Items where Author is "Hughes, G"
Number of items: 89.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis in the United Kingdom: a systematic review and analysis of prevalence studies. (2004) Adams, EJ; Charlett, A; Edmunds, WJ; Hughes, G
  • HIV incidence among sexual health clinic attendees in England: First estimates for black African heterosexuals using a biomarker, 2009-2013. (2018) Aghaizu, Adamma; Tosswill, Jennifer; De Angelis, Daniela; Ward, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda; Murphy, Gary; Delpech, Valerie
  • Pathways to, and use of, sexual healthcare among Black Caribbean sexual health clinic attendees in England: evidence from cross-sectional bio-behavioural surveys. (2019) Aicken, Catherine RH; Wayal, Sonali; Blomquist, Paula B; Fabiane, Stella M; Gerressu, Makeda; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Does being on HIV antiretroviral therapy increase the risk of syphilis? An analysis of a large national cohort of MSM living with HIV in England 2009-2016. (2020) Allen, Hester; Kirwan, Peter; Brown, Alison E; Mohammed, Hamish; Hughes, Gwenda; Marks, Michael; Delpech, Valerie description
  • Is there an association between previous infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae and gonococcal AMR? A cross-sectional analysis of national and sentinel surveillance data in England, 2015-2019. (2022) Allen, Hester; Merrick, Rachel; Ivanov, Zdravko; Pitt, Rachel; Mohammed, Hamish; Sinka, Katy; Hughes, Gwenda; Fifer, Helen; Cole, Michelle Jayne
  • Investigating the decline in Lymphogranuloma venereum diagnoses in men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom since 2016: an analysis of surveillance data. (2020) Allen, Hester; Pitt, Rachel; Bardsley, Megan; Smolarchuk, Christa; Sullivan, Ann; Mohammed, Hamish; Cole, Michelle; Fifer, Helen; Wallace, Lesley; Thomas, Daniel; Irvine, Neil; Templeton, Kate; Hughes, Gwenda; Simms, Ian
  • Intercontinental dissemination of azithromycin-resistant shigellosis through sexual transmission: a cross-sectional study. (2015) Baker, Kate S; Dallman, Timothy J; Ashton, Philip M; Day, Martin; Hughes, Gwenda; Crook, Paul D; Gilbart, Victoria L; Zittermann, Sandra; Allen, Vanessa G; Howden, Benjamin P; Tomita, Takehiro; Valcanis, Mary; Harris, Simon R; Connor, Thomas R; Sintchenko, Vitali; Howard, Peter; Brown, Jeremy D; Petty, Nicola K; Gouali, Malika; Thanh, Duy Pham; Keddy, Karen H; Smith, Anthony M; Talukder, Kaisar A; Faruque, Shah M; Parkhill, Julian; Baker, Stephen; Weill, François-Xavier; Jenkins, Claire; Thomson, Nicholas R
  • Horizontal antimicrobial resistance transfer drives epidemics of multiple Shigella species. (2018) Baker, Kate S; Dallman, Timothy J; Field, Nigel; Childs, Tristan; Mitchell, Holly; Day, Martin; Weill, François-Xavier; Lefèvre, Sophie; Tourdjman, Mathieu; Hughes, Gwenda; Jenkins, Claire; Thomson, Nicholas
  • Genomic epidemiology of Shigella in the United Kingdom shows transmission of pathogen sublineages and determinants of antimicrobial resistance. (2018) Baker, Kate S; Dallman, Timothy J; Field, Nigel; Childs, Tristan; Mitchell, Holly; Day, Martin; Weill, François-Xavier; Lefèvre, Sophie; Tourdjman, Mathieu; Hughes, Gwenda; Jenkins, Claire; Thomson, Nicholas
  • Improving our understanding of the disproportionate incidence of STIs in heterosexual-identifying people of black Caribbean heritage: findings from a longitudinal study of sexual health clinic attendees in England. (2021) Bardsley, Megan; Wayal, Sonali; Blomquist, Paula; Mohammed, Hamish; Mercer, Catherine H; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Attendance of MSM at Genitourinary Medicine services in England: implications for selective HPV vaccination programme (a short communication). (2018) Bayley, Jake; Mesher, David; Nadarzynski, Tom; Hughes, Gwenda; Soldan, Kate
