Items where Author is "Dziva Chikwari, Chido"
Number of items: 25.
  • Delivery of index-linked HIV testing for children: learnings from a qualitative process evaluation of the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2023) Dringus, Stefanie; Davis, Katherine; Simms, Victoria; Bernays, Sarah; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Ncube, Getrude; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A; Dziva Chikwari, Chido
  • Investigating point-of-care diagnostics for sexually transmitted infections and antimicrobial resistance in antenatal care in Zimbabwe (IPSAZ): protocol for a mixed-methods study. (2023) Martin, Kevin; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Dauya, Ethel; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Bath, David; Tucker, Joseph; Simms, Victoria; Bandason, Tsitsi; Ndowa, Francis; Katsidzira, Leolin; Mugurungi, Owen; Machiha, Anna; Marks, Michael; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida
  • A mixed-methods study measuring the effectiveness of a menstrual health intervention on menstrual health knowledge, perceptions and practices among young women in Zimbabwe. (2023) Tembo, Mandikudza; Weiss, Helen A; Larsson, Leyla Sophie; Bandason, Tsitsi; Redzo, Nicol; Dauya, Ethel; Nzanza, Tafadzwa; Ishumael, Pauline; Gweshe, Nancy; Ndlovu, Precious; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Mavodza, Constancia Vimbayi; Renju, Jenny; Francis, Suzanna C; Ferrand, Rashida; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS
  • 2022
  • The impact of community-based integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services for youth on population-level HIV viral load and sexually transmitted infections in Zimbabwe: protocol for the CHIEDZA cluster-randomised trial. (2022) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Tembo, Mandikudza; Mavodza, Constancia; Simms, Victoria; Mackworth-Young, Constance; Apollo, Tsitsi; Grundy, Chris; Weiss, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Mavimba, Tino; Indravudh, Pitchaya; Doyle, Aoife; Mugurungi, Owen; Machiha, Anna; Bernays, Sarah; Busza, Joanna; Madzima, Bernard; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; McCarthy, Ona; Hayes, Richard; Francis, Suzanna; Ferrand, Rashida
  • "Other risks don't stop": adapting a youth sexual and reproductive health intervention in Zimbabwe during COVID-19. (2022) Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Mavodza, Constancia; Nyamwanza, Rangarirayi; Tshuma, Maureen; Nzombe, Portia; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Tembo, Mandikudza; Dauya, Ethel; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ferrand, Rashida A; Bernays, Sarah
  • Putting youth at the centre: co-design of a community-based intervention to improve HIV outcomes among youth in Zimbabwe. (2022) Mackworth-Young, Constance; Dringus, Stefanie; Dauya, Ethel; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Mavodza, Constancia; Tembo, Mandikudza; Doyle, Aoife; McHugh, Grace; Simms, Victoria; Wedner-Ross, Maurice; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mugurungi, Owen; Ferrand, Rashida; Bernays, Sarah
  • Putting youth at the centre: co-design of a community-based intervention to improve HIV outcomes among youth in Zimbabwe. (2022) Mackworth-Young, Constance; Dringus, Stefanie; Dauya, Ethel; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Mavodza, Constancia; Tembo, Mandikudza; Doyle, Aoife; McHugh, Grace; Simms, Victoria; Wedner-Ross, Maurice; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mugurungi, Owen; Ferrand, Rashida; Bernays, Sarah
  • "It was difficult to offer same day results": evaluation of community-based point-of-care testing for sexually transmitted infections among youth using the GeneXpert platform in Zimbabwe. (2022) Martin, Kevin; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Olaru, Ioana D; Francis, Suzanna C; Mavodza, Constancia; Nzombe, Portia; Nyamwanza, Rangarirayi; Hove, Fadzanai; Tshuma, Maureen; Machiha, Anna; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Interrupted Access to and Use of Family Planning Among Youth in a Community-Based Service in Zimbabwe During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2022) Mavodza, Constancia V; Bernays, Sarah; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Nyamwanza, Rangarirayi; Nzombe, Portia; Dauya, Ethel; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Tembo, Mandikudza; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mugurungi, Owen; Madzima, Bernard; Kranzer, Katharina; Abbas Ferrand, Rashida; Busza, Joanna
  • Family Planning Experiences and Needs of Young Women Living With and Without HIV Accessing an Integrated HIV and SRH Intervention in Zimbabwe-An Exploratory Qualitative Study. (2022) Mavodza, Constancia V; Busza, Joanna; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Nyamwanza, Rangarirai; Nzombe, Portia; Dauya, Ethel; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Tembo, Mandikudza; Simms, Victoria; Mugurungi, Owen; Apollo, Tsitsi; Madzima, Bernard; Ferrand, Rashida A; Bernays, Sarah
  • 2021
  • Mobile Phone Access and Implications for Digital Health Interventions Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe: Cross-Sectional Survey. (2021) Doyle, Aoife M; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; McHugh, Grace; Grundy, Chris; Dringus, Stefanie; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Mobile Phone Access and Implications for Digital Health Interventions Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe: Cross-Sectional Survey (Preprint). (2021) Doyle, Aoife M; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; McHugh, Grace; Grundy, Chris; Dringus, Stefanie; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Adolescent Health Series: Engagement with young people as partners in health research: Four case studies from Sub-Saharan Africa. (2021) Doyle, Aoife M; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Majozi, Nomathamsanqa; Simwinga, Musonda; Mayingire, Gracious R; Simbeye, Kelvin; Dringus, Stefanie; Bernays, Sarah
