Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Medical Statistics"

  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health (25443)
  • Dept of Medical Statistics (3859)
    Number of items: 219.
  • Estimated infant intake of persistent organic pollutants through breast milk in New Zealand. (2014) 't Mannetje, Andrea; Coakley, Jonathan; Bridgen, Phil; Smith, Allan H; Read, Deborah; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • A
  • Oral amoxicillin versus benzyl penicillin for severe pneumonia among kenyan children: a pragmatic randomized controlled noninferiority trial. (2014) Agweyu, Ambrose; Gathara, David; Oliwa, Jacquie; Muinga, Naomi; Edwards, Tansy; Allen, Elizabeth; Maleche-Obimbo, Elizabeth; English, Mike; Severe Pneumonia Study Group
  • Age related changes in metabolite concentrations in the normal spinal cord. (2014) Abdel-Aziz, Khaled; Solanky, Bhavana S; Yiannakas, Marios C; Altmann, Daniel R; Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia AM; Thompson, Alan J; Ciccarelli, Olga
  • Analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as a multistep process: a population-based modelling study. (2014) Al-Chalabi, Ammar; Calvo, Andrea; Chio, Adriano; Colville, Shuna; Ellis, Cathy M; Hardiman, Orla; Heverin, Mark; Howard, Robin S; Huisman, Mark HB; Keren, Noa; Leigh, P Nigel; Mazzini, Letizia; Mora, Gabriele; Orrell, Richard W; Rooney, James; Scott, Kirsten M; Scotton, William J; Seelen, Meinie; Shaw, Christopher E; Sidle, Katie S; Swingler, Robert; Tsuda, Miho; Veldink, Jan H; Visser, Anne E; van den Berg, Leonard H; Pearce, Neil
  • Impact of an invasive strategy on 5 years outcome in men and women with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. (2014) Alfredsson, Joakim; Clayton, Tim; Damman, Peter; Fox, Keith AA; Fredriksson, Mats; Lagerqvist, Bo; Wallentin, Lars; de Winter, Robbert J; Swahn, Eva
  • Occupations with an increased prevalence of self-reported asthma in Indian adults. (2014) Agrawal, Sutapa; Pearce, Neil; Millett, Christopher; Subramanian, SV; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Risk factors for incident delirium among older people in acute hospital medical units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Ahmed, Suman; Leurent, Baptiste; Sampson, Elizabeth L
  • Probiotics and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea - Authors' reply. (2014) Allen, Stephen J; Gravenor, Michael B; Wareham, Kathie; Wang, Duolao
  • Global burden of asthma among children. (2014) Asher, I; Pearce, N
  • A multiple-imputation-based approach to sensitivity analyses and effectiveness assessments in longitudinal clinical trials. (2014) Ayele, Birhanu Teshome; Lipkovich, Ilya; Molenberghs, Geert; Mallinckrodt, Craig H
  • B
  • Statistical analysis plan for the 'Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke' (TARDIS) trial. (2014) Bath, Philip MW; Robson, Katie; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Sprigg, Nikola; Dineen, Robert; Pocock, Stuart; TARDIS Trialists
  • Survival extrapolation in the presence of cause specific hazards. (2014) Benaglia, Tatiana; Jackson, Christopher H; Sharples, Linda D
  • Earlier and more frequent diagnosis of multiple sclerosis using the McDonald criteria. (2014) Brownlee, Wallace J; Swanton, Josephine K; Altmann, Daniel R; Ciccarelli, Olga; Miller, David H
  • Long-term outcomes after stenting versus endarterectomy for treatment of symptomatic carotid stenosis: the International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS) randomised trial. (2014) Bonati, Leo H; Dobson, Joanna; Featherstone, Roland L; Ederle, Jörg; van der Worp, H Bart; de Borst, Gert J; Mali, Willem P Th M; Beard, Jonathan D; Cleveland, Trevor; Engelter, Stefan T; Lyrer, Philippe A; Ford, Gary A; Dorman, Paul J; Brown, Martin M; International Carotid Stenting Study investigators
  • Initiating change locally in bullying and aggression through the school environment (INCLUSIVE): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2014) Bonell, Chris; Allen, Elizabeth; Christie, Deborah; Elbourne, Diana; Fletcher, Adam; Grieve, Richard; LeGood, Rosa; Mathiot, Anne; Scott, Stephen; Wiggins, Meg; Viner, Russell M
  • Network Mendelian randomization: using genetic variants as instrumental variables to investigate mediation in causal pathways. (2014) Burgess, Stephen; Daniel, Rhian M; Butterworth, Adam S; Thompson, Simon G; EPIC-InterAct Consortium
  • Repeatability and reproducibility of measurements of femoral and tibial alignment using computed tomography multiplanar reconstructions. (2014) Barnes, Duncan M; Anderson, Angus A; Frost, Chris; Barnes, Josephine
  • Do family factors protect against sexual risk behaviour and teenage pregnancy among multiply disadvantaged young people? Findings from an English longitudinal study. (2014) Bonell, Chris; Wiggins, Meg; Fletcher, Adam; Allen, Elizabeth
  • Parental mental illness and eating disorders in offspring. (2014) Bould, Helen; Koupil, Ilona; Dalman, Christina; DeStavola, Bianca; Lewis, Glyn; Magnusson, Cecilia
  • Improving upon the efficiency of complete case analysis when covariates are MNAR. (2014) Bartlett, Jonathan W; Carpenter, James R; Tilling, Kate; Vansteelandt, Stijn
  • Community case management of malaria: exploring support, capacity and motivation of community medicine distributors in Uganda. (2014) Banek, Kristin; Nankabirwa, Joaniter; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, Catherine; DiLiberto, Deborah; Taaka, Lilian; Chandler, Clare IR; Staedke, Sarah G
  • Statistical analysis plan for the 'Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke' (ENOS) trial. (2014) Bath, Philip MW; Houlton, Aimee; Woodhouse, Lisa; Sprigg, Nikola; Wardlaw, Joanna; Pocock, Stuart; ENOS Trialists
  • Multiple imputation of covariates by fully conditional specification: Accommodating the substantive model. (2014) Bartlett, Jonathan W; Seaman, Shaun R; White, Ian R; Carpenter, James R; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative*
  • Is hypertension associated with job strain? A meta-analysis of observational studies. (2014) Babu, Giridhara R; Jotheeswaran, AT; Mahapatra, Tanmay; Mahapatra, Sanchita; Kumar, Ananth; Detels, Roger; Pearce, Neil
  • Multiple Imputation for handling missing data in social research. (2014) Brunton-Smith, I; Carpenter, JR; Kenward, MG; Tarling, R
  • C
  • Composite endpoints for malaria case-management: not simplifying the picture? (2014) Cairns, Matthew E; Leurent, Baptiste; Milligan, Paul J
  • Peak flow rate and death due to coronary heart disease: 30-year results from the Northwick Park Heart cohort study. (2014) Clayton, Tim C; Meade, Tom W; Turner, Elizabeth L; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • A polypill strategy to improve adherence: results from the FOCUS project. (2014) Castellano, José M; Sanz, Ginés; Peñalvo, José L; Bansilal, Sameer; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Alvarez, Luz; Guzmán, Luis; Linares, Juan Carlos; García, Fernando; D'Aniello, Fabiana; Arnáiz, Joan Albert; Varea, Sara; Martínez, Felipe; Lorenzatti, Alberto; Imaz, Iñaki; Sánchez-Gómez, Luis M; Roncaglioni, Maria Carla; Baviera, Marta; Smith, Sidney C; Taubert, Kathryn; Pocock, Stuart; Brotons, Carlos; Farkouh, Michael E; Fuster, Valentin
  • The South Asian genome. (2014) Chambers, John C; Abbott, James; Zhang, Weihua; Turro, Ernest; Scott, William R; Tan, Sian-Tsung; Afzal, Uzma; Afaq, Saima; Loh, Marie; Lehne, Benjamin; O'Reilly, Paul; Gaulton, Kyle J; Pearson, Richard D; Li, Xinzhong; Lavery, Anita; Vandrovcova, Jana; Wass, Mark N; Miller, Kathryn; Sehmi, Joban; Oozageer, Laticia; Kooner, Ishminder K; Al-Hussaini, Abtehale; Mills, Rebecca; Grewal, Jagvir; Panoulas, Vasileios; Lewin, Alexandra M; Northwood, Korrinne; Wander, Gurpreet S; Geoghegan, Frank; Li, Yingrui; Wang, Jun; Aitman, Timothy J; McCarthy, Mark I; Scott, James; Butcher, Sarah; Elliott, Paul; Kooner, Jaspal S
  • Effects of homocysteine lowering with B vitamins on cognitive aging: meta-analysis of 11 trials with cognitive data on 22,000 individuals. (2014) Clarke, Robert; Bennett, Derrick; Parish, Sarah; Lewington, Sarah; Skeaff, Murray; Eussen, Simone JPM; Lewerin, Catharina; Stott, David J; Armitage, Jane; Hankey, Graeme J; Lonn, Eva; Spence, J David; Galan, Pilar; de Groot, Lisette C; Halsey, Jim; Dangour, Alan D; Collins, Rory; Grodstein, Francine; B-Vitamin Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration
  • The clinical and cost-effectiveness of brief advice for excessive alcohol consumption among people attending sexual health clinics: a randomised controlled trial. (2014) Crawford, Mike J; Sanatinia, Rahil; Barrett, Barbara; Byford, Sarah; Dean, Madeleine; Green, John; Jones, Rachael; Leurent, Baptiste; Sweeting, Michael J; Touquet, Robin; Greene, Linda; Tyrer, Peter; Ward, Helen; Lingford-Hughes, Anne
  • Lung cancer risk among bricklayers in a pooled analysis of case-control studies. (2014) Consonni, Dario; De Matteis, Sara; Pesatori, Angela C; Bertazzi, Pier Alberto; Olsson, Ann C; Kromhout, Hans; Peters, Susan; Vermeulen, Roel CH; Pesch, Beate; Brüning, Thomas; Kendzia, Benjamin; Behrens, Thomas; Stücker, Isabelle; Guida, Florence; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Brüske, Irene; Landi, Maria Teresa; Caporaso, Neil E; Gustavsson, Per; Plato, Nils; Tse, Lap Ah; Yu, Ignatius Tak-Sun; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Pohlabeln, Hermann; Merletti, Franco; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Simonato, Lorenzo; Forastiere, Francesco; Siemiatycki, Jack; Parent, Marie-Élise; Tardón, Adonina; Boffetta, Paolo; Zaridze, David; Chen, Ying; Field, John K; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Pearce, Neil; McLaughlin, John; Demers, Paul; Lissowska, Jolanta; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Bencko, Vladimir; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Rudnai, Peter; Fabiánová, Eleonóra; Stanescu Dumitru, Rodica; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas; Schüz, Joachim; Straif, Kurt
  • A comparison of imputation strategies in cluster randomized trials with missing binary outcomes. (2014) Caille, Agnès; Leyrat, Clémence; Giraudeau, Bruno
  • Test-Retest Reliability of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Huntington's Disease. (2014) Cole, James H; Farmer, Ruth E; Rees, Elin M; Johnson, Hans J; Frost, Chris; Scahill, Rachael I; Hobbs, Nicola Z
  • Effect of high-dose simvastatin on brain atrophy and disability in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS-STAT): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. (2014) Chataway, Jeremy; Schuerer, Nadine; Alsanousi, Ali; Chan, Dennis; MacManus, David; Hunter, Kelvin; Anderson, Val; Bangham, Charles RM; Clegg, Shona; Nielsen, Casper; Fox, Nick C; Wilkie, David; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Calder, Virginia L; Greenwood, John; Frost, Chris; Nicholas, Richard
