Items where Author is "Weatherburn, P"
Number of items: 136.
  • E-health interventions targeting STIs, sexual risk, substance use and mental health among men who have sex with men: four systematic reviews. (2022) Meiksin, Rebecca; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Miners, Alec; Falconer, Jane; Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris
  • eHealth Interventions to Address HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sexual Risk Behavior, Substance Use, and Mental Ill-health in Men Who Have Sex With Men: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2022) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Meiksin, Rebecca; Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Falconer, Jane; Bonell, Chris
  • What is the empirical basis for converting banded ordinal data on numbers of sex partners among MSM into a continuous scale level variable? A secondary analysis of 13 surveys across 17 countries. (2022) Mendez-Lopez, Ana; Hickson, Ford; Jansen, Klaus; Lachowsky, Nathan; Burns, Fiona; Folch, Cinta; Velter, Annie; Weatherburn, Peter; Marcus, Ulrich; von Rüden, Ursula; Mirandola, Massimo; Gios, Lorenzo; Frankis, Jamie; Brennan, David J; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Experiences of and attitudes towards HIV testing for Asian, Black and Latin American men who have sex with men (MSM) in the SELPHI (HIV Self-Testing Public Health Intervention) randomized controlled trial in England and Wales: implications for HIV self-testing. (2022) Nicholls, Emily Jay; Samba, Phil; McCabe, Leanne; Gafos, Mitzy; Philips, Andrew N; Trevelion, Roy; Rodger, Alison J; Burns, Fiona M; Weatherburn, Peter; Witzel, T Charles
  • Free HIV self-test for identification and linkage to care of previously undetected HIV infection in men who have sex with men in England and Wales (SELPHI): an open-label, internet-based, randomised controlled trial. (2022) Rodger, Alison J; McCabe, Leanne; Phillips, Andrew N; Lampe, Fiona C; Burns, Fiona; Ward, Denise; Delpech, Valerie; Weatherburn, Peter; Witzel, T Charles; Pebody, Roger; Kirwan, Peter; Gabriel, Michelle; Khawam, Jameel; Brady, Michael; Fenton, Kevin A; Trevelion, Roy; Collaco-Moraes, Yolanda; McCormack, Sheena; Dunn, David
  • Transmission dynamics of the 2016-18 outbreak of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men in England and cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccination strategies to prevent future outbreaks. (2022) Zhang, Xu-Sheng; Ong, Jason J; Macgregor, Louis; Vilaplana, Tatiana G; Heathcock, Simone T; Mindlin, Miranda; Weatherburn, Peter; Hickson, Ford; Edelstein, Michael; Mandal, Sema; Vickerman, Peter
  • 2021
  • Experiences and challenges in sexual health service access among men who have sex with men in Kenya. (2021) Bourne, Adam; Carman, Marina; Kabuti, Rhoda; Nutland, Will; Fearon, Elizabeth; Liku, Jennifer; Tukai, Anthony; Weatherburn, Peter; Kimani, Joshua; Smith, Adrian D
  • Potential alcohol use disorder among MSM in Ireland - Findings from the European MSM internet survey (EMIS 2017). (2021) Daly, Fionn P; O'Donnell, Kate; Davoren, Martin P; Noone, Chris; Weatherburn, Peter; Quinlan, Mick; Foley, Bill; Igoe, Derval; Barrett, Peter M
  • 'Stay at home …': exploring the impact of the COVID-19 public health response on sexual behaviour and health service use among men who have sex with men: findings from a large online survey in the UK. (2021) Howarth, Alison R; Saunders, John; Reid, David; Kelly, Isabelle; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Examining the effects of HIV self-testing compared to standard HIV testing services in the general population: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2021) Jamil, Muhammad S; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Witzel, T Charles; Siegfried, Nandi; Figueroa, Carmen; Chitembo, Lastone; Msimanga-Radebe, Busisiwe; Pasha, Muhammad S; Hatzold, Karin; Corbett, Elizabeth; Barr-DiChiara, Magdalena; Rodger, Alison J; Weatherburn, Peter; Geng, Elvin; Baggaley, Rachel; Johnson, Cheryl
  • Chemsex and diagnoses of syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia among men who have sex with men in the UK: a multivariable prediction model using causal inference methodology. (2021) MacGregor, Louis; Kohli, Manik; Looker, Katharine J; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; Turner, Katy Me
