Items where Author is "Rutter, Harry"
Number of items: 127.
Bibliographic data only
Multilocus sequence typing directly on DNA from clinical samples and a cultured isolate to investigate linked fatal pneumococcal disease in residents of a shelter for homeless men. (2005)
Birtles, Andrew; McCarthy, Noel; Sheppard, Carmen L; Rutter, Harry; Guiver, Malcolm; Haworth, Elizabeth; George, Robert C
Misperception of body weight among overweight or obese adults in Mauritius. (2016)
Caleyachetty, Rishi; Kengne, Andre P; Muennig, Peter; Rutter, Harry; Echouffo-Tcheugui, Justin B
The Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling: From evidence to advocacy on active transport. (2012)
Cavill, N; Kahlmeier, S; Dinsdale, H; Ĝtschi, T; Oja, P; Racioppi, F; Rutter, H
Evaluation of physical activity interventions: A standardised approach. (2012)
Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Ells, L; Rutter, H
Assessment of weight management interventions: the challenge of comparing apples and pears. (2012)
Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Rutter, H
Standard evaluation framework for physical activity interventions. (2012)
Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Rutter, H
Economic analyses of transport infrastructure and policies including health effects related to cycling and walking: A systematic review. (2008)
Cavill, Nick; Kahlmeier, Sonja; Rutter, Harry; Racioppi, Francesca; Oja, Pekka
Action on cycling in primary care trusts: results of a survey of Directors of Public Health. (2007)
Cavill, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Hill, Alison
Using remote sensing to define environmental characteristics related to physical activity and dietary behaviours: a systematic review (the SPOTLIGHT project). (2013)
Charreire, H; Mackenbach, JD; Ouasti, M; Lakerveld, J; Compernolle, S; Ben-Rebah, M; McKee, M; Brug, J; Rutter, H; Oppert, J-M
Mediating role of energy-balance related behaviors in the association of neighborhood socio-economic status and residential area density with BMI: The SPOTLIGHT study. (2016)
Compernolle, Sofie; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Charreire, Helene; Glonti, Ketevan; Bardos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; De Cocker, Katrien; Cardon, Greet; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; WP3 SPOTLIGHT group
Pedestrian injury characteristics following road traffic collisions. (2009)
Cookson, R; Cuerden, R; Richards, D; Rutter, H
National Child Measurement Programme: Changes in children’s body mass index between 2006/07 and 2008/09. (2010)
Dinsdale, H; Ridler, C; Rutter, H; Mathrani, S
Certification of obesity as a cause of death in England 1979-2006. (2010)
Duncan, Marie; Griffith, Myfanwy; Rutter, Harry; Goldacre, Michael J
Development of a standard evaluation framework for weight management interventions. (2013)
Ells, LJ; Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Rutter, H
Prevalence of severe childhood obesity in England: 2006-2013. (2015)
Ells, Louisa J; Hancock, Caroline; Copley, Vicky R; Mead, Emma; Dinsdale, Hywell; Kinra, Sanjay; Viner, Russell M; Rutter, Harry
Implications of the foresight obesity system map for solutions to childhood obesity. (2010)
Finegood, Diane T; Merth, Thomas DN; Rutter, Harry
Psychosocial environment: definitions, measures and associations with weight status--a systematic review. (2015)
Glonti, K; Mackenbach, JD; Ng, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M; Bárdos, H; McKee, M; Rutter, H
Who owns the roads? How motorised traffic discourages walking and bicycling. (2009)
Jacobsen, PL; Racioppi, F; Rutter, H
Barriers to Physical Activity Promotion in the Public Debate: How Can We Change Preconceptions? (2010)
Kahlmeier, S; Martin, BW; Rutter, H; Cavill, N; Boehmer, T
A systematic overview of institutions and bodies active in physical activity promotion in Europe. (2014)
Kahlmeier, S; Popp, C; Martin, BW; Backovic-Jurican, A; Banzer, W; Berggren, F; Engelsman, EL; Foster, C; Koornneef, M; Oppert, JM; Racioppi, F; Rutter, H; Šlachta, R; Vasankari, T; Van Mechelen, W
"Health in all policies" in practice: guidance and tools to quantifying the health effects of cycling and walking. (2010)
Kahlmeier, Sonja; Racioppi, Francesca; Cavill, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Oja, Pekka
England's childhood obesity action plan II. (2018)
Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; Petticrew, Mark; Rutter, Harry; Savona, Natalie
