Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology (6213)
    Number of items: 254.
  • Insufficient evidence to support separate BMI definitions for obesity in children and adolescents from south Asian ethnic groups in the UK. (2009) Viner, RM; Cole, Tim J; Fry, T; Gupta, S; Kinra, S; McCarthy, D; Saxena, S; Taylor, S; Wells, JCK; Whincup, P; Zaman, MJS
  • Mortality from pandemic A/H1N1 2009 influenza in England: public health surveillance study. (2009) Donaldson, Liam J; Rutter, Paul D; Ellis, Benjamin M; Greaves, Felix EC; Mytton, Oliver T; Pebody, Richard G; Yardley, Iain E
  • Survival of patients from South Asian and Black populations starting renal replacement therapy in England and Wales. (2009) Roderick, Paul; Byrne, Catherine; Casula, Anna; Steenkamp, Retha; Ansell, David; Burden, Richard; Nitsch, Dorothea; Feest, Terry
  • Is the conflict of interest unacceptable when drug companies conduct trials on their own drugs? Yes. (2009) Goldacre, Ben
  • Oral or transdermal opioids for osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. (2009) Nüesch, Eveline; Rutjes, Anne Ws; Husni, Elaine; Welch, Vivian; Jüni, Peter
  • Assessment of physical activity using accelerometry, an activity diary, the heart rate method and the Indian migration study questionnaire in south Indian adults. (2009) Bharathi, Ankalmadagu V; Kuriyan, Rebecca; Kurpad, Anura V; Thomas, Tinku; Ebrahim, Shah; Kinra, Sanjay; Lyngdoh, Tanica; Reddy, Srinath K; Dorairaj, Prabhakaran; Vaz, Mario; Indian Migrants Study Group
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm. Comparing studies for cost effectiveness of screening. (2009) Thompson, Simon; Kim, Lois; Gao, Lu
  • [Fertility in Spain, 1996-2006: foreign versus Spanish women]. (2009) Luque Fernández, Miguel Angel; Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora
  • An international review of patient safety measures in radiotherapy practice. (2009) Shafiq, Jesmin; Barton, Michael; Noble, Douglas; Lemer, Claire; Donaldson, Liam J
  • Increase in maternal mortality associated with change in the reproductive pattern in Spain: 1996-2005. (2009) Luque Fernández, MA; Cavanillas, A Bueno; Dramaix-Wilmet, M; Soria, FS; de Mata Donado Campos, J; Guibert, DH
  • What if cancer survival in Britain were the same as in Europe: how many deaths are avoidable? (2009) Abdel-Rahman, M; Stockton, D; Rachet, B; Hakulinen, T; Coleman, MP
  • Obesity in urban civil servants in Ghana: association with pre-adult wealth and adult socio-economic status. (2009) Addo, J; Smeeth, L; Leon, DA
  • Socioeconomic position and hypertension: a study of urban civil servants in Ghana. (2009) Addo, J; Smeeth, L; Leon, DA
  • Hypertensive target organ damage in Ghanaian civil servants with hypertension. (2009) Addo, Juliet; Smeeth, Liam; Leon, David A
  • Smoking patterns in Ghanaian civil servants: changes over three decades. (2009) Addo, Juliet; Smeeth, Liam; Leon, David A
  • Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and established risk factors among populations of sub-Saharan African descent in Europe: a literature review. (2009) Agyemang, Charles; Addo, Juliet; Bhopal, Raj; Aikins, Ama de Graft; Stronks, Karien
  • Newly discovered breast cancer susceptibility loci on 3p24 and 17q23.2. (2009) Ahmed, Shahana; Thomas, Gilles; Ghoussaini, Maya; Healey, Catherine S; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Platte, Radka; Morrison, Jonathan; Maranian, Melanie; Pooley, Karen A; Luben, Robert; Eccles, Diana; Evans, D Gareth; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Peto, Julian; Stratton, Michael R; Rahman, Nazneen; Jacobs, Kevin; Prentice, Ross; Anderson, Garnet L; Rajkovic, Aleksandar; Curb, J David; Ziegler, Regina G; Berg, Christine D; Buys, Saundra S; McCarty, Catherine A; Feigelson, Heather Spencer; Calle, Eugenia E; Thun, Michael J; Diver, W Ryan; Bojesen, Stig; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Flyger, Henrik; Dörk, Thilo; Schürmann, Peter; Hillemanns, Peter; Karstens, Johann H; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Zalutsky, Iosif V; Bermisheva, Marina; Fedorova, Sardana; Khusnutdinova, Elza; SEARCH; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong Young; Ahn, Sei-Hyun; Devilee, Peter; van Asperen, Christi J; Tollenaar, RAEM; Seynaeve, Caroline; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Lissowska, Jolanta; Brinton, Louise; Peplonska, Beata; Nevanlinna, Heli; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Hopper, John L; Southey, Melissa C; Smith, Letitia; Spurdle, Amanda B; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Broeks, Annegien; van Hien, Richard R; Cornelissen, Sten; Milne, Roger L; Ribas, Gloria; González-Neira, Anna; Benitez, Javier; Schmutzler, Rita K; Burwinkel, Barbara; Bartram, Claus R; Meindl, Alfons; Brauch, Hiltrud; Justenhoven, Christina; Hamann, Ute; GENICA Consortium; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Hein, Rebecca; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Kataja, Vesa; Olson, Janet E; Wang, Xianshu; Fredericksen, Zachary; Giles, Graham G; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; English, Dallas R; Hankinson, Susan E; Cox, David G; Kraft, Peter; Vatten, Lars J; Hveem, Kristian; Kumle, Merethe; Sigurdson, Alice; Doody, Michele; Bhatti, Parveen; Alexander, Bruce H; Hooning, Maartje J; van den Ouweland, Ans MW; Oldenburg, Rogier A; Schutte, Mieke; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Liu, Jianjun; Li, Yuqing; Cox, Angela; Elliott, Graeme; Brock, Ian; Reed, Malcolm WR; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Hsu, Giu-Cheng; Chen, Shou-Tung; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; kConFab; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Beesley, Jonathan; Goode, Ellen L; Couch, Fergus; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Hoover, Robert N; Ponder, Bruce AJ; Hunter, David J; Pharoah, Paul DP; Dunning, Alison M; Chanock, Stephen J; Easton, Douglas F
  • Determining a cost effective intervention response to HIV/AIDS in Peru. (2009) Aldridge, Robert W; Iglesias, David; Cáceres, Carlos F; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Influence of area and individual lifecourse deprivation on health behaviours: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2009) Amuzu, Antoinette; Carson, Claire; Watt, Hilary C; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Aspirin in the primary and secondary prevention of vascular disease: collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised trials. (2009) Antithrombotic Trialists' (ATT) Collaboration; Baigent, Colin; Blackwell, Lisa; Collins, Rory; Emberson, Jonathan; Godwin, Jon; Peto, Richard; Buring, Julie; Hennekens, Charles; Kearney, Patricia; Meade, Tom; Patrono, Carlo; Roncaglioni, Maria Carla; Zanchetti, Alberto
  • The effect of exclusion of cases with unrecorded best estimate of gestational age on the estimates of preterm birth rate. (2009) Balchin, I; Whittaker, JC; Lamont, RF; Steer, PJ
  • Replication analysis identifies TYK2 as a multiple sclerosis susceptibility factor. (2009) Ban, Maria; Goris, An; Lorentzen, Aslaug R; Baker, Amie; Mihalova, Tania; Ingram, Gillian; Booth, David R; Heard, Robert N; Stewart, Graeme J; Bogaert, Elke; Dubois, Bénédicte; Harbo, Hanne F; Celius, Elisabeth G; Spurkland, Anne; Strange, Richard; Hawkins, Clive; Robertson, Neil P; Dudbridge, Frank; Wason, James; De Jager, Philip L; Hafler, David; Rioux, John D; Ivinson, Adrian J; McCauley, Jacob L; Pericak-Vance, Margaret; Oksenberg, Jorge R; Hauser, Stephen L; Sexton, David; Haines, Jonathan; Sawcer, Stephen; Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium (WTCCC); Compston, Alastair
  • The Latin American Consortium of Studies in Obesity (LASO). (2009) Bautista, LE; Casas, JP; Herrera, VM; Miranda, JJ; Perel, P; Pichardo, R; González, A; Sanchez, JR; Ferreccio, C; Aguilera, X; Silva, E; Oróstegui, M; Gómez, LF; Chirinos, JA; Medina-Lezama, J; Pérez, CM; Suárez, E; Ortiz, AP; Rosero, L; Schapochnik, N; Ortiz, Z; Ferrante, D; Latin-American Consortium of Studies in Obesity (LASO)
  • The Latin American Consortium of Studies in Obesity (LASO). (2009) Bautista, LE; Casas, JP; Herrera, VM; Miranda, JJ; Perel, P; Pichardo, R; González, A; Sanchez, JR; Ferreccio, C; Aguilera, X; Silva, E; Oróstegui, M; Gómez, LF; Chirinos, JA; Medina-Lezama, J; Pérez, CM; Suárez, E; Ortiz, AP; Rosero, L; Schapochnik, N; Ortiz, Z; Ferrante, D; On Behalf of the Investigators of the Latin-, AmericanConsortiumofStudiesinObesity
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus after gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2009) Bellamy, Leanne; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Hingorani, Aroon D; Williams, David
  • Ki-67 and outcome in clinically localised prostate cancer: analysis of conservatively treated prostate cancer patients from the Trans-Atlantic Prostate Group study. (2009) Berney, DM; Gopalan, A; Kudahetti, S; Fisher, G; Ambroisine, L; Foster, CS; Reuter, V; Eastham, J; Moller, H; Kattan, MW; Gerald, W; Cooper, C; Scardino, P; Cuzick, J
  • Comparative cancer survival information in Europe. (2009) Berrino, Franco; Verdecchia, Arduino; Lutz, Jean Michel; Lombardo, Claudio; Micheli, Andrea; Capocaccia, Riccardo; EUROCARE Working Group
  • The evolving HIV/AIDS response and the urgent tasks ahead. (2009) Bertozzi, Stefano M; Martz, Tyler E; Piot, Peter
  • Effects of air pollution on the incidence of myocardial infarction. (2009) Bhaskaran, K; Hajat, S; Haines, A; Herrett, E; Wilkinson, P; Smeeth, L
  • Effects of ambient temperature on the incidence of myocardial infarction. (2009) Bhaskaran, K; Hajat, S; Haines, A; Herrett, E; Wilkinson, P; Smeeth, L