  • Global phylogeny of Treponema pallidum lineages reveals recent expansion and spread of contemporary syphilis. (2021) Beale, Mathew A; Marks, Michael; Cole, Michelle J; Lee, Min-Kuang; Pitt, Rachel; Ruis, Christopher; Balla, Eszter; Crucitti, Tania; Ewens, Michael; Fernández-Naval, Candela; Grankvist, Anna; Guiver, Malcolm; Kenyon, Chris R; Khairullin, Rafil; Kularatne, Ranmini; Arando, Maider; Molini, Barbara J; Obukhov, Andrey; Page, Emma E; Petrovay, Fruzsina; Rietmeijer, Cornelis; Rowley, Dominic; Shokoples, Sandy; Smit, Erasmus; Sweeney, Emma L; Taiaroa, George; Vera, Jaime H; Wennerås, Christine; Whiley, David M; Williamson, Deborah A; Hughes, Gwenda; Naidu, Prenilla; Unemo, Magnus; Krajden, Mel; Lukehart, Sheila A; Morshed, Muhammad G; Fifer, Helen; Thomson, Nicholas R
  • Characteristics and sexual health service use of MSM engaging in chemsex: results from a large online survey in England. (2020) Blomquist, Paula Bianca; Mohammed, Hamish; Mikhail, Amy; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David; Wayal, Sonali; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Detection of the United States Neisseria meningitidis urethritis clade in the United Kingdom, August and December 2019 - emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance calls for vigilance. (2020) Brooks, Avril; Lucidarme, Jay; Campbell, Helen; Campbell, Laura; Fifer, Helen; Gray, Steve; Hughes, Gwenda; Lekshmi, Aiswarya; Schembri, Gabriel; Rayment, Michael; Ladhani, Shamez N; Ramsay, Mary E; Borrow, Ray
  • Fall in new HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men (MSM) at selected London sexual health clinics since early 2015: testing or treatment or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? (2017) Brown, Alison E; Mohammed, Hamish; Ogaz, Dana; Kirwan, Peter D; Yung, Mandy; Nash, Sophie G; Furegato, Martina; Hughes, Gwenda; Connor, Nicky; Delpech, Valerie C; Gill, O Noel
  • Changes in STI and HIV testing and testing need among men who have sex with men during the UK's COVID-19 pandemic response. (2022) Brown, Jack Rg; Reid, David; Howarth, Alison R; Mohammed, Hamish; Saunders, John; Pulford, Caisey V; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Sexual behaviour, STI and HIV testing and testing need among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men recruited for online surveys pre/post-COVID-19 restrictions in the UK. (2023) Brown, Jack Rg; Reid, David; Howarth, Alison R; Mohammed, Hamish; Saunders, John; Pulford, Caisey V; Ogaz, Dana; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Decline in genital warts diagnoses among young women and young men since the introduction of the bivalent HPV (16/18) vaccination programme in England: an ecological analysis. (2017) Canvin, M; Sinka, K; Hughes, G; Mesher, D picture_as_pdf
  • Filling in the gaps: estimating numbers of chlamydia tests and diagnoses by age group and sex before and during the implementation of the English National Screening Programme, 2000 to 2012. (2017) Chandra, Nastassya L; Soldan, Kate; Dangerfield, Ciara; Sile, Bersabeh; Duffell, Stephen; Talebi, Alireza; Choi, Yoon H; Hughes, Gwenda; Woodhall, Sarah C
  • Prevalence of and factors associated with MDR Neisseria gonorrhoeae in England and Wales between 2004 and 2015: analysis of annual cross-sectional surveillance surveys. (2018) Clifton, Soazig; Bolt, Hikaru; Mohammed, Hamish; Town, Katy; Furegato, Martina; Cole, Michelle; Campbell, Oona; Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
  • STI Risk Perception in the British Population and How It Relates to Sexual Behaviour and STI Healthcare Use: Findings From a Cross-sectional Survey (Natsal-3). (2018) Clifton, Soazig; Mercer, Catherine H; Sonnenberg, Pam; Tanton, Clare; Field, Nigel; Gravningen, Kirsten; Hughes, Gwenda; Mapp, Fiona; Johnson, Anne M
  • Is previous azithromycin treatment associated with azithromycin resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae? A cross-sectional study using national surveillance data in England. (2018) Clifton, Soazig; Town, Katy; Furegato, Martina; Cole, Michelle; Mohammed, Hamish; Woodhall, Sarah C; Kevin Dunbar, J; Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Substantial underdiagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men in Europe: preliminary findings from a multicentre surveillance pilot. (2019) Cole, Michelle Jayne; Field, Nigel; Pitt, Rachel; Amato-Gauci, Andrew J; Begovac, Josip; French, Patrick D; Keše, Darja; Klavs, Irena; Zidovec Lepej, Snjezana; Pöcher, Katharina; Stary, Angelika; Schalk, Horst; Spiteri, Gianfranco; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Emergence of novel strains of Shigella flexneri associated with sexual transmission in adult men in England, 2019-2020. (2021) Dallman, Timothy J; Charles, Hannah; Prochazka, Mateo; Sinka, Katy; Hughes, Gwenda; Godbole, Gauri; Jenkins, Claire
