Number of items: 80.
A long-wave event. HIV/AIDS, politics, governance and ‘security’: sundering the intergenerational bond? (2006)
HIV/AIDS and security: fact, fiction and evidence—a report to UNAIDS. (2006)
Unpalatable truths: review essay of Helen Epstein's 'The Invisible Cure'. (2008)
Barnett, T
Book review: not to be sniffed at. (2009)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS: behaviour change, social protection, inequality and hope. (2012)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS has changed the world: development work cannot be the same again. (2003)
Barnett, T
The fallacy of the condom: review essay of 'the invisible cure: Africa, the West and the fight against AIDS' by Helen Epstein. (2008)
Barnett, T
A fragile web: review of 'Global health challenges for human security' by Lincoln Chen, Jennifer Leaning and Vasant Narasimhan. (2005)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS and hope(lessness). (2008)
Barnett, T
HIV: a challenge for anthropology. (2004)
Barnett, T
The effects of HIV/AIDS on rural communities in East Africa: a 20-year perspective: response by the authors. (2010)
Barnett, T
Le VIH/SIDA et le "troisieme secteur" (HIV/AIDS, globalisation and the "third sector"). (2002)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS, cost, value and responsibility. (2007)
Barnett, T
Hope, prevention and treatment: a new way to look at the HIV epidemic. (2006)
Barnett, T; Bernays, S; Rhodes, T
AIDS denial costs lives. (2004)
Barnett, T; Pryns, G; Whiteside, A
HIV/AIDS. (2001)
Barnett, T; Rugalema, G
Hope: a new approach to understanding structural factors in HIV acquisition. (2015)
Barnett, T; Seeley, J; Levin, J; Katongole, J
Необходим решительный поворот в борьбе с инфекцией века (Need for a decisive shift in responding to the infection of the Century). (2006)
Barnett, T; Zubov, V
HIV/AIDs and development concern us all. (2004)
Barnett, Tony
Editorial: The cost of an HIV/AIDS epidemic. (2004)
Barnett, Tony
HIV/AIDS, childhood and governance: sundering the bonds of human society. (2005)
Barnett, Tony
HIV/AIDS impact studies II: some progress evident. (2002)
Barnett, Tony
Postscript: HIV/AIDS?how bad does bad have to be before we believe it is bad? How can we translate words to deeds? (2004)
Barnett, Tony
Aid, truth, and policy: what do we know? (2008)
Barnett, Tony
HIV/AIDS impact: so where have we got to and where next? (2005)
Barnett, Tony; Clement, Colette
Some considerations concerning the challenge of incorporating social variables into epidemiological models of infectious disease transmission. (2015)
Barnett, Tony; Fournié, Guillaume; Gupta, Sunetra; Seeley, Janet
HIV/AIDS: sex, abstinence, and behaviour change. (2005)
Barnett, Tony; Parkhurst, Justin
['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
Hope: a new approach to understanding structural factors in HIV acquisition. (2015)
Barnett, Tony; Seeley, Janet; Levin, Jonathan; Katongole, Joseph
Infectious disease surveillance in the United States and the United Kingdom: from public goods to the challenges of new technologies. (2011)
Barnett, Tony; Sorenson, Corinna
Wealth, health, HIV and the economics of hope. (2008)
Barnett, Tony; Weston, Mark
The World Development Report 2000/01: HIV/AIDS still not properly considered! (2001)
Barnett, Tony; Whiteside, Alan
The social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS in poor countries: a review of studies and lessons. (2001)
Barnett, Tony; Whiteside, Alan; Desmond, Chris
Hope: a new way to look at the HIV epidemic. (2007)
Bernays, Sarah; Rhodes, Tim; Barnett, Tony
['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
Introduction to the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology and the Clinical Consensus Guidelines. (2017)
Foster, A; Rosenkrantz, W; Outerbridge, C; Barnett, T
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Practices Exposing Humans to Avian Influenza Viruses, Their Prevalence, and Rationale. (2017)
Fournié, Guillaume; Høg, Erling; Barnett, Tony; Pfeiffer, Dirk U; Mangtani, Punam
Competing biosecurity and risk rationalities in the Chittagong poultry commodity chain, Bangladesh. (2018)
Høg, Erling; Fournié, Guillaume; Hoque, Md Ahasanul; Mahmud, Rashed; Pfeiffer, Dirk U; Barnett, Tony
Economic evaluation of a combined microfinance and gender training intervention for the prevention of intimate partner violence in rural South Africa. (2011)
Jan, Stephen; Ferrari, Giulia; Watts, Charlotte H; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Phetla, Godfrey; Morison, Linda A; Porter, John D; Barnett, Tony; Pronyk, Paul M
AIDS in India: Disaster in the making. (2004)
Kadiyala, S; Barnett, T
AIDS in India. (2004)
Kadiyala, S; Barnett, T
Exploring the role of economic empowerment in HIV prevention. (2008)
Kim, Julia; Pronyk, Paul; Barnett, Tony; Watts, Charlotte
Understanding and managing zoonotic risk in the new livestock industries. (2013)
Liverani, Marco; Waage, Jeff; Barnett, Tony; Pfeiffer, Dirk U; Rushton, Jonathan; Rudge, James W; Loevinsohn, Michael E; Scoones, Ian; Smith, Richard D; Cooper, Ben S; White, Lisa J; Goh, Shan; Horby, Peter; Wren, Brendan; Gundogdu, Ozan; Woods, Abigail; Coker, Richard J
