Items where Author is "Berridge, Virginia"
Number of items: 200.
  • Addiction Lives: Sir Ian Gilmore. (2023) Berridge, Virginia picture_as_pdf
  • Addiction Lives: Robin Davidson. (2023) Berridge, Virginia picture_as_pdf
  • 2022
  • The Many Endings of Recent Epidemics: HIV/AIDS, Swine Flu 2009, and Policy. (2022) Berridge, Virginia
  • Addiction Lives: Jacek Moskalewicz. (2022) Berridge, Virginia
  • 2021
  • A first pass, using pre-history and contemporary history, at understanding why Australia and England have such different policies towards electronic nicotine delivery systems, 1970s-c. 2018. (2021) Berridge, Virginia; Hall, Wayne; Taylor, Suzanne; Gartner, Coral; Morphett, Kylie
  • 2020
  • HIV Pioneers: Lives Lost, Careers Changed and Survival. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • Book review of History of WHO in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 2020. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • History and the future of addiction. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown, and Elizabeth Fee. The World Health Organization: A History. (2020) Berridge, Virginia
  • 2019
  • Addiction Lives: Moira Plant. (2019) Berridge, Virginia
  • The age of addiction. (2019) Berridge, Virginia
  • Addiction Lives: Susanne MacGregor. (2019) Berridge, Virginia; MacGregor, Susanne
  • Addiction Lives: Dennis McCarty. (2019) Berridge, Virginia; McCarty, Dennis
  • The problems of commissioned oral history: the swine flu ' crisis' of 2009. (2019) Berridge, Virginia; Taylor, Suzanne
  • 'Lifestyle', heart disease, and the British public: c.1950 to c.2000. (2019) Clark, PM
  • 2018
  • The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over Addiction Treatment in the United States by Claire D. Clark. (2018) Berridge, Virginia description
  • Addiction Lives: Betsy Thom. (2018) Berridge, Virginia
  • Why policy needs history (and historians). (2018) Berridge, Virginia
  • The Medical Council on Alcohol's 50th Anniversary Witness Seminar. (2018) Berridge, Virginia description
  • Addiction Lives: Ingeborg Rossow. (2018) Berridge, Virginia
  • Infiltrating history into the public health curriculum. (2018) Berridge, Virginia S
  • Using Digitised Medical Journals in a Cross European Project on Addiction History. (2018) Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
  • AIDS Inside and Out: HIV/AIDS and Penal Policy in Ireland and England & Wales in the 1980s and 1990s. (2018) Weston, Janet; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2017
  • Reframing the science and policy of nicotine, illegal drugs and alcohol - conclusions of the ALICE RAP Project. (2017) Anderson, Peter; Berridge, Virginia; Conrod, Patricia; Dudley, Robert; Hellman, Matilda; Lachenmeier, Dirk; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Miller, David; Rehm, Jürgen; Room, Robin; Schmidt, Laura; Sullivan, Roger; Ysa, Tamyko; Gual, Antoni
  • Addiction Lives: Thomas F. Babor. (2017) Berridge, Virginia; Babor, Thomas F
  • Addiction Lives: Wayne Hall. (2017) Berridge, Virginia; Hall, Wayne
  • HIV/AIDS and the prison service of England & Wales. (2017) Weston, J; Berridge, V
  • 2016
  • Public Health: A Very Short Introduction. (2016) Berridge, V
  • Was addiction psychiatry an accident of history? (2016) Berridge, Virgina description
  • History and the future: Looking back to look forward? (2016) Berridge, Virginia
  • Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts: Subcultures, Drugs, and Regulation under the 'British System', c.1917 to c.1960. (2016) Hallam, Chris
  • Concepts of Addictive Substances and Behaviors across Time and Place. (2016) Hellman, M; Berridge, V; Duke, K; Mold, A
  • Ownership of addiction: variations across time and place. (2016) Hellman, M; Berridge, V; Duke, K; Mold, A
  • Concepts of addiction in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s: what does a long view tell us about drugs, alcohol and tobacco. (2016) Mold, A; Beccaria, F; Berridge, V; Eisenbach-Stangl, I; Herczynska, G; Moskalewicz, J; Petrilli, E; Taylor, S picture_as_pdf
  • The Internationalisation of Tobacco Control, 1950-2010. (2016) Reubi, David; Berridge, Virginia
  • WHO expert committees and key concepts for drugs, alcohol and tobacco, 1949-2013. (2016) Taylor, S; Berridge, V; Mold, A
  • 2015
  • Addiction through the Ages: a review of the development of concepts and ideas about addiction in European countries since the nineteenth century and the role of international organisations in the process. (2015) Berridge, V; Edman, J; Mold, A; Taylor, S
