Conference or Workshop Item
Missing data: Discussion points from the PSI missing data expert group. (2009)
Burzykowski, T; Carpenter, J; Coens, C; Evans, D; France, L; Kenward, M; Lane, P; Matcham, J; Morgan, D; Phillips, A; Roger, J; Sullivan, B; White, I; Yu, LM
The Prevalence and Distribution of the Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies and Their Seizures in Tasmania, Australia. (2009)
D'Souza, W; Roberts, H; Stankovich, J; O'Brien, T; Cook, M; Pearce, N
Characteristics of Frontal and Temporal Cortex in Relation to Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with First-Episode Psychosis. (2009)
Gutierrez, L; Wheeler-Kingshott, C; Altmann, D; Price, G; Chu, E; Leeson, V; Barnes, T; Joyce, E; Ron, M
The Relationship Between Baseline Testing of Serum Electrolytes and Creatinine and Adverse Outcomes in Patients Treated with Antihypertensive Drugs: An Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching Methods. (2009)
McDowell, SE; Coleman, JJ; Evans, SJW; Ferner, RE
Scope for meta-analysis of gene-environment interactions using published data: the case of PPARγ gene. (2009)
Palla, L; Higgins, J; Sharp, S; Wareham, N
Stage 2 Genome-Wide Association Study of Candidate Low Penetrance Genes Implicated in Breast Cancer Risk. (2009)
Ross, GM; Johnson, N; Fletcher, O; Orr, N; Hosking, F; Ashworth, A; Silva, IDS; Lathrop, M; Houlston, R; Peto, J