Items where Author is "May, Carl"
Number of items: 134.
  • The impact of persistent precarity on patients' capacity to manage their treatment burden: A comparative qualitative study between urban and rural patients with multimorbidity in South Africa. (2023) van Pinxteren, Myrna; Mbokazi, Nonzuzo; Murphy, Katherine; Mair, Frances S; May, Carl; Levitt, Naomi
  • 2022
  • SYMptoms in chronic heart failure imPACT on burden of treatment (SYMPACT): a cross-sectional survey. (2022) Austin, Rosalynn C; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Koutra, Vasiliki; Richardson, Alison; Kalra, Paul R; May, Carl R
  • Qualitative interviews results from heart failure survey respondents on the interaction between symptoms and burden of self-care work. (2022) Austin, Rosalynn C; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Richardson, Alison; Kalra, Paul R; May, Carl R
  • Patient, clinician and manager experience of the accelerated implementation of virtual consultations following COVID-19: A qualitative study of preferences in a tertiary orthopaedic rehabilitation setting. (2022) Gilbert, Anthony W; Jones, Jeremy; Stokes, Maria; May, Carl R
  • How do illness identity, patient workload and agentic capacity interact to shape patient and caregiver experience? Comparative analysis of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2022) Lippiett, Kate; Richardson, Alison; May, Carl R
  • Process evaluations of mental health and psychosocial support interventions for populations affected by humanitarian crises. (2022) Massazza, Alessandro; May, Carl R; Roberts, Bayard; Tol, Wietse A; Bogdanov, Sergiy; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Fuhr, Daniela C
  • Translational framework for implementation evaluation and research: a normalisation process theory coding manual for qualitative research and instrument development. (2022) May, Carl R; Albers, Bianca; Bracher, Mike; Finch, Tracy L; Gilbert, Anthony; Girling, Melissa; Greenwood, Kathryn; MacFarlane, Anne; Mair, Frances S; May, Christine M; Murray, Elizabeth; Potthoff, Sebastian; Rapley, Tim
  • Translational framework for implementation evaluation and research: Protocol for a qualitative systematic review of studies informed by Normalization Process Theory (NPT) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. (2022) May, Carl R; Albers, Bianca; Desveaux, Laura; Finch, Tracy L; Gilbert, Anthony; Hillis, Alyson; Girling, Melissa; Kislov, Roman; MacFarlane, Anne; Mair, Frances S; May, Christine M; Murray, Elizabeth; Potthoff, Sebastian; Rapley, Tim
  • Implementing primary care diabetes prevention for women with previous gestational diabetes: a mixed-methods study. (2022) O'Reilly, Sharleen L; May, Carl R; Ford, Dale; Dunbar, James A
  • Implementing a Virtual Emergency Department: Qualitative Study Using the Normalization Process Theory. (2022) Shuldiner, Jennifer; Srinivasan, Diya; Hall, Justin N; May, Carl R; Desveaux, Laura
  • Digital interventions for hypertension and asthma to support patient self-management in primary care: the DIPSS research programme including two RCTs. (2022) Yardley, Lucy; Morton, Kate; Greenwell, Kate; Stuart, Beth; Rice, Cathy; Bradbury, Katherine; Ainsworth, Ben; Band, Rebecca; Murray, Elizabeth; Mair, Frances; May, Carl; Michie, Susan; Richards-Hall, Samantha; Smith, Peter; Bruton, Anne; Raftery, James; Zhu, Shihua; Thomas, Mike; McManus, Richard J; Little, Paul
  • 2021
  • Do chronic heart failure symptoms interact with burden of treatment? Qualitative literature systematic review. (2021) Austin, Rosalynn C; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Clancy, Mike; Richardson, Alison; Kalra, Paul R; May, Carl R
  • A Digital Intervention for Primary Care Practitioners to Support Antidepressant Discontinuation (Advisor for Health Professionals): Development Study. (2021) Bowers, Hannah; Kendrick, Tony; van Ginneken, Nadja; Glowacka, Marta; Williams, Samantha; Leydon, Geraldine M; May, Carl; Dowrick, Christopher; Moncrieff, Joanna; Johnson, Chris F; Moore, Michael; Laine, Rebecca; Geraghty, Adam WA
  • Evaluation of the usability, accessibility and acceptability for a family support intervention (Family-Focused Support Conversation) for end of life care discharge planning from hospital: A participatory learning and action research study. (2021) Duke, Sue; Richardson, Alison; May, Carl; Lund, Susi; Lunt, Neil; Campling, Natasha
  • Factors that influence patient preferences for virtual consultations in an orthopaedic rehabilitation setting: a qualitative study. (2021) Gilbert, Anthony W; Jones, Jeremy; Stokes, Maria; May, Carl R
  • A qualitative investigation into the results of a discrete choice experiment and the impact of COVID-19 on patient preferences for virtual consultations. (2021) Gilbert, Anthony W; May, Carl R; Brown, Hazel; Stokes, Maria; Jones, Jeremy
  • Patient preferences for use of virtual consultations in an orthopaedic rehabilitation setting: Results from a discrete choice experiment. (2021) Gilbert, Anthony W; Mentzakis, Emmanouil; May, Carl R; Stokes, Maria; Jones, Jeremy
