Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology"

  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology (6213)
    Number of items: 224.
  • Wealthy nations called on to boost support efforts. Five-year plan estimated to cost $9.2 billion. (2001) Annan, K; Piot, P; Schwartlander, B; Berman, D; Davis, P; Kaninda, AV; Ouma, C; Leghentsev, K
  • Plight of Afghan people must not be forgotten. (2001) Armstrong, B; Coleman, M; Davies, C; Elbourne, D; Fletcher, A; Grundy, E; Haines, A; Hall, A; Kirkwood, B; Lamping, D; Miles, M; Roberts, I; Sondorp, E
  • Improving stroke patients' care: a patient held record is not enough. (2001) Ayana, M; Pound, P; Lampe, F; Ebrahim, S
  • The role of bone in osteoarthritis. (2001) Bailey, AJ; Buckland-Wright, C; Metz, D
  • Dietary sodium and blood pressure. (2001) Bartlett, C; Hooper, L; Ebrahim, S
  • Physical activity and cause-specific mortality in men: further evidence from the Whitehall study. (2001) Batty, GD; Shipley, MJ; Marmot, M; Smith, GD
  • Is C-reactive protein an independent risk factor for essential hypertension? (2001) Bautista, LE; López-Jaramillo, P; Vera, LM; Casas, JP; Otero, AP; Guaracao, AI
  • Do men with prostate or colorectal cancer seek different information and support from women with cancer? (2001) Boudioni, M; McPherson, K; Moynihan, C; Melia, J; Boulton, M; Leydon, G; Mossman, J
  • 'Dividing the desolation': clients views on the benefits of a cancer counselling service. (2001) Boulton, M; Boudioni, M; Mossman, J; Moynihan, C; Leydon, G; Ramirez, A
  • Glossaries in public health: older people. (2001) Bowling, A; Ebrahim, S
  • Measuring patients' preferences for treatment and perceptions of risk. (2001) Bowling, A; Ebrahim, S
  • Do socioeconomic disadvantages persist into old age? Self-reported morbidity in a 29-year follow-up of the Whitehall Study. (2001) Breeze, E; Fletcher, AE; Leon, DA; Marmot, MG; Clarke, RJ; Shipley, MJ
  • Comparison of quality of life and cough on eprosartan and enalapril in people with moderate hypertension. (2001) Breeze, E; Rake, EC; Donoghue, MD; Fletcher, AE
  • Cancer information under threat: the case for legislation. (2001) Brewster, DH; Coleman, MP; Forman, D; Roche, M
  • Mortality in England and Wales attributable to current alcohol consumption. (2001) Britton, A; McPherson, K
  • A systematic and independent assessment of European alcohol policies: final report for the Amsterdam Group. (2001) Britton, A; McPherson, K
  • A systematic and independent epidemiological assessment of alcohol and its effect on mortality in European countries: final report for the International Life Sciences Institute. (2001) Britton, A; McPherson, K
  • Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET): protocol for the main trial. (2001) Bulpitt, C; Fletcher, A; Beckett, N; Coope, J; Gil-Extremera, B; Forette, F; Nachev, C; Potter, J; Sever, P; Staessen, J; Swift, C; Tuomilehto, J
  • Globalisation and environmental change: implications for health and health inequalities. (2001) Butler, CS; Douglas, RM; McMichael, AJ
  • Changes in physical activity are associated with changes in metabolic cardiovascular risk factors. (2001) Byberg, L; Zethelius, B; McKeigue, PM; Lithell, HO
  • Assessment of the global burden of disease attributable to climate change. (2001) Campbell-Lendrum, DH; McMichael, AJ; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, PW; Pruess, A; Menne, B; Corvalan, CF
  • A comparison of left ventricular abnormalities associated with glucose intolerance in African Caribbeans and Europeans in the UK. (2001) Chaturvedi, N; McKeigue, PM; Marmot, MG; Nihoyannopoulos, P
  • Systemic and local antimicrobial use in periodontal therapy in England and Wales. (2001) Choudhury, M; Needleman, I; Gillam, D; Moles, DR
  • Epidemiological methods for studying genes and environmental factors in complex diseases. (2001) Clayton, D; McKeigue, PM
  • Variation in survival of European children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, diagnosed in 1978--1992: the EUROCARE study. (2001) Coebergh, JW; Pastore, G; Gatta, G; Corazziari, I; Kamps, W; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Open up on health records. (2001) Coleman, MP
