechanisms throughout early human development. (2003) Peirano, Patricio; Algarín, Cecilia; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Sexual behavior among injection drug users in 3 indonesian cities carries a high potential for HIV spread to noninjectors. (2003) Pisani, E; Dadun; Sucahya, PK; Kamil, O; Jazan, S
  • HIV surveillance: a global perspective. (2003) Pisani, E; Lazzari, S; Walker, N; Schwartländer, B
  • Early history of iron deficiency. (2003) Poskitt, Elizabeth ME
  • The ancient battle for iron: our struggle with pathogens. (2003) Prentice, AM; Doherty, C; McDermid, JM; Atkinson, S; Cox, S
  • Dementia diagnosis in developing countries: a cross-cultural validation study. (2003) Prince, Martin; Acosta, Daisy; Chiu, Helen; Scazufca, Marcia; Varghese, Mathew; 10/66 Dementia Research Group
  • Baseline survey of sexually transmitted infections in a cohort of female bar workers in Mbeya Region, Tanzania. (2003) Riedner, G; Rusizoka, M; Hoffmann, O; Nichombe, F; Lyamuya, E; Mmbando, D; Maboko, L; Hay, P; Todd, J; Hayes, R; Hoelscher, M; Grosskurth, H
  • Car Wars [Comment and Analysis]. (2003) Roberts, I
  • Congestion charges and the walking classes. (2003) Roberts, I
  • New Labour's welfare scheme for directors. (2003) Roberts, I
  • The New Silk Road. (2003) Roberts, I
  • Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury (Cochrane Review). (2003) Roberts, I; Schierhout, G; Wakai, A
  • Propaganda or science? Biological warfare and the people of Iraq. (2003) Roberts, IG
  • Biological warfare and the people of Iraq. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • Use of weapons of mass destruction. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • War in Iraq: medical journals and the manufacture of consent. (2003) Roberts, Ian; Renton, Fiona
  • A new species of the Hipposideros pratti group (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) for Lao PDR and Vietnam. (2003) Robinson, MF; Jenkins, PD; Francis, CM; Fulford, T
  • Listening to mothers: qualitative studies on motherhood and depression from Goa, India. (2003) Rodrigues, Merlyn; Patel, Vikram; Jaswal, Surinder; de Souza, Nandita
  • Gene expression analysis in human fetal retinal explants treated with docosahexaenoic acid. (2003) Rojas, Cecilia V; Martínez, Jessica I; Flores, Ingrid; Hoffman, Dennis R; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Randomised controlled trial of site specific advice on school travel patterns. (2003) Rowland, D; DiGuiseppi, C; Gross, M; Afolabi, E; Roberts, I
  • A Profile of Women’s Work Participation Among the Urban Poor of Dhaka. (2003) Salway, Sarah; Rahman, Shahana; Jesmin, Sonia
  • Treating severe malnutrition: an update. (2003) Schofield, C
  • A COPD self management programme reduced hospital use and improved health status. (2003) Shakur, Haleema
  • How the health visitor can help when problems between parents add to postnatal stress. (2003) Simons, John; Reynolds, Jenny; Mannion, Joe; Morison, Linda
  • Measurement of condom use as a risk factor for HIV infection. (2003) Slaymaker, Emma; Zaba, Basia
  • Metallothionein is crucial for safe intracellular copper storage and cell survival at normal and supra-physiological exposure levels. (2003) Tapia, Lucía; González-Agüero, Mauricio; Cisternas, Mónica F; Suazo, Miriam; Cambiazo, Verónica; Uauy, Ricardo; González, Mauricio
  • Is antenatal syphilis screening still cost effective in sub-Saharan Africa. (2003) Terris-Prestholt, F; Watson-Jones, D; Mugeye, K; Kumaranayake, L; Ndeki, L; Weiss, H; Changalucha, J; Todd, J; Lisekie, F; Gumodoka, B; Mabey, D; Hayes, R
  • NGOs in mental health: Meeting the need? (2003) Thara, R; Patel, V
  • The effects of alternative study designs on the power of community randomized trials: evidence from three studies of human immunodeficiency virus prevention in East Africa. (2003) Todd, Jim; Carpenter, Lucy; Li, Xianbin; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Gray, Ron; Hayes, Richard
  • Demographic (and other) influences on trends in the living arrangements of older people. (2003) Tomassini, C; Glaser, K; Grundy, E; Sundstrom, G
