Items where Author is "Durand, MA"
Number of items: 50.
  • Building a better understanding of labour exploitation's impact on migrant health: An operational framework. (2022) Boufkhed, Sabah; Thorogood, Nicki; Ariti, Cono; Durand, Mary Alison
  • Observations of community-based multidisciplinary team meetings in health and social care for older people with long term conditions in England. (2022) Douglas, Nick; Mays, Nicholas; Al-Haboubi, Mustafa; Manacorda, Tommaso; Thana, Lavanya; Wistow, Gerald; Durand, Mary Alison
  • 2021
  • Integrated Care in England - what can we Learn from a Decade of National Pilot Programmes? (2021) Lewis, Richard Q; Checkland, Kath; Durand, Mary Alison; Ling, Tom; Mays, Nicholas; Roland, Martin; Smith, Judith A
  • Comparison of the impact of two national health and social care integration programmes on emergency hospital admissions. (2021) Morciano, Marcello; Checkland, Katherine; Durand, Mary Alison; Sutton, Matt; Mays, Nicholas
  • 2020
  • Labour exploitation as a social determinant of health: A structured conceptual framework focusing on migrants working in manual low-skilled jobs. (2020) Boufkhed, S
  • 2019
  • Can health and social care integration make long-term progress? Findings from key informant surveys of the integration Pioneers in England. (2019) Erens, Bob; Wistow, Gerald; Mays, Nicholas; Manacorda, Tommaso; Douglas, Nick; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Durand, Mary Alison
  • Area level impacts on emergency hospital admissions of the integrated care and support pioneer programme in England: difference-in-differences analysis. (2019) Keeble, Eilís; Bardsley, M; Durand, Mary Alison; Hoomans, Ties; Mays, Nicholas
  • The recovery experience of people who were sex trafficked: the thwarted journey towards goal pursuit. (2019) Viergever, Roderik F; Thorogood, Nicki; van Driel, Tamara; Wolf, Judith Rlm; Durand, Mary Alison
  • 2018
  • How the food, beverage and alcohol industries presented the Public Health Responsibility Deal in UK print and online media reports. (2018) Douglas, Nick; Knai, Cecile; Petticrew, Mark; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Durand, Mary Alison; Mays, Nicholas
  • Facing Forward, Nine stories about being a survivor of human trafficking in a post-trafficking shelter in the Netherlands. (2018) F. Viergever, R; Thorogood, N; van Driel, T; Wolf, J; Alison Durand, M
  • The Public Health Responsibility Deal: Using a Systems-Level Analysis to Understand the Lack of Impact on Alcohol, Food, Physical Activity, and Workplace Health Sub-Systems. (2018) Knai, Cécile; Petticrew, Mark; Douglas, Nick; Durand, Mary Alison; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Nolte, Ellen; Mays, Nicholas
  • Comorbidities and the referral pathway to access joint replacement surgery: an exploratory qualitative study. (2018) Podmore, Bélène; Hutchings, Andrew; Durand, Mary-Alison; Robson, John; Konan, Sujith; van der Meulen, Jan; Lynch, Rebecca
  • Supporting ALL victims of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation: guidance for health providers. (2018) Viergever, Roderik F; Thorogood, Nicki; Wolf, Judith Rlm; Durand, Mary Alison
  • 2017
  • Early findings from the evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers in England. (2017) Erens, Bob; Wistow, Gerald; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Douglas, Nick; Manacorda, Tommaso; Durand, Mary Alison; Mays, Nicholas
  • An evaluation of a public-private partnership to reduce artificial trans fatty acids in England, 2011-16. (2017) Knai, C; James, L; Petticrew, M; Eastmure, E; Durand, MA; Mays, N
  • Community Alcohol Partnerships with the alcohol industry: what is their purpose and are they effective in reducing alcohol harms? (2017) Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; D'Souza, P; Shi, YM; Durand, MA; Knai, C; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • Provision of information to consumers about the calorie content of alcoholic drinks: did the Responsibility Deal pledge by alcohol retailers and producers increase the availability of calorie information? (2017) Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; Knai, C; Maani Hessari, N; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • 2016
  • The Public Health Responsibility Deal: making the workplace healthier? (2016) Knai, Cécile; Scott, Courtney; D'Souza, Preethy; James, Lesley; Mehrotra, Anushka; Petticrew, Mark; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Durand, Mary Alison; Mays, Nicholas
  • Diageo's 'Stop Out of Control Drinking' Campaign in Ireland: An Analysis. (2016) Petticrew, Mark; Fitzgerald, Niamh; Durand, Mary Alison; Knai, Cécile; Davoren, Martin; Perry, Ivan
  • Adapting to survive: facilitating recovery after human trafficking. (2016) Viergever, Rf
  • 2015
  • Increasing autonomy in publically owned services. (2015) Cameron, Ailsa; Allen, Pauline; Williams, Lorraine; Durand, Mary Alison; Bartlett, Will; Perotin, Virginie; Hutchings, Andrew
  • Increasing autonomy in publically owned services The case of community health services in England. (2015) Cameron, Ailsa; Allen, Pauline; Williams, Lorraine; Durand, Mary Alison; Bartlett, Will; Perotin, Virginie; Hutchings, Andrew
  • An evaluation of the Public Health Responsibility Deal: Informants' experiences and views of the development, implementation and achievements of a pledge-based, public-private partnership to improve population health in England. (2015) Durand, MA; Petticrew, M; Goulding, L; Eastmure, E; Knai, C; Mays, N