  • The Early Youth Engagement in first episode psychosis (EYE-2) study: pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a team-based motivational engagement intervention to improve engagement. (2021) Greenwood, Kathryn; Webb, Rebecca; Gu, Jenny; Fowler, David; de Visser, Richard; Bremner, Stephen; Abramowicz, Iga; Perry, Nicky; Clark, Stuart; O'Donnell, Anastacia; Charlton, Dan; Jarvis, Rebecca; Garety, Philippa; Nandha, Sunil; Lennox, Belinda; Johns, Louise; Rathod, Shanaya; Phiri, Peter; French, Paul; Law, Heather; Hodgekins, Jo; Painter, Michelle; Treise, Cate; Plaistow, James; Irwin, Francis; Thompson, Rose; Mackay, Tanya; May, Carl R; Healey, Andy; Hooper, Richard; Peters, Emmanuelle
  • Self-management interventions for Type 2 Diabetes: systematic review protocol focusing on patient workload and capacity support. (2021) Hanlon, Peter; Bryson, Iona; Morrison, Holly; Rafiq, Qasim; Boehmer, Kasey; Gionfriddo, Michael R; Gallacher, Katie; May, Carl; Montori, Victor; Lewsey, Jim; McAllister, David A; Mair, Frances S
  • Making sense of diabetes medication decisions: a mixed methods cluster randomized trial using a conversation aid intervention. (2021) Kunneman, Marleen; Branda, Megan E; Ridgeway, Jennifer L; Tiedje, Kristina; May, Carl R; Linzer, Mark; Inselman, Jonathan; Buffington, Angela LH; Coffey, Jordan; Boehm, Deborah; Deming, James; Dick, Sara; van Houten, Holly; LeBlanc, Annie; Liesinger, Juliette; Lima, Janet; Nordeen, Joanne; Pencille, Laurie; Poplau, Sara; Reed, Steven; Vannelli, Anna; Yost, Kathleen J; Ziegenfuss, Jeanette Y; Smith, Steven A; Montori, Victor M; Shah, Nilay D
  • A Complex Intervention for Alcohol Misuse Among Conflict-Affected Populations in Uganda and Ukraine: Study Protocol for the Qualitative Components in the CHANGE Trial. (2021) Massazza, Alessandro; Fuhr, Daniela C; Bogdanov, Sergiy; Tol, Wietse A; Roberts, Bayard; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Akudrabo, Geoffrey; Skovgaard Andersen, Lena; Dumchev, Kostyantyn; Karachevskyy, Andriy; Kinyanda, Eugene; Koss, Kateryna; Moore, Quincy; May, Carl R
  • Home and Online Management and Evaluation of Blood Pressure (HOME BP) using a digital intervention in poorly controlled hypertension: randomised controlled trial. (2021) McManus, Richard J; Little, Paul; Stuart, Beth; Morton, Katherine; Raftery, James; Kelly, Jo; Bradbury, Katherine; Zhang, Jin; Zhu, Shihua; Murray, Elizabeth; May, Carl R; Mair, Frances S; Michie, Susan; Smith, Peter; Band, Rebecca; Ogburn, Emma; Allen, Julie; Rice, Cathy; Nuttall, Jacqui; Williams, Bryan; Yardley, Lucy; HOME BP investigators
  • Implementing a digital intervention for managing uncontrolled hypertension in Primary Care: a mixed methods process evaluation. (2021) Morton, Kate; Dennison, Laura; Band, Rebecca; Stuart, Beth; Wilde, Laura; Cheetham-Blake, Tara; Heber, Elena; Slodkowska-Barabasz, Joanna; Little, Paul; McManus, Richard J; May, Carl R; Yardley, Lucy; Bradbury, Katherine
  • 'Snakes & Ladders': factors influencing access to appropriate care for children and young people with suspected juvenile idiopathic arthritis - a qualitative study. (2021) Rapley, Tim; May, Carl; Smith, Nicola; Foster, Helen E
  • Patient Work and Treatment Burden in Type 2 Diabetes: A Mixed-Methods Study. (2021) Spencer-Bonilla, Gabriela; Serrano, Valentina; Gao, Catherine; Sanchez, Manuel; Carroll, Katherine; Gionfriddo, Michael R; Behnken, Emma M; Hargraves, Ian; Boehmer, Kasey; May, Carl; Montori, Victor M
  • 2020
  • How do SYMPtoms and management tasks in chronic heart failure imPACT a person's life (SYMPACT)? Protocol for a mixed-methods study. (2020) Austin, Rosalynn C; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Richardson, Alison; Kalra, Paul R; May, Carl R
  • Supporting antidepressant discontinuation: the development and optimisation of a digital intervention for patients in UK primary care using a theory, evidence and person-based approach. (2020) Bowers, Hannah M; Kendrick, Tony; Glowacka, Marta; Williams, Samantha; Leydon, Geraldine; May, Carl; Dowrick, Chris; Moncrieff, Joanna; Laine, Rebecca; Nestoriuc, Yvonne; Andersson, Gerhard; Geraghty, Adam WA
  • Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. (2020) Bührmann, Leah; Schuurmans, Josien; Ruwaard, Jeroen; Fleuren, Margot; Etzelmüller, Anne; Piera-Jiménez, Jordi; Finch, Tracy; Rapley, Tim; Potthoff, Sebastian; Aouizerate, Bruno; Batterham, Philip J; Calear, Alison; Christensen, Helen; Pedersen, Claus Duedal; Ebert, David Daniel; Van der Eycken, Erik; Fanaj, Naim; van Genugten, Claire; Hanssen, Denise; Hegerl, Ulrich; Hug, Juliane; Kleiboer, Annet; Mathiasen, Kim; May, Carl; Mustafa, Sevim; Oehler, Caroline; Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda; Pope, Catherine; Qirjako, Gentiana; Rosmalen, Judith; Sacco, Ylenia; Samalin, Ludovic; Skjøth, Mette Maria; Tarp, Kristine; Titzler, Ingrid; Zanalda, Enrico; Zbukvic, Isabel; Smit, Johannes H; Riper, Heleen; Vis, Christiaan; ImpleMentAll consortium
  • Co-construction of the family-focused support conversation: a participatory learning and action research study to implement support for family members whose relatives are being discharged for end-of-life care at home or in a nursing home. (2020) Duke, Sue; Campling, Natasha; May, Carl R; Lund, Susi; Lunt, Neil; Hospital to Home Co-researcher group; Richardson, Alison
