Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology (6213)
    Number of items: 230.
    October 2006
  • Interventions used to improve control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. (2006) Fahey, T; Schroeder, K; Ebrahim, S
  • Nutritional support for head-injured patients. (2006) Perel, P; Yanagawa, T; Bunn, F; Roberts, I; Wentz, R; Pierro, A
  • September 2006
  • In terms of safety. (2006) Donaldson, LJ
  • April 2006
  • Interventions used to improve control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. (2006) Fahey, T; Schroeder, K; Ebrahim, S
  • The WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety: towards the years of living less dangerously. (2006) Donaldson, Liam J; Fletcher, Martin G
  • March 2006
  • Detecting multiple associations in genome-wide studies. (2006) Dudbridge, Frank; Gusnanto, Arief; Koeleman, Bobby PC
  • 2006
  • MDR1 gene polymorphisms are associated with neuropsychiatric adverse effects of mefloquine. (2006) Aarnoudse, Albert LHJ; van Schaik, Ron HN; Dieleman, Jeanne; Molokhia, Mariam; van Riemsdijk, Melanie M; Ligthelm, Robert J; Overbosch, David; van der Heiden, Ilse P; Stricker, Bruno H Ch
  • Integrated single-label liquid-phase assay of APOE codons 112 and 158 and a lipoprotein study in British women. (2006) Abdollahi, Mohammad Reza; Guthrie, Philip AI; Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Day, Ian NM
  • Prevalence and risk factors for joint pain among men and women in the West of Scotland Twenty-07 study. (2006) Adamson, J; Ebrahim, S; Dieppe, P; Hunt, K
  • The psychosocial versus material hypothesis to explain observed inequality in disability among older adults: data from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study. (2006) Adamson, Joy A; Ebrahim, Shah; Hunt, Kate
  • The changing patterns of hypertension in Ghana: a study of four rural communities in the Ga District. (2006) Addo, Juliet; Amoah, Albert GB; Koram, Kwadwo A
  • Leptin and cancer. (2006) Alexe, DM; Petridou, E
  • Delphi Technique as a tool in assessing injury priorities and actions for injury prevention in the European Union. (2006) Alexe, DM; Skalkidis, I; Petroulaki, K
  • Determinants of early life leptin levels and later life degenerative outcomes. (2006) Alexe, Delia-Marina; Syridou, Garyfallia; Petridou, Eleni Th
  • Hodgkin disease survival in Europe and the U.S.: prognostic significance of morphologic groups. (2006) Allemani, Claudia; Sant, Milena; De Angelis, Roberta; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Coebergh, Jan Willem; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Symptoms, ill-health and quality of life in a support group of Porton Down veterans. (2006) Allender, Steven; Maconochie, Noreen; Keegan, Thomas; Brooks, Claire; Fletcher, Tony; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J; Doyle, Pat; Carpenter, Lucy M; Venables, Katherine M
  • The many faces of secondary syphilis: a re-emergence of an old disease. (2006) Angus, J; Langan, SM; Stanway, A; Leach, IH; Littlewood, SM; English, JS
  • Elevated maternal expression of the imprinted PHLDA2 gene is associated with low birth weight. (2006) Apostolidou, S; Abu-Amero, S; O'Donoghue, K; Olafsdottir, O; Chavele, KM; Frost, J; Whittaker, JC; Loughna, P; Stanier, P; Moore, GE
  • Negative signs and symptoms secondary to antipsychotics: a double-blind, randomized trial of a single dose of placebo, haloperidol, and risperidone in healthy volunteers. (2006) Artaloytia, Juan Francisco; Arango, Celso; Lahti, Adrienne; Sanz, Javier; Pascual, Ana; Cubero, Pedro; Prieto, David; Palomo, Tomás
  • Prevalence of age-related maculopathy in older Europeans: the European Eye Study (EUREYE). (2006) Augood, Cristina A; Vingerling, Johannes R; de Jong, Paulus TVM; Chakravarthy, Usha; Seland, Johan; Soubrane, Gisele; Tomazzoli, Laura; Topouzis, Fotis; Bentham, Graham; Rahu, Mati; Vioque, Jesus; Young, Ian S; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Predicting catastrophic decline in mobility among older people. (2006) Ayis, S; Gooberman-Hill, R; Bowling, A; Ebrahim, S
  • A likelihood ratio approach to family-based association studies with covariates. (2006) Baksh, MF; Balding, DJ; Vyse, TJ; Whittaker, JC
  • National survey of British public's views on use of identifiable medical data by the National Cancer Registry. (2006) Barrett, Geraldine; Cassell, Jackie A; Peacock, Janet L; Coleman, Michel P; National Cancer Registry
  • Estimation of bias in nongenetic observational studies using "mendelian triangulation". (2006) Bautista, Leonelo E; Smeeth, Liam; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Indoor radon and lung cancer - The authors respond. (2006) Baysson, H; Tirmarche, M; Leuraud, M; Laurier, D
  • Cardiac and stroke disease at entry to the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET) - Comparison between patients from Europe and China. (2006) Beckett, N; Peters, R; Anderson, C; Stoyanovsky, V; Antikainen, R; Banya, W; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in very elderly hypertensives: results from the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2006) Beckett, N; Peters, R; Liu, LS; Ma, SH; Lu, F; Wang, J; Tzekovafi, M; Geneva, M; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) M224L variant and adult metabolic phenotypes. (2006) Bennett, AJ; Jain, D; Neville, M; Sovio, U; Groves, CJ; Liew, SCF; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Elliott, P; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
  • Phyto-oestrogen intake and plasma concentrations in South Asian and native British women resident in England. (2006) Bhakta, Dee; Higgins, Craig D; Sevak, Leena; Mangtani, Punam; Adlercreutz, Herman; McMichael, Anthony J; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Impact of Age and Socio-Economic Inequalities in Cancer Survival of Patients with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Diagnosed in England and Wales. (2006) Bohlius, Julia; Rachet, Bernard; Engert, Andreas; Coleman, Michel
  • Do perceptions of neighbourhood environment influence health? Baseline findings from a British survey of aging. (2006) Bowling, Ann; Barber, Julie; Morris, Richard; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Interpreting the international trends in testicular seminoma and nonseminoma incidence. (2006) Bray, Freddie; Ferlay, Jacques; Devesa, Susan S; McGlynn, Katherine A; Møller, Henrik