  • The cost-effectiveness of case-finding strategies for achieving hepatitis C elimination among men who have sex with men in the UK. (2021) Macgregor, Louis; Ward, Zoe; Martin, Natasha K; Nicholls, Jane; Desai, Monica; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Hickman, Matthew; Vickerman, Peter
  • eHealth Interventions to Address Sexual Health, Substance Use, and Mental Health Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: Systematic Review and Synthesis of Process Evaluations. (2021) Meiksin, Rebecca; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Falconer, Jane; Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris
  • Theories of change for e-health interventions targeting HIV/STIs and sexual risk, substance use and mental ill health amongst men who have sex with men: systematic review and synthesis. (2021) Meiksin, Rebecca; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Falconer, Jane; Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris description
  • Interventions to address loneliness and social isolation in young people: A systematic review of the evidence on acceptability and effectiveness. (2021) Osborn, Tom; Weatherburn, Peter; French, Rebecca S
  • Structural stigma and sexual minority men's depression and suicidality: A multilevel examination of mechanisms and mobility across 48 countries. (2021) Pachankis, John E; Hatzenbuehler, Mark L; Bränström, Richard; Schmidt, Axel J; Berg, Rigmor C; Jonas, Kai; Pitoňák, Michal; Baros, Sladjana; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Disparities in HIV/STI burden and care coverage among men and transgender persons who have sex with men in Nairobi, Kenya: a cross-sectional study. (2021) Smith, Adrian D; Fearon, Elizabeth; Kabuti, Rhoda; Irungu, Erastus; Kungu, Mary; Babu, Hellen; Nyabuto, Chrispo; Muthoga, Peter; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam; Kimani, Joshua
  • HIV burden and correlates of infection among transfeminine people and cisgender men who have sex with men in Nairobi, Kenya: an observational study. (2021) Smith, Adrian D; Kimani, Joshua; Kabuti, Rhoda; Weatherburn, Peter; Fearon, Elizabeth; Bourne, Adam
  • Impact and acceptability of HIV self-testing for trans men and trans women: A mixed-methods subgroup analysis of the SELPHI randomised controlled trial and process evaluation in England and Wales. (2021) Witzel, T Charles; Wright, Talen; McCabe, Leanne; Gabriel, Michelle M; Wolton, Aedan; Gafos, Mitzy; Ward, Denise; Lampe, Fiona C; Phillips, Andrew N; Trevelion, Roy; Collaco-Moraes, Yolanda; Harbottle, Justin; Speakman, Andrew; Bonell, Chris; Dunn, David D; McCormack, Sheena; Burns, Fiona M; Weatherburn, Peter; Rodger, Alison J
  • Accessing and utilising gender-affirming healthcare in England and Wales: trans and non-binary people's accounts of navigating gender identity clinics. (2021) Wright, Talen; Nicholls, Emily Jay; Rodger, Alison J; Burns, Fiona M; Weatherburn, Peter; Pebody, Roger; McCabe, Leanne; Wolton, Aedan; Gafos, Mitzy; Witzel, T Charles
  • 2020
  • Characteristics and sexual health service use of MSM engaging in chemsex: results from a large online survey in England. (2020) Blomquist, Paula Bianca; Mohammed, Hamish; Mikhail, Amy; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David; Wayal, Sonali; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • The Long and Winding Road: Archiving and Re-Using Qualitative Data from 12 Research Projects Spanning 16 Years. (2020) Dodds, Catherine; Keogh, Peter; Bourne, Adam; McDaid, Lisa; Squire, Corinne; Weatherburn, Peter; Young, Ingrid
  • Online socializing among men who have sex with men and transgender people in Nairobi and Johannesburg and implications for public health-related research and health promotion: an analysis of qualitative and respondent-driven sampling survey data. (2020) Fearon, Elizabeth; Bourne, Adam; Tenza, Siyanda; Palanee-Phillips, Thesla; Kabuti, Rhoda; Weatherburn, Peter; Nutland, Will; Kimani, Joshua; Smith, Adrian D
  • HIV testing, care and viral suppression among men who have sex with men and transgender individuals in Johannesburg, South Africa. (2020) Fearon, Elizabeth; Tenza, Siyanda; Mokoena, Cecilia; Moodley, Kerushini; Smith, Adrian D; Bourne, Adam; Weatherburn, Peter; Palanee-Phillips, Thesla