  • Effectiveness of nurse-led group CBT for hot flushes and night sweats in women with breast cancer: Results of the MENOS4 randomised controlled trial. (2020) Fenlon, Deborah; Maishman, Tom; Day, Laura; Nuttall, Jacqueline; May, Carl; Ellis, Mary; Raftery, James; Turner, Lesley; Fields, Jo; Griffiths, Gareth; Hunter, Myra S
  • Use of virtual consultations in an orthopaedic rehabilitation setting: how do changes in the work of being a patient influence patient preferences? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. (2020) Gilbert, Anthony W; Jones, Jeremy; Jaggi, Anju; May, Carl R
  • Exploring maintenance of physical activity behaviour change among people living with and beyond gastrointestinal cancer: a cross-sectional qualitative study and typology. (2020) Grimmett, Chloe; Foster, Claire; Bradbury, Katherine; Lally, Phillippa; May, Carl R; Myall, Michelle; Pinto, Bernardine; Corbett, Teresa
  • Complexity, co-creation and social practices – re-constructing quality improvement: a case study in mental health. (2020) Hofer, SA
  • Patients' and kidney care team's perspectives of treatment burden and capacity in older people with chronic kidney disease: a qualitative study. (2020) Hounkpatin, Hilda O; Leydon, Geraldine M; Veighey, Kristin; Armstrong, Kirsten; Santer, Miriam; Taal, Maarten W; Annells, Pete; May, Carl; Roderick, Paul J; Fraser, Simon Ds
  • REDUCE (Reviewing long-term antidepressant use by careful monitoring in everyday practice) internet and telephone support to people coming off long-term antidepressants: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Kendrick, Tony; Geraghty, Adam WA; Bowers, Hannah; Stuart, Beth; Leydon, Geraldine; May, Carl; Yao, Guiqing; O'Brien, Wendy; Glowacka, Marta; Holley, Simone; Williams, Samantha; Zhu, Shihua; Dewar-Haggart, Rachel; Palmer, Bryan; Bell, Margaret; Collinson, Sue; Fry, Imogen; Lewis, Glyn; Griffiths, Gareth; Gilbody, Simon; Moncrieff, Joanna; Moore, Michael; Macleod, Una; Little, Paul; Dowrick, Christopher
  • Patient-reported outcome measures for monitoring primary care patients with depression (PROMDEP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2020) Kendrick, Tony; Moore, Michael; Leydon, Geraldine; Stuart, Beth; Geraghty, Adam WA; Yao, Guiqing; Lewis, Glyn; Griffiths, Gareth; May, Carl; Dewar-Haggart, Rachel; Williams, Samantha; Zhu, Shihua; Dowrick, Christopher
  • Managing patient preferences and clinical responses in acute pathophysiological deterioration: What do clinicians think treatment escalation plans do? (2020) May, Carl; Myall, Michelle; Lund, Susi; Campling, Natasha; Bogle, Sarah; Dace, Sally; Richardson, Alison
  • Malnutrition in community-dwelling older people: lessons learnt using a new procedure. (2020) Murphy, Jane; Bracher, Michael; Tkacz, Daria; Aburrow, Annemarie; Allmark, Grace; Steward, Kathy; Wallis, Kathy; May, Carl
  • Creating pre-conditions for change in clinical practice: the influence of interactions between multiple contexts and human agency. (2020) Myall, Michelle; May, Carl; Richardson, Alison; Bogle, Sarah; Campling, Natasha; Dace, Sally; Lund, Susi
  • Normalization of a conversation tool to promote shared decision making about anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation within a practical randomized trial of its effectiveness: a cross-sectional study. (2020) Spencer-Bonilla, Gabriela; Thota, Anjali; Organick, Paige; Ponce, Oscar J; Kunneman, Marleen; Giblon, Rachel; Branda, Megan E; Sivly, Angela L; Behnken, Emma; May, Carl R; Montori, Victor M; Shared Decision Making for Atrial Fibrillation (SDM4AFib) Trial
  • 2019
  • Ethnographic study using Normalization Process Theory to understand the implementation process of infection prevention and control guidelines in Ireland. (2019) Agreli, Heloise; Barry, Fiona; Burton, Aileen; Creedon, Sile; Drennan, Jonathan; Gould, Dinah; May, Carl R; Smiddy, MP; Murphy, Michael; Murphy, Siobhan; Savage, Eileen; Wills, Teresa; Hegarty, Josephine
  • Helping people discontinue long-term antidepressants: views of health professionals in UK primary care. (2019) Bowers, Hannah M; Williams, Samantha J; Geraghty, Adam WA; Maund, Emma; O'brien, Wendy; Leydon, Geraldine; May, Carl R; Kendrick, Tony
  • Implementing and Embedding Health Informatics Systems - Understanding Organizational Behaviour Change Using Normalization Process Theory (NPT). (2019) Bracher, Mike; May, Carl R
  • What factors promote or inhibit implementation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community settings? A prospective process evaluation of the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) project (UK). (2019) Bracher, Mike; Murphy, Jane; Steward, Katherine; Wallis, Kathy; May, Carl R
  • Implementing professional behaviour change in teams under pressure: results from phase one of a prospective process evaluation (the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) project). (2019) Bracher, Mike; Steward, Katherine; Wallis, Kathy; May, Carl R; Aburrow, Annemarie; Murphy, Jane