  • Opinion: A matter of privacy. (2001) Coleman, MP
  • The poor don't just get most cancers more often than the rich - they die faster when they do. (2001) Coleman, MP
  • Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales. (2001) Coleman, MP; Babb, P; Sloggett, A; Quinn, M; De Stavola, B
  • Anonymised data would disable cancer registries. (2001) Coleman, MP; Møller, H; Quinn, MJ; Roche, M; Forman, D; Sullivan, R; O'Dwyer, A
  • Childhood melanoma in Europe since 1978: a population-based survival study. (2001) Conti, EM; Cercato, MC; Gatta, G; Ramazzotti, V; Roscioni, S; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Recommendations of the expert panel on approaches for the study of cancer incidence and mortality among residents in Vieques, Puerto Rico, USA. (2001) Correa-Villasenor, A; Santos-Burgoa, C; Dos Santos Silva, IM; Wartenberg, D
  • Epidemiology--is it time to call it a day? (2001) Davey Smith, G; Ebrahim, S
  • How policy informs the evidence. (2001) Davey Smith, G; Ebrahim, S; Frankel, S
  • A rebuttal--the Rsal polymorphism in the alpha-fibrinogen gene and response of plasma fibrinogen to physical training. (2001) Davey, G; Cook, D; McKeigue, P
  • The effect of the C677T and A1298C polymorphisms in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene on homocysteine levels in elderly men and women from the British regional heart study. (2001) Dekou, V; Whincup, P; Papacosta, O; Ebrahim, S; Lennon, L; Ueland, PM; Refsum, H; Humphries, SE; Gudnason, V
  • Climate and human health linkages on multiple timescales. (2001) Diaz, HF; Kovats, RS; McMichael, AJ; Nicholls, N
  • 125 years of public health in the UK. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • 1969 revisited: reflections on Tomorrow's community physician. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • Professional accountability in a changing world. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • Safe high quality health care: investing in tomorrow's leaders. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • Safe high quality health care: investing in tomorrow's leaders. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • The first 500 days: renewal, reform, reflection. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • Breast cancer: the search for causes. (2001) Dos Santos Silva, IM
  • Commentary: Lung function and risk of fatal and non-fatal stroke-The Copenhagen City Heart Study. (2001) Dow, L; Ebrahim, S
  • Study of the reproductive health of UK Gulf War veterans and the health of their children: Response rates and preliminary data description [Abstract]. (2001) Doyle, P; Maconochie, N
  • Fetal death and radiation exposure - Reply. (2001) Doyle, P; Maconochie, N; Roman, E
  • Primary infertility in nuclear industry employees: report from the nuclear industry family study. (2001) Doyle, P; Roman, E; Maconochie, N; Davies, G; Smith, PG; Beral, V
  • Pre-conceptual exposure to ionising radiation and pregnancy outcome [Abstract]. (2001) Doyle, P; Roman, E; Maconochie, N; Smith, P; Beral, V
  • Conference report. World Stroke Congress, 25-29 November 2000, Melbourne, Australia. (2001) Ebrahim, S
  • New beginning for care for elderly people? Proposals for intermediate care are reinventing workhouse wards. (2001) Ebrahim, S
  • The use of numbers needed to treat derived from systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Caveats and pitfalls. (2001) Ebrahim, S
  • Dementia and statins. (2001) Ebrahim, S; Shlomo, YB; Smith, GD; Whincup, P; Emberson, J
  • Exporting failure? Coronary heart disease and stroke in developing countries. (2001) Ebrahim, S; Smith, GD
  • Review: anticoagulants may be better than antiplatelet agents for nonfatal stroke but not other vascular or fatal events in nonrheumatic AF. (2001) Ebrahim, S; Taylor, F
  • Trends in the incidence of births and multiple births and the factors that determine the probability of multiple birth after IVF treatment. (2001) Engmann, L; Maconochie, N; Tan, SL; Bekir, J
  • Cancer risks in women with 2 breast or ovarian cancers: clues to genetic cancer susceptibility. (2001) Evans, HS; Lewis, CM; Robinson, D; Bell, CM; Møller, H; Hodgson, SV
