Items where Author is "Achan, Jane"

Number of items: 42.
Bibliographic data only
  • High risk of neutropenia in HIV-infected children following treatment with artesunate plus amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria in Uganda. (2008) Gasasira, Anne F; Kamya, Moses R; Achan, Jane; Mebrahtu, Tsedal; Kalyango, Joan N; Ruel, Theodore; Charlebois, Edwin; Staedke, Sarah G; Kekitiinwa, Adeodata; Rosenthal, Philip J; Havlir, Diane; Dorsey, Grant
  • Malaria in Uganda: challenges to control on the long road to elimination: I. Epidemiology and current control efforts. (2012) Yeka, Adoke; Gasasira, Anne; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Achan, Jane; Nankabirwa, Joaniter; Nsobya, Sam; Staedke, Sarah G; Donnelly, Martin J; Wabwire-Mangen, Fred; Talisuna, Ambrose; Dorsey, Grant; Kamya, Moses R; Rosenthal, Philip J
  • Public
  • Growth Recovery Among HIV-infected Children Randomized to Lopinavir/Ritonavir or NNRTI-based Antiretroviral Therapy. (2016) Achan, Jane; Kakuru, Abel; Ikilezi, Gloria; Mwangwa, Florence; Plenty, Albert; Charlebois, Edwin; Young, Sera; Havlir, Diane; Kamya, Moses; Ruel, Theodore
  • Antiretroviral agents and prevention of malaria in HIV-infected Ugandan children. (2012) Achan, Jane; Kakuru, Abel; Ikilezi, Gloria; Ruel, Theodore; Clark, Tamara D; Nsanzabana, Christian; Charlebois, Edwin; Aweeka, Francesca; Dorsey, Grant; Rosenthal, Philip J; Havlir, Diane; Kamya, Moses R
  • Serologic Markers of Previous Malaria Exposure and Functional Antibodies Inhibiting Parasite Growth Are Associated With Parasite Kinetics Following a Plasmodium falciparum Controlled Human Infection. (2019) Achan, Jane; Reuling, Isaie J; Yap, Xi Zen; Dabira, Edgard; Ahmad, Abdullahi; Cox, Momodou; Nwakanma, Davis; Tetteh, Kevin; Wu, Lindsey; Bastiaens, Guido JH; Abebe, Yonas; Manoj, Anita; Kaur, Harparkash; Miura, Kazutoyo; Long, Carole; Billingsley, Peter F; Sim, B Kim Lee; Hoffman, Stephen L; Drakeley, Chris; Bousema, Teun; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Quinine, an old anti-malarial drug in a modern world: role in the treatment of malaria. (2011) Achan, Jane; Talisuna, Ambrose O; Erhart, Annette; Yeka, Adoke; Tibenderana, James K; Baliraine, Frederick N; Rosenthal, Philip J; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Case management of severe malaria--a forgotten practice: experiences from health facilities in Uganda. (2011) Achan, Jane; Tibenderana, James; Kyabayinze, Daniel; Mawejje, Henry; Mugizi, Rukaaka; Mpeka, Betty; Talisuna, Ambrose; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Improving the quality of neonatal data capture and clinical care at a tertiary-care hospital in Uganda through enhanced surveillance, training and mentorship. (2019) Achan, Jane; Wanzira, Humphrey; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Tumwine, Daniel; Namasopo, Sophie; Nambuya, Harriet; Serwanga, Asadu; Nantanda, Rebecca
  • Health worker perspectives on the possible use of intramuscular artesunate for the treatment of severe malaria at lower-level health facilities in settings with poor access to referral facilities in Nigeria: a qualitative study. (2016) Adesoro, Olatunde; Shumba, Constance; Kpamor, John; Achan, Jane; Kivumbi, Harriet; Dada, John; Maxwell, Kolawole; Tibenderana, James; Marasciulo, Madeline; Hamade, Prudence; Oresanya, Olusola; Nankabirwa, Joanita; Baba, Ebenezer
  • Long-distance transmission patterns modelled from SNP barcodes of Plasmodium falciparum infections in The Gambia. (2019) Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Jeffries, David; Mwesigwa, Julia; Seedy-Jawara, Aminata; Okebe, Joseph; Achan, Jane; Drakeley, Chris; Volkman, Sarah; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Absence of neurocognitive disadvantage associated with paediatric HIV subtype A infection in children on antiretroviral therapy. (2017) Bangirana, Paul; Ruel, Theodore D; Boivin, Michael J; Pillai, Satish K; Giron, Leila B; Sikorskii, Alla; Banik, Asish; Achan, Jane