Individual and contextual correlates of obesity-related behaviours and obesity: the SPOTLIGHT project. (2016)
Lakerveld, J; Glonti, K; Rutter, H
Evidence-based physical activity promotion - HEPA Europe, the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity. (2006)
Martin, Brian W; Kahlmeier, Sonja; Racioppi, Francesca; Berggren, Finn; Miettinen, Mari; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; Šlachta, Radim; van Poppel, Mireille; Zakotnik, Jozica Maucec; Meusel, Dirk; Oja, Pekka; Sjöström, Michael
Transportation: Impact on Human Health: Urban transportation. (2011)
Mindell, J; Rutter, H; Watkins, S
Changes in waist circumference among adolescents in England from 1977-1987 to 2005-2007. (2012)
Mindell, JS; Dinsdale, H; Ridler, C; Rutter, HR
Could targeted food taxes improve health? (2007)
Mytton, Oliver; Gray, Alastair; Rayner, Mike; Rutter, Harry
An applied ecological framework for evaluating infrastructure to promote walking and cycling: the iConnect study. (2011)
Ogilvie, David; Bull, Fiona; Powell, Jane; Cooper, Ashley R; Brand, Christian; Mutrie, Nanette; Preston, John; Rutter, Harry; iConnect Consortium
Stressful incidents, stress and coping strategies in the pre-registration house officer year. (2002)
Paice, Elisabeth; Rutter, Harry; Wetherell, Mike; Winder, Belinda; McManus, IC
Measuring the food and built environments in urban centres: reliability and validity of the EURO-PREVOB Community Questionnaire. (2013)
Pomerleau, J; Knai, C; Foster, C; Rutter, H; Darmon, N; Derflerova Brazdova, Z; Hadziomeragic, AF; Pekcan, G; Pudule, I; Robertson, A; Brunner, E; Suhrcke, M; Gabrijelcic Blenkus, M; Lhotska, L; Maiani, G; Mistura, L; Lobstein, T; Martin, BW; Elinder, LS; Logstrup, S; Racioppi, F; McKee, M
Methodological issues in measuring and evaluating physical measures to promote walking and cycling. (2008)
Preston, J; Brand, C; Bull, F; Cooper, A; Mutrie, N; Ogilvie, D; Powell, J; Rutter, H
Urban Settings and Opportunities for Healthy Lifestyles: Rediscovering Walking and Cycling and Understanding Their Health Benefits. (2005)
Racioppi, Francesca; Dora, Carlos; Rutter, Harry
Prioritising pedestrian injury prevention based on frequency and cost. (2009)
Richards, DC; Cookson, RE; Cuerden, RW; Davies, G; Rutter, H
Prevalence of obesity among Portuguese children (6-8 years old) using three definition criteria: COSI Portugal, 2008. (2012)
Rito, A; Wijnhoven, TMA; Rutter, H; Carvalho, MA; Paixão, E; Ramos, C; Claudio, D; Espanca, R; Sancho, T; Cerqueira, Z; Carvalho, R; Faria, C; Feliciano, E; Breda, J
The single most important intervention to tackle obesity…. (2012)
Rutter, H
My favourite software. (2002)
Rutter, H
Health economic assessment tool for cycling (HEAT for cycling). (2007)
Rutter, H; Cavill, N; Kahlmeier, S; Dinsdale, H; Racioppi, F; Oja, P
Are our efforts worthwhile? How to improve impact evaluation of programs, policies, interventions and strategies aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing obesity in Canada? (2013)
Rutter, H; Edwards, N; Després, J.-, P; Janssen, I; Raine, KD; de Wals, P; Lamari, M
Reply to 'Area-level deprivation and adiposity in children: is the relationship linear?'. (2013)
Rutter, H; Hancock, C; Ells, L
Data briefing. Child obesity worst in deprived areas. (2008)
Rutter, Harry
The single most important intervention to tackle obesity…. (2012)
Rutter, Harry
Where next for obesity? (2011)
Rutter, Harry
Economic impact of reduced mortality due to increased cycling. (2012)
Rutter, Harry; Cavill, Nick; Racioppi, Francesca; Dinsdale, Hywell; Oja, Pekka; Kahlmeier, Sonja
Prevention of obesity: is it worth it? (2012)
Rutter, Harry; Cavill, Nick; Wolstenholme, Jane
Are Our Efforts Worthwhile? How to Improve Impact Evaluation of Programs, Policies, Interventions and Strategies Aimed at Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Preventing Obesity in Canada? (2013)
Rutter, Harry; Edwards, Nancy; Després, Jean-Pierre; Janssen, Ian; Raine, Kim D; De Wals, Philippe; Lamari, Moktar
Stress in doctors and dentists who teach. (2002)
Rutter, Harry; Herzberg, Joe; Paice, Elisabeth
Exposing complexity as a smokescreen: a qualitative analysis. (2017)
Savona, N; Thompson, C; Rutter, H; Cummins, S
A67 The Health Economic Assessment Tools (HEAT) for Walking and Cycling: supporting the integration of active mobility in healthy and sustainable transport solutions. (2015)
