Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Population Health (2012- )"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
Dept of Population Health (2012- ) (6066)
Dept of Nutrition and Public Health Interventions Research (2003-2012) (633)
Dept of Population Studies (1974-2012) (364)
Number of items: 215.
Evidence based road safety: the Driving Standards Agency's schools programme. (2001)
Achara, S; Adeyemi, B; Dosekun, E; Kelleher, S; Lansley, M; Male, I; Muhialdin, N; Reynolds, L; Roberts, I; Smailbegovic, M; van der Spek, N; Cochrane Injuries Group Driver Education Reviewers
The promotion of condom use in non-regular sexual partnerships in urban Mozambique. (2001)
Agha, S; Karlyn, A; Meekers, D
Nutrition transition in Latin America: the case of Chile. (2001)
Albala, C; Vio, F; Kain, J; Uauy, R
Quality of care and contraceptive pill discontinuation in rural Egypt. (2001)
Ali, MM
Analysis of failure time hierarchical data in the presence of competing risks with application to oral contraceptive pill use in Egypt. (2001)
Ali, MM; Babiker, AG; Cleland, JG
The link between postnatal abstinence and extramarital sex in Côte d'Ivoire. (2001)
Ali, MM; Cleland, JG
Sexual risk behavior in urban populations of Northeastern Africa. (2001)
Ali, Mohamed M; Cleland, John G; Carael, Michel
Analysis of Incomplete Durations with Application to Contraceptive Use. (2001)
Ali, Mohamed M; Marshall, Tom; Babiker, Abdel G
Mides Research Program Measurement of social exclusion and its demographic implications. (2001)
Ambrosetti, E; Garbero, A
Plight of Afghan people must not be forgotten. (2001)
Armstrong, B; Coleman, M; Davies, C; Elbourne, D; Fletcher, A; Grundy, E; Haines, A; Hall, A; Kirkwood, B; Lamping, D; Miles, M; Roberts, I; Sondorp, E
Community-based rehabilitation of severely malnourished children: a review of successful programmes. (2001)
Ashworth, A
Low birthweight infants, infection and immunity. (2001)
Ashworth, A
Low birthweight infants, infection, and immunity. (2001)
Ashworth, A
Treatment of severe malnutrition. (2001)
Ashworth, A
Duration of exclusive breastfeeding: a review. (2001)
Ashworth, A; Tedstone, AE; Folson, G
Case discussion. A middle-aged man with advanced AIDS: terminal illness or manageable disease? (2001)
Bellamy, R
Systemic candida infections. (2001)
Bellamy, R
Immunisation and vaccination. (2001)
Bellamy, R; Freedman, AR
Bioterrorism: key facts about anthrax, smallpox, plague and botulism. (2001)
Bellamy, R; Paton, NIJ; Barkham, T; Leo, YS
The contribution of reproductive ill-health to the overall burden of perceived illness among women in southern India. (2001)
Bhatia, J; Cleland, J
Health-care seeking and expenditure by young Indian mothers in the public and private sectors. (2001)
Bhatia, JC; Cleland, J
Patterns and implications of naturally acquired immune responses to environmental and tuberculous mycobacterial antigens in northern Malawi. (2001)
Black, GF; Dockrell, HM; Crampin, AC; Floyd, S; Weir, RE; Bliss, L; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Kanyongoloka, H; Ngwira, B; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PE
Gender and decision-making over condom use in two districts in Uganda. (2001)
Blanc, AK; Wolff, B
Health and sustainable development. (2001)
Bradley, D; Cairncross, S; Haines, A; Stephens, C
Making Public Health Nutrition relevant to evidence-based action. (2001)
Brunner, E; Rayner, M; Thorogood, M; Margetts, B; Hooper, L; Summerbell, C; Dowler, E; Hewitt, G; Robertson, A; Wiseman, M
Youth exposure to violence: prevalence, risks, and consequences. (2001)
Buka, SL; Stichick, TL; Birdthistle, I; Earls, FJ
Colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation. (2001)
Bunn, F; Alderson, P; Hawkins, V
Systematic reviews in injury control. (2001)
Bunn, F; DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I
