Items where Author is "Rhodes, Tim"
Number of items: 196.
  • How do care environments shape healthcare? A synthesis of qualitative studies among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022) Harrison, Mia; Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • Precarious Lives, Precarious Treatments: Making Drug Treatment Work in Northern Myanmar. (2022) Rhodes, Tim; Kyaw, Khine Wut Yee; Harris, Magdalena picture_as_pdf
  • Uncomfortable science: How mathematical models, and consensus, come to be in public policy. (2022) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • Making pandemics big: On the situational performance of Covid-19 mathematical models. (2022) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • 2021
  • New directions for participatory modelling in health: Redistributing expertise in relation to localised matters of concern. (2021) Adams, Sophie; Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • Conceptualising hepatitis C stigma: A thematic synthesis of qualitative research. (2021) Harris, Magdalena; Guy, Danielle; Picchio, Camila A; White, Trenton M; Rhodes, Tim; Lazarus, Jeffrey V
  • Situating adherence to medicines: The embodied practices and hinterlands of HIV antiretrovirals. (2021) Nicholls, Emily Jay; Rhodes, Tim; Egede, Siri Jonina
  • Ecologies of drug war and more-than-human health: The case of a chemical at war with a plant. (2021) Rhodes, Tim; Harris, Magdalena; Sanín, Francisco Gutiérrez; Lancaster, Kari
  • Excitable models: Projections, targets, and the making of futures without disease. (2021) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • 2020
  • Methadone as indiscipline: The making of the virtuous subject in Kyrgyz prisons. (2020) Azbel, Lyuba
  • More-than-harm reduction: Engaging with alternative ontologies of 'movement' in UK drug services. (2020) Dennis, Fay; Rhodes, Tim; Harris, Magdalena
  • Towards an ontological politics of drug policy: Intervening through policy, evidence and method. (2020) Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim
  • Making evidence and policy in public health emergencies: lessons from COVID-19 for adaptive evidence-making and intervention. (2020) Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim; Rosengarten, Marsha
  • A qualitative study of diphenhydramine injection in Kyrgyz prisons and implications for harm reduction. (2020) Meyer, Jaimie P; Culbert, Gabriel J; Azbel, Lyuba; Bachireddy, Chethan; Kurmanalieva, Ainura; Rhodes, Tim; Altice, Frederick L
  • Mathematical models as public troubles in COVID-19 infection control: following the numbers. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • How to think with models and targets: Hepatitis C elimination as a numbering performance. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari
  • Modelling the pandemic: attuning models to their contexts. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari; Lees, Shelley; Parker, Melissa
  • A model society: maths, models and expertise in viral outbreaks. (2020) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari; Rosengarten, Marsha description
  • 2019
  • 'Just another vial…': a qualitative study to explore the acceptability and feasibility of routine blood-borne virus testing in an emergency department setting in the UK. (2019) Cullen, Lucy; Grenfell, Pippa; Rodger, Alison; Orkin, Chloe; Mandal, Sema; Rhodes, Tim
  • Understanding how, why, for whom, and under what circumstances opt-out blood-borne virus testing programmes work to increase test engagement and uptake within prison: a rapid-realist review. (2019) Francis-Graham, Seth; Ekeke, Nnenna Adaniya; Nelson, Corey Andrew; Lee, Tin Yan; Haj, Sulaima El; Rhodes, Tim; Vindrola, Cecilia; Colbourn, Tim; Rosenberg, William
  • A ‘promising tool’? A critical review of the social and ethico-political effects of wastewater analysis in the context of illicit drug epidemiology and drug policy. (2019) Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim; valentine, kylie; Ritter, Alison
  • "A more accurate understanding of drug use": A critical analysis of wastewater analysis technology for drug policy. (2019) Lancaster, Kari; Ritter, Alison; Valentine, Kylie; Rhodes, Tim
  • Assessing risk of HIV and hepatitis C among people who inject drugs in East Africa: Findings from a rapid assessment. (2019) Platt, Lucy; Stengel, Camille May; Nkurunziza, Menus; Muhangi, Denis; Byansi, Peter; Wandiembe, Peter; Busago, André; Bitira, David; Mundia, Bernard; Onesmus, Mlewa; Rhodes, Tim
  • The becoming-methadone-body: on the onto-politics of health intervention translations. (2019) Rhodes, Tim; Azbel, Lyuba; Lancaster, Kari; Meyer, Jaimie description
  • Evidence-making hepatitis C cure: Towards a science that knows more carefully. (2019) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari description
  • Evidence-making interventions in health: A conceptual framing. (2019) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari description
  • 2018
