Items where Author is "Knight, Louise"
Number of items: 33.
  • Validity of coital diaries in a feasibility study for the Microbicides Development Programme trial among women at high risk of HIV/AIDS in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2007) Allen, Caroline F; Lees, Shelley S; Desmond, Nicola A; Der, Geoff; Chiduo, Betty; Hambleton, Ian; Knight, Louise; Vallely, Andrew; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J
  • Methods to increase reporting of childhood sexual abuse in surveys: the sensitivity and specificity of face-to-face interviews versus a sealed envelope method in Ugandan primary school children. (2017) Barr, Anna Louise; Knight, Louise; Franҫa-Junior, Ivan; Allen, Elizabeth; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen M
  • COVID-19 response measures and violence against children. (2020) Bhatia, Amiya; Fabbri, Camilla; Cerna-Turoff, Ilan; Tanton, Clare; Knight, Louise; Turner, Ellen; Lokot, Michelle; Lees, Shelley; Cislaghi, Ben; Peterman, Amber; Guedes, Alessandra; Devries, Karen
  • Seven-year experience of a primary care antiretroviral treatment programme in Khayelitsha, South Africa. (2010) Boulle, Andrew; Van Cutsem, Gilles; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Cragg, Carol; Abrahams, Musaed; Mathee, Shaheed; Ford, Nathan; Knight, Louise; Osler, Meg; Myers, Jonny; Goemaere, Eric; Coetzee, David; Maartens, Gary
  • Violence against children and intimate partner violence against women: overlap and common contributing factors among caregiver-adolescent dyads. (2020) Carlson, Catherine; Namy, Sophie; Norcini Pala, Andrea; Wainberg, Milton L; Michau, Lori; Nakuti, Janet; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Ikenberg, Carin; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Patterns and predictors of violence against children in Uganda: a latent class analysis. (2016) Clarke, Kelly; Patalay, Praveetha; Allen, Elizabeth; Knight, Louise; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Antiretroviral treatment outcomes from a nurse-driven, community-supported HIV/AIDS treatment programme in rural Lesotho: observational cohort assessment at two years. (2009) Cohen, Rachel; Lynch, Sharonann; Bygrave, Helen; Eggers, Evi; Vlahakis, Natalie; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Knight, Louise; Pillay, Prinitha; Saranchuk, Peter; Goemaere, Eric; Makakole, Lipontso; Ford, Nathan
  • Does the Good Schools Toolkit Reduce Physical, Sexual and Emotional Violence, and Injuries, in Girls and Boys equally? A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial. (2017) Devries, Karen M; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Parkes, Jenny; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Naker, Dipak
  • Witnessing intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in Ugandan children: a cross-sectional survey. (2017) Devries, Karen M; Knight, Louise; Child, Jennifer C; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Hossain, Mazeda; Lees, Shelley; Watts, Charlotte; Naker, Dipak
  • The Good School Toolkit for reducing physical violence from school staff to primary school students: a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda. (2015) Devries, Karen M; Knight, Louise; Child, Jennifer C; Mirembe, Angel; Nakuti, Janet; Jones, Rebecca; Sturgess, Joanna; Allen, Elizabeth; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Parkes, Jenny; Walakira, Eddy; Elbourne, Diana; Watts, Charlotte; Naker, Dipak
  • Who perpetrates violence against children? A systematic analysis of age-specific and sex-specific data. (2018) Devries, Karen; Knight, Louise; Petzold, Max; Merrill, Katherine G; Maxwell, Lauren; Williams, Abigail; Cappa, Claudia; Chan, Ko Ling; Garcia-Moreno, Claudia; Hollis, NaTasha; Kress, Howard; Peterman, Amber; Walsh, Sophie D; Kishor, Sunita; Guedes, Alessandra; Bott, Sarah; Butron Riveros, Betzabe C; Watts, Charlotte; Abrahams, Naeemah
  • Reducing Physical Violence Toward Primary School Students With Disabilities. (2017) Devries, Karen; Kuper, Hannah; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Banks, Lena Morgon; Kelly, Susan; Naker, Dipak
  • Violence against children in Latin America and the Caribbean: What do available data reveal about prevalence and perpetrators? (2019) Devries, Karen; Merrill, Katherine G; Knight, Louise; Bott, Sarah; Guedes, Alessandra; Butron-Riveros, Betzabe; Hege, Constanza; Petzold, Max; Peterman, Amber; Cappa, Claudia; Maxwell, Lauren; Williams, Abigail; Kishor, Sunita; Abrahams, Naeemah
  • Context of Violence in Adolescence Cohort (CoVAC) study: protocol for a mixed methods longitudinal study in Uganda. (2020) Devries, Karen; Parkes, Jenny; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Namy, Sophie; Datzberger, Simone; Nalukenge, Winifred; Atuhaire, Lydia; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Walakira, Eddy; Seeley, Janet; Weiss, Helen A; Naker, Dipak
  • Suitability of simple human immunodeficiency virus rapid tests in clinical trials in community-based clinic settings. (2009) Everett, Dean B; Baisley, Kathy; Changalucha, John; Vallely, Andrew; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Cook, Claire; Knight, Louise; Ross, David A; Mugeye, Kokugonza; McCormack, Sheena; Lacey, Charles J; Jentsch, Ute; Hayes, Richard J