  • Drinking alcohol surrogates among clients of an alcohol-misuser treatment clinic in Novosibirsk, Russia. (2009) Bobrova, Natalia; West, Robert; Malutina, Darya; Koshkina, Evgenia; Terkulov, Ravil; Bobak, Martin
  • Lung function in mid-life compared with later life is a stronger predictor of arterial stiffness in men: the Caerphilly Prospective Study. (2009) Bolton, Charlotte E; Cockcroft, John R; Sabit, Ramsey; Munnery, Margaret; McEniery, Carmel M; Wilkinson, Ian B; Ebrahim, Shah; Gallacher, John E; Shale, Dennis J; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Conditional relative survival of cancer patients and conditional probability of death: a French National Database analysis. (2009) Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Remontet, Laurent; Hédelin, Guy; Launoy, Guy; Jooste, Valérie; Grosclaude, Pascale; Belot, Aurélien; Lacour, Brigitte; Estève, Jacques; Bossard, Nadine; Faivre, Jean; Association of the French Cancer Registries (FRANCIM)
  • Unbiased estimation of odds ratios: combining genomewide association scans with replication studies. (2009) Bowden, Jack; Dudbridge, Frank
  • Long-term survival expectations of cancer patients in Europe in 2000-2002. (2009) Brenner, Hermann; Francisci, Silvia; de Angelis, Roberta; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Verdecchia, Arduino; Gatta, Gemma; Allemani, Claudia; Ciccolallo, Laura; Coleman, Michel; Sant, Milena; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Phylogenetic reconstruction of transmission events from individuals with acute HIV infection: toward more-rigorous epidemiological definitions. (2009) Brown, Alison E; Gifford, Robert J; Clewley, Jonathan P; Kucherer, Claudia; Masquelier, Bernard; Porter, Kholoud; Balotta, Claudia; Back, Nicole KT; Jorgensen, Louise Bruun; de Mendoza, Carmen; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Gill, O Noel; Johnson, Anne M; Pillay, Deenan; Concerted Action on Seroconversion to AIDS and Death in Europe (
  • Baseline characteristics of participants in the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET). (2009) Bulpitt, Christopher John; Beckett, Nigel Stanley; Peters, Ruth; Banya, Winston; Liu, Lisheng; Wang, Ji-Guang; Stoyanovsky, Vassil; Dumitrascu, Dan; Nikitin, Yuri; Staessen, Jan Albert; Burch, Lisa; Fletcher, Astrid Elizabeth
  • Cancer morbidity in British military veterans included in chemical warfare agent experiments at Porton Down: cohort study. (2009) Carpenter, LM; Linsell, L; Brooks, C; Keegan, TJ; Langdon, T; Doyle, P; Maconochie, NES; Fletcher, T; Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ; Beral, V; Venables, KM
  • Genes related to sex steroids, neural growth, and social-emotional behavior are associated with autistic traits, empathy, and Asperger syndrome. (2009) Chakrabarti, B; Dudbridge, F; Kent, L; Wheelwright, S; Hill-Cawthorne, G; Allison, C; Banerjee-Basu, S; Baron-Cohen, S
  • Searching for genotype-phenotype structure: using hierarchical log-linear models in Crohn disease. (2009) Chapman, Juliet M; Onnie, Clive M; Prescott, Natalie J; Fisher, Sheila A; Mansfield, John C; Mathew, Christopher G; Lewis, Cathryn M; Verzilli, Claudio J; Whittaker, John C
  • Herbal medicines during pregnancy and childhood cancers: an analysis of data from a pregnancy cohort study. (2009) Chuang, Chao-Hua; Doyle, Pat; Wang, Jung-Der; Chang, Pei-Jen; Lai, Jung-Nien; Chen, Pau-Chung
  • Survival from salivary glands adenoid cystic carcinoma in European populations. (2009) Ciccolallo, Laura; Licitra, Lisa; Cantú, Giulio; Gatta, Gemma; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Evidence for an interaction between familial liability and prenatal exposure to infection in the causation of schizophrenia. (2009) Clarke, Mary C; Tanskanen, Antti; Huttunen, Matti; Whittaker, John C; Cannon, Mary
  • Life expectancy in relation to cardiovascular risk factors: 38 year follow-up of 19,000 men in the Whitehall study. (2009) Clarke, Robert; Emberson, Jonathan; Fletcher, Astrid; Breeze, Elizabeth; Marmot, Michael; Shipley, Martin J
  • Cancer survival in the developing world. (2009) Coleman, Michel P
  • Aspirin in the primary and secondary prevention of vascular disease: collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised trials. (2009) Collins, R; Peto, R; Hennekens, C; Doll, R; Bubes, V; Buring, J; Dushkesas, R; Gaziano, M; Brennam, P; Meade, T; Rudnicka, A; Hansson, L; Warnold, I; Zanchetti, A; Avanzini, F; Roncaglioni, MC; Tognoni, G; Chown, M; Baigent, C; Barton, I; Baxter, A; Bhala, N; Blackwell, L; Boreham, J; Bowman, L; Buck, G; Emberson, J; Godwin, J; Halls, H; Holland, L; Kearney, P; Reith, C; Wilson, K; Patrono, C; Antithrombotic Trialists, C
  • The future burden of cancer in London compared with England. (2009) Coupland, Victoria H; Okello, Catherine; Davies, Elizabeth A; Bray, Freddie; Møller, Henrik
  • Good research practices for comparative effectiveness research: approaches to mitigate bias and confounding in the design of nonrandomized studies of treatment effects using secondary data sources: the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Good Research Practices for Retrospective Database Analysis Task Force Report--Part II. (2009) Cox, Emily; Martin, Bradley C; Van Staa, Tjeerd; Garbe, Edeltraut; Siebert, Uwe; Johnson, Michael L
  • Trends in the incidence and survival of cancer in teenagers and young adults: regional analysis for South East England 1960-2002. (2009) Croucher, C; Whelan, JS; Møller, H; Davies, EA
  • Inequalities in the incidence of cervical cancer in South East England 2001-2005: an investigation of population risk factors. (2009) Currin, Laura G; Jack, Ruth H; Linklater, Karen M; Mak, Vivian; Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth A
  • Fish consumption and cognitive function among older people in the UK: baseline data from the OPAL study. (2009) Dangour, AD; Allen, E; Elbourne, D; Fletcher, A; Richards, M; Uauy, R
  • Incidence and survival of gastric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a population-based study from the Association of the French Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). (2009) Danzon, Arlette; Belot, Aurélien; Maynadié, Marc; Remontet, Laurent; Dupont, Anne Claire Gossart; Carbonnel, Franck; Association FRANCIM
  • The EUROCARE-4 database on cancer survival in Europe: data standardisation, quality control and methods of statistical analysis. (2009) De Angelis, Roberta; Francisci, Silvia; Baili, Paolo; Marchesi, Francesca; Roazzi, Paolo; Belot, Aurélien; Crocetti, Emanuele; Pury, Pierre; Knijn, Arnold; Coleman, Michel; Capocaccia, Riccardo; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Outcome after injury-a systematic literature search of studies using the EQ-5D. (2009) Derrett, Sarah; Black, James; Herbison, G Peter
  • Contribution of variant alleles of ABCB11 to susceptibility to intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. (2009) Dixon, PH; van Mil, SWC; Chambers, J; Strautnieks, S; Thompson, RJ; Lammert, F; Kubitz, R; Keitel, V; Glantz, A; Mattsson, L-A; Marschall, H-U; Molokhia, M; Moore, GE; Linton, KJ; Williamson, C
  • Head and neck cancer in South East England between 1995-1999 and 2000-2004: An estimation of incidence and distribution by site, stage and histological type. (2009) Doobaree, Indraraj Umesh; Landis, Sarah H; Linklater, Karen M; El-Hariry, Iman; Moller, Henrik; Tyczynski, Jerzy
  • Ovulation-stimulation drugs and cancer risks: a long-term follow-up of a British cohort. (2009) Dos Santos Silva, I; Wark, PA; McCormack, VA; Mayer, D; Overton, C; Little, V; Nieto, J; Hardiman, P; Davies, M; Maclean, AB
  • Evaluation of folate metabolism gene polymorphisms as risk factors for open and closed neural tube defects. (2009) Doudney, K; Grinham, J; Whittaker, J; Lynch, SA; Thompson, D; Moore, GE; Copp, AJ; Greene, NDE; Stanier, P
  • The risk of fractures associated with thiazolidinediones: a self-controlled case-series study. (2009) Douglas, Ian J; Evans, Stephen J; Pocock, Stuart; Smeeth, Liam
  • Integrated associations of genotypes with multiple blood biomarkers linked to coronary heart disease risk. (2009) Drenos, Fotios; Talmud, Philippa J; Casas, Juan P; Smeeth, Liam; Palmen, Jutta; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Association of ESR1 gene tagging SNPs with breast cancer risk. (2009) Dunning, Alison M; Healey, Catherine S; Baynes, Caroline; Maia, Ana-Teresa; Scollen, Serena; Vega, Ana; Rodríguez, Raquel; Barbosa-Morais, Nuno L; Ponder, Bruce AJ; SEARCH; Low, Yen-Ling; Bingham, Sheila; EPIC; Haiman, Christopher A; Le Marchand, Loic; MEC; Broeks, Annegien; Schmidt, Marjanka K; ABCS; Hopper, John; Southey, Melissa; ABCFS; Beckmann, Matthias W; Fasching, Peter A; BBCC; Peto, Julian; Johnson, Nichola; BBCS; Bojesen, Stig E; Nordestgaard, Børge; CGPS; Milne, Roger L; Benitez, Javier; CNIO-BCS; Hamann, Ute; Ko, Yon; GENICA; Schmutzler, Rita K; Burwinkel, Barbara; GC-HBOC; Schürmann, Peter; Dörk, Thilo; HABCS; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Nevanlinna, Heli; HEBCS; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; KARBAC; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; KBCS; Chen, Xiaoqing; Spurdle, Amanda; kConFab and the AOCS Management Group; Change-Claude, Jenny; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; MARIE; Couch, Fergus J; Olson, Janet E; for MCBCS; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; MCCS; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Kristensen, Vessela; NBCS; Hunter, David J; Hankinson, Susan E; NHS; Devilee, Peter; Vreeswijk, Maaike; ORIGO; Lissowska, Jolanta; Brinton, Louise; PBCS; Liu, Jianjun; Hall, Per; SASBAC; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; SEBCS; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; TWBCS; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogoas, Argyrios; UCIBCS; Sigurdson, Alice; Struewing, Jeff; USRTS; Easton, Douglas F; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Morrison, Jonathan; Pharoah, Paul DP; Pooley, Karen A; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; BCAC
