LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
Dept of Population Health (2012- ) (6066)
Dept of Nutrition and Public Health Interventions Research (2003-2012) (633)
Number of items: 64.
Susceptibility to mycobacterial infections: the importance of host genetics. (2003)
Bellamy, R
Where and why are 10 million children dying every year? (2003)
Black, Robert E; Morris, Saul S; Bryce, Jennifer
Ionisers for chronic asthma. (2003)
Blackhall, K; Appleton, S; Cates, CJ
Knowledge into action for child survival. (2003)
Claeson, M; Gillespie, D; Mshinda, H; Troedsson, H; Victora, CG; Bellagio Study Group on Child Survival
Loss of consciousness from epidural sufentanil for labour analgesia. (2003)
Cohen, S; Fernandez, N; Groysman, R; Soremekun, O
Methotrexate therapy in asthma increases T cell susceptibility to corticosteroid inhibition. (2003)
Corrigan, CJ; Shiner, R; Shakur, BH; Ind, PW
The myth of the noble savage. (2003)
Dangour, A
Individual counselling for injury prevention. (2003)
DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I
Methods to influence the completeness of response to self-administered questionnaires (Protocol for a Cochrane Methodology Review). (2003)
Edwards, P; Cooper, R; Wentz, R; Fernandes, J
Delayed immunisation and risk of pertussis in infants: unmatched case-control study. (2003)
Grant, Cameron C; Roberts, Mavis; Scragg, Robert; Stewart, Joanna; Lennon, Diana; Kivell, Denise; Ford, Rodney; Menzies, Rosalie
The human health consequences of flooding in Europe and the implications for public health: a review of the evidence. (2003)
Hajat, S; Ebi, KL; Kovats, S; Menne, B; Edwards, S; Haines, A
Patterns of adherence to antiretrovirals: why adherence has no simple measure. (2003)
Hill, Zelee; Kendall, Carl; Fernandez, Manuel
Mechanisms of action of LCPUFA effects on infant growth an neurodevelopment: Perinatal biochemistry and physiology of LCPUFA discussion. (2003)
Innis, S; Uauy, R
How many child deaths can we prevent this year? (2003)
Jones, Gareth; Steketee, Richard W; Black, Robert E; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Morris, Saul S; Bellagio Child Survival Study Group
In vivo assessment of lung inflammatory cell activity in patients with COPD and asthma. (2003)
Jones, HA; Marino, PS; Shakur, BH; Morrell, NW
Occupational therapy and physiotherapy for developmental coordination disorder (Protocol for a Cochrane Review). (2003)
Lipson, A; Edwards, P; Logan, GS
Saude e nutricao de criancas de areas urbanas da Zona da Mata Meridional de Pernambuco: resultados preliminares de um estudo de coorte. (2003)
Lira, PIC; Lima, MC; da Silva, GAP; Romani, SAM; Eickmann, SH; Alessio, MLM; Filho, MB; Leger, CLA; Ashworth, A
Measurement and modeling of human T cell kinetics. (2003)
Macallan, Derek C; Asquith, Becca; Irvine, Andrew J; Wallace, Diana L; Worth, Andrew; Ghattas, Hala; Zhang, Yan; Griffin, George E; Tough, David F; Beverley, Peter C
Rapid turnover of T cells in acute infectious mononucleosis. (2003)
Macallan, Derek C; Wallace, Diana L; Irvine, Andrew J; Asquith, Becca; Worth, Andrew; Ghattas, Hala; Zhang, Yan; Griffin, George E; Tough, David F; Beverley, Peter C
Fluid resuscitation strategies: A systematic review of animal trials. (2003)
Mapstone, J; Roberts, I; Evans, P
Predicting the distribution of under-five deaths by cause in countries without adequate vital registration systems. (2003)
Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E; Tomaskovic, Lana
The Allocation of Natural Disaster Relief Funds: Hurricane Mitch in Honduras. (2003)
Morris, Saul S; Wodon, Quentin
Political will and the promotion of breastfeeding. (2003)
Palmer, Gabrielle; Costello, Anthony
Psychiatry in India [Review]. (2003)
Patel, V; Saxena, S
Early history of iron deficiency. (2003)
