Items where Author is "Dowie, Jack"
Number of items: 67.
  • Communicating About Mortality in Health Decision Support: ‘What and Why and When, and How and Where and Who’. (2021) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • 2020
  • COVID-19, the Swedish 'Experiment', and Me. (2020) Dowie, Jack
  • Decision Quality Is a Preference-Sensitive Formative Concept: How Do Some Existing Measures Compare? (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Measures of Decision Aid Quality Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted – 2: Empirical Measures. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Measures of Decision Aid Quality Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted – 1: Normative Measures. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Evaluations of Decision Support Tools Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted: The Case of Deliberation Aids. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Are Clinical Decision Support Systems Compatible with Patient-Centred Care? (2020) Rajput, Vije Kumar; Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Multicriteria Decision Support Would Avoid Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment. (2020) Rajput, Vije Kumar; Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • 2019
  • shared decision making is a Preference-sensitive Formative Construct: the Implications. (2019) Dowie, Jack
  • The Evaluation of Decision Support Tools Needs to Be Preference Context-Sensitive. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Uncertainty-Adjusted Translation for Preference-Sensitive Decision Support. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Translating the Results of Discrete Choice Experiments into p-/e-/m-Health Decision Support Tools. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Strong Recommendations Are Inappropriate in Person-Centred Care: The Case of Anti-Platelet Therapy. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Why a Global PROMIS® Can't Be Kept. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • A Generic Rapid Evaluation Support Tool (GREST) for Clinical and Commissioning Decisions. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Rajput, Vije; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Risk Classifications Interfere with Preference-Sensitive Decision Support. (2019) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Dowie, Jack
  • PROMs Need PRIMs: Standardised Outcome Measures Lack the Preference-Sensitivity Needed in Person-Centred Care. (2019) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Dowie, Jack
  • A Multi-Criterial Support Tool for the Multimorbidity Decision in General Practice. (2019) Rajput, Vije Kumar; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Dowie, Jack
  • 2018
  • The Future of Health Is Self-Production and Co-Creation Based on Apomediative Decision Support. (2018) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • From Rapid Recommendation to Online Preference-Sensitive Decision Support: The Case of Severe Aortic Stenosis. (2018) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Risk Thresholds and Risk Classifications Pose Problems for Person-Centred Care. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Separating Risk Assessment from Risk Management Poses Legal and Ethical Problems in Person-Centred Care. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • The Evaluation of Decision Support Tools Requires a Measure of Decision Quality That Has Content and Construct Validity in Person-Centred Care. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Dual Purpose, Dual Audience: MCDA-Based Tools Can Simultaneously Support Personal Health Decisions and Educate Persons and Clinicians. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Preference-Sensitive Apomediative Decision Support Is Key to Facilitating Self-Produced Health. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • 2016
  • Towards Integrating the Principlist and Casuist Approaches to Ethical Decisions via Multi-Criterial Support. (2016) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • The Role of Personalised Choice in Decision Support: A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Decision Aid for Prostate Cancer Screening. (2016) Salkeld, Glenn; Cunich, Michelle; Dowie, Jack; Howard, Kirsten; Patel, Manish I; Mann, Graham; Lipworth, Wendy
  • 2015
  • Caveat emptor NICE: biased use of cost-effectiveness is inefficient and inequitable. (2015) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn
  • Enhancing Healthcare Provider Feedback and Personal Health Literacy: Dual Use of a Decision Quality Measure. (2015) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Health Informatics Can Avoid Committing Symbolic Violence by Recognizing and Supporting Generic Decision-making Competencies. (2015) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Who should decide how much and what information is important in person-centred health care? (2015) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Addressing preference heterogeneity in public health policy by combining Cluster Analysis and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Proof of Method. (2015) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Turner, Robin; Cunich, Michelle; Salkeld, Glenn; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Preferences of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis for Attributes of Disease Modifying Drugs In Decision-Making: A Nominal Group Technique And Best-Worst Scaling. (2015) Kremer, IE; Evers, SM; Jongen, PJ; Dowie, J; van der Weijden, T; van de Kolk, I; Hiligsmann, M
