Items where Author is "Singh, N"
Number of items: 48.
How to do (or not to do)…using causal loop diagrams for health system research in low and middle-income settings. (2022)
Cassidy, Rachel; Borghi, Josephine; Semwanga, Agnes Rwashana; Binyaruka, Peter; Singh, Neha S; Blanchet, Karl
Assessing equity of access and affordability of care among South Sudanese refugees and host communities in two districts in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey. (2022)
King, Jessica; Prabhakar, Pallavi; Singh, Neha; Sulaiman, Munshi; Greco, Giulia; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Borghi, Josephine
The development of Afghanistan's Integrated Package of Essential Health Services: Evidence, expertise and ethics in a priority setting process. (2022)
Lange, Isabelle L; Feroz, Ferozuddin; Naeem, Ahmad Jan; Saeedzai, Sayed Ataullah; Arifi, Fatima; Singh, Neha; Blanchet, Karl
Do we really want to know? The journey to implement empirical research recommendations in the ICRC's responses in Myanmar and Lebanon. (2022)
Leresche, Enrica; Hossain, Mazeda; Rossi, Rodolfo; Truppa, Claudia; Barth, Cornelia Anne; Mactaggart, Islay; Leaning, Jennifer; Singh, Neha
Analysis of health overseas development aid for internally displaced persons in low- and middle-income countries. (2022)
Roberts, Bayard; Ekezie, Winifred; Jobanputra, Kiran; Smith, James; Ellithy, Sara; Cantor, David; Singh, Neha; Patel, Preeti
A systematic review of newborn health interventions in humanitarian settings. (2022)
Rodo, Mariana; Duclos, Diane; DeJong, Jocelyn; Akik, Chaza; Singh, Neha S
A mixed methods study to assess the impact of COVID-19 on maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition in fragile and conflict-affected settings. (2022)
Rodo, Mariana; Singh, Lucy; Russell, Neal; Singh, Neha S
"They will say you want to make their home die": A mixed methods study to assess modern family planning use in partnered South Sudanese refugee and host populations in Northern Uganda. (2022)
Singh, Neha S; Prabhakar, Pallavi; Ssali, Agnes; Namakula, Sylvia; Namatovu, Josephine; Kapiti, Rogers; Kasiri, Joram; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
Understanding the maternal and child health system response to payment for performance in Tanzania using a causal loop diagram approach. (2021)
Cassidy, Rachel; Tomoaia-Cotisel, Andrada; Semwanga, Agnes Rwashana; Binyaruka, Peter; Chalabi, Zaid; Blanchet, Karl; Singh, Neha S; Maiba, John; Borghi, Josephine
Are rhetorical commitments to adolescents reflected in planning documents? An exploratory content analysis of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Global Financing Facility country plans. (2021)
George, Asha S; Jacobs, Tanya; Kinney, Mary V; Haakenstad, Annie; Singh, Neha S; Rasanathan, Kumanan; Chopra, Mickey
Avoiding the Road to Nowhere: Policy Insights on Scaling up and Sustaining Digital Health. (2021)
LeFevre, Amnesty; Chamberlain, Sara; Singh, Neha S; Scott, Kerry; Menon, Purnima; Barron, Peter; Ved, Rajani R; George, Asha
Use of COVID-19 evidence in humanitarian settings: the need for dynamic guidance adapted to changing humanitarian crisis contexts. (2021)
Odlum, Alex; James, Rosemary; Mahieu, Audrey; Blanchet, Karl; Altare, Chiara; Singh, Neha; Spiegel, Paul
Barriers and enablers to routine register data collection for newborns and mothers: EN-BIRTH multi-country validation study. (2021)