How many patients with a sexually transmitted infection are cured by health services? A study from Mwanza region, Tanzania. (2001)
Buvé, A; Changalucha, J; Mayaud, P; Gavyole, A; Mugeye, K; Todd, J; Clayton, T; Mosha, F; Grosskurth, H; Mabey, D; Laga, M; Van Lerberghe, W; Hayes, RJ
Is fertility declining in Benin? (2001)
Capo-chichi, V; Juarez, F
Nuptiality and Risk Behaviour in Lusaka and Kampala. (2001)
Carael, Michael; Ali, Mohamed; Cleland, John
Using group ratings to assess household food security: empirical evidence from southern Africa. (2001)
Carletto, C; Masangano, C; Bergeron, G; Morris, SS
Designing methods for monitoring and evaluating food security and nutrition interventions. (2001)
Carletto, C; Morris, SS
Zinc supplementation saves the lives of children living in poverty. (2001)
Castillo-Durán, C; Uauy, R
"The tongue is venomous": perception, verbalisation and manipulation of mortality and fertility regimes in rural Mali. (2001)
Castle, S
Nutrition and handgrip strength of older adults in rural Malawi. (2001)
Chilima, DM; Ismail, SJ
Grandparents and the Care of Children: the Research Evidence. (2001)
Clarke, L; Cairns, H
Accessions and abdications: men and women as family markers in linked data for England and Wales. (2001)
Clarke, L; Joshi, H
Teenage Mums. (2001)
Clarke, L; Thomson, K
Fertility transition in South Asia. (2001)
Cleland, J
Potatoes and pills: an overview of innovation-diffusion contributions to explanations of fertility decline. (2001)
Cleland, J
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infection: the linkages. (2001)
Cleland, J; Lush, L
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infections: The linkages. (2001)
Cleland, J; Lush, L
The effects of improved survival on fertility: A reassessment. (2001)
Cleland, John
The effectiveness of mental health services in primary care: The view from the developing world. (2001)
Cohen, A
The search for meaning: eventfulness in the lives of homeless mentally ill persons in the Skid Row district of Los Angeles. (2001)
Cohen, A
Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales. (2001)
Coleman, MP; Babb, P; Sloggett, A; Quinn, M; De Stavola, B
Influence of season and size at birth on thymic size in rural Gambian infants. Abstract FC2/6. (2001)
Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Prentice, AM
Seasonal influence on thymic size in rural Gambian infants [Abstract]. (2001)
Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Prentice, AM
Adjustment methods for bias in the indirect childhood mortality estimates. (2001)
Collumbien, M; Sloggett, A
Fertility decline in Nepal. (2001)
Collumbien, M; Timaeus, IM; Acharya, L
Proposal for a study to assess the effects of Vitamin A supplementation on antibody recognition to variant surface antigens of plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes in primigravid Ghanaian women. (2001)
Cox, SE
Carotenoids, antioxidants and ovarian cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women. (2001)
Cramer, DW; Kuper, H; Harlow, BL; Titus-Ernstoff, L
HIV/AIDS testing and counselling. (2001)
Crampin, AC; Damisoni, H
Comparison of two versus three smears in identifying culture-positive tuberculosis patients in a rural African setting with high HIV prevalence. (2001)
Crampin, AC; Floyd, S; Mwaungulu, F; Black, G; Ndhlovu, R; Mwaiyeghele, E; Glynn, JR; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PE
Field-based random sampling without a sampling frame: control selection for a case-control study in rural Africa. (2001)
Crampin, AC; Mwinuka, V; Malema, SS; Glynn, JR; Fine, PE
Case-control studies in injury research. (2001)
Cummings, P; Koepsell, T; Roberts, I
Adult body size and the thermal environment [Abstract]. (2001)
Dangour, AD
Food. (2001)
Dangour, AD
Growth of upper- and lower-body segments in Patamona and Wapishana Amerindian children (cross-sectional data). (2001)