  • Incidence of multiple primary cancers in a cohort of women diagnosed with breast cancer in southeast England. (2001) Evans, HS; Lewis, CM; Robinson, D; Bell, CM; Møller, H; Hodgson, SV
  • Epidemiology as show business? (2001) Forman, D; Møller, H
  • Relation of C-reactive protein to body fat distribution and features of the metabolic syndrome in Europeans and South Asians. (2001) Forouhi, NG; Sattar, N; McKeigue, PM
  • Plasma tissue plasminogen activator is higher in South Asians versus Europeans and associated with the insulin resistance syndrome in both ethnic groups. (2001) Forouhi, NG; Sattar, N; Rumley, A; Lowe, G; McKeigue, P
  • Incident thromboembolism in the aorta and the renal, mesenteric, pelvic, and extremity arteries after discharge from the hospital with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. (2001) Frost, L; Engholm, G; Johnsen, S; Møller, H; Henneberg, EW; Husted, S
  • Survival from acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia (ANLL) and chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) in European children since 1978: a population-based study. (2001) Gatta, G; Luksch, R; Coleman, MP; Corazziari, I; EUROCARE Working Group
  • The incidence and aetiology of stroke in the Caerphilly and Speedwell Collaborative Studies I: methods and incidence of events. (2001) Greenwood, R; McCarron, P; Elwood, P; Shlomo, YB; Bayer, A; Baker, I; Frankel, S; Ebrahim, S; Murray, L; Smith, GD
  • Psychological characteristics and fatal ischaemic heart disease. (2001) Haines, A; Cooper, J; Meade, TW
  • Incidence of septicaemias and invasive mycoses in children undergoing treatment for solid tumours: a 12-year experience at a single Italian institution. (2001) Haupt, R; Romanengo, M; Fears, T; Viscoli, C; Castagnola, E
  • Season of birth and diagnosis of children with leukaemia: an analysis of over 15 000 UK cases occurring from 1953-95. (2001) Higgins, CD; dos-Santos-Silva, I; Stiller, CA; Swerdlow, AJ
  • Modelling admixture and extracting information about linkage that is generated by admixture from marker genotypes. (2001) Hoggart, CJ; McKeigue, PM; Clayton, D
  • Coffee consumption and serum aminotransferases in middle-aged Japanese men. (2001) Honjo, S; Kono, S; Coleman, MP; Shinchi, K; Sakurai, Y; Todoroki, I; Umeda, T; Wakabayashi, K; Imanishi, K; Nishikawa, H; Ogawa, S; Katsurada, M; Nakagawa, K; Yoshizawa, N
  • Dietary fat intake and prevention of cardiovascular disease: systematic review. (2001) Hooper, L; Summerbell, CD; Higgins, JP; Thompson, RL; Capps, NE; Smith, GD; Riemersma, RA; Ebrahim, S
  • Reduced or modified dietary fat for preventing cardiovascular disease. (2001) Hooper, L; Summerbell, CD; Higgins, JP; Thompson, RL; Clements, G; Capps, N; Davey, S; Riemersma, RA; Ebrahim, S
  • Prenatal growth and risk of occlusive and haemorrhagic stroke in Swedish men and women born 1915-29: historical cohort study. (2001) Hyppönen, E; Leon, DA; Kenward, MG; Lithell, H
  • Attitudes and impressions of participants in a study of the causes of childhood cancer. (2001) Jenkinson, CM; Muir, KM; Hawtin, PG; Chilvers, CE
  • Exercise-based rehabilitation for coronary heart disease. (2001) Jolliffe, JA; Rees, K; Taylor, RS; Thompson, D; Oldridge, N; Ebrahim, S
  • A clinical audit into the success rate of inferior alveolar nerve block analgesia in general dental practice. (2001) Keetley, A; Moles, DR
  • TP53 polymorphism, HPV infection, and risk of cervical cancer. (2001) Klug, SJ; Wilmotte, R; Santos, C; Almonte, M; Herrero, R; Guerrero, I; Caceres, E; Peixoto-Guimaraes, D; Lenoir, G; Hainaut, P; Walboomers, JM; Muñoz, N
  • Survival of children with malignant germ cell, trophoblastic and other gonadal tumours in Europe. (2001) Kramárová, E; Mann, JR; Magnani, C; Corraziari, I; Berrino, F; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Is the prevalence of coronary heart disease falling in British men? (2001) Lampe, FC; Morris, RW; Whincup, PH; Walker, M; Ebrahim, S; Shaper, AG
  • End points for predicting coronary risk must be clarified. (2001) Lampe, FC; Walker, M; Shaper, AG; Brindle, PM; Whincup, PH; Ebrahim, S
  • Variability of angina symptoms and the risk of major ischemic heart disease events. (2001) Lampe, FC; Whincup, PH; Shaper, AG; Wannamethee, SG; Walker, M; Ebrahim, S