  • A digital self-management intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes: Combining theory, data and participatory design to develop HeLP-Diabetes. (2019) Dack, Charlotte; Ross, Jamie; Stevenson, Fiona; Pal, Kingshuk; Gubert, Elsa; Michie, Susan; Yardley, Lucy; Barnard, Maria; May, Carl; Farmer, Andrew; Wood, Bindie; Murray, Elizabeth
  • HORIZONS protocol: a UK prospective cohort study to explore recovery of health and well-being in adults diagnosed with cancer. (2019) Foster, Claire; Calman, Lynn; Richardson, Alison; May, Carl R; Rogers, Anne; Smith, Peter W
  • Protocol for the CONNECT project: a mixed methods study investigating patient preferences for communication technology use in orthopaedic rehabilitation consultations. (2019) Gilbert, Anthony William; Jones, Jeremy; Stokes, Maria; Mentzakis, Emmanouil; May, Carl R
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis of maintenance of physical activity behaviour change in cancer survivors. (2019) Grimmett, Chloe; Corbett, Teresa; Brunet, Jennifer; Shepherd, Jonathan; Pinto, Bernardine M; May, Carl R; Foster, Claire
  • Implementation of self-management support in cancer care and normalization into routine practice: a systematic scoping literature review protocol. (2019) Howell, Doris; Richardson, Alison; May, Carl; Calman, Lynn; Fazelzad, Rouhi; Moradian, Saeed; Foster, Claire
  • Patients and informal caregivers' experiences of burden of treatment in lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research. (2019) Lippiett, Kate Alice; Richardson, Alison; Myall, Michelle; Cummings, Amanda; May, Carl R
  • Health care professionals' views towards self-management and self-management education for people with type 2 diabetes. (2019) Ross, Jamie; Stevenson, Fiona A; Dack, Charlotte; Pal, Kingshuk; May, Carl R; Michie, Susan; Yardley, Lucy; Murray, Elizabeth
  • Interdisciplinary team working in the Irish primary healthcare system: Analysis of 'invisible' bottom up innovations using Normalisation Process Theory. (2019) Tierney, Edel; Hannigan, Ailish; Kinneen, Libby; May, Carl; O'Sullivan, Madeleine; King, Rachael; Kennedy, Norelee; MacFarlane, Anne
  • 2018
  • Digitized patient-provider interaction: How does it matter? A qualitative meta-synthesis. (2018) Andreassen, Hege K; Dyb, Kari; May, Carl R; Pope, Catherine J; Warth, Line L
  • Escalation-related decision making in acute deterioration: a retrospective case note review. (2018) Campling, Natasha; Cummings, Amanda; Myall, Michelle; Lund, Susi; May, Carl R; Pearce, Neil W; Richardson, Alison
  • MENOS4 trial: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a breast care nurse delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention to reduce the impact of hot flushes in women with breast cancer: Study Protocol. (2018) Fenlon, Deborah; Nuttall, Jacqueline; May, Carl; Raftery, James; Fields, Jo; Kirkpatrick, Emma; Abab, Julia; Ellis, Mary; Rose, Taylor; Khambhaita, Priya; Galanopoulou, Angeliki; Maishman, Tom; Haviland, Jo; Griffiths, Gareth; Turner, Lesley; Hunter, Myra
  • Improving the normalization of complex interventions: part 2 - validation of the NoMAD instrument for assessing implementation work based on normalization process theory (NPT). (2018) Finch, Tracy L; Girling, Melissa; May, Carl R; Mair, Frances S; Murray, Elizabeth; Treweek, Shaun; McColl, Elaine; Steen, Ian Nicholas; Cook, Clare; Vernazza, Christopher R; Mackintosh, Nicola; Sharma, Samridh; Barbery, Gaery; Steele, Jimmy; Rapley, Tim
  • A conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke. (2018) Gallacher, Katie I; May, Carl R; Langhorne, Peter; Mair, Frances S
  • Implementation of grip strength measurement in medicine for older people wards as part of routine admission assessment: identifying facilitators and barriers using a theory-led intervention. (2018) Ibrahim, Kinda; May, Carl R; Patel, Harnish P; Baxter, Mark; Sayer, Avan A; Roberts, Helen C
  • Supporting carers to manage pain medication in cancer patients at the end of life: A feasibility trial. (2018) Latter, Sue; Hopkinson, Jane B; Lowson, Elizabeth; Hughes, Jane A; Hughes, Jacki; Duke, Sue; Anstey, Sally; Bennett, Michael I; May, Carl; Smith, Peter; Richardson, Alison
  • Barriers and facilitators to discontinuing antidepressant use: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. (2018) Maund, Emma; Dewar-Haggart, Rachel; Williams, Samantha; Bowers, Hannah; Geraghty, Adam WA; Leydon, Geraldine; May, Carl; Dawson, Sarah; Kendrick, Tony
  • Using Normalization Process Theory in feasibility studies and process evaluations of complex healthcare interventions: a systematic review. (2018) May, Carl R; Cummings, Amanda; Girling, Melissa; Bracher, Mike; Mair, Frances S; May, Christine M; Murray, Elizabeth; Myall, Michelle; Rapley, Tim; Finch, Tracy
  • Qualitative process study to explore the perceived burdens and benefits of a digital intervention for self-managing high blood pressure in Primary Care in the UK. (2018) Morton, Katherine; Dennison, Laura; Bradbury, Katherine; Band, Rebecca Jane; May, Carl; Raftery, James; Little, Paul; McManus, Richard J; Yardley, Lucy