  • Do testicular seminoma and nonseminoma share the same etiology? Evidence from an age-period-cohort analysis of incidence trends in eight European countries. (2006) Bray, Freddie; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Ekbom, Anders; Forman, David; Pukkala, Eero; Cuninkova, Martina; Møller, Henrik
  • Etiologic Conclusions from Similar Birth Cohort Effects. (2006) Bray, Freddie; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Ekbom, Anders; Forman, David; Pukkala, Eero; Cuninkova, Martina; Møller, Henrik
  • Trends in testicular cancer incidence and mortality in 22 European countries: continuing increases in incidence and declines in mortality. (2006) Bray, Freddie; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Ekbom, Anders; Pukkala, Eero; Cuninkova, Martina; Møller, Henrik
  • Commonly studied single-nucleotide polymorphisms and breast cancer: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. (2006) Breast Cancer Association Consortium
  • Cause-specific mortality in old age in relation to body mass index in middle age and in old age: follow-up of the Whitehall cohort of male civil servants. (2006) Breeze, Elizabeth; Clarke, Robert; Shipley, Martin J; Marmot, Michael G; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Accuracy and impact of risk assessment in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review. (2006) Brindle, P; Beswick, A; Fahey, T; Ebrahim, S
  • Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a web-based risk score for seven British black and minority ethnic groups. (2006) Brindle, P; May, M; Gill, P; Cappuccio, F; D'Agostino, R; Fischbacher, C; Ebrahim, S
  • On the front line of primary health care: the profile of community health workers in rural Quechua communities in Peru. (2006) Brown, Angela; Malca, Rosa; Zumaran, Adriana; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Fracture risk and the use of a diuretic (indapamide SR) +/- perindopril: a substudy of the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET). (2006) Bulpitt, Christopher J; Peters, Ruth; Staessen, Jan A; Thijs, Lutgarde; De Vernejoul, Marie-Christine; Fletcher, Astrid E; Beckett, Nigel S picture_as_pdf
  • Myasthenia gravis--a rare presentation with tongue atrophy and fasciculation. (2006) Burch, J; Warren-Gash, C; Ingham, V; Patel, M; Bennett, D; Chaudhuri, KR
  • Declining vulnerability to temperature-related mortality in London over the 20th century. (2006) Carson, Claire; Hajat, Shakoor; Armstrong, Ben; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Investigating the genetic determinants of cardiovascular disease using candidate genes and meta-analysis of association studies. (2006) Casas, JP; Cooper, J; Miller, GJ; Hingorani, AD; Humphries, SE
  • Progression of renal disease--can we forget about inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system? authors' reply. (2006) Casas, JP; Hingorani, AD; Macallister, RJ; Smeeth, L
  • Renoprotective effects of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors - Authors' reply. (2006) Casas, JP; Vallance, P; Smeeth, L; Hingorani, AD; Macallister, RJ
  • Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms and cardiovascular disease: a HuGE review. (2006) Casas, Juan P; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L; Bautista, Leonelo E; Smeeth, Liam; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Insight into the nature of the CRP-coronary event association using Mendelian randomization. (2006) Casas, Juan P; Shah, Tina; Cooper, Jackie; Hawe, Emma; McMahon, Alex D; Gaffney, Dairena; Packard, Christopher J; O'Reilly, Denis S; Juhan-Vague, Irene; Yudkin, John S; Tremoli, Elena; Margaglione, Maurizio; Di Minno, Giovanni; Hamsten, Anders; Kooistra, Teake; Stephens, Jeffrey W; Hurel, Steven J; Livingstone, Shona; Colhoun, Helen M; Miller, George J; Bautista, Leonelo E; Meade, Tom; Sattar, Naveed; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Progression of renal disease—can we forget about inhibition of the renin–angiotensin system? Authors’ reply. (2006) Casas, Juan Pablo; Hingorani, Aroon D; MacAllister, Raymond J; Smeeth, Liam
  • Social deprivation and survival on renal replacement therapy in England and Wales. (2006) Caskey, FJ; Roderick, P; Steenkamp, R; Nitsch, D; Thomas, K; Ansell, D; Feest, T
  • Triglyceride associated polymorphisms of the APOA5 gene have very different allele frequencies in Pune, India compared to Europeans. (2006) Chandak, Giriraj R; Ward, Kirsten J; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S; Pandit, Anand N; Bavdekar, Ashish; Joglekar, Charu V; Fall, Caroline HD; Mohankrishna, P; Wilkin, Terence J; Metcalf, Bradley S; Weedon, Michael N; Frayling, Timothy M; Hattersley, Andrew T
  • Respirable dust exposure and respiratory health in male Taiwanese steelworkers. (2006) Chen, Pau-Chung; Doyle, Patricia E; Wang, Jung-Der
  • Genotype of galectin 2 (LGALS2) is associated with insulin-glucose profile in the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2006) Christensen, MB; Lawlor, DA; Gaunt, TR; Howell, WM; Davey Smith, G; Ebrahim, S; Day, INM
  • Herbal medicines used during the first trimester and major congenital malformations: an analysis of data from a pregnancy cohort study. (2006) Chuang, Chao-Hua; Doyle, Pat; Wang, Jung-Der; Chang, Pei-Jen; Lai, Jung-Nien; Chen, Pau-Chung
  • New drugs and survival: does the Karolinska report make sense? (2006) Coleman, MP
  • The law we now need to fight cancer. (2006) Coleman, MP; Barrett, G
  • Bradford NHS trust and Panorama. (2006) Coleman, Michel P; Rachet, Bernard; Quaresma, Manuela; Lepage, Côme; Baum, Michael; Sikora, Karol
  • Influence of oral contraceptives in the development of post-molar trophoblastic neoplasia--a systematic review. (2006) Costa, Helio LFF; Doyle, Pat
  • Evidence for unique association signals in SLE at the CD28-CTLA4-ICOS locus in a family-based study. (2006) Cunninghame Graham, DS; Wong, AK; McHugh, NJ; Whittaker, JC; Vyse, Timothy J
  • Long-term outcome among men with conservatively treated localised prostate cancer. (2006) Cuzick, J; Fisher, G; Kattan, MW; Berney, D; Oliver, T; Foster, CS; Møller, H; Reuter, V; Fearn, P; Eastham, J; Scardino, P; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • A case-mix model for monitoring of postoperative mortality after surgery for lung cancer. (2006) Damhuis, Ronald; Coonar, Aman; Plaisier, Peter; Dankers, Marlies; Bekkers, Jos; Linklater, Karen; Møller, Henrik