  • History and its contribution to understanding addiction and society. (2015) Berridge, Virginia
  • 2014
  • January 2014 podcast - TB control, sexual wellbeing of gay men, and changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Virginia Berridge - changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Demons: Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. (2014) Berridge, V
  • Victoria A. Harden, AIDS at 30: A History. (2014) Berridge, V
  • Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s: Concepts and Responses in Italy, Poland, Austria, and the United Kingdom. (2014) Berridge, V; Mold, A; Beccaria, F; Eisenbach-Stangl, I; Herczy Ska, G; Moskalewicz, J; Petrilli, E; Taylor, S
  • From inebriety to addiction: terminology and concepts in the UK, 1860-1930. (2014) Berridge, V; Walke, J; Mold, A
  • Drugs, alcohol, and the First World War. (2014) Berridge, Virginia
  • Electronic cigarettes and history. (2014) Berridge, Virginia
  • The development of mental health services within primary care in India: learning from oral history. (2014) van Ginneken, Nadja; Jain, Sanjeev; Patel, Vikram; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2013
  • Demons: Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. (2013) Berridge, V
  • <i>Social Poison: The Culture and Politics of Opiate Control in Britain and France, 1821–1926</i>. By Howard Padwa.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012. Pp. xii+232. $55.00. (2013) Berridge, Virginia
  • Mitchell et al. editorial on library closures. (2013) Berridge, Virginia; Mold, Alex picture_as_pdf
  • Partnerships: survey respondents’ perceptions of inter-professional collaboration to address alcohol-related harms in England. (2013) Thom, Betsy; Herring, Rachel; Bayley, Mariana; Waller, Seta; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2012
  • THOMAS M. HUNT. Drug Games: The International Olympic Committee and the Politics of Doping, 1960-2008. (2012) Berridge, V
  • The rise, fall, and revival of recovery in drug policy. (2012) Berridge, Virginia
  • Golden holocaust: origins of the cigarette catastrophe and the case for abolition. (2012) Berridge, Virginia
  • History: a social science neglected by other social sciences (and why it should not be). (2012) Berridge, Virginia; Stewart, John
  • 2011
  • House on the Hill:Victorian style. (2011) Berridge, V
  • Contemporary History of health and Medicine. (2011) Berridge, V
  • Environment, Health and History. (2011) Berridge, V; Gorsky, M
  • Introduction. (2011) Berridge, V; Gorsky, M
  • Public Health in History. (2011) Berridge, V; Gorsky, M; Mold, A
  • Professionalisation, new social movements and voluntary action in the 1960s and 1970s. (2011) Berridge, V; Mold, A
  • Local and National Policy Making for Alcohol: Nottingham, UK, 1950–2007. (2011) McGregor, Jane; Berridge, Virginia
  • What can be learnt from historical analysis? Community health workers and health policy in South Africa. A response to van Rensburg, H.C.J., Wouters, E., and de Wet, K.'s critique (in this issue). (2011) van Ginneken, Nadja; Lewin, Simon; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2010
  • Pioneers Of Medicine? Take A Walk Around The London School of Hygiene... - 20 September 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Why are some drugs legal and others not? (2010) Berridge, V
  • Hidden from history?: Oral history and the history of health policy. (2010) Berridge, V
  • Changing policy: reflections on the role of public health evidence. (2010) Berridge, V picture_as_pdf
  • Medizin, Public Health und die Medien in Großbritannien von 1950 bis 1980. (2010) Berridge, V
  • Historical and policy approaches to the evaluation of health promotion. (2010) Berridge, V
  • The politics of alcohol: a history of the drink question in England, by James Nicholls. (2010) Berridge, Virginia
  • Thinking in time: does health policy need history as evidence? (2010) Berridge, Virginia
  • Anti-alcohol posters in Poland, 1945-1989: diverse meanings, uncertain effects. (2010) Gorsky, Martin; Krajewski-Siuda, Krzysztof; Dutka, Wojciech; Berridge, Virginia
  • Voluntary Action and Illegal Drugs: Health and Society in Britain Since the 1960s. (2010) Mold, A; Berridge, V
  • Safe motherhood: the making of a global health initiative. (2010) Storeng, KT
  • The emergence of community health worker programmes in the late apartheid era in South Africa: An historical analysis. (2010) van Ginneken, Nadja; Lewin, Simon; Berridge, Virginia picture_as_pdf
  • 2009
  • The present as history: writing the history of one's own time, Eric Hobsbawm (1993). (2009) Berridge, V