Schweizer, Christian; Racioppi, Francesca; Kahlmeier, Sonja; Cavill, Nick; Foster, Charlie; Kelly, Paul; Götschi, Thomas; Rutter, Harry
Strengthening of accountability systems to create healthy food environments and reduce global obesity. (2015)
Swinburn, Boyd; Kraak, Vivica; Rutter, Harry; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Lobstein, Tim; Sacks, Gary; Gomes, Fabio; Marsh, Tim; Magnusson, Roger
A systematic review of self-regulation mediators of success in obesity interventions: the SPOTLIGHT project. (2015)
Teixeira, PJ; Marques, M; Carraça, EV; Rutter, H; Oppert, J.-, M; de Bourdeaudhuij, I; Lakerveld, J; Brug, J
The appraisal of public health interventions: the use of theory. (2014)
Threlfall, Anthony G; Meah, Soraya; Fischer, Alastair J; Cookson, Richard; Rutter, Harry; Kelly, Michael P
Improvements in the data quality of a national BMI measuring programme. (2015)
Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
Age differences in the association of childhood obesity with area-level and school-level deprivation: cross-classified multilevel analysis of cross-sectional data. (2012)
Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
Evaluating the evidence that the prevalence of childhood overweight is plateauing. (2012)
Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
Improving data collection for a national childhood obesity surveillance programme. (2012)
Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
Variations in data collection can influence outcome measures of BMI measuring programmes. (2011)
Townsend, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Foster, Charlie
WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative 2008: weight, height and body mass index in 6-9-year-old children. (2012)
Wijnhoven, TMA; van Raaij, JMA; Spinelli, A; Rito, AI; Hovengen, R; Kunesova, M; Starc, G; Rutter, H; Sjöberg, A; Petrauskiene, A; O'Dwyer, U; Petrova, S; Farrugia Sant'angelo, V; Wauters, M; Yngve, A; Rubana, I-M; Breda, J
Addressing liver disease in the UK: a blueprint for attaining excellence in health care and reducing premature mortality from lifestyle issues of excess consumption of alcohol, obesity, and viral hepatitis. (2014)
Williams, Roger; Aspinall, Richard; Bellis, Mark; Camps-Walsh, Ginette; Cramp, Matthew; Dhawan, Anil; Ferguson, James; Forton, Dan; Foster, Graham; Gilmore, Ian; Hickman, Matthew; Hudson, Mark; Kelly, Deirdre; Langford, Andrew; Lombard, Martin; Longworth, Louise; Martin, Natasha; Moriarty, Kieran; Newsome, Philip; O'Grady, John; Pryke, Rachel; Rutter, Harry; Ryder, Stephen; Sheron, Nick; Smith, Tom
Trends in cycling and cycle related injuries and a calculation of prevented morbidity and mortality. (2018)
Andersen, LB; Riiser, A; Rutter, H; Goenka, S; Nordengen, S; Solbraa, AK
The SPOTLIGHT virtual audit tool: a valid and reliable tool to assess obesogenic characteristics of the built environment. (2014)
Bethlehem, John R; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Ben-Rebah, Maher; Compernolle, Sofie; Glonti, Ketevan; Bárdos, Helga; Rutter, Harry R; Charreire, Hélène; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Brug, Johannes; Lakerveld, Jeroen
Evaluation of the Norwegian nutrition policy with a focus on the action plan on nutrition 2007-2011. (2013)
Bollars, C; Breda, J; Simpson, SA; Rodriguez-Fernandez, R; Dowler, E; Eriksson, C; Hånes, H; Robertson, A; Roos, G; Rutter, H; Tell, GS; Thelle, D; Virtanen, S
Associations of individual, household and environmental characteristics with carbon dioxide emissions from motorised passenger travel. (2013)
Brand, Christian; Goodman, Anna; Rutter, Harry; Song, Yena; Ogilvie, David
Effectiveness of an implementation optimisation intervention aimed at increasing parent engagement in HENRY, a childhood obesity prevention programme - the Optimising Family Engagement in HENRY (OFTEN) trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2017)
Bryant, Maria; Burton, Wendy; Cundill, Bonnie; Farrin, Amanda J; Nixon, Jane; Stevens, June; Roberts, Kim; Foy, Robbie; Rutter, Harry; Hartley, Suzanne; Tubeuf, Sandy; Collinson, Michelle; Brown, Julia
Million Migrants study of healthcare and mortality outcomes in non-EU migrants and refugees to England: Analysis protocol for a linked population-based cohort study of 1.5 million migrants. (2019)
