Items where Author is "Ponsford, Ruth"
Number of items: 38.
  • Testing and refining middle-range theory in evaluations of public-health interventions: evidence from recent systematic reviews and trials. (2023) Bonell, Chris; Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Melendez-Torres, GJ
  • Student-reported relationships and sex education coverage and knowledge among a diverse population of early adolescents: cross-sectional survey of students in England. (2023) Ponsford, Ruth picture_as_pdf
  • 2022
  • Enacting whole‐school relationships and sexuality education in England: Context matters. (2022) Bragg, Sara; Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Lohan, Maria; Melendez‐Torres, GJ; Hadley, Alison; Young, Honor; Anne Barter, Christine; Taylor, Bruce; Bonell, Chris
  • Feasibility and acceptability of a whole-school social-marketing intervention to prevent unintended teenage pregnancies and promote sexual health: evidence for progression from a pilot to a phase III randomised trial in English secondary schools. (2022) Ponsford, R; Bragg, S; Meiksin, R; Tilouche, N; Van Dyck, L; Sturgess, J; Allen, E; Elbourne, D; Hadley, A; Lohan, M; Mercer, CH; Melendez Torres, GJ; Morris, S; Young, H; Campbell, R; Bonell, C
  • Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence: Synthesis of theories of change. (2022) Ponsford, Ruth; Falconer, Jane; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bonell, Chris
  • What factors influence implementation of whole-school interventions aiming to promote student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence? Systematic review and synthesis of process evaluations. (2022) Ponsford, Ruth; Falconer, Jane; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bonell, Chris
  • The Positive Choices trial: update to study protocol for a phase-III RCT trial of a whole-school social-marketing intervention to promote sexual health and reduce health inequalities. (2022) Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Allen, Elizabeth; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Morris, Steve; Mercer, Catherine; Campbell, Rona; Young, Honor; Lohan, Maria; Coyle, Karin; Bonell, Chris
  • Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence and improve educational attainment: a systematic review. (2022) Ponsford, Ruth; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Falconer, Jane; Miners, Alec; Bonell, Chris
  • Communities in Control: A mixed method evaluation of the Big Local community empowerment initiative in England - First Look Summary. (2022) Popay, Jennie; Halliday, Emma; Mead, Rebecca; Townsend, Anne; Nasima, Akhter; Banbra, Claire; Barr, Ben; Anderson de Cuevas, Rachel; Daras, Konstantinos; Egan, Matt; Gravenhorst, Katja; Janke, Katharina; Kasim, Adetayo; McGowan, Victoria; Ponsford, Ruth; Reynolds, Joanna; Whitehead, Margaret
  • 2021
  • Building collective control and improving health through a place-based community empowerment initiative: qualitative evidence from communities seeking agency over their built environment. (2021) Egan, Matt; Abba, Katherine; Barnes, Amy; Collins, Michelle; McGowan, Vicki; Ponsford, Ruth; Scott, Courtney; Halliday, Emma; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • A school-based social-marketing intervention to promote sexual health in English secondary schools: the Positive Choices pilot cluster RCT. (2021) Ponsford, Ruth; Bragg, Sara; Allen, Elizabeth; Tilouche, Nerissa; Meiksin, Rebecca; Emmerson, Lucy; Van Dyck, Laura; Opondo, Charles; Morris, Steve; Sturgess, Joanna; Brocklehurst, Elizabeth; Hadley, Alison; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Elbourne, Diana; Young, Honor; Lohan, Maria; Mercer, Catherine; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris
  • The Positive Choices trial: study protocol for a Phase-III RCT trial of a whole-school social marketing intervention to promote sexual health and reduce health inequalities. (2021) Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Allen, Elizabeth; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Morris, Steve; Mercer, Catherine; Campbell, Rona; Young, Honor; Lohan, Maria; Coyle, Karin; Bonell, Chris
  • Co-production of two whole-school sexual health interventions for English secondary schools: positive choices and project respect. (2021) Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Bragg, Sara; Crichton, Joanna; Emmerson, Lucy; Tancred, Tara; Tilouche, Nerissa; Morgan, Gemma; Gee, Pete; Young, Honor; Hadley, Alison; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris
  • 2020
  • Dilemmas of school-based relationships and sexuality education for and about consent. (2020) Bragg, Sara; Ponsford, Ruth; Meiksin, Rebecca; Emmerson, Lucy; Bonell, Chris
  • A 'strategy of resistance'? How can a place-based empowerment programme influence local media portrayals of neighbourhoods and what are the implications for tackling health inequalities? (2020) Halliday, Emma; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matthew; Ponsford, Ruth; Scott, Courtney; Popay, Jennie picture_as_pdf
  • Implementing a whole-school relationships and sex education intervention to prevent dating and relationship violence: evidence from a pilot trial in English secondary schools. (2020) Meiksin, Rebecca; Campbell, Rona; Crichton, Joanna; Morgan, Gemma S; Williams, Pippa; Willmott, Micky; Tilouche, Nerissa; Ponsford, Ruth; Barter, Christine A; Sweeting, Helen; Taylor, Bruce; Young, Honor; Melendez-Torres, GJ; McNaughton Reyes, H Luz; Bonell, Chris