  • Application of 1H NMR for the characterisation of cocoa beans of different geographical origins and fermentation levels. (2014) Caligiani, Augusta; Palla, Luigi; Acquotti, Domenico; Marseglia, Angela; Palla, Gerardo
  • Large streamlined trials in cardiovascular disease. (2014) Calvo, Gonzalo; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Alonso-García, Ángeles; Armstrong, Paul; Flather, Marcus; Gómez-Outes, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Stockbridge, Norman; Svensson, Anders; Van de Werf, Frans
  • Response to comments by Seaman et al. on "Analysis of longitudinal trials with protocol deviation: a framework for relevant, accessible assumptions, and inference via multiple imputation," Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 23:1352-1371. (2014) Carpenter, JR; Roger, JH; Cro, S; Kenward, MG
  • Structured, intensive education maximising engagement, motivation and long-term change for children and young people with diabetes: a cluster randomised controlled trial with integral process and economic evaluation - the CASCADE study. (2014) Christie, Deborah; Thompson, Rebecca; Sawtell, Mary; Allen, Elizabeth; Cairns, John; Smith, Felicity; Jamieson, Elizabeth; Hargreaves, Katrina; Ingold, Anne; Brooks, Lucy; Wiggins, Meg; Oliver, Sandy; Jones, Rebecca; Elbourne, Diana; Santos, Andreia; Wong, Ian CK; O'Neill, Simon; Strange, Vicki; Hindmarsh, Peter; Annan, Francesca; Viner, Russell
  • Tools & Techniques - statistics: non-inferiority trials. (2014) Collier, Timothy John
  • The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumption among people attending sexual health clinics: a randomised controlled trial (SHEAR). (2014) Crawford, Mike J; Sanatinia, Rahil; Barrett, Barbara; Byford, Sarah; Dean, Madeleine; Green, John; Jones, Rachael; Leurent, Baptiste; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Sweeting, Michael; Touquet, Robin; Tyrer, Peter; Ward, Helen
  • D
  • Determinants and consequences of short birth interval in rural Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. (2014) de Jonge, Hendrik CC; Azad, Kishwar; Seward, Nadine; Kuddus, Abdul; Shaha, Sanjit; Beard, James; Costello, Anthony; Houweling, Tanja AJ; Fottrell, Ed
  • Mediation analysis with intermediate confounding: structural equation modeling viewed through the causal inference lens. (2014) De Stavola, Bianca L; Daniel, Rhian M; Ploubidis, George B; Micali, Nadia
  • Causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators. (2014) Daniel, RM; De Stavola, BL; Cousens, SN; Vansteelandt, S
  • Influence of hospitalization for cardiovascular versus noncardiovascular reasons on subsequent mortality in patients with chronic heart failure across the spectrum of ejection fraction. (2014) Desai, Akshay S; Claggett, Brian; Pfeffer, Marc A; Bello, Natalie; Finn, Peter V; Granger, Christopher B; McMurray, John JV; Pocock, Stuart; Swedberg, Karl; Yusuf, Salim; Solomon, Scott D
  • Incidence, impact, and predictors of cranial nerve palsy and haematoma following carotid endarterectomy in the international carotid stenting study. (2014) Doig, D; Turner, EL; Dobson, J; Featherstone, RL; de Borst, GJ; Brown, MM; Richards, T; ICSS Investigators
  • Are missing data adequately handled in cluster randomised trials? A systematic review and guidelines. (2014) Díaz-Ordaz, Karla; Kenward, Michael G; Cohen, Abie; Coleman, Claire L; Eldridge, Sandra
  • The agreement between proxy and self-completed EQ-5D for care home residents was better for index scores than individual domains. (2014) Devine, Angela; Taylor, Stephanie JC; Spencer, Anne; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Eldridge, Sandra; Underwood, Martin
  • Activity groups for people with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial. (2014) Dean, Madeleine; Weston, Adam RW; Osborn, David P; Willis, Suzie; Patterson, Sue; Killaspy, Helen; Leurent, Baptiste; Crawford, Mike J
  • Handling Missing Values in Cost Effectiveness Analyses that Use Data From Cluster Randomized Trials. (2014) Díaz-Ordaz, K; Kenward, Michael G; Grieve, Richard
  • E
  • Dendritic cell reconstitution is associated with relapse-free survival and acute GVHD severity in children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. (2014) Elze, MC; Ciocarlie, O; Heinze, A; Kloess, S; Gardlowski, T; Esser, R; Klingebiel, T; Bader, P; Huenecke, S; Serban, M; Köhl, U; Hutton, JL
  • Efficacy of nitric oxide, with or without continuing antihypertensive treatment, for management of high blood pressure in acute stroke (ENOS): a partial-factorial randomised controlled trial. (2014) ENOS Trial Investigators
  • Non-participation during azithromycin mass treatment for trachoma in The Gambia: heterogeneity and risk factors. (2014) Edwards, Tansy; Allen, Elizabeth; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Hart, John; Burr, Sarah E; Holland, Martin J; Sillah, Ansumana; West, Sheila K; Mabey, David; Bailey, Robin
  • Regulatory decision-making: are we getting it right? (2014) Evans, Stephen JW; Leufkens, Hubert GM
  • Baseline characteristics of the 4011 patients recruited into the ‘Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke’ (ENOS) trial. (2014) ENOS Investigators
  • Adoption of recommended practices and basic technologies in a low-income setting. (2014) English, Mike; Gathara, David; Mwinga, Stephen; Ayieko, Philip; Opondo, Charles; Aluvaala, Jalemba; Kihuba, Elesban; Mwaniki, Paul; Were, Fred; Irimu, Grace; Wasunna, Aggrey; Mogoa, Wycliffe; Nyamai, Rachel
  • Optimal CD4 count for initiating HIV treatment: impact of CD4 observation frequency and grace periods, and performance of dynamic marginal structural models. (2014) Ewings, Fiona M; Ford, Deborah; Walker, A Sarah; Carpenter, James; Copas, Andrew
  • F
  • Brief report: Cyberbullying perpetration and its associations with socio-demographics, aggressive behaviour at school, and mental health outcomes. (2014) Fletcher, Adam; Fitzgerald-Yau, Natasha; Jones, Rebecca; Allen, Elizabeth; Viner, Russell M; Bonell, Chris
  • Quantification of risk factors for herpes zoster: population based case-control study. (2014) Forbes, Harriet J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Clayton, Tim; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Prevalence of HPV infection and other risk factors in a Fijian population. (2014) Foliaki, Sunia; Brewer, Naomi; Pearce, Neil; Snijders, Peter Jf; Meijer, Chris Jlm; Waqatakirewa, Lepani; Clifford, Gary M; Franceschi, Silvia
  • G
  • Auditory spatial processing in Alzheimer's disease. (2014) Golden, HL; Nicholas, JM; Yong, KX; Downey, LE; Schott, JM; Mummery, CJ; Crutch, SJ; Warren, JD
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers and risk of dementia: cohort study in UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2014) Goh, Kah L; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Minassian, Caroline; Evans, Stephen JW; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J
  • Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of VAsopressin versus Noradrenaline as Initial therapy in Septic sHock (VANISH). (2014) Gordon, Anthony C; Mason, Alexina J; Perkins, Gavin D; Ashby, Deborah; Brett, Stephen J
  • Using marketing theory to inform strategies for recruitment: a recruitment optimisation model and the txt2stop experience. (2014) Galli, Leandro; Knight, Rosemary; Robertson, Steven; Hoile, Elizabeth; Oladapo, Olubukola; Francis, David; Free, Caroline
  • Association of blood lead level with neurological features in 972 children affected by an acute severe lead poisoning outbreak in Zamfara State, northern Nigeria. (2014) Greig, Jane; Thurtle, Natalie; Cooney, Lauren; Ariti, Cono; Ahmed, Abdulkadir Ola; Ashagre, Teshome; Ayela, Anthony; Chukwumalu, Kingsley; Criado-Perez, Alison; Gómez-Restrepo, Camilo; Meredith, Caitlin; Neri, Antonio; Stellmach, Darryl; Sani-Gwarzo, Nasir; Nasidi, Abdulsalami; Shanks, Leslie; Dargan, Paul I
  • Long-term follow-up of elective chronic total coronary occlusion angioplasty: analysis from the U.K. Central Cardiac Audit Database. (2014) George, Sudhakar; Cockburn, James; Clayton, Tim C; Ludman, Peter; Cotton, James; Spratt, James; Redwood, Simon; de Belder, Mark; de Belder, Adam; Hill, Jonathan; Hoye, Angela; Palmer, Nick; Rathore, Sudhir; Gershlick, Anthony; Di Mario, Carlo; Hildick-Smith, David; British Cardiovascular Intervention Society; National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research
  • Fitting Multilevel Multivariate Models with Missing Data in Responses and Covariates that May Include Interactions and Non-Linear Terms. (2014) Goldstein, Harvey; Carpenter, James R; Browne, William J
  • [FIRST: a tool for facilitating reading comprehension in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder]. (2014) Gonzalez-Navarro, A; Freire-Prudencio, S; Gil, D; Martos-Perez, J; Jordanova, V; Cerga-Pashoja, A; Shishkova, A; Evans, R
  • The interaction of vasopressin and corticosteroids in septic shock: a pilot randomized controlled trial. (2014) Gordon, Anthony C; Mason, Alexina J; Perkins, Gavin D; Stotz, Martin; Terblanche, Marius; Ashby, Deborah; Brett, Stephen J
  • H
  • Social engagement from childhood to middle age and the effect of childhood socio-economic status on middle age social engagement: results from the National Child Development study. (2014) HIETANEN, HEIDI; AARTSEN, MARJA; KIURU, NOONA; LYYRA, TIINA-MARI; READ, SANNA
  • Degradation of cognitive timing mechanisms in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia. (2014) Henley, Susie MD; Downey, Laura E; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Kinnunen, Kirsi M; Golden, Hannah L; Buckley, Aisling; Mahoney, Colin J; Crutch, Sebastian J
  • A prospective observational cohort study to identify the causes of anaemia and association with outcome in cardiac surgical patients. (2014) Hung, Matthew; Ortmann, Erik; Besser, Martin; Martin-Cabrera, Pedro; Richards, Toby; Ghosh, Marcus; Bottrill, Fiona; Collier, Timothy; Klein, Andrew A
  • Report of the independent panel considering the retraction of two articles in The BMJ. (2014) Heath, Iona; Evans, Stephen; Furberg, Curt; Hippisley-Cox, Julia; Krumholz, Harlan; Mulrow, Cynthia; Wicks, Paul
  • Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data. (2014) Holmes, Michael V; Dale, Caroline E; Zuccolo, Luisa; Silverwood, Richard J; Guo, Yiran; Ye, Zheng; Prieto-Merino, David; Dehghan, Abbas; Trompet, Stella; Wong, Andrew; Cavadino, Alana; Drogan, Dagmar; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Li, Shanshan; Yesupriya, Ajay; Leusink, Maarten; Sundstrom, Johan; Hubacek, Jaroslav A; Pikhart, Hynek; Swerdlow, Daniel I; Panayiotou, Andrie G; Borinskaya, Svetlana A; Finan, Chris; Shah, Sonia; Kuchenbaecker, Karoline B; Shah, Tina; Engmann, Jorgen; Folkersen, Lasse; Eriksson, Per; Ricceri, Fulvio; Melander, Olle; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Gamble, Dale M; Rayaprolu, Sruti; Ross, Owen A; McLachlan, Stela; Vikhireva, Olga; Sluijs, Ivonne; Scott, Robert A; Adamkova, Vera; Flicker, Leon; Bockxmeer, Frank M van; Power, Christine; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Meade, Tom; Marmot, Michael G; Ferro, Jose M; Paulos-Pinheiro, Sofia; Humphries, Steve E; Talmud, Philippa J; Mateo Leach, Irene; Verweij, Niek; Linneberg, Allan; Skaaby, Tea; Doevendans, Pieter A; Cramer, Maarten J; van der Harst, Pim; Klungel, Olaf H; Dowling, Nicole F; Dominiczak, Anna F; Kumari, Meena; Nicolaides, Andrew N; Weikert, Cornelia; Boeing, Heiner; Ebrahim, Shah; Gaunt, Tom R; Price, Jackie F; Lannfelt, Lars; Peasey, Anne; Kubinova, Ruzena; Pajak, Andrzej; Malyutina, Sofia; Voevoda, Mikhail I; Tamosiunas, Abdonas; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke H; Norman, Paul E; Hankey, Graeme J; Bergmann, Manuela M; Hofman, Albert; Franco, Oscar H; Cooper, Jackie; Palmen, Jutta; Spiering, Wilko; de Jong, Pim A; Kuh, Diana; Hardy, Rebecca; Uitterlinden, Andre G; Ikram, M Arfan; Ford, Ian; Hyppönen, Elina; Almeida, Osvaldo P; Wareham, Nicholas J; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Hamsten, Anders; Husemoen, Lise Lotte N; Tjønneland, Anne; Tolstrup, Janne S; Rimm, Eric; Beulens, Joline WJ; Verschuren, WM Monique; Onland-Moret, N Charlotte; Hofker, Marten H; Wannamethee, S Goya; Whincup, Peter H; Morris, Richard; Vicente, Astrid M; Watkins, Hugh; Farrall, Martin; Jukema, J Wouter; Meschia, James; Cupples, L Adrienne; Sharp, Stephen J; Fornage, Myriam; Kooperberg, Charles; LaCroix, Andrea Z; Dai, James Y; Lanktree, Matthew B; Siscovick, David S; Jorgenson, Eric; Spring, Bonnie; Coresh, Josef; Li, Yun R; Buxbaum, Sarah G; Schreiner, Pamela J; Ellison, R Curtis; Tsai, Michael Y; Patel, Sanjay R; Redline, Susan; Johnson, Andrew D; Hoogeveen, Ron C; Hakonarson, Hakon; Rotter, Jerome I; Boerwinkle, Eric; de Bakker, Paul IW; Kivimaki, Mika; Asselbergs, Folkert W; Sattar, Naveed; Lawlor, Debbie A; Whittaker, John; Davey Smith, George; Mukamal, Kenneth; Psaty, Bruce M; Wilson, James G; Lange, Leslie A; Hamidovic, Ajna; Hingorani, Aroon D; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Bobak, Martin; Leon, David A; Langenberg, Claudia; Palmer, Tom M; Reiner, Alex P; Keating, Brendan J; Dudbridge, Frank; Casas, Juan P; InterAct Consortium
  • Surveillance of Patients with Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing and Total Hip Prostheses: A Prospective Cohort Study to Investigate the Relationship Between Blood Metal Ion Levels and Implant Failure. (2014) Hart, AJ; Sabah, SA; Sampson, B; Skinner, JA; Powell, JJ; Palla, L; Pajamäki, KJJ; Puolakka, T; Reito, A; Eskelinen, A
  • Measurements of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in archived dried blood spots are reliable and accurately reflect those in plasma. (2014) Heath, Alicia K; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Ebeling, Peter R; Kvaskoff, David; Eyles, Darryl W; English, Dallas R
  • Thrombotic microangiopathy associated with interferon beta. (2014) Hunt, David; Kavanagh, David; Drummond, Iain; Weller, Belinda; Bellamy, Chris; Overell, James; Evans, Stephen; Jackson, Andrew; Chandran, Siddharthan
  • Joint modelling rationale for chained equations. (2014) Hughes, Rachael A; White, Ian R; Seaman, Shaun R; Carpenter, James R; Tilling, Kate; Sterne, Jonathan AC
  • Impact of intermittent screening and treatment for malaria among school children in Kenya: a cluster randomised trial. (2014) Halliday, Katherine E; Okello, George; Turner, Elizabeth L; Njagi, Kiambo; Mcharo, Carlos; Kengo, Juddy; Allen, Elizabeth; Dubeck, Margaret M; Jukes, Matthew CH; Brooker, Simon J
  • Acupuncture for chronic knee pain: a randomized clinical trial. (2014) Hinman, Rana S; McCrory, Paul; Pirotta, Marie; Relf, Ian; Forbes, Andrew; Crossley, Kay M; Williamson, Elizabeth; Kyriakides, Mary; Novy, Kitty; Metcalf, Ben R; Harris, Anthony; Reddy, Prasuna; Conaghan, Philip G; Bennell, Kim L
  • I
  • Contemporary roles of registries in clinical cardiology: when do we need randomized trials? (2014) Ieva, Francesca; Gale, Chris P; Sharples, Linda D
  • J
  • Poor outcomes in hospitalized patients with gastrointestinal bleeding: impact of baseline risk, bleeding severity, and process of care. (2014) Jairath, Vipul; Thompson, J; Kahan, BC; Daniel, R; Hearnshaw, SA; Travis, SPL; Murphy, MF; Palmer, KR; Logan, RFA
  • Heart 'omics' in AGEing (HOMAGE): design, research objectives and characteristics of the common database. (2014) Jacobs, Lotte; Thijs, Lutgarde; Jin, Yu; Zannad, Faiez; Mebazaa, Alexandre; Rouet, Philippe; Pinet, Florence; Bauters, Christophe; Pieske, Burkert; Tomaschitz, Andreas; Mamas, Mamas; Diez, Javier; McDonald, Kenneth; Cleland, John GF; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans-Peter; Heymans, Stephane; Latini, Roberto; Masson, Serge; Sever, Peter; Delles, Christian; Pocock, Stuart; Collier, Timothy; Kuznetsova, Tatiana; Staessen, Jan A
  • Relaxing the independent censoring assumption in the Cox proportional hazards model using multiple imputation. (2014) Jackson, Dan; White, Ian R; Seaman, Shaun; Evans, Hannah; Baisley, Kathy; Carpenter, James
  • Kisspeptin-54 triggers egg maturation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization. (2014) Jayasena, Channa N; Abbara, Ali; Comninos, Alexander N; Nijher, Gurjinder MK; Christopoulos, Georgios; Narayanaswamy, Shakunthala; Izzi-Engbeaya, Chioma; Sridharan, Mathini; Mason, Alexina J; Warwick, Jane; Ashby, Deborah; Ghatei, Mohammad A; Bloom, Stephen R; Carby, Anna; Trew, Geoffrey H; Dhillo, Waljit S
  • Incomplete reversibility of estimated glomerular filtration rate decline following tenofovir disoproxil fumarate exposure. (2014) Jose, Sophie; Hamzah, Lisa; Campbell, Lucy J; Hill, Teresa; Fisher, Martin; Leen, Clifford; Gilson, Richard; Walsh, John; Nelson, Mark; Hay, Phillip; Johnson, Margaret; Chadwick, David; Nitsch, Dorothea; Jones, Rachael; Sabin, Caroline A; Post, Frank A; UK Collaborative HIV Cohort Study Steering Committee
  • Design and Analysis of Cross-over Trials. Third Edition. (2014) Jones, B; Kenward, MG
  • The potential of composite cognitive scores for tracking progression in Huntington's disease. (2014) Jones, Rebecca; Stout, Julie C; Labuschagne, Izelle; Say, Miranda; Justo, Damian; Coleman, Allison; Dumas, Eve M; Hart, Ellen; Owen, Gail; Durr, Alexandra; Leavitt, Blair R; Roos, Raymund; O'Regan, Alison; Langbehn, Doug; Tabrizi, Sarah J; Frost, Chris
  • K
  • Plasma melatonin is reduced in Huntington's disease. (2014) Kalliolia, Eirini; Silajdžić, Edina; Nambron, Rajasree; Hill, Nathan R; Doshi, Anisha; Frost, Chris; Watt, Hilary; Hindmarsh, Peter; Björkqvist, Maria; Warner, Thomas T
  • Life course structural equation model of the effects of prenatal and postnatal growth on adult blood pressure. (2014) Kaakinen, Marika; Sovio, Ulla; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Pouta, Anneli; Savolainen, Markku J; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Elliott, Paul; De Stavola, Bianca; Läärä, Esa; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta
  • Spinal cord grey matter abnormalities are associated with secondary progression and physical disability in multiple sclerosis. (2014) Kearney, H; Schneider, T; Yiannakas, MC; Altmann, DR; Wheeler-Kingshott, CAM; Ciccarelli, O; Miller, DH
  • The percutaneous coronary intervention prior to transcatheter aortic valve implantation (ACTIVATION) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2014) Khawaja, Muhammed Zeeshan; Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart; Redwood, Simon Robert; Thomas, Martyn Rhys
  • Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2014) Kassebaum, NJ; Bertozzi-Villa, A; Coggeshall, MS; Shackelford, KA; Steiner, C; Heuton, KR; Gonzalez-Medina, D; Barber, R; Huynh, C; Dicker, D; Templin, T; Wolock, TM; Ozgoren, AA; Abd-Allah, F; Abera, SF; Achoki, T; Adelekan, A; Ademi, Z; Adou, AK; Adsuar, JC; Agardh, EE; Akena, D; Alasfoor, D; Alemu, ZA; Alfonso-Cristancho, R; Alhabib, S; Ali, R; Al Kahbouri, MJ; Alla, F; Allen, PJ; Almazroa, MA; Alsharif, U; Alvarez, E; Alvis-Guzmán, N; Amankwaa, AA; Amare, AT; Amini, H; Ammar, W; Antonio, CA; Anwari, P; Arnlöv, J; Arsenijevic, VS; Artaman, A; Asad, MM; Asghar, RJ; Assadi, R; Atkins, LS; Badawi, A; Balakrishnan, K; Basu, A; Basu, S; Beardsley, J; Bedi, N; Bekele, T; Bell, ML; Bernabe, E; Beyene, TJ; Bhutta, Z; Bin Abdulhak, A; Blore, J; Basara, BB; Bose, D; Breitborde, N; Cárdenas, R; Castañeda-Orjuela, CA; Castro, RE; Catalá-López, F; Cavlin, A; Chang, JC; Che, X; Christophi, CA; Chugh, SS; Cirillo, M; Colquhoun, SM; Cooper, LT; Cooper, C; da Costa Leite, I; Dandona, L; Dandona, R; Davis, A; Dayama, A; Degenhardt, L; De Leo, D; Del Pozo-Cruz, B; Deribe, K; Dessalegn, M; Deveber, GA; Dharmaratne, SD; Dilmen, U; Ding, EL; Dorrington, RE; Driscoll, TR; Ermakov, SP; Esteghamati, A; Faraon, EJ; Farzadfar, F; Felicio, MM; Fereshtehnejad, SM; de Lima, GM; Forouzanfar, MH; França, EB; Gaffikin, L; Gambashidze, K; Gankpé, FG; Garcia, AC; Geleijnse, JM; Gibney, KB; Giroud, M; Glaser, EL; Goginashvili, K; Gona, P; González-Castell, D; Goto, A; Gouda, HN; Gugnani, HC; Gupta, R; Gupta, R; Hafezi-Nejad, N; Hamadeh, RR; Hammami, M; Hankey, GJ; Harb, HL; Havmoeller, R; Hay, S; Pi, IB; Hoek, HW; Hosgood, HD; Hoy, DG; Husseini, A; Idrisov, BT; Innos, K; Inoue, M; Jacobsen, KH; Jahangir, E; Jee, SH; Jensen, PN; Jha, V; Jiang, G; Juel, K; Kabagambe, EK; Kan, H; Karam, NE; Karch, A; Karema, CK; Kaul, A; Kawakami, N; Kazanjan, K; Kazi, DS; Kemp, AG; Kengne, AP; Kereselidze, M; Khader, YS; Khalifa, SE; Khan, EA; Khang, YH; Knibbs, L; Kokubo, Y; Kosen, S; Defo, BK; Kulkarni, C; Kulkarni, VS; Kumar, GA; Kumar, K; Kumar, RB; Kwan, G; Lai, T; Lalloo, R; Lam, H; Lansingh, VC; Larsson, A; Lee, JT; Leigh, J; Leinsalu, M; Leung, R; Li, X; Li, Y; Li, Y; Liang, J; Liang, X; Lim, SS; Lin, HH; Lipshultz, SE; Liu, S; Liu, Y; Lloyd, BK; London, SJ; Lotufo, PA; Ma, J; Ma, S; Machado, VM; Mainoo, NK; Majdan, M; Mapoma, CC; Marcenes, W; Marzan, MB; Mason-Jones, AJ; Mehndiratta, MM; Mejia-Rodriguez, F; Memish, ZA; Mendoza, W; Miller, TR; Mills, EJ; Mokdad, AH; Mola, GL; Monasta, L; de la Cruz Monis, J; Hernandez, JC; Moore, AR; Mori, R; Mueller, UO; Mukaigawara, M; Naheed, A; Naidoo, KS; Nand, D; Nangia, V; Nash, D; Nejjari, C; Nelson, RG; Neupane, SP; Newton, CR; Ng, M; Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ; Nisar, MI; Nolte, S; Norheim, OF; Nyakarahuka, L; Oh, IH; Ohkubo, T; Olusanya, BO; Omer, SB; Opio, JN; Orisakwe, OE; Pandian, JD; Papachristou, C; Park, JH; Caicedo, AJ; Patten, SB; Paul, VK; Pavlin, BI; Pearce, N; Pereira, DM; Pesudovs, K; Petzold, M; Poenaru, D; Polanczyk, GV; Polinder, S; Pope, D; Pourmalek, F; Qato, D; Quistberg, DA; Rafay, A; Rahimi, K; Rahimi-Movaghar, V; Ur Rahman, S; Raju, M; Rana, SM; Refaat, A; Ronfani, L; Roy, N; Pimienta, TG; Sahraian, MA; Salomon, J; Sampson, U; Santos, IS; Sawhney, M; Sayinzoga, F; Schneider, IJ; Schumacher, A; Schwebel, DC; Seedat, S; Sepanlou, SG; Servan-Mori, EE; Shakh-Nazarova, M; Sheikhbahaei, S; Shibuya, K; Shin, HH; Shiue, I; Sigfusdottir, ID; Silberberg, DH; Silva, AP; Singh, JA; Skirbekk, V; Sliwa, K; Soshnikov, SS; Sposato, LA; Sreeramareddy, CT; Stroumpoulis, K; Sturua, L; Sykes, BL; Tabb, KM; Talongwa, RT; Tan, F; Teixeira, CM; Tenkorang, EY; Terkawi, AS; Thorne-Lyman, AL; Tirschwell, DL; Towbin, JA; Tran, BX; Tsilimbaris, M; Uchendu, US; Ukwaja, KN; Undurraga, EA; Uzun, SB; Vallely, AJ; van Gool, CH; Vasankari, TJ; Vavilala, MS; Venketasubramanian, N; Villalpando, S; Violante, FS; Vlassov, VV; Vos, T; Waller, S; Wang, H; Wang, L; Wang, SX; Wang, Y; Weichenthal, S; Weiderpass, E; Weintraub, RG; Westerman, R; Wilkinson, JD; Woldeyohannes, SM; Wong, JQ; Wordofa, MA; Xu, G; Yang, YC; Yano, Y; Yentur, GK; Yip, P; Yonemoto, N; Yoon, SJ; Younis, MZ; Yu, C; Jin, KY; El Sayed Zaki, M; Zhao, Y; Zheng, Y; Zhou, M; Zhu, J; Zou, XN; Lopez, AD; Naghavi, M; Murray, CJ; Lozano, R