  • Sexual and Mental Health Inequalities across Gender Identity and Sex-Assigned-at-Birth among Men-Who-Have-Sex-with-Men in Europe: Findings from EMIS-2017. (2020) Hickson, Ford; Appenroth, Max; Koppe, Uwe; Schmidt, Axel J; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Sexual risk and HIV testing disconnect in men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited to an online HIV self-testing trial. (2020) Rodger, AJ; Dunn, D; McCabe, L; Weatherburn, P; Lampe, FC; Witzel, TC; Burns, F; Ward, D; Pebody, R; Trevelion, R; Brady, M; Kirwan, PD; Khawam, J; Delpech, VC; Gabriel, M; Collaco-Moraes, Y; Phillips, AN; McCormack, S
  • A qualitative study of attitudes towards, typologies, and drivers of concurrent partnerships among people of black Caribbean ethnicity in England and their implications for STI prevention. (2020) Wayal, Sonali; Gerressu, Makeda; Weatherburn, Peter; Gilbart, Victoria; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Comparing the effects of HIV self-testing to standard HIV testing for key populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020) Witzel, T Charles; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Jamil, Muhammad S; Tilouche, Nerissa; Figueroa, Carmen; Johnson, Cheryl C; Reid, David; Baggaley, Rachel; Siegfried, Nandi; Burns, Fiona M; Rodger, Alison J; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Exploring Mechanisms of Action: Using a Testing Typology to Understand Intervention Performance in an HIV Self-Testing RCT in England and Wales. (2020) Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam; Rodger, Alison J; Bonell, Chris; Gafos, Mitzy; Trevelion, Roy; Speakman, Andrew; Lampe, Fiona; Ward, Denise; Dunn, David T; Gabriel, Michelle M; McCabe, Leanne; Harbottle, Justin; Moraes, Yolanda Collaco; Michie, Susan; Phillips, Andrew N; McCormack, Sheena; Burns, Fiona M description
  • HIV Self-testing for Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) in England and Wales: A multi-method study of self-testing intervention development and evaluation. (2020) Witzel, TC
  • 2019
  • Links between transactional sex and HIV/STI-risk and substance use among a large sample of European men who have sex with men. (2019) Berg, Rigmor C; Weatherburn, Peter; Marcus, Ulrich; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Understanding user perspectives of and preferences for oral PrEP for HIV prevention in the context of intervention scale-up: a synthesis of evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. (2019) Eakle, Robyn; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam
  • Estimating the 'PrEP Gap': how implementation and access to PrEP differ between countries in Europe and Central Asia in 2019. (2019) Hayes, Rosalie; Schmidt, Axel J; Pharris, Anastasia; Azad, Yusef; Brown, Alison E; Weatherburn, Peter; Hickson, Ford; Delpech, Valerie; Noori, Teymur; ECDC Dublin Declaration Monitoring Network
  • Acceptability and potential impact of delivering sexual health promotion information through social media and dating apps to MSM in England: a qualitative study. (2019) Kesten, Joanna M; Dias, Kaiseree; Burns, Fiona; Crook, Paul; Howarth, Alison; Mercer, Catherine H; Rodger, Alison; Simms, Ian; Oliver, Isabel; Hickman, Matthew; Hughes, Gwenda; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Cross-sectional analysis of chemsex drug use and gonorrhoea diagnosis among men who have sex with men in the UK. (2019) Kohli, Manik; Hickson, Ford; Free, Caroline; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter description
  • Scaling up screening and treatment for elimination of hepatitis C among men who have sex with men in the era of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. (2019) Macgregor, Louis; Desai, Monica; Martin, Natasha K; Nicholls, Jane; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Hickman, Matthew; Vickerman, Peter
  • Association between knowledge, risk behaviours, and testing for sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men: findings from a large online survey in the United Kingdom. (2019) Wayal, S; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Blomquist, P; Fabiane, S; Hughes, G; Mercer, CH
  • European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey (EMIS-2017): Design and Methods. (2019) Weatherburn, Peter; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David S; Marcus, Ulrich; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Pilot phase of an internet-based RCT of HIVST targeting MSM and transgender people in England and Wales: advertising strategies and acceptability of the intervention. (2019) Witzel, T Charles; Gabriel, Michelle M; McCabe, Leanne; Weatherburn, Peter; Gafos, Mitzy; Speakman, Andrew; Pebody, Roger; Burns, Fiona M; Bonell, Chris; Lampe, Fiona C; Dunn, David T; Ward, Denise; Harbottle, Justin; Phillips, Andrew N; McCormack, Sheena; Rodger, Alison J