Dangour, AD
Secular change among Guyanese Amerindians [Abstract]. (2001)
Dangour, AD
Haemoglobin status of adult non-pregnant Kazakh women living in Kzyl-Orda region, Kazakhstan. (2001)
Dangour, AD; Hill, HL; Ismail, SJ
The impact of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. (2001)
Dorrington, R; Bourne, D; Bradshaw, D; Laubscher, R; Timaeus, IM
Lay perceptions of risk in relation to food safety and BSE in the UK: preliminary findings [Conference abstract]. (2001)
Draper, A; Dowler, E; Green, J
Misure e implicazioni demografiche dell’esclusione sociale. (2001)
de Azevedo, RC; Garbero, A; Giudici, C
Selenium and zinc status are suboptimal in a sample of older New Zealand women in a community-based study. (2001)
de Jong, N; Gibson, RS; Thomson, CD; Ferguson, EL; McKenzie, JE; Green, TJ; Horwath, CC
Extending breastfeeding duration through primary care: a systematic review of prenatal and postnatal interventions. (2001)
de Oliveira, MI; Camacho, LA; Tedstone, AE
Competing approaches to analysis of failure times with competing risks. (2001)
Farley, TM; Ali, MM; Slaymaker, E
Dietary iron intakes and biochemical iron status of 15-49 year old women in New Zealand: is there a cause for concern? (2001)
Ferguson, EL; Morison, IM; Faed, JM; Parnell, WR; McKenzie, J; Wilson, NC; Russell, DG
Seasonal Undernutrition in Rural Ethiopia: Magnitude, Correlates, and Functional Significance. (2001)
Ferro-Luzzi, Anna; Morris, Saul S; Taffesse, Samson; Demissie, Tsegaye; D'Amato, Maurizio
Milk components with immunomodulatory potential. (2001)
Filteau, SM
The effect of antenatal vitamin A and beta-carotene supplementation on gut integrity of infants of HIV-infected South African women. (2001)
Filteau, SM; Rollins, NC; Coutsoudis, A; Sullivan, KR; Willumsen, JF; Tomkins, AM
Regulation of glucogenesis by thyroid hormones in fetal sheep during late gestation. (2001)
Fowden, AL; Mapstone, J; Forhead, AJ
Evaluating and developing contraceptive services: the results of an audit of the North Lambeth Primary Care Commissioning Group. (2001)
Free, C; Dawe, A; Macey, S; Mawer, C
To use or not to use emergency contraception? Within subject attitudinal and situational differences between the last episode of emergency contraception use and the last episode of contraceptive risk not followed by emergency contraception use. (2001)
Free, C; Ogden, J
Emergency contraception use in young women: differences between users and non users. (2001)
Free, C; Ogden, J; Lee, R
Ageing and Exclusion. (2001)
Garbero, A
The development of the HIV epidemic in Karonga District, Malawi. (2001)
Glynn, JR; Pönnighaus, J; Crampin, AC; Sibande, F; Sichali, L; Nkhosa, P; Broadbent, P; Fine, PE
The Berlin aging study: Aging from 70 to 100. (2001)
Grundy, E
Health, health care and death among older adults in England and Wales: a hundred years' perspective. (2001)
Grundy, E
Living arrangements and the health of older persons in developed countries. (2001)
Grundy, E
Health inequalities in the older population. (2001)
Grundy, E; Holt, G
The socioeconomic status of older adults: how should we measure it in studies of health inequalities? (2001)
Grundy, E; Holt, G
Demographic trends over the next 20 years - ageing of the population and the health status of elderly people. (2001)
Grundy, E; Murphy, M
Contact between adult children and their parents in Great Britain 1986-99. (2001)
Grundy, E; Shelton, N
Timing of first intercourse among Malian adolescents: implications for contraceptive use. (2001)
Gueye, M; Castle, SE; Konat?, MK
Climate Change and Health. (2001)
Haines, A
Heatwaves, floods, storms and that is just a hint of what is to come. (2001)
Haines, A
Fighting disease is a long-term challenge. (2001)
Haines, A; Mills, A
The impact of hot temperatures on death in London - A time series approach. (2001)
