Items where Author is "Berridge, Virginia"
Number of items: 200.
Addiction Lives: Moira Plant. (2019)
Berridge, Virginia
The age of addiction. (2019)
Berridge, Virginia
Addiction Lives: Susanne MacGregor. (2019)
Berridge, Virginia; MacGregor, Susanne
Addiction Lives: Dennis McCarty. (2019)
Berridge, Virginia; McCarty, Dennis
The problems of commissioned oral history: the swine flu ' crisis' of 2009. (2019)
Berridge, Virginia; Taylor, Suzanne
'Lifestyle', heart disease, and the British public: c.1950 to c.2000. (2019)
Clark, PM
The Recovery Revolution: The Battle over Addiction Treatment in the United States by Claire D. Clark. (2018)
Berridge, Virginia
Addiction Lives: Betsy Thom. (2018)
Berridge, Virginia
Why policy needs history (and historians). (2018)
Berridge, Virginia
The Medical Council on Alcohol's 50th Anniversary Witness Seminar. (2018)
Berridge, Virginia
Addiction Lives: Ingeborg Rossow. (2018)
Berridge, Virginia
Infiltrating history into the public health curriculum. (2018)
Berridge, Virginia S
Using Digitised Medical Journals in a Cross European Project on Addiction History. (2018)
Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
AIDS Inside and Out: HIV/AIDS and Penal Policy in Ireland and England & Wales in the 1980s and 1990s. (2018)
Weston, Janet; Berridge, Virginia
Reframing the science and policy of nicotine, illegal drugs and alcohol - conclusions of the ALICE RAP Project. (2017)
Anderson, Peter; Berridge, Virginia; Conrod, Patricia; Dudley, Robert; Hellman, Matilda; Lachenmeier, Dirk; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Miller, David; Rehm, Jürgen; Room, Robin; Schmidt, Laura; Sullivan, Roger; Ysa, Tamyko; Gual, Antoni
Addiction Lives: Thomas F. Babor. (2017)
Berridge, Virginia; Babor, Thomas F
Addiction Lives: Wayne Hall. (2017)
Berridge, Virginia; Hall, Wayne
HIV/AIDS and the prison service of England & Wales. (2017)
Weston, J; Berridge, V
Public Health: A Very Short Introduction. (2016)
Berridge, V
Was addiction psychiatry an accident of history? (2016)
Berridge, Virgina
History and the future: Looking back to look forward? (2016)
Berridge, Virginia
Script Doctors and Vicious Addicts: Subcultures, Drugs, and Regulation under the 'British System', c.1917 to c.1960. (2016)
Hallam, Chris
Concepts of Addictive Substances and Behaviors across Time and Place. (2016)
Hellman, M; Berridge, V; Duke, K; Mold, A
Ownership of addiction: variations across time and place. (2016)
Hellman, M; Berridge, V; Duke, K; Mold, A
Concepts of addiction in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s: what does a long view tell us about drugs, alcohol and tobacco. (2016)
Mold, A; Beccaria, F; Berridge, V; Eisenbach-Stangl, I; Herczynska, G; Moskalewicz, J; Petrilli, E; Taylor, S
The Internationalisation of Tobacco Control, 1950-2010. (2016)
Reubi, David; Berridge, Virginia
WHO expert committees and key concepts for drugs, alcohol and tobacco, 1949-2013. (2016)
Taylor, S; Berridge, V; Mold, A
January 2014 podcast - TB control, sexual wellbeing of gay men, and changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014)
Virginia Berridge - changing attitudes towards drugs. (2014)
Demons: Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. (2014)
Berridge, V
Victoria A. Harden, AIDS at 30: A History. (2014)
Berridge, V
Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s: Concepts and Responses in Italy, Poland, Austria, and the United Kingdom. (2014)
Berridge, V; Mold, A; Beccaria, F; Eisenbach-Stangl, I; Herczy Ska, G; Moskalewicz, J; Petrilli, E; Taylor, S
From inebriety to addiction: terminology and concepts in the UK, 1860-1930. (2014)
Berridge, V; Walke, J; Mold, A
Drugs, alcohol, and the First World War. (2014)
Berridge, Virginia
Electronic cigarettes and history. (2014)
Berridge, Virginia
The development of mental health services within primary care in India: learning from oral history. (2014)
van Ginneken, Nadja; Jain, Sanjeev; Patel, Vikram; Berridge, Virginia
Demons: Our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. (2013)
Berridge, V
<i>Social Poison: The Culture and Politics of Opiate Control in Britain and France, 1821–1926</i>. By Howard Padwa.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012. Pp. xii+232. $55.00. (2013)
Berridge, Virginia
Mitchell et al. editorial on library closures. (2013)
Berridge, Virginia; Mold, Alex
Partnerships: survey respondents’ perceptions of inter-professional collaboration to address alcohol-related harms in England. (2013)
Thom, Betsy; Herring, Rachel; Bayley, Mariana; Waller, Seta; Berridge, Virginia
House on the Hill:Victorian style. (2011)
Berridge, V
Contemporary History of health and Medicine. (2011)
Berridge, V
Environment, Health and History. (2011)
Berridge, V; Gorsky, M
Introduction. (2011)
Berridge, V; Gorsky, M