  • Places and people: the perceptions of men who have sex with men concerning STI testing: a qualitative study. (2017) Datta, Jessica; Reid, David; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Awareness of and attitudes to sexually transmissible infections among gay men and other men who have sex with men in England: a qualitative study. (2018) Datta, Jessica; Reid, David; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Sexual behaviours and sexually transmitted infection outcomes in a cohort of HIV-negative men who have sex with men attending sexual health clinics in England. (2018) Desai, S; Burns, F; Schembri, G; Williams, D; Sullivan, A; McOwan, A; Antonucci, S; Mercey, D; Hughes, G; Hart, G; Gill, ON; Nardone, Anthony
  • Gonorrhoea treatment failure caused by a Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain with combined ceftriaxone and high-level azithromycin resistance, England, February 2018. (2018) Eyre, David W; Sanderson, Nicholas D; Lord, Emily; Regisford-Reimmer, Natasha; Chau, Kevin; Barker, Leanne; Morgan, Markus; Newnham, Robert; Golparian, Daniel; Unemo, Magnus; Crook, Derrick W; Peto, Tim Ea; Hughes, Gwenda; Cole, Michelle J; Fifer, Helen; Edwards, Anne; Andersson, Monique I
  • Confirmatory assays are essential when using molecular testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in low-prevalence settings: insights from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2014) Field, Nigel; Clifton, Soazig; Alexander, Sarah; Ison, Catherine A; Hughes, Gwenda; Beddows, Simon; Tanton, Clare; Soldan, Kate; Coelho da Silva, Filomeno; Mercer, Catherine H; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • Trichomonas vaginalis infection is uncommon in the British general population: implications for clinical testing and public health screening. (2018) Field, Nigel; Clifton, Soazig; Alexander, Sarah; Ison, Catherine A; Khanom, Rumena; Saunders, Pamela; Hughes, Gwenda; Heath, Laura; Beddows, Simon; Mercer, Catherine H; Tanton, Clare; Johnson, Anne M; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • Sustained transmission of high-level azithromycin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae in England: an observational study. (2018) Fifer, Helen; Cole, Michelle; Hughes, Gwenda; Padfield, Simon; Smolarchuk, Christa; Woodford, Neil; Wensley, Adrian; Mustafa, Nazim; Schaefer, Ulf; Myers, Richard; Templeton, Kate; Shepherd, Jill; Underwood, Anthony
  • Oropharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections: should women be routinely tested? (2021) Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Shining the light on congenital syphilis: from TORCH to SCORTCH. (2021) Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda; Ladhani, Shamez
  • Lessons learnt from ceftriaxone-resistant gonorrhoea in the UK and Australia. (2020) Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda; Whiley, David; Lahra, Monica M
  • Frequency and Correlates of Mycoplasma genitalium Antimicrobial Resistance Mutations and Their Association With Treatment Outcomes: Findings From a National Sentinel Surveillance Pilot in England. (2021) Fifer, Helen; Merrick, Rachel; Pitt, Rachel; Yung, Mandy; Allen, Hester; Day, Michaela; Sinka, Katy; Woodford, Neil; Mohammed, Hamish; Brown, Colin S; Hughes, Gwenda; Cole, Michelle; MARS Collaborators Group
  • Failure of Dual Antimicrobial Therapy in Treatment of Gonorrhea. (2016) Fifer, Helen; Natarajan, Usha; Jones, Lucy; Alexander, Sarah; Hughes, Gwenda; Golparian, Daniel; Unemo, Magnus
  • Examining the role of socioeconomic deprivation in ethnic differences in sexually transmitted infection diagnosis rates in England: evidence from surveillance data. (2016) Furegato, M; Chen, Y; Mohammed, H; Mercer, CH; Savage, EJ; Hughes, G