  • A qualitative assessment of the acceptability of hepatitis C remote self-testing and self-sampling amongst people who use drugs in London, UK. (2018) Guise, Andy; Witzel, T Charles; Mandal, Sema; Sabin, Caroline; Rhodes, Tim; Nardone, Anthony; Harris, Magdalena
  • "It's Not Much of a Life": The Benefits and Ethics of Using Life History Methods With People Who Inject Drugs in Qualitative Harm Reduction Research. (2018) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Caring and curing: Considering the effects of hepatitis C pharmaceuticalisation in relation to non-clinical treatment outcomes. (2018) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Fentanyl self-testing outside supervised injection settings to prevent opioid overdose: Do we know enough to promote it? (2018) McGowan, Catherine R; Harris, Magdalena; Platt, Lucy; Hope, Vivian; Rhodes, Tim
  • DIY HIV prevention: Formative qualitative research with men who have sex with men who source PrEP outside of clinical trials. (2018) Paparini, Sara; Nutland, Will; Rhodes, Tim; Nguyen, Vinh-Kim; Anderson, Jane
  • The becoming of methadone in Kenya: How an intervention's implementation constitutes recovery potential. (2018) Rhodes, Tim
  • The social life of HIV care: On the making of ‘care beyond the virus’. (2018) Rhodes, Tim; Egede, Siri; Grenfell, Pippa; Paparini, Sara; Duff, Cameron
  • Evidence-making controversies: the case of hepatitis C treatment and the promise of viral elimination. (2018) Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari; Harris, Magdalena; Treloar, Carla
  • "They accept me, because I was one of them": formative qualitative research supporting the feasibility of peer-led outreach for people who use drugs in Dakar, Senegal. (2018) Stengel, Camille May; Mane, Famara; Guise, Andrew; Pouye, Magath; Sigrist, Monika; Rhodes, Tim
  • 2017
  • Qualitative study of the BREATHER trial (Short Cycle antiretroviral therapy): is it acceptable to young people living with HIV? (2017) Bernays, Sarah; Paparini, Sara; Seeley, Janet; Namukwaya Kihika, Stella; Gibb, Diana; Rhodes, Tim
  • "Not Taking it Will Just be Like a Sin": Young People Living with HIV and the Stigmatization of Less-Than-Perfect Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy. (2017) Bernays, Sarah; Paparini, Sara; Seeley, Janet; Rhodes, Tim
  • Elimination of hepatitis C virus infection among PWID: The beginning of a new era of interferon-free DAA therapy. (2017) Grebely, Jason; Bruneau, Julie; Bruggmann, Philip; Harris, Magdalena; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Treloar, Carla; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users
  • Integrated opioid substitution therapy and HIV care: a qualitative systematic review and synthesis of client and provider experiences. (2017) Guise, A; Seguin, M; Mburu, G; McLean, S; Grenfell, P; Islam, Z; Filippovych, S; Assan, H; Low, A; Vickerman, P; Rhodes, T
  • Risk Environments and the Ethics of Reducing Drug-Related Harms. (2017) McGowan, CR; Viens, AM; Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Impact of opioid substitution therapy on the HIV prevention benefit of antiretroviral therapy for people who inject drugs. (2017) Mukandavire, Christinah; Low, Andrea; Mburu, Gitau; Trickey, Adam; May, Margaret T; Davies, Charlotte F; French, Clare E; Looker, Katharine J; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Guise, Andy; Hickman, Matthew; Vickerman, Peter
  • "Don't think I'm going to leave you over it": Accounts of changing hepatitis C status among couples who inject drugs. (2017) Rance, J; Treloar, C; Fraser, S; Bryant, J; Rhodes, T
  • The intimate relationship as a site of social protection: Partnerships between people who inject drugs. (2017) Rhodes, T; Rance, J; Fraser, S; Treloar, C
  • Transitions at the International Journal of Drug Policy. (2017) Rhodes, Tim
  • 2016
  • BREATHER (PENTA 16) short-cycle therapy (SCT) (5 days on/2 days off) in young people with chronic human immunodeficiency virus infection: an open, randomised, parallel-group Phase II/III trial. (2016) Butler, Karina; Inshaw, Jamie; Ford, Deborah; Bernays, Sarah; Scott, Karen; Kenny, Julia; Klein, Nigel; Turkova, Anna; Harper, Lynda; Nastouli, Eleni; Paparini, Sara; Choudhury, Rahela; Rhodes, Tim; Babiker, Abdel; Gibb, Diana
  • Access to HIV treatment and care for people who inject drugs in Kenya: a short report. (2016) Guise, A; Rhodes, T; Ndimbii, J; Ayon, S; Nnaji, O description
  • 'They won't change it back in their heads that we're trash': the intersection of sex work-related stigma and evolving policing strategies. (2016) Krüsi, Andrea; Kerr, Thomas; Taylor, Christina; Rhodes, Tim; Shannon, Kate
  • Why swallow razor blades? An ethnographic study on violence, agency, and negotiated health in the United States prison setting. (2016) Kuester, LB picture_as_pdf
  • Impact of Opioid Substitution Therapy on Antiretroviral Therapy Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2016) Low, Andrea J; Mburu, Gitau; Welton, Nicky J; May, Margaret T; Davies, Charlotte F; French, Clare; Turner, Katy M; Looker, Katharine J; Christensen, Hannah; McLean, Susie; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Hickman, Matthew; Guise, Andy; Vickerman, Peter
