Items where Author is "Rechel, Bernd"
Number of items: 184.
Caring for people with acute conditions: transitional care, relocation of care and new division of work. (2022)
Bourgeault, Ivy; Bond, Christine; Mahrer-Imhof, Romy; Budde, Hannah; Rechel, Bernd; Maier, Claudia B
A comparison of health system responses to COVID-19 in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania in 2020. (2022)
Džakula, Aleksandar; Banadinović, Maja; Lovrenčić, Iva Lukačević; Vajagić, Maja; Dimova, Antoniya; Rohova, Maria; Minev, Mincho; Scintee, Silvia Gabriela; Vladescu, Cristian; Farcasanu, Dana; Robinson, Susannah; Spranger, Anne; Sagan, Anna; Rechel, Bernd
Service delivery. (2022)
Nolte, Ellen; Karanikolos, Marina; Rechel, Bernd
Организация и финансирование услуг общественного здравоохранения в Европе: страновые отчеты. (2022)
Rechel, B; Maresso, A; Sagan, A; Hernandez-Quevedo, C; Williams, G; Richardson, E; Jakubowski, E; Nolte, E
Системы здравоохранения в действии: Кыргызстан. (2022)
Rechel, Bernd; Lessof, Suszy
Integration processes within the Croatian palliative care model in 2014 - 2020. (2022)
Vočanec, Dorja; Džakula, Aleksandar; Lončarek, Karmen; Sović, Slavica; Rechel, Bernd
Barriers and facilitators to a health information exchange system between general practitioners and hospitals: a qualitative study in Southern Switzerland. (2021)
Centemero, Nicolò Saverio; Rechel, Bernd
COVID-19 pandemic: health impact of staying at home, social distancing and 'lockdown' measures-a systematic review of systematic reviews. (2021)
Chiesa, Valentina; Antony, Gabriele; Wismar, Matthias; Rechel, Bernd
Croatia: Health System Review. (2021)
Dzakula, Aleksandar; Vočanec, Dorja; Banadinovic, Maja; Vajagic, Maja; Lončarek, Karmen; Lukačevic Lovrenčic, Iva; Radin, Dagmar; Rechel, Bernd
Организация и предоставление услуг вакцинации в Европейском союзе: Подготовлено для Европейской комиссии. (2021)
Rechel, B; Richardson, Erica; McKee, Martin
Роль организаций общественного здравоохранения в решении проблем общественного здоровья в Европе. (2021)
Rechel, Bernd; Maresso, Anna; Sagan, Anna; Hernández-Quevedo, Cristina; Richardson, Erica; Jakubowski, Elke; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
Improving maternal and newborn health in Kyrgyzstan. (2021)
Rechel, Bernd; Moldoisaeva, Saltanat
Health Systems in Action: North Macedonia. (2021)
Winkelmann, Juliane; Tille, Florian; Litvinova, Yulia; Rechel, Bernd
Female Pakistani carers' views on future formal and informal care for their older relatives in Norway. (2020)
Arora, Sanjana; Rechel, Bernd; Bergland, Astrid; Straiton, Melanie; Debesay, Jonas
Renegotiating formal and informal care while ageing abroad: Older Pakistani women's healthcare access, preferences and expectations in Norway. (2020)
Arora, Sanjana; Straiton, Melanie; Bergland, Astrid; Rechel, Bernd; Debesay, Jonas
Barriers and facilitators to a health information exchange system for general practitioners. (2020)
Centemero, NS; Rechel, B
Eurohealth: addressing obesity in Europe. (2020)
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Health Systems in Transition: template for authors 2019. (2020)
Rechel, B; Maresso, A; van Ginneken
How to enhance the integration of primary care and public health? Approaches, facilitating factors and policy options. (2020)
Rechel, Bernd
Ethnic boundary-making in health care: Experiences of older Pakistani immigrant women in Norway. (2019)
Arora, Sanjana; Straiton, Melanie; Rechel, Bernd; Bergland, Astrid; Debesay, Jonas
Health records for migrants and refugees: A systematic review. (2019)
Chiesa, Valentina; Chiarenza, Antonio; Mosca, Davide; Rechel, Bernd
Health policies and mixed migration - Lessons learnt from the 'Refugee Crisis'. (2019)
Gottlieb, Nora; Bozorgmehr, Kayvan; Trummer, Ursula; Rechel, Bernd
Finland: Health System Review. (2019)
Keskimaki, Ilmo; Tynkkynen, Liina-Kaisa; Reissell, Eeva; Koivusalo, Meri; Syrja, Vesa; Vuorenkoski, Lauri; Rechel, Bernd; Karanikolos, Marina
How to enhance collaboration between primary care and public health? (2019)
Rechel, B
