Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology (6213)
    Number of items: 218.
    October 2007
  • Dietary advice for reducing cardiovascular risk. (2007) Brunner, EJ; Rees, K; Ward, K; Burke, M; Thorogood, M
  • 2007
  • Hypertension in sub-saharan Africa: a systematic review. (2007) Addo, Juliet; Smeeth, Liam; Leon, David A
  • Prevalence and functionality of paucimorphic and private MC4R mutations in a large, unselected European British population, scanned by meltMADGE. (2007) Alharbi, Khalid K; Spanakis, Emmanuel; Tan, Karen; Smith, Matt J; Aldahmesh, Mohammed A; O'Dell, Sandra D; Sayer, Avan Aihie; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George; O'Rahilly, Stephen; Farooqi, Sadaf; Cooper, Cyrus; Phillips, David IW; Day, Ian NM
  • Cervical screening by visual inspection, HPV testing, liquid-based and conventional cytology in Amazonian Peru. (2007) Almonte, Maribel; Ferreccio, Catterina; Winkler, Jennifer L; Cuzick, Jack; Tsu, Vivien; Robles, Sylvia; Takahashi, Rina; Sasieni, Peter
  • Elevated placental expression of the imprinted PHLDA2 gene is associated with low birth weight. (2007) Apostolidou, S; Abu-Amero, S; O'Donoghue, K; Frost, J; Olafsdottir, O; Chavele, KM; Whittaker, JC; Loughna, P; Stanier, P; Moore, GE
  • Genetics of ischaemic stroke among persons of non-European descent: a meta-analysis of eight genes involving approximately 32,500 individuals. (2007) Ariyaratnam, Roshan; Casas, Juan P; Whittaker, John; Smeeth, Liam; Hingorani, Aroon D; Sharma, Pankaj
  • Please feed the spiders. (2007) Atkins, R
  • The effect of definitions of activities of daily living on estimates of changing ability among older people. (2007) Ayis, Salma A; Bowling, Ann; Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Determinants of reduced walking speed in people with musculoskeletal pain. (2007) Ayis, Salma; Ebrahim, Shah; Williams, Susan; Jüni, Peter; Dieppe, Paul
  • Family-based association analysis with ordered categorical phenotypes, covariates and interactions. (2007) Baksh, M Fazil; Balding, David J; Vyse, Timothy J; Whittaker, John C
  • Racial variation in the association between gestational age and perinatal mortality: prospective study. (2007) Balchin, Imelda; Whittaker, John C; Patel, Roshni R; Lamont, Ronald F; Steer, Philip J
  • Very elderly Chinese hypertensives may have better renal function than Europeans - Baseline data from the hypertension in the very elderly trial. (2007) Banya, W; Beckett, N; Peters, R; Liu, L; Zhang, L; Liu, L; Tzekova, M; Campbell, D; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Disparate genetic influences on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and type 2 diabetes revealed by a lack of association between common variants within the TCF7L2 gene and PCOS. (2007) Barber, TM; Bennett, AJ; Groves, CJ; Sovio, U; Ruokonen, A; Martikainen, H; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, A-L; Elliott, P; Wass, JAH; Järvelin, M-R; Zeggini, E; Franks, S; McCarthy, MI
  • Relationship between E23K (an established type II diabetes-susceptibility variant within KCNJ11), polycystic ovary syndrome and androgen levels. (2007) Barber, Thomas M; Bennett, Amanda J; Gloyn, Anna L; Groves, Christopher J; Sovio, Ulla; Ruokonen, Aimo; Martikainen, Hannu; Pouta, Anneli; Taponen, Saara; Weedon, Michael N; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Wass, John AH; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Franks, Stephen; McCarthy, Mark I
  • Using statistical models to identify factors that have a role in defining the abundance of ions produced by tandem MS. (2007) Barton, Sheila J; Richardson, Sylvia; Perkins, David N; Bellahn, Inga; Bryant, Trevor N; Whittaker, John C
  • Prevention of chronic diseases: a call to action. (2007) Beaglehole, Robert; Ebrahim, Shah; Reddy, Srinath; Voûte, Janet; Leeder, Steve; Chronic Disease Action Group
  • Pre-eclampsia and risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer in later life: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2007) Bellamy, Leanne; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Hingorani, Aroon D; Williams, David J
  • Common variation in the FTO (fused toes) gene is strongly associated with adiposity measures in the northern finnish birth cohort of 1966. (2007) Bennett, AJ; Weedon, MN; Zeggini, E; Freathy, RM; Lindgren, CM; Sovio, U; Timpson, NJ; Ruokonen, A; Martikainen, H; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Frayling, TM; Hattersley, AT; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
  • Pitfalls in the diagnosis of prostatic cancer: retrospective review of 1791 cases with clinical outcome. (2007) Berney, DM; Fisher, G; Kattan, MW; Oliver, RTD; Møller, H; Fearn, P; Eastham, J; Scardino, P; Cuzick, J; Reuter, VE; Foster, CS; Trans-Atlantic prostate group
  • Major shifts in the treatment and prognosis of prostate cancer due to changes in pathological diagnosis and grading. (2007) Berney, Daniel M; Fisher, Gabrielle; Kattan, Michael W; Oliver, R Timothy D; Møller, Henrik; Fearn, Paul; Eastham, James; Scardino, Peter; Cuzick, Jack; Reuter, Victor E; Foster, Christopher S; Trans-Atlantic Prostate Group
  • Sedentary behaviors and the risk of incident hypertension: the SUN Cohort. (2007) Beunza, Juan José; Martínez-González, Miguel Angel; Ebrahim, Shah; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; Núñez, Jorge; Martínez, José Alfredo; Alonso, Alvaro
  • Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 86th annual meeting, 4-7 July 2006, Manchester, U.K. (2007) Birnie, A; Langan, S; English, JSC; Eedy, DJ
  • Community-based lifestyle interventions: changing behaviour and improving health. (2007) Blank, L; Grimsley, M; Goyder, E; Ellis, E; Peters, J
  • Community-based lifestyle interventions: changing behaviour and improving health. (2007) Blank, Lindsay; Grimsley, Mike; Goyder, Elizabeth; Ellis, Elizabeth; Peters, Jean
  • Survival of cancer patients in France: a population-based study from The Association of the French Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). (2007) Bossard, N; Velten, M; Remontet, L; Belot, A; Maarouf, N; Bouvier, AM; Guizard, AV; Tretarre, B; Launoy, G; Colonna, M; Danzon, A; Molinie, F; Troussard, X; Bourdon-Raverdy, N; Carli, PM; Jaffré, A; Bessaguet, C; Sauleau, E; Schvartz, C; Arveux, P; Maynadié, M; Grosclaude, P; Estève, J; Faivre, J
  • Quality of life among older people with poor functioning. The influence of perceived control over life. (2007) Bowling, Ann; Seetai, Sharon; Morris, Richard; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Uncommon CHEK2 mis-sense variant and reduced risk of tobacco-related cancers: case control study. (2007) Brennan, Paul; McKay, James; Moore, Lee; Zaridze, David; Mukeria, Anush; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonilia; Lissowska, Jolanta; Rudnai, Peter; Fabianova, Eleonora; Mates, Dana; Bencko, Vladimir; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Chow, Wong-Ho; Rothman, Nathanial; Chabrier, Amelie; Gaborieau, Valerie; Odefrey, Fabrice; Southey, Melissa; Hashibe, Mia; Hall, Janet; Boffetta, Paolo; Peto, Julian; Peto, Richard; Hung, Rayjean J