Public Health in History. (2011)
Berridge, V; Gorsky, M; Mold, A
Professionalisation, new social movements and voluntary action in the 1960s and 1970s. (2011)
Berridge, V; Mold, A
Local and National Policy Making for Alcohol: Nottingham, UK, 1950–2007. (2011)
McGregor, Jane; Berridge, Virginia
What can be learnt from historical analysis? Community health workers and health policy in South Africa. A response to van Rensburg, H.C.J., Wouters, E., and de Wet, K.'s critique (in this issue). (2011)
van Ginneken, Nadja; Lewin, Simon; Berridge, Virginia
Pioneers Of Medicine? Take A Walk Around The London School of Hygiene... - 20 September 2010. (2010)
Why are some drugs legal and others not? (2010)
Berridge, V
Hidden from history?: Oral history and the history of health policy. (2010)
Berridge, V
Changing policy: reflections on the role of public health evidence. (2010)
Berridge, V
Medizin, Public Health und die Medien in Großbritannien von 1950 bis 1980. (2010)
Berridge, V
Historical and policy approaches to the evaluation of health promotion. (2010)
Berridge, V
The politics of alcohol: a history of the drink question in England, by James Nicholls. (2010)
Berridge, Virginia
Thinking in time: does health policy need history as evidence? (2010)
Berridge, Virginia
Anti-alcohol posters in Poland, 1945-1989: diverse meanings, uncertain effects. (2010)
Gorsky, Martin; Krajewski-Siuda, Krzysztof; Dutka, Wojciech; Berridge, Virginia
Voluntary Action and Illegal Drugs: Health and Society in Britain Since the 1960s. (2010)
Mold, A; Berridge, V
Safe motherhood: the making of a global health initiative. (2010)
Storeng, KT
The emergence of community health worker programmes in the late apartheid era in South Africa: An historical analysis. (2010)
van Ginneken, Nadja; Lewin, Simon; Berridge, Virginia
The present as history: writing the history of one's own time, Eric Hobsbawm (1993). (2009)
Berridge, V
The Black Report: Reinterpreting History. (2009)
Berridge, V
Binge Drinking: A Confused Concept and its Contemporary History. (2009)
Berridge, V; Herring, R; Thom, B
Historical Dimensions of Global Health Governance. (2009)
Berridge, V; Loughlin, K; Herring, R
Heroin prescription and history. (2009)
Berridge, Virginia
Heroin: The Treatment of Addiction in Twentieth Century Britain. (2009)
Berridge, Virginia
Consuming Habits: Global and Historical Perspectives on How Cultures Define Drugs, 2nd edition. (2009)
Berridge, Virginia
Medicine, public health and the media in Britain from the nineteen-fifties to the nineteen-seventies. (2009)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Review: Didier Fassin, translated by Amy Jacobs and Gabrielle Varro, When Bodies Remember: Experiences and Politics of AIDS in South Africa, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2007; xxiv + 365 pp; £12.95; ISBN 978—0—520— 25027—7. (2009)
Berridge, Virginia
Networking health research in Britain: the post-war childhood leukaemia trials. (2009)
Moscucci, Ornella; Herring, Rachel; Berridge, Virginia
Bayard Roberts, Sian Clarke, Sandy Cairncross, Claire Bertschinger and more - 11 August 2008. (2008)
The Khat Controversy: Stimulating the Debate on Drugs. (2008)
Berridge, V
Medicine and the Public: The 1962 Report of the Royal College of Physicians and the New Public Health. (2008)
Berridge, V
Crisis and Opportunity in Drug Policy: Changing the Direction of British Drug Services in the 1980s. (2008)
Berridge, V; Mold, A
'Atlantic crossings' and networks in science and medicine. (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
The Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London (LSHTM). (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
Drugs and empires: Essays in modern imperialism and intoxication, c.1500-c.1930. (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
History matters? History's role in health policy making. (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
Louise Foxcroft, The making of addiction: the ‘use and abuse’ of opium in nineteenth-century Britain, The History of Medicine in Context, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, pp. xvii, 199, £55.00, $99.95 (hardback 978-0-7546-5633-3). (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
Primary care: Polyclinics: haven't we been there before? (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
Binge drinking: an exploration of a confused concept. (2008)
Herring, R; Berridge, V; Thom, B
Binge drinking today: Learning lessons from the past. (2008)
Herring, Rachel; Berridge, Virginia; Thom, Betsy
Constructive imperialism and sobriety: Evidence of alcoholism among candidates for the British Colonial Service from 1898–1904. (2008)
Knowlton, Richard; Berridge, Virginia
