Items where Author is "Boaz, Annette"
Number of items: 51.
  • Translating evidence into policy and practice: what do we know already, and what would further research look like? (2023) Cairney, Paul; Boaz, Annette; Oliver, Kathryn
  • Protocol for a hybrid II study exploring the feasibility of delivering, evaluating, and implementing a self-management programme for people with neuromuscular diseases at a specialist neuromuscular centre. (2023) Lee, Laurence Edward; Kulnik, Stefan Tino; Curran, Geoffrey M; Boaz, Annette; Ramdharry, Gita M
  • 2022
  • What funders are doing to assess the impact of their investments in health and biomedical research. (2022) Abudu, Rachel; Oliver, Kathryn; Boaz, Annette
  • Defining, conceptualizing and evaluating pragmatic qualities of quantitative instruments measuring implementation determinants and outcomes: a scoping and critical review of the literature and recommendations for future research. (2022) Hull, Louise; Boulton, Richard; Jones, Fiona; Boaz, Annette; Sevdalis, Nick
  • Theory-based evaluation of three research-practice partnerships designed to deliver novel, sustainable collaborations between adult social care research and practice in the UK: a research protocol for a 'layered' contributions analysis and realist evaluation. (2022) Malley, Juliette; Bauer, Annette; Boaz, Annette; Kendrick, Hannah; Knapp, Martin
  • Is implementation research out of step with implementation practice? Pathways to effective implementation support over the last decade. (2022) Metz, Allison; Jensen, Todd; Farley, Amanda; Boaz, Annette
  • Building trusting relationships to support implementation: A proposed theoretical model. (2022) Metz, Allison; Jensen, Todd; Farley, Amanda; Boaz, Annette; Bartley, Leah; Villodas, Melissa
  • Intervening for sustainable change: Tailoring strategies to align with values and principles of communities. (2022) Metz, Allison; Kainz, Kirsten; Boaz, Annette
  • Areas of research interest: joining the dots between government and research at last? (2022) Oliver, Kathryn; Boaz, Annette; Cuccato, Giulia
  • What works to promote research-policy engagement? (2022) Oliver, Kathryn; Hopkins, Anna; Boaz, Annette; Guillot-Wright, Shannon; Cairney, Paul
  • Development and psychometric evaluation of the Implementation Science Research Project Appraisal Criteria (ImpResPAC) tool: a study protocol. (2022) Sweetnam, Chloe; Goulding, Lucy; Davis, Rachel E; Khadjesari, Zarnie; Boaz, Annette; Healey, Andy; Sevdalis, Nick; Bakolis, Ioannis; Hull, Louise
  • 2021
  • How far does an emphasis on stakeholder engagement and co-production in research present a threat to academic identity and autonomy? A prospective study across five European countries. (2021) Boaz, Annette; Borst, Robert; Kok, Maarten; O’Shea, Alison
  • Are research-policy engagement activities informed by policy theory and evidence? 7 challenges to the UK impact agenda. (2021) Hopkins, Anna; Oliver, Kathryn; Boaz, Annette; Guillot-Wright, Shannon; Cairney, Paul
  • Maximising engagement and participation of intellectual disability staff in research: Insights from conducting a UK-wide survey. (2021) Lam, Claire Kar Kei; Bernal, Jane; Finlayson, Janet; Todd, Stuart; Taggart, Laurence; Boaz, Annette; Tuffrey-Wijne, Irene
  • Expect the unexpected? Challenges of prospectively exploring stakeholder engagement in research. (2021) O’Shea, Alison; Boaz, Annette; Hanney, Stephen; Kok, Maarten; Borst, Robert; Pokhrel, Subhash; Jones, Teresa
  • Insights from a cross-sector review on how to conceptualise the quality of use of research evidence. (2021) Rickinson, Mark; Cirkony, Connie; Walsh, Lucas; Gleeson, Jo; Salisbury, Mandy; Boaz, Annette
  • Influence of commissioning arrangements on implementing and sustaining a complex healthcare intervention (ESCAPE-pain) for osteoarthritis: a qualitative case study. (2021) Walker, Andrew; Boaz, Annette; Hurley, Michael V
  • 2020
  • Patient and Family Member Experiences in Critical Care Research and Quality Improvement Projects. (2020) Bench, Suzanne; O'Shea, Alison; Boaz, Annette
  • Mapping the community: use of research evidence in policy and practice. (2020) Farley-Ripple, Elizabeth N; Oliver, Kathryn; Boaz, Annette
  • Expanding postgraduate clinical research capacity: an exploration of key resistances. (2020) Fletcher, Simon; Whiting, Cheryl; Boaz, Annette; Reeves, Scott
  • Backing what works? Social Impact Bonds and evidence-informed policy and practice. (2020) Fraser, Alec; Tan, Stefanie; Boaz, Annette; Mays, Nicholas
  • How to strengthen a health research system: WHO's review, whose literature and who is providing leadership? (2020) Hanney, Stephen R; Kanya, Lucy; Pokhrel, Subhash; Jones, Teresa H; Boaz, Annette
  • The accuracy and accessibility of cited evidence: a study examining mental health policy documents. (2020) Hui, Aika; Rains, Luke Sheridan; Todd, Anita; Boaz, Annette; Johnson, Sonia
  • Understanding policymakers’ perspectives on evidence use as a mechanism for improving research-policy relationships. (2020) Shaxson, Louise; Boaz, Annette
  • The role of leadership in implementing and sustaining an evidence-based intervention for osteoarthritis (ESCAPE-pain) in NHS physiotherapy services: a qualitative case study. (2020) Walker, Andrew; Boaz, Annette; Hurley, Michael V
  • Leading the spread and adoption of innovation at scale: an Academic Health Science Network’s perspective. (2020) Walker, Andrew; Dale, Catherine; Curran, Natasha; Boaz, Annette; Hurley, Michael V