  • Implementing needle and syringe programmes in Kenya: Changes, opportunities and challenges in HIV prevention. (2016) Ndimbii, JN; Guise, A; Ayon, S; Kalama, M; McLean, S; Rhodes, T
  • The biopolitics of engagement and the HIV cascade of care: a synthesis of the literature on patient citizenship and antiretroviral therapy. (2016) Paparini, S; Rhodes, T
  • The biopolitics of engagement and the HIV cascade of care: a synthesis of the literature on patient citizenship and antiretroviral therapy. (2016) Paparini, Sara; Rhodes, Tim
  • Practices of partnership: Negotiated safety among couples who inject drugs. (2016) Rance, Jake; Rhodes, Tim; Fraser, Suzanne; Bryant, Joanne; Treloar, Carla
  • Drug harms and drug policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implementation science and HIV epidemics. (2016) Rhodes, Tim; Abdool, Reychad
  • Towards "evidence-making intervention" approaches in the social science of implementation science: The making of methadone in East Africa. (2016) Rhodes, Tim; Closson, Elizabeth F; Paparini, Sara; Guise, Andy; Strathdee, Steffanie
  • Advancing the science, methods and practices of drug policy research. (2016) Rhodes, Tim; Stevens, Alex; Ritter, Alison; Decorte, Tom
  • Prisons as a source of tuberculosis in Russia. (2016) Sarang, Anya; Platt, Lucy; Vyshemirskaya, Inna; Rhodes, Tim
  • An ethnographic exploration of drug markets in Kisumu, Kenya. (2016) Syvertsen, Jennifer L; Ohaga, Spala; Agot, Kawango; Dimova, Margarita; Guise, Andy; Rhodes, Tim; Wagner, Karla D
  • HIV Self-Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in the UK: A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Facilitators, Intervention Preferences and Perceived Impacts. (2016) Witzel, T Charles; Rodger, Alison J; Burns, Fiona M; Rhodes, Tim; Weatherburn, Peter
  • 2015
  • Expanding access to prevention, care and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs. (2015) Grebely, Jason; Bruggmann, Philip; Treloar, Carla; Byrne, Jude; Rhodes, Tim; Dore, Gregory J; International Network for Hepatitis in Substance Users
  • Strategies for achieving universal access to hepatitis C virus prevention and care for people who inject drugs. (2015) Grebely, Jason; Bruggmann, Philip; Treloar, Carla; Byrne, Jude; Rhodes, Tim; Dore, Gregory J; International Network for Hepatitis in Substance Users
  • A qualitative analysis of transitions to heroin injection in Kenya: implications for HIV prevention and harm reduction. (2015) Guise, Andy; Dimova, Margarita; Ndimbii, James; Clark, Phil; Rhodes, Tim
  • HIV Epidemics in the European Region: Vulnerability and Response. (2015) Platt, L; Jolley, E; Hope, V; Latypov, A; Vickerman, P; Hickson, F; Reynolds, L; Rhodes, T
  • Is the promise of methadone Kenya's solution to managing HIV and addiction? A mixed-method mathematical modelling and qualitative study. (2015) Rhodes, Tim; Guise, Andy; Ndimbii, James; Strathdee, Steffanie; Ngugi, Elizabeth; Platt, Lucy; Kurth, Ann; Cleland, Charles; Vickerman, Peter
  • Navigating the poverty of heroin addiction treatment and recovery opportunity in Kenya: access work, self-care and rationed expectations. (2015) Rhodes, Tim; Ndimbii, James; Guise, Andy; Cullen, Lucy; Ayon, Sylvia
  • 2014
  • Embodied accounts of HIV and hope: using audio diaries with interviews. (2014) Bernays, Sarah; Rhodes, Tim; Jankovic Terzic, Katarina
  • What am I 'living' with? Growing up with HIV in Uganda and Zimbabwe. (2014) Bernays, Sarah; Seeley, Janet; Rhodes, Tim; Mupambireyi, Zivai
  • Editorial commentary: successful methadone delivery in East Africa and its global implications. (2014) Guise, Andy; Kazatchkine, Michel; Rhodes, Tim; Strathdee, Steffanie A
  • "It's Russian roulette": adulteration, adverse effects and drug use transitions during the 2010/2011 United Kingdom heroin shortage. (2014) Harris, Magdalena; Forseth, Kirsten; Rhodes, Tim
  • Hepatitis C testing for people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: Why is uptake so low? (2014) Harris, Magdalena; McDonald, Bethan; Rhodes, Tim
  • 'Children will always be children': exploring perceptions and experiences of HIV-positive children who may not take their treatment and why they may not tell. (2014) Kawuma, Rachel; Bernays, Sarah; Siu, Godfrey; Rhodes, Tim; Seeley, Janet
  • Bounded agency in humanitarian settings: a qualitative study of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among refugees situated in Kenya and Malaysia. (2014) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Rhodes, Tim; Spiegel, Paul; Schilperoord, Marian; Burton, John Wagacha; Balasundaram, Susheela; Wong, Chunting; Ross, David A
  • One for all: workplace social context and drinking among railway workers in Ukraine. (2014) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; McGowan, Catherine; Kizilova, Kseniya; Kizilov, Alexiy; Rhodes, Tim; McKee, Martin ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Controlling HIV among people who inject drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: insights from modeling. (2014) Vickerman, Peter; Platt, Lucy; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Kazatchkine, Michel D; Latypov, Alisher