  • Cabbages and condoms. (2009) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Ideology with evidence: global warming, maps and ethics. (2009) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Trends in cancer survival in Spearhead Primary Care Trusts in England, 1998-2004. (2009) Ellis, Libby; Rachet, Bernard; Shah, Anjali; Walters, Sarah; Coleman, Michel P; Cooper, Nicola; Westlake, Susan
  • Major lipids, apolipoproteins, and risk of vascular disease. (2009) Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration; Di Angelantonio, Emanuele; Sarwar, Nadeem; Perry, Philip; Kaptoge, Stephen; Ray, Kausik K; Thompson, Alexander; Wood, Angela M; Lewington, Sarah; Sattar, Naveed; Packard, Chris J; Collins, Rory; Thompson, Simon G; Danesh, John
  • Lipoprotein(a) concentration and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and nonvascular mortality. (2009) Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration; Erqou, Sebhat; Kaptoge, Stephen; Perry, Philip L; Di Angelantonio, Emanuele; Thompson, Alexander; White, Ian R; Marcovina, Santica M; Collins, Rory; Thompson, Simon G; Danesh, John
  • Vision screening. (2009) Evans, Jennifer; Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Estimating intervention effects in a complex multi-level smoking prevention study. (2009) Falcaro, Milena; Povey, Andrew C; Fielder, Anne; Nahit, Elizabeth; Pickles, Andrew
  • Gene-body hypermethylation of ATM in peripheral blood DNA of bilateral breast cancer patients. (2009) Flanagan, James M; Munoz-Alegre, Marta; Henderson, Stephen; Tang, Thomas; Sun, Ping; Johnson, Nichola; Fletcher, Olivia; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Peto, Julian; Boshoff, Chris; Narod, Steven; Petronis, Arturas
  • Controversy over "contradiction": Should randomized trials always trump observational studies? (2009) Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Family history, genetic testing, and clinical risk prediction: pooled analysis of CHEK2 1100delC in 1,828 bilateral breast cancers and 7,030 controls. (2009) Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Kilpivaara, Outi; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Nevanlinna, Heli; Wasielewski, Marijke; Meijers-Heijerboer, Hanne; Broeks, Annegien; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Van't Veer, Laura J; Bremer, Michael; Dörk, Thilo; Chekmariova, Elena V; Sokolenko, Anna P; Imyanitov, Evgeny N; Hamann, Ute; Rashid, Muhammad U; Brauch, Hiltrud; Justenhoven, Christina; Ashworth, Alan; Peto, Julian
  • Hsp-27 expression at diagnosis predicts poor clinical outcome in prostate cancer independent of ETS-gene rearrangement. (2009) Foster, CS; Dodson, AR; Ambroisine, L; Fisher, G; Møller, H; Clark, J; Attard, G; De-Bono, J; Scardino, P; Reuter, VE; Cooper, CS; Berney, DM; Cuzick, J
  • The cure of cancer: a European perspective. (2009) Francisci, Silvia; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Grande, Enrico; Santaquilani, Mariano; Simonetti, Arianna; Allemani, Claudia; Gatta, Gemma; Sant, Milena; Zigon, Giulia; Bray, Freddie; Janssen-Heijnen, Maryska; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and incident diabetes: the British Women's Heart and Health Study and meta-analysis. (2009) Fraser, Abigail; Harris, Ross; Sattar, Naveed; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Does anxiety affect risk of dementia? Findings from the Caerphilly Prospective Study. (2009) Gallacher, John; Bayer, Anthony; Fish, Mark; Pickering, Janet; Pedro, Sofia; Dunstan, Frank; Ebrahim, Shah; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Survival of European children and young adults with cancer diagnosed 1995-2002. (2009) Gatta, Gemma; Zigon, Giulia; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Coebergh, Jan Willem; Desandes, Emmanuel; Kaatsch, Peter; Pastore, Guido; Peris-Bonet, Rafael; Stiller, Charles A; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Five polymorphisms and breast cancer risk: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. (2009) Gaudet, Mia M; Milne, Roger L; Cox, Angela; Camp, Nicola J; Goode, Ellen L; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Dunning, Alison M; Morrison, Jonathan; Giles, Graham G; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; English, Dallas R; Couch, Fergus J; Olson, Janet E; Wang, Xianshu; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Abbas, Sascha; Salazar, Ramona; Mannermaa, Arto; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Kämpjärvi, Kati; Aaltonen, Kirsimari; Nevanlinna, Heli; Bogdanova, Natalia; Coinac, Irina; Schürmann, Peter; Dörk, Thilo; Bartram, Claus R; Schmutzler, Rita K; Tchatchou, Sandrine; Burwinkel, Barbara; Brauch, Hiltrud; Torres, Diana; Hamann, Ute; Justenhoven, Christina; Ribas, Gloria; Arias, José I; Benitez, Javier; Bojesen, Stig E; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Flyger, Henrik L; Peto, Julian; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Fasching, Peter A; Beckmann, Matthias W; Strick, Reiner; Ekici, Arif B; Broeks, Annegien; Schmidt, Marjanka K; van Leeuwen, Flora E; Van't Veer, Laura J; Southey, Melissa C; Hopper, John L; Apicella, Carmel; Haiman, Christopher A; Henderson, Brian E; Le Marchand, Loic; Kolonel, Laurence N; Kristensen, Vessela; Grenaker Alnaes, Grethe; Hunter, David J; Kraft, Peter; Cox, David G; Hankinson, Susan E; Seynaeve, Caroline; Vreeswijk, Maaike PG; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Devilee, Peter; Chanock, Stephen; Lissowska, Jolanta; Brinton, Louise; Peplonska, Beata; Czene, Kamila; Hall, Per; Li, Yuqing; Liu, Jianjun; Balasubramanian, Sabapathy; Rafii, Saeed; Reed, Malcolm WR; Pooley, Karen A; Conroy, Don; Baynes, Caroline; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong-Young; Ahn, Sei-Hyun; Shen, Chen-Yang; Wang, Hui-Chun; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Wu, Pei-Ei; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogoas, Argyrios; Egan, Kathleen; Newcomb, Polly; Titus-Ernstoff, Linda; Trentham Dietz, Amy; Sigurdson, Alice J; Alexander, Bruce H; Bhatti, Parveen; Allen-Brady, Kristina; Cannon-Albright, Lisa A; Wong, Jathine; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Spurdle, Amanda B; Beesley, Jonathan; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Doug F; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Breast Cancer Association Consortium
  • No breast cancer association for transforming growth factor-beta pathway colorectal cancer single nucleotide polymorphisms. (2009) Gibson, Lorna; Johnson, Nichola; Fraser, Agnes; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Houlston, Richard; Peto, Julian; Fletcher, Olivia
  • Media misinformation and health behaviours. (2009) Goldacre, Ben
  • Social and biological determinants of reproductive success in Swedish males and females born 1915-1929. (2009) Goodman, A; Koupil, I
  • The effect of economic deprivation on oesophageal and gastric cancer in a UK cancer network. (2009) Gossage, JA; Forshaw, MJ; Khan, AA; Mak, V; Moller, H; Mason, RC
  • Inhaled tiotropium bromide and risk of stroke. (2009) Grosso, Anthony; Douglas, Ian; Hingorani, Aroon D; MacAllister, Raymond; Hubbard, Richard; Smeeth, Liam
  • Oral bisphosphonates and risk of atrial fibrillation and flutter in women: a self-controlled case-series safety analysis. (2009) Grosso, Anthony; Douglas, Ian; Hingorani, Aroon; MacAllister, Raymond; Smeeth, Liam
  • Selection of medical diagnostic codes for analysis of electronic patient records. Application to stroke in a primary care database. (2009) Gulliford, Martin C; Charlton, Judith; Ashworth, Mark; Rudd, Anthony G; Toschke, Andre Michael; eCRT Research Team
  • Cancer control-planning and monitoring population-based systems. (2009) Harford, Joe B; Edwards, Brenda K; Nandakumar, Ambakumar; Ndom, Paul; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Coleman, Michel P; ICCC-3 Session A Group
  • Childhood temperament and long-term sickness absence in adult life. (2009) Henderson, Max; Hotopf, Matthew; Leon, David A
  • Interethnic differences in the accuracy of anthropometric indicators of obesity in screening for high risk of coronary heart disease. (2009) Herrera, VM; Casas, JP; Miranda, JJ; Perel, P; Pichardo, R; González, A; Sanchez, JR; Ferreccio, C; Aguilera, X; Silva, E; Oróstegui, M; Gómez, LF; Chirinos, JA; Medina-Lezama, J; Pérez, CM; Suárez, E; Ortiz, AP; Rosero, L; Schapochnik, N; Ortiz, Z; Ferrante, D; Diaz, M; Bautista, LE; Latin-American Consortium of Studies in Obesity
  • Interethnic differences in the accuracy of anthropometric indicators of obesity in screening for high risk of coronary heart disease. (2009) Herrera, VM; Casas, JP; Miranda, JJ; Perel, P; Pichardo, R; González, A; Sanchez, JR; Ferreccio, C; Aguilera, X; Silva, E; Oróstegui, M; Gómez, LF; Chirinos, JA; Medina-Lezama, J; Pérez, CM; Suárez, E; Ortiz, AP; Rosero, L; Schapochnik, N; Ortiz, Z; Ferrante, D; Diaz, M; Bautista, LE; Latin-American Consortium of Studies in Obesity
  • The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and its associated health problems in a community-dwelling elderly population. (2009) Hewitt, J; Smeeth, L; Bulpitt, CJ; Fletcher, AE