  • HIV self-testing intervention experiences and kit usability: results from a qualitative study among men who have sex with men in the SELPHI (Self-Testing Public Health Intervention) randomized controlled trial in England and Wales. (2019) Witzel, TC; Bourne, A; Burns, FM; Rodger, AJ; McCabe, L; Gabriel, MM; Gafos, M; Ward, D; Collaco-Moraes, Y; Dunn, DT; Speakman, A; Bonell, C; Pebody, R; Lampe, FC; Harbottle, J; Phillips, AN; McCormack, S; Weatherburn, P
  • 2018
  • Awareness of and attitudes to sexually transmissible infections among gay men and other men who have sex with men in England: a qualitative study. (2018) Datta, Jessica; Reid, David; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Protocol, rationale and design of SELPHI: a randomised controlled trial assessing whether offering free HIV self-testing kits via the internet increases the rate of HIV diagnosis. (2018) Gabriel, Michelle M; Dunn, David T; Speakman, Andrew; McCabe, Leanne; Ward, Denise; Witzel, T Charles; Harbottle, Justin; Collins, Simon; Gafos, Mitzy; Burns, Fiona M; Lampe, Fiona C; Weatherburn, Peter; Phillips, Andrew; McCormack, Sheena; Rodger, Alison J
  • Correlates and subgroups of injecting drug use in UK gay and bisexual men: Findings from the 2014 Gay Men's Sex Survey. (2018) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bourne, Adam; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Typology of drug use in United Kingdom men who have sex with men and associations with socio-sexual characteristics. (2018) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bourne, Adam; Reid, David; Hickson, Ford; Bonell, Chris; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Self-sampling kits to increase HIV testing among black Africans in the UK: the HAUS mixed-methods study. (2018) Seguin, Maureen; Dodds, Catherine; Mugweni, Esther; McDaid, Lisa; Flowers, Paul; Wayal, Sonali; Zomer, Ella; Weatherburn, Peter; Fakoya, Ibidun; Hartney, Thomas; McDonagh, Lorraine; Hunter, Rachael; Young, Ingrid; Khan, Shabana; Freemantle, Nick; Chwaula, Jabulani; Sachikonye, Memory; Anderson, Jane; Singh, Surinder; Nastouli, Eleni; Rait, Greta; Burns, Fiona
  • The Acceptability and Feasibility of Implementing a Bio-Behavioral Enhanced Surveillance Tool for Sexually Transmitted Infections in England: Mixed-Methods Study. (2018) Wayal, Sonali; Reid, David; Blomquist, Paula B; Weatherburn, Peter; Mercer, Catherine H; Hughes, Gwenda
  • 2017
  • Substance use among men who have sex with men: patterns, motivations, impacts and intervention development need. (2017) Bourne, Adam; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Places and people: the perceptions of men who have sex with men concerning STI testing: a qualitative study. (2017) Datta, Jessica; Reid, David; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter
  • HIV, sexual risk and ethnicity among gay and bisexual men in England: survey evidence for persisting health inequalities. (2017) Hickson, F; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P
  • Mental health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England, Scotland and Wales: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. (2017) Hickson, Ford; Davey, Calum; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam
  • Behavioural, not biological, factors drive the HCV epidemic among HIV-positive MSM: HCV and HIV modelling analysis including HCV treatment-as-prevention impact. (2017) MacGregor, L; Martin, NK; Mukandavire, C; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Hickman, M; Vickerman, P
  • Anti-LGBT and Anti-Immigrant Structural Stigma: An Intersectional Analysis of Sexual Minority Men's HIV Risk When Migrating to or Within Europe. (2017) Pachankis, JE; Hatzenbuehler, ML; Berg, RC; Fernández-Dávila, P; Mirandola, M; Marcus, U; Weatherburn, P; Schmidt, AJ
  • Structural Validation and Multiple Group Assessment of the Short Internalized Homonegativity Scale in Homosexual and Bisexual Men in 38 European Countries: Results From the European MSM Internet Survey. (2017) Tran, Ha; Ross, Michael W; Diamond, Pamela M; Berg, Rigmor C; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Consolidating emerging evidence surrounding HIVST and HIVSS: a rapid systematic mapping protocol. (2017) Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Burns, Fiona M; Johnson, Cheryl C; Figueroa, Carmen; Rodger, Alison J