  • The Black Report: Reinterpreting History. (2009) Berridge, V
  • Binge Drinking: A Confused Concept and its Contemporary History. (2009) Berridge, V; Herring, R; Thom, B
  • Historical Dimensions of Global Health Governance. (2009) Berridge, V; Loughlin, K; Herring, R
  • Heroin prescription and history. (2009) Berridge, Virginia
  • Heroin: The Treatment of Addiction in Twentieth Century Britain. (2009) Berridge, Virginia
  • Consuming Habits: Global and Historical Perspectives on How Cultures Define Drugs, 2nd edition. (2009) Berridge, Virginia
  • Medicine, public health and the media in Britain from the nineteen-fifties to the nineteen-seventies. (2009) Berridge, Virginia
  • Book Review: Didier Fassin, translated by Amy Jacobs and Gabrielle Varro, When Bodies Remember: Experiences and Politics of AIDS in South Africa, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007; xxiv + 365 pp; £12.95; ISBN 978—0—520— 25027—7. (2009) Berridge, Virginia
  • Networking health research in Britain: the post-war childhood leukaemia trials. (2009) Moscucci, Ornella; Herring, Rachel; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2008
  • Bayard Roberts, Sian Clarke, Sandy Cairncross, Claire Bertschinger and more - 11 August 2008. (2008) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • The Khat Controversy: Stimulating the Debate on Drugs. (2008) Berridge, V
  • Medicine and the Public: The 1962 Report of the Royal College of Physicians and the New Public Health. (2008) Berridge, V
  • Crisis and Opportunity in Drug Policy: Changing the Direction of British Drug Services in the 1980s. (2008) Berridge, V; Mold, A
  • 'Atlantic crossings' and networks in science and medicine. (2008) Berridge, Virginia
  • The Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London (LSHTM). (2008) Berridge, Virginia
  • Drugs and empires: Essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c.1500-c.1930. (2008) Berridge, Virginia
  • History matters? History's role in health policy making. (2008) Berridge, Virginia picture_as_pdf
  • Louise Foxcroft, The making of addiction: the ‘use and abuse’ of opium in nineteenth-century Britain, The History of Medicine in Context, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, pp. xvii, 199, £55.00, $99.95 (hardback 978-0-7546-5633-3). (2008) Berridge, Virginia
  • Primary care: Polyclinics: haven't we been there before? (2008) Berridge, Virginia
  • Binge drinking: an exploration of a confused concept. (2008) Herring, R; Berridge, V; Thom, B
  • Binge drinking today: Learning lessons from the past. (2008) Herring, Rachel; Berridge, Virginia; Thom, Betsy
  • Constructive imperialism and sobriety: Evidence of alcoholism among candidates for the British Colonial Service from 1898–1904. (2008) Knowlton, Richard; Berridge, Virginia
  • Whatever Happened to Health Education? Mapping the Grey Literature Collection Inherited by NICE. (2008) Loughlin, K; Berridge, V
  • ‘The rise of the user’? Voluntary organizations, the state and illegal drugs in England since the 1960s. (2008) Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2007
  • Martin McKee and Virginia Berridge - 1 July 2007. (2007) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Disability and Social Policy in Britain since 1750. (2007) Berridge, V
  • Multidisciplinary public health: what sort of victory? (2007) Berridge, V
  • Marketing Health. Smoking and the discourse of public health in Britain,1945-2000. (2007) Berridge, V
  • Smoking and the Sea Change in Public Health, 1945-2007. (2007) Berridge, V
  • The normalisation of binge drinking? A historical and cross cultural investigation with implications for action. (2007) Berridge, V; Thom, B; Herring, R
  • Medicine and the public: the 1962 report of the Royal College of Physicians and the new public health. (2007) Berridge, Virginia
  • Public health activism: lessons from history? (2007) Berridge, Virginia
  • Book Reviews. (2007) Berridge, Virginia
  • Advertising Sin and Sickness. The Politics of Alcohol and Tobacco Marketing, 1950-90. (2007) Berridge, Virginia
  • Book Reviews. (2007) Berridge, Virginia
  • Making public health history usable: the launch of a new series in JECH. (2007) Berridge, Virginia
  • Crisis and Opportunity in Drug Policy: Changing the Direction of British Drug Services in the 1980s. (2007) Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2006
  • Public Health in the 1980s and 1990s: Decline and rise. The transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 12 October 2004. (2006) Berridge, VA; Christie, DA; Tansey, E. M. (eds)