Hajat, S; Kovats, RS; Atkinson, RW; Haines, A
Socioeconomic differences in having living parents and children: A US-British comparison of middle-aged women. (2001)
Henretta, JC; Grundy, E; Harris, S
Wasting and obesity in HIV outpatients. (2001)
Hodgson, LM; Ghattas, H; Pritchitt, H; Schwenk, A; Payne, L; Macallan, DC
Lessons from body composition analysis. (2001)
Jebb, SA; Prentice, AM
Physiological regulation of macronutritient balance. (2001)
Jebb, SA; Prentice, AM
Single definition of overweight and obesity should be used. (2001)
Jebb, SA; Prentice, AM
Parental non-verbal sexual communication: Its relationship to sexual behaviour and sexual guilt. (2001)
Joffe, H; Franca-Koh, AC
Evidence of changes in family formation patterns in Pakistan? (2001)
Juarez, F; Sathar, ZA
Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding in an urban community in Bangladesh. (2001)
Kabir, I; Haider, R; Ashworth, A; Huttly, SRA
The impact of a targeted radio campaign to prevent STIs and HIV/AIDS in Mozambique. (2001)
Karlyn, AS
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and perinatal development. (2001)
Koletzko, B; Agostoni, C; Carlson, SE; Clandinin, T; Hornstra, G; Neuringer, M; Uauy, R; Yamashiro, Y; Willatts, P
Risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma in a low risk Caucasian population. (2001)
Kuper, H; Lagiou, P; Mucci, LA; Tamimi, R; Benetou, V; Trichopoulos, D
Estrogens, testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin in relation to liver cancer in men. (2001)
Kuper, H; Mantzoros, C; Lagiou, P; Tzonou, A; Tamimi, R; Mucci, L; Benetou, V; Spanos, E; Stuver, SO; Trichopoulos, D
The risk of liver and bile duct cancer in patients with chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholism, or cirrhosis. (2001)
Kuper, H; Ye, W; Broomé, U; Romelsjö, A; Mucci, LA; Ekbom, A; Adami, HO; Trichopoulos, D; Nyrén, O
Physical and psychological effects of injury. Data from the 1958 British birth cohort study. (2001)
Li, L; Roberts, I; Power, C
Helping Primary Care Groups to make Evidence Based Decisions. (2001)
Lindsay, J; Hoolaghan, T; Battle, G; Haines, A
The role of MCH and family planning services in HIV/STD control: is integration the answer? (2001)
Lush, L; Walt, G; Cleland, J; Mayhew, S
Should pre-hospital thrombolysis be supported by the South Essex health economy? [MSc Dissertation]. (2001)
Mapstone, J
The interrelation of HIV, cervical human papillomavirus, and neoplasia among antenatal clinic attenders in Tanzania. (2001)
Mayaud, P; Gill, DK; Weiss, HA; Uledi, E; Kopwe, L; Todd, J; ka-Gina, G; Grosskurth, H; Hayes, RJ; Mabey, DC; Lacey, CJ
Unhappy Alliance - does integrated reproductive healthcare work? (2001)
Mayhew, SH; Cleland, J
Human Health. (2001)
McMichael, AJ; Githeko, A; Akhtar, R; Carcavallo, R; Gubler, D; Haines, A; Kovats, RS; Martens, P; Patz, J; Sasaki, A
Methodological issues in assessing the effects of climate change on health. (2001)
McMichael, AJ; Haines, A; Kovats, RS
Insulin homeostasis in the extremely low birth weight infant. (2001)
Mena, P; Llanos, A; Uauy, R
What can child anthropometry reveal about living standards and public policy? An illustration from Central Asia. (2001)
Micklewright, J; Ismail, S
Global road safety and the contribution of big business. (2001)
Mohan, D; Roberts, I
Longitudinal studies in fetal origins research: the Keneba demographic database. Abstract 26A. (2001)
Moore, SE
Immune function in rural Gambian children is not related to season of birth, birth size, or maternal supplementation status. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Immune function in rural Gambian children is not related to season of birth, birth size, or maternal supplementation status. Abstract. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Immune function in rural Gambian children is not related to season of birth, birth size, or maternal supplementation status. Abstract POS2/6. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Moderate levels of undernutrition have little impact on immune function in rural Gambian children. Abstract. (2001)