  • Risk, reassurance and routine: a qualitative study of narrative understandings of the potential for HIV self-testing among men who have sex with men in England. (2017) Witzel, T Charles; Weatherburn, Peter; Rodger, Alison J; Bourne, Adam H; Burns, Fiona M
  • 2016
  • Social norms related to combining drugs and sex ("chemsex") among gay men in South London. (2016) Ahmed, AK; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres-Rueda, S; Steinberg, P; Bourne, A
  • Physical health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. (2016) Bourne, Adam; Davey, Calum; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter description
  • Mental health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England, Scotland and Wales: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. (2016) Hickson, Ford; Davey, Calum; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam description
  • Learning from the experiences of people with HIV using general practitioner services in London: a qualitative study. (2016) Keogh, Peter; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David
  • Predictors of crystal methamphetamine use in a community-based sample of UK men who have sex with men. (2016) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bonell, C; Hickson, F; Bourne, A; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P description
  • Findings from within-subjects comparisons of drug use and sexual risk behaviour in men who have sex with men in England. (2016) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris description
  • An initial typology of contexts of dyadic sexual encounters between men and associations with sexual risk and pleasure: findings from an observational study. (2016) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris description
  • The Geography of Sexual Orientation: Structural Stigma and Sexual Attraction, Behavior, and Identity Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Across 38 European Countries. (2016) Pachankis, JE; Hatzenbuehler, ML; Mirandola, M; Weatherburn, P; Berg, RC; Marcus, U; Schmidt, AJ
  • Interventions for tobacco use cessation in people living with HIV and AIDS. (2016) Pool, Erica RM; Dogar, Omara; Lindsay, Ryan P; Weatherburn, Peter; Siddiqi, Kamran
  • Men who have sex with men in Great Britain: comparing methods and estimates from probability and convenience sample surveys. (2016) Prah, Philip; Hickson, Ford; Bonell, Chris; McDaid, Lisa M; Johnson, Anne M; Wayal, Sonali; Clifton, Soazig; Sonnenberg, Pam; Nardone, Anthony; Erens, Bob; Copas, Andrew J; Riddell, Julie; Weatherburn, Peter; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Illicit drug use among gay and bisexual men in 44 cities: Findings from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS). (2016) Schmidt, Axel J; Bourne, Adam; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David; Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; EMIS Network
  • Motivations and values associated with combining sex and illicit drugs ('chemsex') among gay men in South London: findings from a qualitative study. (2016) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Torres-Rueda, S; Bourne, A description
  • HIV testing history and preferences for future tests among gay men, bisexual men and other MSM in England: results from a cross-sectional study. (2016) Witzel, T Charles; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter
  • HIV Self-Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in the UK: A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Facilitators, Intervention Preferences and Perceived Impacts. (2016) Witzel, T Charles; Rodger, Alison J; Burns, Fiona M; Rhodes, Tim; Weatherburn, Peter
  • 2015
  • The Relationship of Internalized Homonegativity to Sexual Health and Well-Being Among Men in 38 European Countries Who Have Sex With Men. (2015) Berg, Rigmor C; Weatherburn, Peter; Ross, Michael W; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Illicit drug use in sexual settings ('chemsex') and HIV/STI transmission risk behaviour among gay men in South London: findings from a qualitative study. (2015) Bourne, A; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres-Rueda, S; Weatherburn, P description