  • C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease: predictive test or therapeutic target? (2009) Hingorani, Aroon D; Shah, Tina; Casas, Juan P; Humphries, Steve E; Talmud, Philippa J
  • Fulfilling the promise of personalized medicine? Systematic review and field synopsis of pharmacogenetic studies. (2009) Holmes, Michael V; Shah, Tina; Vickery, Christine; Smeeth, Liam; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Mortality profiles in a country facing epidemiological transition: an analysis of registered data. (2009) Huicho, Luis; Trelles, Miguel; Gonzales, Fernando; Mendoza, Walter; Miranda, Jaime
  • Pregnancy outcome and fibrinolytic, endothelial and coagulation markers in women undergoing uterine artery Doppler screening at 23 weeks. (2009) Hunt, BJ; Missfelder-Lobos, H; Parra-Cordero, M; Fletcher, O; Parmar, K; Lefkou, E; Lees, CC
  • Temporal clustering of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2009) Hurst, John R; Donaldson, Gavin C; Quint, Jennifer K; Goldring, James JP; Baghai-Ravary, Ramin; Wedzicha, Jadwiga A
  • Cervical carcinoma and sexual behavior: collaborative reanalysis of individual data on 15,461 women with cervical carcinoma and 29,164 women without cervical carcinoma from 21 epidemiological studies. (2009) International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervic
  • Socio-economic status and oesophageal cancer: results from a population-based case-control study in a high-risk area. (2009) Islami, Farhad; Kamangar, Farin; Nasrollahzadeh, Dariush; Aghcheli, Karim; Sotoudeh, Masoud; Abedi-Ardekani, Behnoush; Merat, Shahin; Nasseri-Moghaddam, Siavosh; Semnani, Shahryar; Sepehr, Alireza; Wakefield, Jon; Møller, Henrik; Abnet, Christian C; Dawsey, Sanford M; Boffetta, Paolo; Malekzadeh, Reza
  • Oesophageal cancer in Golestan Province, a high-incidence area in northern Iran - a review. (2009) Islami, Farhad; Kamangar, Farin; Nasrollahzadeh, Dariush; Møller, Henrik; Boffetta, Paolo; Malekzadeh, Reza
  • Tea drinking habits and oesophageal cancer in a high risk area in northern Iran: population based case-control study. (2009) Islami, Farhad; Pourshams, Akram; Nasrollahzadeh, Dariush; Kamangar, Farin; Fahimi, Saman; Shakeri, Ramin; Abedi-Ardekani, Behnoush; Merat, Shahin; Vahedi, Homayoon; Semnani, Shahryar; Abnet, Christian C; Brennan, Paul; Møller, Henrik; Saidi, Farrokh; Dawsey, Sanford M; Malekzadeh, Reza; Boffetta, Paolo
  • Regional differences in population-based cancer survival between six prefectures in Japan: application of relative survival models with funnel plots. (2009) Ito, Yuri; Ioka, Akiko; Tsukuma, Hideaki; Ajiki, Wakiko; Sugimoto, Tomoyuki; Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel P
  • Breast cancer incidence, stage, treatment and survival in ethnic groups in South East England. (2009) Jack, RH; Davies, EA; Møller, H
  • The risk of transfusion-transmitted infections in sub-Saharan Africa. (2009) Jayaraman, Sudha; Chalabi, Zaid; Perel, Pablo; Guerriero, Carla; Roberts, Ian
  • Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is associated with circulating markers of inflammation and endothelial function in adult men and women. (2009) Jefferis, BJ; Lowe, GDO; Welsh, P; Rumley, A; Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Carson, C; Doig, M; Feyerabend, C; McMeekin, L; Wannamethee, SG; Cook, DG; Whincup, PH
  • Prospective study of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in older men and women. (2009) Jefferis, Barbara J; Whincup, Peter; Welsh, Paul; Wannamethee, Goya; Rumley, Ann; Lennon, Lucy; Thomson, Andy; Lawlor, Debbie; Carson, Claire; Ebrahim, Shah; Lowe, Gordon picture_as_pdf
  • A functional genomics approach reveals novel quantitative trait loci associated with platelet signaling pathways. (2009) Jones, Chris I; Bray, Sarah; Garner, Stephen F; Stephens, Jonathan; de Bono, Bernard; Angenent, Will GJ; Bentley, David; Burns, Philippa; Coffey, Alison; Deloukas, Panos; Earthrowl, Mark; Farndale, Richard W; Hoylaerts, Marc F; Koch, Kerstin; Rankin, Angela; Rice, Catherine M; Rogers, Jane; Samani, Nilesh J; Steward, Michael; Walker, Adam; Watkins, Nicholas A; Akkerman, Jan-Willem; Dudbridge, Frank; Goodall, Alison H; Ouwehand, Willem H; Bloodomics Consortium
  • Increased colorectal cancer incidence in obligate carriers of heterozygous mutations in MUTYH. (2009) Jones, Natalie; Vogt, Stefanie; Nielsen, Maartje; Christian, Daria; Wark, Petra A; Eccles, Diana; Edwards, Emma; Evans, D Gareth; Maher, Eamonn R; Vasen, Hans F; Hes, Frederik J; Aretz, Stefan; Sampson, Julian R
  • Exposures recorded for participants in the UK Chemical Warfare Agent Human Research Programme, 1941-1989. (2009) Keegan, TJ; Walker, SAS; Brooks, C; Langdon, T; Linsell, L; Maconochie, NES; Doyle, P; Fletcher, T; Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ; Carpenter, LM; Venables, KM
  • Impact of severity of personality disorder on the outcome of depression. (2009) Kelly, Brendan D; Nur, Ula A; Tyrer, Peter; Casey, Patricia
  • Beta-2 receptor antagonists for traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of controlled trials in animal models. (2009) Ker, K; Perel, P; Blackhall, K
  • The clonal evolution of metastases from primary serous epithelial ovarian cancers. (2009) Khalique, Lalarukh; Ayhan, Ayse; Whittaker, John C; Singh, Naveena; Jacobs, Ian J; Gayther, Simon A; Ramus, Susan J
  • Uncertainty and validation of health economic decision models. (2009) Kim, Lois G; Thompson, Simon G
  • ARTISTIC: a randomised trial of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in primary cervical screening. (2009) Kitchener, HC; Almonte, M; Gilham, C; Dowie, R; Stoykova, B; Sargent, A; Roberts, C; Desai, M; Peto, J; ARTISTIC Trial Study Group
  • HPV testing in combination with liquid-based cytology in primary cervical screening (ARTISTIC): a randomised controlled trial. (2009) Kitchener, Henry C; Almonte, Maribel; Thomson, Claire; Wheeler, Paula; Sargent, Alexandra; Stoykova, Boyka; Gilham, Clare; Baysson, Helene; Roberts, Christopher; Dowie, Robin; Desai, Mina; Mather, Jean; Bailey, Andrew; Turner, Andrew; Moss, Sue; Peto, Julian
  • p53 immunochemistry is an independent prognostic marker for outcome in conservatively treated prostate cancer. (2009) Kudahetti, Sak; Fisher, Gabrielle; Ambroisine, Laurence; Foster, Christopher; Reuter, Victor; Eastham, James; Møller, Henrik; Kattan, Michael W; Cooper, Colin S; Scardino, Peter; Cuzick, Jack; Berney, Daniel M
  • Early-life origins of schizotypal traits in adulthood. (2009) Lahti, Jari; Raïkkönen, Katri; Sovio, Ulla; Miettunen, Jouko; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Pouta, Anneli; Taanila, Anja; Joukamaa, Matti; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Veijola, Juha
  • Flares in childhood eczema. (2009) Langan, SM
  • A population-based study of acute medical conditions associated with bullous pemphigoid. (2009) Langan, SM; Hubbard, R; Fleming, K; West, J
  • What causes flares of eczema in children? (2009) Langan, SM; Silcocks, P; Williams, HC
  • A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of treatments for inherited forms of epidermolysis bullosa. (2009) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • The use of electronic diaries in dermatology research. (2009) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • The association of childhood intelligence with mortality risk from adolescence to middle age: Findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. (2009) Leon, DA; Lawlor, DA; Clark, H; Batty, GD; MacIntyre, S
  • The association of childhood intelligence with mortality risk from adolescence to middle age: Findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. (2009) Leon, DA; Lawlor, DA; Clark, H; Batty, GD; Macintyre, S
  • Breast-feeding influences on later life--cardiovascular disease. (2009) Leon, DA; Ronalds, G
  • Genome-wide association scan meta-analysis identifies three Loci influencing adiposity and fat distribution. (2009) Lindgren, Cecilia M; Heid, Iris M; Randall, Joshua C; Lamina, Claudia; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Qi, Lu; Speliotes, Elizabeth K; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Willer, Cristen J; Herrera, Blanca M; Jackson, Anne U; Lim, Noha; Scheet, Paul; Soranzo, Nicole; Amin, Najaf; Aulchenko, Yurii S; Chambers, John C; Drong, Alexander; Luan, Jian'an; Lyon, Helen N; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Sanna, Serena; Timpson, Nicholas J; Zillikens, M Carola; Zhao, Jing Hua; Almgren, Peter; Bandinelli, Stefania; Bennett, Amanda J; Bergman, Richard N; Bonnycastle, Lori L; Bumpstead, Suzannah J; Chanock, Stephen J; Cherkas, Lynn; Chines, Peter; Coin, Lachlan; Cooper, Cyrus; Crawford, Gabriel; Doering, Angela; Dominiczak, Anna; Doney, Alex SF; Ebrahim, Shah; Elliott, Paul; Erdos, Michael R; Estrada, Karol; Ferrucci, Luigi; Fischer, Guido; Forouhi, Nita G; Gieger, Christian; Grallert, Harald; Groves, Christopher J; Grundy, Scott; Guiducci, Candace; Hadley, David; Hamsten, Anders; Havulinna, Aki S; Hofman, Albert; Holle, Rolf; Holloway, John W; Illig, Thomas; Isomaa, Bo; Jacobs, Leonie C; Jameson, Karen; Jousilahti, Pekka; Karpe, Fredrik; Kuusisto, Johanna; Laitinen, Jaana; Lathrop, G Mark; Lawlor, Debbie A; Mangino, Massimo; McArdle, Wendy L; Meitinger, Thomas; Morken, Mario A; Morris, Andrew P; Munroe, Patricia; Narisu, Narisu; Nordström, Anna; Nordström, Peter; Oostra, Ben A; Palmer, Colin NA; Payne, Felicity; Peden, John F; Prokopenko, Inga; Renström, Frida; Ruokonen, Aimo; Salomaa, Veikko; Sandhu, Manjinder S; Scott, Laura J; Scuteri, Angelo; Silander, Kaisa; Song, Kijoung; Yuan, Xin; Stringham, Heather M; Swift, Amy J; Tuomi, Tiinamaija; Uda, Manuela; Vollenweider, Peter; Waeber, Gerard; Wallace, Chris; Walters, G Bragi; Weedon, Michael N; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium; Witteman, Jacqueline CM; Zhang, Cuilin; Zhang, Weihua; Caulfield, Mark J; Collins, Francis S; Davey Smith, George; Day, Ian NM; Franks, Paul W; Hattersley, Andrew T; Hu, Frank B; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Kong, Augustine; Kooner, Jaspal S; Laakso, Markku; Lakatta, Edward; Mooser, Vincent; Morris, Andrew D; Peltonen, Leena; Samani, Nilesh J; Spector, Timothy D; Strachan, David P; Tanaka, Toshiko; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Uitterlinden, André G; van Duijn, Cornelia M; Wareham, Nicholas J; Hugh Watkins; Procardis Consortia; Waterworth, Dawn M; Boehnke, Michael; Deloukas, Panos; Groop, Leif; Hunter, David J; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Schlessinger, David; Wichmann, H-Erich; Frayling, Timothy M; Abecasis, Gonçalo R; Hirschhorn, Joel N; Loos, Ruth JF; Stefansson, Kari; Mohlke, Karen L; Barroso, Inês; McCarthy, Mark I; Giant Consortium picture_as_pdf