  • A genome-wide association study shows that common alleles of SMAD7 influence colorectal cancer risk. (2007) Broderick, Peter; Carvajal-Carmona, Luis; Pittman, Alan M; Webb, Emily; Howarth, Kimberley; Rowan, Andrew; Lubbe, Steven; Spain, Sarah; Sullivan, Kate; Fielding, Sarah; Jaeger, Emma; Vijayakrishnan, Jayaram; Kemp, Zoe; Gorman, Maggie; Chandler, Ian; Papaemmanuil, Elli; Penegar, Steven; Wood, Wendy; Sellick, Gabrielle; Qureshi, Mobshra; Teixeira, Ana; Domingo, Enric; Barclay, Ella; Martin, Lynn; Sieber, Oliver; CORGI Consortium; Kerr, David; Gray, Richard; Peto, Julian; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste; Tomlinson, Ian; Houlston, Richard S
  • Explanations for the increase in mental health problems in UK reserve forces who have served in Iraq. (2007) Browne, Tess; Hull, Lisa; Horn, Oded; Jones, Margaret; Murphy, Dominic; Fear, Nicola T; Greenberg, Neil; French, Claire; Rona, Roberto J; Wessely, Simon; Hotopf, Matthew
  • Survival from uveal melanoma in England and Wales 1986 to 2001. (2007) Burr, JM; Mitry, E; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP
  • Reed Elsevier and the arms trade revisited. (2007) Campbell, Oona; Coleman, Michel; Cousens, Simon; Doyle, Pat; Elbourne, Diana; Evans, Stephen; Filteau, Suzanne; Fine, Paul EM; Glynn, Judith R; Grundy, Emily; Haines, Andy; Hall, Andrew J; Hayes, Richard; Kenward, Mike; Kirkwood, Betty; Lamping, Donna L; Lee, Kelley; Leon, Dave; Mabey, David; McKee, Martin; Meade, Tom; Milligan, Paul; Mills, Anne; Patel, Vikram; Peto, Julian; Pocock, Stuart; Prentice, Andrew; Roberts, Ian; Rodrigues, Laura C; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Smeeth, Liam; Sondorp, Egbert; De Stavola, Bianca; Timaeus, Ian M; Walt, Gill; Whittaker, John; Wilkinson, Paul; Zaba, Basia
  • Cigarette smoking and age-related macular degeneration in the EUREYE Study. (2007) Chakravarthy, U; Augood, C; Bentham, GC; de Jong, PTVM; Rahu, M; Seland, J; Soubrane, G; Tomazzoli, L; Topouzis, F; Vingerling, JR; Vioque, J; Young, IS; Fletcher, AE
  • Large scale association studies: Implications for FDRs and a simple Bayesian alternative. (2007) Chapman, J; Verzilli, C; Whittaker, J
  • Detecting association using epistatic information. (2007) Chapman, Juliet; Clayton, David
  • One degree of freedom for dominance in indirect association studies. (2007) Chapman, Juliet; Clayton, David
  • Cholesterol fractions and apolipoproteins as risk factors for heart disease mortality in older men. (2007) Clarke, Robert; Emberson, Jonathan R; Parish, Sarah; Palmer, Alison; Shipley, Martin; Linksted, Pamela; Sherliker, Paul; Clark, Sarah; Armitage, Jane; Fletcher, Astrid; Collins, Rory
  • Survival in relation to angina symptoms and diagnosis among men aged 70-90 years: the Whitehall Study. (2007) Clarke, Robert; Shipley, Martin; Breeze, Elizabeth; Collins, Rory; Marmot, Michael; Halsey, Jim; Fletcher, Astrid; Hemingway, Harry
  • Not credible: a subversion of science by the pharmaceutical industry. Commentary on A global comparison regarding patient access to cancer drugs (Ann Oncol 2007; 18 Suppl 3: pp 1 75). (2007) Coleman, MP
  • Commentary: Is epidemiology really dead, anyway? A look back at Kenneth Rothman's 'The rise and fall of epidemiology, 1950-2000 AD'. (2007) Coleman, Michel P
  • Familial loading in specific language impairment: patterns of differences across proband characteristics, gender and relative type. (2007) Conti-Ramsden, G; Falcaro, M; Simkin, Z; Pickles, A
  • A common coding variant in CASP8 is associated with breast cancer risk. (2007) Cox, Angela; Dunning, Alison M; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Balasubramanian, Sabapathy; Reed, Malcolm WR; Pooley, Karen A; Scollen, Serena; Baynes, Caroline; Ponder, Bruce AJ; Chanock, Stephen; Lissowska, Jolanta; Brinton, Louise; Peplonska, Beata; Southey, Melissa C; Hopper, John L; McCredie, Margaret RE; Giles, Graham G; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Gibson, Lorna; Bojesen, Stig E; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Axelsson, Christen K; Torres, Diana; Hamann, Ute; Justenhoven, Christina; Brauch, Hiltrud; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Kropp, Silke; Risch, Angela; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Schürmann, Peter; Bogdanova, Natalia; Dörk, Thilo; Fagerholm, Rainer; Aaltonen, Kirsimari; Blomqvist, Carl; Nevanlinna, Heli; Seal, Sheila; Renwick, Anthony; Stratton, Michael R; Rahman, Nazneen; Sangrajrang, Suleeporn; Hughes, David; Odefrey, Fabrice; Brennan, Paul; Spurdle, Amanda B; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Kathleen Cunningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Fami; Beesley, Jonathan; Mannermaa, Arto; Hartikainen, Jaana; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Couch, Fergus J; Olson, Janet E; Goode, Ellen L; Broeks, Annegien; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Hogervorst, Frans BL; Van't Veer, Laura J; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong-Young; Ahn, Sei-Hyun; Wedrén, Sara; Hall, Per; Low, Yen-Ling; Liu, Jianjun; Milne, Roger L; Ribas, Gloria; Gonzalez-Neira, Anna; Benitez, Javier; Sigurdson, Alice J; Stredrick, Denise L; Alexander, Bruce H; Struewing, Jeffery P; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Douglas F; Breast Cancer Association Consortium
  • Parental understanding of wheeze and its impact on asthma prevalence estimates. (2007) Cunha, SS; Newcombe, PJ
  • Surrogate endpoints for cancer screening trials: general principles and an illustration using the UK Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Trial. (2007) Cuzick, Jack; Cafferty, Fay H; Edwards, Robert; Møller, Henrik; Duffy, Stephen W
  • Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health and Social Interventions. (2007) Dangour, AD; Grundy, EMD; Fletcher A.E.(eds)
  • Detailed analysis of variation at and around mitochondrial position 16189 in a large Finnish cohort reveals no significant associations with early growth or metabolic phenotypes at age 31 years. (2007) Das, Sreena; Bennett, Amanda J; Sovio, Ulla; Ruokonen, Aimo; Martikainen, Hannu; Pouta, Anneli; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Franks, Stephen; Elliott, Paul; Poulton, Joanna; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; McCarthy, Mark I
  • Motor neuron disease mortality in Great Britain continues to rise: examination of mortality rates 1975 - 2004. (2007) Day, Thomas G; Scott, Martin; Perring, Roslyn; Doyle, Pat
  • A spatial probit model for fine-scale mapping of disease genes. (2007) De Iorio, M; Verzilli, CJ
  • A spatial probit model for fine-scale mapping of disease genes. (2007) De Iorio, Maria; Verzilli, Claudio J
  • Long-term effects of hemostatic variables on fatal coronary heart disease: 30-year results from the first prospective Northwick Park Heart Study (NPHS-I). (2007) De Stavola, BL; Meade, TW