  • Non-condom related strategies to reduce the risk of HIV transmission: Perspectives and experiences of gay men with diagnosed HIV. (2015) Bourne, Adam; Dodds, Catherine; Keogh, Peter; Weatherburn, Peter
  • "Chemsex" and harm reduction need among gay men in South London. (2015) Bourne, Adam; Reid, David; Hickson, Ford; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Steinberg, Paul; Weatherburn, Peter description
  • Poorer mental health in UK bisexual women than lesbians: evidence from the UK 2007 Stonewall Women's Health Survey. (2015) Colledge, Lisa; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Antiretroviral therapy and reasons for not taking it among men having sex with men (MSM)--results from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS). (2015) Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Furegato, Martina; Breveglieri, Michele; Berg, Rigmor C; Schmidt, Axel J; EMIS network
  • Drug use moderates associations between location of sex and unprotected anal intercourse in men who have sex with men: nested cross-sectional study of dyadic encounters with new partners. (2015) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris description
  • Nested Event-Level Case-Control Study of Drug Use and Sexual Outcomes in Multipartner Encounters Reported by Men Who Have Sex with Men. (2015) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris description
  • Hidden from health: structural stigma, sexual orientation concealment, and HIV across 38 countries in the European MSM Internet Survey. (2015) Pachankis, John E; Hatzenbuehler, Mark L; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Berg, Rigmor C; Marcus, Ulrich; Schmidt, Axel J
  • 2014
  • Transactional Sex: Supply and Demand Among European Men Who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the Context of Local Laws. (2014) Berg, Rigmor C; Schmidt, Axel J; Weatherburn, Peter; The Emis Network
  • The Chemsex study: drug use in sexual settings among gay and bisexual men in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. (2014) Bourne, A; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres Rueda, S; Weatherburn, P
  • An exploratory review of HIV prevention mass media campaigns targeting men who have sex with men. (2014) French, Rebecca S; Bonell, Chris; Wellings, Kaye; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Internet-based cohort study of HIV testing over 1 year among men who have sex with men living in England and exposed to a social marketing intervention promoting testing. (2014) Hickson, Ford; Tomlin, Keith; Hargreaves, James; Bonell, Chris; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Event-level case-crossover analysis of drug use and sexual risk in men who have sex with men in England. (2014) Melendez-Torres, G; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Bonell, C
  • Typologies of risk in sexual encounters reported by MSM in England. (2014) Melendez-Torres, G; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Bonell, C
  • 2013
  • What constitutes the best sex life for gay and bisexual men? Implications for HIV prevention. (2013) Bourne, Adam; Hammond, Gary; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Schmidt, Axel J; Weatherburn, Peter; EMIS Network
  • STI testing without HIV disclosure by MSM with diagnosed HIV infection in England: cross-sectional results from an online panel survey. (2013) Datta, Jessica; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Keeping Confidence: HIV and the criminal law from service provider perspectives. (2013) Dodds, C; Weait, M; Bourne, A; Egede, S; Jessup, K; Weatherburn, P
  • HIV Testing and HIV Serostatus-Specific Sexual Risk Behaviour Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Living in England and Recruited Through the Internet in 2001 and 2008. (2013) Hickson, Ford; Bonell, Chris; Hargreaves, James; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Estimating the size of the MSM populations for 38 European countries by calculating the survey-surveillance discrepancies (SSD) between self-reported new HIV diagnoses from the European MSM internet survey (EMIS) and surveillance-reported HIV diagnoses among MSM in 2009. (2013) Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; EMIS Network
  • Age biases in a large HIV and sexual behaviour-related internet survey among MSM. (2013) Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; EMIS network