  • Cancer prevention and population-based screening. (2009) Luciani, Silvana; Vardy, Lianne; Paci, Eugenio; Adewole, Isaac; Sasco, Annie; Calvacante, Tania; ICCC-3 Session C Group
  • Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. (2009) Lumley, Judith; Chamberlain, Catherine; Dowswell, Therese; Oliver, Sandy; Oakley, Laura; Watson, Lyndsey
  • Generic reversible jump MCMC using graphical models. (2009) Lunn, David J; Best, Nicky; Whittaker, John C
  • Reply to comment on: Influence of temperature and rainfall on the evolution of cholera epidemics in Lusaka, Zambia, 2003–2006: analysis of a time series. (2009) Luque Fernández, Miguel Ángel; Bauernfeind, Ariane
  • Lifetime reproductive output over two generations in patients with psychosis and their unaffected siblings: the Uppsala 1915-1929 Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study. (2009) MacCabe, JH; Koupil, I; Leon, DA
  • Cancer prevalence in the United Kingdom: estimates for 2008. (2009) Maddams, J; Brewster, D; Gavin, A; Steward, J; Elliott, J; Utley, M; Møller, H
  • The importance of defining periods of complete mortality reporting for research using automated data from primary care. (2009) Maguire, Andrew; Blak, Betina T; Thompson, Mary
  • Health disparities and community participation in England. (2009) Majeed, Azeem; Banarsee, Ricky; Molokhia, Mariam
  • Sex steroids, growth factors and mammographic density: a cross-sectional study of UK postmenopausal Caucasian and Afro-Caribbean women. (2009) McCormack, Valerie A; Dowsett, Mitch; Folkerd, Elizabeth; Johnson, Nichola; Palles, Claire; Coupland, Ben; Holly, Jeff M; Vinnicombe, Sarah J; Perry, Nicholas M; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Morbidity in former sawmill workers exposed to pentachlorophenol (PCP): a cross-sectional study in New Zealand. (2009) McLean, David; Eng, Amanda; Dryson, Evan; Walls, Chris; Harding, Elizabeth; Wong, Khoon Ching; Cheng, Soo; Mannetje, Andrea't; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; Slater, Tania; Shoemack, Phil; Pearce, Neil
  • Serum dioxin levels in former New Zealand sawmill workers twenty years after exposure to pentachlorophenol (PCP) ceased. (2009) McLean, David; Eng, Amanda; Walls, Chris; Dryson, Evan; Harawira, Joe; Cheng, Soo; Wong, Khoon Ching; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Gray, Michelle; Shoemack, Phil; Smith, Allan; Pearce, Neil
  • Genetic risk factors for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a genome-wide association study. (2009) Mead, Simon; Poulter, Mark; Uphill, James; Beck, John; Whitfield, Jerome; Webb, Thomas EF; Campbell, Tracy; Adamson, Gary; Deriziotis, Pelagia; Tabrizi, Sarah J; Hummerich, Holger; Verzilli, Claudio; Alpers, Michael P; Whittaker, John C; Collinge, John picture_as_pdf
  • A novel protective prion protein variant that colocalizes with kuru exposure. (2009) Mead, Simon; Whitfield, Jerome; Poulter, Mark; Shah, Paresh; Uphill, James; Campbell, Tracy; Al-Dujaily, Huda; Hummerich, Holger; Beck, Jon; Mein, Charles A; Verzilli, Claudio; Whittaker, John; Alpers, Michael P; Collinge, John
  • Low-cost HIV-1 diagnosis and quantification in dried blood spots by real time PCR. (2009) Mehta, Nishaki; Trzmielina, Sonia; Nonyane, Bareng AS; Eliot, Melissa N; Lin, Rongheng; Foulkes, Andrea S; McNeal, Kristina; Ammann, Arthur; Eulalievyolo, Vindu; Sullivan, John L; Luzuriaga, Katherine; Somasundaran, Mohan picture_as_pdf
  • Risk of estrogen receptor-positive and -negative breast cancer and single-nucleotide polymorphism 2q35-rs13387042. (2009) Milne, Roger L; Benítez, Javier; Nevanlinna, Heli; Heikkinen, Tuomas; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Arias, José Ignacio; Zamora, M Pilar; Burwinkel, Barbara; Bartram, Claus R; Meindl, Alfons; Schmutzler, Rita K; Cox, Angela; Brock, Ian; Elliott, Graeme; Reed, Malcolm WR; Southey, Melissa C; Smith, Letitia; Spurdle, Amanda B; Hopper, John L; Couch, Fergus J; Olson, Janet E; Wang, Xianshu; Fredericksen, Zachary; Schürmann, Peter; Bremer, Michael; Hillemanns, Peter; Dörk, Thilo; Devilee, Peter; van Asperen, Christie J; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Seynaeve, Caroline; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Liu, Jianjun; Li, Yuqing; Ahmed, Shahana; Dunning, Alison M; Maranian, Melanie; Pharoah, Paul DP; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Beesley, Jonathan; kConFab Investigators; AOCS Group; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Zalutsky, Iosif V; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Brauch, Hiltrud; Justenhoven, Christina; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Haas, Susanne; Fasching, Peter A; Strick, Reiner; Ekici, Arif B; Beckmann, Matthias W; Giles, Graham G; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; English, Dallas R; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Peto, Julian; Turnbull, Clare; Hines, Sarah; Renwick, Anthony; Rahman, Nazneen; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Bojesen, Stig E; Flyger, Henrik; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong-Young; Mannermaa, Arto; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; García-Closas, Montserrat; Chanock, Stephen; Lissowska, Jolanta; Brinton, Louise A; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Shen, Chen-Yang; Wang, Hui-Chun; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Chen, Sou-Tong; Bermisheva, Marina; Nikolaeva, Tatjana; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Morrison, Jonathan; Platte, Radka; Easton, Douglas F; Breast Cancer Association Consortium
  • The effect on cardiovascular risk factors of migration from rural to urban areas in Peru: PERU MIGRANT Study. (2009) Miranda, J Jaime; Gilman, Robert H; García, Héctor H; Smeeth, Liam
  • Frequency of diarrhoea as a predictor of elevated blood pressure in children. (2009) Miranda, Juan Jaime; Davies, Alisha R; Smith, George Davey; Smeeth, Liam; Cabrera, Lilia; Gilman, Robert H; García, Héctor H; Ortega, Ynes R; Cama, Vitaliano A
  • A structured approach to modelling the effects of binary exposure variables over the life course. (2009) Mishra, Gita; Nitsch, Dorothea; Black, Stephanie; De Stavola, Bianca; Kuh, Diana; Hardy, Rebecca
  • Rapid maxillary expansion for the treatment of nasal obstruction in children younger than 12 years. (2009) Monini, Simonetta; Malagola, Caterina; Villa, Maria Pia; Tripodi, Caterina; Tarentini, Silvia; Malagnino, Irene; Marrone, Vania; Lazzarino, Antonio Ivan; Barbara, Maurizio
  • Inequalities in reported use of breast and cervical screening in Great Britain: analysis of cross sectional survey data. (2009) Moser, Kath; Patnick, Julietta; Beral, Valerie
  • Further genetic evidence suggesting a role for the RhoGTPase-RhoGEF pathway in osteoporosis. (2009) Mullin, Ben H; Prince, Richard L; Mamotte, Cyril; Spector, Tim D; Hart, Deborah J; Dudbridge, Frank; Wilson, Scott G
  • Association of the DRD2 gene Taq1A polymorphism and smoking behavior: a meta-analysis and new data. (2009) Munafò, Marcus R; Timpson, Nicholas J; David, Sean P; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Mid-term results demonstrate salvage high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) as an effective and acceptably morbid salvage treatment option for locally radiorecurrent prostate cancer. (2009) Murat, Francois-Joseph; Poissonnier, Laura; Rabilloud, Muriel; Belot, Aurélien; Bouvier, Raymonde; Rouviere, Olivier; Chapelon, Jean-Yves; Gelet, Albert
  • Trends in Parkinson's disease related mortality in England and Wales, 1993-2006. (2009) Mylne, AQN; Griffiths, C; Rooney, C; Doyle, P
  • A visual summary of the EUROCARE-4 results: a UK perspective. (2009) Møller, H; Linklater, KM; Robinson, D
  • Multilocus Bayesian meta-analysis of gene-disease associations. (2009) Newcombe, Paul J; Verzilli, Claudio; Casas, Juan P; Hingorani, Aroon D; Smeeth, Liam; Whittaker, John C
  • Validation and utility of a computerized South Asian names and group recognition algorithm in ascertaining South Asian ethnicity in the national renal registry. (2009) Nitsch, D; Kadalayil, L; Mangtani, P; Steenkamp, R; Ansell, D; Tomson, C; Dos Santos Silva, I; Roderick, P
  • Associations between chronic kidney disease and age-related macular degeneration. (2009) Nitsch, Dorothea; Evans, Jennifer; Roderick, Paul J; Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • The association of renal impairment with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. (2009) Nitsch, Dorothea; Lawlor, Debbie A; Patel, Rita; Carson, Claire; Ebrahim, Shah
