Items where Author is "Gafos, Mitzy"

Number of items: 72.
Bibliographic data only
  • Healthcare providers' knowledge of, attitudes to and practice of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV infection. (2015) Desai, M; Gafos, M; Dolling, D; McCormack, S; Nardone, A; PROUD study
  • HIV moments and pre-exposure prophylaxis--Authors' reply. (2016) Dunn, David T; Gafos, Mitzy; White, Ellen; McCormack, Sheena
  • The new General Medical Services (GMS) contract and the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV in England. (2004) Gafos, Mitzy
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent the acquisition of HIV-1 infection (PROUD): effectiveness results from the pilot phase of a pragmatic open-label randomised trial. (2015) McCormack, Sheena; Dunn, David T; Desai, Monica; Dolling, David I; Gafos, Mitzy; Gilson, Richard; Sullivan, Ann K; Clarke, Amanda; Reeves, Iain; Schembri, Gabriel; Mackie, Nicola; Bowman, Christine; Lacey, Charles J; Apea, Vanessa; Brady, Michael; Fox, Julie; Taylor, Stephen; Antonucci, Simone; Khoo, Saye H; Rooney, James; Nardone, Anthony; Fisher, Martin; McOwan, Alan; Phillips, Andrew N; Johnson, Anne M; Gazzard, Brian; Gill, Owen N
  • Re-framing microbicide acceptability: findings from the MDP301 trial. (2010) Montgomery, Catherine M; Gafos, Mitzy; Lees, Shelley; Morar, Neetha S; Mweemba, Oliver; Ssali, Agnes; Stadler, Jonathan; Pool, Robert; MDP Team
  • Family planning methods among women in a vaginal microbicide feasibility study in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2008) Subramanian, Laura; McGrath, Nuala; Ndlovu, Hlengiwe; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Socioeconomic and behavioural factors influencing choice, adherence and success of microbicide formulations. Tolley, E; Friedland, B; Gafos, M; Amico, R; Van Damme, L; Woodsong, C; etal
  • Public
  • Long-term consistent use of a vaginal microbicide gel among HIV-1 sero-discordant couples in a phase III clinical trial (MDP 301) in rural south-west Uganda. (2013) Abaasa, Andrew; Crook, Angela; Gafos, Mitzy; Anywaine, Zacchaeus; Levin, Jonathan; Wandiembe, Symon; Nanoo, Ananta; Nunn, Andrew; McCormack, Sheena; Hayes, Richard; Kamali, Anatoli
  • Uptake of hormonal contraceptives and correlates of uptake in a phase III clinical trial in rural South Western Uganda. (2017) Abaasa, Andrew; Gafos, Mitzy; Anywaine, Zacchaeus; Nunn, Andrew; Crook, Angela; Levin, Jonathan; McCormack, Sheena; Kamali, Anatoli
  • Perceptions and Practicalities Influencing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Adherence Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in England. (2022) Arnold-Forster, Dora; Horne, Robert; Nutland, Will; Wayal, Sonali; Rayment, Michael; Rae, Caroline; Desai, Monica; Clarke, Amanda; Sullivan, Ann; McCormack, Sheena; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Secular changes in child marriage and secondary school completion among rural adolescent girls in India. (2019) Beattie, Tara S; Javalkar, Prakash; Gafos, Mitzy; Heise, Lori; Moses, Stephen; Prakash, Ravi
  • Assessing the effect of the Samata intervention on factors hypothesised to be on the pathway to child marriage and school drop-out: results from a cluster-randomised trial in rural north Karnataka, India. (2020) Beattie, Tara S; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Collumbien, Martine; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Davey, Calum; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Watts, Charlotte; Isac, Shajy; Gafos, Mitzy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • Mental health, physical impairment and violence among FSWS in North Karnataka, South India: a story of intersecting vulnerabilities. (2021) Beksinska, Alicja; Beattie, Tara S; Platt, Lucy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Prakash, Ravi; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Dibbadahalli, Kavitha; Collumbien, Martine; Gafos, Mitzy; Davey, Calum; Watts, Charlotte; Isac, Shajy; Jewkes, Rachel