  • [Cancer incidence and survival among adolescents and young adults in France (1978-1997)]. (2007) Desandes, Emmanuel; Lacour, Brigitte; Belot, Aurélien; White-Koning, Mélanie; Velten, Michel; Tretarre, Brigitte; Sauleau, Erik-André; Maarouf, Nabil; Guizard, Anne-Valérie; Delafosse, Patricia; Danzon, Arlette; Cotte, Christine; Boutreux, Sébastien; Brugières, Laurence
  • The quest for safer surgery. (2007) Donaldson, LJ
  • A propensity score controlled cohort study to investigate the effects of statins. (2007) Douglas, IJ; Smeeth, L; Evans, SJ
  • A case-control study of drug risk factors for age-related macular degeneration. (2007) Douglas, Ian J; Cook, Claire; Chakravarthy, Usha; Hubbard, Richard; Fletcher, Astrid E; Smeeth, Liam
  • The use of meta-analysis risk estimates for candidate genes in combination to predict coronary heart disease risk. (2007) Drenos, F; Whittaker, JC; Humphries, SE
  • Local progression among men with conservatively treated localized prostate cancer: results from the Transatlantic Prostate Group. (2007) Eastham, James A; Kattan, Michael W; Fearn, Paul; Fisher, Gabrielle; Berney, Daniel M; Oliver, Tim; Foster, Christopher S; Møller, Henrik; Reuter, Victor; Cuzick, Jack; Scardino, Peter; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci. (2007) Easton, Douglas F; Pooley, Karen A; Dunning, Alison M; Pharoah, Paul DP; Thompson, Deborah; Ballinger, Dennis G; Struewing, Jeffery P; Morrison, Jonathan; Field, Helen; Luben, Robert; Wareham, Nicholas; Ahmed, Shahana; Healey, Catherine S; Bowman, Richard; SEARCH collaborators; Meyer, Kerstin B; Haiman, Christopher A; Kolonel, Laurence K; Henderson, Brian E; Le Marchand, Loic; Brennan, Paul; Sangrajrang, Suleeporn; Gaborieau, Valerie; Odefrey, Fabrice; Shen, Chen-Yang; Wu, Pei-Ei; Wang, Hui-Chun; Eccles, Diana; Evans, D Gareth; Peto, Julian; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Seal, Sheila; Stratton, Michael R; Rahman, Nazneen; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Bojesen, Stig E; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Axelsson, Christen K; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Brinton, Louise; Chanock, Stephen; Lissowska, Jolanta; Peplonska, Beata; Nevanlinna, Heli; Fagerholm, Rainer; Eerola, Hannaleena; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong-Young; Ahn, Sei-Hyun; Hunter, David J; Hankinson, Susan E; Cox, David G; Hall, Per; Wedren, Sara; Liu, Jianjun; Low, Yen-Ling; Bogdanova, Natalia; Schürmann, Peter; Dörk, Thilo; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Jacobi, Catharina E; Devilee, Peter; Klijn, Jan GM; Sigurdson, Alice J; Doody, Michele M; Alexander, Bruce H; Zhang, Jinghui; Cox, Angela; Brock, Ian W; MacPherson, Gordon; Reed, Malcolm WR; Couch, Fergus J; Goode, Ellen L; Olson, Janet E; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; van den Ouweland, Ans; Uitterlinden, André; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Milne, Roger L; Ribas, Gloria; Gonzalez-Neira, Anna; Benitez, Javier; Hopper, John L; McCredie, Margaret; Southey, Melissa; Giles, Graham G; Schroen, Chris; Justenhoven, Christina; Brauch, Hiltrud; Hamann, Ute; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Spurdle, Amanda B; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; kConFab; AOCS Management Group; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Kataja, Vesa; Hartikainen, Jaana; Day, Nicholas E; Cox, David R; Ponder, Bruce AJ
  • Fetishes, social determinants and the adipose tissue overflow hypothesis. (2007) Ebrahim, S
  • Prostate cancer, Cochrane, Durkheim and Beer Lao. (2007) Ebrahim, S
  • Uses of epidemiology, ways of living and dying. (2007) Ebrahim, Shah
  • STROBE: new standards for reporting observational epidemiology, a chance to improve. (2007) Ebrahim, Shah; Clarke, Mike
  • Alcohol dehydrogenase type 1C (ADH1C) variants, alcohol consumption traits, HDL-cholesterol and risk of coronary heart disease in women and men: British Women's Heart and Health Study and Caerphilly cohorts. (2007) Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A; Shlomo, Yoav Ben; Timpson, Nicholas; Harbord, Roger; Christensen, Mikkel; Baban, Jamil; Kiessling, Matt; Day, Ian; Gaunt, Tom; Davey Smith, George
  • Physical activity and health: evidence from a study of deprived communities in England. (2007) Ellis, E; Grimsley, M; Goyder, E; Blank, L; Peters, J
  • Cancer survival indicators by Cancer Network: a methodological perspective. (2007) Ellis, Libby; Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel P
  • The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration: analysis of individual data on lipid, inflammatory and other markers in over 1.1 million participants in 104 prospective studies of cardiovascular diseases. (2007) Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration; Danesh, J; Erqou, S; Walker, M; Thompson, SG; Tipping, R; Ford, C; Pressel, S; Walldius, G; Jungner, I; Folsom, AR; Chambless, LE; Knuiman, M; Whincup, PH; Wannamethee, SG; Morris, RW; Willeit, J; Kiechl, S; Santer, P; Mayr, A; Wald, N; Ebrahim, S; Lawlor, DA; Yarnell, JWG; Gallacher, J; Casiglia, E; Tikhonoff, V; Nietert, PJ; Sutherland, SE; Bachman, DL; Keil, JE; Cushman, M; Psaty, BM; Tracy, RP; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A; Nordestgaard, BG; Frikke-Schmidt, R; Giampaoli, S; Palmieri, L; Panico, S; Vanuzzo, D; Pilotto, L; Simons, L; McCallum, J; Friedlander, Y; Fowkes, FGR; Lee, AJ; Smith, FB; Taylor, J; Guralnik, J; Phillips, C; Wallace, R; Blazer, D; Khaw, KT; Jansson, JH; Donfrancesco, C; Salomaa, V; Harald, K; Jousilahti, P; Vartiainen, E; Woodward, M; D'Agostino, RB; Wolf, PA; Vasan, RS; Pencina, MJ; Bladbjerg, EM; Jorgensen, T; Moller, L; Jespersen, J; Dankner, R; Chetrit, A; Lubin, F; Rosengren, A; Wilhelmsen, L; Lappas, G; Eriksson, H; Bjorkelund, C; Cremer, P; Nagel, D; Tilvis, R; Strandberg, T; Rodriguez, B; Bouter, LM; Heine, RJ; Dekker, JM; Nijpels, G; Stehouwer, CDA; Rimm, E; Pai, J; Sato, S; Iso, H; Kitamura, A; Noda, H; Goldbourt, U; Salomaa, V; Salonen, JT; Nyyssönen, K; Tuomainen, T-P; Deeg, D; Poppelaars, JL; Meade, T; Cooper, J; Hedblad, B; Berglund, G; Engstrom, G; Döring, A; Koenig, W; Meisinger, C; Mraz, W; Kuller, L; Selmer, R; Tverdal, A; Nystad, W; Gillum, R; Mussolino, M; Hankinson, S; Manson, J; De Stavola, B; Knottenbelt, C; Cooper, JA; Bauer, KA; Rosenberg, RD; Sato, S; Naito, Y; Holme, I; Nakagawa, H; Miura, H; Ducimetiere, P; Jouven, X; Crespo, C; Garcia-Palmieri, M; Amouyel, P; Arveiler, D; Evans, A; Ferrieres, J; Schulte, H; Assmann, G; Shepherd, J; Packard, C; Sattar, N; Cantin, B; Lamarche, B; Després, J-P; Dagenais, GR; Barrett-Connor, E; Wingard, D; Bettencourt, R; Gudnason, V; Aspelund, T; Sigurdsson, G; Thorsson, B; Trevisan, M; Witteman, J; Kardys, I; Breteler, M; Hofman, A; Tunstall-Pedoe, H; Tavendale, R; Lowe, GDO; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Howard, BV; Zhang, Y; Best, L; Umans, J; Onat, A; Meade, TW; Njolstad, I; Mathiesen, E; Lochen, ML; Wilsgaard, T; Gaziano, JM; Stampfer, M; Ridker, P; Ulmer, H; Diem, G; Concin, H; Rodeghiero, F; Tosetto, A; Brunner, E; Shipley, M; Buring, J; Cobbe, SM; Ford, I; Robertson, M; He, Y; Ibanez, AM; Feskens, EJM; Kromhout, D; Collins, R; Di Angelantonio, E; Kaptoge, S; Lewington, S; Orfei, L; Pennells, L; Perry, P; Ray, K; Sarwar, N; Scherman, M; Thompson, A; Watson, S; Wensley, F; White, IR; Wood, AM