  • 2013
  • Tuberculosis, injecting drug use and integrated HIV-TB care: a review of the literature. (2013) Grenfell, Pippa; Baptista Leite, Ricardo; Garfein, Richard; de Lussigny, Smiljka; Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim
  • Methadone diversion as a protective strategy: the harm reduction potential of 'generous constraints'. (2013) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Injecting practices in sexual partnerships: hepatitis C transmission potentials in a 'risk equivalence' framework. (2013) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Hepatitis C treatment access and uptake for people who inject drugs: a review mapping the role of social factors. (2013) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Taming systems to create enabling environments for HCV treatment: negotiating trust in the drug and alcohol setting. (2013) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim; Martin, Anthea
  • Interventions to prevent HIV and Hepatitis C in people who inject drugs: a review of reviews to assess evidence of effectiveness. (2013) MacArthur, Georgina J; van Velzen, Eva; Palmateer, Norah; Kimber, Jo; Pharris, Anastasia; Hope, Vivian; Taylor, Avril; Roy, Kirsty; Aspinall, Esther; Goldberg, David; Rhodes, Tim; Hedrich, Dagmar; Salminen, Mika; Hickman, Matthew; Hutchinson, Sharon J
  • Hepatitis C avoidance in injection drug users: a typology of possible protective practices. (2013) McGowan, Catherine; Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • Factors mediating HIV risk among female sex workers in Europe: a systematic review and ecological analysis. (2013) Platt, Lucy; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Hope, Vivian; Latypov, Alisher; Reynolds, Lucy; Wilson, David
  • Negotiating access to medical treatment and the making of patient citizenship: the case of hepatitis C treatment. (2013) Rhodes, Tim; Harris, Magdalena; Martin, Anthea
  • Systemic barriers accessing HIV treatment among people who inject drugs in Russia: a qualitative study. (2013) Sarang, Anya; Rhodes, Tim; Sheon, Nicolas
  • 2012
  • Postgraduate career intentions of medical students and recent graduates in Malawi: a qualitative interview study. (2012) Bailey, Nicola; Mandeville, Kate L; Rhodes, Tim; Mipando, Mwapatsa; Muula, Adamson S
  • Risky alcohol use among reproductive-age men, not women, in Mae La refugee camp, Thailand, 2009. (2012) Ezard, Nadine; Thiptharakun, Supan; Nosten, François; Rhodes, Tim; McGready, Rose
  • Accessibility and integration of HIV, TB and harm reduction services for people who inject drugs in Portugal: a rapid assessment. (2012) Grenfell, P; Carvalho, AC; Martins, A; Cosme, D; Barros, H; Rhodes, T
  • Barriers and facilitators to hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs: A qualitative study. (2012) Harris, M; Jolly, E; Martin, A; Wells, H; Rhodes, T
  • Venous access and care: harnessing pragmatics in harm reduction for people who inject drugs. (2012) Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
  • HIV among people who inject drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: a systematic review with implications for policy. (2012) Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Hope, Vivian; Latypov, Alisher; Donoghoe, Martin; Wilson, David
  • Social and environmental predictors of plasma HIV RNA rebound among injection drug users treated with antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Milloy, M-J; Kerr, Thomas; Buxton, Jane; Rhodes, Tim; Krusi, Andrea; Guillemi, Silvia; Hogg, Robert; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan
  • Social and structural factors associated with HIV disease progression among illicit drug users: a systematic review. (2012) Milloy, Michael-John S; Marshall, Brandon DL; Kerr, Thomas; Buxton, Jane; Rhodes, Tim; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan
  • Systematic review examining differences in HIV, sexually transmitted infections and health-related harms between migrant and non-migrant female sex workers. (2012) Platt, Lucy; Grenfell, Pippa; Fletcher, Adam; Sorhaindo, Annik; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Bonell, Chris
  • "Back then" and "nowadays": social transition narratives in accounts of injecting drug use in an East European setting. (2012) Rhodes, Tim; Bivol, Stela
  • Drug treatment and the conditionality of HIV treatment access: a qualitative study in a Russian city. (2012) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya
  • 2011
  • The social context of crack using careers : an ethnographic study in London. (2011) Briggs, Daniel
  • "Over here, it's just drugs, women and all the madness": The HIV risk environment of clients of female sex workers in Tijuana, Mexico. (2011) Goldenberg, Shira M; Strathdee, Steffanie A; Gallardo, Manuel; Rhodes, Tim; Wagner, Karla D; Patterson, Thomas L
