Items where Author is "van Leeuwen, Edwin"

Number of items: 20.
  • Potential health and economic impact of paediatric vaccination using next-generation influenza vaccines in Kenya: a modelling study. (2023) Waterlow, Naomi R; Radhakrishnan, Sreejith; Dawa, Jeanette; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Procter, Simon R; Lambach, Philipp; Bresee, Joseph; Mazur, Marie; Eggo, Rosalind M; Jit, Mark
  • 2022
  • Comparing human and model-based forecasts of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland. (2022) Bosse, Nikos I; Abbott, Sam; Bracher, Johannes; Hain, Habakuk; Quilty, Billy J; Jit, Mark; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Cori, Anne; Funk, Sebastian
  • Determinants of RSV epidemiology following suppression through pandemic contact restrictions. (2022) Koltai, Mihaly; Krauer, Fabienne; Hodgson, David; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Treskova-Schwarzbach, Marina; Jit, Mark; Flasche, Stefan
  • The impact of COVID-19 vaccination in prisons in England and Wales: a metapopulation model. (2022) McCarthy, Ciara V; O'Mara, Oscar; van Leeuwen, Edwin; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Jit, Mark; Sandmann, Frank
  • Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life in Non-Hospitalized Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Cases With Confirmed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection in England: Longitudinal Analysis and Cross-Sectional Comparison With Controls. (2022) Sandmann, Frank G; Tessier, Elise; Lacy, Joanne; Kall, Meaghan; Van Leeuwen, Edwin; Charlett, Andre; Eggo, Rosalind M; Dabrera, Gavin; Edmunds, W John; Ramsay, Mary; Campbell, Helen; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Jit, Mark
  • Health and economic impact of seasonal influenza mass vaccination strategies in European settings: A mathematical modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis. (2022) Sandmann, Frank G; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Bernard-Stoecklin, Sibylle; Casado, Itziar; Castilla, Jesús; Domegan, Lisa; Gherasim, Alin; Hooiveld, Mariëtte; Kislaya, Irina; Larrauri, Amparo; Levy-Bruhl, Daniel; Machado, Ausenda; Marques, Diogo FP; Martínez-Baz, Iván; Mazagatos, Clara; McMenamin, Jim; Meijer, Adam; Murray, Josephine LK; Nunes, Baltazar; O'Donnell, Joan; Reynolds, Arlene; Thorrington, Dominic; Pebody, Richard; Baguelin, Marc
  • Evidence for influenza and RSV interaction from 10 years of enhanced surveillance in Nha Trang, Vietnam, a modelling study. (2022) Waterlow, Naomi R; Toizumi, Michiko; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Thi Nguyen, Hien-Anh; Myint-Yoshida, Lay; Eggo, Rosalind M; Flasche, Stefan
  • 2021
  • Real-time nowcasting and forecasting of COVID-19 dynamics in England: the first wave. (2021) Birrell, Paul; Blake, Joshua; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Gent, Nick; De Angelis, Daniela
  • How immunity from and interaction with seasonal coronaviruses can shape SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology. (2021) Waterlow, Naomi R; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Davies, Nicholas G; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • 2020
  • Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling. (2020) Dawa, Jeanette; Emukule, Gideon O; Barasa, Edwine; Widdowson, Marc Alain; Anzala, Omu; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Baguelin, Marc; Chaves, Sandra S; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Short-term forecasts to inform the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK. (2020) Funk, S; Abbott, S; Atkins, BD; Baguelin, M; Baillie, JK; Birrell, P; Blake, J; Bosse, NI; Burton, J; Carruthers, J; Davies, NG; De Angelis, D; Dyson, L; Edmunds, WJ; Eggo, RM; Ferguson, NM; Gaythorpe, K; Gorsich, E; Guyver-Fletcher, G; Hellewell, J; Hill, EM; Holmes, A; House, TA; Jewell, C; Jit, M; Jombart, T; Joshi, I; Keeling, MJ; Kendall, E; Knock, ES; Kucharski, AJ; Lythgoe, KA; Meakin, SR; Munday, JD; Openshaw, PJM; Overton, CE; Pagani, F; Pearson, J; Perez-Guzman, PN; Pellis, L; Scarabel, F; Semple, MG; Sherratt, K; Tang, M; Tildesley, MJ; Van Leeuwen, E; Whittles, LK
  • A method for evaluating the cost-benefit of different preparedness planning policies against pandemic influenza. (2020) Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Grieco, Luca; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Grove, Peter; Utley, Martin
  • Augmenting contact matrices with time-use data for fine-grained intervention modelling of disease dynamics: A modelling analysis. (2020) van Leeuwen, Edwin; Sandmann, Frank
  • Time use and social mixing during and around festive periods: Potential changes in the age distribution of COVID-19 cases from increased intergenerational interactions. (2020) van Leeuwen, Edwin; Sandmann, Frank G; Eggo, Rosalind M; White, Peter J
  • 2019
  • Introduction to particle Markov-chain Monte Carlo for disease dynamics modellers. (2019) Endo, Akira; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Baguelin, Marc
  • Are we prepared for the next influenza pandemic? Lessons from modelling different preparedness policies against four pandemic scenarios. (2019) Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Grieco, Luca; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Baguelin, Marc; Pebody, Richard; Utley, Martin
  • 2017
  • Effect of mass paediatric influenza vaccination on existing influenza vaccination programmes in England and Wales: a modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis. (2017) Hodgson, David; Baguelin, Marc; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Ramsay, Mary; Pebody, Richard; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccines in England. (2017) Thorrington, Dominic; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Ramsay, Mary; Pebody, Richard; Baguelin, Marc
  • The impact of stratified immunity on the transmission dynamics of influenza. (2017) Yuan, Hsiang-Yu; Baguelin, Marc; Kwok, Kin O; Arinaminpathy, Nimalan; van Leeuwen, Edwin; Riley, Steven
  • fluEvidenceSynthesis: An R package for evidence synthesis based analysis of epidemiological outbreaks. (2017) van Leeuwen, Edwin; Klepac, Petra; Thorrington, Dominic; Pebody, Richard; Baguelin, Marc