  • An ecological correlation study of late age-related macular degeneration and the complement factor H Y402H polymorphism. (2009) Nonyane, Bareng AS; Nitsch, Dorothea; Whittaker, John C; Sofat, Reecha; Smeeth, Liam; Chakravarthy, Usha; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • The impact of handling missing data on alcohol consumption estimates in the UK women cohort study. (2009) Nur, U; Longford, NT; Cade, JE; Greenwood, DC
  • Prenatal programming of metabolic syndrome in the common marmoset is associated with increased expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1. (2009) Nyirenda, Moffat J; Carter, Roderick; Tang, Justin I; de Vries, Annick; Schlumbohm, Christina; Hillier, Stephen G; Streit, Frank; Oellerich, Michael; Armstrong, Victor W; Fuchs, Eberhard; Seckl, Jonathan R
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor antibody and thyroid hormone concentrations in smokers vs nonsmokers with Graves disease treated with carbimazole. (2009) Nyirenda, Moffat J; Taylor, Peter N; Stoddart, Mary; Beckett, Geoffrey J; Toft, Anthony D
  • The importance of allocation concealment and patient blinding in osteoarthritis trials: a meta-epidemiologic study. (2009) Nüesch, Eveline; Reichenbach, Stephan; Trelle, Sven; Rutjes, Anne WS; Liewald, Katharina; Sterchi, Rebekka; Altman, Douglas G; Jüni, Peter
  • The effects of excluding patients from the analysis in randomised controlled trials: meta-epidemiological study. (2009) Nüesch, Eveline; Trelle, Sven; Reichenbach, Stephan; Rutjes, Anne WS; Bürgi, Elizabeth; Scherer, Martin; Altman, Douglas G; Jüni, Peter
  • Interpretive bias in acupuncture research?: A case study. (2009) O'Connell, Neil E; Wand, Benedict M; Goldacre, Ben
  • Functional genomics in zebrafish permits rapid characterization of novel platelet membrane proteins. (2009) O'Connor, Marie N; Salles, Isabelle I; Cvejic, Ana; Watkins, Nicholas A; Walker, Adam; Garner, Stephen F; Jones, Chris I; Macaulay, Iain C; Steward, Michael; Zwaginga, Jaap-Jan; Bray, Sarah L; Dudbridge, Frank; de Bono, Bernard; Goodall, Alison H; Deckmyn, Hans; Stemple, Derek L; Ouwehand, Willem H; Bloodomics Consortium
  • Multivariate analysis of infant death in England and Wales in 2005-06, with focus on socio-economic status and deprivation. (2009) Oakley, Laura; Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Dattani, Nirupa; Moser, Kath
  • Certified causes of death in patients with mesothelioma in South East England. (2009) Okello, Catherine; Treasure, Tom; Nicholson, Andrew G; Peto, Julian; Møller, Henrik
  • Metformin for obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic review. (2009) Park, Min Hae; Kinra, Sanjay; Ward, Kirsten J; White, Billy; Viner, Russell M picture_as_pdf
  • Association between protective and deleterious HLA alleles with multiple sclerosis in Central East Sardinia. (2009) Pastorino, Roberta; Menni, Cristina; Barca, Monserrata; Foco, Luisa; Saddi, Valeria; Gazzaniga, Giovanna; Ferrai, Raffaela; Mascaretti, Luca; Dudbridge, Frank; Berzuini, Carlo; Murgia, Salvatore Bruno; Piras, Maria Luisa; Ticca, Anna; Bitti, Pier Paolo; Bernardinelli, Luisa
  • Intracranial bleeding in patients with traumatic brain injury: a prognostic study. (2009) Perel, Pablo; Roberts, Ian; Bouamra, Omar; Woodford, Maralyn; Mooney, Jane; Lecky, Fiona
  • Vascular risk factors and cognitive function among 3763 participants in the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET): a cross-sectional analysis. (2009) Peters, Ruth; Beckett, Nigel; Forette, Françoise; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Ritchie, Craig; Walton, Ivan; Waldman, Adam; Clarke, Robert; Poulter, Ruth; Fletcher, Astrid; Bulpitt, Christopher
  • Sociodemographic and lifestyle risk factors for incident dementia and cognitive decline in the HYVET. (2009) Peters, Ruth; Beckett, Nigel; Geneva, Mariela; Tzekova, Maria; Lu, Fang Hong; Poulter, Ruth; Gainsborough, Nicola; Williams, Brian; de Vernejoul, Marie-Christine; Fletcher, Astrid; Bulpitt, Christopher
  • Cardiovascular and biochemical risk factors for incident dementia in the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial. (2009) Peters, Ruth; Poulter, Ruth; Beckett, Nigel; Forette, Françoise; Fagard, Robert; Potter, John; Swift, Cameron; Anderson, Craig; Fletcher, Astrid; Bulpitt, Christopher J
  • Loss of language in early development of autism and specific language impairment. (2009) Pickles, Andrew; Simonoff, Emily; Conti-Ramsden, Gina; Falcaro, Milena; Simkin, Zoë; Charman, Tony; Chandler, Susie; Loucas, Tom; Baird, Gillian
  • The spatial distribution of radiodense breast tissue: a longitudinal study. (2009) Pinto Pereira, Snehal M; McCormack, Valerie A; Moss, Sue M; dos Santos Silva, Isabel picture_as_pdf
  • Health is global. (2009) Piot, Peter; Garnett, Geoff
  • AIDS: lessons learnt and myths dispelled. (2009) Piot, Peter; Kazatchkine, Michel; Dybul, Mark; Lob-Levyt, Julian
  • Long-term association of routine blood count (Coulter) variables on fatal coronary heart disease: 30-year results from the first prospective Northwick Park Heart Study (NPHS-I). (2009) Pizzi, Costanza; De Stavola, Bianca L; Meade, Tom W
  • Systematic review of epidemiological studies on health effects associated with management of solid waste. (2009) Porta, Daniela; Milani, Simona; Lazzarino, Antonio I; Perucci, Carlo A; Forastiere, Francesco
  • Cigarette smoking and K-ras mutations in pancreas, lung and colorectal adenocarcinomas: etiopathogenic similarities, differences and paradoxes. (2009) Porta, Miquel; Crous-Bou, Marta; Wark, Petra A; Vineis, Paolo; Real, Francisco X; Malats, Núria; Kampman, Ellen
  • Highly active antiretroviral therapy and the incidence of non-AIDS-defining cancers in people with HIV infection. (2009) Powles, Thomas; Robinson, David; Stebbing, Justin; Shamash, Jonathan; Nelson, Mark; Gazzard, Brian; Mandelia, Sundhiya; Møller, Henrik; Bower, Mark
  • Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900 000 adults: collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies. (2009) Prospective Studies Collaboration; Whitlock, Gary; Lewington, Sarah; Sherliker, Paul; Clarke, Robert; Emberson, Jonathan; Halsey, Jim; Qizilbash, Nawab; Collins, Rory; Peto, Richard
  • Population-based cancer survival trends in England and Wales up to 2007: an assessment of the NHS cancer plan for England. (2009) Rachet, Bernard; Maringe, Camille; Nur, Ula; Quaresma, Manuela; Shah, Anjali; Woods, Laura M; Ellis, Libby; Walters, Sarah; Forman, David; Steward, John; Coleman, Michel P
  • Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in the British population: a case-control study. (2009) Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hatch, J; Darnton, A; Hodgson, J; Peto, J
  • Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, and melanoma: UK case-control comparisons and a meta-analysis of published VDR data. (2009) Randerson-Moor, Juliette A; Taylor, John C; Elliott, Faye; Chang, Yu-Mei; Beswick, Samantha; Kukalizch, Kairen; Affleck, Paul; Leake, Susan; Haynes, Sue; Karpavicius, Birute; Marsden, Jerry; Gerry, Edwina; Bale, Linda; Bertram, Chandra; Field, Helen; Barth, Julian H; Silva, Isabel Dos Santos; Swerdlow, Anthony; Kanetsky, Peter A; Barrett, Jennifer H; Bishop, D Timothy; Bishop, Julia A Newton
  • Ischaemic stroke subtypes and their genetic basis: a comprehensive meta-analysis of small and large vessel stroke. (2009) Rao, Rohit; Tah, Vikas; Casas, Juan Pablo; Hingorani, Aroon; Whittaker, John; Smeeth, Liam; Sharma, Pankaj
  • The heritability and genetics of complement C3 expression in UK SLE families. (2009) Rhodes, B; Hunnangkul, S; Morris, DL; Hsaio, L-C; Graham, DS Cunninghame; Nitsch, D; Whittaker, JC; Vyse, TJ
  • An analysis of temporal and generational trends in the incidence of anal and other HPV-related cancers in Southeast England. (2009) Robinson, D; Coupland, V; Møller, H
  • Suicide in cancer patients in South East England from 1996 to 2005: a population-based study. (2009) Robinson, D; Renshaw, C; Okello, C; Møller, H; Davies, EA
  • CKD and mortality risk in older people: a community-based population study in the United Kingdom. (2009) Roderick, Paul J; Atkins, Richard J; Smeeth, Liam; Mylne, Adrian; Nitsch, Dorothea DM; Hubbard, Richard B; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Circulating markers of arterial thrombosis and age-related maculopathy: a case-control study. (2009) Rudnicka, AR; MacCallum, PK; Whitelocke, R; Meade, TW
  • Genome-wide association analysis of metabolic traits in a birth cohort from a founder population. (2009) Sabatti, Chiara; Service, Susan K; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Pouta, Anneli; Ripatti, Samuli; Brodsky, Jae; Jones, Chris G; Zaitlen, Noah A; Varilo, Teppo; Kaakinen, Marika; Sovio, Ulla; Ruokonen, Aimo; Laitinen, Jaana; Jakkula, Eveliina; Coin, Lachlan; Hoggart, Clive; Collins, Andrew; Turunen, Hannu; Gabriel, Stacey; Elliot, Paul; McCarthy, Mark I; Daly, Mark J; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Freimer, Nelson B; Peltonen, Leena
  • Survival of community-dwelling older people: the effect of cognitive impairment and social engagement. (2009) Sampson, Elizabeth L; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • EUROCARE-4. Survival of cancer patients diagnosed in 1995-1999. Results and commentary. (2009) Sant, Milena; Allemani, Claudia; Santaquilani, Mariano; Knijn, Arnold; Marchesi, Francesca; Capocaccia, Riccardo; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Thyroid cancer: is the incidence rise abating? (2009) Sassolas, Geneviève; Hafdi-Nejjari, Zakia; Remontet, Laurent; Bossard, Nadine; Belot, Aurélien; Berger-Dutrieux, Nicole; Decaussin-Petrucci, Myriam; Bournaud, Claire; Peix, Jean Louis; Orgiazzi, Jacques; Borson-Chazot, Françoise
