Items where Author is "Kreif, Noémi"
Number of items: 14.
  • Evaluating treatment effectiveness under model misspecification: A comparison of targeted maximum likelihood estimation with bias-corrected matching. (2016) Kreif, Noémi; Gruber, Susan; Radice, Rosalba; Grieve, Richard; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Estimating causal effects: considering three alternatives to difference-in-differences estimation. (2016) O'Neill, Stephen; Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Sutton, Matthew; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • 2015
  • Evaluation of the Effect of a Continuous Treatment: A Machine Learning Approach with an Application to Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury. (2015) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Díaz, Iván; Harrison, David
  • Examination of the Synthetic Control Method for Evaluating Health Policies with Multiple Treated Units. (2015) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Hangartner, Dominik; Turner, Alex James; Nikolova, Silviya; Sutton, Matt
  • 2014
  • Health-related quality-of-life of people with HIV in the era of combination antiretroviral treatment: a cross-sectional comparison with the general population. (2014) Miners, Alec; Phillips, Andrew; Kreif, Noemi; Rodger, Alison; Speakman, Andrew; Fisher, Martin; Anderson, Jane; Collins, Simon; Hart, Graham; Sherr, Lorraine; Lampe, Fiona C; ASTRA (Antiretrovirals, Sexual Transmission and Attitudes) Study
  • 2013
  • Overview of parametric survival analysis for health-economic applications. (2013) Ishak, K Jack; Kreif, Noemi; Benedict, Agnes; Muszbek, Noemi
  • Regression-adjusted matching and double-robust methods for estimating average treatment effects in health economic evaluation. (2013) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Radice, Rosalba; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Validation of the SF-36 in patients with endometriosis. (2013) Stull, Donald E; Wasiak, Radek; Kreif, Noemi; Raluy, Mireia; Colligs, Antje; Seitz, Christian; Gerlinger, Christoph
  • 2012
  • Methods for estimating subgroup effects in cost-effectiveness analyses that use observational data. (2012) Kreif, Noemi; Grieve, Richard; Radice, Rosalba; Sadique, Zia; Ramsahai, Roland; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Statistical methods for cost-effectiveness analyses that use observational data: a critical appraisal tool and review of current practice. (2012) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Sadique, M Zia
  • Evaluating treatment effectiveness in patient subgroups: a comparison of propensity score methods with an automated matching approach. (2012) Radice, Rosalba; Ramsahai, Roland; Grieve, Richard; Kreif, Noemi; Sadique, Zia; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • 2011
  • Cost-effectiveness evaluation of sunitinib as first-line targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma in Spain. (2011) Calvo Aller, E; Maroto, P; Kreif, N; González Larriba, JL; López-Brea, M; Castellano, D; Martí, B; Díaz Cerezo, S
  • 2010
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of anastrozole versus tamoxifen in adjuvant therapy for early-stage breast cancer - a health-economic analysis based on the 100-month analysis of the ATAC trial and the German health system. (2010) Lux, Michael P; Wöckel, Achim; Benedict, Agnes; Buchholz, Stefan; Kreif, Noémi; Harbeck, Nadia; Kreienberg, Rolf; Kaufmann, Manfred; Beckmann, Matthias W; Jonat, Walter; Hadji, Peyman; Distler, Wolfgang; Raab, Guenther; Tesch, Hans; Weyers, Georg; Possinger, Kurt; Schneeweiss, Andreas
  • 2009
  • Quality of life and drug costs associated with switching antipsychotic medication to once-daily extended release quetiapine fumarate in patients with schizophrenia. (2009) Järbrink, Krister; Kreif, Noemi; Benedict, Agnes; Locklear, Julie