  • A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive and retinal function in cognitively healthy older people: the Older People And n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPAL) study protocol [ISRCTN72331636]. (2006) Dangour, Alan D; Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Fasey, Nicky; Fletcher, Astrid E; Hardy, Pollyanna; Holder, Graham E; Huppert, Felicia A; Knight, Rosemary; Letley, Louise; Richards, Marcus; Truesdale, Ann; Vickers, Madge; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Residential radon and lung cancer--detailed results of a collaborative analysis of individual data on 7148 persons with lung cancer and 14,208 persons without lung cancer from 13 epidemiologic studies in Europe. (2006) Darby, Sarah; Hill, David; Deo, Harz; Auvinen, Anssi; Barros-Dios, Juan Miguel; Baysson, Hélène; Bochicchio, Francesco; Falk, Rolf; Farchi, Sara; Figueiras, Adolfo; Hakama, Matti; Heid, Iris; Hunter, Nezahat; Kreienbrock, Lothar; Kreuzer, Michaela; Lagarde, Frédéric; Mäkeläinen, Ilona; Muirhead, Colin; Oberaigner, Wilhelm; Pershagen, Göran; Ruosteenoja, Eeva; Rosario, Angelika Schaffrath; Tirmarche, Margot; Tomásek, Ladislav; Whitley, Elise; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Doll, Richard
  • Mitochondrial D-loop C-tract variation (The 16189 variant) and effects on early growth and adult metabolic phenotypes in a large Finnish birth cohort. (2006) Das, S; Bennett, AJ; Sovio, U; Pouta, A; Hartikainen, AL; Elliott, P; Poulton, J; Jarvelin, MR; McCarthy, MI
  • How is place of death from cancer changing and what affects it? Analysis of cancer registration and service data. (2006) Davies, E; Linklater, KM; Jack, RH; Clark, L; Møller, H
  • Statistical issues in life course epidemiology. (2006) De Stavola, Bianca L; Nitsch, Dorothea; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; McCormack, Valerie; Hardy, Rebecca; Mann, Vera; Cole, Tim J; Morton, Susan; Leon, David A
  • Birth size and subsequent breast cancer risk: a pooled analyses of individual data on over 20,000 breast cancer cases from 28 studies. (2006) Dos Santos Silva, I; de Stavola, B; McCormack, V
  • Reproductive health of Gulf War veterans. (2006) Doyle, Patricia; Maconochie, Noreen; Ryan, Margaret
  • Does the primary school attended influence self-reported health or its risk factors in later life? Aberdeen Children of the 1950s Study. (2006) Dundas, Ruth; Leyland, Alastair H; Macintyre, Sally; Leon, David A
  • Entelechy, citation indexes, and the association of ideas. (2006) EBRAHIM, SHAH
  • The future of modern epidemiology: genetics, methods, and history. (2006) EBRAHIM, SHAH
  • Multiple risk factor interventions for primary prevention of coronary heart disease. (2006) Ebrahim, S; Beswick, A; Burke, M; Davey Smith, G
  • The Cochrane Library: nutrition relevant reviews are there if you look for them! (2006) Ebrahim, S; Burke, M; Moore, T; Sandercock, P
  • Obesity, fat, and public health. (2006) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Non-communicable diseases in low-income and middle-income countries: a debate? (2006) Ebrahim, Shah; Smeeth, Liam
  • Serum cholesterol, haemorrhagic stroke, ischaemic stroke, and myocardial infarction: Korean national health system prospective cohort study. (2006) Ebrahim, Shah; Sung, Joohon; Song, Yun-Mi; Ferrer, Robert L; Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George
  • Regression dilution methods for meta-analysis: assessing long-term variability in plasma fibrinogen among 27,247 adults in 15 prospective studies. (2006) Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration; Wood, Angela M; White, Ian; Thompson, Simon G; Lewington, Sarah; Danesh, John
  • Omega Fatty Acids and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Eureye Study. (2006) Fletcher, AE; Young, I; Chakravarthy, U; Dejong, P; Rahu, M; Seland, J; Soubrane, G; Tomazzoli, L; Topouzis, F; Vioque, J
  • Inconsistent association between the STK15 F31I genetic polymorphism and breast cancer risk. (2006) Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Palles, Claire; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; McCormack, Valerie; Whittaker, John; Ashworth, Alan; Peto, Julian
  • Factorial Design. (2006) Fox, Z; Nitsch, D; Wang, D; Bakhai, A
  • Survival from rare cancer in adults: a population-based study. (2006) Gatta, Gemma; Ciccolallo, Laura; Kunkler, Ian; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Berrino, Franco; Coleman, Michel P; De Angelis, Roberta; Faivre, Jean; Lutz, Jean Michel; Martinez, Carmen; Möller, Torgil; Sankila, Risto; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Lack of evidence on diets for obesity for children: a systematic review. (2006) Gibson, Lorna J; Peto, Julian; Warren, Janet M; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Informal care at times of change in health and mobility: a qualitative study. (2006) Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Variation in prescribing for anxiety and depression: a reflection of health inequalities, cultural differences or variations in access to care? (2006) Goyder, Elizabeth; Dibben, Chris; Grimsley, Michael; Peters, Jean; Blank, Lindsay; Ellis, Elizabeth
  • CORRECTION. (2006) Grimsrud, TK; Peto, J
  • Persisting risk of nickel related lung cancer and nasal cancer among Clydach refiners. (2006) Grimsrud, TK; Peto, J
  • A 26-year-old man with sternoclavicular arthritis. (2006) Gutierrez Ruiz, Christian; Miranda, J Jaime; Pappas, Georgios
  • Birthweight and blood pressure in five European birth cohort studies: an investigation of confounding factors. (2006) Hardy, Rebecca; Sovio, Ulla; King, Vanessa J; Skidmore, Paula ML; Helmsdal, Gunnhild; Olsen, Sjurdur F; Emmett, Pauline M; Wadsworth, Michael EJ; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; EURO-BLCS Study Group
  • UCHL-1 is not a Parkinson's disease susceptibility gene. (2006) Healy, Daniel G; Abou-Sleiman, Patrick M; Casas, Juan P; Ahmadi, Kourosh R; Lynch, Timothy; Gandhi, Sonia; Muqit, Miratul MK; Foltynie, Thomas; Barker, Roger; Bhatia, Kailash P; Quinn, Niall P; Lees, Andrew J; Gibson, J Mark; Holton, Janice L; Revesz, Tamas; Goldstein, David B; Wood, Nicholas W