  • NT-proBNP is associated with coronary heart disease risk in healthy older women but fails to enhance prediction beyond established risk factors: results from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2009) Sattar, Naveed; Welsh, Paul; Sarwar, Nadeem; Danesh, John; Di Angelantonio, Emanuele; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Critical appraisal of CRP measurement for the prediction of coronary heart disease events: new data and systematic review of 31 prospective cohorts. (2009) Shah, Tina; Casas, Juan P; Cooper, Jackie A; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Sofat, Reecha; McCormack, Valerie; Smeeth, Liam; Deanfield, John E; Lowe, Gordon D; Rumley, Ann; Fowkes, F Gerald R; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Common variants on chromosome 6p22.1 are associated with schizophrenia. (2009) Shi, Jianxin; Levinson, Douglas F; Duan, Jubao; Sanders, Alan R; Zheng, Yonglan; Pe'er, Itsik; Dudbridge, Frank; Holmans, Peter A; Whittemore, Alice S; Mowry, Bryan J; Olincy, Ann; Amin, Farooq; Cloninger, C Robert; Silverman, Jeremy M; Buccola, Nancy G; Byerley, William F; Black, Donald W; Crowe, Raymond R; Oksenberg, Jorge R; Mirel, Daniel B; Kendler, Kenneth S; Freedman, Robert; Gejman, Pablo V
  • Two British women studies replicated the association between the Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and BMI. (2009) Shugart, Yin Yao; Chen, Lina; Day, Ian NM; Lewis, Sarah J; Timpson, Nicholas J; Yuan, Wei; Abdollahi, Mohammad Reza; Ring, Sue M; Ebrahim, Shah; Golding, Jean; Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey-Smith, George
  • Sex hormone levels, breast cancer risk, and cancer receptor status in postmenopausal women: the ORDET cohort. (2009) Sieri, Sabina; Krogh, Vittorio; Bolelli, Gianfranco; Abagnato, Carlo Alberto; Grioni, Sara; Pala, Valeria; Evangelista, Alberto; Allemani, Claudia; Micheli, Andrea; Tagliabue, Giovanna; Schunemann, Holger J; Menard, Sylvie; Berrino, Franco; Muti, Paola
  • Ovulation-stimulation drugs and cancer risks: a long-term follow-up of a British cohort. (2009) Silva, I dos Santos; Wark, PA; McCormack, VA; Mayer, D; Overton, C; Little, V; Nieto, J; Hardiman, P; Davies, M; MacLean, AB
  • Breast composition as a predictor of breast-cancer risk. (2009) Silva, Isabel dos Santos
  • BMI peak in infancy as a predictor for later BMI in the Uppsala Family Study. (2009) Silverwood, RJ; De Stavola, BL; Cole, TJ; Leon, DA
  • Long-term trends in BMI: are contemporary childhood BMI growth references appropriate when looking at historical datasets? (2009) Silverwood, RJ; Leon, DA; de Stavola, BL
  • Quality of care and emotional support from the inpatient cancer patient's perspective. (2009) Singer, S; Götze, H; Möbius, C; Witzigmann, H; Kortmann, R-D; Lehmann, A; Höckel, M; Schwarz, R; Hauss, J
  • Hospital anxiety and depression scale cutoff scores for cancer patients in acute care. (2009) Singer, S; Kuhnt, S; Götze, H; Hauss, J; Hinz, A; Liebmann, A; Krauss, O; Lehmann, A; Schwarz, R
  • In Response to <i>Sexual Problems After Total Or Partial Laryngectomy</i> (Laryngoscope 2008;118:2218-2224). (2009) Singer, Susanne
  • Patients' acceptance and psychometric properties of the EORTC QLQ-CX24 after surgery. (2009) Singer, Susanne; Kuhnt, Susanne; Momenghalibaf, Azadeh; Stuhr, Claudia; Dimmel-Hennersdorf, Ute; Köhler, Uwe; Einenkel, Jens
  • Effect of statins on a wide range of health outcomes: a cohort study validated by comparison with randomized trials. (2009) Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian; Hall, Andrew J; Hubbard, Richard; Evans, Stephen
  • Lactase persistence-related genetic variant: population substructure and health outcomes. (2009) Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, Debbie A; Timpson, Nic J; Baban, Jamil; Kiessling, Matt; Day, Ian NM; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Genetic determinants of height growth assessed longitudinally from infancy to adulthood in the northern Finland birth cohort 1966. (2009) Sovio, Ulla; Bennett, Amanda J; Millwood, Iona Y; Molitor, John; O'Reilly, Paul F; Timpson, Nicholas J; Kaakinen, Marika; Laitinen, Jaana; Haukka, Jari; Pillas, Demetris; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Molitor, Jassy; Hoggart, Clive; Coin, Lachlan JM; Whittaker, John; Pouta, Anneli; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Freimer, Nelson B; Widen, Elisabeth; Peltonen, Leena; Elliott, Paul; McCarthy, Mark I; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta picture_as_pdf
  • Common genetic variation near MC4R is associated with eating behaviour patterns in European populations. (2009) Stutzmann, F; Cauchi, S; Durand, E; Calvacanti-Proença, C; Pigeyre, M; Hartikainen, A-L; Sovio, U; Tichet, J; Marre, M; Weill, J; Balkau, B; Potoczna, N; Laitinen, J; Elliott, P; Järvelin, M-R; Horber, F; Meyre, D; Froguel, P
  • Fasting blood glucose and the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. (2009) Sung, Joohon; Song, Yun-Mi; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Height and site-specific cancer risk: A cohort study of a korean adult population. (2009) Sung, Joohon; Song, Yun-Mi; Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Gene-centric association signals for lipids and apolipoproteins identified via the HumanCVD BeadChip. (2009) Talmud, Philippa J; Drenos, Fotios; Shah, Sonia; Shah, Tina; Palmen, Jutta; Verzilli, Claudio; Gaunt, Tom R; Pallas, Jacky; Lovering, Ruth; Li, Kawah; Casas, Juan Pablo; Sofat, Reecha; Kumari, Meena; Rodriguez, Santiago; Johnson, Toby; Newhouse, Stephen J; Dominiczak, Anna; Samani, Nilesh J; Caulfield, Mark; Sever, Peter; Stanton, Alice; Shields, Denis C; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Melander, Olle; Hastie, Claire; Delles, Christian; Ebrahim, Shah; Marmot, Michael G; Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, Debbie A; Munroe, Patricia B; Day, Ian N; Kivimaki, Mika; Whittaker, John; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D; ASCOT investigators; NORDIL investigators; BRIGHT Consortium
  • Interleukin-18 polymorphism and physical functioning in older people: a replication study and meta-analysis. (2009) Thomas, Kate; Rafiq, Sajjad; Frayling, Timothy M; Ebrahim, Shah; Kumari, Meena; Gallacher, John; Ferrucci, Luigi; Bandinelli, Stefania; Wallace, Robert B; Melzer, David; Martin, Richard M; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Generalized pustular psoriasis (von Zumbusch) following the use of calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate ointment: a report of two cases. (2009) Tobin, AM; Langan, SM; Collins, P; Kirby, B
  • Association of diabetes with age-related macular degeneration in the EUREYE study. (2009) Topouzis, F; Anastasopoulos, E; Augood, C; Bentham, GC; Chakravarthy, U; de Jong, PTVM; Rahu, M; Seland, J; Soubrane, G; Tomazzoli, L; Vingerling, JR; Vioque, J; Young, IS; Fletcher, AE
  • The Mesothelioma and Radical surgery randomized controlled trial: the Mars feasibility study. (2009) Treasure, Tom; Waller, David; Tan, Carol; Entwisle, James; O'Brien, Mary; O'Byrne, Ken; Thomas, Gill; Snee, Michael; Spicer, James; Landau, David; Lang-Lazdunski, Loïc; Bliss, Judith; Peckitt, Clare; Rogers, Shaun; Marriage Née Denholm, Erica; Coombes, Gillian; Webster-Smith, Mark; Peto, Julian
  • Data mining on electronic health record databases for signal detection in pharmacovigilance: which events to monitor? (2009) Trifirò, Gianluca; Pariente, Antoine; Coloma, Preciosa M; Kors, Jan A; Polimeni, Giovanni; Miremont-Salamé, Ghada; Catania, Maria Antonietta; Salvo, Francesco; David, Anaelle; Moore, Nicholas; Caputi, Achille Patrizio; Sturkenboom, Miriam; Molokhia, Mariam; Hippisley-Cox, Julia; Acedo, Carlos Diaz; van der Lei, Johan; Fourrier-Reglat, Annie; EU-ADR group
  • Risk of cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes prescribed oral antidiabetes drugs: retrospective cohort study using UK general practice research database. (2009) Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Molokhia, Mariam; Curcin, Vasa; Little, Mark P; Millett, Christopher J; Ng, Anthea; Hughes, Robert I; Khunti, Kamlesh; Wilkins, Martin R; Majeed, Azeem; Elliott, Paul
  • Genome-wide association study of ulcerative colitis identifies three new susceptibility loci, including the HNF4A region. (2009) UK IBD Genetics Consortium; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Lee, James C; Lees, Charles W; Prescott, Natalie J; Anderson, Carl A; Phillips, Anne; Wesley, Emma; Parnell, Kirstie; Zhang, Hu; Drummond, Hazel; Nimmo, Elaine R; Massey, Dunecan; Blaszczyk, Kasia; Elliott, Timothy; Cotterill, Lynn; Dallal, Helen; Lobo, Alan J; Mowat, Craig; Sanderson, Jeremy D; Jewell, Derek P; Newman, William G; Edwards, Cathryn; Ahmad, Tariq; Mansfield, John C; Satsangi, Jack; Parkes, Miles; Mathew, Christopher G; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2; Donnelly, Peter; Peltonen, Leena; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Bramon, Elvira; Brown, Matthew A; Casas, Juan P; Corvin, Aiden; Craddock, Nicholas; Deloukas, Panos; Duncanson, Audrey; Jankowski, Janusz; Markus, Hugh S; Mathew, Christopher G; McCarthy, Mark I; Palmer, Colin NA; Plomin, Robert; Rautanen, Anna; Sawcer, Stephen J; Samani, Nilesh; Trembath, Richard C; Viswanathan, Anath C; Wood, Nicholas; Spencer, Chris CA; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Bellenguez, Céline; Davison, Daniel; Freeman, Colin; Strange, Amy; Donnelly, Peter; Langford, Cordelia; Hunt, Sarah E; Edkins, Sarah; Gwilliam, Rhian; Blackburn, Hannah; Bumpstead, Suzannah J; Dronov, Serge; Gillman, Matthew; Gray, Emma; Hammond, Naomi; Jayakumar, Alagurevathi; McCann, Owen T; Liddle, Jennifer; Perez, Marc L; Potter, Simon C; Ravindrarajah, Radhi; Ricketts, Michelle; Waller, Matthew; Weston, Paul; Widaa, Sara; Whittaker, Pamela; Deloukas, Panos; Peltonen, Leena; Mathew, Christopher G; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Brown, Matthew A; Corvin, Aiden; McCarthy, Mark I; Spencer, Chris CA; Attwood, Antony P; Stephens, Jonathan; Sambrook, Jennifer; Ouwehand, Willem H; McArdle, Wendy L; Ring, Susan M; Strachan, David P