  • Parental Housing Assistance and Parent-Child Proximity in Italy. (2003) Tomassini, Cecilia; Wolf, Douglas A; Rosina, Alessandro
  • Short and long term effects of perinatal essential lipid supply in human neuro-development. (2003) Uauy, R
  • Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in visual and neural development: cellular and molecular mechanisms. (2003) Uauy, Ricardo; Calderon, Frances
  • Lipid requirements of infants: implications for nutrient composition of fortified complementary foods. (2003) Uauy, Ricardo; Castillo, Carlos
  • Term infant studies of DHA and ARA supplementation on neurodevelopment: results of randomized controlled trials. (2003) Uauy, Ricardo; Hoffman, Dennis R; Mena, Patricia; Llanos, Adolfo; Birch, Eileen E
  • The Pelotas birth cohort study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001. (2003) Victora, Cesar G; Barros, Fernando C; Lima, Rosângela C; Behague, Dominique P; Gon alves, Helen; Horta, Bernardo L; Gigante, Denise P; Vaughan, J Patrick
  • WFP’s 40 years of fighting hunger. (2003) Webb, P; Kadiyala, S
  • Interferon-gamma and skin test responses of schoolchildren in southeast England to purified protein derivatives from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other species of mycobacteria. (2003) Weir, RE; Fine, PEM; Nazareth, B; Floyd, S; Black, GF; King, E; Stanley, C; Bliss, L; Branson, K; Dockrell, HM
  • Community Nutrition and its impact on developing countries (the Chilean experience). (2003) Weisstaub, G; Araya, M; Uauy, R
  • Famine, starvation and Fasting. (2003) Widdowson, EM; Ashworth, A
  • Unit and hospital outcomes for 3752 admissions with COPD to 128 UK adult critical care units between 1995 and 2001. (2003) Wildman, MJ; Harrison, DA; Brady, AR; Rowan, K
  • Breastmilk RNA viral load in HIV-infected South African women: effects of subclinical mastitis and infant feeding. (2003) Willumsen, Juana F; Filteau, Suzanne M; Coutsoudis, Anna; Newell, Marie-Louise; Rollins, Nigel C; Coovadia, Hoosen M; Tomkins, Andrew M
  • Factor V Leiden polymorphism and the rate of fibrosis development in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. (2003) Wright, M; Goldin, R; Hellier, S; Knapp, S; Frodsham, A; Hennig, B; Hill, A; Apple, R; Cheng, S; Thomas, H; Thursz, M
  • Maternal and gestational correlates of pregnancy prolactin and growth hormone in USA and China. (2003) Xu, B; Lipworth, L; Wide, L; Wuu, J; Yu, S-Z; Lagiou, P; Kuper, H; Hankinson, SE; Carlström, K; Adami, H-O; Trichopoulos, D; Hsieh, C-C
  • Comparison of armspan, arm length and tibia length as predictors of actual height of disabled and nondisabled children in Dharavi, Mumbai, India. (2003) Yousafzai, AK; Filteau, SM; Wirz, SL; Cole, TJ
  • Beliefs about feeding practices and nutrition for children with disabilities among families in Dharavi, Mumbai. (2003) Yousafzai, Aisha K; Pagedar, Sunita; Wirz, Sheila; Filteau, Suzanne
  • AIDS. (2003) Zaba, B
  • The contribution of HIV to fertility decline in rural Zimbabwe, 1985-2000. (2003) Zaba, Basia; Terceira, Nicola; Mason, Peter; Gregson, Simon
  • Social grants in rural areas. (2003) Zungu, S; Moitse, S; Hosegood, V
  • Vitamin B12 and folate status of older New Zealand women. (2003) de Jong, Nynke; Green, Timothy J; Skeaff, C Murray; Gibson, Rosalind S; McKenzie, Joanne E; Ferguson, Elaine L; Horwath, Caroline C; Thomson, Christine D
  • Sangath--Families as partners. (2003) de Souza, N; Patel, V
  • Public
  • Modification of immune function through exposure to dietary aflatoxin in Gambian children. (2003) Turner, Paul C; Moore, Sophie E; Hall, Andrew J; Prentice, Andrew M; Wild, Christopher P
  • Ionisers for chronic asthma. (2003) Blackhall, K; Appleton, S; Cates, CJ
  • Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa, 2000. (2003) Bradshaw, Debbie; Groenewald, Pam; Laubscher, Ria; Nannan, Nadine; Nojilana, Beatrice; Norman, Rosana; Pieterse, Desiréé; Schneider, Michelle; Bourne, David E; Timaeus, Ian M; Dorrington, Rob; Johnson, Leigh