  • 2019
  • Envisioning and shaping translation of knowledge into action: A comparative case-study of stakeholder engagement in the development of a European tobacco control tool. (2019) Borst, Robert AJ; Kok, Maarten Olivier; O'Shea, Alison J; Pokhrel, Subhash; Jones, Teresa H; Boaz, Annette
  • The emotional labour of quality improvement work in end of life care: a qualitative study of Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) in England. (2019) Boulton, Richard; Boaz, Annette
  • Biopolitics, space and hospital reconfiguration. (2019) Fraser, Alec; Baeza, Juan; Boaz, Annette; Ferlie, Ewan
  • Editorial: Public Participation in Health Care: Exploring the Co-production of Knowledge. (2019) Green, Gill; Boaz, Annette; Stuttaford, Maria
  • A research protocol for studying participatory processes in the use of evidence in child welfare systems. (2019) Metz, Allison; Boaz, Annette; Powell, Byron J
  • Co-creative approaches to knowledge production: what next for bridging the research to practice gap? (2019) Metz, Allison; Boaz, Annette; Robert, Glenn
  • New development: What works now? Continuity and change in the use of evidence to improve public policy and service delivery. (2019) Nutley, Sandra; Boaz, Annette; Davies, Huw; Fraser, Alec
  • A Hierarchy of Power: The Place of Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Service Development. (2019) O'Shea, Alison; Boaz, Annette L; Chambers, Mary
  • Transforming evidence for policy and practice: creating space for new conversations. (2019) Oliver, Kathryn; Boaz, Annette
  • How can clinical research improve European health outcomes in cancer? (2019) Selby, Peter; Liu, Lifang; Downing, Amy; Banks, Ian; Wilson, Roger; Stephens, Richard; Meunier, Francoise; Rochon, Justine; Morris, Eva; Seymour, Matt; Gregory, Walter; Lawler, Mark; Boaz, Annette
  • The contribution of ethnography to the evaluation of quality improvement in hospital settings: reflections on observing co-design in intensive care units and lung cancer pathways in the UK. (2019) Vougioukalou, Sofia; Boaz, Annette; Gager, Melanie; Locock, Louise
  • Influence of external contextual factors on the implementation of health and social care interventions into practice within or across countries-a protocol for a 'best fit' framework synthesis. (2019) Ziemann, Alexandra; Brown, Louise; Sadler, Euan; Ocloo, Josephine; Boaz, Annette; Sandall, Jane
  • 2018
  • How to engage stakeholders in research: design principles to support improvement. (2018) Boaz, Annette; Hanney, Stephen; Borst, Robert; O'Shea, Alison; Kok, Maarten
  • 2017
  • 'Holding the line': a qualitative study of the role of evidence in early phase decision-making in the reconfiguration of stroke services in London. (2017) Fraser, Alec; Baeza, Juan I; Boaz, Annette
  • Whose voices? Patient and public involvement in clinical commissioning. (2017) O'Shea, Alison; Chambers, Mary; Boaz, Annette
  • 2016
  • The roles of specialisation and evidence-based practice in inter-professional jurisdictions: A qualitative study of stroke services in England, Sweden and Poland. (2016) Baeza, Juan I; Boaz, Annette; Fraser, Alec; European Implementation Score Collaborative Group
  • Does the 'diffusion of innovations' model enrich understanding of research use? Case studies of the implementation of thrombolysis services for stroke. (2016) Boaz, Annette; Baeza, Juan; Fraser, Alec
  • Rethinking the relationship between science and society: Has there been a shift in attitudes to Patient and Public Involvement and Public Engagement in Science in the United Kingdom? (2016) Boaz, Annette; Biri, Despina; McKevitt, Christopher
  • The future of Evidence & Policy: moving forward from Valencia. (2016) Boaz, Annette; Coburn, Cynthia; Gough, David; Palinkas, Larry; Molas-Gallart, Jordi; Mortimer, Julia; Morton, Sarah; Oliver, Kathryn; Farley-Ripple, Liz; Spaapen, Jack; Tseng, Vivian
  • 2015
  • Does the engagement of clinicians and organisations in research improve healthcare performance: a three-stage review. (2015) Boaz, Annette; Hanney, Stephen; Jones, Teresa; Soper, Bryony
  • Methods of Implementation of Evidence-Based Stroke Care in Europe: European Implementation Score Collaboration. (2015) Di Carlo, Antonio; Pezzella, Francesca Romana; Fraser, Alec; Bovis, Francesca; Baeza, Juan; McKevitt, Chris; Boaz, Annette; Heuschmann, Peter; Wolfe, Charles DA; Inzitari, Domenico; European Implementation Score Collaboration Study Group
  • Research activity and the association with mortality. (2015) Ozdemir, Baris A; Karthikesalingam, Alan; Sinha, Sidhartha; Poloniecki, Jan D; Hinchliffe, Robert J; Thompson, Matt M; Gower, Jonathan D; Boaz, Annette; Holt, Peter JE
  • 2014
  • Evidence-based practice: reflections from five European case studies. (2014) Baeza, Juan I; Fraser, Alec; Boaz, Annette
  • 2012
  • The importance of normative integration in stroke services: case study evidence from Sweden and England. (2012) Baeza, Juan I; Boaz, Annette; Fraser, Alec; Fulop, Naomi; McKevitt, Christopher; Wolfe, Charles; European Implementation Score (EIS) Collaborative Group
  • 2011
  • Effective implementation of research into practice: an overview of systematic reviews of the health literature. (2011) Boaz, Annette; Baeza, Juan; Fraser, Alec; European Implementation Score Collaborative Group (EIS)