Items where Author is "Collumbien, Martine"
Number of items: 61.
  • Adolescent Girls and Their Family Members' Attitudes Around Gendered Power Inequity and Associations with Future Aspirations in Karnataka, India. (2022) Closson, Kalysha; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Beattie, Tara; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Collumbien, Martine; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Isac, Shajy; Watts, Charlotte; Moses, Stephen; Gafos, Mitzy; Heise, Lori; Becker, Marissa; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • 2021
  • Exploring the drivers and impact of policing on female sex workers’ HIV risk. (2021) Salje, KHJ
  • Understanding the lives of caregivers and evaluating a support programme for caregivers of children with disabilities: lessons learnt from Ghana. (2021) Zuurmond, MA
  • 2020
  • Assessing the effect of the Samata intervention on factors hypothesised to be on the pathway to child marriage and school drop-out: results from a cluster-randomised trial in rural north Karnataka, India. (2020) Beattie, Tara S; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Collumbien, Martine; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Davey, Calum; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Watts, Charlotte; Isac, Shajy; Gafos, Mitzy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • Changes in Family-Level Attitudes and Norms and Association with Secondary School Completion and Child Marriage Among Adolescent Girls: Results from an Exploratory Study Nested Within a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial in India. (2020) Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara S; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Javalkar, Prakash; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Davey, Calum; Gafos, Mitzy; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • 'I have the confidence to ask': thickening agency among adolescent girls in Karnataka, South India. (2020) Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Collumbien, Martine; Pujar, Ashwini; Howard-Merrill, Lottie; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Prakash, Ravi; Javalkar, Prakash; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Beattie, Tara; Moses, Stephen; Isac, Shajy; Gafos, Mitzy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Heise, Lori
  • 2019
  • Prevalence and correlates of psychological distress among 13-14 year old adolescent girls in North Karnataka, South India: a cross-sectional study. (2019) Beattie, Tara S; Prakash, Ravi; Mazzuca, April; Kelly, Leslie; Javalkar, Prakash; Raghavendra, T; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Isac, Shajy; Watts, Charlotte
  • Widening cracks in patriarchy: mothers and daughters navigating gender norms in a Mumbai slum. (2019) Cislaghi, Beniamino; Bankar, Shweta; Verma, Ravi Kumar; Heise, Lori; Collumbien, Martine
  • Practice-based insights in developing and implementing a sport-based programme for girls. (2019) Collumbien, Martine; Das, Madhumita; Bankar, Shweta; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Heise, Lori; Verma, Ravi K
  • Effectiveness of a multilevel intervention to reduce violence and increase condom use in intimate partnerships among female sex workers: cluster randomised controlled trial in Karnataka, India. (2019) Javalkar, Prakash; Platt, Lucy; Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara S; Collumbien, Martine; Gafos, Mitzy; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Davey, Calum; Jewkes, Rachel; Watts, Charlotte; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Dl, Kavitha; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • What determines violence among female sex workers in an intimate partner relationship? Findings from North Karnataka, south India. (2019) Javalkar, Prakash; Platt, Lucy; Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Thalinja, Raghavendra; L, Kavitha D; Sangha, Chaitanya Aids Tadegattuva Mahila; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Collumbien, Martine; Davey, Calum; Moses, Stephen; Jewkes, Rachel; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • Effectiveness of a multilevel intervention to reduce violence and increase condom use in intimate partnerships among female sex workers: cluster randomised controlled trial in Karnataka, India. (2019) Javalkar, Prakash; Platt, Lucy; Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara; Collumbien, Martine; Gafos, Mitzy; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Davey, Calum; Jewkes, Rachel; Watts, Charlotte; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Thalinji, Raghavendra; DL, Kavitha; Isac, Shajy; Heise, Lori
  • Migration-related stressors and coping strategies: a mixed-methods study among men in Nepal. (2019) Mak, J picture_as_pdf
  • The Samata intervention to increase secondary school completion and reduce child marriage among adolescent girls: results from a cluster-randomised control trial in India. (2019) Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara S; Javalkar, Prakash; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Davey, Calum; Gafos, Mitzy; Blanchard, James; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Isac, Shajy
  • 2018