  • Mapping quantitative trait Loci using generalized estimating equations. (2001) Lange, C; Whittaker, JC
  • On prediction of genetic values in marker-assisted selection. (2001) Lange, C; Whittaker, JC
  • Large tables. (2001) Law, GR
  • Aspirin use for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2001) Lawlor, DA; Bedford, C; Taylor, M; Ebrahim, S
  • Sex matters: secular and geographical trends in sex differences in coronary heart disease mortality. (2001) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Davey Smith, G
  • Individualized risk assessment for adverse pregnancy outcome by uterine artery Doppler at 23 weeks. (2001) Lees, C; Parra, M; Missfelder-Lobos, H; Morgans, A; Fletcher, O; Nicolaides, KH
  • Alcohol--the changing face of a perennial problem. (2001) Leon, DA
  • Commentary: Getting to grips with fetal programming-aspects of a rapidly evolving agenda. (2001) Leon, DA
  • The foetal origins of adult disease: interpreting the evidence from twin studies. (2001) Leon, DA
  • Recent advances: International perspectives on health inequalities and policy. (2001) Leon, DA; Walt, G; Gilson, L
  • Should children with developmental and behavioural problems be routinely screened for lead? (2001) Lewendon, G; Kinra, S; Nelder, R; Cronin, T
  • Controlling misdiagnosis errors in preimplantation genetic diagnosis: a comprehensive model encompassing extrinsic and intrinsic sources of error. (2001) Lewis, CM; Pinêl, T; Whittaker, JC; Handyside, AH
  • The management of information in outpatient oncology consultations: final research report to Economic and Social Research Council. (2001) Leydon, GM
  • Barriers and enablers to accessing a cancer diagnosis among disadvantaged groups: a retrospective examination of patient experiences. (2001) Leydon, GM; Coleman, MP; Bynoe-Sutherland, J; Chaudhri, W
  • Cross-cultural validation of the London Handicap Scale in Hong Kong Chinese. (2001) Lo, R; Harwood, R; Woo, J; Yeung, F; Ebrahim, S
  • An integrated proposal to explain the epidemic of cardiovascular disease in a developing country. From socioeconomic factors to free radicals. (2001) López-Jaramillo, P; Casas, JP; Bautista, L; Serrano, NC; Morillo, CA
  • Preeclampsia: from epidemiological observations to molecular mechanisms. (2001) López-Jaramillo, P; Casas, JP; Serrano, N
  • Preliminary results from the The National Women's Health Study- a population-based survey of miscarriage and infertility in the UK [Abstract]. (2001) Maconochie, N; Doyle, P; Prior, S
  • Sex ratio of nuclear industry employees' children. (2001) Maconochie, N; Roman, E; Doyle, P; Davies, G; Smith, PG; Beral, V
  • Variation in survival of children with central nervous system (CNS) malignancies diagnosed in Europe between 1978 and 1992: the EUROCARE study. (2001) Magnani, C; Aareleid, T; Viscomi, S; Pastore, G; Berrino, F; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Trends in the prevalence and management of atrial fibrillation in general practice in England and Wales, 1994-1998: analysis of data from the general practice research database. (2001) Majeed, A; Moser, K; Carroll, K
  • The incidence and aetiology of stroke in the Caerphilly and Speedwell Collaborative Studies II: risk factors for ischaemic stroke. (2001) McCarron, P; Greenwood, R; Elwood, P; Shlomo, YB; Bayer, A; Baker, I; Frankel, S; Ebrahim, S; Murray, L; Smith, GD
  • A comparison of traditional statistical methods and latent factors models to investigate possible associations between fetal environment and breast cancer risk. (2001) McCormack, V; de Stavola, BL; Dos Santos Silva, I; Leon, D; Mann, V
  • Alcohol is implicated in the fluctuations in cardiovascular disease in Russia since the 1980s. (2001) McKee, M; Shkolnikov, V; Leon, DA
  • Mortality in Russia. (2001) McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Leon, David
  • Update on World Health Organization's initiative to assess environmental burden of disease. (2001) McMichael, A; Pastides, H; Prüss, A; Corvalán, C; Kay, D