  • Impact of donor mismatches at individual HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR, and -DQ loci on the development of HLA-specific antibodies in patients listed for repeat renal transplantation. (2014) Kosmoliaptsis, Vasilios; Gjorgjimajkoska, Olivera; Sharples, Linda D; Chaudhry, Afzal N; Chatzizacharias, Nikolaos; Peacock, Sarah; Torpey, Nicholas; Bolton, Eleanor M; Taylor, Craig J; Bradley, J Andrew
  • Women's risk of repeat abortions is strongly associated with alcohol consumption: a longitudinal analysis of a Russian national panel study, 1994-2009. (2014) Keenan, Katherine; Grundy, Emily; Kenward, Michael G; Leon, David A
  • Coping with persistent pain, effectiveness research into self-management (COPERS): statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial. (2014) Kahan, Brennan C; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Homer, Kate; Carnes, Dawn; Underwood, Martin; Taylor, Stephanie Jc; Bremner, Stephen A; Eldridge, Sandra
  • A toolkit for measurement error correction, with a focus on nutritional epidemiology. (2014) Keogh, Ruth H; White, Ian R
  • Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2014) Kassebaum, Nicholas J; Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia; Coggeshall, Megan S; Shackelford, Katya A; Steiner, Caitlyn; Heuton, Kyle R; Gonzalez-Medina, Diego; Barber, Ryan; Huynh, Chantal; Dicker, Daniel; Templin, Tara; Wolock, Timothy M; Ozgoren, Ayse Abbasoglu; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abera, Semaw Ferede; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Achoki, Tom; Adelekan, Ademola; Ademi, Zanfina; Adou, Arsène Kouablan; Adsuar, José C; Agardh, Emilie E; Akena, Dickens; Alasfoor, Deena; Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw; Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael; Alhabib, Samia; Ali, Raghib; Al Kahbouri, Mazin J; Alla, François; Allen, Peter J; AlMazroa, Mohammad A; Alsharif, Ubai; Alvarez, Elena; Alvis-Guzmán, Nelson; Amankwaa, Adansi A; Amare, Azmeraw T; Amini, Hassan; Ammar, Walid; Antonio, Carl AT; Anwari, Palwasha; Arnlöv, Johan; Arsenijevic, Valentina S Arsic; Artaman, Ali; Asad, Majed Masoud; Asghar, Rana J; Assadi, Reza; Atkins, Lydia S; Badawi, Alaa; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Basu, Arindam; Basu, Sanjay; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Bekele, Tolesa; Bell, Michelle L; Bernabe, Eduardo; Beyene, Tariku J; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Bin Abdulhak, Aref; Blore, Jed D; Basara, Berrak Bora; Bose, Dipan; Breitborde, Nicholas; Cárdenas, Rosario; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castro, Ruben Estanislao; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cavlin, Alanur; Chang, Jung-Chen; Che, Xuan; Christophi, Costas A; Chugh, Sumeet S; Cirillo, Massimo; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Cooper, Leslie Trumbull; Cooper, Cyrus; da Costa Leite, Iuri; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Davis, Adrian; Dayama, Anand; Degenhardt, Louisa; De Leo, Diego; del Pozo-Cruz, Borja; Deribe, Kebede; Dessalegn, Muluken; deVeber, Gabrielle A; Dharmaratne, Samath D; Dilmen, Uğur; Ding, Eric L; Dorrington, Rob E; Driscoll, Tim R; Ermakov, Sergei Petrovich; Esteghamati, Alireza; Faraon, Emerito Jose A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Felicio, Manuela Mendonca; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; de Lima, Graça Maria Ferreira; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; França, Elisabeth B; Gaffikin, Lynne; Gambashidze, Ketevan; Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho; Garcia, Ana C; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Gibney, Katherine B; Giroud, Maurice; Glaser, Elizabeth L; Goginashvili, Ketevan; Gona, Philimon; González-Castell, Dinorah; Goto, Atsushi; Gouda, Hebe N; Gugnani, Harish Chander; Gupta, Rahul; Gupta, Rajeev; Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi; Hammami, Mouhanad; Hankey, Graeme J; Harb, Hilda L; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hay, Simon I; Pi, Ileana B Heredia; Hoek, Hans W; Hosgood, H Dean; Hoy, Damian G; Husseini, Abdullatif; Idrisov, Bulat T; Innos, Kaire; Inoue, Manami; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Jahangir, Eiman; Jee, Sun Ha; Jensen, Paul N; Jha, Vivekanand; Jiang, Guohong; Jonas, Jost B; Juel, Knud; Kabagambe, Edmond Kato; Kan, Haidong; Karam, Nadim E; Karch, André; Karema, Corine Kakizi; Kaul, Anil; Kawakami, Norito; Kazanjan, Konstantin; Kazi, Dhruv S; Kemp, Andrew H; Kengne, Andre Pascal; Kereselidze, Maia; Khader, Yousef Saleh; Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan; Khan, Ejaz Ahmed; Khang, Young-Ho; Knibbs, Luke; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Kosen, Soewarta; Defo, Barthelemy Kuate; Kulkarni, Chanda; Kulkarni, Veena S; Kumar, G Anil; Kumar, Kaushalendra; Kumar, Ravi B; Kwan, Gene; Lai, Taavi; Lalloo, Ratilal; Lam, Hilton; Lansingh, Van C; Larsson, Anders; Lee, Jong-Tae; Leigh, James; Leinsalu, Mall; Leung, Ricky; Li, Xiaohong; Li, Yichong; Li, Yongmei; Liang, Juan; Liang, Xiaofeng; Lim, Stephen S; Lin, Hsien-Ho; Lipshultz, Steven E; Liu, Shiwei; Liu, Yang; Lloyd, Belinda K; London, Stephanie J; Lotufo, Paulo A; Ma, Jixiang; Ma, Stefan; Machado, Vasco Manuel Pedro; Mainoo, Nana Kwaku; Majdan, Marek; Mapoma, Christopher Chabila; Marcenes, Wagner; Marzan, Melvin Barrientos; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola; Memish, Ziad A; Mendoza, Walter; Miller, Ted R; Mills, Edward J; Mokdad, Ali H; Mola, Glen Liddell; Monasta, Lorenzo; de la Cruz Monis, Jonathan; Hernandez, Julio Cesar Montañez; Moore, Ami R; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Mori, Rintaro; Mueller, Ulrich O; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Naheed, Aliya; Naidoo, Kovin S; Nand, Devina; Nangia, Vinay; Nash, Denis; Nejjari, Chakib; Nelson, Robert G; Neupane, Sudan Prasad; Newton, Charles R; Ng, Marie; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J; Nisar, Muhammad Imran; Nolte, Sandra; Norheim, Ole F; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Oh, In-Hwan; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Omer, Saad B; Opio, John Nelson; Orisakwe, Orish Ebere; Pandian, Jeyaraj D; Papachristou, Christina; Park, Jae-Hyun; Caicedo, Angel J Paternina; Patten, Scott B; Paul, Vinod K; Pavlin, Boris Igor; Pearce, Neil; Pereira, David M; Pesudovs, Konrad; Petzold, Max; Poenaru, Dan; Polanczyk, Guilherme V; Polinder, Suzanne; Pope, Dan; Pourmalek, Farshad; Qato, Dima; Quistberg, D Alex; Rafay, Anwar; Rahimi, Kazem; Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa; ur Rahman, Sajjad; Raju, Murugesan; Rana, Saleem M; Refaat, Amany; Ronfani, Luca; Roy, Nobhojit; Pimienta, Tania Georgina Sánchez; Sahraian, Mohammad Ali; Salomon, Joshua A; Sampson, Uchechukwu; Santos, Itamar S; Sawhney, Monika; Sayinzoga, Felix; Schneider, Ione JC; Schumacher, Austin; Schwebel, David C; Seedat, Soraya; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Servan-Mori, Edson E; Shakh-Nazarova, Marina; Sheikhbahaei, Sara; Shibuya, Kenji; Shin, Hwashin Hyun; Shiue, Ivy; Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora; Silberberg, Donald H; Silva, Andrea P; Singh, Jasvinder A; Skirbekk, Vegard; Sliwa, Karen; Soshnikov, Sergey S; Sposato, Luciano A; Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T; Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos; Sturua, Lela; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabb, Karen M; Talongwa, Roberto Tchio; Tan, Feng; Teixeira, Carolina Maria; Tenkorang, Eric Yeboah; Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman; Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L; Tirschwell, David L; Towbin, Jeffrey A; Tran, Bach X; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis; Uchendu, Uche S; Ukwaja, Kingsley N; Undurraga, Eduardo A; Uzun, Selen Begüm; Vallely, Andrew J; van Gool, Coen H; Vasankari, Tommi J; Vavilala, Monica S; Venketasubramanian, N; Villalpando, Salvador; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich; Vos, Theo; Waller, Stephen; Wang, Haidong; Wang, Linhong; Wang, XiaoRong; Wang, Yanping; Weichenthal, Scott; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Weintraub, Robert G; Westerman, Ronny; Wilkinson, James D; Woldeyohannes, Solomon Meseret; Wong, John Q; Wordofa, Muluemebet Abera; Xu, Gelin; Yang, Yang C; Yano, Yuichiro; Yentur, Gokalp Kadri; Yip, Paul; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Younis, Mustafa Z; Yu, Chuanhua; Jin, Kim Yun; El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa; Zhao, Yong; Zheng, Yingfeng; Zhou, Maigeng; Zhu, Jun; Zou, Xiao Nong; Lopez, Alan D; Naghavi, Mohsen; Murray, Christopher JL; Lozano, Rafael
  • The impact of alcohol consumption on patterns of union formation in Russia 1998-2010: an assessment using longitudinal data. (2014) Keenan, Katherine; Kenward, Michael G; Grundy, Emily; Leon, David A
  • Association of violence with emergence of persecutory delusions in untreated schizophrenia. (2014) Keers, Robert; Ullrich, Simone; Destavola, Bianca L; Coid, Jeremy W
  • Case-control studies. (2014) Keogh, RH; Cox, DR
  • L
  • Mediator Effect of Sleep Hygiene Practices on Relationships Between Sleep Quality and Other Sleep-Related Factors in Chinese Mainland University Students. (2014) Li, Jin; Zhou, Kaina; Li, Xiaomei; Liu, Miao; Dang, Shaonong; Wang, Duolao; Xin, Xia