  • Colorectal cancer survival in the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom: excess mortality risk analysis of 5 year relative period survival in the period 1999 to 2000. (2007) Engholm, Gerda; Kejs, Anne Mette T; Brewster, David H; Gaard, Maria; Holmberg, Lars; Hartley, Roger; Iddenden, Robert; Møller, Henrik; Sankila, Risto; Thomson, Catherine S; Storm, Hans H
  • International comparisons of survival from lung cancer: pitfalls and warnings. (2007) Erridge, Sara C; Møller, Henrik; Price, Allan; Brewster, David
  • Depression and anxiety in visually impaired older people. (2007) Evans, Jennifer R; Fletcher, Astrid E; Wormald, Richard PL
  • Linkage and association analysis of CACNG3 in childhood absence epilepsy. (2007) Everett, Kate V; Chioza, Barry; Aicardi, Jean; Aschauer, Harald; Brouwer, Oebele; Callenbach, Petra; Covanis, Athanasios; Dulac, Olivier; Eeg-Olofsson, Orvar; Feucht, Martha; Friis, Mogens; Goutieres, Françoise; Guerrini, Renzo; Heils, Armin; Kjeldsen, Marianne; Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina; Makoff, Andrew; Nabbout, Rima; Olsson, Ingrid; Sander, Thomas; Sirén, Auli; McKeigue, Paul; Robinson, Robert; Taske, Nichole; Rees, Michele; Gardiner, Mark
  • A flexible model for multivariate interval-censored survival times with complex correlation structure. (2007) Falcaro, Milena; Pickles, Andrew
  • Magnitude and object-specific hazards of aspiration and ingestion injuries among children in Greece. (2007) Farmakakis, Theologos; Dessypris, Nick; Alexe, Delia-Marina; Frangakis, Constantine; Petoussis, George; Malliori, Melpomeni; Petridou, Th Eleni
  • Patterns of drinking in the UK Armed Forces. (2007) Fear, Nicola T; Iversen, Amy; Meltzer, Howard; Workman, Lorna; Hull, Lisa; Greenberg, Neil; Barker, Christopher; Browne, Tess; Earnshaw, Mark; Horn, Oded; Jones, Margaret; Murphy, Dominic; Rona, Roberto J; Hotopf, Matthew; Wessely, Simon
  • A comparison of associations of alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase with fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and glycated hemoglobin in women with and without diabetes. (2007) Fraser, Abigail; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Gamma-glutamyltransferase is associated with incident vascular events independently of alcohol intake: analysis of the British Women's Heart and Health Study and Meta-Analysis. (2007) Fraser, Abigail; Harris, Ross; Sattar, Naveed; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, DA
  • An interleukin-18 polymorphism is associated with reduced serum concentrations and better physical functioning in older people. (2007) Frayling, Timothy M; Rafiq, Sajjad; Murray, Anna; Hurst, Alison J; Weedon, Michael N; Henley, William; Bandinelli, Stefania; Corsi, Anna-Maria; Ferrucci, Luigi; Guralnik, Jack M; Wallace, Robert B; Melzer, David
  • A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity. (2007) Frayling, Timothy M; Timpson, Nicholas J; Weedon, Michael N; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Freathy, Rachel M; Lindgren, Cecilia M; Perry, John RB; Elliott, Katherine S; Lango, Hana; Rayner, Nigel W; Shields, Beverley; Harries, Lorna W; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Ellard, Sian; Groves, Christopher J; Knight, Bridget; Patch, Ann-Marie; Ness, Andrew R; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ring, Susan M; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Sovio, Ulla; Bennett, Amanda J; Melzer, David; Ferrucci, Luigi; Loos, Ruth JF; Barroso, Inês; Wareham, Nicholas J; Karpe, Fredrik; Owen, Katharine R; Cardon, Lon R; Walker, Mark; Hitman, Graham A; Palmer, Colin NA; Doney, Alex SF; Morris, Andrew D; Smith, George Davey; Hattersley, Andrew T; McCarthy, Mark I
  • Benefits and risks of homoeopathy. (2007) Goldacre, Ben
  • Making decisions about simple interventions: older people's use of walking aids. (2007) Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Ebrahim, Shah
  • European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: executive summary: Fourth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (Constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts). (2007) Graham, Ian; Atar, Dan; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Boysen, Gudrun; Burell, Gunilla; Cifkova, Renata; Dallongeville, Jean; De Backer, Guy; Ebrahim, Shah; Gjelsvik, Bjørn; Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph; Hoes, Arno; Humphries, Steve; Knapton, Mike; Perk, Joep; Priori, Silvia G; Pyorala, Kalevi; Reiner, Zeljko; Ruilope, Luis; Sans-Menendez, Susana; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma; Weissberg, Peter; Wood, David; Yarnell, John; Zamorano, Jose Luis; Walma, Edmond; Fitzgerald, Tony; Cooney, Marie Therese; Dudina, Alexandra; European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Committee for Practice Guid
  • Successful ageing among the older old. (2007) Grundy, E; Smith, S; Fletcher, A; Lamping, D
  • Does deprivation of area of residence influence the incidence, tumour site or T stage of cutaneous malignant melanoma? A population-based and clinical database study. (2007) Grunewald, T; Davies, E; Mak, V; Russell-Jones, R; Acland, K; Møller, H
  • Prevalence of early and late age-related macular degeneration in a rural population in northern India: the INDEYE feasibility study. (2007) Gupta, Sanjeev K; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Morrison, Nicoli; Price, Gill M; Dherani, Mukesh; John, Neena; Fletcher, Astrid E; Chakravarthy, Usha
  • A systematic review of the association between circulating concentrations of C reactive protein and cancer. (2007) Heikkilä, Katriina; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Associations of circulating C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 with survival in women with and without cancer: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2007) Heikkilä, Katriina; Ebrahim, Shah; Rumley, Ann; Lowe, Gordon; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Comparing measurements of breast density. (2007) Highnam, R; Jeffreys, M; McCormack, V; Warren, R; Davey Smith, G; Brady, M
  • Pilot linkage of NHS Numbers for Babies data with birth registrations. (2007) Hilder, Lisa; Moser, Kath; Dattani, Nirupa; Macfarlane, Alison
  • Bayesian shrinkage priors for detecting multiple causal variants from genome-wide association studies. (2007) Hoggart, C; de Iorio, M; Whittaker, J; Balding, D
  • Simultaneous analysis of genome-wide SNP data. (2007) Hoggart, CJ; de Iorio, M; Whittaker, JC; Balding, DJ
  • Sequence-level population simulations over large genomic regions. (2007) Hoggart, Clive J; Chadeau-Hyam, Marc; Clark, Taane G; Lampariello, Riccardo; Whittaker, John C; De Iorio, Maria; Balding, David J
  • Does vitamin D supplementation in infancy reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia? (2007) Hyppönen, E; Hartikainen, A-L; Sovio, U; Järvelin, M-R; Pouta, A