  • Digital Health Interventions for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Qualitative Study of Patient Perspectives on Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support. (2018) Pal, Kingshuk; Dack, Charlotte; Ross, Jamie; Michie, Susan; May, Carl; Stevenson, Fiona; Farmer, Andrew; Yardley, Lucy; Barnard, Maria; Murray, Elizabeth description
  • Digital Health Interventions for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Qualitative Study of Patient Perspectives on Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support. (2018) Pal, Kingshuk; Dack, Charlotte; Ross, Jamie; Michie, Susan; May, Carl; Stevenson, Fiona; Farmer, Andrew; Yardley, Lucy; Barnard, Maria; Murray, Elizabeth
  • Improving the normalization of complex interventions: part 1 - development of the NoMAD instrument for assessing implementation work based on normalization process theory (NPT). (2018) Rapley, Tim; Girling, Melissa; Mair, Frances S; Murray, Elizabeth; Treweek, Shaun; McColl, Elaine; Steen, Ian Nicholas; May, Carl R; Finch, Tracy L
  • Work of being an adult patient with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review of qualitative studies. (2018) Roberti, Javier; Cummings, Amanda; Myall, Michelle; Harvey, Jonathan; Lippiett, Kate; Hunt, Katherine; Cicora, Federico; Alonso, Juan Pedro; May, Carl R
  • Developing an implementation strategy for a digital health intervention: an example in routine healthcare. (2018) Ross, Jamie; Stevenson, Fiona; Dack, Charlotte; Pal, Kingshuk; May, Carl; Michie, Susan; Barnard, Maria; Murray, Elizabeth
  • 2017
  • Organizing Practice and Practicing Organization: An Outline of Translational Mobilization Theory. (2017) Allen, Davina; May, Carl
  • Integrating acute stroke telemedicine consultations into specialists' usual practice: a qualitative analysis comparing the experience of Australia and the United Kingdom. (2017) Bagot, Kathleen L; Cadilhac, Dominique A; Bladin, Christopher F; Watkins, Caroline L; Vu, Michelle; Donnan, Geoffrey A; Dewey, Helen M; Emsley, Hedley CA; Davies, D Paul; Day, Elaine; Ford, Gary A; Price, Christopher I; May, Carl R; McLoughlin, Alison SR; Gibson, Josephine ME; Lightbody, Catherine E; VST and ASTUTE investigators
  • Intervention planning for a digital intervention for self-management of hypertension: a theory-, evidence- and person-based approach. (2017) Band, Rebecca; Bradbury, Katherine; Morton, Katherine; May, Carl; Michie, Susan; Mair, Frances S; Murray, Elizabeth; McManus, Richard J; Little, Paul; Yardley, Lucy
  • Understanding how primary care practitioners perceive an online intervention for the management of hypertension. (2017) Bradbury, Katherine; Morton, Katherine; Band, Rebecca; May, Carl; McManus, Richard; Little, Paul; Yardley, Lucy
  • Optimising impact and sustainability: a qualitative process evaluation of a complex intervention targeted at compassionate care. (2017) Bridges, Jackie; May, Carl; Fuller, Alison; Griffiths, Peter; Wigley, Wendy; Gould, Lisa; Barker, Hannah; Libberton, Paula
  • Implementing communication and decision-making interventions directed at goals of care: a theory-led scoping review. (2017) Cummings, Amanda; Lund, Susi; Campling, Natasha; May, Carl R; Richardson, Alison; Myall, Michelle
  • Development and validation of the Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management (PETS): a patient-reported measure of treatment burden. (2017) Eton, David T; Yost, Kathleen J; Lai, Jin-Shei; Ridgeway, Jennifer L; Egginton, Jason S; Rosedahl, Jordan K; Linzer, Mark; Boehm, Deborah H; Thakur, Azra; Poplau, Sara; Odell, Laura; Montori, Victor M; May, Carl R; Anderson, Roger T
  • Supporting insulin initiation in type 2 diabetes in primary care: results of the Stepping Up pragmatic cluster randomised controlled clinical trial. (2017) Furler, John; O'Neal, David; Speight, Jane; Manski-Nankervis, Jo-Anne; Gorelik, Alexandra; Holmes-Truscott, Elizabeth; Ginnivan, Louise; Young, Doris; Best, James; dean; Patterson, Elizabeth; Liew, Danny; Segal, Leonie; May, Carl; Blackberry, Irene
  • Debt Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: an adaptive randomised controlled pilot trial (DeCoDer study). (2017) Gabbay, Mark B; Ring, Adele; Byng, Richard; Anderson, Pippa; Taylor, Rod S; Matthews, Caryn; Harris, Tirril; Berry, Vashti; Byrne, Paula; Carter, Elliot; Clarke, Pam; Cocking, Laura; Edwards, Suzanne; Emsley, Richard; Fornasiero, Mauro; Frith, Lucy; Harris, Shaun; Huxley, Peter; Jones, Siw; Kinderman, Peter; King, Michael; Kosnes, Liv; Marshall, Daniel; Mercer, Dave; May, Carl; Nolan, Debbie; Phillips, Ceri; Rawcliffe, Tim; Sardani, Alexandra V; Shaw, Elizabeth; Thompson, Sam; Vickery, Jane; Wainman, Brian; Warner, Mark
  • Managing expectations: cognitive authority and experienced control in complex healthcare processes. (2017) Hunt, Katherine J; May, Carl R
  • Can routine clinical data identify older patients at risk of poor healthcare outcomes on admission to hospital? (2017) Ibrahim, Kinda; Owen, Charlotte; Patel, Harnish P; May, Carl; Baxter, Mark; Sayer, Avan A; Roberts, Helen C
  • Successfully implementing and embedding guidelines to improve the nutrition and growth of preterm infants in neonatal intensive care: a prospective interventional study. (2017) Johnson, Mark J; Leaf, Alison A; Pearson, Freya; Clark, Howard W; Dimitrov, Borislav D; Pope, Catherine; May, Carl R