  • Climate change and health: information to counter the White House Effect. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Commentary on: "An Ecosystem Approach to Health" (Waltner-Toews D). (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Environment, sustainability and health: the learning curve steepens. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Fatness and thinness. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Germs, genes and greenhouse gases: the changing landscape of population health: Faculty of Public Health Medicine Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Lecture, 2000. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Global climate change and health: Research challenges, ecological concepts and sustainability. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Global environmental change as "risk factor": can epidemiology cope? (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Health consequences of global climate change. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Human culture, ecological change and infectious disease: Are we experiencing history's Fourth Great Transition? (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Human culture, ecological change, and infectious disease: Are we experiencing history's fourth great transition? (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Human frontiers, environments and disease: past patterns, uncertain futures. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Impact of climatic and other environmental changes on food production and population health in the coming decades. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Rethinking environment and health. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • The impacts of global environmental change on human health: Extending the Sustainability Agenda. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • The politics of emerging and resurgent infectious diseases. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Global changes, invasive species, and human health. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Bouma, M
  • Life style and life course. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Britton, AR
  • Human Health. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Githeko, A; Akhtar, R; Carcavallo, R; Gubler, D; Haines, A; Kovats, RS; Martens, P; Patz, J; Sasaki, A
  • Health. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Githeko, A; Confalonieri, U
  • Methodological issues in assessing the effects of climate change on health. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Haines, A; Kovats, RS
  • Multiple sclerosis and ultraviolet radiation: time to shed more light. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Hall, AJ
  • Climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion. (2001) McMichael, AJ; Woodward, AJ
  • Are disease prevention initiatives working? (2001) McPherson, K
  • Commentary: Epidemiology? Keep it broad and deep. (2001) McPherson, K
  • For and against: Public health does not need to be led by doctors. For. (2001) McPherson, K
  • New standards for public health. (2001) McPherson, K
  • Primary care trust--threat or opportunity to public health medicine. (2001) McPherson, K
  • Safer discharge from intensive care to hospital wards. (2001) McPherson, K
  • Preferences and understanding their effects on health. (2001) McPherson, K; Britton, A
  • Monitoring the progress of the 2010 target for coronary heart disease mortality: estimated consequences on CHD incidence and mortality from changing prevalence of risk factors: a report for the Chief Medical Officer. (2001) McPherson, K; Britton, A; NationalHeartForum
  • Patient information study: the information preferences of people with cancer: final report to CRC. (2001) McPherson, K; Leydon, GM; Osborne, K; Patton, R; Chaudhri, W; Altmann, D
  • Safeguards for research using large scale DNA collections. Study will not be started before suitable arrangements are in place. (2001) Meade, T
  • Cardiovascular disease--linking pathology and epidemiology. (2001) Meade, TW
  • Commentary: Aspirin is safe and effective for CHD primary prevention where coronary event risk is greater than 1.5% per year. (2001) Meade, TW
  • Quick reference guide for clinicians. (2001) Meade, TW
  • Authors' reply on aspirin for primary prevention. (2001) Meade, TW; Brennan, PJ