Shamba, Donat; Day, Louise T; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Sunny, Avinash K; Tarimo, Menna Narcis; Peven, Kimberly; Khan, Jasmin; Thakur, Nishant; Talha, Md Taqbir Us Samad; K C, Ashish; Haider, Rajib; Ruysen, Harriet; Mazumder, Tapas; Rahman, Md Hafizur; Shaikh, Md Ziaul Haque; Sæbø, Johan Ivar; Hanson, Claudia; Singh, Neha S; Schellenberg, Joanna; Vaz, Lara ME; Requejo, Jennifer; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH Study Group
Delivering health interventions to women, children, and adolescents in conflict settings: what have we learned from ten country case studies? (2021)
Singh, Neha S; Ataullahjan, Anushka; Ndiaye, Khadidiatou; Das, Jai K; Wise, Paul H; Altare, Chiara; Ahmed, Zahra; Sami, Samira; Akik, Chaza; Tappis, Hannah; Mirzazada, Shafiq; Garcés-Palacio, Isabel C; Ghattas, Hala; Langer, Ana; Waldman, Ronald J; Spiegel, Paul; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Blanchet, Karl; BRANCH Consortium Steering Committee
Zooming in and out: a holistic framework for research on maternal, late foetal and newborn survival and health. (2021)
Singh, Neha S; Blanchard, Andrea K; Blencowe, Hannah; Koon, Adam D; Boerma, Ties; Sharma, Sudha; Campbell, Oona MR
Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach. (2021)
Singh, Neha S; Lokot, Michelle; Undie, Chi-Chi; Onyango, Monica A; Morgan, Rosemary; Harmer, Anne; Freedman, Jane; Heidari, Shirin
A tale of 'politics and stars aligning': analysing the sustainability of scaled up digital tools for front-line health workers in India. (2021)
Singh, Neha S; Scott, Kerry; George, Asha; LeFevre, Amnesty Elizabeth; Ved, Rajani
The forgotten population? A call to invest in adolescent well-being in humanitarian and fragile settings. (2021)
Singh, Neha; DeJong, Jocelyn; Popple, Kimberley; Undie, Chi-Chi; El Masri, Rozane; Bakesiima, Ritah; Calderon-Jaramillo, Mariana; Peprah, Ellen; Naseri, Saha; Cornier, Nadine; Blanchet, Karl
A Scoping Review to Assess Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes, Challenges and Recommendations in the Context of Climate Migration. (2021)
van Daalen, Kim Robin; Dada, Sara; Issa, Rita; Chowdhury, Maisoon; Jung, Laura; Singh, Lucy; Stokes, Diarmuid; Orcutt, Miriam; Singh, Neha S
Responding to health needs of women, children and adolescents within Syria during conflict: intervention coverage, challenges and adaptations. (2020)
Akik, Chaza; Semaan, Aline; Shaker-Berbari, Linda; Jamaluddine, Zeina; Saad, Ghada E; Lopes, Katherine; Constantin, Joanne; Ekzayez, Abdulkarim; Singh, Neha S; Blanchet, Karl; DeJong, Jocelyn; Ghattas, Hala
Pay for Performance: A Reflection on How a Global Perspective Could Enhance Policy and Research. (2020)
Anselmi, Laura; Borghi, Josephine; Brown, Garrett Wallace; Fichera, Eleonora; Hanson, Kara; Kadungure, Artwell; Kovacs, Roxanne; Kristensen, Søren Rud; Singh, Neha S; Sutton, Matt
Investigating the delivery of health and nutrition interventions for women and children in conflict settings: a collection of case studies from the BRANCH Consortium. (2020)
Ataullahjan, Anushka; Gaffey, Michelle F; Sami, Samira; Singh, Neha S; Tappis, Hannah; Black, Robert E; Blanchet, Karl; Boerma, Ties; Langer, Ana; Spiegel, Paul B; Waldman, Ronald J; Wise, Paul H; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
Guidance for health care worker surveys in humanitarian contexts in LMICs. (2020)
Carter, Simone; Moncrieff, Izzy Scott; Bayugo, Yolanda; Hickler, Ben; Gobat, Nina; Singh, Neha; Pham, Phuong; Vinck, Patrick; Poveda, Juan Diego; Lissouba, Pascale; Fricke, Christine; Shaw, Alistair; Tam, Wai Jia; Austin, Caroline; Berman, Gabrielle; Wood, Gavin; Padoveze, Maria Clara; Niederberger, Eva