  • Internalised homonegativity predicts HIV-associated risk behavior in European men who have sex with men in a 38-country cross-sectional study: some public health implications of homophobia. (2013) Ross, Michael W; Berg, Rigmor C; Schmidt, Axel J; Hospers, Harm J; Breveglieri, Michele; Furegato, Martina; Weatherburn, Peter; European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) Network
  • Comparison of the performance of STI screening services for gay and bisexual men across 40 European cities: results from the European MSM Internet Survey. (2013) Schmidt, Axel J; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Marcus, Ulrich; EMIS Network
  • The European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey (EMIS): Design and Methods. (2013) Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Berg, Rigmor C; Hospers, Harm J; Marcus, Ulrich
  • 2012
  • Structural and environmental factors are associated with internalised homonegativity in men who have sex with men: findings from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) in 38 countries. (2012) Berg, Rigmor C; Ross, Michael W; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Problems with sex among gay and bisexual men with diagnosed HIV in the United Kingdom. (2012) Bourne, Adam; Hickson, Ford; Keogh, Peter; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Prevalence of HIV among MSM in Europe: comparison of self-reported diagnoses from a large scale internet survey and existing national estimates. (2012) Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; EMIS Network
  • 2011
  • Perceptions of superinfection risk among gay men with diagnosed HIV who have unprotected anal intercourse. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Keogh, P
  • Plus One: HIV sero-discordant relationships among black African people in England. (2011) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Madyara, A; Ntabyera, E; Owour, J; Ola, L; Mahaka, P; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • 2010
  • Tactical dangers: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2008. (2010) Hickson, F; Bourne, A; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Illicit drug use among men who have sex with men in England and Wales. (2010) Hickson, Ford; Bonell, Chris; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David
  • 2009
  • Community HIV testing for men who have sex with men: results of a pilot project and comparison of service users with those testing in genitourinary medicine clinics. (2009) Bailey, AC; Roberts, J; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, FCI; Reid, DS; Fisher, M; Dean, G
  • Methamphetamine use among gay men across the UK. (2009) Bonell, Christopher P; Hickson, Ford CI; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David S
  • Relative safety II: risk and unprotected anal intercourse among gay men with diagnosed HIV. (2009) Bourne, A; Dodds, C; Keogh, P; Weatherburn, P; Hammond, G
  • Surveys and Data Sources on Gay Men’s Lifestyles and Socio-Sexual Behavior: Some Key Concerns and Issues. (2009) Cameron, Samuel; Collins, Alan; Drinkwater, Stephen; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Roberts, Jennifer; Stephens, Michael; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Sexually charged: the views of gay and bisexual men on criminal prosecutions for sexual HIV transmission. (2009) Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Bourne, AH; Hammond, G; Weait, M; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Jessup, K
  • Wasted opportunities: problematic alcohol and drug use among gay men and bisexual men. (2009) Keogh, P; Reid, D; Bourne, A; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • What do you need? 2007-08 findings from a national survey of people with diagnosed HIV. (2009) Weatherburn, P; Keogh, P; Reid, D; Dodds, C; Bourne, A; Owuor, J; Hammond, G; Jessup, K
  • 2008
  • Addressing gay men's use of methamphetamine and other substances. (2008) Bonell, C; Weatherburn, P; Rhodes, T; Hickson, F; Keogh, P; Elford, J
  • Sexually transmitted infections as risk factors for HIV infection among MSMs: systematic review. (2008) Bonell, Chris; Hickson, Ford; Beaumont, Meredith; Weatherburn, Peter
  • The knowledge, the will and the power: a plan of action to meet the HIV prevention needs of Africans in England. (2008) Dodds, C; Hickson, F; Chinouya, M; Chwaula, J; Weatherburn, P
  • BASS Line 2007 Survey: assessing the sexual HIV prevention needs of African people in England. (2008) Dodds, C; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hammond, G; Jessup, K; Adegbite, G