  • Digitizing and democratizing historical research. (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Pubs and Progressives.�Reinventing the Public House in England, 1896-1960. (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Social medicine: national and international transfer of ideas. (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Sander L Gilman and Zhou Xun (eds), Smoke: a global history of smoking, London, Reaktion Books, 2004, pp. 408, illus., £29.00 (hardback 1-86189-200-4). (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • New strategies for alcohol policy—lessons from history? (2006) Berridge, Virginia
  • Treating Childhood Leukaemia: the MRC's Childhood Leukaemia Trials. (2006) Moscucci, O; Berridge, V
  • Foresight. Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future: Executive Summary. (2006) Office of Science and Innovation( inc. Barnett, T; Bartlett, C; Smith, PG; Berridge, V; Bradley, D; Coker, R; Fine, P; Geissler, PW; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, P
  • Medicinal plants and Malaria: an historical case study of research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the twentieth century. (2006) Taylor, Suzanne; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2005
  • Narcotic culture: A history of drugs in China. (2005) Berridge, V
  • Making health Policy; networks in research and policy after 1945. (2005) Berridge, V
  • Temperance: Its History and Impact on Current and Future Alcohol Policy. (2005) Berridge, V
  • Medicine, the market and the mass media; producing health in the twentieth century. (2005) Berridge, V; Loughlin, K
  • The Big Smoke: Fifty years after the 1952 London Smog - A commemorative conference. (2005) Berridge, V; Taylor, S. (eds)
  • Illicit drugs, infectious disease and public health: A historical perspective. (2005) Berridge, Virginia; Bourne, Shawna
  • Smoking and the new health education in Britain 1950s-1970s. (2005) Berridge, Virginia; Loughlin, Kelly
  • 2004
  • Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Why alcohol is legal and other drugs are not - An examination of the relevance of past experiences to current policy-making. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Review: Drink and British Politics since 1830. A Study in Policy Making. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Public/private relationships in health in the twentieth century. (2004) Berridge, V
  • Militants, Manufacturers, and Governments: Postwar Smoking Policy in the United Kingdom. (2004) Berridge, V
  • The how but not the why; more context needed. (2004) Berridge, Virgina
  • Punishment or treatment? Inebriety, drink, and drugs, 1860-2004. (2004) Berridge, Virginia
  • Book Review<b>Drugs, Prisons and Policy Making</b>Karen Duke. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xii + 206 pp. ISBN 0-333-98203-7. (2004) Berridge, Virginia
  • The importance of the past in public health. (2004) Berridge, Virginia; Gorsky, Martin
  • History of addictions. (2004) Berridge, Virginia; Mars, Sarah
  • 2003
  • Drug misuse and the community pharmacist: a historical overview. (2003) Anderson, S; Berridge, V
  • Alcohol policy and the flux of ideologies. Comment on Chapter 1: Setting the Policy agenda. (2003) BERRIDGE, VIRGINIA
  • Alcohol policy and the flux of ideologies. Comment on Chapter 1: Setting the Policy agenda. (2003) Berridge, V
  • History and twentieth-century drug policy: telling true stories? [Essay review]. (2003) Berridge, V
  • Public health history. (2003) Berridge, V
  • Post-war smoking policy in the UK and the redefinition of public health. (2003) Berridge, V
  • Public or Policy Understanding of History? (2003) Berridge, V
  • Review: Book reviews. (2003) Berridge, V
  • The pursuit of oblivion: A global history of narcotics, 1500-2000. (2003) Berridge, V
  • The Black report: interpreting history. (2003) Berridge, V
  • Poor health: social inequality before and after the Black report. (2003) Berridge, V; Blume, S
  • History and twentieth-century drug policy: telling true stories? Essay review. (2003) Berridge, Virginia picture_as_pdf
  • Queen Victoria's Cannabis Use: Or, How History Does and Does Not Get Used in Drug Policy Making. (2003) Berridge, Virginia
  • Post-war smoking policy in the UK and the redefinition of public health. (2003) Berridge, Virginia
  • Professional ambitions, political inclinations, and protein problems: conflict and compromise in the BMA Nutrition Committee 1947-1950. (2003) Bufton, Mark W; Smith, David F; Berridge, Virginia picture_as_pdf