  • Renal function as a predictor of outcome in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure. (2006) Hillege, Hans L; Nitsch, Dorothea; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; McMurray, John JV; Yusuf, Salim; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Ostergren, Jan; Cornel, Jan Hein; de Zeeuw, Dick; Pocock, Stuart; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortali
  • Linking observational and genetic approaches to determine the role of C-reactive protein in heart disease risk. (2006) Hingorani, Aroon D; Shah, Tina; Casas, Juan P
  • Cochrane reviews on dietary advice for reducing intakes of fat and salt. (2006) Hooper, L; Smith, GD; Ebrahim, S
  • Risks and benefits of omega 3 fats for mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: systematic review. (2006) Hooper, Lee; Thompson, Rachel L; Harrison, Roger A; Summerbell, Carolyn D; Ness, Andy R; Moore, Helen J; Worthington, Helen V; Durrington, Paul N; Higgins, Julian PT; Capps, Nigel E; Riemersma, Rudolph A; Ebrahim, Shah BJ; Davey Smith, George
  • Is there an Iraq war syndrome? Comparison of the health of UK service personnel after the Gulf and Iraq wars. (2006) Horn, Oded; Hull, Lisa; Jones, Margaret; Murphy, Dominic; Browne, Tess; Fear, Nicola T; Hotopf, Matthew; Rona, Roberto J; Wessely, Simon
  • The health of UK military personnel who deployed to the 2003 Iraq war: a cohort study. (2006) Hotopf, Matthew; Hull, Lisa; Fear, Nicola T; Browne, Tess; Horn, Oded; Iversen, Amy; Jones, Margaret; Murphy, Dominic; Bland, Duncan; Earnshaw, Mark; Greenberg, Neil; Hughes, Jamie Hacker; Tate, A Rosemary; Dandeker, Christopher; Rona, Roberto; Wessely, Simon
  • Rising under-5 mortality in Africa: who bears the brunt? (2006) Houweling, Tanja AJ; Kunst, Anton E; Moser, Kath; Mackenbach, Johan P
  • Use of inhaled corticosteroids and the risk of fracture. (2006) Hubbard, Richard; Tattersfield, Anne; Smith, Chris; West, Joe; Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Carcinoma of the cervix and tobacco smoking: collaborative reanalysis of individual data on 13,541 women with carcinoma of the cervix and 23,017 women without carcinoma of the cervix from 23 epidemiological studies. (2006) International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervic; Appleby, P; Beral, V; Berrington de González, A; Colin, D; Franceschi, S; Goodill, A; Green, J; Peto, J; Plummer, M; Sweetland, S
  • A road map for efficient and reliable human genome epidemiology. (2006) Ioannidis, John PA; Gwinn, Marta; Little, Julian; Higgins, Julian PT; Bernstein, Jonine L; Boffetta, Paolo; Bondy, Melissa; Bray, Molly S; Brenchley, Paul E; Buffler, Patricia A; Casas, Juan Pablo; Chokkalingam, Anand; Danesh, John; Smith, George Davey; Dolan, Siobhan; Duncan, Ross; Gruis, Nelleke A; Hartge, Patricia; Hashibe, Mia; Hunter, David J; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Malmer, Beatrice; Maraganore, Demetrius M; Newton-Bishop, Julia A; O'Brien, Thomas R; Petersen, Gloria; Riboli, Elio; Salanti, Georgia; Seminara, Daniela; Smeeth, Liam; Taioli, Emanuela; Timpson, Nic; Uitterlinden, Andre G; Vineis, Paolo; Wareham, Nick; Winn, Deborah M; Zimmern, Ron; Khoury, Muin J; Human Genome Epidemiology Network and the Network of Investigato
  • Explaining inequalities in access to treatment in lung cancer. (2006) Jack, Ruth H; Gulliford, Martin C; Ferguson, Jamie; Møller, Henrik
  • Ethnicity coding in a regional cancer registry and in Hospital Episode Statistics. (2006) Jack, Ruth H; Linklater, Karen M; Hofman, David; Fitzpatrick, Justine; Møller, Henrik
  • Trends in testicular cancer incidence in the Nordic countries, focusing on the recent decrease in Denmark. (2006) Jacobsen, Rune; Møller, Henrik; Thoresen, Steinar Ø; Pukkala, Eero; Kjaer, Susanne Krüger; Johansen, Christoffer
  • Survival from rectal and anal cancers in England and Wales, 1986-2001. (2006) Jeffreys, Mona; Rachet, Bernard; McDowell, Stanley; Habib, Abdul G; Lepage, Côme; Coleman, Michel P
  • Influenza vaccine uptake in adults aged 50-64 years: policy and practice in England 2003/2004. (2006) Joseph, Carol; Elgohari, Suzanne; Nichols, Tom; Verlander, Neville
  • Factors associated with difference between self-reported and clinically measured weight and height. (2006) Kautiainen, S; Laitinen, J; Sovio, U; Virtanen, SM; Jarvelin, MR
  • Uncontrolled Trials. (2006) Kim, J; Nitsch, D; Wang, D; Bakhai, A
  • Skinfold thickness, body mass index, and fatal coronary heart disease: 30 year follow up of the Northwick Park heart study. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Meade, Tom; Haines, Andy
  • Association between sibship size and allergic diseases in the Glasgow Alumni Study. (2006) Kinra, S; Davey Smith, G; Jeffreys, M; Gunnell, D; Galobardes, B; McCarron, P
  • HPV testing in routine cervical screening: cross sectional data from the ARTISTIC trial. (2006) Kitchener, HC; Almonte, M; Wheeler, P; Desai, M; Gilham, C; Bailey, A; Sargent, A; Peto, J; ARTISTIC Trial Study Group
  • Leaving home after cancer in childhood: a measure of social independence in early adulthood. (2006) Koch, Susanne Vinkel; Kejs, Anne Mette Tranberg; Engholm, Gerda; Møller, Henrik; Johansen, Christoffer; Schmiegelow, Kjeld
  • Fecundability and miscarriages in women with self-reported symptoms of oligomenorrhoea and/or hirsutism: Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 study. (2006) Koivunen, R; Pouta, A; Franks, S; Sovio, U; Hartikainen, AL; McCarthy, MI; Ruokonen, A; Martikainen, H; Jarvelin, MR; Morin-Papunen, L
  • Skin-coloured lumps in childhood. (2006) Langan, S; Fitzgibbon, J; Lyons, JF; Bourke, JF
  • An exploratory prospective observational study of environmental factors exacerbating atopic eczema in children. (2006) Langan, SM; Bourke, JF; Silcocks, P; Williams, HC
  • Update on the activities of the European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN). (2006) Langan, SM; Bouwes Bavinck, JN; Coenraads, PJ; Diepgen, T; Elsner, P; Grob, JJ; Linder, D; Naldi, L; Svensson, A; Williams, HC; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network
  • Renal failure with herpes simplex. (2006) Langan, SM; Clair, J; Lyons, JF
  • Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prospective study of the efficacy of topical anaesthesia with a eutetic mixture of lignocaine 2.5% and prilocaine 2.5% for topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid-photodynamic therapy for extensive scalp actinic keratoses. (2006) Langan, SM; Collins, P
  • What causes worsening of eczema? A systematic review. (2006) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • Photocontact allergy to oxybenzone and contact allergy to lignocaine and prilocaine. (2006) Langan, Sinead M; Collins, Paul
  • Nodule on the penis--quiz case. (2006) Langan, Sinead M; O'Brien, Ann; O'Riain, Ciaran; Collins, Paul
  • What is meant by a "flare" in atopic dermatitis? A systematic review and proposal. (2006) Langan, Sinéad M; Thomas, Kim S; Williams, Hywel C
  • Childhood intelligence, educational attainment and adult body mass index: findings from a prospective cohort and within sibling-pairs analysis. (2006) Lawlor, DA; Clark, H; Davey Smith, G; Leon, DA
  • The associations of birthweight, gestational age and childhood BMI with type 2 diabetes: findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort. (2006) Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Clark, H; Leon, DA
  • Season of birth and childhood intelligence: findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Clark, Heather; Ronalds, Georgina; Leon, David A
  • Intrauterine growth and intelligence within sibling pairs: findings from the Aberdeen children of the 1950s cohort. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Clark, Heather; Smith, George Davey; Leon, David A
  • The association of the PON1 Q192R polymorphism with complications and outcomes of pregnancy: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health cohort study. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Gaunt, Tom R; Hinks, Lesley J; Davey Smith, George; Timpson, Nick; Day, Ian NM; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Association of body mass index measured in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood with risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke: findings from 3 historical cohort studies. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Martin, Richard M; Gunnell, David; Galobardes, Bruna; Ebrahim, Shah; Sandhu, Jat; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; McCarron, Peter; Davey Smith, George
  • Family socioeconomic position at birth and future cardiovascular disease risk: findings from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ronalds, Georgina; Macintyre, Sally; Clark, Heather; Leon, David A
  • Adult blood pressure and climate conditions in infancy: a test of the hypothesis that dehydration in infancy is associated with higher adult blood pressure. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Mitchell, Richard; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The association of oestrogen receptor alpha-haplotypes with cardiovascular risk factors in the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2006) Lawlor, Debbie A; Timpson, Nick; Ebrahim, Shah; Day, Ian NM; Smith, George Davey
  • Incidence of cancer in a cohort of patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome. (2006) Lazarus, MN; Robinson, D; Mak, V; Møller, H; Isenberg, DA
  • Patient Selection. (2006) Lees, B; Nitsch, D; Wang, D; Bakhai, A
  • Liver cirrhosis mortality rates in Britain - Authors' reply. (2006) Leon, DA; McCambridge, J
  • Cohort profile: the Aberdeen children of the 1950s study. (2006) Leon, David A; Lawlor, Debbie A; Clark, Heather; Macintyre, Sally
  • Liver cirrhosis mortality rates in Britain from 1950 to 2002: an analysis of routine data. (2006) Leon, David A; McCambridge, Jim
  • Liver cirrhosis mortality rates in Britain – Authors' reply. (2006) Leon, David A; McCambridge, Jim
  • Liver cirrhosis mortality rates in Britain, 1950 to 2002. (2006) Leon, David A; McCambridge, Jim
  • The thermolabile variant of MTHFR is associated with depression in the British Women's Heart and Health Study and a meta-analysis. (2006) Lewis, SJ; Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Araya, R; Timpson, N; Day, INM; Ebrahim, S
  • Cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure. (2006) Lim, Hyun-Sook; Roychoudhuri, Rahul; Peto, Julian; Schwartz, Gary; Baade, Peter; Møller, Henrik
  • Analysis of a long-term study of neurotic disorder, with insights into the process of non-response. (2006) Longford, NT; Tyrer, R; Nur, UAM; Seivewright, H
  • A Bayesian toolkit for genetic association studies. (2006) Lunn, David J; Whittaker, John C; Best, Nicky
  • [Epidemiology: discipline or method]. (2006) Luque Fernández, M Angel
  • Sib-recruitment for studying migration and its impact on obesity and diabetes. (2006) Lyngdoh, Tanica; Kinra, Sanjay; Shlomo, Yoav Ben; Reddy, Srinath; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah; Indian migration study group
  • Perinatal mortality and congenital anomalies in babies of women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: population based study. (2006) Macintosh, Mary CM; Fleming, Kate M; Bailey, Jaron A; Doyle, Pat; Modder, Jo; Acolet, Dominique; Golightly, Shona; Miller, Alison
  • Cross-sectional survey of older peoples' views related to influenza vaccine uptake. (2006) Mangtani, Punam; Breeze, Elizabeth; Stirling, Sue; Hanciles, Smita; Kovats, Sari; Fletcher, Astrid picture_as_pdf
  • Renoprotective effects of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors. (2006) Mann, Johannes FE; Ritz, Eberhard; Kunz, Regina
  • [Characteristics of neonates with and without a single umbilical artery. Analysis of two consecutive series of neonates with and without congenital defects]. (2006) Martínez-Frías, ML; Bermejo-Sánchez, E; Rodríguez-Pinilla, E; Prieto-Merino, D; Grupo de Periférico del ECEMC
  • Maternal polymorphisms 677C-T and 1298A-C of MTHFR, and 66A-G MTRR genes: is there any relationship between polymorphisms of the folate pathway, maternal homocysteine levels, and the risk for having a child with Down syndrome? (2006) Martínez-Frías, María-Luisa; Pérez, Belén; Desviat, Lourdes R; Castro, Margarita; Leal, Fátima; Rodríguez, Laura; Mansilla, Elena; Martínez-Fernández, María-Luisa; Bermejo, Eva; Rodríguez-Pinilla, Elvira; Prieto, David; Ugarte, Magdalena; ECEMC Working Group
  • Cardiovascular disease risk assessment in older women: can we improve on Framingham? British Women's Heart and Health prospective cohort study. (2006) May, M; Lawlor, DA; Brindle, P; Patel, R; Ebrahim, S