  • Factors associated with four atypical cases of congenital syphilis in England, 2016 to 2017: an ecological analysis. (2017) Furegato, Martina; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Simms, Ian; Vanta, Paul; Webb, Sharon; Foster, Kirsty; Kingston, Margaret; Charlett, André; Vishram, Bhavita; Reynolds, Claire; Gill, Noel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • The association between region of birth and sexually transmitted infections among people of black Caribbean ethnicity attending sexual health services in England, 2015. (2020) Harb, Ana K; Mohammed, Hamish; Furegato, Martina; Wayal, Sonali; Mercer, Catherine H; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Can remote STI/HIV testing and eClinical Care be compatible with robust public health surveillance? (2015) Harding-Esch, Emma; Nardone, Anthony; Gibbs, Jo; Sutcliffe, Lorna; Sonnenberg, Pam; Estcourt, Claudia; Hughes, Gwenda; Mohammed, Hamish; Gill, Noel; Sadiq, S Tariq; Lowndes, Catherine
  • 'Stay at home …': exploring the impact of the COVID-19 public health response on sexual behaviour and health service use among men who have sex with men: findings from a large online survey in the UK. (2021) Howarth, Alison R; Saunders, John; Reid, David; Kelly, Isabelle; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Prevalence and characteristics of gastrointestinal infections in men who have sex with men diagnosed with rectal chlamydia infection in the UK: an 'unlinked anonymous' cross-sectional study. (2018) Hughes, Gwenda; Silalang, Panida; Were, John; Patel, Hemanti; Childs, Tristan; Alexander, Sarah; Duffell, Stephen; Saxon, Cara; Ison, Cathy; Mitchell, Holly; Field, Nigel; Jenkins, Claire
  • Genetic relatedness of ceftriaxone-resistant and high-level azithromycin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae cases, United Kingdom and Australia, February to April 2018. (2019) Jennison, Amy V; Whiley, David; Lahra, Monica M; Graham, Rikki M; Cole, Michelle J; Hughes, Gwenda; Fifer, Helen; Andersson, Monique; Edwards, Anne; Eyre, David
  • Acceptability and potential impact of delivering sexual health promotion information through social media and dating apps to MSM in England: a qualitative study. (2019) Kesten, Joanna M; Dias, Kaiseree; Burns, Fiona; Crook, Paul; Howarth, Alison; Mercer, Catherine H; Rodger, Alison; Simms, Ian; Oliver, Isabel; Hickman, Matthew; Hughes, Gwenda; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Predicting STI Diagnoses Amongst MSM and Young People Attending Sexual Health Clinics in England: Triage Algorithm Development and Validation Using Routine Clinical Data. (2018) King, Carina; Hughes, Gwenda; Furegato, Martina; Mohammed, Hamish; Were, John; Copas, Andrew; Gilson, Richard; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Sexual risk reduction interventions for patients attending sexual health clinics: a mixed-methods feasibility study. (2019) King, Carina; Llewellyn, Carrie; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Abraham, Charles; Bailey, Julia; Burns, Fiona; Clark, Laura; Copas, Andrew; Howarth, Alison; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Cath; Miners, Alec; Pollard, Alex; Richardson, Daniel; Rodger, Alison; Roy, Anupama; Gilson, Richard
  • Epidemiology of gonorrhoea: a global perspective. (2019) Kirkcaldy, Robert D; Weston, Emily; Segurado, Aluisio C; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Choice of antibiotics for prophylaxis of bacterial STIs among individuals currently self-sourcing. (2021) Kohli, Manik; Reid, David; Pulford, Caisey V; Howarth, Alison; Brown, Jack; Mohammed, Hamish; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H; Saunders, John
  • Incidence and reinfection rates of genital chlamydial infection among women aged 16-24 years attending general practice, family planning and genitourinary medicine clinics in England: a prospective cohort study by the Chlamydia Recall Study Advisory Group. (2006) LaMontagne, D Scott; Baster, Kathleen; Emmett, Lynsey; Nichols, Tom; Randall, Sarah; McLean, Louise; Meredith, Paula; Harindra, Veerakathy; Tobin, Jean M; Underhill, Gillian S; Hewitt, W Graham; Hopwood, Jennifer; Gleave, Toni; Ghosh, Ajit K; Mallinson, Harry; Davies, Alisha R; Hughes, Gwenda; Fenton, Kevin A