How are pay-for-performance schemes in healthcare designed in low- and middle-income countries? Typology and systematic literature review. (2020)
Kovacs, Roxanne J; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Kristensen, Søren R; Singh, Neha; Borghi, Josephine
Equity of resource flows for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: are those most in need being left behind? (2020)
Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa; Federspiel, Frederik; Singh, Neha S; Schäferhoff, Marco; Lewis Sabin, Miriam; Onoka, Chima; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Borghi, Josephine; Pitt, Catherine
The role of gender inclusive leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic to support vulnerable populations in conflict settings. (2020)
Meagher, Kristen; Singh, Neha S; Patel, Preeti
Responding to COVID-19: Guidance for humanitarian agencies. (2020)
Ramalingam, Ben; Singh, Neha; Mahieu, Audrey; Blanchet, Karl
What does ‘leave no one behind’ mean for humanitarian crises-affected populations in the COVID-19 pandemic? (2020)
Singh, Lucy; Singh, Neha S; Nezafat Maldonado, Behrouz; Tweed, Sam; Blanchet, Karl; Graham, Wendy Jane
Guidance Brief: How to maximise the use of social sciences evidence for public health emergencies in humanitarian settings. (2020)
Singh, Neha
COVID-19 in humanitarian settings: documenting and sharing context-specific programmatic experiences. (2020)
Singh, Neha S; Abrahim, Orit; Altare, Chiara; Blanchet, Karl; Favas, Caroline; Odlum, Alex; Spiegel, Paul B
A realist review to assess for whom, under what conditions and how pay for performance programmes work in low- and middle-income countries. (2020)
Singh, Neha S; Kovacs, Roxanne J; Cassidy, Rachel; Kristensen, Søren R; Borghi, Josephine; Brown, Garrett W
Mathematical modelling for health systems research: a systematic review of system dynamics and agent-based models. (2019)
Cassidy, Rachel; Singh, Neha S; Schiratti, Pierre-Raphaël; Semwanga, Agnes; Binyaruka, Peter; Sachingongu, Nkenda; Chama-Chiliba, Chitalu Miriam; Chalabi, Zaid; Borghi, Josephine; Blanchet, Karl
Lenses and levels: the why, what and how of measuring health system drivers of women's, children's and adolescents' health with a governance focus. (2019)
George, Asha; LeFevre, Amnesty Elizabeth; Jacobs, Tanya; Kinney, Mary; Buse, Kent; Chopra, Mickey; Daelmans, Bernadette; Haakenstad, Annie; Huicho, Luis; Khosla, Rajat; Rasanathan, Kumanan; Sanders, David; Singh, Neha S; Tiffin, Nicki; Ved, Rajani; Zaidi, Shehla Abbas; Schneider, Helen
A forgotten group during humanitarian crises: a systematic review of sexual and reproductive health interventions for young people including adolescents in humanitarian settings. (2019)
Jennings, Lauren; George, Asha S; Jacobs, Tanya; Blanchet, Karl; Singh, Neha S
Examining the use of economic evaluations in health-related humanitarian programmes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2019)
Makhani, Lizna A; Moran, Valerie; Sadique, Zia; Singh, Neha S; Revill, Paul; Roberts, Bayard
Effect of maternal height on caesarean section and neonatal mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of 34 national datasets. (2018)
Arendt, Esther; Singh, Neha S; Campbell, Oona MR
Understanding for whom, why and in what circumstances payment for performance works in low and middle income countries: protocol for a realist review. (2018)