  • Breast density and parenchymal patterns as markers of breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. (2006) McCormack, Valerie A; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Commentary: fibrinogen and coronary heart disease--test of causality by 'Mendelian' randomization by Keavney et al. (2006) Meade, Tom W; Humphries, Steve E; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Incidence of and survival from Wilms' tumour in adults in Europe: data from the EUROCARE study. (2006) Mitry, Emmanuel; Ciccolallo, Laura; Coleman, Michel P; Gatta, Gemma; Pritchard-Jones, Kathy; EUROCARE Working Group
  • [Prognosis of colorectal cancer and socio-economic inequalities]. (2006) Mitry, Emmanuel; Rachet, Bernard
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus: genes versus environment in high risk populations. (2006) Molokhia, M; McKeigue, P
  • EUDRAGENE: European collaboration to establish a case-control DNA collection for studying the genetic basis of adverse drug reactions. (2006) Molokhia, Mariam; McKeigue, Paul
  • Unemployment and mortality in the OPCS Longitudinal Study. Lancet 1984. (2006) Moser, KA; Fox, AJ; Jones, DR
  • UK armed forces responses to an informed consent policy for anthrax vaccination: a paradoxical effect? (2006) Murphy, Dominic; Dandeker, Christopher; Horn, Oded; Hotopf, Matthew; Hull, Lisa; Jones, Margaret; Marteau, Theresa; Rona, Roberto; Wessely, Simon
  • Over-diagnosis in breast cancer screening. (2006) Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth
  • Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy in Established Renal Failure: Demographics, Survival and Biochemical Variables (Chapter 16). (2006) Nitsch, D; Burden, R
  • Overview of Reporting. (2006) Nitsch, D; Clemens, F; Wang, D; Bakhia, A
  • Longitudinal study of factors predicting anaemia over time in 4100 incident RRT patients: Data from the UK renal registry. (2006) Nitsch, D; Crane, E; Steenkamp, R; Ansell, D
  • Linkage Bias in Estimating the Association Between Childhood Exposures and Propensity to Become a Mother: An Example of Simple Sensitivity Analyses. (2006) Nitsch, D; DeStavola, BL; Morton, SMB; Leon, DA
  • Prevalence of renal impairment and its association with cardiovascular risk factors in a general population: results of the Swiss SAPALDIA study. (2006) Nitsch, D; Stutz, EZ; Dietrich, DF; von Eckardstein, A; Gaspoz, JM; Downs, SH; Leuenberger, P; Tschopp, JM; Brandli, O; Keller, R; Gerbase, MW; Probst-Hensch, NM; Ackermann-Liebrich, U; SAPALDIAteam
  • Multiplicity. (2006) Nitsch, D; Wang, D; Clayton, T; Bakhai, A
  • Prevalence of renal impairment and its association with cardiovascular risk factors in a general population: results of the Swiss SAPALDIA study. (2006) Nitsch, Dorothea; Felber Dietrich, Denise; von Eckardstein, Arnold; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Downs, Sara H; Leuenberger, Philippe; Tschopp, Jean-Marie; Brändli, Otto; Keller, Roland; Gerbase, Margaret W; Probst-Hensch, Nicole M; Stutz, Elisabeth Zemp; Ackermann-Liebrich, Ursula; SAPALDIA team
  • Limits to causal inference based on Mendelian randomization: a comparison with randomized controlled trials. (2006) Nitsch, Dorothea; Molokhia, Mariam; Smeeth, Liam; DeStavola, Bianca L; Whittaker, John C; Leon, David A
  • How good is probabilistic record linkage to reconstruct reproductive histories? Results from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s study. (2006) Nitsch, Dorothea; Morton, Susan; DeStavola, Bianca L; Clark, Heather; Leon, David A picture_as_pdf
  • Predicting the impact of in vitro fertilisation and other forms of assisted conception on perinatal and infant mortality in England and Wales: examining the role of multiplicity. (2006) Oakley, L; Doyle, P
  • Is the NEI-VFQ-25 a useful tool in identifying visual impairment in an elderly population? (2006) Owen, Christopher G; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Smeeth, Liam; Evans, Jennifer R; Wormald, Richard PL; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Survival trends for small intestinal cancer in England and Wales, 1971-1990: national population-based study. (2006) Pashayan, N; Lepage, C; Rachet, B; Woods, LM; Coleman, MP
  • Factors influencing the use of antitumoral chemotherapy in the South East of England. (2006) Patel, N; Ing, L; Jack, R; Moller, H
  • The detection, treatment and control of high blood pressure in older British adults: cross-sectional findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study and the British Regional Heart Study. (2006) Patel, R; Lawlor, DA; Whincup, P; Montaner, D; Papacosta, O; Brindle, P; Ebrahim, S
  • Psychological distress, loneliness and disability in old age. (2006) Paul, Constanca; Ayis, Salma; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Noncommunicable diseases and injuries in Latin America and the Caribbean: time for action. (2006) Perel, Pablo; Casas, Juan P; Ortiz, Zulma; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Systematic review of prognostic models in traumatic brain injury. (2006) Perel, Pablo; Edwards, Phil; Wentz, Reinhard; Roberts, Ian picture_as_pdf
  • Household wealth and the metabolic syndrome in the Whitehall II study. (2006) Perel, Pablo; Langenberg, Claudia; Ferrie, Jane; Moser, Kath; Brunner, Eric; Marmot, Michael
  • Body mass index(BMI), smoking, drinking alcohol and cholesterol in european and chinese very elderly hypertensives. (2006) Peters, R; Beckett, N; Liu, L; Dumitrascu, D; McCormack, T; Pinto, E; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • Characteristics of very elderly hypertensive patients with atrial fibrillation [AF] in the hypertension in the very elderly trial (HYVET). (2006) Peters, R; Beckett, N; Wang, J; Zhang, T; Wang, S; Nikitin, Y; Olbinskaya, L; Senior, H; Burch, L; Fletcher, A; Bulpitt, C
  • A substudy protocol of the hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial assessing cognitive decline and dementia incidence (HYVET-COG) : An ongoing randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2006) Peters, Ruth; Beckett, Nigel; Nunes, Maria; Fletcher, Astrid; Forette, Françoise; Bulpitt, Christopher
  • The mesothelioma epidemic: Occupational, environmental and spontaneous cases. (2006) Peto, J; Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J