Hub-and-spoke dispensing models for community pharmacies in Europe. (2019)
Rechel, Bernd
Older migrants’ access to healthcare: a thematic synthesis. (2018)
Arora, Sanjana; Bergland, Astrid; Straiton, Melanie; Rechel, Bernd; Debesay, Jonas
Getting and keeping people healthy: reflecting on the successes and failures of public health policy in Europe. (2018)
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Williams, GA; Rechel, B; McDaid, D; Wismar, M; McKee, M
Obesity. (2018)
Hernández-Quevedo, C; Rechel, B
Organization of public health services. (2018)
Jakubowski, E; Kluge, H; Rechel, B
Barriers to accessing adequate maternal care in Georgia: a qualitative study. (2018)
Miteniece, Elina; Pavlova, Milena; Shengelia, Lela; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
Antimicrobial resistance. (2018)
Nahrgang, S; Nolte, E; Rechel, B
Accelerating the transformation of public health services to tackle NCDs. (2018)
O’Dowd, J; Cichowska Myrup, A; Krayer von Krauss, M; Albreht, T; Rechel, B
The politics of migrant health policies in Europe: attitudes, professionals and the public purse. (2018)
Rechel, B
Financing of public health services. (2018)
Rechel, B
Comparative analysis of country fiches. (2018)
Rechel, B
Vaccine uptake and vaccine-preventable disease in the EU. (2018)
Rechel, B
Organization and financing of public health services in Europe. (2018)
Rechel, B; Jakubowski, E; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Conceptual framework. (2018)
Rechel, B; Jakubowski, E; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Key policy lessons. (2018)
Rechel, B; Jakubowski, E; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Key policy lessons. (2018)
Rechel, B; Jakubowski, E; McKee, M; Nolte, E
The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe: The case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance. (2018)
Rechel, B; Maresso, A; Sagan, A; Hernández-Quevedo, C; Richardson, E; Jakubowski, E; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Organization and financing of public health services in Europe: Country reports. (2018)
Rechel, B; Maresso, A; Sagan, A; Hernández-Quevedo, C; Williams, G; Richardson, E; Jakubowski, E; Nolte, E
Introduction. (2018)
Rechel, B; Maresso, A; Sagan, A; Hernández-Quevedo, C; Williams, G; Richardson, E; Jakubowski, E; Nolte, E
Introduction. (2018)
Rechel, B; Maresso, A; Sagan, A; Hernández-Quevedo, C; Williams, G; Richardson, E; Jakubowski, E; Nolte, E
Conclusion. (2018)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Discussion. (2018)
Rechel, B; Priaulx, J; McKee, M
The organization and delivery of vaccination services in the European Union. (2018)
Rechel, B; Richardson, E; McKee, M
Funding for public health in Europe in decline? (2018)
Rechel, Bernd
What is the experience of decentralized hospital governance in Europe? 10 case studies from Western Europe on institutional and accountability arrangements. (2018)
Rechel, Bernd; Duran, Antonio; Saltman, Richard
Alcohol. (2018)
Sagan, A; Rechel, B
A systematic review on the use of healthcare services by undocumented migrants in Europe. (2018)
Winters, Marjolein; Rechel, Bernd; de Jong, Lea; Pavlova, Milena
HIV/AIDS discourses in Kyrgyzstan's policy arena. (2017)
Ancker, Svetlana; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
Utilization of health care services by migrants in Europe-a systematic literature review. (2017)
Graetz, V; Rechel, B; Groot, W; Norredam, M; Pavlova, M
Barriers to accessing adequate maternal care in Central and Eastern European countries: A systematic literature review. (2017)
Miteniece, Elina; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
Barriers to accessing adequate maternal care in Latvia: A mixed-method study among women, providers and decision-makers. (2017)
Miteniece, Elina; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Rezeberga, Dace; Murauskienė, Liubovė; Groot, Wim
Family transfers and long-term care: An analysis of the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). (2017)
Murphy, Adrianna; Kowal, Paul; Albertini, Marco; Rechel, Bernd; Chatterji, Somnath; Hanson, Kara