  • A two phased study on health care professionals' perceptions of single or multi-use of intermittent catheters. (2017) McClurg, D; Coyle, J; Long, A; Moore, K; Cottenden, A; May, C; Fader, M description
  • Using digital interventions for self-management of chronic physical health conditions: A meta-ethnography review of published studies. (2017) Morton, Katherine; Dennison, Laura; May, Carl; Murray, Elizabeth; Little, Paul; McManus, Richard J; Yardley, Lucy
  • Web-based self-management support for people with type 2 diabetes (HeLP-Diabetes): randomised controlled trial in English primary care. (2017) Murray, Elizabeth; Sweeting, Michael; Dack, Charlotte; Pal, Kingshuk; Modrow, Kerstin; Hudda, Mohammed; Li, Jinshuo; Ross, Jamie; Alkhaldi, Ghadah; Barnard, Maria; Farmer, Andrew; Michie, Susan; Yardley, Lucy; May, Carl; Parrott, Steve; Stevenson, Fiona; Knox, Malcolm; Patterson, David
  • 2016
  • Interventions for compassionate nursing care: A systematic review. (2016) Blomberg, Karin; Griffiths, Peter; Wengström, Yvonne; May, Carl; Bridges, Jackie
  • Patient capacity and constraints in the experience of chronic disease: a qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis. (2016) Boehmer, Kasey R; Gionfriddo, Michael R; Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Rene; Dabrh, Abd Moain Abu; Leppin, Aaron L; Hargraves, Ian; May, Carl R; Shippee, Nathan D; Castaneda-Guarderas, Ana; Palacios, Claudia Zeballos; Bora, Pavithra; Erwin, Patricia; Montori, Victor M
  • Recovering the self: a manifesto for primary care. (2016) Dowrick, Christopher; Heath, Iona; Hjörleifsson, Stefan; Misselbrook, David; May, Carl; Reeve, Joanne; Swinglehurst, Deborah; Toon, Peter
  • An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research. (2016) Greenhalgh, Trisha; Annandale, Ellen; Ashcroft, Richard; Barlow, James; Black, Nick; Bleakley, Alan; Boaden, Ruth; Braithwaite, Jeffrey; Britten, Nicky; Carnevale, Franco; Checkland, Kath; Cheek, Julianne; Clark, Alex; Cohn, Simon; Coulehan, Jack; Crabtree, Benjamin; Cummins, Steven; Davidoff, Frank; Davies, Huw; Dingwall, Robert; Dixon-Woods, Mary; Elwyn, Glyn; Engebretsen, Eivind; Ferlie, Ewan; Fulop, Naomi; Gabbay, John; Gagnon, Marie-Pierre; Galasinski, Dariusz; Garside, Ruth; Gilson, Lucy; Griffiths, Peter; Hawe, Penny; Helderman, Jan-Kees; Hodges, Brian; Hunter, David; Kearney, Margaret; Kitzinger, Celia; Kitzinger, Jenny; Kuper, Ayelet; Kushner, Saville; Le May, Andree; Legare, France; Lingard, Lorelei; Locock, Louise; Maben, Jill; Macdonald, Mary Ellen; Mair, Frances; Mannion, Russell; Marshall, Martin; May, Carl; Mays, Nicholas; McKee, Lorna; Miraldo, Marissa; Morgan, David; Morse, Janice; Nettleton, Sarah; Oliver, Sandy; Pearce, Warrren; Pluye, Pierre; Pope, Catherine; Robert, Glenn; Roberts, Celia; Rodella, Stefania; Rycroft-Malone, Jo; Sandelowski, Margarete; Shekelle, Paul; Stevenson, Fiona; Straus, Sharon; Swinglehurst, Deborah; Thorne, Sally; Tomson, Göran; Westert, Gerd; Wilkinson, Sue; Williams, Brian; Young, Terry; Ziebland, Sue
  • A feasibility study of implementing grip strength measurement into routine hospital practice (GRImP): study protocol. (2016) Ibrahim, Kinda; May, Carl; Patel, Harnish P; Baxter, Mark; Sayer, Avan A; Roberts, Helen
  • Illness identity as an important component of candidacy: Contrasting experiences of help-seeking and access to care in cancer and heart disease. (2016) Macdonald, Sara; Blane, David; Browne, Susan; Conway, Ellie; Macleod, Una; May, Carl; Mair, Frances
  • Experiences of long-term life-limiting conditions among patients and carers: what can we learn from a meta-review of systematic reviews of qualitative studies of chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic kidney disease? (2016) May, Carl R; Cummings, Amanda; Myall, Michelle; Harvey, Jonathan; Pope, Catherine; Griffiths, Peter; Roderick, Paul; Arber, Mick; Boehmer, Kasey; Mair, Frances S; Richardson, Alison
  • Experiences of long-term life-limiting conditions among patients and carers: what can we learn from a meta-review of systematic reviews of qualitative studies of chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic kidney disease? (2016) May, Carl R; Cummings, Amanda; Myall, Michelle; Harvey, Jonathan; Pope, Catherine; Griffiths, Peter; Roderick, Paul; Arber, Mick; Boehmer, Kasey; Mair, Frances S; Richardson, Alison
  • Implementation, context and complexity. (2016) May, Carl R; Johnson, Mark; Finch, Tracy
  • Assessing the feasibility of a web-based domestic violence intervention using chronic disease frameworks: reducing the burden of 'treatment' and promoting capacity for action in women abused by a partner. (2016) Tarzia, Laura; May, Carl; Hegarty, Kelsey
  • Do primary care professionals agree about progress with implementation of primary care teams: results from a cross sectional study. (2016) Tierney, E; O'Sullivan, M; Hickey, L; Hannigan, A; May, C; Cullen, W; Kennedy, N; Kineen, L; MacFarlane, A
  • 2015