Borghi, Josephine; Singh, Neha S; Brown, Garrett; Anselmi, Laura; Kristensen, Soren
Accelerating Kenya's progress to 2030: understanding the determinants of under-five mortality from 1990 to 2015. (2018)
Keats, Emily C; Macharia, William; Singh, Neha S; Akseer, Nadia; Ravishankar, Nirmala; Ngugi, Anthony K; Rizvi, Arjumand; Khaemba, Emma Nelima; Tole, John; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
A long way to go: a systematic review to assess the utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services during humanitarian crises. (2018)
Singh, Neha S; Aryasinghe, Sarindi; Smith, James; Khosla, Rajat; Say, Lale; Blanchet, Karl
Evaluating the effectiveness of sexual and reproductive health services during humanitarian crises: A systematic review. (2018)
Singh, Neha S; Smith, James; Aryasinghe, Sarindi; Khosla, Rajat; Say, Lale; Blanchet, Karl
Progress and challenges in maternal health in western China: a Countdown to 2015 national case study. (2017)
Gao, Yanqiu; Zhou, Hong; Singh, Neha S; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Nash, Stephen; Yang, Min; Guo, Sufang; Fang, Hai; Alvarez, Melisa Martinez; Liu, Xiaoyun; Pan, Jay; Wang, Yan; Ronsmans, Carine
How Ethiopia achieved Millennium Development Goal 4 through multisectoral interventions: a Countdown to 2015 case study. (2017)
Ruducha, Jenny; Mann, Carlyn; Singh, Neha S; Gemebo, Tsegaye D; Tessema, Negussie S; Baschieri, Angela; Friberg, Ingrid; Zerfu, Taddese A; Yassin, Mohammed; Franca, Giovanny A; Berman, Peter
Subnational variation for care at birth in Tanzania: is this explained by place, people, money or drugs? (2016)
Armstrong, Corinne E; Martínez-Álvarez, Melisa; Singh, Neha S; John, Theopista; Afnan-Holmes, Hoviyeh; Grundy, Chris; Ruktanochai, Corrine W; Borghi, Josephine; Magoma, Moke; Msemo, Georgina; Matthews, Zoe; Mtei, Gemini; Lawn, Joy E
Countries’ progress for women’s and children’s health in the Millennium Development Goal era: the Countdown to 2015 experience. (2016)
Berman, Peter; Requejo, Jennifer; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Singh, Neha S; Owen, Helen; Lawn, Joy E
Countdown to 2015 country case studies: what have we learned about processes and progress towards MDGs 4 and 5? (2016)
Moucheraud, Corrina; Owen, Helen; Singh, Neha S; Ng, Courtney Kuonin; Requejo, Jennifer; Lawn, Joy E; Berman, Peter; Countdown Case Study Collaboration Group
Countdown to 2015 country case studies: systematic tools to address the "black box" of health systems and policy assessment. (2016)
Singh, Neha S; Huicho, Luis; Afnan-Holmes, Hoviyeh; John, Theopista; Moran, Allisyn C; Colbourn, Tim; Grundy, Chris; Matthews, Zoe; Maliqi, Blerta; Mathai, Matthews; Daelmans, Bernadette; Requejo, Jennifer; Lawn, Joy E; Countdown to 2015 Health Systems and Policies Technical Working
Countdown to 2015: Ethiopia's progress towards reduction in under-five mortality: 2014 country case study. (2015)
Tadesse, M; Defar, A; Getachew, T; Amenu, K; Teklie, H; Asfaw, E; Bekele, A; Kebede, A; Assefa, Y; Demissie, T; Yassin, M; Shiferaw, N; Alemu, T; Ruducha, J; Kebede, H; Bekele, T; Teklay, E; Sima, Y; Mann, C; Franca, G; Singh, N; Friberg, I; Barros, A; Bryce, J; Berman, P; Shiferaw, A; Ameha, A; Baschieri, A; Kibur, M
Designing appropriate complementary feeding recommendations: tools for programmatic action. (2013)
Daelmans, Bernadette; Ferguson, Elaine; Lutter, Chessa K; Singh, Neha; Pachón, Helena; Creed-Kanashiro, Hilary; Woldt, Monica; Mangasaryan, Nuné; Cheung, Edith; Mir, Roger; Pareja, Rossina; Briend, André