A systematic literature review on the use and outcomes of maternal and child healthcare services by undocumented migrants in Europe. (2017)
de Jong, Lea; Pavlova, Milena; Winters, Marjolein; Rechel, Bernd
Catastrophic Health Care Expenditure among Older People with Chronic Diseases in 15 European Countries. (2016)
Arsenijevic, Jelena; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
Ethnic differences in all-cause mortality rates in Kazakhstan. (2016)
Davletov, K; McKee, M; Berkinbayev, S; Battakova, Z; Zhussupov, B; Amirov, B; Junusbekova, G; Rechel, B
Tajikistan: Health System Review. (2016)
Khodjamurodov, Ghafur; Sodiqova, Dilorom; Akkazieva, Baktygul; Rechel, Bernd
Hospitals in rural or remote areas: An exploratory review of policies in 8 high-income countries. (2016)
Rechel, Bernd; Džakula, Aleksandar; Duran, Antonio; Fattore, Giovanni; Edwards, Nigel; Grignon, Michel; Haas, Marion; Habicht, Triin; Marchildon, Gregory P; Moreno, Antonio; Ricciardi, Walter; Vaughan, Louella; Smith, Tina Anderson
Public reporting on quality, waiting times and patient experience in 11 high-income countries. (2016)
Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin; Haas, Marion; Marchildon, Gregory P; Bousquet, Frederic; Blümel, Miriam; Geissler, Alexander; van Ginneken, Ewout; Ashton, Toni; Saunes, Ingrid Sperre; Anell, Anders; Quentin, Wilm; Saltman, Richard; Culler, Steven; Barnes, Andrew; Palm, Willy; Nolte, Ellen
Policy responses to HIV/AIDS in Central Asia. (2015)
Ancker, Svetlana; Rechel, Bernd
Macroeconomic implications of population ageing and selected policy responses. (2015)
Bloom, David E; Chatterji, Somnath; Kowal, Paul; Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd; Rosenberg, Larry; Smith, James P
Regional differences in cardiovascular mortality in Kazakhstan: further evidence for the 'Russian mortality paradox'? (2015)
Davletov, Kairat; McKee, Martin; Berkinbayev, Salim; Battakova, Zhamilya; Vujnovic, Melita; Rechel, Bernd
Measles among migrants in the European Union and the European Economic Area. (2015)
Williams, Gemma A; Bacci, Sabrina; Shadwick, Rebecca; Tillmann, Taavi; Rechel, Bernd; Noori, Teymur; Suk, Jonathan E; Odone, Anna; Ingleby, Jonathan D; Mladovsky, Philipa; Mckee, Martin
Uzbekistan: health system review. (2014)
Ahmedov, Mohir; Azimov, Ravshan; Mutalova, Zulkhumor; Huseynov, Shahin; Tsoyi, Elena; Rechel, Bernd
Kyrgyzstan: still a regional ‘pioneer’ in HIV/AIDS or living on its reputation? (2014)
Ancker, S; Rechel, B; McKee, M; Spicer, N
Macroeconomic implications of population ageing and selected policy responses. (2014)
Bloom, DE; Chatterji, S; Kowal, P; Lloyd-Sherlock, P; McKee, M; Rechel, B; Rosenberg, L; Smith, JP
Dispensing emotions: Norwegian community nurses' handling of diversity in a changing organizational context. (2014)
Debesay, Jonas; Harsløf, Ivan; Rechel, Bernd; Vike, Halvard
Facing diversity under institutional constraints: challenging situations for community nurses when providing care to ethnic minority patients. (2014)
Debesay, Jonas; Harsløf, Ivan; Rechel, Bernd; Vike, Halvard
An examination of Roma health insurance status in Central and Eastern Europe. (2014)
Kühlbrandt, Charlotte; Footman, Katharine; Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin
Environmental health. (2014)
Leonardi, G; Rechel, B
Screening. (2014)
McKee, M; Rechel, B
Healthcare public health. (2014)
McKee, M; Rechel, B; Busse, R
The changing context of public health in Europe. (2014)
McKee, M; Rechel, B; Kluge, H; Tulchinsky, T
Tuberculosis among migrant populations in the European Union and the European Economic Area. (2014)
Odone, Anna; Tillmann, Taavi; Sandgren, Andreas; Williams, Gemma; Rechel, Bernd; Ingleby, David; Noori, Teymur; Mladovsky, Philipa; McKee, Martin
Public health. (2014)
Rechel, B
Organization and financing of public health. (2014)
Rechel, B; Brand, H; McKee, M
Health system performance. (2014)
Rechel, B; Karanikolos, M