  • Protective efficacy and safety of three antimalarial regimens for the prevention of malaria in young Ugandan children: a randomized controlled trial. (2014) Bigira, Victor; Kapisi, James; Clark, Tamara D; Kinara, Stephen; Mwangwa, Florence; Muhindo, Mary K; Osterbauer, Beth; Aweeka, Francesca T; Huang, Liusheng; Achan, Jane; Havlir, Diane V; Rosenthal, Philip J; Kamya, Moses R; Dorsey, Grant
  • Intravenous artesunate plus Artemisnin based Combination Therapy (ACT) or intravenous quinine plus ACT for treatment of severe malaria in Ugandan children: a randomized controlled clinical trial. (2017) Byakika-Kibwika, Pauline; Achan, Jane; Lamorde, Mohammed; Karera-Gonahasa, Carine; Kiragga, Agnes N; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet; Kiwanuka, Noah; Nsobya, Sam; Talisuna, Ambrose O; Merry, Concepta
  • Malaria Prevalence among Young Infants in Different Transmission Settings, Africa. (2015) Ceesay, Serign J; Koivogui, Lamine; Nahum, Alain; Taal, Makie Abdoulie; Okebe, Joseph; Affara, Muna; Kaman, Lama Eugène; Bohissou, Francis; Agbowai, Carine; Tolno, Benoit Gniouma; Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Bangoura, N Faly; Ahounou, Daniel; Muhammad, Abdul Khalie; Duparc, Stephan; Hamed, Kamal; Ubben, David; Bojang, Kalifa; Achan, Jane; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Trends and Determinants of Antiretroviral Therapy Patient Monitoring Practices in Kenya and Uganda. (2015) Dansereau, Emily; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Ng, Marie; Achan, Jane; Burstein, Roy; DeCenso, Brendan; Gasasira, Anne; Ikilezi, Gloria; Kisia, Caroline; Masters, Samuel H; Njuguna, Pamela; Odeny, Thomas A; Okiro, Emelda A; Roberts, D Allen; Duber, Herbert C
  • The potential to expand antiretroviral therapy by improving health facility efficiency: evidence from Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. (2016) Di Giorgio, Laura; Moses, Mark W; Fullman, Nancy; Wollum, Alexandra; Conner, Ruben O; Achan, Jane; Achoki, Tom; Bannon, Kelsey A; Burstein, Roy; Dansereau, Emily; DeCenso, Brendan; Delwiche, Kristen; Duber, Herbert C; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Gasasira, Anne; Haakenstad, Annie; Hanlon, Michael; Ikilezi, Gloria; Kisia, Caroline; Levine, Aubrey J; Maboshe, Mashekwa; Masiye, Felix; Masters, Samuel H; Mphuka, Chrispin; Njuguna, Pamela; Odeny, Thomas A; Okiro, Emelda A; Roberts, D Allen; Murray, Christopher JL; Flaxman, Abraham D
  • Uptake of WHO recommendations for first-line antiretroviral therapy in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. (2015) Duber, Herbert C; Dansereau, Emily; Masters, Samuel H; Achan, Jane; Burstein, Roy; DeCenso, Brendan; Gasasira, Anne; Ikilezi, Gloria; Kisia, Caroline; Masiye, Felix; Njuguna, Pamela; Odeny, Thomas; Okiro, Emelda; Roberts, D Allen; Gakidou, Emmanuela
  • Effect of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole on the risk of malaria in HIV-infected Ugandan children living in an area of widespread antifolate resistance. (2010) Gasasira, Anne F; Kamya, Moses R; Ochong, Edwin O; Vora, Neil; Achan, Jane; Charlebois, Edwin; Ruel, Theodore; Kateera, Fredrick; Meya, Denise N; Havlir, Diane; Rosenthal, Philip J; Dorsey, Grant
  • Congenital Malaria in Newborns Presented at Tororo General Hospital in Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study. (2019) Hangi, Mumbere; Achan, Jane; Saruti, Aimé; Quinlan, Jacklyn; Idro, Richard
  • Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the setting of three different chemopreventive regimens. (2015) Kapisi, James; Bigira, Victor; Clark, Tamara; Kinara, Stephen; Mwangwa, Florence; Achan, Jane; Kamya, Moses; Soremekun, Seyi; Dorsey, Grant
  • Bacteremia Among Febrile Ugandan Children Treated with Antimalarials Despite a Negative Malaria Test. (2015) Kibuuka, Afizi; Byakika-Kibwika, Pauline; Achan, Jane; Yeka, Adoke; Nalyazi, Joan N; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Rosenthal, Philip J; Kamya, Moses R