  • ELF Electromagnetic fields and the risk of cancer. (2001) Meade, TW; and Advisory Group On Non-, IonisingRadiation
  • Design and intermediate results of the Lower Extremity Arterial Disease Event Reduction (LEADER)* trial of bezafibrate in men with lower extremity arterial disease [ISRCTN4119421]. (2001) Meade, Thomas W; For the British Medical Research Council General Practice Resear
  • Derechos Humanos y Salud: La Experiencia de EDHUCASalud [Health and Human Rights: The EDHUCASalud Experience]. (2001) Miranda, J; Baertl, U
  • [Hepatitis B among health workers]. (2001) Miranda, J; Cabezas, C
  • Social exclusion must be considered in global terms. (2001) Miranda, JJ; Farmer, P
  • Trends in incidence of testicular cancer and prostate cancer in Denmark. (2001) Moller, H
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus in African immigrants - Reply. (2001) Molokhia, M; McKeigue, P
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus in migrants from west Africa compared with Afro-Caribbean people in the UK. (2001) Molokhia, M; McKeigue, PM; Cuadrado, M; Hughes, G
  • Estimation of individual admixture in Trinidad: application to a case-control study of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). (2001) Molokhia, M; Patrick, AL; Parra, E; Ye, J; Shriver, MD; Silman, AJ; McKeigue, PM
  • Estimation of individual admixture in Trinidad: application to a case-control study of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). (2001) Molokhia, M; Patrick, AL; Shriver, M; Parra, E; Ye, J; Silman, AJ; McKeigue, PM
  • Risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in relation to admixture in west Africans overseas. (2001) Molokhia, M; Patrick, AL; Shriver, M; Parra, E; Ye, J; Silman, AJ; McKeigue, PM
  • Does maternal birth weight mediate the intergenerational continuities in hypertension in pregnancy? [Abstract]. (2001) Morton, SMB; Leon, DA; de Stavola, BL; Campbell, DM; Hall, MH; Clark, H
  • Inequalities in treated heart disease and mental illness in England and Wales, 1994-1998. (2001) Moser, K
  • Demographic and socio-economic data in general practice in Britain; discussed using data from East London. (2001) Moser, K; Eldridge, S
  • Associations between testicular cancer and other indicators of male reproductive hazards. (2001) Møller, H
  • Concluding remarks: epidemiology of human disorders. (2001) Møller, H
  • Trends in incidence of testicular cancer and prostate cancer in Denmark. (2001) Møller, H
  • Development and validation of a computerized South Asian Names and Group Recognition Algorithm (SANGRA) for use in British health-related studies. (2001) Nanchahal, K; Mangtani, P; Alston, M; dos Santos Silva, I
  • The increase in very low birthweight infants in Germany: Artefact or reality? (2001) Nolte, E; Koupilova, I; McKee, M
  • Smoking cessation programmes in pregnancy: Systematically addressing development, implementation, women's concerns and effectiveness. (2001) Oliver, S; Oakley, L; Lumley, J; Waters, E
  • Estimating the world cancer burden: Globocan 2000. (2001) Parkin, DM; Bray, F; Ferlay, J; Pisani, P
  • Cancer burden in the year 2000. The global picture. (2001) Parkin, DM; Bray, FI; Devesa, SS
  • Conduct of labor and rupture of the sphincter ani. (2001) Parnell, C; Langhoff-Roos, J; Møller, H
  • Ancestral proportions and admixture dynamics in geographically defined African Americans living in South Carolina. (2001) Parra, EJ; Kittles, RA; Argyropoulos, G; Pfaff, CL; Hiester, K; Bonilla, C; Sylvester, N; Parrish-Gause, D; Garvey, WT; Jin, L; McKeigue, PM; Kamboh, MI; Ferrell, RE; Pollitzer, WS; Shriver, MD
  • Estimated millions at risk: Climate change without sustainable development. (2001) Parry, ML; Arnell, N; McMichael, AJ; Nicholls, R
  • Survival of childhood lymphomas in Europe, 1978--1992: a report from the EUROCARE study. (2001) Pastore, G; Magnani, C; Verdecchia, A; Pession, A; Viscomi, S; Coebergh, JW
  • Interactions of environmental change and human health. (2001) Pearce, N; McMichael, AJ
  • Cancer epidemiology in the last century and the next decade. (2001) Peto, J
  • Research and privacy. (2001) Peto, J
  • Genetics and the common cancers. (2001) Peto, J; Houlston, RS