  • Contesting restrictive mobility norms among female mentors implementing a sport based programme for young girls in a Mumbai slum. (2018) Bankar, Shweta; Collumbien, Martine; Das, Madhumita; Verma, Ravi K; Cislaghi, Beniamino; Heise, Lori
  • Integration of HIV and reproductive health services in public sector facilities: analysis of client flow data over time in Kenya. (2018) Birdthistle, Isolde J; Fenty, Justin; Collumbien, Martine; Warren, Charlotte; Kimani, James; Ndwiga, Charity; Mayhew, Susannah; Integra Initiative
  • A community-based qualitative study on the experience and understandings of intimate partner violence and HIV vulnerability from the perspectives of female sex workers and male intimate partners in North Karnataka state, India. (2018) Blanchard, Andrea K; Nair, Sapna G; Bruce, Sharon G; Chaitanya AIDS Tadegattuva Mahila Sangha; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Javalkar, Prakash; Pillai, Priya; Collumbien, Martine; Heise, Lori; Isac, Shajy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • Education, poverty and "purity" in the context of adolescent girls' secondary school retention and dropout: A qualitative study from Karnataka, southern India. (2018) Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Collumbien, Martine; Prakash, Ravi; Howard-Merrill, Lottie; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Javalkar, Prakash; Murthy, Srikanta; Cislaghi, Ben; Beattie, Tara; Isac, Shajy; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Bhattacharjee, Parinita
  • Examining diffusion to understand the how of SASA!, a violence against women and HIV prevention intervention in Uganda. (2018) Starmann, Elizabeth; Heise, Lori; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Devries, Karen; Abramsky, Tanya; Michau, Lori; Musuya, Tina; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine
  • A support programme for caregivers of children with disabilities in Ghana: Understanding the impact on the wellbeing of caregivers. (2018) Zuurmond, Maria; Nyante, Gifty; Baltussen, Marjolein; Seeley, Janet; Abanga, Jedidia; Shakespeare, Tom; Collumbien, Martine; Bernays, Sarah
  • 2017
  • Numbers, systems, people: how interactions influence integration. Insights from case studies of HIV and reproductive health services delivery in Kenya. (2017) Mayhew, Susannah H; Sweeney, Sedona; Warren, Charlotte E; Collumbien, Martine; Ndwiga, Charity; Mutemwa, Richard; Lut, Irina; Integra Initiative; Colombini, Manuela; Vassall, Anna
  • Correlates of school dropout and absenteeism among adolescent girls from marginalized community in north Karnataka, south India. (2017) Prakash, Ravi; Beattie, Tara; Javalkar, Prakash; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Murthy, Srikanta; Davey, Calum; Blanchard, James; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori; Isac, Shajy
  • 2016
  • Considering risk contexts in explaining the paradoxical HIV increase among female sex workers in Mumbai and Thane, India. (2016) Bandewar, Sunita VS; Bharat, Shalini; Kongelf, Anine; Pisal, Hemlata; Collumbien, Martine
  • Reducing violence and increasing condom use in the intimate partnerships of female sex workers: study protocol for Samvedana Plus, a cluster randomised controlled trial in Karnataka state, south India. (2016) Beattie, Tara S; Isac, Shajy; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Javalkar, Prakash; Davey, Calum; Raghavendra, T; Nair, Sapna; Ramanaik, Satyanarayana; Kavitha, DL; Blanchard, James F; Watts, Charlotte; Collumbien, Martine; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori
  • Pursuing Authenticity From Process to Outcome in a Community-Based Participatory Research Study of Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Vulnerability in North Karnataka, India. (2016) Blanchard, Andrea Katryn; Sangha, Chaitanya Aids Tadegattuva Mahila; Nair, Sapna G; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Srikantamurthy, HS; Ramanaik, Satyanaryana; Javalkar, Prakash; Pillai, Priya; Isac, Shajy; Collumbien, Martine; Heise, Lori; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Bruce, Sharon Gail
  • 'Enhance her pleasure - and your grip strength': Men's Health magazine and pseudo-reciprocal pleasure. (2016) Porter, Chelsey Nicole; Douglas, Nick; Collumbien, Martine description
  • Exploring Couples' Processes of Change in the Context of SASA!, a Violence Against Women and HIV Prevention Intervention in Uganda. (2016) Starmann, E; Collumbien, M; Kyegombe, N; Devries, K; Michau, L; Musuya, T; Watts, C; Heise, L description
  • 2015
  • Supporting adolescent girls to stay in school, reduce child marriage and reduce entry into sex work as HIV risk prevention in north Karnataka, India: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2015) Beattie, Tara S; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Isac, Shajy; Davey, Calum; Javalkar, Prakash; Nair, Sapna; Thalinja, Raghavendra; Sudhakar, Gautam; Collumbien, Martine; Blanchard, James F; Watts, Charlotte; Moses, Stephen; Heise, Lori
  • Is scale-up of community mobilisation among sex workers really possible in complex urban environments? The case of Mumbai, India. (2015) Kongelf, Anine; Bandewar, Sunita VS; Bharat, Shalini; Collumbien, Martine
  • Unpacking change to inform intimate partner violence prevention: Exploring couples’ processes of change and the influence of intervention and social network factors in Uganda. (2015) Starmann, E