  • Dose-response effect of incarceration events on nonadherence to HIV antiretroviral therapy among injection drug users. (2011) Milloy, MJ; Kerr, Thomas; Buxton, Jane; Rhodes, Tim; Guillemi, Silvia; Hogg, Robert; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan
  • Risk of sexually transmitted infections and violence among indoor-working female sex workers in London: the effect of migration from Eastern Europe. (2011) Platt, Lucy; Grenfell, Pippa; Bonell, Chris; Creighton, Sarah; Wellings, Kaye; Parry, John; Rhodes, Tim
  • Structural violence and structural vulnerability within the risk environment: Theoretical and methodological perspectives for a social epidemiology of HIV risk. (2011) Rhodes, T; Wagner, K; Strathdee, S; Shannon, K; Davidson, P; Bourgois, P
  • Narrating the social relations of initiating injecting drug use: transitions in self and society. (2011) Rhodes, Tim; Bivol, Stela; Scutelniciuc, Otilia; Hunt, Neil; Bernays, Sarah; Busza, Joanna
  • Sociological approaches to drug use and drug policy. (2011) Stevens, A; Rhodes, T
  • 2010
  • "You should be grateful to have medicines": continued dependence, altering stigma and the HIV treatment experience in Serbia. (2010) Bernays, Sarah; Rhodes, Tim; Janković Terźić, Katarina
  • A pilot whole‐school intervention to improve school ethos and reduce substance use. (2010) Bonell, Chris; Sorhaindo, Annik; Strange, Vicki; Wiggins, Meg; Allen, Elizabeth; Fletcher, Adam; Oakley, Ann; Bond, Lyndal; Flay, Brian; Patton, George; Rhodes, Tim
  • Pilot multimethod trial of a school-ethos intervention to reduce substance use: building hypotheses about upstream pathways to prevention. (2010) Bonell, Christopher P; Sorhaindo, Annik M; Allen, Elizabeth E; Strange, Vicki J; Wiggins, Meg; Fletcher, Adam; Oakley, Ann RA; Bond, Lyndal M; Flay, Brian R; Patton, George C; Rhodes, Tim
  • Prevention of HIV infection for people who inject drugs: why individual, structural, and combination approaches are needed. (2010) Degenhardt, Louisa; Mathers, Bradley; Vickerman, Peter; Rhodes, Tim; Latkin, Carl; Hickman, Matt
  • Evidence for the effectiveness of sterile injecting equipment provision in preventing hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus transmission among injecting drug users: a review of reviews. (2010) Palmateer, Norah; Kimber, Jo; Hickman, Matthew; Hutchinson, Sharon; Rhodes, Tim; Goldberg, David
  • Qualitative methods and theory in addictions research. (2010) Rhodes, T; Coomber, R
  • Harm Reduction: Evidence, Impacts and Challenges. (2010) Rhodes, T; Hedrich, D
  • Harm reduction and the mainstream. (2010) Rhodes, T; Hedrich, D
  • Parents who use drugs: accounting for damage and its limitation. (2010) Rhodes, Tim; Bernays, Sarah; Houmoller, Kathrin
  • Policy resistance to harm reduction for drug users and potential effect of change. (2010) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matthew
  • Qualitative social research in addictions publishing: Creating an enabling journal environment. (2010) Rhodes, Tim; Stimson, Gerry V; Moore, David; Bourgois, Philippe
  • HIV and risk environment for injecting drug users: the past, present, and future. (2010) Strathdee, Steffanie A; Hallett, Timothy B; Bobrova, Natalia; Rhodes, Tim; Booth, Robert; Abdool, Reychad; Hankins, Catherine A
  • HIV infection and risk behaviour of primary fentanyl and amphetamine injectors in Tallinn, Estonia: implications for intervention. (2010) Talu, Ave; Rajaleid, Kristiina; Abel-Ollo, Katri; Rüütel, Kristi; Rahu, Mati; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Bobrova, Natalia; Uusküla, Anneli
  • 2009
  • Knowledge of HIV serostatus and risk behaviour among injecting drug users in Estonia. (2009) Abel-Ollo, K; Rahu, M; Rajaleid, K; Talu, A; Ruutel, K; Platt, L; Bobrova, N; Rhodes, T; Uuskula, A
  • Experiencing uncertain HIV treatment delivery in a transitional setting: qualitative study. (2009) Bernays, Sarah; Rhodes, Tim
  • Injecting drug use and unstable housing: Scope for structural interventions in harm reduction. (2009) Briggs, Daniel; Rhodes, Tim; Marks, Dalya; Kimber, Jo; Holloway, Greg; Jones, Steve
  • New counter-school cultures: female students’ drug use at a high-achieving secondary school. (2009) Fletcher, A; Bonell, C; Rhodes, T
  • New counter‐school cultures: female students' drug use at a high‐achieving secondary school. (2009) Fletcher, Adam; Bonell, Chris; Rhodes, Tim
  • Improving survey methods in sero-epidemiological studies of injecting drug users: a case example of two cross sectional surveys in Serbia and Montenegro. (2009) Judd, Ali; Rhodes, Tim; Johnston, Lisa G; Platt, Lucy; Andjelkovic, Violeta; Simić, Danijela; Mugosa, Boban; Simić, Milena; Zerjav, Sonja; Parry, Ruth P; Parry, John V picture_as_pdf
  • 'They can't solve the problem without us': a qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives on user involvement in drug treatment services in England. (2009) Patterson, Sue; Weaver, Tim; Agath, Kostas; Albert, Eliot; Rhodes, Timothy; Rutter, Deborah; Crawford, Mike