  • Economic evaluation of the Good School Toolkit: an intervention for reducing violence in primary schools in Uganda. (2018) Greco, Giulia; Knight, Louise; Ssekadde, Willington; Namy, Sophie; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Secondary distress in violence researchers: a randomised trial of the effectiveness of group debriefings. (2017) Grundlingh, Heidi; Knight, Louise; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Effect of the good school toolkit on school staff mental health, sense of job satisfaction and perceptions of school climate: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised trial. (2017) Kayiwa, Joshua; Clarke, Kelly; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Walakira, Eddy; Namy, Sophie; Merrill, Katherine G; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE): Women's Engagement with the Scaled-up IMAGE Programme and Experience of Intimate Partner Violence in Rural South Africa. (2019) Knight, L; Ranganathan, M; Abramsky, T; Polzer-Ngwato, T; Muvhango, L; Molebatsi, M; Stöckl, H; Lees, S; Watts, C
  • Implementation of the Good School Toolkit in Uganda: a quantitative process evaluation of a successful violence prevention program. (2018) Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Mirembe, Angel; Nakuti, Janet; Namy, Sophie; Child, Jennifer C; Sturgess, Joanna; Kyegombe, Nambusi; Walakira, Eddy J; Elbourne, Diana; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen M
  • Are school-level factors associated with primary school students' experience of physical violence from school staff in Uganda? (2015) Knight, Louise; Nakuti, Janet; Allen, Elizabeth; Gannett, Katherine R; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen M
  • How did the Good School Toolkit reduce the risk of past week physical violence from teachers to students? Qualitative findings on pathways of change in schools in Luwero, Uganda. (2017) Kyegombe, N; Namakula, S; Mulindwa, J; Lwanyaaga, J; Naker, D; Namy, S; Nakuti, J; Parkes, J; Knight, L; Walakira, E; Devries, KM
  • School staff perpetration of physical violence against students in Uganda: a multilevel analysis of risk factors. (2017) Merrill, Katherine G; Knight, Louise; Glynn, Judith R; Allen, Elizabeth; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen M
  • Effects of a violence prevention intervention in schools and surrounding communities: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised-controlled trial in Uganda. (2018) Merrill, Katherine G; Knight, Louise; Namy, Sophie; Allen, Elizabeth; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen M
  • Gender, violence and resilience among Ugandan adolescents. (2017) Namy, Sophie; Carlson, Catherine; Norcini Pala, Andrea; Faris, Devin; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Devries, Karen; Naker, Dipak
  • Associations Between Women's Economic and Social Empowerment and Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From a Microfinance Plus Program in Rural North West Province, South Africa. (2019) Ranganathan, Meghna; Knight, Louise; Abramsky, Tanya; Muvhango, Lufuno; Polzer Ngwato, Tara; Mbobelatsi, Mpho; Ferrari, Giulia; Watts, Charlotte; Stöckl, Heidi
  • Need for a global obstetric fistula training strategy. (2012) Rushwan, Hamid; Khaddaj, Sinan; Knight, Louise; Scott, Rachel
  • Are women who work in bars, guesthouses and similar facilities a suitable study population for vaginal microbicide trials in Africa? (2010) Vallely, Andrew; Hambleton, Ian R; Kasindi, Stella; Knight, Louise; Francis, Suzanna C; Chirwa, Tobias; Everett, Dean; Shagi, Charles; Cook, Claire; Barberousse, Celia; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Changalucha, John; Ross, David; Hayes, Richard J; Microbicides Development Programme
  • Microbicides development program, Tanzania-baseline characteristics of an occupational cohort and reattendance at 3 months. (2007) Vallely, Andrew; Kasindi, Stella; Hambleton, Ian R; Knight, Louise; Chirwa, Tobias; Balira, Rebecca; Changalucha, John; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Everett, Dean; Gavyole, Awene; Moyes, Jocelyn; Pujades-Rodríguez, Mar; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J
  • Violence against children perpetrated by peers: A cross-sectional school-based survey in Uganda. (2017) Wandera, Stephen Ojiambo; Clarke, Kelly; Knight, Louise; Allen, Elizabeth; Walakira, Eddy; Namy, Sophie; Naker, Dipak; Devries, Karen
  • Risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 and HIV among women at high risk in northwestern Tanzania: preparing for an HSV-2 intervention trial. (2007) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Weiss, Helen A; Rusizoka, Mary; Baisley, Kathy; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Changalucha, John; Everett, Dean; Balira, Rebecca; Knight, Louise; Ross, David; Hayes, Richard J
  • Effect of herpes simplex suppression on incidence of HIV among women in Tanzania. (2008) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Weiss, Helen A; Rusizoka, Mary; Changalucha, John; Baisley, Kathy; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Tanton, Clare; Ross, David; Everett, Dean; Clayton, Tim; Balira, Rebecca; Knight, Louise; Hambleton, Ian; Le Goff, Jerome; Belec, Laurent; Hayes, Richard; HSV trial team; Steering and Data Monitoring Committees
  • Book Section
  • Cycles of violence in gendered social contexts: why does child maltreatment lead to increased risk of intimate partner violence in adulthood? (2016) Devries, K; Grundlingh, H; Knight, L