  • Blood pressure and mortality risk on peritoneal dialysis. (2009) Udayaraj, Udaya P; Steenkamp, Retha; Caskey, Fergus J; Rogers, Chris; Nitsch, Dorothea; Ansell, David; Tomson, Charles RV
  • Mortality in British military participants in human experimental research into chemical warfare agents at Porton Down: cohort study. (2009) Venables, KM; Brooks, C; Linsell, L; Keegan, TJ; Langdon, T; Fletcher, T; Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ; Maconochie, NES; Doyle, P; Beral, V; Carpenter, LM
  • Survival trends in European cancer patients diagnosed from 1988 to 1999. (2009) Verdecchia, Arduino; Guzzinati, Stefano; Francisci, Silvia; De Angelis, Roberta; Bray, Freddie; Allemani, Claudia; Tavilla, Andrea; Santaquilani, Mariano; Sant, Milena; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Full-field digital versus screen-film mammography: comparison within the UK breast screening program and systematic review of published data. (2009) Vinnicombe, Sarah; Pinto Pereira, Snehal M; McCormack, Valerie A; Shiel, Susan; Perry, Nick; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel M
  • Adolescent manifestations of metabolic syndrome among children born to women with gestational diabetes in a general-population birth cohort. (2009) Vääräsmäki, Marja; Pouta, Anneli; Elliot, Paul; Tapanainen, Päivi; Sovio, Ulla; Ruokonen, Aimo; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; McCarthy, Mark; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta
  • Premenopausal mammographic density in relation to cyclic variations in endogenous sex hormone levels, prolactin, and insulin-like growth factors. (2009) Walker, Kate; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Coupland, Ben; McCormack, Valerie A; Folkerd, Elizabeth; Gibson, Lorna; Hillier, Stephen G; Holly, Jeff M; Moss, Sue; Dowsett, Mitchell; Peto, Julian; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Family history of colorectal cancer: a determinant of advanced adenoma stage or adenoma multiplicity? (2009) Wark, Petra A; Wu, Kana; van 't Veer, Pieter; Fuchs, Charles F; Giovannucci, Edward L
  • Influenza as a trigger for acute myocardial infarction or death from cardiovascular disease: a systematic review. (2009) Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Smeeth, Liam; Hayward, Andrew C
  • A HaemAtlas: characterizing gene expression in differentiated human blood cells. (2009) Watkins, Nicholas A; Gusnanto, Arief; de Bono, Bernard; De, Subhajyoti; Miranda-Saavedra, Diego; Hardie, Debbie L; Angenent, Will GJ; Attwood, Antony P; Ellis, Peter D; Erber, Wendy; Foad, Nicola S; Garner, Stephen F; Isacke, Clare M; Jolley, Jennifer; Koch, Kerstin; Macaulay, Iain C; Morley, Sarah L; Rendon, Augusto; Rice, Kate M; Taylor, Niall; Thijssen-Timmer, Daphne C; Tijssen, Marloes R; van der Schoot, C Ellen; Wernisch, Lorenz; Winzer, Thilo; Dudbridge, Frank; Buckley, Christopher D; Langford, Cordelia F; Teichmann, Sarah; Göttgens, Berthold; Ouwehand, Willem H; Bloodomics Consortium
  • Age of onset and death in inherited prion disease are heritable. (2009) Webb, TEF; Whittaker, J; Collinge, J; Mead, S
  • Common sequence variation in FLNB regulates bone structure in women in the general population and FLNB mRNA expression in osteoblasts in vitro. (2009) Wilson, Scott G; Jones, Michelle R; Mullin, Ben H; Dick, Ian M; Richards, J Brent; Pastinen, Tomi M; Grundberg, Elin; Ljunggren, Osten; Surdulescu, Gabriela L; Dudbridge, Frank; Elliott, Katherine S; Cervino, Alessandra CL; Spector, Timothy D; Prince, Richard L
  • The epidemiology and survival of extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma in South East England, 1970-2004. (2009) Wong, Yien Ning S; Jack, Ruth H; Mak, Vivian; Henrik, Møller; Davies, Elizabeth A picture_as_pdf
  • Older men with higher self-rated socioeconomic status have shorter telomeres. (2009) Woo, Jean; Suen, Eddie WC; Leung, Jason CS; Tang, Nelson LS; Ebrahim, Shah
  • 'Cure' from breast cancer among two populations of women followed for 23 years after diagnosis. (2009) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Lambert, PC; Coleman, MP
  • The pattern of risk of myocardial infarction in patients taking asthma medication: a study with the General Practice Research Database. (2009) Zhang, Bill; de Vries, Frank; Setakis, Efrosini; van Staa, Tjeerd-Pieter
  • Breast composition as a predictor of breast-cancer risk. (2009) dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Breast Cancer Pathogenesis: Does Size at Birth Matter? (2009) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca
  • Reproductive history and adverse pregnancy outcomes in commercial flight crew and air traffic control officers in the United kingdom. (2009) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Pizzi, Costanza; Evans, Anthony; Evans, Sally; De Stavola, Bianca
  • Inequalities in colorectal cancer screening participation in the first round of the national screening programme in England. (2009) von Wagner, C; Good, A; Wright, D; Rachet, B; Obichere, A; Bloom, S; Wardle, J
  • Book Section
  • Pre-natal risk factors for breast cancer and clues to the underlying biological mechanisms from animal and human studies. (2009) Troisi, R; dos Santos Silva, I; Newbold, R
  • Monograph
  • Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in Britain. (2009) Peto, J; Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hatch, J
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • EFFECT OF MIGRATION ON FOOD CONSUMPTION PATTERNS AMONG INDIAN FACTORY WORKERS. (2009) Bansal, D; Satija, A; Khandpur, N; Kinra, S; Bown, L; Prabhakaran, D; Ebrahim, S
  • Obesity and Blood Pressure: Ethnicity Does Matter. (2009) Bautista, LE; Herrera, VM; Casas, JP; Miranda, J; Perel, P; Pichardo, R; Gonzalez, A; Sanchez, JR; Ferreccio, C; Aguilera, X; Silva, E; Orostegui, M; Gomez, LF; Chirinos, JA; Medina-Lezama, J; Perez, CM; Suarez, E; Ortiz, AP; Rosero, L; Schapochnik, N; Ortiz, Z; Ferrante, D; Diaz, M
  • Cancer control-planning and monitoring population-based systems. (2009) Harford, JB; Edwards, BK; Nandakumar, A; Ndom, P; Capocaccia, R; Coleman, MP; Grp, ISA
  • Ethnic and Gender-Specific Effects of Fasting Glucose on Hypertension. (2009) Herrera, VM; Casas, JP; Miranda, J; Perel, P; Pichardo, R; Gonzalez, A; Sanchez, JR; Ferreccio, C; Aguilera, X; Silva, E; Orostegui, M; Gomez, LF; Chirinos, JA; Medina-Lezama, J; Perez, CM; Suarez, E; Ortiz, AP; Rosero, L; Schapochnik, N; Ortiz, Z; Ferrante, D; Diaz, M; Bautista, LE
  • A FIELD SYNOPIS OF PHARMACOGENETIC STUDIES. (2009) Holmes, MV; Shah, T; Vickery, C; Smeeth, L; Hingorani, AD; Casas, JP
  • Integrated Associations of Genotypes with Multiple Blood Biomarkers Linked to Coronary Heart Disease Risk. (2009) Humphries, S; Drenos, F; Casas, J; Palmen, J; Smeeth, L; Hingorani, A; Talmud, P
  • MIGRATION EFFECTS ON TRADITIONAL FOOD CONSUMPTION AMONG INDIAN FACTORY WORKERS. (2009) Khandpur, N; Bansal, D; Satija, A; Kinra, S; Bowen, L; Prabhakaran, D; Ebrahim, S
  • The Schizophrenia Paradox Revisited: Lifetime Reproductive Output over Two Generations in a Swedish Cohort Born 1915-1929. (2009) MacCabe, JH; Leon, DA; Murray, RM; Koupil, I
  • International collaborations in cancer control and the Third International Cancer Control Congress. (2009) Micheli, A; Sanz, N; Mwangi-Powell, F; Coleman, MP; Neal, C; Ullrich, A; Travado, L; Santini, LA; Grassi, L; de Lorenzo, F; Costa, A; Dangou, JM; Bisanti, L; Costantini, AS; Abu-Rmeileh, N; Kamal, M; Federico, M; Saracci, R; Rennert, G; Stefanini, A; Cavalli, F; Cazap, E; Redmond, K; O'Reilly, S; Muti, P; Casali, P; Gatta, G; Ferrari, A; Koifman, S; Bah, E; Pastore, G; Barr, R; Lombardo, C; Frazzingaro, C; Ciampichini, R; Baili, P; Grp, ISB
  • Stage 2 Genome-Wide Association Study of Candidate Low Penetrance Genes Implicated in Breast Cancer Risk. (2009) Ross, GM; Johnson, N; Fletcher, O; Orr, N; Hosking, F; Ashworth, A; Silva, IDS; Lathrop, M; Houlston, R; Peto, J
  • IDENTIFICATION OF GENES ASSOCIATED WITH QT INTERVAL USING THE 50K CARDIO-METABOLIC SNP CHIP: RESULTS FROM THE WHITEHALL II STUDY. (2009) Shah, S; Drenos, F; Shah, T; Palmen, J; Verzilli, C; Sofat, R; Kumari, M; Kivamaki, M; Pallas, J; MacFarlane, P; Whittaker, J; Talmud, PJ; Humphries, SE; Hingorani, AD
  • ASSOCIATION BETWEEN FTO POLYMORPHISM, ADIPOSITY PEAK AND ADIPOSITY REBOUND IN THE NORTHERN FINLAND BIRTH COHORT 1966. (2009) Sovio, U; Timpson, NJ; Warrington, NM; Briollais, L; Mook-Kanamori, D; Kaakinen, M; Bennett, AJ; Molitor, J; McCarthy, MI; Jarvelin, MR
  • Book
  • Donaldsons' Essential Public Health. (2009) Donaldson, LJ; Scally, G
  • Bad Science. (2009) Goldacre, B
  • ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]
  • Healthcare Delivery And Spending: Big Impact On Cancer Survival - 19 August 2009. (2009) UNSPECIFIED audio_file