Moore, SE; Collinson, AC; Prentice, AM
Glucose, insulin and lipid metabolism in rural Gambians exposed to early malnutrition. (2001)
Moore, SE; Halsall, I; Howarth, D; Poskitt, EM; Prentice, AM
Leptin, malnutrition and immune response in rural Gambian children. (2001)
Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Collinson, AC; Swain, J; O'Connell, M; Prentice, AM
Glucose, insulin and lipid metabolism in rural Gambians exposed to early malnutrition. Abstract POS7/11. (2001)
Moore, SE; Prentice, AM
Reference limits for haemoglobin and ferritin. Differences in haemoglobin concentrations reflect physiological differences. (2001)
Morison, IM; Ferguson, EL
Measuring nutritional dimensions of household food security. (2001)
Morris, SS
Targeting urban malnutrition: a multi-city analysis of the spatial distribution of childhood nutritional status. (2001)
Morris, SS
Fertility and Living Arrangements in South Africa. (2001)
Moultrie, Tom A; Timæus, Ian M
Age at menarche and age at menopause in relation to hepatocellular carcinoma in women. (2001)
Mucci, LA; Kuper, HE; Tamimi, R; Lagiou, P; Spanos, E; Trichopoulos, D
Prevalence of HIV and Chlamydia trachomatis infection in 15--19-year olds in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Obasi, AI; Balira, R; Todd, J; Ross, DA; Changalucha, J; Mosha, F; Grosskurth, H; Peeling, R; Mabey, DC; Hayes, RJ
Nausea threshold in apparently healthy individuals who drink fluids containing graded concentrations of copper. (2001)
Olivares, M; Araya, M; Pizarro, F; Uauy, R
Prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. (2001)
Osorio, MM; Lira, PIC; Batista-Filho, M; Ashworth, A
[Food based approaches to improve vitamin and mineral nutrition adequacy]. (2001)
Oyarzún, MT; Uauy, R; Olivares, S
A pilot study of the nutritional status of disabled and non-disabled children living in Dharavi, Mumbai. (2001)
Pai, M; Alur, M; Wirz, S; Filteau, S; Pagedar, S; Yousafzai, A
Interleukins 7 and 12 are expressed in head and neck squamous cancer. (2001)
Paleri, V; Pulimood, A; Davies, GR; Birchall, MA
Crying & Psychiatric Disorder. (2001)
Patel, V
Cultural factors and international epidemiology. (2001)
Patel, V
The Indian Sub-Continent: Presentation and Epidemiology of Depression. (2001)
Patel, V
Is Depression a Disease of Poverty? [Editorial]. (2001)
Patel, V
Poverty, Inequality and mental health in developing countries. (2001)
Patel, V
Depression in developing countries: lessons from Zimbabwe. (2001)
Patel, V; Abas, M; Broadhead, J; Todd, C; Reeler, A
Gender, sexual abuse and risk behaviours in adolescents: a cross-sectional survey in schools in Goa. (2001)
Patel, V; Andrew, G
Socio-economic factors and mental health. (2001)
Patel, V; Araya, R; Lewis, G; Swartz, L
Ageing and mental health in a developing country: who cares? Qualitative studies from Goa, India. (2001)
Patel, V; Prince, M
International representation in psychiatric literature: survey of six leading journals. (2001)
Patel, V; Sumathipala, A
Mental health policies in developing countries: a radical rethink [Editorial]. (2001)
Patel, V; Thara, R
The State of Goa?s Health. (2001)
Patel, V; de Souza, N; Dias-Saxena, F; Dourado, R
Food allergy information on the web: is it reliable? ABSTRACT. (2001)
Peden, J; Shetty, PS; Meade, R
Gastrointestinal effects associated with soluble and insoluble copper in drinking water. (2001)
Pizarro, F; Olivares, M; Araya, M; Gidi, V; Uauy, R
Defining childhood obesity: fiddling whilst Rome burns? (2001)
Poskitt, EM
Energy metabolism and obesity. (2001)
Prentice, AM
Fatness of fitness - which dominates the health equation? (2001)