Poskitt, Elizabeth ME
The ancient battle for iron: our struggle with pathogens. (2003)
Prentice, AM; Doherty, C; McDermid, JM; Atkinson, S; Cox, S
Dementia diagnosis in developing countries: a cross-cultural validation study. (2003)
Prince, Martin; Acosta, Daisy; Chiu, Helen; Scazufca, Marcia; Varghese, Mathew; 10/66 Dementia Research Group
A framework linking community empowerment and health equity: it is a matter of CHOICE. (2003)
Rifkin, Susan B
Car Wars [Comment and Analysis]. (2003)
Roberts, I
Congestion charges and the walking classes. (2003)
Roberts, I
New Labour's welfare scheme for directors. (2003)
Roberts, I
The New Silk Road. (2003)
Roberts, I
The second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third. (2003)
Roberts, I
A new species of the Hipposideros pratti group (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) for Lao PDR and Vietnam. (2003)
Robinson, MF; Jenkins, PD; Francis, CM; Fulford, T
Treating severe malnutrition: an update. (2003)
Schofield, C
Modification of immune function through exposure to dietary aflatoxin in Gambian children. (2003)
Turner, PC; Moore, SE; Hall, AJ; Prentice, AM; Wild, CP
Book Section
Severe malnutrition. (2003)
Ashworth, A
Violence against women. (2003)
Dutton, MA; Kilpatrick, D; Friedman, M; Patel, V
Teenage Pregnancy. (2003)
Free, C
Cultural issues in measurement and research. (2003)
Patel, V
Introduction: The role of NGOs in mental health care. (2003)
Patel, V; Thara, R
NGOs in mental health: Meeting the need? (2003)
Thara, R; Patel, V
Community Nutrition and its impact on developing countries (the Chilean experience). (2003)
Weisstaub, G; Araya, M; Uauy, R
Famine, starvation and Fasting. (2003)
Widdowson, EM; Ashworth, A
Sangath--Families as partners. (2003)
de Souza, N; Patel, V
Conference or Workshop Item
Early seasonal effects on leucocyte and lymphocyte numbers in rural Gambian infants. (2003)
Collinson, AC; N'Gom, PT; Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Prentice, AM; Keneba, MRC
Determinants of muscle strength in free-living older people in Santiago, Chile (abstract). (2003)
Dangour, AD; Bunout, D; Barrera, G; Uauy, R
Geographic targeting: a cost-effective way to enhance programme impact? (2003)
Fenn, B; Morris, SS
Evaluation of the Family Allowance Program (PRAF) in Honduras: nutritional impact. (2003)
Flores, R; Morris, SS; Olinto, P; Medina, J; Neidecker, O
A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: changes in young women?s contraception use over time. (2003)
Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
A contextual and dynamic model of young women?s contraception use: key themes. (2003)
Free, C; Lee, R; Ogden, J
What young people do when contraception goes wrong. (2003)
Free, C; Ogden, J
The long-term effects of perinatal malnutrition on immunity: Lymphocyte subset distribution and kinetics in young Gambian men (Abstract). (2003)
Ghattas, H; Irvine, A; Wallace, D; Solon, J; Morgan, G; Prentice, A; MacAllan, D
Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury (Cochrane Review). (2003)
Roberts, I; Schierhout, G; Wakai, A
Short and long term effects of perinatal essential lipid supply in human neuro-development. (2003)
Uauy, R
Unit and hospital outcomes for 3752 admissions with COPD to 128 UK adult critical care units between 1995 and 2001. (2003)
Wildman, MJ; Harrison, DA; Brady, AR; Rowan, K
Caring for severely malnourished children. (2003)
Ashworth, A; Burgess, A
Guidelines for the inpatient treatment of severely malnourished children. (2003)
Ashworth, A; Khanum, S; Jackson, A; : Schofield, C
Essential Medical Statistics. (2003)
Kirkwood, BR; Sterne, JAC
Where there is No Psychiatrist. (2003)
Patel, V
Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO innovations in India. (2003)
Patel, V; Thara, R