  • 2014
  • Fertility decisions and contraceptive use at different stages of relationships: windows of risk among men and women in accra. (2014) Osei, Ivy Frances; Mayhew, Susannah Harding; Biekro, Leticia; Collumbien, Martine; ECAF Team
  • 2013
  • Diversity among clients of female sex workers in India: comparing risk profiles and intervention impact by site of solicitation. implications for the vulnerability of less visible female sex workers. (2013) Suryawanshi, Dipak; Bhatnagar, Tarun; Deshpande, Sucheta; Zhou, Weiwei; Singh, Pankaj; Collumbien, Martine
  • 2012
  • Guidelines for social science research in sexual and reproductive health. (2012) Collumbien, M; Busza, J; Cleland, J; Campbell, O
  • Structural influences on sexual health. (2012) Collumbien, M; Datta, J; Davis, B; Wellings, K
  • Risk reduction and perceived collective efficacy and community support among female sex workers in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, India: the importance of context. (2012) Guha, Mohua; Baschieri, Angela; Bharat, Shalini; Bhatnagar, Tarun; Sane, Suvarna Sanjay; Godbole, Sheela V; S, Saravanamurthy P; Mainkar, Mandar Keshav; Williams, Joseph; Collumbien, Martine
  • 2011
  • Youth-friendly services in two rural districts of West Bengal and Jharkhand, India: definite progress, a long way to go. (2011) Collumbien, Martine; Mishra, Manasee; Blackmore, Charlotte
  • 2010
  • "No one can ask me 'Why do you take that stuff?'": men's experiences of antiretroviral treatment in South Africa. (2010) Fitzgerald, Molly; Collumbien, Martine; Hosegood, Victoria
  • 2009
  • Understanding the context of male and transgender sex work using peer ethnography. (2009) Collumbien, M; Qureshi, AA; Mayhew, SH; Rizvi, N; Rabbani, A; Rolfe, B; Verma, RK; Rehman, H; Naveed-i-Rahat
  • HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men, transgenders and women selling sex in two cities in Pakistan: a cross-sectional prevalence survey. (2009) Hawkes, S; Collumbien, M; Platt, L; Lalji, N; Rizvi, N; Andreasen, A; Chow, J; Muzaffar, R; ur-Rehman, H; Siddiqui, N; Hasan, S; Bokhari, A
  • Protecting the unprotected: mixed-method research on drug use, sex work and rights in Pakistan's fight against HIV/AIDS. (2009) Mayhew, S; Collumbien, M; Qureshi, A; Platt, L; Rafiq, N; Faisel, A; Lalji, N; Hawkes, S
  • Prevalence of HIV, HCV and sexually transmitted infections among injecting drug users in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad, Pakistan: evidence for an emerging injection-related HIV epidemic. (2009) Platt, L; Vickerman, P; Collumbien, M; Hasan, S; Lalji, N; Mayhew, S; Muzaffar, R; Andreasen, A; Hawkes, S
  • 2008
  • Multiple risks among male and transgender sex workers in Pakistan. (2008) Collumbien, M; Chow, J; Qureshi, AA; Rabbani, A; Hawkes, S
  • Multiple risks among male and transgender sex workers in Pakistan. (2008) Collumbien, Martine; Chow, Jaime; Qureshi, Ayaz Ahmed; Rabbani, Aliya; Hawkes, Sarah
  • 2007
  • What Do Men Want? (2007) Hawkes, Sarah; Collumbien, Martine
  • Global sexual behaviour – Authors' reply. (2007) Wellings, Kaye; Slaymaker, Emma; Bajos, Nathalie; Collumbien, Martine; Singh, Susheela
  • 2006
  • Using evaluation to improve the sexual health of young people. (2006) Collumbien, M; Douthwaite, M; Jana, L
  • Sexual behaviour in context: a global perspective. (2006) Wellings, Kaye; Collumbien, Martine; Slaymaker, Emma; Singh, Susheela; Hodges, Zoé; Patel, Dhaval; Bajos, Nathalie
  • 2004
  • Etic and emic categories in male sexual health: a case study from Orissa. (2004) Collumbien, M; Bohidar, N; Das, R; Das, B; Pelto, P
  • Sexual Risk Behaviour and Condom use in Orissa. (2004) Collumbien, M; Das, B
  • Non-use and use of ineffective methods of contraception. (2004) Collumbien, M; Gerressu, M; Cleland, J
  • Building up rights-based approaches to HIV/AIDS in Pakistan: a national civil society capacity building project: Operational Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation and list of core indicators. (2004) Douthwaite, M; Collumbien, M; Mayhew, SH
  • Comparative Risk Assessment: Unsafe Sex. (2004) Slaymaker, E; Walker, N; Zaba, B; Collumbien, M
  • Homosexual activity among rural Indian men: implications for HIV interventions. (2004) Verma, Ravi Kumar; Collumbien, Martine
  • 2003
  • Pills, injections and audiotapes: reaching couples in Pakistan. (2003) Collumbien, Martine; Douthwaite, Megan
  • Wife Beating and the Link with Poor Sexual Health and Risk Behavior Among Men in urban Slums in India. (2003) Verma, RK; Collumbien, M
  • 2001
  • What are condoms used for? Insights from Orissa India. (2001) Collumbien, M; Das, B; Campbell, O
  • Adjustment methods for bias in the indirect childhood mortality estimates. (2001) Collumbien, M; Sloggett, A
  • Fertility decline in Nepal. (2001) Collumbien, M; Timaeus, IM; Acharya, L
  • Male sexual debut in Orissa, India: Context, partners and differentials. (2001) Collumbien, Martine; Das, Braj; Bohidar, Nabesh
  • Why Are Condoms Used, and How Many Are Needed? Estimates from Orissa, India. (2001) Collumbien, Martine; Das, Braj; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Addressing semen loss concerns: towards culturally appropriate HIV/AIDS interventions in Gujarat, India. (2001) Lakhani, A; Gandhi, K; Collumbien, M