  • The epidemiology of gonorrhoea in London: a Bayesian spatial modelling approach. (2013) Le Polain De Waroux, O; Harris, RJ; Hughes, G; Crook, PD
  • Factors associated with travel to non-local genitourinary medicine clinics for gonorrhoea: an analysis of patients diagnosed in London, 2009-10. (2013) Le Polain de Waroux, Olivier; Hughes, Gwenda; Maguire, Helen; Crook, Paul D
  • The health and well-being of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Britain: Evidence from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2016) Mercer, Catherine H; Prah, Philip; Field, Nigel; Tanton, Clare; Macdowall, Wendy; Clifton, Soazig; Hughes, Gwenda; Nardone, Anthony; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • Preparing for PrEP: estimating the size of the population eligible for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in England. (2019) Mitchell, Holly D; Desai, Sarika; Mohammed, Hamish; Ong, Koh Jun; Furegato, Martina; Hall, Victoria; Desai, Monica; Saunders, John Michael; Hughes, Gwenda; Field, Nigel; Gill, O Noel
  • Use of whole-genome sequencing to identify clusters of Shigella flexneri associated with sexual transmission in men who have sex with men in England: a validation study using linked behavioural data. (2019) Mitchell, Holly D; Mikhail, Amy FW; Painset, Anaïs; Dallman, Timothy J; Jenkins, Claire; Thomson, Nicholas R; Field, Nigel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Linkage of Whole Genome Sequencing, Epidemiological, and Clinical Data to Understand the Genetic Diversity and Clinical Outcomes of Shigella flexneri among Men Who Have Sex with Men in England. (2021) Mitchell, Holly D; Thomson, Nicholas R; Jenkins, Claire; Dallman, Timothy J; Painset, Anaïs; Kirwan, Peter; Delpech, Valerie; Mikhail, Amy FW; Field, Nigel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic Response on Service Provision for Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV, and Viral Hepatitis, England. (2022) Mitchell, Holly D; Vilaplana, Tatiana Garcia; Mandal, Sema; Ratna, Natasha; Glancy, Megan; Shah, Ammi; Simmons, Ruth; Penman, Celia; Kirsebom, Freja; Costella, Annastella; Brown, Alison E; Mohammed, Hamish; Delpech, Valerie; Sinka, Katy; Hughes, Gwenda; UK Health Security Agency National STI, HIV and Viral Hepatitis
  • Prevalence and risk factors of bacterial enteric pathogens in men who have sex with men: A cross-sectional study at the UK's largest sexual health service. (2022) Mitchell, Holly D; Whitlock, Gary; Zdravkov, Jey; Olsson, Jenny; Silalang, Panida; Bardsley, Megan; Blomquist, Paula B; Jenkins, Claire; Thomson, Nicholas R; Field, Nigel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • What are the characteristics of, and clinical outcomes in men who have sex with men prescribed HIV postexposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEPSE) at sexual health clinics in England? (2017) Mitchell, Holly; Furegato, Martina; Hughes, Gwenda; Field, Nigel; Nardone, Anthony
  • Recent epidemiology of sexually transmissible enteric infections in men who have sex with men. (2018) Mitchell, Holly; Hughes, Gwenda
  • 100 years of STIs in the UK: a review of national surveillance data. (2018) Mohammed, Hamish; Blomquist, Paula; Ogaz, Dana; Duffell, Stephen; Furegato, Martina; Checchi, Marta; Irvine, Neil; Wallace, Lesley A; Thomas, Daniel Rhys; Nardone, Anthony; Dunbar, J Kevin; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Refusal of HIV testing among black Africans attending sexual health clinics in England, 2014: a review of surveillance data. (2017) Mohammed, Hamish; Dabrera, Gavin; Furegato, Martina; Yin, Zheng; Nardone, Anthony; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Poor adherence to gonorrhoea treatment guidelines in general practice in England. (2016) Mohammed, Hamish; Sile, Bersabeh; Furegato, Martina; Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