  • Opposites don't attract: high spouse concordance for dietary supplement use in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) cohort study. (2014) Lentjes, Marleen AH; Welch, Ailsa A; Keogh, Ruth H; Luben, Robert N; Khaw, Kay-Tee
  • Plasma neurofilament heavy chain levels and disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: insights from a longitudinal study. (2014) Lu, Ching-Hua; Petzold, Axel; Topping, Jo; Allen, Kezia; Macdonald-Wallis, Corrie; Clarke, Jan; Pearce, Neil; Kuhle, Jens; Giovannoni, Gavin; Fratta, Pietro; Sidle, Katie; Fish, Mark; Orrell, Richard; Howard, Robin; Greensmith, Linda; Malaspina, Andrea
  • Gene-lifestyle interaction and type 2 diabetes: the EPIC interact case-cohort study. (2014) Langenberg, Claudia; Sharp, Stephen J; Franks, Paul W; Scott, Robert A; Deloukas, Panos; Forouhi, Nita G; Froguel, Philippe; Groop, Leif C; Hansen, Torben; Palla, Luigi; Pedersen, Oluf; Schulze, Matthias B; Tormo, Maria-Jose; Wheeler, Eleanor; Agnoli, Claudia; Arriola, Larraitz; Barricarte, Aurelio; Boeing, Heiner; Clarke, Geraldine M; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Duell, Eric J; Fagherazzi, Guy; Kaaks, Rudolf; Kerrison, Nicola D; Key, Timothy J; Khaw, Kay Tee; Kröger, Janine; Lajous, Martin; Morris, Andrew P; Navarro, Carmen; Nilsson, Peter M; Overvad, Kim; Palli, Domenico; Panico, Salvatore; Quirós, J Ramón; Rolandsson, Olov; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Sánchez, María-José; Slimani, Nadia; Spijkerman, Annemieke MW; Tumino, Rosario; van der A, Daphne L; van der Schouw, Yvonne T; Barroso, Inês; McCarthy, Mark I; Riboli, Elio; Wareham, Nicholas J
  • Propensity score methods for estimating relative risks in cluster randomized trials with low-incidence binary outcomes and selection bias. (2014) Leyrat, Clémence; Caille, Agnès; Donner, Allan; Giraudeau, Bruno
  • Moderating factors for the effectiveness of group art therapy for schizophrenia: secondary analysis of data from the MATISSE randomised controlled trial. (2014) Leurent, Baptiste; Killaspy, Helen; Osborn, David P; Crawford, Mike J; Hoadley, Angela; Waller, Diane; King, Michael
  • A cognitive chameleon: lessons from a novel MAPT mutation case. (2014) Liang, Yuying; Gordon, Elizabeth; Rohrer, Jonathan; Downey, Laura; de Silva, Rohan; Jäger, Hans Rolf; Nicholas, Jennifer; Modat, Marc; Cardoso, M Jorge; Mahoney, Colin; Warren, Jason; Rossor, Martin; Fox, Nick; Caine, Diana
  • Correction: The Support to Rural India's Public Education System (STRIPES) Trial: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Supplementary Teaching, Learning Material and Material Support. (2014) Lakshminarayana, Rashmi; Eble, Alex; Bhakta, Preetha; Frost, Chris; Boone, Peter; Elbourne, Diana; Mann, Vera
  • M
  • Ethical and scientific considerations for patient enrollment into concurrent clinical trials. (2014) Myles, Paul S; Williamson, Elizabeth; Oakley, Justin; Forbes, Andrew
  • Longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging in frontotemporal dementia. (2014) Mahoney, Colin J; Simpson, Ivor JA; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Fletcher, Phillip D; Downey, Laura E; Golden, Hannah L; Clark, Camilla N; Schmitz, Nicole; Rohrer, Jonathan D; Schott, Jonathan M; Zhang, Hui; Ourselin, Sebastian; Warren, Jason D; Fox, Nick C
  • Towards a comprehensive global approach to prevention and control of NCDs. (2014) McKee, Martin; Haines, Andy; Ebrahim, Shah; Lamptey, Peter; Barreto, Mauricio L; Matheson, Don; Walls, Helen L; Foliaki, Sunia; Miranda, J Jaime; Chimeddamba, Oyun; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Vineis, Paolo; Pearce, Neil
  • Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2014) Murray, Christopher JL; Ortblad, Katrina F; Guinovart, Caterina; Lim, Stephen S; Wolock, Timothy M; Roberts, D Allen; Dansereau, Emily A; Graetz, Nicholas; Barber, Ryan M; Brown, Jonathan C; Wang, Haidong; Duber, Herbert C; Naghavi, Mohsen; Dicker, Daniel; Dandona, Lalit; Salomon, Joshua A; Heuton, Kyle R; Foreman, Kyle; Phillips, David E; Fleming, Thomas D; Flaxman, Abraham D; Phillips, Bryan K; Johnson, Elizabeth K; Coggeshall, Megan S; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abera, Semaw Ferede; Abraham, Jerry P; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen Me; Achoki, Tom; Adeyemo, Austine Olufemi; Adou, Arsène Kouablan; Adsuar, José C; Agardh, Emilie Elisabet; Akena, Dickens; Al Kahbouri, Mazin J; Alasfoor, Deena; Albittar, Mohammed I; Alcalá-Cerra, Gabriel; Alegretti, Miguel Angel; Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw; Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael; Alhabib, Samia; Ali, Raghib; Alla, Francois; Allen, Peter J; Alsharif, Ubai; Alvarez, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amankwaa, Adansi A; Amare, Azmeraw T; Amini, Hassan; Ammar, Walid; Anderson, Benjamin O; Antonio, Carl Abelardo T; Anwari, Palwasha; Arnlöv, Johan; Arsenijevic, Valentina S Arsic; Artaman, Ali; Asghar, Rana J; Assadi, Reza; Atkins, Lydia S; Badawi, Alaa; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Banerjee, Amitava; Basu, Sanjay; Beardsley, Justin; Bekele, Tolesa; Bell, Michelle L; Bernabe, Eduardo; Beyene, Tariku Jibat; Bhala, Neeraj; Bhalla, Ashish; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Abdulhak, Aref Bin; Binagwaho, Agnes; Blore, Jed D; Basara, Berrak Bora; Bose, Dipan; Brainin, Michael; Breitborde, Nicholas; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Chadha, Vineet K; Chang, Jung-Chen; Chiang, Peggy Pei-Chia; Chuang, Ting-Wu; Colomar, Mercedes; Cooper, Leslie Trumbull; Cooper, Cyrus; Courville, Karen J; Cowie, Benjamin C; Criqui, Michael H; Dandona, Rakhi; Dayama, Anand; De Leo, Diego; Degenhardt, Louisa; Del Pozo-Cruz, Borja; Deribe, Kebede; Des Jarlais, Don C; Dessalegn, Muluken; Dharmaratne, Samath D; Dilmen, Uğur; Ding, Eric L; Driscoll, Tim R; Durrani, Adnan M; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich; Esteghamati, Alireza; Faraon, Emerito Jose A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Fijabi, Daniel Obadare; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Fra Paleo, Urbano; Gaffikin, Lynne; Gamkrelidze, Amiran; Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Gessner, Bradford D; Gibney, Katherine B; Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed; Glaser, Elizabeth L; Gona, Philimon; Goto, Atsushi; Gouda, Hebe N; Gugnani, Harish Chander; Gupta, Rajeev; Gupta, Rahul; Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi; Hammami, Mouhanad; Hankey, Graeme J; Harb, Hilda L; Haro, Josep Maria; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hay, Simon I; Hedayati, Mohammad T; Pi, Ileana B Heredia; Hoek, Hans W; Hornberger, John C; Hosgood, H Dean; Hotez, Peter J; Hoy, Damian G; Huang, John J; Iburg, Kim M; Idrisov, Bulat T; Innos, Kaire; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Jeemon, Panniyammakal; Jensen, Paul N; Jha, Vivekanand; Jiang, Guohong; Jonas, Jost B; Juel, Knud; Kan, Haidong; Kankindi, Ida; Karam, Nadim E; Karch, André; Karema, Corine Kakizi; Kaul, Anil; Kawakami, Norito; Kazi, Dhruv S; Kemp, Andrew H; Kengne, Andre Pascal; Keren, Andre; Kereselidze, Maia; Khader, Yousef Saleh; Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan; Khan, Ejaz Ahmed; Khang, Young-Ho; Khonelidze, Irma; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kinge, Jonas M; Knibbs, Luke; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Kosen, S; Defo, Barthelemy Kuate; Kulkarni, Veena S; Kulkarni, Chanda; Kumar, Kaushalendra; Kumar, Ravi B; Kumar, G Anil; Kwan, Gene F; Lai, Taavi; Balaji, Arjun Lakshmana; Lam, Hilton; Lan, Qing; Lansingh, Van C; Larson, Heidi J; Larsson, Anders; Lee, Jong-Tae; Leigh, James; Leinsalu, Mall; Leung, Ricky; Li, Yichong; Li, Yongmei; De Lima, Graça Maria Ferreira; Lin, Hsien-Ho; Lipshultz, Steven E; Liu, Shiwei; Liu, Yang; Lloyd, Belinda K; Lotufo, Paulo A; Machado, Vasco Manuel Pedro; Maclachlan, Jennifer H; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Majdan, Marek; Mapoma, Christopher Chabila; Marcenes, Wagner; Marzan, Melvin Barrientos; Masci, Joseph R; Mashal, Mohammad Taufiq; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Mayosi, Bongani M; Mazorodze, Tasara T; Mckay, Abigail Cecilia; Meaney, Peter A; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola; Melaku, Yohannes Adama; Memish, Ziad A; Mendoza, Walter; Miller, Ted R; Mills, Edward J; Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin; Mokdad, Ali H; Mola, Glen Liddell; Monasta, Lorenzo; Montico, Marcella; Moore, Ami R; Mori, Rintaro; Moturi, Wilkister Nyaora; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Murthy, Kinnari S; Naheed, Aliya; Naidoo, Kovin S; Naldi, Luigi; Nangia, Vinay; Narayan, KM Venkat; Nash, Denis; Nejjari, Chakib; Nelson, Robert G; Neupane, Sudan Prasad; Newton, Charles R; Ng, Marie; Nisar, Muhammad Imran; Nolte, Sandra; Norheim, Ole F; Nowaseb, Vincent; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Oh, In-Hwan; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Omer, Saad B; Opio, John Nelson; Orisakwe, Orish Ebere; Pandian, Jeyaraj D; Papachristou, Christina; Caicedo, Angel J Paternina; Patten, Scott B; Paul, Vinod K; Pavlin, Boris Igor; Pearce, Neil; Pereira, David M; Pervaiz, Aslam; Pesudovs, Konrad; Petzold, Max; Pourmalek, Farshad; Qato, Dima; Quezada, Amado D; Quistberg, D Alex; Rafay, Anwar; Rahimi, Kazem; Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa; Ur Rahman, Sajjad; Raju, Murugesan; Rana, Saleem M; Razavi, Homie; Reilly, Robert Quentin; Remuzzi, Giuseppe; Richardus, Jan Hendrik; Ronfani, Luca; Roy, Nobhojit; Sabin, Nsanzimana; Saeedi, Mohammad Yahya; Sahraian, Mohammad Ali; Samonte, Genesis May J; Sawhney, Monika; Schneider, Ione JC; Schwebel, David C; Seedat, Soraya; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Servan-Mori, Edson E; Sheikhbahaei, Sara; Shibuya, Kenji; Shin, Hwashin Hyun; Shiue, Ivy; Shivakoti, Rupak; Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora; Silberberg, Donald H; Silva, Andrea P; Simard, Edgar P; Singh, Jasvinder A; Skirbekk, Vegard; Sliwa, Karen; Soneji, Samir; Soshnikov, Sergey S; Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T; Stathopoulou, Vasiliki Kalliopi; Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos; Swaminathan, Soumya; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabb, Karen M; Talongwa, Roberto Tchio; Tenkorang, Eric Yeboah; Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman; Thomson, Alan J; Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L; Towbin, Jeffrey A; Traebert, Jefferson; Tran, Bach X; Dimbuene, Zacharie Tsala; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis; Uchendu, Uche S; Ukwaja, Kingsley N; Uzun, Selen Begüm; Vallely, Andrew J; Vasankari, Tommi J; Venketasubramanian, N; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich; Vollset, Stein Emil; Waller, Stephen; Wallin, Mitchell T; Wang, Linhong; Wang, XiaoRong; Wang, Yanping; Weichenthal, Scott; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Weintraub, Robert G; Westerman, Ronny; White, Richard A; Wilkinson, James D; Williams, Thomas Neil; Woldeyohannes, Solomon Meseret; Wong, John Q; Xu, Gelin; Yang, Yang C; Yano, Yuichiro; Yentur, Gokalp Kadri; Yip, Paul; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Younis, Mustafa; Yu, Chuanhua; Jin, Kim Yun; El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa; Zhao, Yong; Zheng, Yingfeng; Zhou, Maigeng; Zhu, Jun; Zou, Xiao Nong; Lopez, Alan D; Vos, Theo