Burns, Rachel; Pathak, Neha; Campos-Matos, Ines; Zenner, Dominik; Vittal Katikireddi, Srinivasa; Muzyamba, Morris C; Miranda, J Jaime; Gilbert, Ruth; Rutter, Harry; Jones, Lucy; Williamson, Elizabeth; Hayward, Andrew C; Smeeth, Liam; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Hemingway, Harry; Aldridge, Robert W
Million Migrants study of healthcare and mortality outcomes in non-EU migrants and refugees to England: Analysis protocol for a linked population-based cohort study of 1.5 million migrants. (2019)
Burns, Rachel; Pathak, Neha; Campos-Matos, Ines; Zenner, Dominik; Vittal Katikireddi, Srinivasa; Muzyamba, Morris C; Miranda, J Jaime; Gilbert, Ruth; Rutter, Harry; Jones, Lucy; Williamson, Elizabeth; Hayward, Andrew C; Smeeth, Liam; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Hemingway, Harry; Aldridge, Robert W
Lack of interest in physical activity - individual and environmental attributes in adults across Europe: The SPOTLIGHT project. (2018)
Carraça, Eliana V; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Rutter, Harry; Oppert, Jean-Michel; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Compernolle, Sofie; Roda, Célina; Bardos, Helga; Teixeira, Pedro J
An obesogenic island in the Mediterranean: mapping potential drivers of obesity in Malta. (2015)
Cauchi, Daniel; Rutter, Harry; Knai, Cecile
Economic assessment of transport infrastructure and policies. Methodological guidance on the economic appraisal of health effects related to walking and cycling. (2007)
Cavill, N; Kahlmeier, S; Rutter, H; Racioppi, F; Oja, P
London Cycle Hire Scheme: will it do more harm than good? (2010)
Cavill, N; Rutter, H
Self-defined residential neighbourhoods: size variations and correlates across five European urban regions. (2015)
Charreire, H; Feuillet, T; Roda, C; Mackenbach, JD; Compernolle, S; Glonti, K; Bárdos, H; Le Vaillant, M; Rutter, H; McKee, M; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M
A RE-AIM evaluation of evidence-based multi-level interventions to improve obesity-related behaviours in adults: a systematic review (the SPOTLIGHT project). (2014)
Compernolle, Sofie; De Cocker, Katrien; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Nijpels, Giel; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; Teixeira, Pedro J; Cardon, Greet; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse
Physical Environmental Correlates of Domain-Specific Sedentary Behaviours across Five European Regions (the SPOTLIGHT Project). (2016)
Compernolle, Sofie; De Cocker, Katrien; Roda, Célina; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Glonti, Ketevan; Bardos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; Cardon, Greet; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; WP3 SPOTLIGHT group
The associations between domain-specific sedentary behaviours and dietary habits in European adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the SPOTLIGHT survey. (2016)
Compernolle, Sofie; De Cocker, Katrien; Teixeira, Pedro J; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Roda, Célina; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Lakerveld, Jeroen; McKee, Martin; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Bardos, Helga; Cardon, Greet; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; WP3 SPOTLIGHT group
Estimating the variation in need for community-based social care by body mass index in England and associated cost: population-based cross-sectional study. (2017)
Copley, Vicky R; Cavill, Nick; Wolstenholme, Jane; Fordham, Richard; Rutter, Harry
National Child Measurement Programme: Detailed Analysis of the 2006/07 National Dataset. (2008)
Dinsdale, H; Rutter, H
Neighbourhood typology based on virtual audit of environmental obesogenic characteristics. (2015)
Feuillet, T; Charreire, H; Roda, C; Ben Rebah, M; Mackenbach, JD; Compernolle, S; Glonti, K; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; McKee, M; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M
Contextual correlates of happiness in European adults. (2018)
Hart, Eva Anna Christina; Lakerveld, Jeroen; McKee, Martin; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; Charreire, Hélène; Veenhoven, Ruut; Bárdos, Helga; Compernolle, Sofie; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Brug, Johannes; Mackenbach, Joreintje Dingena
Patterns of childhood body mass index (BMI), overweight and obesity in South Asian and black participants in the English National child measurement programme: effect of applying BMI adjustments standardising for ethnic differences in BMI-body fatness associations. (2017)