  • First line dual therapy for gonorrhoea to limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance. (2017) Mohammed, Hamish; Sile, Bersabeh; Furegato, Martina; Woodhall, Sarah; Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Sexualised drug use in people attending sexual health clinics in England. (2016) Mohammed, Hamish; Were, John; King, Carina; Furegato, Martina; Nardone, Anthony; Hughes, Gwenda; GUMCADv3 Steering Group
  • What is the overlap between HIV and shigellosis epidemics in England: further evidence of MSM transmission? (2018) Mohan, Keerthi; Hibbert, Matthew; Rooney, Graeme; Canvin, Malcolm; Childs, Tristan; Jenkins, Claire; Simms, Ian; Kirwan, Peter; Delpech, Valerie; Yin, Zheng; Hughes, Gwenda; Field, Nigel
  • Use of gender distribution in routine surveillance data to detect potential transmission of gastrointestinal infections among men who have sex with men in England. (2018) Mook, P; Gardiner, D; Kanagarajah, S; Kerac, M; Hughes, G; Field, N; McCarthy, N; Rawlings, C; Simms, I; Lane, C; Crook, PD
  • ESBL-Producing and Macrolide-Resistant Shigella sonnei Infections among Men Who Have Sex with Men, England, 2015. (2016) Mook, Piers; McCormick, Jacquelyn; Bains, Manpreet; Cowley, Lauren A; Chattaway, Marie A; Jenkins, Claire; Mikhail, Amy; Hughes, Gwenda; Elson, Richard; Day, Martin; Manuel, Rohini; Dave, Jayshree; Field, Nigel; Godbole, Gauri; Dallman, Timothy; Crook, Paul
  • Factors associated with reporting antibiotic use as STI prophylaxis among HIV PrEP users: findings from a cross-sectional online community survey, May-July 2019, UK. (2020) O'Halloran, Charlotte; Croxford, Sara; Mohammed, Hamish; Gill, Owen Noel; Hughes, Gwenda; Fifer, Helen; Allen, Hester; Owen, Greg; Nutland, Will; Delpech, Valerie; Saunders, John Michael
  • COVID-19 infection and vaccination uptake in men and gender-diverse people who have sex with men in the UK: analyses of a large, online community cross-sectional survey (RiiSH-COVID) undertaken November-December 2021. (2023) Ogaz, Dana; Allen, Hester; Reid, David; Brown, Jack RG; Howarth, Alison R; Pulford, Caisey V; Mercer, Catherine H; Saunders, John; Hughes, Gwenda; Mohammed, Hamish
  • Gonorrhoea: tackling the global epidemic in the era of rising antimicrobial resistance. (2019) Ong, Jason J; Wi, Teodora; Hughes, Gwenda; Williamson, Deborah A; Mayaud, Philippe; Chow, Eric PF
  • Detection of tet(M) in high-level tetracycline-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. (2019) Pitt, Rachel; Sadouki, Zahra; Town, Katy; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Hughes, Gwenda; Woodford, Neil; Cole, Michelle J
  • Rapid Increase in Lymphogranuloma Venereum among HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex with Men, England, 2019. (2021) Prochazka, Mateo; Charles, Hannah; Allen, Hester; Cole, Michelle; Hughes, Gwenda; Sinka, Katy
  • Just Google it! Impact of media coverage of an outbreak of high-level azithromycin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae on online searches, and attendances, testing and diagnoses at sexual health clinics in England between 2015 and 2016: an interrupted time series analysis using surveillance data. (2019) Smolarchuk, Christa; Mohammed, Hamish; Furegato, Martina; Town, Katy; Fifer, Helen; Wilson, Janet; Nardone, Anthony; Lee, Andrew; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Persistence of an outbreak of gonorrhoea with high-level resistance to azithromycin in England, November 2014‒May 2018. (2018) Smolarchuk, Christa; Wensley, Adrian; Padfield, Simon; Fifer, Helen; Lee, Andrew; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Sexual health clinic attendance and non-attendance in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2017) Tanton, Clare; Geary, Rebecca S; Clifton, Soazig; Field, Nigel; Heap, Katie L; Mapp, Fiona; Hughes, Gwenda; Johnson, Anne M; Cassell, Jackie A; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Estimating gonorrhoea prevalence in young heterosexual men and women attending community-based sexual health services to inform decisions on gonorrhoea testing. (2017) Town, K; Furegato, M; Field, N; Hughes, G