Whatever Happened to Health Education? Mapping the Grey Literature Collection Inherited by NICE. (2008)
Loughlin, K; Berridge, V
‘The rise of the user’? Voluntary organizations, the state and illegal drugs in England since the 1960s. (2008)
Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
Martin McKee and Virginia Berridge - 1 July 2007. (2007)
Disability and Social Policy in Britain since 1750. (2007)
Berridge, V
Multidisciplinary public health: what sort of victory? (2007)
Berridge, V
Marketing Health. Smoking and the discourse of public health in Britain,1945-2000. (2007)
Berridge, V
Smoking and the Sea Change in Public Health, 1945-2007. (2007)
Berridge, V
The normalisation of binge drinking? A historical and cross cultural investigation with implications for action. (2007)
Berridge, V; Thom, B; Herring, R
Medicine and the public: the 1962 report of the Royal College of Physicians and the new public health. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Public health activism: lessons from history? (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Reviews. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Advertising Sin and Sickness. The Politics of Alcohol and Tobacco Marketing, 1950-90. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Reviews. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Making public health history usable: the launch of a new series in JECH. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Crisis and Opportunity in Drug Policy: Changing the Direction of British Drug Services in the 1980s. (2007)
Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
Public Health in the 1980s and 1990s: Decline and rise. The transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 12 October 2004. (2006)
Berridge, VA; Christie, DA; Tansey, E. M. (eds)
Digitizing and democratizing historical research. (2006)
Berridge, Virginia
Pubs and Progressives.�Reinventing the Public House in England, 1896-1960. (2006)
Berridge, Virginia
Social medicine: national and international transfer of ideas. (2006)
Berridge, Virginia
Sander L Gilman and Zhou Xun (eds), Smoke: a global history of smoking, London, Reaktion Books, 2004, pp. 408, illus., £29.00 (hardback 1-86189-200-4). (2006)
Berridge, Virginia
New strategies for alcohol policy—lessons from history? (2006)
Berridge, Virginia
Berridge, Virginia
Treating Childhood Leukaemia: the MRC's Childhood Leukaemia Trials. (2006)
Moscucci, O; Berridge, V
Foresight. Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future: Executive Summary. (2006)
Office of Science and Innovation( inc. Barnett, T; Bartlett, C; Smith, PG; Berridge, V; Bradley, D; Coker, R; Fine, P; Geissler, PW; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, P
Medicinal plants and Malaria: an historical case study of research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the twentieth century. (2006)
Taylor, Suzanne; Berridge, Virginia
Narcotic culture: A history of drugs in China. (2005)
Berridge, V
Making health Policy; networks in research and policy after 1945. (2005)
Berridge, V
Temperance: Its History and Impact on Current and Future Alcohol Policy. (2005)
Berridge, V
Medicine, the market and the mass media; producing health in the twentieth century. (2005)
Berridge, V; Loughlin, K
The Big Smoke: Fifty years after the 1952 London Smog - A commemorative conference. (2005)
Berridge, V; Taylor, S. (eds)
Illicit drugs, infectious disease and public health: A historical perspective. (2005)
Berridge, Virginia; Bourne, Shawna
Smoking and the new health education in Britain 1950s-1970s. (2005)
Berridge, Virginia; Loughlin, Kelly
Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition. (2004)
Berridge, V
Why alcohol is legal and other drugs are not - An examination of the relevance of past experiences to current policy-making. (2004)
Berridge, V
Review: Drink and British Politics since 1830. A Study in Policy Making. (2004)
Berridge, V
Public/private relationships in health in the twentieth century. (2004)
Berridge, V
Militants, Manufacturers, and Governments: Postwar Smoking Policy in the United Kingdom. (2004)
Berridge, V
The how but not the why; more context needed. (2004)
Berridge, Virgina
Punishment or treatment? Inebriety, drink, and drugs, 1860-2004. (2004)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Review<b>Drugs, Prisons and Policy Making</b>Karen Duke. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xii + 206 pp. ISBN 0-333-98203-7. (2004)
Berridge, Virginia
The importance of the past in public health. (2004)
Berridge, Virginia; Gorsky, Martin
History of addictions. (2004)
Berridge, Virginia; Mars, Sarah
Drug misuse and the community pharmacist: a historical overview. (2003)
Anderson, S; Berridge, V
Alcohol policy and the flux of ideologies. Comment on Chapter 1: Setting the Policy agenda. (2003)