Prentice, AM
Future perspectives in obesity: a short history and a long future. (2001)
Prentice, AM
Interventions to improve birthweight. Abstract 34A. (2001)
Prentice, AM
Macronutrients as sources of food energy: position paper for FAO/WHO Expert consultation on Energy and Protein requirement for Health. (2001)
Prentice, AM
Obesity: body fat analysis in a clinical setting. (2001)
Prentice, AM
Identification of groups who report similar patterns of diet among a representative national sample of British adults aged 65 years of age or more. (2001)
Pryer, JA; Cook, A; Shetty, P
Evaluating the clinical management of severely malnourished children--a study of two rural district hospitals. (2001)
Puoane, T; Sanders, D; Chopra, M; Ashworth, A; Strasser, S; McCoy, D; Zulu, B; Matinise, N; Mdingazwe, N
Deaths from chickenpox in England and Wales 1995-7: analysis of routine mortality data. (2001)
Rawson, H; Crampin, A; Noah, N
The Post-Migration Survival of Traditional Marriage Patterns: Consanguineous Marriages among Turks and Moroccans in Belgium. (2001)
Reniers, Georges
Participatory intervention research - General overview of the principles and strategies. (2001)
Rifkin, SB
Learning by doing: teaching qualitative methods to health care personnel. (2001)
Rifkin, SB; Hartley, SD
Animal research. Three Rs should be registration randomisation, and reviews (systematic). (2001)
Roberts, I
The CRASH trial: the first large-scale, randomised, controlled trial in head injury. (2001)
Roberts, I
The Road to Trauma. (2001)
Roberts, I
Will we all continue to ignore deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes? (2001)
Roberts, I
How can we discover what works in the prevention of road traffic crashes? [Editorial]. (2001)
Roberts, I; Bunn, F; Wentz, R
Normalisation of blood pressure in bleeding patients - Authors' reply. (2001)
Roberts, I; Evans, P
Normalisation of blood pressure in bleeding patients. (2001)
Roberts, I; Evans, P
Is the normalisation of blood pressure in bleeding trauma patients harmful? (2001)
Roberts, I; Evans, P; Bunn, F; Kwan, I; Crowhurst, E
The World Health Organization and the prevention of road injuries: phone book analysis. (2001)
Roberts, I; Hosford, T; Edwards, P
Feeding mode, intestinal permeability, and neopterin excretion: a longitudinal study in infants of HIV-infected South African women. (2001)
Rollins, NC; Filteau, SM; Coutsoudis, A; Tomkins, AM
[CRASH--the first large randomized controlled study of head injuries]. (2001)
Svoboda, P; Roberts, I; Kantorová, I; Ochmann, J; Yates, DW
Why is contraceptive use inversely associated with lactational amenorrhoea? qualitative and quantitative insights from Bangladesh. (2001)
Salway, S
The fitness of twin mothers: evidence from rural Gambia. (2001)
Sear, R; Shanley, D; Mcgregor, IA; Mace, R
Advanced trauma life support training for ambulance crews. (2001)
Sethi, D; Kwan, I; Kelly, AM; Roberts, I; Bunn, F
Advanced trauma life support training versus basic life support training. (2001)
Sethi, D; Kwan, I; Kelly, AM; Roberts, I; Bunn, F
Advanced trauma life support training versus basic life support training. (2001)
Sethi, D; Kwan, I; Kelly, AM; Roberts, I; Bunn, F
Malnutrition and nutrition policies in developing countries. (2001)
Shetty, PS
Malaria in pregnancy: adverse effects on haemoglobin levels and birthweight in primigravidae and multigravidae. (2001)
Shulman, CE; Marshall, T; Dorman, EK; Bulmer, JN; Cutts, F; Peshu, N; Marsh, K
Randomised controlled trial of training health visitors to identify and help couples with relationship problems following a birth. (2001)
Simons, J; Reynolds, J; Morison, L
Hlabisa DSS, South Africa. (2001)
Solarsh, G; Benzler, J; Hosegood, V; Tanser, F; Vanneste, A
New approaches to spatially analyse primary health care usage patterns in rural South Africa. (2001)
Tanser, F; Hosegood, V; Benzler, J; Solarsh, G