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae molecular typing for understanding sexual networks and antimicrobial resistance transmission: A systematic review. (2018) Town, Katy; Bolt, Hikaru; Croxford, Sara; Cole, Michelle; Harris, Simon; Field, Nigel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Phylogenomic analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission to assess sexual mixing and HIV transmission risk in England: a cross-sectional, observational, whole-genome sequencing study. (2020) Town, Katy; Field, Nigel; Harris, Simon R; Sánchez-Busó, Leonor; Cole, Michelle J; Pitt, Rachel; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Genomic and Phenotypic Variability in Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility, England. (2020) Town, Katy; Harris, Simon; Sánchez-Busó, Leonor; Cole, Michelle J; Pitt, Rachel; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Field, Nigel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Association between STI and child sexual exploitation in children under 16 years old attending sexual health clinics in England: findings from a case-control study. (2019) Ward, Chris; Hughes, Gwenda; Mitchell, Holly D; Rogstad, Karen E
  • Association between knowledge, risk behaviours, and testing for sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men: findings from a large online survey in the United Kingdom. (2019) Wayal, S; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Blomquist, P; Fabiane, S; Hughes, G; Mercer, CH
  • Understanding the burden of bacterial sexually transmitted infections and Trichomonas vaginalis among black Caribbeans in the United Kingdom: Findings from a systematic review. (2018) Wayal, Sonali; Aicken, Catherine RH; Griffiths, Catherine; Blomquist, Paula B; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • A qualitative study of attitudes towards, typologies, and drivers of concurrent partnerships among people of black Caribbean ethnicity in England and their implications for STI prevention. (2020) Wayal, Sonali; Gerressu, Makeda; Weatherburn, Peter; Gilbart, Victoria; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Ethnic variations in sexual behaviours and sexual health markers: findings from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2017) Wayal, Sonali; Hughes, Gwenda; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mohammed, Hamish; Copas, Andrew J; Gerressu, Makeda; Tanton, Clare; Furegato, Martina; Mercer, Catherine H
  • The Acceptability and Feasibility of Implementing a Bio-Behavioral Enhanced Surveillance Tool for Sexually Transmitted Infections in England: Mixed-Methods Study. (2018) Wayal, Sonali; Reid, David; Blomquist, Paula B; Weatherburn, Peter; Mercer, Catherine H; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Demand for and availability of specialist chemsex services in the UK: A cross-sectional survey of sexual health clinics. (2018) Wiggins, H; Ogaz, D; Mebrahtu, H; Sullivan, A; Bowden-Jones, O; Field, N; Hughes, G
  • Race to address sexual health inequalities among people of Black Caribbean heritage: could co-production lead to more culturally appropriate guidance and practice? (2023) Woode Owusu, Melvina; Estupiñán Fdez de Mesa, Mar; Mohammed, Hamish; Gerressu, Makeda; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Agent-based modelling study of antimicrobial-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission in men who have sex with men: towards individualised diagnosis and treatment. (2019) Zienkiewicz, Adam K; Verschueren van Rees, Nicolás; Homer, Martin; Ong, Jason J; Christensen, Hannah; Hill, Darryl; Looker, Katharine J; Horner, Paddy; Hughes, Gwenda; Turner, Katy ME
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae arthritis in a patient with systemic lupus: resistance and virulence profiles. (2022) de Oliveira, Vítor Falcão; Coracini Tonacio, Adriana; Marchi, Ana Paula; Farrel Côrtes, Marina; Luiza Bazzo, Maria; Takeshigue Lemos, Gabriela; Bortolotto Bampi, Jose Victor; Patricia Sanchez Espinoza, Evelyn; Luiz Tarsia Duarte, Edson; Cristina Ruedas Martins, Roberta; Alves Dos Santos, Sânia; Vieira Perdigão Neto, Lauro; Ramalho da Costa-Lourenço, Ana Paula; Regina Bonelli, Raquel; Rita Elmore, Maria; Rossi, Flavia; Hughes, Gwenda; Figueiredo Costa, Silvia picture_as_pdf