  • Feasibility and Accuracy of HIV Testing of Children by Caregivers Using Oral Mucosal Transudate HIV Tests. (2021) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Dringus, Stefanie; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Redzo, Nicol; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Hatzold, Karin; Bernays, Sarah; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Identifying youth at high risk for sexually transmitted infections in community-based settings using a risk prediction tool: a validation study. (2021) Kranzer, Katharina; Simms, Victoria; Dauya, Ethel; Olaru, Ioana D; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Martin, Kevin; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Tembo, Mandikudza; Francis, Suzanna C; Weiss, Helen A; Hayes, Richard J; Mavodza, Constancia; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Gertrude; Machiha, Anna; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas
  • Uptake of and factors associated with testing for sexually transmitted infections in community-based settings among youth in Zimbabwe: a mixed-methods study. (2021) Martin, Kevin; Olaru, Ioana D; Buwu, Nyasha; Bandason, Tsitsi; Marks, Michael; Dauya, Ethel; Muzangwa, Joice; Mabey, David; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Francis, Suzanna C; Tembo, Mandikudza; Mavodza, Constancia; Simms, Victoria; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Machiha, Anna; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • A costing analysis of B-GAP: index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents in Zimbabwe. (2021) Vasantharoopan, Arthi; Maheswaran, Hendramoorthy; Simms, Victoria; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Chigwenah, Tariro; Chikodzore, Rudo; Nyathi, Khulamuzi; Ncube, Gertrude; Ferrand, Rashida A; Guinness, Lorna
  • 2020
  • Addressing the challenges and relational aspects of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents: insights from the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2020) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Bernays, Sarah; Dringus, Stefanie; Simms, Victoria; Weiss, Helen A; Sibanda, Edwin; Kranzer, Katharina; Ncube, Gertrude; Chikodzore, Rudo; Webb, Karen; Chirimambowa, Trevor; Sithole, Kenny; Ndondo, Nonhlanhla; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mutseta, Miriam; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Comparison of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents in health facility and community settings in Zimbabwe: findings from the interventional B-GAP study. (2020) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Dringus, Stefanie; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Engelsmann, Barbara; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Hatzold, Karen; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Adolescents' and caregivers' perceptions of caregiver-provided testing and HIV self-testing using oral mucosal transudate tests in Zimbabwe: a short report. (2020) Rainer, Crissi; Chihota, Belinda; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; McHugh, Grace; Dauya, Ethel; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stewart, Kearsley A
  • 2019
  • Brief Report: Diagnostic Accuracy of Oral Mucosal Transudate Tests Compared with Blood-Based Rapid Tests for HIV Among Children Aged 18 Months to 18 Years in Kenya and Zimbabwe. (2019) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Njuguna, Irene N; Neary, Jillian; Rainer, Crissi; Chihota, Belinda; Slyker, Jennifer A; Katz, David A; Wamalwa, Dalton C; Oyiengo, Laura; Bandason, Tsitsi; McHugh, Grace; Dauya, Ethel; Mujuru, Hilda; Stewart, Kearsley A; John-Stewart, Grace C; Ferrand, Rashida A; Wagner, Anjuli D
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health facility-based and community-based index-linked HIV testing strategies for children: protocol for the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2019) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Dringus, Stefanie; Kranzer, Katharina; Bandason, Tsitsi; Vasantharoopan, Arthi; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Mutseta, Miriam; Webb, Karen; Engelsmann, Barbara; Ncube, Gertrude; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Weiss, Helen Anne; Ferrand, Rashida
  • 2018
  • "It is not possible to go inside and have a discussion": how fear of stigma affects delivery of community-based support for children's HIV care. (2018) Busza, Joanna; Simms, Victoria; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Makamba, Memory; McHugh, Grace; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas
  • Community health worker support to improve HIV treatment outcomes for older children and adolescents in Zimbabwe: a process evaluation of the ZENITH trial. (2018) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Busza, Joanna; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Chonzi, Prosper; Munyati, Shungu; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Familial silence surrounding HIV and non-disclosure of HIV status to older children and adolescents. (2018) McHugh, Grace; Simms, Victoria; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Mujuru, Hilda; Nathoo, Kusum; Chonzi, Prosper; Munyati, Shungu; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Busza, Joanna; Ferrand, Rashida A