  • Cervical cancer and hormonal contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of individual data for 16,573 women with cervical cancer and 35,509 women without cervical cancer from 24 epidemiological studies. (2007) International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervic; Appleby, Paul; Beral, Valerie; Berrington de González, Amy; Colin, Didier; Franceschi, Silvia; Goodhill, Adrian; Green, Jane; Peto, Julian; Plummer, Martyn; Sweetland, Siân
  • Cancer survival trends in Osaka, Japan: the influence of age and stage at diagnosis. (2007) Ito, Yuri; Ohno, Yuko; Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel P; Tsukuma, Hideaki; Oshima, Akira
  • Influence of childhood adversity on health among male UK military personnel. (2007) Iversen, Amy C; Fear, Nicola T; Simonoff, Emily; Hull, Lisa; Horn, Oded; Greenberg, Neil; Hotopf, Matthew; Rona, Roberto; Wessely, Simon
  • Testis and prostate cancer incidence in ethnic groups in South East England. (2007) Jack, RH; Davies, EA; Møller, H
  • Radiotherapy waiting times for women with breast cancer: a population-based cohort study. (2007) Jack, Ruth H; Davies, Elizabeth A; Robinson, David; Sainsbury, Richard; Møller, Henrik
  • Counting potentially functional variants in BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATM predicts breast cancer susceptibility. (2007) Johnson, Nichola; Fletcher, Olivia; Palles, Claire; Rudd, Matthew; Webb, Emily; Sellick, Gabrielle; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; McCormack, Valerie; Gibson, Lorna; Fraser, Agnes; Leonard, Angela; Gilham, Clare; Tavtigian, Sean V; Ashworth, Alan; Houlston, Richard; Peto, Julian
  • Comparison of self-reported emotional and behavioural problems in adolescents from Greece and Finland. (2007) Kapi, Aikaterini; Veltsista, Alexandra; Sovio, Ulla; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Bakoula, Chryssa
  • Reconstructing exposures from the UK chemical warfare agent human research programme. (2007) Keegan, Tj; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mj; Fletcher, T; Brooks, C; Doyle, P; Maconochie, Nes; Carpenter, Lm; Venables, Km
  • The final results of the ARTISTIC trial: A randomised trial of HPV testing and primary cervical screening. (2007) Kitchener, H; Almonte, M; Desai, M; Dowie, R; Roberts, C; Turner, A; Bailey, A; Sargent, A; Thomson, C; Peto, J
  • The psychosocial impact of human papillomavirus testing in primary cervical screening-a study within a randomized trial. (2007) Kitchener, HC; Fletcher, I; Roberts, C; Wheeler, P; Almonte, M; Maguire, P
  • Intergenerational continuity in foetal growth rate: to what extent do social characteristics and size at birth of grandparents contribute to health inequalities in younger generations? (2007) Koupil, I; Kim, J; de Stavola, B; Leon, D
  • Risk factors for lactic acidosis and severe hyperlactataemia in HIV-1-infected adults exposed to antiretroviral therapy. (2007) Lactic Acidosis International Study Group
  • Occupational contact dermatitis from propolis in a dental technician. (2007) Langan, SM; English, JS
  • The role of furry pets in eczema: a systematic review. (2007) Langan, Sinéad M; Flohr, Carsten; Williams, Hywel C
  • The association of life course socio-economic position with diagnosis, treatment, control and survival of women with diabetes: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2007) Lawlor, DA; Patel, R; Fraser, A; Smith, G Davey; Ebrahim, S
  • Leptin and coronary heart disease risk: Prospective case control study of British women. (2007) Lawlor, DA; Smith, GD; Kelly, A; Sattar, N; Ebrahim, S
  • Associations between childhood intelligence and hospital admissions for unintentional injuries in adulthood: the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Clark, Heather; Leon, David A
  • The association of the paraoxonase (PON1) Q192R polymorphism with depression in older women: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Day, Ian NM; Gaunt, Tom R; Hinks, Lesley J; Timpson, Nick; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Independent associations of fasting insulin, glucose, and glycated haemoglobin with stroke and coronary heart disease in older women. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Fraser, Abigail; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey
  • Associations of gestational age and intrauterine growth with systolic blood pressure in a family-based study of 386,485 men in 331,089 families. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Hübinette, Anna; Tynelius, Per; Leon, David A; Smith, George Davey; Rasmussen, Finn
  • Growth trajectory matters: interpreting the associations among birth weight, concurrent body size, and systolic blood pressure in a cohort study of 378,707 Swedish men. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Leon, David A; Rasmussen, Finn
  • Leptin and coronary heart disease risk: prospective case control study of British women. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Kelly, Anne; Sattar, Naveed; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Polymorphisms in the CRP gene and cardiovascular events. (2007) Lawlor, Debbie A; Timpson, Nic; Harbord, Roger; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Commentary: Preston and mortality trends since the mid-1970s. (2007) Leon, David A
  • Hazardous alcohol drinking and premature mortality in Russia: a population based case-control study. (2007) Leon, David A; Saburova, Lyudmila; Tomkins, Susannah; Andreev, Evgueny; Kiryanov, Nikolay; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M
  • Alcohol consumption and public health in Russia. (2007) Leon, David A; Saburova, Lyudmila; Tomkins, Susannah; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M
  • Survival from malignant digestive endocrine tumors in England and Wales: a population-based study. (2007) Lepage, Côme; Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel Philippe
  • Gender and neurogenin3 influence the pathogenesis of ketosis-prone diabetes. (2007) Louet, J-F; Smith, SB; Gautier, J-F; Molokhia, M; Virally, M-L; Kevorkian, J-P; Guillausseau, P-J; Vexiau, P; Charpentier, G; German, MS; Vaisse, C; Urbanek, M; Mauvais-Jarvis, F
  • Risk factors for first trimester miscarriage--results from a UK-population-based case-control study. (2007) Maconochie, N; Doyle, P; Prior, S; Simmons, R
  • Parents' views on confidentiality and health advice for adolescents in general practice. (2007) Magnusson, Josefine; Oakley, Laura; Townsend, Joy
  • Patterns of cholesterol levels in patients treated with lipid lowering drugs in UK primary care. (2007) Maguire, A; Douglas, I; Smeeth, L
  • Determinants of cholesterol and triglycerides recording in patients treated with lipid lowering therapy in UK primary care. (2007) Maguire, A; Douglas, I; Smeeth, L; Thompson, M
  • Classification of hyperlipidemia from automated primary care data in the UK and France. (2007) Maguire, A; Schwalm, MS; Douglas, I; Smeeth, L