  • Longitudinal experiences and risk factors for common mental health problems and suicidal behaviours among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya. (2022) Beksinska, Alicja; Shah, Pooja; Kungu, Mary; Kabuti, Rhoda; Babu, Hellen; Jama, Zaina; Panneh, Mamtuti; Nyariki, Emily; Nyabuto, Chrispo; Okumu, Monica; Ngurukiri, Pauline; Irungu, Erastus; Kaul, Rupert; Seeley, Janet; Gafos, Mitzy; Beattie, Tara S; Weiss, Helen A; Kimani, Joshua
  • Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of Biomedical, Non-Surgical HIV Prevention Interventions: A Systematic Literature Review. (2022) Bozzani, Fiammetta M; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Quaife, Matthew; Gafos, Mitzy; Indravudh, Pitchaya P; Giddings, Rebecca; Medley, Graham F; Malhotra, Shelly; Torres-Rueda, Sergio
  • Adolescent Girls and Their Family Members' Attitudes Around Gendered Power Inequity and Associations with Future Aspirations in Karnataka, India. (2022) Closson, Kalysha; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Beattie, Tara; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Collumbien, Martine; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Isac, Shajy; Watts, Charlotte; Moses, Stephen; Gafos, Mitzy; Heise, Lori; Becker, Marissa; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • Injectable and oral contraceptives and risk of HIV acquisition in women: an analysis of data from the MDP301 trial. (2014) Crook, Angela M; Ford, Deborah; Gafos, Mitzy; Hayes, Richard; Kamali, Anatoli; Kapiga, Saidi; Nunn, Andrew; Chisembele, Maureen; Ramjee, Gita; Rees, Helen; McCormack, Sheena
  • High incidence of Hepatitis C virus infection observed in the PROUD study of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. (2020) Desai, Monica; White, Ellen; Vora, Nina; Gilson, Richard; Lacey, Charles; Gafos, Mitzy; Clarke, Amanda; Sullivan, Ann; White, David; Fox, Julie; Piontkowsky, David; McCormack, Sheena; Dunn, David T
  • Optimizing HIV prevention for women: a review of evidence from microbicide studies and considerations for gender-sensitive microbicide introduction. (2015) Doggett, Elizabeth G; Lanham, Michele; Wilcher, Rose; Gafos, Mitzy; Karim, Quarraisha A; Heise, Lori
  • An analysis of baseline data from the PROUD study: an open-label randomised trial of pre-exposure prophylaxis. (2016) Dolling, David I; Desai, Monica; McOwan, Alan; Gilson, Richard; Clarke, Amanda; Fisher, Martin; Schembri, Gabriel; Sullivan, Ann K; Mackie, Nicola; Reeves, Iain; Portman, Mags; Saunders, John; Fox, Julie; Bayley, Jake; Brady, Michael; Bowman, Christine; Lacey, Charles J; Taylor, Stephen; White, David; Antonucci, Simone; Gafos, Mitzy; McCormack, Sheena; Gill, Owen N; Dunn, David T; Nardone, Anthony; PROUD Study Group
  • Correction: The Impact of Gender Norms on Condom Use among HIV-Positive Adults in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2015) Fladseth, K; Gafos, M; Newell, ML; McGrath, N
  • The impact of gender norms on condom use among HIV-positive adults in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2015) Fladseth, Kristin; Gafos, Mitzy; Newell, Marie Louise; McGrath, Nuala
  • Protocol, rationale and design of SELPHI: a randomised controlled trial assessing whether offering free HIV self-testing kits via the internet increases the rate of HIV diagnosis. (2018) Gabriel, Michelle M; Dunn, David T; Speakman, Andrew; McCabe, Leanne; Ward, Denise; Witzel, T Charles; Harbottle, Justin; Collins, Simon; Gafos, Mitzy; Burns, Fiona M; Lampe, Fiona C; Weatherburn, Peter; Phillips, Andrew; McCormack, Sheena; Rodger, Alison J
  • Preventing HIV Among Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa. (2020) Gafos, Mitzy; Beattie, Tara; Stoebenau, Kirsten; Baron, Deborah; Weiner, Renay; Wamoyi, Joyce; Letsela, Lebohang; Hargreaves, James; Mshana, Gerry; Kapiga, Saidi; Stangl, Anne; Remme, Michelle; Heise, Lori; Seeley, Janet