  • Using health worker opinions to assess changes in structural components of quality in a Cluster Randomized Trial. (2014) Muinga, Naomi; Ayieko, Philip; Opondo, Charles; Ntoburi, Stephen; Todd, Jim; Allen, Elizabeth; English, Mike
  • APOE ε4 is associated with disproportionate progressive hippocampal atrophy in AD. (2014) Manning, Emily N; Barnes, Josephine; Cash, David M; Bartlett, Jonathan W; Leung, Kelvin K; Ourselin, Sebastien; Fox, Nick C; Alzheimer's Disease NeuroImaging Initiative
  • Smoker, ex-smoker or non-smoker? The validity of routinely recorded smoking status in UK primary care: a cross-sectional study. (2014) Marston, Louise; Carpenter, James R; Walters, Kate R; Morris, Richard W; Nazareth, Irwin; White, Ian R; Petersen, Irene
  • Research participation effects: a skeleton in the methodological cupboard. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Elbourne, Diana
  • Estimation After a Group Sequential Trial. (2014) Milanzi, Elasma; Molenberghs, Geert; Alonso, Ariel; Kenward, Michael G; Tsiatis, Anastasios A; Davidian, Marie; Verbeke, Geert
  • Using multi-level data to estimate the effect of social capital on hazardous alcohol consumption in the former Soviet Union. (2014) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; Kenward, Michael G; De Stavola, Bianca L; Stickley, Andrew; McKee, Martin
  • Healthy lifestyle and risk of breast cancer for indigenous and non-indigenous women in New Zealand: a case control study. (2014) McKenzie, Fiona; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; Jeffreys, Mona; Firestone, Ridvan; Pearce, Neil; Romieu, Isabelle
  • Results of the REPAIR Randomised Controlled Trial - Renal Protection Against Ischaemia Reperfusion in Transplantation. (2014) MacAllister, R; Clayton, T; Knight, R; Robertson, S; Veighey, K; Nicholas, J; Loukogeorgakis, S
  • Automated template-based hippocampal segmentations from MRI: the effects of 1.5T or 3T field strength on accuracy. (2014) Macdonald, Kate E; Leung, Kelvin K; Bartlett, Jonathan W; Blair, Melanie; Malone, Ian B; Barnes, Josephine; Ourselin, Sebastien; Fox, Nick C; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
  • A clinical and economic evaluation of Control of Hyperglycaemia in Paediatric intensive care (CHiP): a randomised controlled trial. (2014) Macrae, Duncan; Grieve, Richard; Allen, Elizabeth; Sadique, Zia; Betts, Helen; Morris, Kevin; Pappachan, Vithayathil John; Parslow, Roger; Tasker, Robert C; Baines, Paul; Broadhead, Michael; Duthie, Mark L; Fortune, Peter-Marc; Inwald, David; McMaster, Paddy; Peters, Mark J; Schindler, Margrid; Guerriero, Carla; Piercy, Deborah; Slavik, Zdenek; Snowdon, Claire; Van Dyck, Laura; Elbourne, Diana
  • A randomized trial of hyperglycemic control in pediatric intensive care. (2014) Macrae, Duncan; Grieve, Richard; Allen, Elizabeth; Sadique, Zia; Morris, Kevin; Pappachan, John; Parslow, Roger; Tasker, Robert C; Elbourne, Diana; CHiP Investigators
  • A trial of hyperglycemic control in pediatric intensive care. (2014) Macrae, Duncan; Tasker, Robert C; Elbourne, Diana
  • 0164 Metagenomic detection of bacteria in aerosol samples in animal slaughterhouses to develop exposure profiles for an epidemiological analysis. (2014) McLean, David; Biggs, Patrick; Leblanc-Maridor, Mily; Hall, Richard; French, Nigel; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • Birthweight and the risk of atopic diseases: the ISAAC Phase III study. (2014) Mitchell, Edwin A; Clayton, Tadd; García-Marcos, Luis; Pearce, Neil; Foliaki, Sunia; Wong, Gary; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
  • N
  • Prevalence and determinants of caesarean section in private and public health facilities in underserved South Asian communities: cross-sectional analysis of data from Bangladesh, India and Nepal. (2014) Neuman, Melissa; Alcock, Glyn; Azad, Kishwar; Kuddus, Abdul; Osrin, David; More, Neena Shah; Nair, Nirmala; Tripathy, Prasanta; Sikorski, Catherine; Saville, Naomi; Sen, Aman; Colbourn, Tim; Houweling, Tanja AJ; Seward, Nadine; Manandhar, Dharma S; Shrestha, Bhim P; Costello, Anthony; Prost, Audrey
  • The 'Switch' study protocol: a randomised-controlled trial of switching to an alternative tumour-necrosis factor (TNF)-inhibitor drug or abatacept or rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have failed an initial TNF-inhibitor drug. (2014) Navarro Coy, Nuria C; Brown, Sarah; Bosworth, Ailsa; Davies, Claire T; Emery, Paul; Everett, Colin C; Fernandez, Catherine; Gray, Janine C; Hartley, Suzanne; Hulme, Claire; Keenan, Anne-Maree; McCabe, Christopher; Redmond, Anthony; Reynolds, Catherine; Scott, David; Sharples, Linda D; Pavitt, Sue; Buch, Maya H
  • A characterization of missingness at random in a generalized shared-parameter joint modeling framework for longitudinal and time-to-event data, and sensitivity analysis. (2014) Njagi, Edmund Njeru; Molenberghs, Geert; Kenward, Michael G; Verbeke, Geert; Rizopoulos, Dimitris
  • Strengthening patient-centred communication in rural Ugandan health centres: A theory-driven evaluation within a cluster randomized trial. (2014) Nayiga, Susan; DiLiberto, Deborah; Taaka, Lilian; Nabirye, Christine; Haaland, Ane; Staedke, Sarah G; Chandler, Clare IR
  • AAIC abstract: Impact of baseline adjustment for vascular risk factors on sample size for atrophy outcomes in Alzheimer's disease clinical trials. (2014) Nicholas, J; Meade, T; Fiford, C; Manning, EN; Carmichael, O; Biessels, GJ; Bartlett, Jonathan; Fox, NC; Frost, C; Barnes, J
  • Targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest. (2014) Nielsen, Niklas; Wetterslev, Jørn; Friberg, Hans; TTM Trial Steering Group
  • Maternal dietary fatty acid intake during pregnancy and the risk of preclinical and clinical type 1 diabetes in the offspring. (2014) Niinistö, Sari; Takkinen, Hanna-Mari; Uusitalo, Liisa; Rautanen, Jenna; Nevalainen, Jaakko; Kenward, Michael G; Lumia, Mirka; Simell, Olli; Veijola, Riitta; Ilonen, Jorma; Knip, Mikael; Virtanen, Suvi M
  • O
  • The development of process measures for the quality of inpatient care given to children hospitalised with common illnesses in Kenya. (2014) Opondo, CLO
  • Experimental hut and bioassay evaluation of the residual activity of a polymer-enhanced suspension concentrate (SC-PE) formulation of deltamethrin for IRS use in the control of Anopheles arabiensis. (2014) Oxborough, Richard M; Kitau, Jovin; Jones, Rebecca; Mosha, Franklin W; Rowland, Mark W
  • Regression discontinuity designs: an approach to the evaluation of treatment efficacy in primary care using observational data. (2014) O'Keeffe, Aidan G; Geneletti, Sara; Baio, Gianluca; Sharples, Linda D; Nazareth, Irwin; Petersen, Irene
  • An efficacy and mechanism evaluation study of Levosimendan for the Prevention of Acute oRgan Dysfunction in Sepsis (LeoPARDS): protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2014) Orme, Robert M L'E; Perkins, Gavin D; McAuley, Daniel F; Liu, Kathleen D; Mason, Alexina J; Morelli, Andrea; Singer, Mervyn; Ashby, Deborah; Gordon, Anthony C
  • Long-lasting control of Anopheles arabiensis by a single spray application of micro-encapsulated pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic® 300 CS). (2014) Oxborough, Richard M; Kitau, Jovin; Jones, Rebecca; Feston, Emmanuel; Matowo, Johnson; Mosha, Franklin W; Rowland, Mark W
  • P
  • Head trauma in sport and neurodegenerative disease: an issue whose time has come? (2014) Pearce, Neil; Gallo, Valentina; McElvenny, Damien
  • Predictors of one-year mortality at hospital discharge after acute coronary syndromes: A new risk score from the EPICOR (long-tErm follow uP of antithrombotic management patterns In acute CORonary syndrome patients) study. (2014) Pocock, Stuart; Bueno, Héctor; Licour, Muriel; Medina, Jesús; Zhang, Lin; Annemans, Lieven; Danchin, Nicholas; Huo, Yong; Van de Werf, Frans
  • Discontinuation of antipsychotic medication in pregnancy: a cohort study. (2014) Petersen, Irene; McCrea, Rachel L; Osborn, David JP; Evans, Stephen; Pinfold, Vanessa; Cowen, Phil J; Gilbert, Ruth; Nazareth, Irwin
  • Individualizing treatment choices using quantitative methods. (2014) Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W; Mehran, Roxana; Clayton, Tim C
  • Do current clinical trials meet society's needs?: a critical review of recent evidence. (2014) Pocock, Stuart J; Gersh, Bernard J
  • Prenatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and autistic symptoms in young children: another red herring? (2014) Petersen, Irene; Evans, Stephen; Nazareth, Irwin
  • Cerebrospinal fluid markers including trefoil factor 3 are associated with neurodegeneration in amyloid-positive individuals. (2014) Paterson, RW; Bartlett, JW; Blennow, K; Fox, NC; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Shaw, LM; Trojanowski, JQ; Zetterberg, H; Schott, JM
  • Dietary patterns derived with multiple methods from food diaries and breast cancer risk in the UK Dietary Cohort Consortium. (2014) Pot, GK; Stephen, AM; Dahm, CC; Key, TJ; Cairns, BJ; Burley, VJ; Cade, JE; Greenwood, DC; Keogh, RH; Bhaniani, A; McTaggart, A; Lentjes, MAH; Mishra, G; Brunner, EJ; Khaw, KT
  • Neurodegenerative disease: the next occupational disease epidemic? (2014) Pearce, Neil; Kromhout, Hans
  • The contribution of biogeographical ancestry and socioeconomic status to racial/ethnic disparities in type 2 diabetes mellitus: results from the Boston Area Community Health Survey. (2014) Piccolo, Rebecca S; Pearce, Neil; Araujo, Andre B; McKinlay, John B
  • Red blood cell transfusion and mortality in trauma patients: risk-stratified analysis of an observational study. (2014) Perel, Pablo; Clayton, Tim; Altman, Doug G; Croft, Peter; Douglas, Ian; Hemingway, Harry; Hingorani, Aroon; Morley, Katherine I; Riley, Richard; Timmis, Adam; Van der Windt, Danielle; Roberts, Ian; PROGRESS Partnership