  • The incidence and outcome of myeloid malignancies in 2,112 adult patients in southeast England. (2006) Phekoo, Karen J; Richards, Mike A; Møller, Henrik; Schey, Steve A; South Thames Haematology Specialist Committee
  • The impact of transmitted drug resistance on the natural history of HIV infection and response to first-line therapy. (2006) Pillay, Deenan; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Jurriaans, Suzanne; Prins, Maria; Masquelier, Bernard; Dabis, Francois; Gifford, Robert; Nielsen, Claus; Pedersen, Court; Balotta, Claudia; Rezza, Giovanni; Ortiz, Marta; de Mendoza, Carmen; Kücherer, Claudia; Poggensee, Gabriele; Gill, John; Porter, Kholoud; CASCADE Virology Collaboration
  • AIDS: from crisis management to sustained strategic response. (2006) Piot, Peter
  • Maternal gestational diabetes and the manifestations of metabolic syndrome in adolescent offspring. (2006) Pouta, A; Vaarasmaki, M; Tapanainen, P; Hartikainen, AL; Sovio, U; Ruokonen, A; Elliott, P; McCarthy, MI; Jarvelin, MR
  • Weight, shape, and mortality risk in older persons: elevated waist-hip ratio, not high body mass index, is associated with a greater risk of death. (2006) Price, Gill M; Uauy, Ricardo; Breeze, Elizabeth; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • A Colombian survey found intensive care mortality ratios were better in private vs. public hospitals. (2006) Pérez, Adriana; Dennis, Rodolfo J; Rondón, Martin A; Metcalfe, M Alison; Rowan, Kathy M
  • CHARITY: Chagas cardiomyopathy bisoprolol intervention study: a randomized double-blind placebo force-titration controlled study with Bisoprolol in patients with chronic heart failure secondary to Chagas cardiomyopathy [NCT00323973]. (2006) Quiros, Franklin R; Morillo, Carlos A; Casas, Juan P; Cubillos, Luz A; Silva, Federico A
  • The mesothelioma epidemic and the hidden asbestos-related lung cancer epidemic. (2006) Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J; Peto, J
  • Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in older patients after the national service framework: population based study. (2006) Ramsay, Sheena E; Whincup, Peter H; Lawlor, Debbie A; Papacosta, Olia; Lennon, Lucy T; Thomas, Mary C; Ebrahim, Shah; Morris, Richard W
  • [Antenatal exposure to corticosteroids for fetal lung maturation and its repercussion on weight, length and head circumference in the newborn infant]. (2006) Rodríguez-Pinilla, Elvira; Prieto-Merino, David; Dequino, Griselda; Mejías, Consuelo; Fernández, Paloma; Martínez-Frías, María-Luisa; Grupo del ECEMC
  • Ethanol intake and risk of lung cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). (2006) Rohrmann, Sabine; Linseisen, Jakob; Boshuizen, Hendriek C; Whittaker, John; Agudo, Antonio; Vineis, Paolo; Boffetta, Paolo; Jensen, Majken K; Olsen, Anja; Overvad, Kim; Tjønneland, Anne; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Bergmann, Manuela M; Boeing, Heiner; Allen, Naomi; Key, Tim; Bingham, Sheila; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Kyriazi, Georgia; Soukara, Stavroula; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Panico, Salvatore; Palli, Domenico; Sieri, Sabina; Tumino, Rosario; Peeters, Petra HM; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas; Büchner, Frederike L; Gram, Inger Torhild; Lund, Eiliv; Ardanaz, Eva; Chirlaque, María-Dolores; Dorronsoro, Miren; Pérez, Maria-José Sánchez; Quirós, Jose R; Berglund, Göran; Janzon, Lars; Rasmuson, Torgny; Weinehall, Lars; Ferrari, Pietro; Jenab, Mazda; Norat, Teresa; Riboli, Elio
  • Molar pregnancy, childhood cancer and genomic imprinting - is there a link? (2006) Roman, Eve; Doyle, Pat; Lightfoot, Tracy; Ansell, Pat; Simpson, Jill; Allan, James M; Kinsey, Sally; Eden, Tim O
  • Mental health screening in armed forces before the Iraq war and prevention of subsequent psychological morbidity: follow-up study. (2006) Rona, Roberto J; Hooper, Richard; Jones, Margaret; Hull, Lisa; Browne, Tess; Horn, Oded; Murphy, Dominic; Hotopf, Matthew; Wessely, Simon
  • Cancer and laterality: a study of the five major paired organs (UK). (2006) Roychoudhuri, Rahul; Putcha, Venkata; Møller, Henrik
  • Risk of stroke during treatment with atypical and conventional antipsychotics: A population-based study in the UK. (2006) Rubino, A; Evans, SJ; Smeeth, L
  • Associations of plasma fibrinogen and factor VII clotting activity with coronary heart disease and stroke: prospective cohort study from the screening phase of the Thrombosis Prevention Trial. (2006) Rudnicka, AR; Mt-Isa, S; Meade, TW
  • The genetic basis of some adverse effects. The eudragene project. (2006) Salado, I; Macias, D; Asensio, P; Sainz, M; Urda, M; Pytelova, V; Molokhia, M; McKeigue, P; Carvajal, A
  • Should we use incidence, survival or mortality to assess breast cancer trends in European women? (2006) Sant, Milena; Francisci, Silvia; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Verdecchia, Arduino; Allemani, Claudia; Berrino, Franco
  • Time trends of breast cancer survival in Europe in relation to incidence and mortality. (2006) Sant, Milena; Francisci, Silvia; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Verdecchia, Arduino; Allemani, Claudia; Berrino, Franco
  • Self-reported smoking cessation interventions were not associated with quitting in older women. (2006) Schroeder, Knut; Lawlor, Debbie A; Montaner, David; Ebrahim, Shah
  • A puzzling case of high serum creatinine in a healthy woman. (2006) Serra, Andreas L; Klein, Maja; Nitsch, Dorothea; Dürr, Daniel; Wermuth, Bendicht; Frey, Felix J
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme I/D polymorphism and preeclampsia risk: evidence of small-study bias. (2006) Serrano, Norma C; Díaz, Luis A; Páez, Maria C; Mesa, Clara M; Cifuentes, Rodrigo; Monterrosa, Alvaro; González, Adriana; Smeeth, Liam; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Small intestinal cancer in England & Wales and Scotland: time trends in incidence, mortality and survival. (2006) Shack, LG; Wood, HE; Kang, JY; Brewster, DH; Quinn, MJ; Maxwell, JD; Majeed, A
  • Standardised training for healthcare professionals and its impact on perennial rhinitis: multi-centre randomised controlled trial. (2006) Sheikh, A; Khan-Wasti, S; Price, D; Fletcher, M; Smeeth, L; Walker, S