  • Acceptability of an open-label wait-listed trial design: Experiences from the PROUD PrEP study. (2017) Gafos, Mitzy; Brodnicki, Elizabeth; Desai, Monica; McCormack, Sheena; Nutland, Will; Wayal, Sonali; White, Ellen; Wood, Gemma; Barber, Tristan; Bell, Gill; Clarke, Amanda; Dolling, David; Dunn, David; Fox, Julie; Haddow, Lewis; Lacey, Charles; Nardone, Anthony; Quinn, Killian; Rae, Caroline; Reeves, Iain; Rayment, Michael; White, David; Apea, Vanessa; Ayap, Wilbert; Dewsnap, Claire; Collaco-Moraes, Yolanda; Schembri, Gabriel; Sowunmi, Yinka; Horne, Rob; PROUD Study Team
  • Response to the Hammoud et al paper on 'the new MTV generation'. (2018) Gafos, Mitzy; Chas, Julie; Pialoux, Gilles
  • The Context of Sexual Risk Behaviour Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Seeking PrEP, and the Impact of PrEP on Sexual Behaviour. (2018) Gafos, Mitzy; Horne, Rob; Nutland, Will; Bell, Gill; Rae, Caroline; Wayal, Sonali; Rayment, Michael; Clarke, Amanda; Schembri, Gabriel; Gilson, Richard; McOwan, Alan; Sullivan, Ann; Fox, Julie; Apea, Vanessa; Dewsnap, Claire; Dolling, David; White, Ellen; Brodnicki, Elizabeth; Wood, Gemma; Dunn, David; McCormack, Sheena
  • How effective is effective enough? Opinions of potential end-users of microbicides from a rural South African community. (2012) Gafos, Mitzy; Mzimela, Misiwe A; Ndlovu, Hlengiwe B; McCormack, Sheena; McGrath, Nuala
  • "One teabag is better than four": Participants response to the discontinuation of 2% PRO2000/5 microbicide gel in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2011) Gafos, Mitzy; Mzimela, Misiwe; Ndlovu, Hlengiwe; Mhlongo, Nkosinathi; Hoogland, Yael; Mutemwa, Richard
  • Intravaginal insertion in KwaZulu-Natal: sexual practices and preferences in the context of microbicide gel use. (2010) Gafos, Mitzy; Mzimela, Misiwe; Sukazi, Sizakele; Pool, Robert; Montgomery, Catherine; Elford, Jonathan
  • Communication About Microbicide Use Between Couples in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2015) Gafos, Mitzy; Pool, Robert; Mzimela, Misiwe Adelaide; Ndlovu, Hlengiwe Beauty; McCormack, Sheena; Elford, Jonathan; MDP Team
  • The implications of post-coital intravaginal cleansing for the introduction of vaginal microbicides in South Africa. (2014) Gafos, Mitzy; Pool, Robert; Mzimela, Misiwe Adelaide; Ndlovu, Hlengiwe Beauty; McCormack, Sheena; Elford, Jonathan; MDP team
  • "PROUD to have been involved": an evaluation of participant and community involvement in the PROUD HIV prevention trial. (2020) Gafos, Mitzy; South, Annabelle; Hanley, Bec; Brodnicki, Elizabeth; Hodson, Matthew; McCormack, Sheena; Witzel, T Charles; Harbottle, Justin; Vale, Claire
  • A qualitative study exploring the social and environmental context of recently acquired HIV infection among men who have sex with men in South-East England. (2017) Gourlay, Annabelle; Fox, Julie; Gafos, Mitzy; Fidler, Sarah; Nwokolo, Nneka; Clarke, Amanda; Gilson, Richard; Orkin, Chloe; Collins, Simon; Porter, Kholoud; Hart, Graham
  • Repositioning Implementation Science in the HIV Response: Looking Ahead From AIDS 2018. (2019) Hargreaves, James; Dalal, Shona; Rice, Brian; Anderegg, Nanina; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Gafos, Mitzy; Hensen, Bernadette; Mangenah, Collin; Quaife, Matthew; Padian, Nancy
  • Effectiveness of a multilevel intervention to reduce violence and increase condom use in intimate partnerships among female sex workers: cluster randomised controlled trial in Karnataka, India. (2019) Javalkar, Prakash; Platt, Lucy; Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara; Collumbien, Martine; Gafos, Mitzy; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Davey, Calum; Jewkes, Rachel; Watts, Charlotte; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Thalinji, Raghavendra; DL, Kavitha; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • The dapivirine vaginal ring from the perspective of married men in Uganda. (2021) Kabarambi, Anita; Kusemererwa, Sylvia; Krogstad, Emily; Mayaud, Philippe; Seeley, Janet; Mugisha, Joseph; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Alcohol Availability, Marketing, and Sexual Health Risk Amongst Urban and Rural Youth in South Africa. (2018) Letsela, Lebohang; Weiner, Renay; Gafos, Mitzy; Fritz, Katherine