  • Drugs - therapy and pleasure. (2003) Mars, S; Berridge, V
  • 2002
  • Review: AIDS Doctors. Voices from the Epidemic. An Oral History. (2002) Berridge, V
  • The Politics of Heroin in South-east Asia. (2002) Berridge, V
  • Classic texts revisited: the politics of Heroin in South-east Asia: Alfred W. McCoy with Cathleen B. Read & Leonard P. Adams II, The Politics of Heroin in South-east Asia. New York, Harper and Row, 1972. (2002) Berridge, V
  • AIDS and British drug policy: continuity or change? (2002) Berridge, V
  • Introduction: AIDS and contemporary history. (2002) Berridge, V
  • Biographies of remedies. Drugs, Medicines and Contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo- American healing cultures. (2002) Berridge, V
  • AIDS and contemporary history. (2002) Berridge, V; Strong, P
  • AIDS and the rise of the patient? Activist organisation and HIV/AIDS in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s. (2002) Berridge, Virginia
  • Changing places: illicit drugs, medicines, tobacco and nicotine in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (2002) Berridge, Virginia
  • Substance abuse and compromise of fathering. (2002) Berridge, Virginia
  • Reviews of Books:Forces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World David T. Courtwright. (2002) Berridge, Virginia
  • Health and Medicine in Britain since 1860 (review). (2002) Berridge, Virginia
  • 2001
  • Book Reviews. (2001) BERRIDGE, V
  • How to have theory in an epidemic: Cultural chronicles of AIDS [Book review]. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Christopher Hamlin, Public Health and Social Justice in the Age of Chadwick: Britain, 1800–1854. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Smoking in British Popular Culture, 1800-2000, Matthew Hilton. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Constructing women and smoking as a public health problem in Britain 1950-1990s. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Liquid Pleasures: a social history of drinks in Modern Britain. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Blood saga: Hemophilia, AIDS and the survival of community. (2001) Berridge, V
  • How to have theory in an epidemic: Cultural chronicles of AIDS. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Illicit drugs and internationalism: the forgotten dimension. Essay review. (2001) Berridge, V
  • History in the public health tool kit. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Jerry Morris. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Smoking in popular British culture, 1800-2000. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Old age in English history: past experiences, present issues. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Altered states: Opium and tobacco compared. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Temps et passe recent: contexte historique des questions de sante publique. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Raw materials of history. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Blood saga: Hemophilia, AIDS and the survival of community [Book review]. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Prohibition. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Disease, risk, harm and safety: trends in post-war British alcohol policy. (2001) Berridge, V
  • If you want people to take your advice...befriend a civil servant. (2001) Berridge, VS
  • Smoking and public health. (2001) Berridge, VS
  • Historical research. (2001) Berridge, VS
  • The impact of war and depression, 1918 to 1948. (2001) Berridge, VS; Harrison, M; Weindling, P
  • Mobilisation for total welfare, 1948-1974. (2001) Berridge, VS; Webster, C; Walt, G
  • Constructing Women and Smoking as a Public Health Problem in Britain 1950–1990s. (2001) Berridge, Virginia
  • Dangerous Liaisons: A Social History of Venereal Disease in Twentieth-Century Scotland (review). (2001) Berridge, Virginia
  • The era of public health, 1848 to 1918. (2001) Pelling, M; Berridge, VS; Harrison, M; Weindling, P
  • Vertical ancestries and horizontal risk: Hepatitis B and AIDS. (2001) Stanton, J; Berridge, V
  • 1997
  • Alcohol treatment policy 1950-1990 : from alcohol treatment to alcohol problems management. (1997) Thom, Elizabeth Whyte
  • 1996
  • Nutrition and poverty : the case of lone-parent households in the U.K. (1996) Dowler, Elizabeth Ann
  • 1995
  • Health policy and medical research: hepatitis B in the UK since the 1940s. (1995) Stanton, Jennifer Margaret