  • Measuring risk of HIV and HCV among injecting drug users in the Russian Federation. (2009) Platt, Lucy; Sutton, AJ; Vickerman, P; Koshkina, E; Maximova, S; Latishevskaya, N; Hickman, M; Bonell, C; Parry, J; Rhodes, T
  • Risk environments and drug harms: A social science for harm reduction approach. (2009) Rhodes, Tim
  • Risk environments and drug harms: a social science for harm reduction approach. (2009) Rhodes, Tim
  • Medical promise and the recalibration of expectation: hope and HIV treatment engagement in a transitional setting. (2009) Rhodes, Tim; Bernays, Sarah; Terzić, Katarina Janković
  • Policing drug users in Russia: risk, fear, and structural violence. (2009) Sarang, Anya; Rhodes, Tim; Sheon, Nicolas; Page, Kimberly
  • Violence, dignity and HIV vulnerability: street sex work in Serbia. (2009) Simić, Milena; Rhodes, Tim
  • The lived experience of hepatitis C and its treatment among injecting drug users: qualitative synthesis. (2009) Treloar, Carla; Rhodes, Tim
  • 2008
  • Challenges in providing drug user treatment services in Russia: providers' views. (2008) Bobrova, Natalia; Rughnikov, Urij; Neifeld, Elena; Rhodes, Tim; Alcorn, Ron; Kirichenko, Sergej; Power, Robert
  • Addressing gay men's use of methamphetamine and other substances. (2008) Bonell, C; Weatherburn, P; Rhodes, T; Hickson, F; Keogh, P; Elford, J
  • Cannabis use and 'safe' identities in an inner-city school risk environment. (2008) Fletcher, Adam; Bonell, Chris; Sorhaindo, Annik; Rhodes, Tim
  • Changes in HIV prevalence and risk among new injecting drug users in a Russian city of high HIV prevalence. (2008) Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Hickman, Matthew; Mikhailova, Larissa; Lisetsky, Konstantin; Sarang, Anya; Lewis, Kim; Parry, John
  • Trust, disruption and responsibility in accounts of injecting equipment sharing and hepatitis C risk. (2008) Rhodes, Tim; Prodanović, Ana; Žikić, Bojan; Kuneski, Elena; Pavićević, Tijana; Karadžić, Davor; Bernays, Sarah
  • Police violence and sexual risk among female and transvestite sex workers in Serbia: qualitative study. (2008) Rhodes, Tim; Simic, Milena; Baros, Sladjana; Platt, Lucy; Zikic, Bojan
  • The social production of hepatitis C risk among injecting drug users: a qualitative synthesis. (2008) Rhodes, Tim; Treloar, Carla
  • Hygiene and uncertainty in qualitative accounts of hepatitis C transmission among drug injectors in Serbia. (2008) Rhodes, Tim; Zikic, Bojan; Prodanović, Ana; Kuneski, Elena; Bernays, Sarah
  • Access to syringes in three Russian cities: implications for syringe distribution and coverage. (2008) Sarang, Anya; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy
  • Individual, social, and environmental influences associated with HIV infection among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. (2008) Strathdee, Steffanie A; Lozada, Remedios; Pollini, Robin A; Brottwer, Kimberly C; Mantsios, Andrea; Abramovitz, Daniela A; Rhodes, Tim; Latkin, Carl A; Loza, Oralia; Alvelais, Jorge; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Patterson, Thomas L
  • High-prevalence and high-estimated incidence of HIV infection among new injecting drug users in Estonia: need for large scale prevention programs. (2008) Uusküla, Anneli; Kals, Mart; Rajaleid, Kristiina; Abel, Katri; Talu, Ave; Rüütel, Kristi; Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Dehovitz, Jack; Des Jarlais, Don
  • 2007
  • Global estimates of prevalence of HCV infection among injecting drug users. (2007) Aceijas, Carmen; Rhodes, Tim
  • Hope: a new way to look at the HIV epidemic. (2007) Bernays, Sarah; Rhodes, Tim; Barnett, Tony ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Injection drug users' perceptions of drug treatment services and attitudes toward substitution therapy: a qualitative study in three Russian cities. (2007) Bobrova, Natalia; Alcorn, Ron; Rhodes, Tim; Rughnikov, Iurii; Neifeld, Elena; Power, Robert
  • Drug use settings: an emerging focus for research and intervention. (2007) Kerr, Thomas; Kimber, Jo; Rhodes, Tim
  • How can hepatitis C be prevented in the long term? (2007) Mateu-Gelabert, Pedro; Treloar, Carla; Calatayud, Víctor Agulló; Sandoval, Milagros; Zurián, Juan Carlos Valderrama; Maher, Lisa; Rhodes, Tim; Friedman, Samuel R
  • Effects of sex work on the prevalence of syphilis among injection drug users in 3 Russian cities. (2007) Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Koshkina, Evgeniya; Maksimova, Svetlana; Latishevskaya, Natalia; Renton, Adrian; McDonald, Tamara; Parry, John V
  • Crack-heroin speedball injection and its implications for vein care: qualitative study. (2007) Rhodes, Tim; Briggs, Daniel; Kimber, Jo; Jones, Steve; Holloway, Greg
  • Safer groin-injecting interventions are needed and justifiable as part of a harm reduction approach. (2007) Rhodes, Tim; Kimber, Jo
  • Risk, shame and the public injector: a qualitative study of drug injecting in South Wales. (2007) Rhodes, Tim; Watts, Louise; Davies, Sarah; Martin, Anthea; Smith, Josie; Clark, David; Craine, Noel; Lyons, Marion