Facets of public health in Europe. (2014)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Facets of public health in Europe: an introduction. (2014)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Drawing the lessons. (2014)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Health promotion. (2014)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Trends in health systems in the former Soviet countries. (2014)
Rechel, B; Richardson, E; McKee, M
Health system trends in the former Soviet countries. (2014)
Rechel, B; Richardson, E; McKee, M
Conclusions. (2014)
Rechel, B; Richardson, E; McKee, M
Introduction. (2014)
Rechel, B; Richardson, E; McKee, M
Health trends. (2014)
Roberts, B; Karanikolos, M; Rechel, B
Willingness to pay for publicly financed health care services in Central and Eastern Europe: evidence from six countries based on a contingent valuation method. (2014)
Tambor, Marzena; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Golinowska, Stanisława; Sowada, Christoph; Groot, Wim
HIV/AIDS policy-making in Kyrgyzstan: a stakeholder analysis. (2013)
Ancker, Svetlana; Rechel, Bernd
Kyrgyzstan: still a regional ‘pioneer’ in HIV/AIDS or living on its reputation? (2013)
Ancker, Svetlana; Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin; Spicer, Neil
Informal payments for health services: the experience of Bulgaria after 10 years of formal co-payments. (2013)
Atanasova, Elka; Pavlova, Milena; Moutafova, Emanuela; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
Health Targets in the Former Soviet Countries: Responding to the NCD Challenge? (2013)
Glonti, Ketevan; Rechel, Bernd
Financial crisis, austerity, and health in Europe - Authors' reply. (2013)
Karanikolos, Marina; Rechel, Bernd; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
Building European Reference Networks in Health Care. Exploring concepts and national practices in the European Union. (2013)
Palm, W; Glinos, I; Rechel, B; Garel, P; Busse, R; Figueras, J
Financing public health in europe. (2013)
Rechel, B; Brand, H; McKee, M
Ageing in the European Union. (2013)
Rechel, Bernd; Grundy, Emily; Robine, Jean-Marie; Cylus, Jonathan; Mackenbach, Johan P; Knai, Cecile; McKee, Martin
Migration and health in an increasingly diverse Europe. (2013)
Rechel, Bernd; Mladovsky, Philipa; Ingleby, David; Mackenbach, Johan P; McKee, Martin
Health and health systems in the Commonwealth of Independent States. (2013)
Rechel, Bernd; Roberts, Bayard; Richardson, Erica; Shishkin, Sergey; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Leon, David A; Bobak, Martin; Karanikolos, Marina; McKee, Martin
The inability to pay for health services in Central and Eastern Europe: evidence from six countries. (2013)
Tambor, Marzena; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Golinowska, Stanisława; Sowada, Christoph; Groot, Wim
Public vs private administration of rural health insurance schemes: a comparative study in Zhejiang of China. (2013)
Zhou, Xiaoyuan; Mao, Zhengzhong; Rechel, Bernd; Liu, Chaojie; Jiang, Jialin; Zhang, Yinying
Out-of-pocket payments for health care services in Bulgaria: financial burden and barrier to access. (2012)
Atanasova, Elka; Pavlova, Milena; Moutafova, Emanuela; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
Health reforms in South East Europe. (2012)
Bartlett, W; Bozikov, J; Rechel, B
Health Reforms in South East Europe: An Introduction. (2012)
Bartlett, W; Bozikov, J; Rechel, B
Health Reform in Bulgaria. (2012)
Dimova, A; Rohova, M; Popov, M; Rechel, B
Investing in time: deciding on health capital investment. (2012)
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Wright, S; Rechel, B; McKee, M; Dowdeswell, B
How the NHS measures up to other health systems. (2012)
Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin; Mladovsky, Philipa; Rechel, Bernd
Finally on track? Health reforms in Kazakhstan. (2012)
Katsaga, A; Kulzhanov, M; Karanikolos, M; Rechel, B
Kazakhkstan health system review. (2012)
Katsaga, Alexandr; Kulzhanov, Maksut; Karanikolos, Marina; Rechel, Bernd
Good practices in migrant health: the European experience. (2012)
Mladovsky, Philipa; Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
