Items where Author is "Tsofa, Benjamin"
Number of items: 12.
  • Burden of disease in adults admitted to hospital in a rural region of coastal Kenya: an analysis of data from linked clinical and demographic surveillance systems. (2014) Etyang, Anthony O; Munge, Kenneth; Bunyasi, Erick W; Matata, Lena; Ndila, Carolyne; Kapesa, Sailoki; Owiti, Maureen; Khandwalla, Iqbal; Brent, Andrew J; Tsofa, Benjamin; Kabibu, Pamela; Morpeth, Susan; Bauni, Evasius; Otiende, Mark; Ojal, John; Ayieko, Philip; Knoll, Maria D; Smeeth, Liam; Williams, Thomas N; Griffiths, Ulla K; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Trends in bednet ownership and usage, and the effect of bednets on malaria hospitalization in the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KHDSS): 2008-2015. (2017) Kamau, Alice; Nyaga, Victoria; Bauni, Evasius; Tsofa, Benjamin; Noor, Abdisalan M; Bejon, Philip; Scott, J Anthony G; Hammitt, Laura L
  • The clinical epidemiology of sickle cell anemia In Africa. (2017) Macharia, Alex W; Mochamah, George; Uyoga, Sophie; Ndila, Carolyne M; Nyutu, Gideon; Makale, Johnstone; Tendwa, Metrine; Nyatichi, Emily; Ojal, John; Shebe, Mohammed; Awuondo, Kennedy O; Mturi, Neema; Peshu, Norbert; Tsofa, Benjamin; Scott, J Anthony G; Maitland, Kathryn; Williams, Thomas N
  • Research Involving Health Providers and Managers: Ethical Issues Faced by Researchers Conducting Diverse Health Policy and Systems Research in Kenya. (2016) Molyneux, Sassy; Tsofa, Benjamin; Barasa, Edwine; Nyikuri, Mary Muyoka; Waweru, Evelyn Wanjiku; Goodman, Catherine; Gilson, Lucy
  • Excess child mortality after discharge from hospital in Kilifi, Kenya: a retrospective cohort analysis. (2011) Moïsi, Jennifer C; Gatakaa, Hellen; Berkley, James A; Maitland, Kathryn; Mturi, Neema; Newton, Charles R; Njuguna, Patricia; Nokes, James; Ojal, John; Bauni, Evasius; Tsofa, Benjamin; Peshu, Norbert; Marsh, Kevin; Williams, Thomas N; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Profile: The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KHDSS). (2012) Scott, J Anthony G; Bauni, Evasius; Moisi, Jennifer C; Ojal, John; Gatakaa, Hellen; Nyundo, Christopher; Molyneux, Catherine S; Kombe, Francis; Tsofa, Benjamin; Marsh, Kevin; Peshu, Norbert; Williams, Thomas N
  • Devolution and its effects on health workforce and commodities management - early implementation experiences in Kilifi County, Kenya. (2017) Tsofa, Benjamin; Goodman, Catherine; Gilson, Lucy; Molyneux, Sassy
  • How does decentralisation affect health sector planning and financial management? a case study of early effects of devolution in Kilifi County, Kenya. (2017) Tsofa, Benjamin; Molyneux, Sassy; Gilson, Lucy; Goodman, Catherine
  • Health sector operational planning and budgeting processes in Kenya-"never the twain shall meet". (2015) Tsofa, Benjamin; Molyneux, Sassy; Goodman, Catherine
  • The epidemiology of sickle cell disease in children recruited in infancy in Kilifi, Kenya: a prospective cohort study. (2019) Uyoga, Sophie; Macharia, Alex W; Mochamah, George; Ndila, Carolyne M; Nyutu, Gideon; Makale, Johnstone; Tendwa, Metrine; Nyatichi, Emily; Ojal, John; Otiende, Mark; Shebe, Mohammed; Awuondo, Kennedy O; Mturi, Neema; Peshu, Norbert; Tsofa, Benjamin; Maitland, Kathryn; Scott, J Anthony G; Williams, Thomas N
  • The indirect health effects of malaria estimated from health advantages of the sickle cell trait. (2019) Uyoga, Sophie; Macharia, Alex W; Ndila, Carolyne M; Nyutu, Gideon; Shebe, Mohammed; Awuondo, Kennedy O; Mturi, Neema; Peshu, Norbert; Tsofa, Benjamin; Scott, J Anthony G; Maitland, Kathryn; Williams, Thomas N
  • Monograph
  • Review of Health Sector Services Fund Implementation and Experience. (2013) Waweru, E; Nyikuri, M; Tsofa, B; Kedenge, S; Goodman, C; Molyneux, S