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men who have experienced problematic chemsex. (2020) Maxwell, Steven; Gafos, Mitzy; Moncrieff, Monty; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Stirrup, Oliver
  • Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use and Medication Adherence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Review of the Literature. (2019) Maxwell, Steven; Gafos, Mitzy; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Chemsex behaviours among men who have sex with men: A systematic review of the literature. (2018) Maxwell, Steven; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Biomedical prevention: state of the science. (2014) McCormack, Sheena M; Gafos, Mitzy; Desai, Monica; Cohen, Myron S
  • PRO2000 vaginal gel for prevention of HIV-1 infection (Microbicides Development Programme 301): a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial. (2010) McCormack, Sheena; Ramjee, Gita; Kamali, Anatoli; Rees, Helen; Crook, Angela M; Gafos, Mitzy; Jentsch, Ute; Pool, Robert; Chisembele, Maureen; Kapiga, Saidi; Mutemwa, Richard; Vallely, Andrew; Palanee, Thesla; Sookrajh, Yuki; Lacey, Charles J; Darbyshire, Janet; Grosskurth, Heiner; Profy, Albert; Nunn, Andrew; Hayes, Richard; Weber, Jonathan
  • Intimate partner violence, depression, and sexual behaviour among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in the PROUD trial. (2019) Miltz, Ada R; Lampe, Fiona C; Bacchus, Loraine J; McCormack, Sheena; Dunn, David; White, Ellen; Rodger, Alison; Phillips, Andrew N; Sherr, Lorraine; Clarke, Amanda; McOwan, Alan; Sullivan, Ann; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in the PROUD randomised clinical trial of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. (2019) Miltz, Ada; Lampe, Fiona; McCormack, Sheena; Dunn, David; White, Ellen; Rodger, Alison; Phillips, Andrew; Sherr, Lorraine; Sullivan, Ann K; Reeves, Iain; Clarke, Amanda; Gafos, Mitzy
  • High HIV prevalence and incidence among women in Southern Mozambique: Evidence from the MDP microbicide feasibility study. (2017) Mocumbi, Sibone; Gafos, Mitzy; Munguambe, Khatia; Goodall, Ruth; McCormack, Sheena; Microbicides Development Programme
  • Investigating the Influence of Teacher Characteristics on Quality Implementation of HIV and AIDS Education in Selected South African Schools. (2021) Mzimela, AM; Nzima, DR; Ndlovu, BH; Sibanda, M; Kutame, AP; Gafos, Mitzy; Ajani, OA
  • Experiences of and attitudes towards HIV testing for Asian, Black and Latin American men who have sex with men (MSM) in the SELPHI (HIV Self-Testing Public Health Intervention) randomized controlled trial in England and Wales: implications for HIV self-testing. (2022) Nicholls, Emily Jay; Samba, Phil; McCabe, Leanne; Gafos, Mitzy; Philips, Andrew N; Trevelion, Roy; Rodger, Alison J; Burns, Fiona M; Weatherburn, Peter; Witzel, T Charles
  • Chemsex is not a barrier to self-reported daily PrEP adherence among PROUD study participants. (2019) O'Halloran, Charlotte; Rice, Brian; White, Ellen; Desai, Monica; Dunn, David T; McCormack, Sheena; Sullivan, Ann K; White, David; McOwan, Alan; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Mental health challenges and perceived risks among female sex Workers in Nairobi, Kenya. (2022) Panneh, Mamtuti; Gafos, Mitzy; Nyariki, Emily; Liku, Jennifer; Shah, Pooja; Wanjiru, Rhoda; Wanjiru, Mary; Beksinska, Alicja; Pollock, James; Maisha Fiti Study Champions; Jama, Zaina; Babu, Hellen; Kaul, Rupert; Seeley, Janet; Bradley, John; Kimani, Joshua; Beattie, Tara