  • Population structure in admired populations: Effect of admixture dynamics on the pattern of linkage disequilibrium. (2001) Pfaff, CL; Parra, EJ; Bonilla, C; Hiester, K; McKeigue, PM; Kamboh, MI; Hutchinson, RG; Ferrell, RE; Boerwinkle, E; Shriver, MD
  • Introduction. (2001) Piot, P
  • Microbicides 2000 conference. Welcoming remarks. Microbicides: global opportunities. (2001) Piot, P
  • Stigma, bias present barriers in fight against AIDS pandemic. (2001) Piot, P
  • A gendered epidemic: women and the risks and burdens of HIV. (2001) Piot, P
  • The global impact of HIV/AIDS. (2001) Piot, P; Bartos, M; Ghys, PD; Walker, N; Schwartländer, B
  • International response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic: planning for success. (2001) Piot, P; Coll Seck, AM
  • Survival of children with Wilms' tumour in Europe. (2001) Plesko, I; Kramárová, E; Stiller, CA; Coebergh, JW; Santaquilani, M; EUROCARE Working Group
  • A score for predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease in adults with raised blood pressure, based on individual patient data from randomised controlled trials. (2001) Pocock, SJ; McCormack, V; Gueyffier, F; Boutitie, F; Fagard, RH; Boissel, JP
  • Individual cardiovascular risk cannot be predicted. Authors' reply. (2001) Pocock, SJ; McCormack, V; Gueyffier, F; Fagard, RH
  • Predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease - Reply. (2001) Pocock, SJ; McCormack, V; Gueyffier, F; Fagard, RH
  • Ultraviolet radiation and autoimmune disease: Insights from epidemiological research. (2001) Ponsonby, AL; McMichael, AJ; van der Mei, I
  • Human disease: Effects of economic development. (2001) Powles, JW; McMichael, AJ
  • AIDS in Africa: an epidemiologic paradigm. 1986. (2001) Quinn, TC; Mann, JM; Curran, JW; Piot, P
  • Quality of life and cough on antihypertensive treatment: a randomised trial of eprosartan, enalapril and placebo. (2001) Rake, EC; Breeze, E; Fletcher, AE
  • Hypothermia to reduce neurological damage following coronary artery bypass surgery. (2001) Rees, K; Beranek-Stanley, M; Burke, M; Ebrahim, S
  • Urinary estrogen metabolites and mammographic parenchymal patterns in postmenopausal women. (2001) Riza, E; dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, B; Bradlow, HL; Sepkovic, DW; Linos, D; Linos, A
  • Randomised and non-randomised studies: threats to internal and external validity. (2001) Sanderson, CFB; McKee, M; Britton, A; Black, N; McPherson, K; Bain, C
  • Systematic review of the prospective cohort studies on meat consumption and colorectal cancer risk: a meta-analytical approach. (2001) Sandhu, MS; White, IR; McPherson, K
  • Survival for retinoblastoma in Europe. (2001) Sant, M; Capocaccia, R; Badioni, V; UROCARE Working Group
  • Cancer survival increases in Europe, but international differences remain wide. (2001) Sant, M; Capocaccia, R; Coleman, MP; Berrino, F; Gatta, G; Micheli, A; Verdecchia, A; Faivre, J; Hakulinen, T; Coebergh, JW; Martinez-Garcia, C; Forman, D; Zappone, A; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Differences in stage and therapy for breast cancer across Europe. (2001) Sant, M; Eurocare Working Group
  • HPV types and cofactors causing cervical cancer in Peru. (2001) Santos, C; Muñoz, N; Klug, S; Almonte, M; Guerrero, I; Alvarez, M; Velarde, C; Galdos, O; Castillo, M; Walboomers, J; Meijer, C; Caceres, E
  • Antihypertensive treatment and compliance. Pharmacological properties of antihypertensive drugs research need to be acknowledged. (2001) Schroeder, K; Montgomery, A; Ebrahim, S
  • Changes in life expectancy in Russia in the mid-1990s. (2001) Shkolnikov, V; McKee, M; Leon, DA
  • Premature cardiovascular mortality in Russia in the light of population- and individual-level evidence. (2001) Shkolnikov, V; Mesl?, F; Leon, DA
  • Variations in the impact of long-term wartime stressors on mortality among the middle-aged and older population in Beirut, Lebanon, 1983--1993. (2001) Sibai, AM; Fletcher, A; Armenian, HK
  • Non-communicable disease mortality rates using the verbal autopsy in a cohort of middle aged and older populations in Beirut during wartime, 1983-93. (2001) Sibai, AM; Fletcher, A; Hills, M; Campbell, O