  • Long-term benefit of early pre-reperfusion metoprolol administration in patients with acute myocardial infarction: results from the METOCARD-CNIC trial (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction). (2014) Pizarro, Gonzalo; Fernández-Friera, Leticia; Fuster, Valentin; Fernández-Jiménez, Rodrigo; García-Ruiz, José M; García-Álvarez, Ana; Mateos, Alonso; Barreiro, María V; Escalera, Noemí; Rodriguez, Maite D; de Miguel, Antonio; García-Lunar, Inés; Parra-Fuertes, Juan J; Sánchez-González, Javier; Pardillos, Luis; Nieto, Beatriz; Jiménez, Adriana; Abejón, Raquel; Bastante, Teresa; Martínez de Vega, Vicente; Cabrera, José A; López-Melgar, Beatriz; Guzman, Gabriela; García-Prieto, Jaime; Mirelis, Jesús G; Zamorano, José Luis; Albarrán, Agustín; Goicolea, Javier; Escaned, Javier; Pocock, Stuart; Iñiguez, Andrés; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Sánchez-Brunete, Vicente; Macaya, Carlos; Ibanez, Borja
  • Commentary: Three worlds collide: Berkson's bias, selection bias and collider bias. (2014) Pearce, Neil; Richiardi, Lorenzo
  • Lifelong Socio Economic Position and biomarkers of later life health: testing the contribution of competing hypotheses. (2014) Ploubidis, George B; Benova, Lenka; Grundy, Emily; Laydon, Daniel; DeStavola, Bianca
  • The road to 25×25: how can the five-target strategy reach its goal? (2014) Pearce, Neil; Ebrahim, Shah; McKee, Martin; Lamptey, Peter; Barreto, Mauricio L; Matheson, Don; Walls, Helen; Foliaki, Sunia; Miranda, Jaime; Chimeddamba, Oyun; Marcos, Luis Garcia; Haines, Andy; Vineis, Paolo
  • The Ikale collaboration: randomized trials of beer recognition. (2014) Pearce, Neil; Brennan, Paul; Foliaki, Sunia; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; D'Souza, Wendyl; Davey Smith, George
  • A method for fast computation of the proportion of variants affecting a complex disease and of the additive genetic variance explained in GWAS SNP studies. (2014) Palla, L; Dudbridge, F
  • More multiarm randomised trials of superiority are needed. (2014) Parmar, Mahesh KB; Carpenter, James; Sydes, Matthew R
  • Confounding and interaction. (2014) Pearce, N; Greenland, S
  • Sports-related head trauma and neurodegenerative disease. (2014) Pearce, Neil; Gallo, Valentina; McElvenny, Damien
  • On Modelling Early Life Weight Trajectories. (2014) Pizzi, Costanza; Cole, Tim J; Corvalan, Camila; Silva, Isabel dos Santos; Richiardi, Lorenzo; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Q
  • A crossover randomised controlled trial of oral mandibular advancement devices for obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea (TOMADO). (2014) Quinnell, Timothy G; Bennett, Maxine; Jordan, Jake; Clutterbuck-James, Abigail L; Davies, Michael G; Smith, Ian E; Oscroft, Nicholas; Pittman, Marcus A; Cameron, Malcolm; Chadwick, Rebecca; Morrell, Mary J; Glover, Matthew J; Fox-Rushby, Julia A; Sharples, Linda D
  • R
  • A cost-utility analysis of a rehabilitation service for people living with and beyond cancer. (2014) Round, Jeff; Leurent, Baptiste; Jones, Louise
  • Feasibility and exploratory efficacy evaluation of the Embrella Embolic Deflector system for the prevention of cerebral emboli in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the PROTAVI-C pilot study. (2014) Rodés-Cabau, Josep; Kahlert, Philip; Neumann, Franz-Josef; Schymik, Gerhard; Webb, John G; Amarenco, Pierre; Brott, Thomas; Garami, Zsolt; Gerosa, Gino; Lefèvre, Thierry; Plicht, Bjoern; Pocock, Stuart J; Schlamann, Marc; Thomas, Martyn; Diamond, Beverly; Merioua, Ihsen; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Vahanian, Alec
  • Inconsistent emotion recognition deficits across stimulus modalities in Huntington׳s disease. (2014) Rees, Elin M; Farmer, Ruth; Cole, James H; Henley, Susie MD; Sprengelmeyer, Reiner; Frost, Chris; Scahill, Rachael I; Hobbs, Nicola Z; Tabrizi, Sarah J
  • The practice of 'doing' evaluation: lessons learned from nine complex intervention trials in action. (2014) Reynolds, Joanna; DiLiberto, Deborah; Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Ansah, Evelyn K; Lal, Sham; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Bruxvoort, Katia; Webster, Jayne; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Yeung, Shunmay; Leslie, Toby; Hutchinson, Eleanor; Reyburn, Hugh; Lalloo, David G; Schellenberg, David; Cundill, Bonnie; Staedke, Sarah G; Wiseman, Virginia; Goodman, Catherine; Chandler, Clare IR
  • Efficacy and cost of video-assisted thoracoscopic partial pleurectomy versus talc pleurodesis in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MesoVATS): an open-label, randomised, controlled trial. (2014) Rintoul, Robert C; Ritchie, Andrew J; Edwards, John G; Waller, David A; Coonar, Aman S; Bennett, Maxine; Lovato, Eleonora; Hughes, Victoria; Fox-Rushby, Julia A; Sharples, Linda D; MesoVATS Collaborators
  • Motor features in posterior cortical atrophy and their imaging correlates. (2014) Ryan, Natalie S; Shakespeare, Timothy J; Lehmann, Manja; Keihaninejad, Shiva; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Leung, Kelvin K; Fox, Nick C; Crutch, Sebastian J
  • Effect of rosuvastatin on repeat heart failure hospitalizations: the CORONA Trial (Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Trial in Heart Failure). (2014) Rogers, Jennifer K; Jhund, Pardeep S; Perez, Ana-Cristina; Böhm, Michael; Cleland, John G; Gullestad, Lars; Kjekshus, John; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Wikstrand, John; Wedel, Hans; McMurray, John JV; Pocock, Stuart J
  • The association between C-reactive protein and delirium in 710 acute elderly hospital admissions. (2014) Ritchie, CW; Newman, TH; Leurent, B; Sampson, EL
  • Representativeness. (2014) Richiardi, Lorenzo; Pizzi, Costanza; Pearce, Neil
  • Lifetime growth and risk of testicular cancer. (2014) Richiardi, Lorenzo; Vizzini, Loredana; Pastore, Guido; Segnan, Nereo; Gillio-Tos, Anna; Fiano, Valentina; Grasso, Chiara; Ciuffreda, Libero; Lista, Patrizia; Pearce, Neil; Merletti, Franco
  • Allostatic load and health in the older population of England: a crossed-lagged analysis. (2014) Read, Sanna; Grundy, Emily
  • Ethnic differences in urinary calcium and phosphate excretion between Gambian and British older adults. (2014) Redmond, J; Palla, L; Yan, L; Jarjou, LMA; Prentice, A; Schoenmakers, I
  • S
  • Is ethnic density associated with risk of child pedestrian injury? A comparison of inter-census changes in ethnic populations and injury rates. (2014) Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith; Kenward, Michael G; Edwards, Phil
  • Association between anthropometry and high blood pressure in a representative sample of preschoolers in madrid. (2014) Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín; Peñalvo, José L
  • CSF neurofilament light differs in neurodegenerative diseases and predicts severity and survival. (2014) Skillbäck, Tobias; Farahmand, Bahman; Bartlett, Jonathan W; Rosén, Christoffer; Mattsson, Niklas; Nägga, Katarina; Kilander, Lena; Religa, Dorota; Wimo, Anders; Winblad, Bengt; Rosengren, Lars; Schott, Jonathan M; Blennow, Kaj; Eriksdotter, Maria; Zetterberg, Henrik
  • Bivalirudin versus heparin with or without glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients with STEMI undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: pooled patient-level analysis from the HORIZONS-AMI and EUROMAX trials. (2014) Stone, Gregg W; Mehran, Roxana; Goldstein, Patrick; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Van't Hof, Arnoud; Guagliumi, Giulio; Hamm, Christian W; Généreux, Philippe; Clemmensen, Peter; Pocock, Stuart J; Gersh, Bernard J; Bernstein, Debra; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Steg, Philippe Gabriel
  • HIV-1 subtype influences susceptibility and response to monotherapy with the protease inhibitor lopinavir/ritonavir. (2014) Sutherland, KA; Ghosn, J; Gregson, J; Mbisa, JL; Chaix, ML; Cohen Codar, I; Delfraissy, JF; Delaugerre, C; Gupta, RK
  • Contemporary inter-hospital transfer patterns for the management of acute coronary syndrome patients: findings from the EPICOR study. (2014) Sinnaeve, Peter R; Zeymer, Uwe; Bueno, Héctor; Danchin, Nicolas; Medina, Jesús; Sánchez-Covisa, Joaquín; Licour, Muriel; Annemans, Lieven; Jukema, J Wouter; Pocock, Stuart; Storey, Robert F; Van de Werf, Frans
  • An exploratory double-blind, randomized clinical trial with selisistat, a SirT1 inhibitor, in patients with Huntington's disease. (2014) Süssmuth, Sigurd D; Haider, Salman; Landwehrmeyer, G Bernhard; Farmer, Ruth; Frost, Chris; Tripepi, Giovanna; Andersen, Claus A; Di Bacco, Marco; Lamanna, Claudia; Diodato, Enrica; Massai, Luisa; Diamanti, Daniela; Mori, Elisa; Magnoni, Letizia; Dreyhaupt, Jens; Schiefele, Karin; Craufurd, David; Saft, Carsten; Rudzinska, Monika; Ryglewicz, Danuta; Orth, Michael; Brzozy, Sebastian; Baran, Anna; Pollio, Giuseppe; Andre, Ralph; Tabrizi, Sarah J; Darpo, Borje; Westerberg, Goran; PADDINGTON Consortium
  • Testing for non-linear causal effects using a binary genotype in a Mendelian randomization study: application to alcohol and cardiovascular traits. (2014) Silverwood, Richard J; Holmes, Michael V; Dale, Caroline E; Lawlor, Debbie A; Whittaker, John C; Smith, George Davey; Leon, David A; Palmer, Tom; Keating, Brendan J; Zuccolo, Luisa; Casas, Juan P; Dudbridge, Frank; Alcohol-ADH1B Consortium
  • R47H TREM2 variant increases risk of typical early-onset Alzheimer's disease but not of prion or frontotemporal dementia. (2014) Slattery, Catherine F; Beck, Jonathan A; Harper, Lorna; Adamson, Gary; Abdi, Zeinab; Uphill, James; Campbell, Tracy; Druyeh, Ron; Mahoney, Colin J; Rohrer, Jonathan D; Kenny, Janna; Lowe, Jessica; Leung, Kelvin K; Barnes, Josephine; Clegg, Shona L; Blair, Melanie; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Guerreiro, Rita J; Rowe, James B; Ponto, Claudia; Zerr, Inga; Kretzschmar, Hans; Gambetti, Pierluigi; Crutch, Sebastian J; Warren, Jason D; Rossor, Martin N; Fox, Nick C; Collinge, John; Schott, Jonathan M; Mead, Simon
  • Mobility Limitation and Changes in Personal Goals Among Older Women. (2014) Saajanaho, Milla; Viljanen, Anne; Read, Sanna; Eronen, Johanna; Kaprio, Jaakko; Jylhä, Marja; Rantanen, Taina
  • Noncontrast myocardial T1 mapping using cardiovascular magnetic resonance for iron overload. (2014) Sado, Daniel M; Maestrini, Viviana; Piechnik, Stefan K; Banypersad, Sanjay M; White, Steven K; Flett, Andrew S; Robson, Matthew D; Neubauer, Stefan; Ariti, Cono; Arai, Andrew; Kellman, Peter; Yamamura, Jin; Schoennagel, Bjoern P; Shah, Farrukh; Davis, Bernard; Trompeter, Sara; Walker, Malcolm; Porter, John; Moon, James C
  • STRengthening analytical thinking for observational studies: the STRATOS initiative. (2014) Sauerbrei, Willi; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Altman, Douglas G; le Cessie, Saskia; Carpenter, James; STRATOS initiative