  • Commentary: N Eberstadt's 'The health crisis in the USSR' and sustainable mortality reversal in the post-Soviet space during communism and after. (2006) Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Leon, David A
  • The insulin-like growth factor system and mammographic features in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. (2006) Silva, ID; Johnson, N; Torres-Mejia, G; Fletcher, O; Allen, DS; Allen, NE; Key, TJ; Fentiman, IS; Holly, JMP; Peto, J
  • Experience of miscarriage in the UK: qualitative findings from the National Women's Health Study. (2006) Simmons, Rebecca K; Singh, Gita; Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Green, Judith picture_as_pdf
  • Commentary: we still need observational studies of drugs--they just need to be better. (2006) Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian; Hubbard, Richard
  • Folate supplementation and cardiovascular disease – Authors' reply. (2006) Smith, G Davey; Ebrahim, S
  • Folate supplementation and cardiovascular disease - Authors' reply. (2006) Smith, GD; Ebrahim, S
  • Make it HuGE: human genome epidemiology reviews, population health, and the IJE. (2006) Smith, George Davey; Gwinn, Marta; Ebrahim, Shah; Palmer, Lyle J; Khoury, Muin J
  • Socioeconomic status and cardiovascular disease among men: the Korean national health service prospective cohort study. (2006) Song, Yun-Mi; Ferrer, Robert L; Cho, Sung-il; Sung, Joohon; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Alcohol poisoning in Russia and the countries in the European part of the former Soviet Union, 1970-2002. (2006) Stickley, A; Leinsalu, M; Andreev, E; Razvodovsky, Y; Vagero, D; McKee, M
  • Music therapy for in-patients with schizophrenia: exploratory randomised controlled trial. (2006) Talwar, Nakul; Crawford, Mike J; Maratos, Anna; Nur, Ula; McDermott, Orii; Procter, Simon
  • Trends in the treatment of breast cancer in Southeast England following the introduction of national guidelines. (2006) Tataru, Daniela; Robinson, David; Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth
  • Letter by Timpson et al regarding article, "Contribution of clinical correlates and 13 C-reactive protein gene polymorphisms to interindividual variability in serum C-reactive protein level". (2006) Timpson, Nicholas J; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Alcohol and premature mortality in Russia: the Izhevsk family case-control study of men aged 25-54 years, 2003-2005. (2006) Tomkins, S; Leon, DA; Kiryanov, N; Saburova, LA; Andreev, E; McKee, M; Shkolnikov, V
  • Association analysis of the chromosome 4p-located G protein-coupled receptor 78 (GPR78) gene in bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia. (2006) Underwood, SL; Christoforou, A; Thomson, PA; Wray, NR; Tenesa, A; Whittaker, J; Adams, RA; Le Hellard, S; Morris, SW; Blackwood, DHR; Muir, WJ; Porteous, DJ; Evans, KL
  • Adjustment for Covariates. (2006) Verzilli, C; Wang, D; Clayton, T; Zhang, W
  • Bayesian graphical models for genomewide association studies. (2006) Verzilli, Claudio J; Stallard, Nigel; Whittaker, John C
  • Fine mapping of disease genes via haplotype clustering. (2006) Waldron, ERB; Whittaker, JC; Balding, DJ
  • Improved power offered by a score test for linkage disequilibrium mapping of quantitative-trait loci by selective genotyping. (2006) Wallace, Chris; Chapman, Juliet M; Clayton, David G
  • Randomised Controlled Trials. (2006) Wang, D; Nitsch, D; Bakhai, A
  • Allelic drop-out may occur with a primer binding site polymorphism for the commonly used RFLP assay for the -1131T>C polymorphism of the Apolipoprotein AV gene. (2006) Ward, Kirsten J; Ellard, Sian; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S; Frayling, Timothy M; Hattersley, Andrew T; Venigalla, Prathyusha NS; Chandak, Giriraj R
  • Diet, lifestyle and risk of K-ras mutation-positive and -negative colorectal adenomas. (2006) Wark, Petra A; Van der Kuil, Wieke; Ploemacher, Janneke; Van Muijen, Goos NP; Mulder, Chris JJ; Weijenberg, Matty P; Kok, Frans J; Kampman, Ellen
  • Search for low penetrance alleles for colorectal cancer through a scan of 1467 non-synonymous SNPs in 2575 cases and 2707 controls with validation by kin-cohort analysis of 14 704 first-degree relatives. (2006) Webb, Emily L; Rudd, Matthew F; Sellick, Gabrielle S; El Galta, Rachid; Bethke, Lara; Wood, Wendy; Fletcher, Olivia; Penegar, Steven; Withey, Laura; Qureshi, Mobshra; Johnson, Nichola; Tomlinson, Ian; Gray, Richard; Peto, Julian; Houlston, Richard S
  • A common haplotype of the glucokinase gene alters fasting glucose and birth weight: association in six studies and population-genetics analyses. (2006) Weedon, Michael N; Clark, Vanessa J; Qian, Yudong; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Timpson, Nicholas; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A; Pembrey, Marcus E; Ring, Susan; Wilkin, Terry J; Voss, Linda D; Jeffery, Alison N; Metcalf, Brad; Ferrucci, Luigi; Corsi, Anna Maria; Murray, Anna; Melzer, David; Knight, Bridget; Shields, Bev; Smith, George Davey; Hattersley, Andrew T; Di Rienzo, Anna; Frayling, Tim M
  • Uptake of screening for breast cancer in patients with mental health problems. (2006) Werneke, Ursula; Horn, Oded; Maryon-Davis, Alan; Wessely, Simon; Donnan, Stuart; McPherson, Klim
  • Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphism (Glu298Asp) and development of pre-eclampsia: a case-control study and a meta-analysis. (2006) Yu, Christina KH; Casas, Juan P; Savvidou, Makrina D; Sahemey, Manpreet K; Nicolaides, Kypros H; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Guía europea de prevención cardiovascular en la práctica clínica. Tercer grupo de trabajo de las sociedades europeas y otras sociedades sobre prevención cardiovascular en la práctica clínica. (2006) de Backer, G; Ambrosioni, E; Borch-Johnsen, K; Brotons, C; Cifkova, R; Dallongeville, J; Ebrahim, S; Faergeman, O; Graham, I; Mancia, G; Manger Cats, V; Orth-Gomer, K; Perk, J; Pyorala, K; Rodicio, JL; Sans, S; Sansoy, V; Sechtem, U; Silber, S; Thomsene, T; Wood, D
  • The insulin-like growth factor system and mammographic features in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. (2006) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Johnson, Nichola; De Stavola, Bianca; Torres-Mejía, Gabriela; Fletcher, Olivia; Allen, Diane S; Allen, Naomi E; Key, Timothy J; Fentiman, Ian S; Holly, Jeff MP; Peto, Julian