  • Implementation of secondary fracture prevention services after hip fracture: a qualitative study using extended Normalization Process Theory. (2015) Drew, Sarah; Judge, Andrew; May, Carl; Farmer, Andrew; Cooper, Cyrus; Javaid, M Kassim; Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; REFReSH study group
  • The burden of comorbidity in people with chronic kidney disease stage 3: a cohort study. (2015) Fraser, Simon DS; Roderick, Paul J; May, Carl R; McIntyre, Natasha; McIntyre, Christopher; Fluck, Richard J; Shardlow, Adam; Taal, Maarten W
  • Promoting professional behaviour change in healthcare: what interventions work, and why? A theory-led overview of systematic reviews. (2015) Johnson, Mark J; May, Carl R
  • Barriers to advance care planning at the end of life: an explanatory systematic review of implementation studies. (2015) Lund, Susi; Richardson, Alison; May, Carl
  • Making sense of technology adoption in healthcare: meso-level considerations. (2015) May, Carl R
  • EXPERTS 1-experiences of long-term life-limiting conditions among patients and carers: protocol for a qualitative meta-synthesis and conceptual modelling study. (2015) May, Carl R; Masters, Jayne; Welch, Lindsay; Hunt, Katherine; Pope, Catherine; Myall, Michelle; Griffiths, Peter; Roderick, Paul; Glanville, Julie; Richardson, Alison
  • RESTORE: an exploratory trial of a web-based intervention to enhance self-management of cancer-related fatigue: findings from a qualitative process evaluation. (2015) Myall, Michelle; May, Carl R; Grimmett, Chloe; May, Christine M; Calman, Lynn; Richardson, Alison; Foster, Claire L
  • 2014
  • Patient, carer and professional perspectives on barriers and facilitators to quality care in advanced heart failure. (2014) Browne, Susan; Macdonald, Sara; May, Carl R; Macleod, Una; Mair, Frances S
  • Can primary care team-based transition to insulin improve outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes: the stepping up to insulin cluster randomized controlled trial protocol. (2014) Furler, John S; Young, Doris; Best, James; Patterson, Elizabeth; O'Neal, David; Liew, Danny; Speight, Jane; Segal, Leonie; May, Carl; Manski-Nankervis, Jo-Anne; Holmes-Truscott, Elizabeth; Ginnivan, Louise; Blackberry, Irene D
  • Stroke, multimorbidity and polypharmacy in a nationally representative sample of 1,424,378 patients in Scotland: implications for treatment burden. (2014) Gallacher, Katie I; Batty, G David; McLean, Gary; Mercer, Stewart W; Guthrie, Bruce; May, Carl R; Langhorne, Peter; Mair, Frances S
  • Rethinking the patient: using Burden of Treatment Theory to understand the changing dynamics of illness. (2014) May, Carl R; Eton, David T; Boehmer, Kasey; Gallacher, Katie; Hunt, Katherine; MacDonald, Sara; Mair, Frances S; May, Christine M; Montori, Victor M; Richardson, Alison; Rogers, Anne E; Shippee, Nathan
  • Chronic diseases and multi-morbidity--a conceptual modification to the WHO ICCC model for countries in health transition. (2014) Oni, Tolu; McGrath, Nuala; BeLue, Rhonda; Roderick, Paul; Colagiuri, Stephen; May, Carl R; Levitt, Naomi S
  • Evaluating the implementation of HeLP-Diabetes within NHS services: study protocol. (2014) Ross, Jamie; Stevenson, Fiona; Dack, Charlotte; Pal, Kingshuk; May, Carl; Michie, Susan; Parrott, Steve; Murray, Elizabeth
  • 2013
  • Examining health promotion interventions for patients with chronic conditions using a novel patient-centered complexity model: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013) Bodde, Amy E; Shippee, Nathan D; May, Carl R; Mair, Frances S; Erwin, Patricia J; Murad, M Hassan; Montori, Victor M
  • Improving the normalization of complex interventions: measure development based on normalization process theory (NoMAD): study protocol. (2013) Finch, Tracy L; Rapley, Tim; Girling, Melissa; Mair, Frances S; Murray, Elizabeth; Treweek, Shaun; McColl, Elaine; Steen, Ian Nicholas; May, Carl R
  • The challenges of implementing a telestroke network: a systematic review and case study. (2013) French, Beverley; Day, Elaine; Watkins, Caroline; McLoughlin, Alison; Fitzgerald, Jane; Leathley, Michael; Davies, Paul; Emsley, Hedley; Ford, Gary; Jenkinson, Damian; May, Carl; O'Donnell, Mark; Price, Christopher; Sutton, Christopher; Lightbody, Catherine
  • Qualitative systematic reviews of treatment burden in stroke, heart failure and diabetes - methodological challenges and solutions. (2013) Gallacher, Katie; Jani, Bhautesh; Morrison, Deborah; Macdonald, Sara; Blane, David; Erwin, Patricia; May, Carl R; Montori, Victor M; Eton, David T; Smith, Fiona; Batty, G David; Mair, Frances S; International Minimally Disruptive Medicine Workgroup
  • Uncovering treatment burden as a key concept for stroke care: a systematic review of qualitative research. (2013) Gallacher, Katie; Morrison, Deborah; Jani, Bhautesh; Macdonald, Sara; May, Carl R; Montori, Victor M; Erwin, Patricia J; Batty, G David; Eton, David T; Langhorne, Peter; Mair, Frances S
  • RESTORE: an exploratory trial of an online intervention to enhance self-efficacy to manage problems associated with cancer-related fatigue following primary cancer treatment: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2013) Grimmett, Chloe; Armes, Jo; Breckons, Matthew; Calman, Lynn; Corner, Jessica; Fenlon, Deborah; Hulme, Claire; May, Christine M; May, Carl R; Ream, Emma; Richardson, Alison; Smith, Peter WF; Yardley, Lucy; Foster, Claire