  • Behavioural and psychiatric symptoms in people with dementia admitted to the acute hospital: prospective cohort study. (2014) Sampson, Elizabeth L; White, Nicola; Leurent, Baptiste; Scott, Sharon; Lord, Kathryn; Round, Jeff; Jones, Louise
  • Siblings, asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema: a worldwide perspective from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. (2014) Strachan, DP; Aït-Khaled, N; Foliaki, S; Mallol, J; Odhiambo, J; Pearce, N; Williams, HC; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
  • Parental and self-reported dietary and physical activity habits in pre-school children and their socio-economic determinants. (2014) Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín; Peñalvo, José L
  • Cancer-specific administrative data-based comorbidity indices provided valid alternative to Charlson and National Cancer Institute Indices. (2014) Sarfati, Diana; Gurney, Jason; Stanley, James; Salmond, Clare; Crampton, Peter; Dennett, Elizabeth; Koea, Jonathan; Pearce, Neil
  • Cognitive and kidney function: results from a British birth cohort reaching retirement age. (2014) Silverwood, Richard J; Richards, Marcus; Pierce, Mary; Hardy, Rebecca; Sattar, Naveed; Ferro, Charles; Savage, Caroline; Kuh, Diana; Nitsch, Dorothea; NSHD scientific and data collection teams
  • Comparison of random forest and parametric imputation models for imputing missing data using MICE: a CALIBER study. (2014) Shah, Anoop D; Bartlett, Jonathan W; Carpenter, James; Nicholas, Owen; Hemingway, Harry
  • Occupational Exposure to HIV: Perceptions and Preventive Practices of Indian Nursing Students. (2014) Shivalli, Siddharudha
  • Healthcare waste management: qualitative and quantitative appraisal of nurses in a tertiary care hospital of India. (2014) Shivalli, Siddharudha; Sanklapur, Vasudha
  • Corrigendum: Scene perception in posterior cortical atrophy: categorization, description and fixation patterns. (2014) Shakespeare, Timothy J; Yong, Keir XX; Frost, Chris; Kim, Lois G; Warrington, Elizabeth K; Crutch, Sebastian J
  • Death, bereavement and randomised controlled trials (BRACELET): a methodological study of policy and practice in neonatal and paediatric intensive care trials. (2014) Snowdon, Claire; Brocklehurst, Peter; Tasker, Robert; Ward Platt, Martin; Harvey, Sheila; Elbourne, Diana
  • T
  • HLA-DRB1*15 influences the development of brain tissue damage in early PPMS. (2014) Tur, Carmen; Ramagopalan, Sreeram; Altmann, Daniel R; Bodini, Benedetta; Cercignani, Mara; Khaleeli, Zhaleh; Miller, David H; Thompson, Alan J; Ciccarelli, Olga
  • Description of 3,180 courses of chelation with dimercaptosuccinic acid in children ≤ 5 y with severe lead poisoning in Zamfara, Northern Nigeria: a retrospective analysis of programme data. (2014) Thurtle, Natalie; Greig, Jane; Cooney, Lauren; Amitai, Yona; Ariti, Cono; Brown, Mary Jean; Kosnett, Michael J; Moussally, Krystel; Sani-Gwarzo, Nasir; Akpan, Henry; Shanks, Leslie; Dargan, Paul I
  • Voxel-based cervical spinal cord mapping of diffusion abnormalities in MS-related myelitis. (2014) Toosy, Ahmed T; Kou, Nancy; Altmann, Daniel; Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia AM; Thompson, Alan J; Ciccarelli, Olga
  • Cost-effectiveness of initial stress cardiovascular MR, stress SPECT or stress echocardiography as a gate-keeper test, compared with upfront invasive coronary angiography in the investigation and management of patients with stable chest pain: mid-term outcomes from the CECaT randomised controlled trial. (2014) Thom, Howard; West, Nicholas EJ; Hughes, Vikki; Dyer, Matthew; Buxton, Martin; Sharples, Linda D; Jackson, Christopher H; Crean, Andrew M; CECaT study group
  • Clinical and cost-effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for health anxiety in medical patients: a multicentre randomised controlled trial. (2014) Tyrer, Peter; Cooper, Sylvia; Salkovskis, Paul; Tyrer, Helen; Crawford, Michael; Byford, Sarah; Dupont, Simon; Finnis, Sarah; Green, John; McLaren, Elenor; Murphy, David; Reid, Steven; Smith, Georgina; Wang, Duolao; Warwick, Hilary; Petkova, Hristina; Barrett, Barbara
  • V
  • A novel common variant in DCST2 is associated with length in early life and height in adulthood. (2014) van der Valk, Ralf JP; Kreiner-Møller, Eskil; Kooijman, Marjolein N; Guxens, Mònica; Stergiakouli, Evangelia; Sääf, Annika; Bradfield, Jonathan P; Geller, Frank; Hayes, M Geoffrey; Cousminer, Diana L; Körner, Antje; Thiering, Elisabeth; Curtin, John A; Myhre, Ronny; Huikari, Ville; Joro, Raimo; Kerkhof, Marjan; Warrington, Nicole M; Pitkänen, Niina; Ntalla, Ioanna; Horikoshi, Momoko; Veijola, Riitta; Freathy, Rachel M; Teo, Yik-Ying; Barton, Sheila J; Evans, David M; Kemp, John P; St Pourcain, Beate; Ring, Susan M; Davey Smith, George; Bergström, Anna; Kull, Inger; Hakonarson, Hakon; Mentch, Frank D; Bisgaard, Hans; Chawes, Bo; Stokholm, Jakob; Waage, Johannes; Eriksen, Patrick; Sevelsted, Astrid; Melbye, Mads; Early Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium; van Duijn, Cornelia M; Medina-Gomez, Carolina; Hofman, Albert; de Jongste, Johan C; Taal, H Rob; Uitterlinden, André G; Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortiu; Armstrong, Loren L; Eriksson, Johan; Palotie, Aarno; Bustamante, Mariona; Estivill, Xavier; Gonzalez, Juan R; Llop, Sabrina; Kiess, Wieland; Mahajan, Anubha; Flexeder, Claudia; Tiesler, Carla MT; Murray, Clare S; Simpson, Angela; Magnus, Per; Sengpiel, Verena; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka; Lewin, Alexandra; Da Silva Couto Alves, Alexessander; Blakemore, Alexandra I; Buxton, Jessica L; Kaakinen, Marika; Rodriguez, Alina; Sebert, Sylvain; Vaarasmaki, Marja; Lakka, Timo; Lindi, Virpi; Gehring, Ulrike; Postma, Dirkje S; Ang, Wei; Newnham, John P; Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka; Pahkala, Katja; Raitakari, Olli T; Panoutsopoulou, Kalliope; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Boomsma, Dorret I; Groen-Blokhuis, Maria; Ilonen, Jorma; Franke, Lude; Hirschhorn, Joel N; Pers, Tune H; Liang, Liming; Huang, Jinyan; Hocher, Berthold; Knip, Mikael; Saw, Seang-Mei; Holloway, John W; Melén, Erik; Grant, Struan FA; Feenstra, Bjarke; Lowe, William L; Widén, Elisabeth; Sergeyev, Elena; Grallert, Harald; Custovic, Adnan; Jacobsson, Bo; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Atalay, Mustafa; Koppelman, Gerard H; Pennell, Craig E; Niinikoski, Harri; Dedoussis, George V; Mccarthy, Mark I; Frayling, Timothy M; Sunyer, Jordi; Timpson, Nicholas J; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Bønnelykke, Klaus; Jaddoe, Vincent WV; Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium
  • Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. (2014) Vandenbroucke, Jan P; von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias; STROBE Initiative
  • The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2014) von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
  • On regression adjustment for the propensity score. (2014) Vansteelandt, S; Daniel, RM
  • Delaying the oocyte maturation trigger by one day leads to a higher metaphase II oocyte yield in IVF/ICSI: a randomised controlled trial. (2014) Vandekerckhove, Frank; Gerris, Jan; Vansteelandt, Stijn; De Baerdemaeker, An; Tilleman, Kelly; De Sutter, Petra
  • Results of the REPAIR Randomised Controlled Trial - Renal Protection Against Ischaemia Reperfusion in Transplantation. (2014) Veighy, K; Clayton, T; Knight, R; Robertson, S; Nicholas, J; Loukogeorgakis, S; de Fijter, JW; Watson, C; Harber, M; MacAllister, R
  • W
  • Incidence and impact of totally occluded culprit coronary arteries in patients presenting with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. (2014) Warren, Josephine; Mehran, Roxana; Yu, Jennifer; Xu, Ke; Bertrand, Michel E; Cox, David A; Lincoff, A Michael; Manoukian, Steven V; Ohman, E Magnus; Pocock, Stuart J; White, Harvey D; Stone, Gregg W
  • Randomized controlled trial of a telephone-based peer-support program for women carrying a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation: impact on psychological distress. (2014) White, Victoria M; Young, Mary-Anne; Farrelly, Ashley; Meiser, Bettina; Jefford, Michael; Williamson, Elizabeth; Ieropoli, Sandra; Duffy, Jessica; Winship, Ingrid
  • Heart failure in younger patients: the Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC). (2014) Wong, Chih M; Hawkins, Nathaniel M; Petrie, Mark C; Jhund, Pardeep S; Gardner, Roy S; Ariti, Cono A; Poppe, Katrina K; Earle, Nikki; Whalley, Gillian A; Squire, Iain B; Doughty, Robert N; McMurray, John JV; MAGGIC Investigators
  • Introduction to propensity scores. (2014) Williamson, Elizabeth J; Forbes, Andrew
  • Evaluation of two-fold fully conditional specification multiple imputation for longitudinal electronic health record data. (2014) Welch, Catherine A; Petersen, Irene; Bartlett, Jonathan W; White, Ian R; Marston, Louise; Morris, Richard W; Nazareth, Irwin; Walters, Kate; Carpenter, James
  • Commentary: Berkson's fallacy and missing data. (2014) Westreich, Daniel; Daniel, Rhian M
  • Comment on Tu et al. 2013. A critical evaluation of statistical approaches to examining the role of growth trajectories in the developmental origins of health and disease. (2014) Wills, Andrew K; Silverwood, Richard J; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Introduction to causal diagrams for confounder selection. (2014) Williamson, Elizabeth J; Aitken, Zoe; Lawrie, Jock; Dharmage, Shyamali C; Burgess, John A; Forbes, Andrew B
  • Application of multiple imputation using the two-fold fully conditional specification algorithm in longitudinal clinical data. (2014) Welch, Catherine; Bartlett, Jonathan; Petersen, Irene
  • Y
  • Prominent effects and neural correlates of visual crowding in a neurodegenerative disease population. (2014) Yong, Keir XX; Shakespeare, Timothy J; Cash, Dave; Henley, Susie MD; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Ridgway, Gerard R; Golden, Hannah L; Warrington, Elizabeth K; Carton, Amelia M; Kaski, Diego; Schott, Jonathan M; Warren, Jason D; Crutch, Sebastian J
  • Z
  • A clinical randomized controlled trial of music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation training in female breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy: results on depression, anxiety and length of hospital stay. (2014) Zhou, Kaina; Li, Xiaomei; Li, Jin; Liu, Miao; Dang, Shaonong; Wang, Duolao; Xin, Xia
  • Current challenges for clinical trials of cardiovascular medical devices. (2014) Zannad, Faiez; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Piña, Ileana L; Mehran, Roxana; Abraham, William T; Anker, Stefan D; De Ferrari, Gaetano M; Farb, Andrew; Geller, Nancy L; Kieval, Robert S; Linde, Cecilia; Redberg, Rita F; Stein, Kenneth; Vincent, Alphons; Woehrle, Holger; Pocock, Stuart J