  • A school intervention for 13- to 15-year-olds to prevent dating and relationship violence: the Project Respect pilot cluster RCT. (2020) Meiksin, Rebecca; Crichton, Jo; Dodd, Matthew; Morgan, Gemma S; Williams, Pippa; Willmott, Micky; Allen, Elizabeth; Tilouche, Nerissa; Sturgess, Joanna; Morris, Steve; Barter, Christine; Young, Honor; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Taylor, Bruce; Reyes, H Luz McNaughton; Elbourne, Diana; Sweeting, Helen; Hunt, Kate; Ponsford, Ruth; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris
  • Power, control, communities and health inequalities. Part II: measuring shifts in power. (2020) Ponsford, Ruth; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matt; Halliday, Emma; Lewis, Sue; Orton, Lois; Powell, Kate; Barnes, Amy; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • Power, control, communities and health inequalities I: theories, concepts and analytical frameworks. (2020) Popay, Jennie; Whitehead, Margaret; Ponsford, Ruth; Egan, Matt; Mead, Rebecca
  • Power, control, communities and health inequalities III: participatory spaces-an English case. (2020) Powell, Katie; Barnes, Amy; Anderson de Cuevas, Rachel; Bambra, Clare; Halliday, Emma; Lewis, Sue; McGill, Rory; Orton, Lois; Ponsford, Ruth; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • "I realised it weren't about spending the money. It's about doing something together:" the role of money in a community empowerment initiative and the implications for health and wellbeing. (2020) Townsend, A; Abraham, C; Barnes, A; Collins, M; Halliday, E; Lewis, S; Orton, L; Ponsford, R; Salway, S; Whitehead, M; Popay, J
  • 2019
  • Capturing complexity in the evaluation of a major area-based initiative in community empowerment: what can a multi-site, multi team, ethnographic approach offer? (2019) Orton, Lois; Ponsford, Ruth; Egan, Matt; Halliday, Emma; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • We need a renewed focus on primary prevention to tackle youth knife violence in the longer term. (2019) Ponsford, Ruth; Thompson, Claire; Paparini, Sara
  • We need a renewed focus on primary prevention to tackle youth knife violence. (2019) Ponsford, Ruth; Thompson, Claire; Paparini, Sara
  • 2018
  • Reframing "participation" and "inclusion" in public health policy and practice to address health inequalities: Evidence from a major resident-led neighbourhood improvement initiative. (2018) Lewis, Susan; Bambra, Clare; Barnes, Amy; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matt; Halliday, Emma; Orton, Lois; Ponsford, Ruth; Powell, Katie; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • Assessment of survey items on social norms relating to sexual behaviour and dating and relationship violence among young adolescents in England: cognitive interviews within two pilot studies. (2018) Meiksin, Rebecca; Ponsford, Ruth; Bonell, Chris
  • Study protocol for the optimisation, feasibility testing and pilot cluster randomised trial of Positive Choices: a school-based social marketing intervention to promote sexual health, prevent unintended teenage pregnancies and address health inequalities in England. (2018) Ponsford, Ruth; Allen, Elizabeth; Campbell, Rona; Elbourne, Diana; Hadley, Alison; Lohan, Maria; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Mercer, Catherine H; Morris, Steve; Young, Honor; Bonell, Chris
  • Stakeholder involvement in the systematic optimisation of two school-based relationships and sex education interventions, Project Respect and Positive Choices. (2018) Ponsford, Ruth; Crichton, Jo; Meiksin, Rebecca; Tancred, Tara; Morgan, Gemma; Tilouche, Nerissa; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris
  • Area reputation as an under-acknowledged determinant of health inequalities: evidence from a systems evaluation of a major community empowerment initiative in England. (2018) Ponsford, Ruth; Halliday, Emma; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matthew; Scott, Courtney; Popay, Jennie
  • Fast-food, everyday life and health: A qualitative study of 'chicken shops' in East London. (2018) Thompson, Claire; Ponsford, Ruth; Lewis, Daniel; Cummins, Steven
  • 2017
  • "There is such a thing as contraception, you know". Reflections on embarking on maternity while completing a PhD. (2017) Ponsford, R
  • Competing for space in an already crowded market: a mixed methods study of why an online community of practice (CoP) for alcohol harm reduction failed to generate interest amongst the group of public health professionals at which it was aimed. (2017) Ponsford, Ruth; Ford, Jennifer; Korjonen, Helena; Hughes, Emma; Keswani, Asha; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Egan, Matt
  • 2016
  • Putting context centre stage: evidence from a systems evaluation of an area based empowerment initiative in England. (2016) Orton, Lois; Halliday, Emma; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matt; Lewis, Sue; Ponsford, Ruth; Powell, Katie; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • 2015
  • Development of a framework for identifying and measuring collective control as a social determinant of health: findings from an evaluation of a natural policy experiment in empowerment. (2015) Ponsford, Ruth; Collins, Michelle; Egan, Matt; Lewis, Sue; Orton, Lois; Salway, Sarah; Townsend, Anne; Halliday, Emma; Whitehead, Margaret; Popay, Jennie
  • 2014
  • 'Race' and ethnicity. (2014) Ponsford, R
  • “I don’t really care about me, as long as he gets everything he needs” – young women becoming mothers in consumer culture. (2014) Ponsford, Ruth
  • 2011
  • Consumption, resilience and respectability amongst young mothers in Bristol. (2011) Ponsford, Ruth
  • 2010
  • Report on an evaluation of a Family Nurse Partnership pilot programme. (2010) Oates, J; Appleton, J; Ponsford, R; Kynan, S; Huntington, C