Hudda, MT; Nightingale, CM; Donin, AS; Owen, CG; Rudnicka, AR; Wells, JCK; Rutter, H; Cook, DG; Whincup, PH
Reassessing Ethnic Differences in Mean BMI and Changes Between 2007 and 2013 in English Children. (2017)
Hudda, Mohammed T; Nightingale, Claire M; Donin, Angela S; Owen, Christopher G; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Wells, Jonathan CK; Rutter, Harry; Cook, Derek G; Whincup, Peter H
Cycling safety. (2012)
Jacobsen, PL; Rutter, H
Health economic assessment tools (HEAT) for walking and for cycling. (2011)
Kahlmeier, S; Cavill, N; Dinsdale, H; Rutter, H; Gotschi, T; Foster, C; Racioppi, F
Socioeconomic patterning of childhood overweight status in Europe. (2012)
Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; Darmon, Nicole; Rutter, Harry; McKee, Martin
The relation between sleep duration and sedentary behaviours in European adults. (2015)
Lakerveld, J; Mackenbach, JD; Horvath, E; Rutters, F; Compernolle, S; Bárdos, H; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Charreire, H; Rutter, H; Oppert, J-M; McKee, M; Brug, J
Obesity-related behaviours and BMI in five urban regions across Europe: sampling design and results from the SPOTLIGHT cross-sectional survey. (2015)
Lakerveld, Jeroen; Ben Rebah, Maher; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Charreire, Hélène; Compernolle, Sofie; Glonti, Ketevan; Bardos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Brug, Johannes; Oppert, Jean-Michel
Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies: The SPOTLIGHT project's conceptual framework and design. (2012)
Lakerveld, Jeroen; Brug, Johannes; Bot, Sandra; Teixeira, Pedro J; Rutter, Harry; Woodward, Euan; Samdal, Oddrun; Stockley, Lynn; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; van Assema, Patricia; Robertson, Aileen; Lobstein, Tim; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Adány, Róza; Nijpels, Giel; SPOTLIGHT consortium
Interactions of individual perceived barriers and neighbourhood destinations with obesity-related behaviours in Europe. (2016)
Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; Van Lenthe, FJ; Teixeira, PJ; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Charreire, H; Oppert, J-M; Bárdos, H; Glonti, K; Rutter, H; McKee, M; Nijpels, G; Brug, J
Exploring why residents of socioeconomically deprived neighbourhoods have less favourable perceptions of their neighbourhood environment than residents of wealthy neighbourhoods. (2015)
Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; van Lenthe, FJ; Bárdos, H; Glonti, K; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Oppert, J-M; Roda, C; Rutter, H; Brug, J; Nijpels, G
Neighbourhood social capital: measurement issues and associations with health outcomes. (2016)
Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; van Lenthe, FJ; Kawachi, I; McKee, M; Rutter, H; Glonti, K; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Feuillet, T; Oppert, JM; Nijpels, G; Brug, J
The mediating role of social capital in the association between neighbourhood income inequality and body mass index. (2016)
Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; van Oostveen, Y; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; Glonti, K; Oppert, JM; Charreire, H; Brug, J; Nijpels, G
Exploring the Relation of Spatial Access to Fast Food Outlets With Body Weight: A Mediation Analysis. (2019)
Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Charreire, Hélène; Glonti, Ketevan; Bárdos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; Compernolle, Sofie; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Nijpels, Giel; Brug, Johannes; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Lakerveld, Jeroen
Exploring the cross-sectional association between outdoor recreational facilities and leisure-time physical activity: the role of usage and residential self-selection. (2018)
Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Matias de Pinho, Maria G; Faber, Eline; Braver, Nicole den; de Groot, Rosa; Charreire, Helene; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Bardos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; Compernolle, Sofie; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Lakerveld, Jeroen
Obesogenic environments: a systematic review of the association between the physical environment and adult weight status, the SPOTLIGHT project. (2014)
Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Rutter, Harry; Compernolle, Sofie; Glonti, Ketevan; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Charreire, Helene; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Brug, Johannes; Nijpels, Giel; Lakerveld, Jeroen
Built environmental correlates of cycling for transport across Europe. (2017)
Mertens, Lieze; Compernolle, Sofie; Deforche, Benedicte; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Brug, Johannes; Roda, Célina; Feuillet, Thierry; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Bardos, Helga; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Van Dyck, Delfien
Green space and physical activity: an observational study using Health Survey for England data. (2012)
Mytton, Oliver T; Townsend, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Foster, Charlie
Changes in health in England, with analysis by English regions and areas of deprivation, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015)
Newton, JN; Briggs, AD; Murray, CJ; Dicker, D; Foreman, KJ; Wang, H; Naghavi, M; Forouzanfar, MH; Ohno, SL; Barber, RM; Vos, T; Stanaway, JD; Schmidt, JC; Hughes, AJ; Fay, DF; Ecob, R; Gresser, C; McKee, M; Rutter, H; Abubakar, I; Ali, R; Anderson, HR; Banerjee, A; Bennett, DA; Bernabé, E; Bhui, KS; Biryukov, SM; Bourne, RR; Brayne, CE; Bruce, NG; Brugha, TS; Burch, M; Capewell, S; Casey, D; Chowdhury, R; Coates, MM; Cooper, C; Critchley, JA; Dargan, PI; Dherani, MK; Elliott, P; Ezzati, M; Fenton, KA; Fraser, MS; Fürst, T; Greaves, F; Green, MA; Gunnell, DJ; Hannigan, BM; Hay, RJ; Hay, SI; Hemingway, H; Larson, HJ; Looker, KJ; Lunevicius, R; Lyons, RA; Marcenes, W; Mason-Jones, AJ; Matthews, FE; Moller, H; Murdoch, ME; Newton, CR; Pearce, N; Piel, FB; Pope, D; Rahimi, K; Rodriguez, A; Scarborough, P; Schumacher, AE; Shiue, I; Smeeth, L; Tedstone, A; Valabhji, J; Williams, HC; Wolfe, CD; Woolf, AD; Davis, AC
Changes in health in England, with analysis by English regions and areas of deprivation, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015)
Newton, John N; Briggs, Adam DM; Murray, Christopher JL; Dicker, Daniel; Foreman, Kyle J; Wang, Haidong; Naghavi, Mohsen; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Ohno, Summer Lockett; Barber, Ryan M; Vos, Theo; Stanaway, Jeffrey D; Schmidt, Jürgen C; Hughes, Andrew J; Fay, Derek FJ; Ecob, Russell; Gresser, Charis; McKee, Martin; Rutter, Harry; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Ali, Raghib; Anderson, H Ross; Banerjee, Amitava; Bennett, Derrick A; Bernabé, Eduardo; Bhui, Kamaldeep S; Biryukov, Stanley M; Bourne, Rupert R; Brayne, Carol EG; Bruce, Nigel G; Brugha, Traolach S; Burch, Michael; Capewell, Simon; Casey, Daniel; Chowdhury, Rajiv; Coates, Matthew M; Cooper, Cyrus; Critchley, Julia A; Dargan, Paul I; Dherani, Mukesh K; Elliott, Paul; Ezzati, Majid; Fenton, Kevin A; Fraser, Maya S; Fürst, Thomas; Greaves, Felix; Green, Mark A; Gunnell, David J; Hannigan, Bernadette M; Hay, Roderick J; Hay, Simon I; Hemingway, Harry; Larson, Heidi J; Looker, Katharine J; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Lyons, Ronan A; Marcenes, Wagner; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Matthews, Fiona E; Moller, Henrik; Murdoch, Michele E; Newton, Charles R; Pearce, Neil; Piel, Frédéric B; Pope, Daniel; Rahimi, Kazem; Rodriguez, Alina; Scarborough, Peter; Schumacher, Austin E; Shiue, Ivy; Smeeth, Liam; Tedstone, Alison; Valabhji, Jonathan; Williams, Hywel C; Wolfe, Charles DA; Woolf, Anthony D; Davis, Adrian CJ
Evaluating the travel, physical activity and carbon impacts of a 'natural experiment' in the provision of new walking and cycling infrastructure: methods for the core module of the iConnect study. (2012)
Ogilvie, David; Bull, Fiona; Cooper, Ashley; Rutter, Harry; Adams, Emma; Brand, Christian; Ghali, Karen; Jones, Tim; Mutrie, Nanette; Powell, Jane; Preston, John; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Song, Yena; iConnect Consortium
Implications of a complexity perspective for systematic reviews and guideline development in health decision making. (2019)
Petticrew, Mark; Knai, Cécile; Thomas, James; Rehfuess, Eva Annette; Noyes, Jane; Gerhardus, Ansgar; Grimshaw, Jeremy M; Rutter, Harry; McGill, Elizabeth
Urban Health Indicator Tools of the Physical Environment: a Systematic Review. (2018)
Pineo, Helen; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Zimmermann, Nici; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael
Characteristics and use of urban health indicator tools by municipal built environment policy and decision-makers: a systematic review protocol. (2017)
Pineo, Helen; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Zimmermann, Nicole; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael
Promoting a healthy cities agenda through indicators: development of a global urban environment and health index. (2018)
Pineo, Helen; Zimmermann, Nici; Cosgrave, Ellie; Aldridge, Robert W; Acuto, Michele; Rutter, Harry
Exploring the relationship between perceived barriers to healthy eating and dietary behaviours in European adults. (2017)
Pinho, MGM; Mackenbach, JD; Charreire, H; Oppert, JM; Bárdos, H; Glonti, K; Rutter, H; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Beulens, JWJ; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J
Spatial access to restaurants and grocery stores in relation to frequency of home cooking. (2018)
Pinho, Maria Gabriela M; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Charreire, Hélène; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Bárdos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; Compernolle, Sofie; Beulens, Joline WJ; Brug, Johannes; Lakerveld, Jeroen
Exploring absolute and relative measures of exposure to food environments in relation to dietary patterns among European adults. (2019)
Pinho, Mgm; Mackenbach, JD; Oppert, J-M; Charreire, H; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; Compernolle, S; Beulens, Jwj; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J
National child measurement programme: detailed analysis of the 2007/08 national dataset. (2009)
Ridler, C; Townsend, N; Dinsdale, H; Mulhall, C; Rutter, H
Standard evaluation framework for weight management interventions. (2009)
Roberts, K; Cavill, N; Rutter, H
Mismatch between perceived and objectively measured environmental obesogenic features in European neighbourhoods. (2015)
Roda, C; Charreire, H; Feuillet, T; Mackenbach, JD; Compernolle, S; Glonti, K; Ben Rebah, M; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; McKee, M; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M
Lifestyle correlates of overweight in adults: a hierarchical approach (the SPOTLIGHT project). (2016)
Roda, Célina; Charreire, Hélène; Feuillet, Thierry; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Compernolle, Sofie; Glonti, Ketevan; Bárdos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; McKee, Martin; Brug, Johannes; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Oppert, Jean-Michel
The way ahead: where next for research into obesogenic environments? (2016)
Rutter, H; Glonti, K; Lakerveld, J
The Complex Systems Challenge of Obesity. (2017)
Rutter, Harry
Balancing Upstream and Downstream Measures to Tackle the Obesity Epidemic: A Position Statement from the European Association for the Study of Obesity. (2017)
Rutter, Harry; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; de Henauw, Stefaan; Lahti-Koski, Marjaana; Lehtinen-Jacks, Susanna; Mullerova, Dana; Rasmussen, Finn; Rissanen, Aila; Visscher, Tommy LS; Lissner, Lauren
Systems approaches to global and national physical activity plans. (2018)
Rutter, Harry; Cavill, Nick; Bauman, Adrian; Bull, Fiona
Towards a new model of evidence for public health. (2016)
Rutter, Harry; Glonti, Ketevan
The need for a complex systems model of evidence for public health. (2017)
Rutter, Harry; Savona, Natalie; Glonti, Ketevan; Bibby, Jo; Cummins, Steven; Finegood, Diane T; Greaves, Felix; Harper, Laura; Hawe, Penelope; Moore, Laurence; Petticrew, Mark; Rehfuess, Eva; Shiell, Alan; Thomas, James; White, Martin
Tackling Obesities: 10 years on. (2017)
Savona, Natalie; Rutter, Harry; Cummins, Steven
A systematic review and meta-analysis estimating the population prevalence of comorbidities in children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years. (2019)
Sharma, Vishal; Coleman, Susanne; Nixon, Jane; Sharples, Linda; Hamilton-Shield, Julian; Rutter, Harry; Bryant, Maria
Assessment of environmental correlates of physical activity: development of a European questionnaire. (2009)
Spittaels, Heleen; Foster, Charlie; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; Oja, Pekka; Sjöström, Michael; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse
Measuring physical activity-related environmental factors: reliability and predictive validity of the European environmental questionnaire ALPHA. (2010)