  • A mixed methods and triangulation model for increasing the accuracy of adherence and sexual behaviour data: the Microbicides Development Programme. (2010) Pool, Robert; Montgomery, Catherine M; Morar, Neetha S; Mweemba, Oliver; Ssali, Agnes; Gafos, Mitzy; Lees, Shelley; Stadler, Jonathan; Crook, Angela; Nunn, Andrew; Hayes, Richard; McCormack, Sheena
  • Assessing the accuracy of adherence and sexual behaviour data in the MDP301 vaginal microbicides trial using a mixed methods and triangulation model. (2010) Pool, Robert; Montgomery, Catherine M; Morar, Neetha S; Mweemba, Oliver; Ssali, Agnes; Gafos, Mitzy; Lees, Shelley; Stadler, Jonathan; Nunn, Andrew; Crook, Angela; Hayes, Richard; McCormack, Sheena
  • Normalizing Alcohol Consumption among Youth: Role of Peers, Media, and Access to Alcohol in Mumbai. (2020) Prabhughate, Priti; Srinivasan, Sriyanchita; Ranga, Vikram; Fritz, Katherine; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Changes in Family-Level Attitudes and Norms and Association with Secondary School Completion and Child Marriage Among Adolescent Girls: Results from an Exploratory Study Nested Within a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial in India. (2020) Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara S; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Javalkar, Prakash; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Davey, Calum; Gafos, Mitzy; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • The Samata intervention to increase secondary school completion and reduce child marriage among adolescent girls: results from a cluster-randomised control trial in India. (2019) Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara S; Javalkar, Prakash; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Davey, Calum; Gafos, Mitzy; Blanchard, James; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Isac, Shajy
  • Risk compensation and STI incidence in PrEP programmes. (2019) Quaife, Matthew; MacGregor, Louis; Ong, Jason J; Gafos, Mitzy; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Grant, Hannah; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Vickerman, Peter
  • 'I have the confidence to ask': thickening agency among adolescent girls in Karnataka, South India. (2020) Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Collumbien, Martine; Pujar, Ashwini; Howard-Merrill, Lottie; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Beattie, Tara; Moses, Stephen; Isac, Shajy; Gafos, Mitzy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Heise, Lori
  • Health and wellbeing needs and priorities in mining host communities in South Africa: a mixed-methods approach for identifying key SDG3 targets. (2022) Rice, Brian; Boccia, Delia; Carter, Daniel J; Weiner, Renay; Letsela, Lebohang; de Wit, Mariken; Pursell, Rebecca; Jana, Michael; Buller, Ana Maria; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Syndemic of factors that shape the early lives of women who enter into sex work: a qualitative methods study from Nairobi, Kenya. (2023) Shah, Pooja; Beattie, Tara S; Kabuti, Rhoda; Liku, Jennifer; Kung'u, Mary; Babu, Hellen; Jama, Zaina; Maisha Fiti Study Champions; Kaul, Rupert; Weiss, Helen Anne; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Medley, Graham F; Devries, Karen; Gafos, Mitzy; Nyariki, Emily; Kimani, Joshua; Seeley, Janet
  • Erratum to: 'Models and impact of patient and public involvement in studies carried out by the Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London: findings from ten case studies'. (2016) South, A; Hanley, B; Gafos, M; Cromarty, B; Stephens, R; Sturgeon, K; Scott, K; Cragg, WJ; Tweed, CD; Teera, J; Vale, CL
  • Models and impact of patient and public involvement in studies carried out by the Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London: findings from ten case studies. (2016) South, Annabelle; Hanley, Bec; Gafos, Mitzy; Cromarty, Ben; Stephens, Richard; Sturgeon, Kate; Scott, Karen; Cragg, William J; Tweed, Conor D; Teera, Jacqueline; Vale, Claire L