Alcohol policy and the flux of ideologies. Comment on Chapter 1: Setting the Policy agenda. (2003)
Berridge, V
History and twentieth-century drug policy: telling true stories? [Essay review]. (2003)
Berridge, V
Public health history. (2003)
Berridge, V
Post-war smoking policy in the UK and the redefinition of public health. (2003)
Berridge, V
Public or Policy Understanding of History? (2003)
Berridge, V
Review: Book reviews. (2003)
Berridge, V
The pursuit of oblivion: A global history of narcotics, 1500-2000. (2003)
Berridge, V
The Black report: interpreting history. (2003)
Berridge, V
Poor health: social inequality before and after the Black report. (2003)
Berridge, V; Blume, S
History and twentieth-century drug policy: telling true stories? Essay review. (2003)
Berridge, Virginia
Queen Victoria's Cannabis Use: Or, How History Does and Does Not Get Used in Drug Policy Making. (2003)
Berridge, Virginia
Post-war smoking policy in the UK and the redefinition of public health. (2003)
Berridge, Virginia
Professional ambitions, political inclinations, and protein problems: conflict and compromise in the BMA Nutrition Committee 1947-1950. (2003)
Bufton, Mark W; Smith, David F; Berridge, Virginia
Drugs - therapy and pleasure. (2003)
Mars, S; Berridge, V
Review: AIDS Doctors. Voices from the Epidemic. An Oral History. (2002)
Berridge, V
The Politics of Heroin in South-east Asia. (2002)
Berridge, V
Classic texts revisited: the politics of Heroin in South-east Asia:
Alfred W. McCoy with Cathleen B. Read & Leonard P. Adams II, The Politics of Heroin in South-east Asia. New York, Harper and Row, 1972. (2002)
Berridge, V
AIDS and British drug policy: continuity or change? (2002)
Berridge, V
Introduction: AIDS and contemporary history. (2002)
Berridge, V
Biographies of remedies. Drugs, Medicines and Contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo- American healing cultures. (2002)
Berridge, V
AIDS and contemporary history. (2002)
Berridge, V; Strong, P
AIDS and the rise of the patient? Activist organisation and HIV/AIDS in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s. (2002)
Berridge, Virginia
Changing places: illicit drugs, medicines, tobacco and nicotine in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (2002)
Berridge, Virginia
Substance abuse and compromise of fathering. (2002)
Berridge, Virginia
Reviews of Books:Forces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World David T. Courtwright. (2002)
Berridge, Virginia
Health and Medicine in Britain since 1860 (review). (2002)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Reviews. (2001)
How to have theory in an epidemic: Cultural chronicles of AIDS [Book review]. (2001)
Berridge, V
Christopher Hamlin, Public Health and Social Justice in the Age of Chadwick: Britain, 1800–1854. (2001)
Berridge, V
Smoking in British Popular Culture, 1800-2000, Matthew Hilton. (2001)
Berridge, V
Constructing women and smoking as a public health problem in Britain 1950-1990s. (2001)
Berridge, V
Liquid Pleasures: a social history of drinks in Modern Britain. (2001)
Berridge, V
Blood saga: Hemophilia, AIDS and the survival of community. (2001)
Berridge, V
How to have theory in an epidemic: Cultural chronicles of AIDS. (2001)
Berridge, V
Illicit drugs and internationalism: the forgotten dimension. Essay review. (2001)
Berridge, V
History in the public health tool kit. (2001)
Berridge, V
Jerry Morris. (2001)
Berridge, V
Smoking in popular British culture, 1800-2000. (2001)
Berridge, V
Old age in English history: past experiences, present issues. (2001)
Berridge, V
Altered states: Opium and tobacco compared. (2001)
Berridge, V
Temps et passe recent: contexte historique des questions de sante publique. (2001)
Berridge, V
Raw materials of history. (2001)
Berridge, V
Blood saga: Hemophilia, AIDS and the survival of community [Book review]. (2001)
Berridge, V
Prohibition. (2001)
Berridge, V
Disease, risk, harm and safety: trends in post-war British alcohol policy. (2001)
Berridge, V
If you want people to take your advice...befriend a civil servant. (2001)
Berridge, VS
Smoking and public health. (2001)
Berridge, VS
Historical research. (2001)
Berridge, VS
The impact of war and depression, 1918 to 1948. (2001)
Berridge, VS; Harrison, M; Weindling, P
Mobilisation for total welfare, 1948-1974. (2001)
Berridge, VS; Webster, C; Walt, G
Constructing Women and Smoking as a Public Health Problem in Britain 1950–1990s. (2001)
Berridge, Virginia
Dangerous Liaisons: A Social History of Venereal Disease in Twentieth-Century Scotland (review). (2001)
Berridge, Virginia
The era of public health, 1848 to 1918. (2001)
Pelling, M; Berridge, VS; Harrison, M; Weindling, P
Vertical ancestries and horizontal risk: Hepatitis B and AIDS. (2001)
Stanton, J; Berridge, V