Responding to diversity: an exploratory study of migrant health policies in Europe. (2012)
Mladovsky, Philipa; Rechel, Bernd; Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin
Perceived challenges to public health in Central and Eastern Europe: a qualitative analysis. (2012)
Müller-Nordhorn, Jacqueline; Holmberg, Christine; Dokova, Klara G; Milevska-Kostova, Neda; Chicin, Gratiana; Ulrichs, Timo; Rechel, Bernd; Willich, Stefan N; Powles, John; Tinnemann, Peter
Developing reference networks for Europe: moving patients or knowledge? (2012)
Palm, W; Glinos, IA; Rechel, B
Lessons from two decades of health reform in Central Asia. (2012)
Rechel, B; Ahmedov, M; Akkazieva, B; Katsaga, A; Khodjamurodov, G; McKee, M
Lessons from Two Decades of Health Reforms in South East Europe. (2012)
Rechel, B; Bozikov, J; Bartlett, W
Monitoring migrant health in Europe: a narrative review of data collection practices. (2012)
Rechel, Bernd; Mladovsky, Philipa; Devillé, Walter
Ethics of Resource Allocation and Rationing Medical Care in a Time of Fiscal Restraint - US and Europe. (2012)
Teutsch, Steven; Rechel, Bernd
Public vs private administration of rural health insurance schemes: a comparative study in Zhejiang of China. (2012)
Zhou, X; Mao, Z; Rechel, B; Liu, C; Jiang, J; Zhang, Y
Sexual and reproductive health in eastern Europe and central Asia: exploring vulnerable groups’ needs and access to services. (2011)
Colombini, M; Mayhew, SH; Rechel, B
Access of Roma to sexual and reproductive health services: qualitative findings from Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. (2011)
Colombini, Manuela; Rechel, Bernd; Mayhew, Susannah H
Kyrgyzstan: Health system review. (2011)
Ibraimova, Ainura; Akkazieva, Baktygul; Ibraimov, Aibek; Manzhieva, Elina; Rechel, Bernd
Migration and health in the European Union. (2011)
Rechel, B; Mladovsky, P; Devillé, W; Rijks, B; Petrova-Benedict, R; McKee, M
Migration and health in the European Union: an introduction. (2011)
Rechel, B; Mladovsky, P; Devillé, W; Rijks, B; Petrova-Benedict, R; McKee, M
The future of migrant health in Europe. (2011)
Rechel, B; Mladovsky, P; Devillé, W; Rijks, B; Petrova-Benedict, R; McKee, M
Monitoring the health of migrants. (2011)
Rechel, B; Mladovsky, P; Walter Devillé, W
Regulatory barriers to equity in a health system in transition: a qualitative study in Bulgaria. (2011)
Rechel, Boika; Blackburn, Clare M; Spencer, Nick J; Rechel, Bernd
The Soviet legacy in diagnosis and treatment: Implications for population health. (2011)
Rechel, Boika; Kennedy, Colin; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
Access to primary health care among Burmese migrants in London: a cross-sectional descriptive study. (2010)
Aung, NC; Rechel, B; Odermatt, P
Access to and utilisation of GP services among Burmese migrants in London: a cross-sectional descriptive study. (2010)
Aung, Nyein Chan; Rechel, Bernd; Odermatt, Peter
Tajikistan: health system review. (2010)
Khodjamurodov, Ghafur; Rechel, Bernd
Perceptions of risk in the post-Soviet world: A qualitative study of responses to falling rockets in the Altai region of Siberia. (2010)
Profeta, Barbara; Rechel, Bernd; Moshennikova, Svetlana V; Kolyado, Igor B; Robertus, Yurij V; McKee, Martin
HIV/AIDS in the countries of the former Soviet Union: societal and attitudinal challenges. (2010)
Rechel, Bernd
International involvement and national health governance: the basic benefit package in Tajikistan. (2010)
Rechel, Bernd; Khodjamurodov, Ghafur
Hospital capacity planning: from measuring stocks to modelling flows. (2010)
Rechel, Bernd; Wright, Stephen; Barlow, James; McKee, Martin
Policy challenges to the quality of child health services in Bulgaria. (2010)
Rechel, Boika; Spencer, Nick; Blackburn, Clare; Rechel, Bernd
Capital in the city: investing in the hospital of the future. (2010)
Wright, S; Rechel, B; McKee, M; Barlow, J
Introduction. (2009)
Dowdeswell, B; Rechel, B; Erskine, J; Wright, S; McKee, M
Meeting the challenge of population ageing. (2009)
Doyle, Yvonne; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd; Grundy, Emily
Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. (2009)
Rechel, B
Introduction. (2009)
Rechel, B
Bulgaria: minority rights 'light'. (2009)
Rechel, B
The way forward. (2009)
Rechel, B
Capital investment and the health care workforce. (2009)
Rechel, B; Buchan, J; McKee, M
How can health systems respond to population ageing? (2009)
Rechel, B; Doyle, Y; Grundy, E; McKee, M
Capital investment for health: case studies from Europe. (2009)
Rechel, B; Erskine, J; Wright, S; Dowdeswell, B; McKee, M
Investing in hospitals of the future. (2009)
Rechel, B; Wright, S; Edwards, N; Dowdeswell, B; McKee, M
Hospitals within a changing context. (2009)
Rechel, B; Wright, S; Edwards, N; Dowdeswell, B; McKee, M
Conclusions and critical success factors. (2009)
Rechel, B; Wright, S; Edwards, N; Dowdeswell, B; McKee, M
Translating hospital services into capital asset solutions. (2009)
Rechel, B; Wright, S; McKee, M
The impact of health facilities on healthcare workers' well-being and performance. (2009)
Rechel, Bernd; Buchan, James; McKee, Martin
Health reform in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (2009)
Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin
Obama's victory. (2009)
Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin
Hope for health in Turkmenistan? (2009)
Rechel, Bernd; Sikorskaya, Inga; McKee, Martin
Capitalising in the long term. (2009)
Rechel, Bernd; Wright, Stephen; Edwards, Nigel; Dowdeswell, Barrie; McKee, Martin
Access to health care for Roma children in Central and Eastern Europe: findings from a qualitative study in Bulgaria. (2009)
Rechel, Boika; Blackburn, Clare M; Spencer, Nick J; Rechel, Bernd
Impact of health reforms on child health services in Europe: the case of Bulgaria. (2009)
Rechel, Boika; Spencer, Nick; Blackburn, Clare; Holland, Richard; Rechel, Bernd
Uzbekistan: health system review. (2007)
Ahmedov, M; Azimov, R; Alimova, V; Rechel, B
Primary health care reform in Uzbekistan. (2007)
Ahmedov, Mohir; Rechel, Bernd; Alimova, Vasila; Azimov, Ravshan
The ‘Bulgarian ethnic model’—reality or ideology? (2007)
Rechel, Bernd
State Control of Minorities in Bulgaria. (2007)
Rechel, Bernd
The effects of dictatorship on health: the case of Turkmenistan. (2007)
Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin
Introduction: Critical challenges facing the health care workforce in Europe. (2006)
Dubois, CA; Rechel, B; McKee, M
The health care workforce in Europe. Learning from experience. (2006)
Rechel, B; Dubois, C.-, A; McKee, M
Health systems and policies in south-eastern Europe. (2006)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Fighting tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in Northeast Europe: sustainable collaboration or political rhetoric? (2006)
Rowe, Lars; Rechel, Bernd
Data on HIV in Eastern and Central Europe - fact or fiction? (2005)
Lokrantz, B; Rechel, B
Kyrgyzstan. (2005)
Meimanaliev, A.-, S; Ibraimova, A; Elebesov, B; Rechel, B
The effects of dictatorship on health in Turkmenistan. (2005)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Human rights and health in Turkmenistan. (2005)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Are the health Millennium Development Goals appropriate for Eastern Europe and Central Asia? (2005)
Rechel, Bernd; Shapo, Laidon; McKee, Martin; Health, Nutrition and Population Group, Europe and Central Asia
Development assistance for health in central and eastern European Region. (2005)
Suhrcke, Marc; Rechel, Bernd; Michaud, Catherine
Learning lessons from the experience of the Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic sea region: Programme evaluation. (2004)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Millennium Development Goals for Health in Europe and Central Asia. Relevance and Policy Implications. (2004)
Rechel, B; Shapo, L; McKee, M
The need for appropriate Millennium Development Goals for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (2004)
Rechel, B; Shapo, L; McKee, M
Health in south-eastern Europe: a troubled past, an uncertain future. (2004)
Rechel, Bernd; Schwalbe, Nina; McKee, Martin