  • The epidemiology and treatment of mesothelioma in South East England 1985-2002. (2007) Mak, V; Davies, E; Putcha, V; Choodari-Oskooei, B; Møller, H
  • Associations of von Willebrand factor, fibrin D-dimer and tissue plasminogen activator with incident coronary heart disease: British Women's Heart and Health cohort study. (2007) May, Margaret; Lawlor, Debbie A; Patel, Rita; Rumley, Ann; Lowe, Gordon; Ebrahim, Shah
  • (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin and its stereoisomer prevent ischemia reperfusion injury in human forearm. (2007) Mayahi, Lila; Heales, Simon; Owen, David; Casas, Juan P; Harris, Joanne; MacAllister, Raymond J; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Use of performance feedback to increase healthcare worker hand-hygiene behaviour. (2007) McAteer, J; Stone, S; Roberts, J; Michie, S; FIT study team; Fuller, C; Slade, R; Charlett, A; Cookson, B; Cooper, B; Duckworth, G; Hayward, A; Jeane, A; Teare, L
  • Comparison of a new and existing method of mammographic density measurement: intramethod reliability and associations with known risk factors. (2007) McCormack, Valerie A; Highnam, Ralph; Perry, Nicholas; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Mental Health in the Millennium Development Goals: Authors' Reply. (2007) Miranda, JJ; Patel, V
  • Diet across the lifecourse and mammographic density: Results from a British prospective cohort. (2007) Mishra, G; Dos Santos Silva, I; McCormack, V; Stephen, A; Kuh, D
  • Cross-sectional analysis of adverse outcomes in 1,029 pregnancies of Afro-Caribbean women in Trinidad with and without systemic lupus erythematosus. (2007) Molokhia, Mariam; Maconochie, Noreen; Patrick, Alan Leslie; Doyle, Pat
  • Multivariate linkage analysis of Specific Language Impairment (SLI). (2007) Monaco, A; Falcaro, M; Consortium, ATS
  • Duration of inter-facility neonatal transport and neonatal mortality: systematic review and cohort study. (2007) Mori, Rintaro; Fujimura, Masanori; Shiraishi, Jun; Evans, Beti; Corkett, Michael; Negishi, Hirokuni; Doyle, Pat
  • Defining a minimum income for healthy living (MIHL): older age, England. (2007) Morris, JN; Wilkinson, Paul; Dangour, Alan D; Deeming, Christopher; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Does gravidity influence smoking behaviour in pregnancy? A comparison of multigravid and primigravid women. (2007) Morris, Melanie; Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat
  • World mortality 1950-2000: divergence replaces convergence from the late 1980s. (2007) Moser, K; Shkolnikov, V; Leon, DA
  • Comparing health inequalities across time and place--rate ratios and rate differences lead to different conclusions: analysis of cross-sectional data from 22 countries 1991-2001. (2007) Moser, Kath; Frost, Chris; Leon, David A
  • Introducing new data on gestation-specific infant mortality among babies born in 2005 in England and Wales. (2007) Moser, Kath; Macfarlane, Alison; Chow, Yuan Huang; Hilder, Lisa; Dattani, Nirupa
  • Do women know that the risk of breast cancer increases with age? (2007) Moser, Kath; Patnick, Julietta; Beral, Valerie
  • Anthrax vaccination in a military population before the war in Iraq: side effects and informed choice. (2007) Murphy, Dominic; Hull, Lisa; Horn, Oded; Jones, Margaret; Marteau, Theresa; Hotopf, Matthew; Rona, Roberto J; Wessely, Simon
  • Prevalence of lens opacities in North India: the INDEYE feasibility study. (2007) Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Gupta, Sanjeev K; Maraini, Giovanni; Camparini, Monica; Price, Gill M; Dherani, Mukesh; John, Neena; Chakravarthy, Usha; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • The future burden of cancer in England: incidence and numbers of new patients in 2020. (2007) Møller, H; Fairley, L; Coupland, V; Okello, C; Green, M; Forman, D; Møller, B; Bray, F
  • Model for estimating the population prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: cross sectional data from the Health Survey for England. (2007) Nacul, Luis C; Soljak, Michael; Meade, Tom
  • Personality disorder and outcome in schizophrenia: A negative systematic review. (2007) Newton-Howes, G; Tyrer, P; Moore, A; Nur, U
  • Patients with diabetic nephropathy on renal replacement therapy in England and Wales. (2007) Nitsch, D; Burden, R; Steenkamp, R; Ansell, D; Byrne, C; Caskey, F; Roderick, P; Feest, T
  • Prevalence and cross-sectional associations of a reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate in the over-75 year olds. (2007) Nitsch, D; Roderick, PJ; Atkins, R; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Bulpitt, C; Fletcher, A
  • Multiple Imputation and Random Forests (MIRF) for Unobservable, High-Dimensional Data. (2007) Nonyane, BAS; Foulkes, AS
  • Design sequences for sensory studies: achieving balance for carry-over and position effects. (2007) Nonyane, BAS; Theobald, CM
  • Genetic and Molecular Factors in Drug-Induced Liver Injury: A Review. (2007) Pachkoria, K; Isabel Lucena, M; Molokhia, M; Cueto, R; Serrano Carballo, A; Carvajal, A; Andrade, RJ
  • Genetic and Molecular factors in drug-induced liver injury: a review. (2007) Pachkoria, K; Lucena, I; Molokhia, M; Cueto, R; Serrano Carballo, A; Carvajal, A; Andrade, RJ
  • Years of sunlight exposure and cataract: a case-control study in a Mediterranean population. (2007) Pastor-Valero, María; Fletcher, Astrid E; de Stavola, Bianca L; Chaqués-Alepúz, Vicente
  • Trends in hospital admissions for adverse drug reactions in England: analysis of national hospital episode statistics 1998-2005. (2007) Patel, Hitesh; Bell, Derek; Molokhia, Mariam; Srishanmuganathan, Janakan; Patel, Mitesh; Car, Josip; Majeed, Azeem
  • Variation in the use of chemotherapy in lung cancer. (2007) Patel, N; Adatia, R; Mellemgaard, A; Jack, R; Møller, H
  • Socio-economic position and the use of preventive health care in older British women: a cross-sectional study using data from the British Women's Heart and Health Study cohort. (2007) Patel, Rita; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; British Women's Heart and Health Study cohort
  • Disability and psychosocial outcomes in old age. (2007) Paúl, Constança; Ayis, Salma; Ebrahim, Shah
  • National study of colorectal cancer genetics. (2007) Penegar, S; Wood, W; Lubbe, S; Chandler, I; Broderick, P; Papaemmanuil, E; Sellick, G; Gray, R; Peto, J; Houlston, R
  • Road safety in low- and middle-income countries: a neglected research area. (2007) Perel, P; Ker, K; Ivers, R; Blackhall, K
  • Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2007) Perel, P; Roberts, I
  • Comparison of treatment effects between animal experiments and clinical trials: systematic review. (2007) Perel, Pablo; Roberts, Ian; Sena, Emily; Wheble, Philipa; Briscoe, Catherine; Sandercock, Peter; Macleod, Malcolm; Mignini, Luciano E; Jayaram, Pradeep; Khan, Khalid S
  • Prognosis following head injury: a survey of doctors from developing and developed countries. (2007) Perel, Pablo; Wasserberg, Jonathan; Ravi, Ramalingam R; Shakur, Haleema; Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian
  • Diabetes and cognition in very elderly hypertensives. (2007) Peters, R; Beckett, N; Comsa, M; Ma, S; Belhani, A; Stoyanovsky, V; Anthony, S; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • The incidence and survival of Waldenström's Macroglobulinaemia in South East England. (2007) Phekoo, KJ; Jack, RH; Davies, E; Møller, H; Schey, SA; South Thames Haematology Specialist Committee
  • Interview with Peter Piot. Interview by Marc Vandenbruaene. (2007) Piot, Peter
  • Squaring the circle: AIDS, poverty, and human development. (2007) Piot, Peter; Greener, Robert; Russell, Sarah picture_as_pdf
  • Good politics, bad politics: the experience of AIDS. (2007) Piot, Peter; Russell, Sarah; Larson, Heidi
  • Cataract visual impairment and quality of life in a Kenyan population. (2007) Polack, Sarah; Kuper, Hannah; Mathenge, Wanjiku; Fletcher, Astrid; Foster, Allen
  • The long-term risks of adjuvant carboplatin treatment for stage I seminoma of the testis. (2007) Powles, T; Robinson, D; Shamash, J; Moller, H; Tranter, N; Oliver, T
  • Blood cholesterol and vascular mortality by age, sex, and blood pressure: a meta-analysis of individual data from 61 prospective studies with 55,000 vascular deaths. (2007) Prospective Studies Collaboration; Lewington, Sarah; Whitlock, Gary; Clarke, Robert; Sherliker, Paul; Emberson, Jonathan; Halsey, Jim; Qizilbash, Nawab; Peto, Richard; Collins, Rory
  • A common variant of the interleukin 6 receptor (IL-6r) gene increases IL-6r and IL-6 levels, without other inflammatory effects. (2007) Rafiq, S; Frayling, TM; Murray, A; Hurst, A; Stevens, K; Weedon, MN; Henley, W; Ferrucci, L; Bandinelli, S; Corsi, A-M; Guralnik, JM; Melzer, D
  • Common genetic variation in the gene encoding interleukin-1-receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) is associated with altered circulating IL-1RA levels. (2007) Rafiq, S; Stevens, K; Hurst, AJ; Murray, A; Henley, W; Weedon, MN; Bandinelli, S; Corsi, AM; Guralnik, JM; Ferruci, L; Melzer, D; Frayling, TM
  • An overall strategy based on regression models to estimate relative survival and model the effects of prognostic factors in cancer survival studies. (2007) Remontet, L; Bossard, N; Belot, A; Estève, J; French network of cancer registries FRANCIM
  • Mortality and incidence of second cancers following treatment for testicular cancer. (2007) Robinson, D; Møller, H; Horwich, A
  • Interpreting international comparisons of cancer survival: the effects of incomplete registration and the presence of death certificate only cases on survival estimates. (2007) Robinson, David; Sankila, Risto; Hakulinen, Timo; Møller, Henrik
  • Active and passive smoking and the risk of breast cancer in women aged 36-45 years: a population based case-control study in the UK. (2007) Roddam, AW; Pirie, K; Pike, MC; Chilvers, C; Crossley, B; Hermon, C; McPherson, K; Peto, J; Vessey, M; Beral, V
  • Increased cardiovascular mortality more than fifteen years after radiotherapy for breast cancer: a population-based study. (2007) Roychoudhuri, Rahul; Robinson, David; Putcha, Venkata; Cuzick, Jack; Darby, Sarah; Møller, Henrik
  • Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality and survival in South-east England between 1972 and 2001. (2007) Sanjoaquin, Miguel A; Choodari-Oskooei, Babak; Dolbear, Catherine; Putcha, Venkata; Sehgal, Ashu; Key, Tim J; Møller, Henrik
  • Salad vegetables dietary pattern protects against HER-2-positive breast cancer: a prospective Italian study. (2007) Sant, Milena; Allemani, Claudia; Sieri, Sabina; Krogh, Vittorio; Menard, Sylvie; Tagliabue, Elda; Nardini, Elena; Micheli, Andrea; Crosignani, Paolo; Muti, Paola; Berrino, Franco
  • “Comments to IJC-06-2150, Zahal PH, Maehlen J. Constant relative survival rates in Sweden and Norway when adjusting for screening-related overdiagnosis”. (2007) Sant, Milena; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Verdecchia, Arduino; Allemani, Claudia; Berrino, Franco
  • Alcohol intake, smoking, sleeping hours, physical activity and the metabolic syndrome. (2007) Santos, A-C; Ebrahim, S; Barros, H
  • Do MDM2 SNP309 and TP53 R72P interact in breast cancer susceptibility? A large pooled series from the breast cancer association consortium. (2007) Schmidt, Marjanka K; Reincke, Scarlett; Broeks, Annegien; Braaf, Linde M; Hogervorst, Frans BL; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Johnson, Nichola; Fletcher, Olivia; Peto, Julian; Tommiska, Johanna; Blomqvist, Carl; Nevanlinna, Heli A; Healey, Catherine S; Dunning, Alison M; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Douglas F; Dörk, Thilo; Van't Veer, Laura J; Breast Cancer Association Consortium
  • What are the best outcome measurements for atopic eczema? A systematic review. (2007) Schmitt, Jochen; Langan, Sinead; Williams, Hywel C; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network
  • The emergence of networks in human genome epidemiology: challenges and opportunities. (2007) Seminara, Daniela; Khoury, Muin J; O'Brien, Thomas R; Manolio, Teri; Gwinn, Marta L; Little, Julian; Higgins, Julian PT; Bernstein, Jonine L; Boffetta, Paolo; Bondy, Melissa; Bray, Molly S; Brenchley, Paul E; Buffler, Patricia A; Casas, Juan Pablo; Chokkalingam, Anand P; Danesh, John; Davey Smith, George; Dolan, Siobhan; Duncan, Ross; Gruis, Nelleke A; Hashibe, Mia; Hunter, David; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Malmer, Beatrice; Maraganore, Demetrius M; Newton-Bishop, Julia A; Riboli, Elio; Salanti, Georgia; Taioli, Emanuela; Timpson, Nic; Uitterlinden, André G; Vineis, Paolo; Wareham, Nick; Winn, Deborah M; Zimmern, Ron; Ioannidis, John PA; Human Genome Epidemiology Network; Network of Investigator Networks
  • Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in Scotland 1986-2000. (2007) Shack, LG; Rachet, B; Brewster, DH; Coleman, MP
  • Increasing incidence of childhood leukaemia: a controversy re-examined. (2007) Shah, A; Coleman, MP
  • Genetics of ischaemic stroke in ethnic minorities. (2007) Sharma, P; Whittaker, J; Casas, JP; Hingorani, AD; Ariyaratnam, R
  • Marital status, intergenerational co-residence and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among middle-aged and older men and women during wartime in Beirut: gains and liabilities. (2007) Sibai, Abla M; Yount, Kathryn M; Fletcher, Astrid
  • The role of infection in cardiovascular disease: more support but many questions remain. (2007) Smeeth, Liam; Casas, Juan P; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Clustered environments and randomized genes: a fundamental distinction between conventional and genetic epidemiology. (2007) Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, Debbie A; Harbord, Roger; Timpson, Nic; Day, Ian; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Predictors of successful ageing in the very old: the importance of social interaction. (2007) Smith, SC; Grundy, E; Fletcher, A; Lamping, DL
  • Co-existence of autoimmune diseases within individuals. (2007) Somers, EC; Thomas, SL; Smeeth, L; Hall, AJ