  • Developing an Online Decision Aid for Osteoarthritis. (2015) Salkeld, Glenn; Wortley, Sally; Hunter, David; Umapathy, Hema; Dowie, Jack
  • 2014
  • Enhancing informatics competency under uncertainty at the point of decision: a knowing about knowing vision. (2014) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Increasing User Involvement in Health Care and Health Research Simultaneously: A Proto-Protocol for "Person-as-Researcher" and Online Decision Support Tools. (2014) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • 2013
  • Mapping the translation challenge. (2013) Dowie, Jack
  • Towards generic online multicriteria decision support in patient-centred health care. (2013) Dowie, Jack; Kjer Kaltoft, Mette; Salkeld, Glenn; Cunich, Michelle
  • The development of a multi-criteria decision analysis aid to help with contraceptive choices: My Contraception Tool. (2013) French, Rebecca S; Cowan, Frances M; Wellings, Kaye; Dowie, Jack
  • Assessing decision quality in patient-centred care requires a preference-sensitive measure. (2013) Kaltoft, Mette; Cunich, Michelle; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • 2011
  • Integrating evidence and individual preferences using a web-based multi-criteria decision analytic tool: an application to prostate cancer screening. (2011) Cunich, Michelle; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack; Henderson, Joan; Bayram, Clare; Britt, Helena; Howard, Kirsten
  • 2008
  • Traffic and the risk of vehicle-related pedestrian injury: a decision analytic support tool. (2008) Chalabi, Z; Roberts, I; Edwards, P; Dowie, J
  • 2007
  • Decision Analysis: the ethical approach to most health decision making. (2007) Dowie, J
  • Let's open whole process of cost effective modelling. (2007) Dowie, Jack
  • Using decision analysis to help young people with contraceptive choices. (2007) French, R; Dowie, J
  • 2006
  • European training for health professionals on rapid response to health threats following biochemical terrorism incidents. (2006) Andriopoulou, E; Galatas, I; Baka, A; Kirch, W; Fuchs, A; Kyncl, J; Dowie, J; Szosland, D; Koycheva, V; Tavoulari, E; Kotsioni, I; Linos, A
  • The Bayesian approach to decision-making. (2006) Dowie, J
  • 2005
  • Development of a framework for integrated health impact analysis of geoenvironmental pollution. (2005) Cleall, PJ; Seetharam, SC; Thomas, HR; Chalabi, Z; Dowie, J; Leonardi, G
  • No room for kinkiness in a public healthcare system. (2005) Dowie, Jack
  • Research Implications of Science-Informed, Value-Based Decision Making. (2005) Dowie, Jack
  • 2004
  • Researching doctors' decisions. (2004) Dowie, J
  • Research implications of science-informed, value-based decision making. (2004) Dowie, Jack
  • Why cost-effectiveness should trump (clinical) effectiveness: the ethical economics of the South West quadrant. (2004) Dowie, Jack
  • 2003
  • Health impact: its estimation, assessment and analysis. (2003) Dowie, J
  • Covariance decompositions and betting markets: early insights using data from French trotting. (2003) Dowie, J
  • Decision makers' needs as capacities to benefit. (2003) Dowie, Jack
  • 2002
  • Women's views of two interventions designed to assist in the prophylactic oophorectomy decision: a qualitative pilot evaluation. (2002) Bhavnani, Vanita; Clarke, Aileen; Dowie, Jack; Kennedy, Andrew; Pell, Ian
  • Choosing the surgical mortality threshold for high risk patients with stage Ia non-small cell lung cancer: insights from decision analysis. (2002) Dowie, J; Wildman, M
  • Decision analysis in NSCLC - Reply. (2002) Dowie, J; Wildman, M
  • ?Decision validity??: A rejoinder. (2002) Dowie, Jack
  • Decision validity should determine whether a generic or condition-specific HRQOL measure is used in health care decisions. (2002) Dowie, Jack
  • The role of patients' meta-preferences in the design and evaluation of decision support systems. (2002) Dowie, Jack
  • Development and preliminary evaluation of a clinical guidance programme for the decision about prophylactic oophorectomy in women undergoing a hysterectomy. (2002) Pell, I; Dowie, J; Clarke, A; Kennedy, A; Bhavnani, V
  • 2001
  • Decision analysis and the evaluation of decision technologies. (2001) Dowie, J
  • Analysing health outcomes. (2001) Dowie, J
  • Decision technologies and the independent professional: the future's challenge to learning and leadership. (2001) Dowie, J
  • Choosing surgical mortality thresholds in stage IA non-small cell lung cancer: Insights from decision-analysis. (2001) Wildman, MJ; Dowie, J