Factors influencing contraceptive use in Tehran. (2001)
Tehrani, FR; Farahani, FK; Hashemi, M
Women?s and mental health. (2001)
Thara, R; Patel, V
Adult mortality in the less developed world. (2001)
Timaeus, IM
Estimation of adult mortality from data on adult siblings. (2001)
Timaeus, IM; Zaba, B; Ali, MM
Commentary: Mortality decline in Senegal. (2001)
Timæus, Ian M
Risk factors for active syphilis and TPHA seroconversion in a rural African population. (2001)
Todd, J; Munguti, K; Grosskurth, H; Mngara, J; Changalucha, J; Mayaud, P; Mosha, F; Gavyole, A; Mabey, D; Hayes, R
Results from a family and DNA based active identification programme for familial hypercholesterolaemia. (2001)
ten Asbroek, AH; de Mheen, PJ; Defesche, JC; Kastelein, JJ; Gunning-Schepers, LJ
Obesity trends in Latin America: transiting from under- to overweight. (2001)
Uauy, R; Albala, C; Kain, J
Essential fatty acids in somatic growth and brain development. (2001)
Uauy, R; Calderon, F; Mena, P
Essential fatty acids in visual and brain development. (2001)
Uauy, R; Hoffman, DR; Peirano, P; Birch, DG; Birch, EE
Lipids and neurodevelopement. (2001)
Uauy, R; Mena, P
Mechanisms for nutrient effects on brain development and cognition. (2001)
Uauy, R; Mena, P; Peirano, P
The impact of HIV/AIDS on mortality and household mobility in rural Tanzania. (2001)
Urassa, M; Boerma, JT; Isingo, R; Ngalula, J; Ng'weshemi, J; Mwaluko, G; Zaba, B
Social roles and the gender difference in rates of the common mental disorders in Britain: a 7-year, population-based cohort study. (2001)
Weich, S; Sloggett, A; Lewis, G
Surveys on sexual health: recent developments and future directions. (2001)
Wellings, K; Cleland, J
Identifying controlled evaluation studies of road safety interventions. (2001)
Wentz, Reinhard; Roberts, Ian; Bunn, Frances; Edwards, Phil; Kwan, Irene; Lefebvre, Carol
Modelling the dramatic decline of primary infertility in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001)
White, RG; Zaba, B; Boerma, JT
Current treatments and future perspectives in colorectal and gastric cancer. (2001)
Wilke, H-J; Van Cutsem, E
Variation in breastmilk HIV-1 viral load in left and right breasts during the first 3 months of lactation. (2001)
Willumsen, JF; Newell, ML; Filteau, SM; Coutsoudis, A; Dwarika, S; York, D; Tomkins, AM; Coovadia, HM
Medical abortion at 57 to 63 days' gestation with a lower dose of mifepristone and gemeprost. A randomized controlled trial. (2001)
World Health Organization Task Force on Post-ovulatory Methods o
HIV and child mortality: final report on Phase I of research project. report for UNICEF. (2001)
Zaba, B
Brass tacks: essays in medical demography. (2001)
Zaba, B; Blacker, J
Methods for the estimation and projection of HIV prevalence, HIV incidence and AIDS mortality: report for the UN Population Division. (2001)
Zaba, B; Grassly, N; Garnett, G
Determination of the taste threshold of copper in water. (2001)
Zacarías, I; Yáñez, CG; Araya, M; Oraka, C; Olivares, M; Uauy, R
Part 1. Randomized prospective controlled trial of ferrous sulfate drops versus micronencapsulated ferrous fumarate 'SPRINKLES' for treatment of anemia in Ghanian infants and young children. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G
Part 2. Randomized prospective placebo-controlled trial of microencapsulated ferrous fumarate 'SPRINKLES' with and without vitamin A and ferrous sulfate drops, for prevention of anemia in infants. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G
Randomized, controlled trial of single versus 3-times-daily ferrous sulfate drops for treatment of anemia. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G
Treatment of anemia with microencapsulated ferrous fumarate plus ascorbic acid supplied as sprinkles to complementary (weaning) foods. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G