  • Reduced mosquito survival in metal-roof houses may contribute to a decline in malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. (2019) Lindsay, Steve W; Jawara, Musa; Mwesigwa, Julia; Achan, Jane; Bayoh, Nabie; Bradley, John; Kandeh, Balla; Kirby, Matthew J; Knudsen, Jakob; Macdonald, Mike; Pinder, Margaret; Tusting, Lucy S; Weiss, Dan J; Wilson, Anne L; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Perceptions, attitudes and practices towards scabies in communities on the Bijagós Islands, Guinea-Bissau. (2019) Lopes, Maria João; da Silva, Eunice Teixeira; Ca, Janete; Gonçalves, Adriana; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Mandjuba, Cristóvão; Nakutum, Jose; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Achan, Jane; Logan, James; Bailey, Robin; Last, Anna; Walker, Steve; Marks, Michael
  • The prevalence of scabies, pyoderma and other communicable dermatoses in the Bijagos Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. (2019) Marks, Michael; Sammut, Thomas; Cabral, Marito Gomes; Teixeira da Silva, Eunice; Goncalves, Adriana; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Manjuba, Cristóvão; Nakutum, Jose; Ca, Janete; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Achan, Jane; Logan, James; Bailey, Robin; Mabey, David; Last, Anna; Walker, Stephen L
  • Tuberculosis Infection in Early Childhood and the Association with HIV-exposure in HIV-uninfected Children in Rural Uganda. (2016) Marquez, Carina; Chamie, Gabriel; Achan, Jane; Luetkemeyer, Anne F; Kyohere, Mary; Okiring, Jaffer; Dorsey, Grant; Kamya, Moses R; Charlebois, Edwin D; Havlir, Diane V
  • Pharmaceutical availability across levels of care: evidence from facility surveys in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda. (2014) Masters, Samuel H; Burstein, Roy; DeCenso, Brendan; Moore, Kelsey; Haakenstad, Annie; Ikilezi, Gloria; Achan, Jane; Osei, Ivy; Garshong, Bertha; Kisia, Caroline; Njuguna, Pamela; Babigumira, Joseph; Kumar, Santosh; Hanlon, Michael; Gakidou, Emmanuela
  • Mass Drug Administration With Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and Malaria Transmission Dynamics in The Gambia: A Prospective Cohort Study. (2018) Mwesigwa, Julia; Achan, Jane; Affara, Muna; Wathuo, Miriam; Worwui, Archibald; Mohammed, Nuredin Ibrahim; Kanuteh, Fatoumatta; Prom, Aurelia; Dierickx, Susan; di Tanna, Gian Luca; Nwakanma, Davis; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Chris; Van Geertruyden, Jean Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Mass drug administration with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and malaria transmission dynamics in The Gambia - a prospective cohort study. (2018) Mwesigwa, Julia; Achan, Jane; Affara, Muna; Wathuo, Miriam; Worwui, Archibald; Muhommed, Nuredin Ibrahim; Kanuteh, Fatoumatta; Prom, Aurelia; Dierickx, Susan; di Tanna, Gian Luca; Nwakanma, Davis; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Chris; Van Geertruyden, Jean Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Residual malaria transmission dynamics varies across The Gambia despite high coverage of control interventions. (2017) Mwesigwa, Julia; Achan, Jane; Di Tanna, Gian Luca; Affara, Muna; Jawara, Musa; Worwui, Archibald; Hamid-Adiamoh, Majidah; Kanuteh, Fatoumatta; Ceesay, Sainey; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Chris; Grietens, Koen Peeters; Lindsay, Steve W; Van Geertruyden, Jean-Pierre; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • On-going malaria transmission in The Gambia despite high coverage of control interventions: a nationwide cross-sectional survey. (2015) Mwesigwa, Julia; Okebe, Joseph; Affara, Muna; Di Tanna, Gian Luca; Nwakanma, Davis; Janha, Omar; Opondo, Kevin; Grietens, Koen Peeters; Achan, Jane; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Field performance of the malaria highly sensitive rapid diagnostic test in a setting of varying malaria transmission. (2019) Mwesigwa, Julia; Slater, Hannah; Bradley, John; Saidy, Binta; Ceesay, Fatima; Whittaker, Charles; Kandeh, Ballah; Nkwakamna, Davis; Drakeley, Chris; Van Geertruyden, Jean-Pierre; Bousema, Teun; Achan, Jane; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Reliability and validity of the center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale in screening for depression among HIV-infected and -uninfected pregnant women attending antenatal services in northern Uganda: a cross-sectional study. (2014) Natamba, Barnabas K; Achan, Jane; Arbach, Angela; Oyok, Thomas O; Ghosh, Shibani; Mehta, Saurabh; Stoltzfus, Rebecca J; Griffiths, Jeffrey K; Young, Sera L