  • Has a public–private partnership resulted in action on healthier diets in England? An analysis of the Public Health Responsibility Deal food pledges. (2015) Knai, C; Petticrew, M; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; James, L; Mehrotra, A; Scott, C; Mays, N
  • Are the Public Health Responsibility Deal alcohol pledges likely to improve public health? An evidence synthesis. (2015) Knai, C; Petticrew, M; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • Getting England to be more physically active: are the Public Health Responsibility Deal's physical activity pledges the answer? (2015) Knai, C; Petticrew, M; Scott, C; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; James, L; Mehrotra, A; Mays, N
  • The Public Health Responsibility deal: has a public-private partnership brought about action on alcohol reduction? (2015) Knai, Cécile; Petticrew, Mark; Durand, Mary Alison; Scott, Courtney; James, Lesley; Mehrotra, Anushka; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Mays, Nicholas description
  • Knai and colleagues' response to comments of the Portman Group in news story about their research on the "responsibility deal" on alcohol. (2015) Knai, Cécile; Petticrew, Mark; Mays, Nicholas; Durand, Mary Alison; Eastmure, Elizabeth
  • 2014
  • Health information on alcoholic beverage containers: has the alcohol industry's pledge in England to improve labelling been met? (2014) Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; Knai, C; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • Letter commenting on: Panjwani, C. and Caraher, M. (2014). The Public Health Responsibility Deal: brokering a deal for public health, but on whose terms? Health Policy, 114(2), pp. 163-173. (2014) Petticrew, Mark; Mays, Nicholas; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Durand, Mary Alison; Knai, Cecile; Nolte, Ellen
  • 2013
  • Organisational turbulence for community health. (2013) Allen, Pauline; Cameron, Ailsa; Williams, Lorraine; Durand, Mary Alison; Bartlett, Will; Perotin, Virginie; Hutchings, Andrew
  • The Public Health Responsibility Deal: how should such a complex public health policy be evaluated? (2013) Petticrew, Mark; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Mays, Nicholas; Knai, Cecile; Durand, Mary Alison; Nolte, Ellen
  • 2012
  • Perceptions of tap water temperatures, scald risk and prevention among parents and older people in social housing: a qualitative study. (2012) Durand, Mary Alison; Green, Judith; Edwards, Phil; Milton, Sarah; Lutchmun, Suzanne
  • 2011
  • Evaluation of the Community Foundation Trust Programme: Final report. (2011) Allen, P; Cameron, A; Durand, M; Hutchings, A; Williams, L; Perotin, V; Bartlett, W
  • Perceptions of tap water temperatures, scald risk and prevention among parents and older people in social housing: A qualitative study. (2011) Durand, MA; Green, J; Edwards, P; Milton, S; Lutchmun, S
  • Scald risk in social housing can be reduced through thermostatic control system without increasing Legionella risk: a cluster randomised trial. (2011) Edwards, P; Durand, MA; Hollister, M; Green, J; Lutchmun, S; Kessel, A; Roberts, I
  • Modernisation as a professionalising strategy: the case of critical care in England. (2011) Green, Judith; Durand, Mary Alison; Hutchings, Andrew; Black, Nick
  • 2010
  • 'Not quite Jericho, but more doors than there used to be'. Staff views of the impact of 'modernization' on boundaries around adult critical care services in England. (2010) Durand, Mary; Hutchings, Andrew; Black, Nick; Green, Judith
  • 2009
  • The number, deployment, activities and attitudes of specialist consultant addiction psychiatrists in England: A national survey. (2009) Durand, Mary A; Lelliott, Paul; Crome, Ilana; Coyle, Nick
  • Evaluation of modernisation of adult critical care services in England: time series and cost effectiveness analysis. (2009) Hutchings, Andrew; Durand, Mary Alison; Grieve, Richard; Harrison, David; Rowan, Kathy; Green, Judith; Cairns, John; Black, Nick
  • 2006
  • Progressive protocol in the bowel management of spinal cord injuries. (2006) Coggrave, Maureen; Burrows, Dee; Durand, Mary Alison
  • Availability of treatment for substance misuse in medium secure psychiatric care in England: A national survey. (2006) Durand, Mary Alison; Lelliott, Paul; Coyle, Nicholas
  • 2005
  • The availability of treatment for addictions in medium secure psychiatric in-patient services. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005) Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Coyle, N
  • The Addiction Psychiatry Services Project: A study of the number, roles, responsibilities and activities of specialist addiction psychiatrists in England. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005) Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Crome, I; Coyle, N
  • 2003
  • Measuring therapeutic attitude among drug workers. (2003) Albery, Ian P; Heuston, Joan; Ward, Jane; Groves, Paramabandhu; Durand, Mary Alison; Gossop, Michael; Strang, John
  • Specialist treatment versus self-help for bulimia nervosa: a randomised controlled trial in general practice. (2003) Durand, Mary Alison; King, Michael
  • 2002
  • Nurses' views about returning to practice after a career break. (2002) Durand, Mary Alison; Randhawa, Gurch
  • 2001
  • Bedfordshire Primary Care Research Network: Annual Report. Report to NHS Executive (Eastern). (2001) Durand, M; Driver, R
  • Recognising the health needs of the people of Luton. Report commissioned by Luton PCT and Luton HAZ. (2001) Durand, M; Hughes, E; Jowett, S
  • Best Value Case Study: Commissioning Research on the Views of Older Service Users. (2001) Durand, M; Jowett, S