The increasing chronicity of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: Re-thinking "HIV as a long-wave event" in the era of widespread access to ART. (2011)
Nixon, Stephanie A; Hanass-Hancock, Jill; Whiteside, Alan; Barnett, Tony
Gender and HIV/AIDS impact mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa--recognising the constraints. (2004)
Seeley, J; Grellier, R; Barnett, T
The effects of HIV/AIDS on rural communities in East Africa: a 20-year perspective. (2010)
Seeley, Janet; Dercon, Stefan; Barnett, Tony
Estimating the economic impact of pandemic influenza: An application of the computable general equilibrium model to the U.K. (2011)
Smith, Richard D; Keogh-Brown, Marcus R; Barnett, Tony
The economy-wide impact of pandemic influenza on the UK: a computable general equilibrium modelling experiment. (2009)
Smith, Richard D; Keogh-Brown, Marcus R; Barnett, Tony; Tait, Joyce
Book Section
Social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS on development. (2001)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS is not just about HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS and globalization - what is the epidemic telling us about economics, morality and pragmatism? (2002)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS, nutrition and food security: looking to future challenges. (2006)
Barnett, T
Social policy interventions to enhance the HIV/AIDS response in sub-Saharan Africa: alternative perspectives: Sets, Metaphors and Hope. (2012)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS preparedness in the CIS, Baltic, East and Southeast Europe and the Balkans: a situation report. (2004)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS, human development and the coming epidemic in the Balkans, Baltic, Russian Federation and the CIS. (2003)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS, a long wave event: sundering the intergenerational bond. (2007)
Barnett, T
The long wave of HIV/AIDS: a special case of pathogen-host-environment interactions. (2008)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS: a critical health and development issue. (2001)
Barnett, T; Rugalema, G
Poverty and HIV: impact, coping and mitigation policy. (2007)
Barnett, T; Whiteside, A
Costing the HIV/AIDS epidemic - thinking about scope, responses and long term implications. (2004)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS and state fragility. (2009)
Barnett, T
The implications of early detection of HIV: some speculations about cost savings that might have resulted from early detection of HIV-1. (2005)
Barnett, T
Structural adjustment and the spread of HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Barnett, T; Blackwell, M
HIV and state failure: is HIV a security risk? (2008)
Barnett, T; Dutta, I
The private sector responds to the epidemic: Debswana - a global benchmark. (2002)
Barnett, T; Fantan, T; Mbakile, B; Whiteside, A
HIV/AIDS and security: fact, fiction and evidence. (2006)
Barnett, T; Prins, G
HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States: reversing the epidemic - facts and policy options. (2004)
Barnett, T; Seeley, J; Grellier, R
On the front line: a review of programmes that address HIV among international peacekeepers and uniformed services 2005–2010. (2011)
Carael, M; Homans, H; Barnett, T; Carballo, M; The Joint United Nations Programme On Hiv/, Aids; UnitedNationsDepartmentOfPeacekeepingOperations
Foresight. Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future: Executive Summary. (2006)
Office of Science and Innovation( inc. Barnett, T; Bartlett, C; Smith, PG; Berridge, V; Bradley, D; Coker, R; Fine, P; Geissler, PW; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, P
Emerging and Persistent Infectious Diseases (EPID) Workshop Report. (2014)
Ulaeto, D; Irving, D; Barnett, T
Conference or Workshop Item
Preparedness: the social and economic dimension of HIV/AIDS in the CIS, Eastern Europe, Baltic and Balkans. (2004)
Barnett, T
What can we learn from the HIV/AIDS epidemic. (2002)
Barnett, T
Mapping the future of HIV/AIDS, security and conflict in Africa: introduction and overview. (2005)
Barnett, T
The challenge of HIV/AIDS for food security and nutrition. (2002)
Barnett, T
Keynote address to the DFID-IFPRI consultation on HIV/AIDS and rural livelihoods. (2001)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS policy and practice: who did what, who didn't do what and what might they do? (2004)
Barnett, T
HIV/AIDS: micro-macro resonances in the social science of infectious diseases. (2006)
Barnett, T
Mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods through low-labour input agriculture and related activities. (2003)
Barnett, T; Grellier, R
Mitigation of HIV/AIDS impacts through agriculture and rural development. (2003)
Barnett, T; Topouzis, D
AIDS in the 21st Century: disease and globalisation. (2006)
Barnett, T; Whiteside, A
Economics of AIDS and access to HIV-AIDS care in developing countries: issues and challenges. (2003)
Moatti, J.-, P; Barnett, T; Coriat, B; Souteyrand, Y; Dumoulin, J; Flori, Y.-, A