  • Placental malaria among HIV-infected and uninfected women receiving anti-folates in a high transmission area of Uganda. (2009) Newman, Patrick M; Wanzira, Humphrey; Tumwine, Gabriel; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Waldman, Sarah; Achan, Jane; Havlir, Diane; Rosenthal, Philip J; Dorsey, Grant; Clark, Tamara D; Cohan, Deborah
  • Artemether-Lumefantrine Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Response Are Minimally Altered in Pregnant Ugandan Women Treated for Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria. (2015) Nyunt, Myaing M; Nguyen, Vy K; Kajubi, Richard; Huang, Liusheng; Ssebuliba, Joshua; Kiconco, Sylvia; Mwima, Moses W; Achan, Jane; Aweeka, Francesca; Parikh, Sunil; Mwebaza, Norah
  • Antiretroviral Choice for HIV Impacts Antimalarial Exposure and Treatment Outcomes in Ugandan Children. (2016) Parikh, Sunil; Kajubi, Richard; Huang, Liusheng; Ssebuliba, Joshua; Kiconco, Sylvia; Gao, Qin; Li, Fangyong; Were, Moses; Kakuru, Abel; Achan, Jane; Mwebaza, Norah; Aweeka, Francesca T
  • African women working in global health: closing the gender gap in Africa? (2018) Roca, Anna; Okomo, Uduak; Usuf, Effua; Oriero, Eniyou C; Janha, Ramatoulie; Achan, Jane; Cerami, Carla; MRC Unit The Gambia Women in Science Working Group
  • Do hotspots fuel malaria transmission: a village-scale spatio-temporal analysis of a 2-year cohort study in The Gambia. (2018) Stresman, Gillian H; Mwesigwa, Julia; Achan, Jane; Giorgi, Emanuele; Worwui, Archibald; Jawara, Musa; Di Tanna, Gian Luca; Bousema, Teun; Van Geertruyden, Jean-Pierre; Drakeley, Chris; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Single low-dose primaquine for blocking transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria - a proposed model-derived age-based regimen for sub-Saharan Africa. (2018) Taylor, W Robert; Naw, Htee Khu; Maitland, Kathryn; Williams, Thomas N; Kapulu, Melissa; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Berkley, James A; Bejon, Philip; Okebe, Joseph; Achan, Jane; Amambua, Alfred Ngwa; Affara, Muna; Nwakanma, Davis; van Geertruyden, Jean-Pierre; Mavoko, Muhindo; Lutumba, Pascal; Matangila, Junior; Brasseur, Philipe; Piola, Patrice; Randremanana, Rindra; Lasry, Estrella; Fanello, Caterina; Onyamboko, Marie; Schramm, Birgit; Yah, Zolia; Jones, Joel; Fairhurst, Rick M; Diakite, Mahamadou; Malenga, Grace; Molyneux, Malcolm; Rwagacondo, Claude; Obonyo, Charles; Gadisa, Endalamaw; Aseffa, Abraham; Loolpapit, Mores; Henry, Marie-Claire; Dorsey, Grant; John, Chandy; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Barnes, Karen I; Kremsner, Peter; Day, Nicholas P; White, Nicholas J; Mukaka, Mavuto
  • The effect of facility-based antiretroviral therapy programs on outpatient services in Kenya and Uganda. (2017) Wollum, Alexandra; Dansereau, Emily; Fullman, Nancy; Achan, Jane; Bannon, Kelsey A; Burstein, Roy; Conner, Ruben O; DeCenso, Brendan; Gasasira, Anne; Haakenstad, Annie; Hanlon, Michael; Ikilezi, Gloria; Kisia, Caroline; Levine, Aubrey J; Masters, Samuel H; Njuguna, Pamela; Okiro, Emelda A; Odeny, Thomas A; Allen Roberts, D; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Duber, Herbert C
  • Efficacy of quinine, artemether-lumefantrine and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as rescue treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Ugandan children. (2013) Yeka, Adoke; Tibenderana, James; Achan, Jane; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Talisuna, Ambrose O
  • Maternal nutritional status predicts adverse birth outcomes among HIV-infected rural Ugandan women receiving combination antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Young, Sera; Murray, Katherine; Mwesigwa, Julia; Natureeba, Paul; Osterbauer, Beth; Achan, Jane; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Clark, Tamara; Ades, Veronica; Plenty, Albert; Charlebois, Edwin; Ruel, Theodore; Kamya, Moses; Havlir, Diane; Cohan, Deborah
  • Restricted
  • Malaria medicines to address drug resistance and support malaria elimination efforts. (2018) Achan, Jane; Mwesigwa, Julia; Edwin, Chinagozi Precious; D'alessandro, Umberto