Spittaels, Heleen; Verloigne, Maïté; Gidlow, Christopher; Gloanec, Julien; Titze, Sylvia; Foster, Charlie; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; Oja, Pekka; Sjöström, Michael; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse
Changes in health in the countries of the UK and 150 English Local Authority areas 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (2018)
Steel, Nicholas; Ford, John A; Newton, John N; Davis, Adrian CJ; Vos, Theo; Naghavi, Mohsen; Glenn, Scott; Hughes, Andrew; Dalton, Alice M; Stockton, Diane; Humphreys, Ciaran; Dallat, Mary; Schmidt, Jürgen; Flowers, Julian; Fox, Sebastian; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Aldridge, Robert W; Baker, Allan; Brayne, Carol; Brugha, Traolach; Capewell, Simon; Car, Josip; Cooper, Cyrus; Ezzati, Majid; Fitzpatrick, Justine; Greaves, Felix; Hay, Roderick; Hay, Simon; Kee, Frank; Larson, Heidi J; Lyons, Ronan A; Majeed, Azeem; McKee, Martin; Rawaf, Salman; Rutter, Harry; Saxena, Sonia; Sheikh, Aziz; Smeeth, Liam; Viner, Russell M; Vollset, Stein Emil; Williams, Hywel C; Wolfe, Charles; Woolf, Anthony; Murray, Christopher JL
Successful behavior change in obesity interventions in adults: a systematic review of self-regulation mediators. (2015)
Teixeira, Pedro J; Carraça, Eliana V; Marques, Marta M; Rutter, Harry; Oppert, Jean-Michel; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Brug, Johannes
Exploring the mediating role of energy balance-related behaviours in the association between sleep duration and obesity in European adults. The SPOTLIGHT project. (2017)
Timmermans, Myrthe; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Charreire, Helene; Bárdos, Helga; Compernolle, Sofie; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; McKee, Martin; Lakerveld, Jeroen
WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: body mass index and level of overweight among 6-9-year-old children from school year 2007/2008 to school year 2009/2010. (2014)
Wijnhoven, Trudy MA; van Raaij, Joop MA; Spinelli, Angela; Starc, Gregor; Hassapidou, Maria; Spiroski, Igor; Rutter, Harry; Martos, Éva; Rito, Ana I; Hovengen, Ragnhild; Pérez-Farinós, Napoleón; Petrauskiene, Ausra; Eldin, Nazih; Braeckevelt, Lien; Pudule, Iveta; Kunešová, Marie; Breda, João
Disease burden and costs from excess alcohol consumption, obesity, and viral hepatitis: fourth report of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK. (2017)
Williams, Roger; Alexander, Graeme; Armstrong, Iain; Baker, Alastair; Bhala, Neeraj; Camps-Walsh, Ginny; Cramp, Matthew E; de Lusignan, Simon; Day, Natalie; Dhawan, Anil; Dillon, John; Drummond, Colin; Dyson, Jessica; Foster, Graham; Gilmore, Ian; Hudson, Mark; Kelly, Deirdre; Langford, Andrew; McDougall, Neil; Meier, Petra; Moriarty, Kieran; Newsome, Philip; O'Grady, John; Pryke, Rachel; Rolfe, Liz; Rice, Peter; Rutter, Harry; Sheron, Nick; Taylor, Alison; Thompson, Jeremy; Thorburn, Douglas; Verne, Julia; Wass, John; Yeoman, Andrew
Gathering momentum for the way ahead: fifth report of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK. (2018)
Williams, Roger; Alexander, Graeme; Aspinall, Richard; Batterham, Rachel; Bhala, Neeraj; Bosanquet, Nick; Severi, Katherine; Burton, Anya; Burton, Robyn; Cramp, Matthew E; Day, Natalie; Dhawan, Anil; Dillon, John; Drummond, Colin; Dyson, Jessica; Ferguson, James; Foster, Graham R; Gilmore, Ian; Greenberg, Jonny; Henn, Clive; Hudson, Mark; Jarvis, Helen; Kelly, Deirdre; Mann, Jake; McDougall, Neil; McKee, Martin; Moriarty, Kieran; Morling, Joanne; Newsome, Philip; O'Grady, John; Rolfe, Liz; Rice, Peter; Rutter, Harry; Sheron, Nick; Thorburn, Douglas; Verne, Julia; Vohra, Jyotsna; Wass, John; Yeoman, Andrew
New metrics for the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK. (2016)
Williams, Roger; Alexander, Graeme; Aspinall, Richard; Bosanquet, Joanne; Camps-Walsh, Ginette; Cramp, Matthew; Day, Natalie; Dhawan, Anil; Dillon, John; Dyson, Jessica; Ferguson, James; Foster, Graham; Gardner, Richard; Gilmore, Sir Ian; Hardman, Lesley; Hudson, Mark; Kelly, Deirdre; Langford, Andrew; Liversedge, Stephen; Moriarty, Kieran; Newsome, Philip; O'Grady, John; Pryke, Rachel; Rolfe, Liz; Rutter, Harry; Ryder, Stephen; Samyn, Marianne; Sheron, Nick; Taylor, Alison; Thompson, Jeremy; Verne, Julia; Yeoman, Andrew
Using flawed, uncertain, proximate and sparse (FUPS) data in the context of complexity: learning from the case of child mental health. (2018)
Wolpert, Miranda; Rutter, Harry