  • A maximum-likelihood approach to fitting equilibrium models of microsatellite evolution. (2001) Sibly, RM; Whittaker, JC; Talbot, M
  • Randomised comparison of three methods of administering a screening questionnaire to elderly people: findings from the MRC trial of the assessment and management of older people in the community. (2001) Smeeth, L; Fletcher, AE; Stirling, S; Nunes, M; Breeze, E; Ng, E; Bulpitt, CJ; Jones, D
  • Survival of children with bone sarcoma in Europe since 1978: results from the EUROCARE study. (2001) Stiller, CA; Craft, AW; Corazziari, I; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Survival of children with soft-tissue sarcoma in Europe since 1978: results from the EUROCARE study. (2001) Stiller, CA; Stevens, MC; Magnani, C; Corazziari, I; EUROCARE Working Group
  • Birth outcome in relation to licorice consumption during pregnancy. (2001) Strandberg, TE; Järvenpää, AL; Vanhanen, H; McKeigue, PM
  • Cancer Incidence and Mortality in England and Wales: Trends and Risk Factors. (2001) Swerdlow, AJ; Dos Santos Silva, I; Doll, R
  • Cancer incidence in the Falkland Islands. (2001) Swerdlow, AJ; Elsby, B; Qiao, Z
  • Consensus needed for evaluating safe and adequate anticoagulant control. (2001) Taylor, F; Ebrahim, S
  • Systematic review of long term anticoagulation or antiplatelet treatment in patients with non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation. (2001) Taylor, FC; Cohen, H; Ebrahim, S
  • Decreasing incidence and improved survival of laryngeal cancer in Finland. (2001) Teppo, H; Koivunen, P; Sipilä, S; Jokinen, K; Hyrynkangas, K; Läärä, E; Pukkala, E; Sovio, U; Alho, OP
  • How well can blood pressure be controlled? Progress report on the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Follow-Up Study (Syst-Eur 2). (2001) Thijs, Lutgarde; Staessen, Jan A; Beleva, Sonia; Birkenhäger, Willem H; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Celis, Hilde; Fletcher, Astrid E; Kermova, Rumjana; Leonetti, Gastone; Laks, Tovio; Mantov, Stefan; Nachev, Choudomir; Sarti, Cinzia; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Fagard, Robert H; On behalf of the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Investigators
  • Dietary advice given by a dietitian versus other health professional or self-help resources to reduce blood cholesterol. (2001) Thompson, RL; Summerbell, CD; Hooper, L; Higgins, JPT; Little, PS; Talbot, D; Ebrahim, S
  • Climate variability and Ross River virus in 8 Australian cities, 1985-1996. (2001) Tong, S; Donald, K; McMichael, AJ
  • Breastfeeding and childhood cancer. (2001) UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators
  • Epidemiologic associations between occupational and environmental exposures and autoimmune disease: report of a meeting to explore current evidence and identify research needs. (2001) Van Loveren, H; Vos, JG; Germolec, D; Simeonova, PP; Eijkemanns, G; McMichael, AJ
  • Misconceptions about the use of genetic tests in populations. (2001) Vineis, P; Schulte, P; McMichael, AJ
  • Relevance of high and low penetrance - Reply. (2001) Vineis, P; Schulte, P; McMichael, AJ
  • Global climate change - the latest assessment: Does global warming warrant a health warning? (2001) Watson, R; McMichael, AJ
  • Marker assisted selection and introgression. (2001) Whittaker, JC
  • Family-based tests of association and/or linkage. (2001) Whittaker, JC; Morris, AP
  • A descriptive study of UK cancer genetics services: an emerging clinical response to the new genetics. (2001) Wonderling, D; Hopwood, P; Cull, A; Douglas, F; Watson, M; Burn, J; McPherson, K
  • Injuries, inequalities and health in Europe. (2001) Zwi, AB; Leon, D; Koupilova, I; Sethi, D; McKee, M
  • Lifecourse modelling of birthweight, childhood growth and breast cancer risk. (2001) de Stavola, BL; Mann, V; Hardy, R; McCormack, V; Dos Santos Silva, I; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, M
  • Life-long vegetarianism and risk of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study among South Asian migrant women living in England. Abstract of the International Epidemiological Association. (2001) dos Santos Silva, I; MangtaniP; McCormack, V; Bhakta, D; Sevak, L; McMichael, AJ