  • Public injection settings in Vancouver: physical environment, social context and risk. (2007) Small, Will; Rhodes, Tim; Wood, Evan; Kerr, Thomas
  • Individual, social, and environmental influences associated with HIV infection among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. (2007) Strathdee, Steffanie A; Lozada, Remedios; Pollini, Robin A; Brouwer, Kimberly C; Mantsios, Andrea; Abramovitz, Daniela A; Rhodes, Tim; Latkin, Carl A; Loza, Oralia; Alvelais, Jorge; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Patterson, Thomas L
  • 2006
  • Hope, prevention and treatment: a new way to look at the HIV epidemic. (2006) Barnett, T; Bernays, S; Rhodes, T
  • Barriers to accessing drug treatment in Russia: a qualitative study among injecting drug users in two cities. (2006) Bobrova, Natalia; Rhodes, Tim; Power, Robert; Alcorn, Ron; Neifeld, Elena; Krasiukov, Nikolai; Latyshevskaia, Natalia; Maksimova, Svetlana
  • Accounting for risk and responsibility associated with smoking among mothers of children with respiratory illness. (2006) Coxhead, Lauren; Rhodes, Tim
  • High prevalence of HIV among injecting drug users in Estonia: Implications for understanding the risk environment. (2006) Platt, L; Bobrova, N; Rhodes, Tetal
  • High HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in Estonia: implications for understanding the risk environment. (2006) Platt, Lucy; Bobrova, Natalia; Rhodes, Tim; Uusküla, Anneli; Parry, John V; Rüütel, Kristi; Talu, Ave; Abel, Katri; Rajaleid, Kristiina; Judd, Ali
  • Methods to recruit hard-to-reach groups: comparing two chain referral sampling methods of recruiting injecting drug users across nine studies in Russia and Estonia. (2006) Platt, Lucy; Wall, Martin; Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Hickman, Matthew; Johnston, Lisa G; Renton, Adrian; Bobrova, Natalia; Sarang, Anya
  • Visual data in addictions research: Seeing comes before words? (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Fitzgerald, John
  • Public injecting and the need for 'safer environment interventions' in the reduction of drug-related harm. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Kimber, Jo; Small, Will; Fitzgerald, John; Kerr, Thomas; Hickman, Matthew; Holloway, Greg
  • Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis among injecting drug users in Russia: a multi-city study. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Maximova, Svetlana; Koshkina, Evgeniya; Latishevskaya, Natalia; Hickman, Matthew; Renton, Adrian; Bobrova, Natalia; McDonald, Tamara; Parry, John V
  • Street policing, injecting drug use and harm reduction in a Russian city: a qualitative study of police perspectives. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Sarang, Anya; Vlasov, Alexander; Mikhailova, Larissa; Monaghan, Geoff
  • Science, action and the International Journal of Drug Policy. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Stimson, Gerry V
  • Groin injecting in the context of crack cocaine and homelessness: From ‘risk boundary’ to ‘acceptable risk’? (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Stoneman, April; Hope, Vivian; Hunt, Neil; Martin, Anthea; Judd, Ali
  • Drug injecting and syringe use in the HIV risk environment of Russian penitentiary institutions: Qualitative study. (2006) Sarang, Anya; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Kirzhanova, Valentina; Shelkovnikova, Olga; Volnov, Venyamin; Blagovo, Dmitri; Rylkov, Andrei
  • Exploring barriers to 'respondent driven sampling' in sex worker and drug-injecting sex worker populations in Eastern Europe. (2006) Simic, Milena; Johnston, Lisa Grazina; Platt, Lucy; Baros, Sladjana; Andjelkovic, Violeta; Novotny, Tom; Rhodes, Tim picture_as_pdf
  • Rapid assessment and response studies of injection drug use: knowledge gain, capacity building, and intervention development in a multisite study. (2006) Stimson, Gerry V; Fitch, Chris; DesJarlais, Don; Poznyak, Vladimir; Perlis, Theresa; Oppenheimer, Edna; Rhodes, Tim
  • Model projections on the required coverage of syringe distribution to prevent HIV epidemics among injecting drug users. (2006) Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Watts, Charlotte
  • 2005
  • Prevalence of, and risk factors for, hepatitis C virus infection among recent initiates to injecting in London and Glasgow: cross sectional analysis. (2005) Judd, A; Hutchinson, S; Wadd, S; Hickman, M; Taylor, A; Jones, S; Parry, JV; Cameron, S; Rhodes, T; Ahmed, S; Bird, S; Fox, R; Renton, A; Stimson, GV; Goldberg, D
  • Impact of gender and sex work on sexual and injecting risk behaviors and their association with HIV positivity among injecting drug users in an HIV epidemic in Togliatti City, Russian Federation. (2005) Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Lowndes, Catherine M; Madden, Peter; Sarang, Anya; Mikhailova, Larissa; Renton, Adrian; Pevzner, Yury; Sullivan, Kathleen; Khutorskoy, Mikhail