  • Homosexually active men's views on criminal prosecutions for HIV transmission are related to HIV prevention need. (2008) Dodds, Catherine; Hammond, Gary; Weatherburn, Peter; Hickson, Ford; Keogh, Peter; Reid, David; Henderson, Laurie; Jessup, Kathie
  • Multiple chances: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2006. (2008) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • 2007
  • Reducing the length of time between HIV infection and diagnosis. (2007) Dodds, Catherine; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Consuming passions: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2005. (2007) Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Jessup, K; Hammond, G
  • Form and focus: evaluation of CHAPS national interventions, 2003 to 2006. (2007) Weatherburn, P; Dodds, C; Branigan, P; Keogh, P; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Henderson, L; Nutland, W
  • The growing challenge: a strategic review of HIV social care, support and information services across the UK. (2007) Weatherburn, P; Keogh, P; Dodds, C; Hickson, F; Henderson, L
  • 2006
  • PEP talk: awareness of, and access to post-exposure prophylaxis among gay & bisexual men in the UK. (2006) Dodds, C; Hammond, G; Keogh, P; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P
  • Supporting people with HIV: research into the housing and related support needs of people with HIV in Nottingham City. (2006) Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P
  • 2005
  • Grevious harm: Use of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 for sexual transmission of HIV. (2005) Dodds, C; Weatherburn, P; Keogh, P; Hickson, F; Nutland, W
  • Risk and reflexion: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2004. (2005) Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Hammond, G; Stephens, M
  • 2004
  • The needs of people with HIV in the UK: findings from a national survey. (2004) Anderson, WJ; Weatherburn, P
  • Outsider status: stigma and discrimination experienced by gay men and African people with HIV. (2004) Dodds, C; Keogh, P; Chime, O; Haruperi, T; Nabulya, B; Ssanyu Sseruma, W; Weatherburn, P
  • A telling dilemma: HIV disclosure among male (homo)sexual partners. (2004) Dodds, C; Keogh, P; Weatherburn, P
  • HIV, sexual risk, and ethnicity among men in England who have sex with men. (2004) Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Stephens, M; Nutland, W; Boakye, P
  • Doctoring gay men: exploring the contribution of General Practice. (2004) Keogh, P; Weatherburn, P; Henderson, L; Reid, D; Dodds, C; Hickson, F
  • On the move: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men’s Sex Survey, 2003. (2004) Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Stephens, M; Hammond, G
  • 2003
  • Making it count: a collaborative planning framework to reduce the incidence of HIV infection during sex between men. (2003) Hickson, F; Nutland, W; Weatherburn, P; Burnell, C; Keogh, M; Doyle, T; Watson, R; Gault, A
  • Out and about: findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men's Sex Survey 2002. (2003) Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Stephens, M
  • Successful measures: Evaluation of CHAPS national HIV prevention campaigns targeted at gay men, 2001 to 2003. (2003) Weatherburn, P; Dodds, C; Branigan, P; Nutland, W; Reid, D; Keogh, P; Henderson, L; Hickson, F; Stephens, M
  • Net benefits: gay men's use of the internet and other settings where HIV prevention occurs. (2003) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D
  • Project NASAH: an investigation into the HIV treatment information and other needs o African people with HIV resident in England. (2003) Weatherburn, P; Ssanyu Sseruma, W; Hickson, F; McLean, S; Reid, D
  • 2002
  • Vital Statistics Scotland 2001: findings from the Gay Men's Sex Survey. (2002) Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D
  • Know the score: findings from the National Gay Men's Sex Survey 2001. (2002) Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Stephens, M
  • 2001
  • First, service relationships, sex and health amongst lesbian and bisexual women. (2001) Henderson, L; Reid, D; Hickson, F; McLean, S; Cross, J; Weatherburn, P
  • Time for more: findings from the National Gay Men's Sex Survey, 2000. (2001) Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Stephens, M; Brown, D