  • Towards a general theory of implementation. (2013) May, Carl
  • Using computer decision support systems in NHS emergency and urgent care: ethnographic study using normalisation process theory. (2013) Pope, Catherine; Halford, Susan; Turnbull, Joanne; Prichard, Jane; Calestani, Melania; May, Carl
  • 2012
  • Implementing nutrition guidelines for older people in residential care homes: a qualitative study using Normalization Process Theory. (2012) Bamford, Claire; Heaven, Ben; May, Carl; Moynihan, Paula
  • Overwhelmed patients: a videographic analysis of how patients with type 2 diabetes and clinicians articulate and address treatment burden during clinical encounters. (2012) Bohlen, Krista; Scoville, Elizabeth; Shippee, Nathan D; May, Carl R; Montori, Victor M
  • From theory to 'measurement' in complex interventions: methodological lessons from the development of an e-health normalisation instrument. (2012) Finch, Tracy L; Mair, Frances S; O'Donnell, Catherine; Murray, Elizabeth; May, Carl R
  • The impact of decision aids to enhance shared decision making for diabetes (the DAD study): protocol of a cluster randomized trial. (2012) LeBlanc, Annie; Ruud, Kari L; Branda, Megan E; Tiedje, Kristina; Boehmer, Kasey R; Pencille, Laurie J; Van Houten, Holly; Matthews, Marc; Shah, Nilay D; May, Carl R; Yawn, Barbara P; Montori, Victor M
  • 2011
  • Integrating telecare for chronic disease management in the community: what needs to be done? (2011) May, Carl R; Finch, Tracy L; Cornford, James; Exley, Catherine; Gately, Claire; Kirk, Sue; Jenkings, K Neil; Osbourne, Janice; Robinson, A Louise; Rogers, Anne; Wilson, Robert; Mair, Frances S
  • Evaluating complex interventions and health technologies using normalization process theory: development of a simplified approach and web-enabled toolkit. (2011) May, Carl R; Finch, Tracy; Ballini, Luciana; MacFarlane, Anne; Mair, Frances; Murray, Elizabeth; Treweek, Shaun; Rapley, Tim
  • Why is it difficult to implement e-health initiatives? A qualitative study. (2011) Murray, Elizabeth; Burns, Joanne; May, Carl; Finch, Tracy; O'Donnell, Catherine; Wallace, Paul; Mair, Frances
  • 2010
  • Embedding effective depression care: using theory for primary care organisational and systems change. (2010) Gunn, Jane M; Palmer, Victoria J; Dowrick, Christopher F; Herrman, Helen E; Griffiths, Frances E; Kokanovic, Renata; Blashki, Grant A; Hegarty, Kelsey L; Johnson, Caroline L; Potiriadis, Maria; May, Carl R
  • Development and formative evaluation of the e-Health Implementation Toolkit (e-HIT). (2010) Murray, Elizabeth; May, Carl; Mair, Frances
  • Normalisation process theory: a framework for developing, evaluating and implementing complex interventions. (2010) Murray, Elizabeth; Treweek, Shaun; Pope, Catherine; MacFarlane, Anne; Ballini, Luciana; Dowrick, Christopher; Finch, Tracy; Kennedy, Anne; Mair, Frances; O'Donnell, Catherine; Ong, Bie Nio; Rapley, Tim; Rogers, Anne; May, Carl
  • 2009
  • Paying for treatments? Influences on negotiating clinical need and decision-making for dental implant treatment. (2009) Exley, Catherine E; Rousseau, Nikki S; Steele, Jimmy; Finch, Tracy; Field, James; Donaldson, Cam; Thomason, J Mark; May, Carl R; Ellis, Janice S
  • Development of a theory of implementation and integration: Normalization Process Theory. (2009) May, Carl R; Mair, Frances; Finch, Tracy; MacFarlane, Anne; Dowrick, Christopher; Treweek, Shaun; Rapley, Tim; Ballini, Luciana; Ong, Bie Nio; Rogers, Anne; Murray, Elizabeth; Elwyn, Glyn; Légaré, France; Gunn, Jane; Montori, Victor M
  • 2008
  • Arduous implementation: does the Normalisation Process Model explain why it's so difficult to embed decision support technologies for patients in routine clinical practice. (2008) Elwyn, Glyn; Légaré, France; van der Weijden, Trudy; Edwards, Adrian; May, Carl
  • Experiences of abortion: a narrative review of qualitative studies. (2008) Lie, Mabel LS; Robson, Stephen C; May, Carl R
  • Which quality of life score is best for glaucoma patients and why? (2008) Severn, Philip; Fraser, Scott; Finch, Tracy; May, Carl
  • 2007
  • Medical communication and technology: a video-based process study of the use of decision aids in primary care consultations. (2007) Kaner, Eileen; Heaven, Ben; Rapley, Tim; Murtagh, Madeleine; Graham, Ruth; Thomson, Richard; May, Carl
  • Process evaluation for complex interventions in primary care: understanding trials using the normalization process model. (2007) May, Carl R; Mair, Frances S; Dowrick, Christopher F; Finch, Tracy L
  • Understanding the implementation of complex interventions in health care: the normalization process model. (2007) May, Carl; Finch, Tracy; Mair, Frances; Ballini, Luciana; Dowrick, Christopher; Eccles, Martin; Gask, Linda; MacFarlane, Anne; Murray, Elizabeth; Rapley, Tim; Rogers, Anne; Treweek, Shaun; Wallace, Paul; Anderson, George; Burns, Jo; Heaven, Ben
  • 2006
  • A rational model for assessing and evaluating complex interventions in health care. (2006) May, Carl