  • Cloninger's Temperament dimensions, socio-economic and lifestyle factors and metabolic syndrome markers at age 31 years in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. (2007) Sovio, Ulla; King, Vanessa; Miettunen, Jouko; Ek, Ellen; Laitinen, Jaana; Joukamaa, Matti; Veijola, Juha; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta
  • Cleanyourhands Campaign: a critique of the critique. (2007) Stone, S; Slade, R; Fuller, C; McAteer, J; Cookson, B; Teare, L; Jeanes, A; Cooper, B; Roberts, J; Duckworth, G; Hayward, A; Charlett, A; Michie, S
  • The ORION statement: guidelines for transparent reporting of outbreak reports and intervention studies of nosocomial infection. (2007) Stone, SP; Cooper, BS; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Medley, GF; Duckworth, G; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S; Brown, EM; Wiffen, PJ; Davey, PG
  • The ORION statement: guidelines for transparent reporting of outbreak reports and intervention studies of nosocomial infection. (2007) Stone, Sheldon P; Cooper, Ben S; Kibbler, Chris C; Cookson, Barry D; Roberts, Jenny A; Medley, Graham F; Duckworth, Georgia; Lai, Rosalind; Ebrahim, Shah; Brown, Erwin M; Wiffen, Phil J; Davey, Peter G
  • Hepatitis B virus seropositivity and the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. (2007) Sung, Joohon; Song, Yun-Mi; Choi, Yoon-Ho; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Genetic association mapping via evolutionary-based clustering of haplotypes. (2007) Tachmazidou, I; Verzilli, CJ; de Iorio, M
  • Genetic association mapping via evolution-based clustering of haplotypes. (2007) Tachmazidou, Ioanna; Verzilli, Claudio J; De Iorio, Maria
  • Fertility rates in women with asthma, eczema, and hay fever: a general population-based cohort study. (2007) Tata, LJ; Hubbard, RB; McKeever, TM; Smith, CJP; Doyle, P; Smeeth, L; West, J; Lewis, SA
  • Congenital malformations in children born to women with asthma. (2007) Tata, LJ; Lewis, SA; McKeever, TM; Smith, CJP; Doyle, P; Smeeth, L; Gibson, JE; Hubbard, RB
  • A comprehensive analysis of adverse obstetric and pediatric complications in women with asthma. (2007) Tata, Laila J; Lewis, Sarah A; McKeever, Tricia M; Smith, Chris JP; Doyle, Pat; Smeeth, Liam; West, Joe; Hubbard, Richard B
  • How accurate are diagnoses for rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the General Practice Research Database? (2007) Thomas, SL; Edwards, CJ; Smeeth, L; Cooper, C; Hall, AJ
  • Prevalence and socio-economic distribution of hazardous patterns of alcohol drinking: study of alcohol consumption in men aged 25-54 years in Izhevsk, Russia. (2007) Tomkins, S; Saburova, L; Kiryanov, N; Andreev, E; McKee, M; Shkolnikov, V; Leon, DA
  • Identifying the determinants of premature mortality in Russia: overcoming a methodological challenge. (2007) Tomkins, Susannah; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Andreev, Evgueni; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Leon, David A; McKee, Martin; Saburova, Lyudmila
  • A genome-wide association scan of tag SNPs identifies a susceptibility variant for colorectal cancer at 8q24.21. (2007) Tomlinson, Ian; Webb, Emily; Carvajal-Carmona, Luis; Broderick, Peter; Kemp, Zoe; Spain, Sarah; Penegar, Steven; Chandler, Ian; Gorman, Maggie; Wood, Wendy; Barclay, Ella; Lubbe, Steven; Martin, Lynn; Sellick, Gabrielle; Jaeger, Emma; Hubner, Richard; Wild, Ruth; Rowan, Andrew; Fielding, Sarah; Howarth, Kimberley; CORGI Consortium; Silver, Andrew; Atkin, Wendy; Muir, Kenneth; Logan, Richard; Kerr, David; Johnstone, Elaine; Sieber, Oliver; Gray, Richard; Thomas, Huw; Peto, Julian; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste; Houlston, Richard
  • Mannheim carotid intima-media thickness consensus (2004-2006). An update on behalf of the Advisory Board of the 3rd and 4th Watching the Risk Symposium, 13th and 15th European Stroke Conferences, Mannheim, Germany, 2004, and Brussels, Belgium, 2006. (2007) Touboul, PJ; Hennerici, MG; Meairs, S; Adams, H; Amarenco, P; Bornstein, N; Csiba, L; Desvarieux, M; Ebrahim, S; Fatar, M; Hernandez Hernandez, R; Jaff, M; Kownator, S; Prati, P; Rundek, T; Sitzer, M; Schminke, U; Tardif, JC; Taylor, A; Vicaut, E; Woo, KS; Zannad, F; Zureik, M
  • C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 polymorphisms in relation to subclinical atherosclerotic disease. (2007) Tzoulaki, I; Shah, T; Ireland, H; Casas, JP; Hingorani, AD; Humphries, SE; Fowkes, FGR
  • Functional variants of the central bile acid sensor FXR identified in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. (2007) Van Mil, Saskia WC; Milona, Alexandra; Dixon, Peter H; Mullenbach, Roman; Geenes, Victoria L; Chambers, Jenny; Shevchuk, Vasylyna; Moore, Gudrun E; Lammert, Frank; Glantz, Anna G; Mattsson, Lars-Ake; Whittaker, John; Parker, Malcolm G; White, Roger; Williamson, Catherine
  • Bayesian meta analysis of genetic association studies with different sets of markers. (2007) Verzilli, Claudio; Chapman, Juliet; Hingorani, Aroon; Pablo-Casas, Juan; Shah, Tina; Smeeth, Liam; Whittaker, John
  • Main morbidities recorded in the women's international study of long duration oestrogen after menopause (WISDOM): a randomised controlled trial of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. (2007) Vickers, Madge R; MacLennan, Alastair H; Lawton, Beverley; Ford, Deborah; Martin, Jeannett; Meredith, Sarah K; DeStavola, Bianca L; Rose, Sally; Dowell, Anthony; Wilkes, Helen C; Darbyshire, Janet H; Meade, Tom W; WISDOM group
  • The Women's international study of long-duration oestrogen after menopause (WISDOM): a randomised controlled trial. (2007) Vickers, Madge R; Martin, Jeannett; Meade, Tom W; WISDOM study team
  • Plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin C are better correlated with dietary intake in normal weight than overweight and obese elderly subjects. (2007) Vioque, Jesús; Weinbrenner, Tanja; Asensio, Laura; Castelló, Adela; Young, Ian S; Fletcher, Astrid
  • The effect of mammographic screening and hormone replacement therapy use on breast cancer incidence in England and Wales. (2007) Waller, Michael; Moss, Sue; Watson, Joanna; Møller, Henrik
  • Oral cancer survival in young people in South East England. (2007) Warnakulasuriya, Saman; Mak, Vivian; Möller, Henrik
  • Where do teenagers and young adults receive treatment for cancer? (2007) Whelan, Jeremy; Dolbear, Catherine; Mak, Vivian; Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth
  • Analysis of multiple SNPs in a candidate gene or region. (2007) Whittaker, JC; Chapman, J
  • Predicted trends in long-term breast cancer survival in England and Wales. (2007) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Sustaining treatment costs: who will pay? (2007) Zewdie, Debrework; De Cock, Kevin; Piot, Peter
  • Long-term effects of hemostatic variables on fatal coronary heart disease: 30-year results from the first prospective Northwick Park Heart Study (NPHS-I). (2007) de Stavola, BL; Meade, TW
  • The preventability of cancer: nature, nurture or bad luck? (2007) dos Santos Silva, I