  • Area-wide traffic calming for preventing traffic related injuries. (2003) Bunn, F; Collier, T; Frost, C; Ker, K; Roberts, I; Wentz, R
  • Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; a Guidance Note. (2003) Cairncross, S; O'Neill, D; McCoy, A; Sethi, D
  • Risk of suicide in twins - Reply. (2003) Christensen, K; Tomassini, C; Juel, K
  • The myth of the noble savage. (2003) Dangour, A
  • Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries. Edited by Richard D. Semba & Martin W. Bloem. (Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, 2001.) US $125, ISBN 0-896-03806-8, hardback. (2003) Dangour, Alan
  • The association between HIV and fertility in a cohort study in rural Tanzania. (2003) Hunter, Susan-Catherine; Isingo, Raphael; Boerma, J Ties; Urassa, Mark; Mwaluko, Gabriel MP; Zaba, Basia
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes. (2003) Ker, K; Roberts, I; Collier, T; Renton, F; Bunn, F
  • Cancer survival in Kentucky and health insurance coverage. (2003) McDavid, Kathleen; Tucker, Thomas C; Sloggett, Andrew; Coleman, Michel P
  • The South African fertility decline: Evidence from two censuses and a Demographic and Health Survey. (2003) Moultrie, Tom A; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Health sector reforms in Kenya: an examination of district level planning. (2003) Oyaya, Charles O; Rifkin, Susan B
  • Vascular patterns in reactive lymphoid tissue and in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. (2003) Passalidou, E; Stewart, M; Trivella, M; Steers, G; Pillai, G; Dogan, A; Leigh, I; Hatton, C; Harris, A; Gatter, K; Pezzella, F
  • Postnatal depression and infant growth and development in low income countries: a cohort study from Goa, India. (2003) Patel, V; DeSouza, N; Rodrigues, M
  • Recruiting doctors from poor countries: the great brain robbery? (2003) Patel, Vikram
  • Poverty and common mental disorders in developing countries. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Kleinman, Arthur
  • Divorce and Remarriage in Rural Malawi. (2003) Reniers, Georges
  • A framework linking community empowerment and health equity: it is a matter of CHOICE. (2003) Rifkin, Susan B
  • The second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third. (2003) Roberts, I
  • Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury. (2003) Roberts, I; Schierhout, G; Wakai, A
  • Congestion charging and the walking classes. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • How political should a general medical journal be? Medical journals may have had role in justifying war. (2003) Roberts, Ian G
  • [Tobacco smoking and mental health]. (2003) Rojas, Graciela; Gaete, Jorge; González, Isabel; Ortega, Marcela; Figueroa, Alicia; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Araya, Ricardo
  • The effects of kin on female fertility in rural Gambia. (2003) Sear, Rebecca; Mace, Ruth; McGregor, Ian A
  • The reliability of a structured examination protocol and self administered vaginal swabs: a pilot study of gynaecological outpatients in Goa, India. (2003) Tanksale, VS; Sahasrabhojanee, M; Patel, V; Nevrekar, P; Menezes, S; Mabey, D
  • Risk of suicide in twins: 51 year follow up study. (2003) Tomassini, Cecilia; Juel, Knud; Holm, Niels V; Skytthe, Axel; Christensen, Kaare
  • Effectiveness of out-of-home day care for disadvantaged families: randomised controlled trial. (2003) Toroyan, Tami; Roberts, Ian; Oakley, Ann; Laing, Gabrielle; Mugford, Miranda; Frost, Chris
  • Modification of immune function through exposure to dietary aflatoxin in Gambian children. (2003) Turner, PC; Moore, SE; Hall, AJ; Prentice, AM; Wild, CP picture_as_pdf
  • Feeding difficulties in disabled children leads to malnutrition: experience in an Indian slum. (2003) Yousafzai, Aisha K; Filteau, Suzanne; Wirz, Sheila
  • Restricted
  • Matriliny as daughter-biased investment. (2003) Holden, C picture_as_pdf
  • A life-history approach to fertility rates in rural Gambia: evidence for trade-offs or phenotypic correlations? (2003) Sear, R; MacE, R; McGregor, IA picture_as_pdf