  • Using choice experiments to improve equity in access to socially marketed HIV prevention products. (2021) Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mulatu, Abay; Quaife, Matthew; Gafos, Mitzy; Medley, Graham F; MacPhail, Catherine; Hanson, Kara
  • When participants get involved: reconsidering patient and public involvement in clinical trials at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL. (2018) Vale, Claire L; Cragg, William J; Cromarty, Ben; Hanley, Bec; South, Annabelle; Stephens, Richard; Sturgeon, Kate; Gafos, Mitzy
  • Capitalising on aspirations of adolescent girls and young women to reduce their sexual health risks: Implications for HIV prevention. (2021) Wamoyi, Joyce; Gafos, Mitzy; Howard-Merrill, Lottie; Seeley, Janet; Meiksin, Rebecca; Kygombe, Nambusi; Heise, Lori; Buller, Ana Maria
  • Predictive factors for HIV infection among men who have sex with men and who are seeking PrEP: a secondary analysis of the PROUD trial. (2019) White, Ellen; Dunn, David T; Desai, Monica; Gafos, Mitzy; Kirwan, Peter; Sullivan, Ann K; Clarke, Amanda; McCormack, Sheena; PROUD study group
  • Pilot phase of an internet-based RCT of HIVST targeting MSM and transgender people in England and Wales: advertising strategies and acceptability of the intervention. (2019) Witzel, T Charles; Gabriel, Michelle M; McCabe, Leanne; Weatherburn, Peter; Gafos, Mitzy; Speakman, Andrew; Pebody, Roger; Burns, Fiona M; Bonell, Chris; Lampe, Fiona C; Dunn, David T; Ward, Denise; Harbottle, Justin; Phillips, Andrew N; McCormack, Sheena; Rodger, Alison J
  • Impact and acceptability of HIV self-testing for trans men and trans women: A mixed-methods subgroup analysis of the SELPHI randomised controlled trial and process evaluation in England and Wales. (2021) Witzel, T Charles; Wright, Talen; McCabe, Leanne; Gabriel, Michelle M; Wolton, Aedan; Gafos, Mitzy; Ward, Denise; Lampe, Fiona C; Phillips, Andrew N; Trevelion, Roy; Collaco-Moraes, Yolanda; Harbottle, Justin; Speakman, Andrew; Bonell, Chris; Dunn, David D; McCormack, Sheena; Burns, Fiona M; Weatherburn, Peter; Rodger, Alison J
  • HIV self-testing intervention experiences and kit usability: results from a qualitative study among men who have sex with men in the SELPHI (Self-Testing Public Health Intervention) randomized controlled trial in England and Wales. (2019) Witzel, TC; Bourne, A; Burns, FM; Rodger, AJ; McCabe, L; Gabriel, MM; Gafos, M; Ward, D; Collaco-Moraes, Y; Dunn, DT; Speakman, A; Bonell, C; Pebody, R; Lampe, FC; Harbottle, J; Phillips, AN; McCormack, S; Weatherburn, P
  • Microbicide clinical trial adherence: insights for introduction. (2013) Woodsong, Cynthia; MacQueen, Kathleen; Amico, K Rivet; Friedland, Barbara; Gafos, Mitzy; Mansoor, Leila; Tolley, Elizabether; McCormack, Sheena
  • Accessing and utilising gender-affirming healthcare in England and Wales: trans and non-binary people's accounts of navigating gender identity clinics. (2021) Wright, Talen; Nicholls, Emily Jay; Rodger, Alison J; Burns, Fiona M; Weatherburn, Peter; Pebody, Roger; McCabe, Leanne; Wolton, Aedan; Gafos, Mitzy; Witzel, T Charles
  • Quality control and performance of HIV rapid tests in a microbicide clinical trial in rural KwaZulu-Natal. (2012) von Knorring, Nina; Gafos, Mitzy; Ramokonupi, Motsei; Jentsch, Ute; MDP Team
  • Restricted
  • Exploring Mechanisms of Action: Using a Testing Typology to Understand Intervention Performance in an HIV Self-Testing RCT in England and Wales. (2020) Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam; Rodger, Alison J; Bonell, Chris; Gafos, Mitzy; Trevelion, Roy; Speakman, Andrew; Lampe, Fiona; Ward, Denise; Dunn, David T; Gabriel, Michelle M; McCabe, Leanne; Harbottle, Justin; Moraes, Yolanda Collaco; Michie, Susan; Phillips, Andrew N; McCormack, Sheena; Burns, Fiona M