  • Hepatitis C virus infection, HIV co-infection, and associated risk among injecting drug users in Togliatti, Russia. (2005) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa Albertovna; Sarang, Anya; Wallis, Nigel; Alpatova, Tatiana; Hickman, Matthew; Parry, John V
  • Transition and the HIV risk environment. (2005) Rhodes, Tim; Simic, Milena
  • The social structural production of HIV risk among injecting drug users. (2005) Rhodes, Tim; Singer, Merrill; Bourgois, Philippe; Friedman, Samuel R; Strathdee, Steffanie A
  • Methods for assessing HIV and HIV risk among IDUs and for evaluating interventions. (2005) Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Bastos, Francisco; Saidel, Tobi
  • 2004
  • Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection among injecting drug users. (2004) Aceijas, Carmen; Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; United Nations Reference Group on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care a
  • Beyond prevention? Injecting drug user narratives about hepatitis C. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
  • Managing seen and unseen blood associated with drug injecting: implications for theorising harm reduction for viral risk. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
  • Preventing hepatitis C: 'common sense', 'the bug' and other perspectives from the risk narratives of people who inject drugs. (2004) Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim; Martin, Anthea
  • The role of rapid assessment in drug use epidemiology. (2004) Fitch, C; Rhodes, T; Hope, V; Stimson, G; Renton, A
  • Rapid assessment: an international review of diffusion, practice and outcomes in the substance use field. (2004) Fitch, Chris; Stimson, Gerry V; Rhodes, Tim; Poznyak, Vladimir
  • Social theory in drug research, drug policy and harm reduction. (2004) Moore, David; Rhodes, Tim
  • The prevalence of injecting drug use in a Russian city: implications for harm reduction and coverage. (2004) Platt, Lucy; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Mikhailova, Larissa; Karavashkin, Victor; Vlasov, Alexander; Tilling, Kate; Hope, Vivian; Khutorksoy, Mikhail; Renton, Adrian
  • Hepatitis C and its risk management among drug injectors in London: renewing harm reduction in the context of uncertainty. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Davis, Mark; Judd, Ali
  • Injecting equipment sharing among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russian Federation: maximizing the protective effects of syringe distribution. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa; Sarang, Anya; Khutorskoy, Mikhail; Platt, Lucy; Lowndes, Catherine M; Renton, Adrian
  • HIV transmission and HIV prevention associated with injecting drug use in the Russian Federation. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Bobrik, Alexei; Bobkov, Eugene; Platt, Lucy
  • 2003
  • Modelling emerging HIV epidemics: the role of injecting drug use and sexual transmission in the Russian Federation, China and India. (2003) Grassly, Nicholas C; Lowndes, Catherine M; Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Renton, Adrian; Garnett, Geoffrey P
  • Conditions for widespread heterosexual spread of HIV in the Russian Federation: implications for research, monitoring and prevention. (2003) Lowndes, Catherine M; Renton, Adrian; Alary, Michel; Rhodes, Tim; Garnett, Geoff; Stimson, Gerry
  • Risk factors associated with drug use: the importance of ‘risk environment’. (2003) Rhodes, Tim; Lilly, Robert; Fernández, Cesáreo; Giorgino, Enzo; Kemmesis, Uwe E; Ossebaard, Hans C; Lalam, Nacer; Faasen, Imar; Spannow, Karen Ellen
  • Situational factors influencing drug injecting, risk reduction and syringe exchange in Togliatti City, Russian Federation: a qualitative study of micro risk environment. (2003) Rhodes, Tim; Mikhailova, Larissa; Sarang, Anya; Lowndes, Catherine M; Rylkov, Andrey; Khutorskoy, Mikhail; Renton, Adrian
  • 2002
  • Transmission of hepatitis C--are noninjecting cocaine users at risk? (2002) Judd, Ali; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim
  • The ‘risk environment’: a framework for understanding and reducing drug-related harm. (2002) Rhodes, Tim
  • Accounting for unprotected sex: stories of agency and acceptability. (2002) Rhodes, Tim; Cusick, Linda
  • Explosive spread and high prevalence of HIV infection among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russia. (2002) Rhodes, Tim; Lowndes, Catherine; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa A; Sarang, Anya; Rylkov, Andrey; Tichonov, Mikhail; Lewis, Kim; Ulyanova, Nina; Alpatova, Tatiana; Karavashkin, Victor; Khutorskoy, Mikhail; Hickman, Matthew; Parry, John V; Renton, Adrian
  • 2001
  • Harm reduction: less ideology than praxis. (2001) Rhodes, T; Judd, A; Craine, N; Walker, M
  • On the Qualitative in Drugs Research: Part One. (2001) Rhodes, Tim; Moore, David
  • On the Qualitative in Drugs Research: Part Two. (2001) Rhodes, Tim; Moore, David
  • Promoting rational drug policy. (2001) Stimson, GV; Rhodes, T