Items where Author is "Halliday, Katherine E"
Number of items: 45.
Epidemiology of soil transmitted helminths and risk analysis of hookworm infections in the community: Results from the DeWorm3 Trial in southern India. (2021)
Ajjampur, Sitara SR; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Halliday, Katherine E; Palanisamy, Gokila; Farzana, Jasmine; Manuel, Malathi; Abraham, Dilip; Laxmanan, Selvi; Aruldas, Kumudha; Rose, Anuradha; Kennedy, David S; Oswald, William E; Pullan, Rachel L; Galagan, Sean R; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana; Anderson, Roy M; Muliyil, Jayaprakash; Sarkar, Rajiv; Kang, Gagandeep; Walson, Judd L
Interrupting transmission of soil-transmitted helminths: a study protocol for cluster randomised trials evaluating alternative treatment strategies and delivery systems in Kenya. (2015)
Brooker, Simon J; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Halliday, Katherine E; Njenga, Sammy M; Mcharo, Carlos; Gichuki, Paul M; Wasunna, Beatrice; Kihara, Jimmy H; Njomo, Doris; Alusala, Dorcas; Chiguzo, Athuman; Turner, Hugo C; Teti, Caroline; Gwayi-Chore, Claire; Nikolay, Birgit; Truscott, James E; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Balabanova, Dina; Griffiths, Ulla K; Freeman, Matthew C; Allen, Elizabeth; Pullan, Rachel L; Anderson, Roy M
Improving educational achievement and anaemia of school children: design of a cluster randomised trial of school-based malaria prevention and enhanced literacy instruction in Kenya. (2010)
Brooker, Simon; Okello, George; Njagi, Kiambo; Dubeck, Margaret M; Halliday, Katherine E; Inyega, Hellen; Jukes, Matthew CH
Impact of Different Sampling Schemes for Decision Making in Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis Control Programs. (2019)
Coffeng, Luc E; Malizia, Veronica; Vegvari, Carolin; Cools, Piet; Halliday, Katherine E; Levecke, Bruno; Mekonnen, Zeleke; Gichuki, Paul M; Sayasone, Somphou; Sarkar, Rajiv; Shaali, Ame; Vlaminck, Johnny; Anderson, Roy M; de Vlas, Sake J
The Role of Health in Education and Human Capital: Why an Integrated Approach to School Health Could Make a Difference in the Futures of Schoolchildren in Low-Income Countries. (2020)
Cohee, Lauren M; Halliday, Katherine E; Gelli, Aulo; Mwenyango, Irene; Lavadenz, Fernando; Burbano, Carmen; Drake, Lesley; Bundy, Donald AP
Preventive malaria treatment among school-aged children in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analyses. (2020)
Cohee, Lauren M; Opondo, Charles; Clarke, Siân E; Halliday, Katherine E; Cano, Jorge; Shipper, Andrea G; Barger-Kamate, Breanna; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Diarra, Seybou; Dokras, Aditi; Kamya, Moses R; Lutumba, Pascal; Ly, Alioune Badara; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Njagi, J Kiambo; Maiga, Hamma; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, Catherine; Matangila, Junior; Okello, George; Rohner, Fabian; Roschnik, Natalie; Rouhani, Saba; Sissoko, Mahamadou S; Staedke, Sarah G; Thera, Mahamadou A; Turner, Elizabeth L; Van Geertruyden, JP; Zimmerman, Michael B; Jukes, Matthew CH; Brooker, Simon J; Allen, Elizabeth; Laufer, Miriam K; Chico, R Matthew
The prevalence of scabies in Monrovia, Liberia: a population-based survey. (2020)
Collinson, Shelui; Timothy, Joseph; Zayay, Samuel K; Kollie, Karsor K; Lebas, Eglantine; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel; Fallah, Mosoka; Walker, Stephen L; Marks, Michael
The prevalence of scabies in Monrovia, Liberia: A population-based survey. (2020)
Collinson, Shelui; Timothy, Joseph; Zayzay, Samuel K; Kollie, Karsor K; Lebas, Eglantine; Candy, Neima; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel; Fallah, Mosoka; Walker, Stephen L; Marks, Michael
Cost analysis of school-based intermittent screening and treatment of malaria in Kenya. (2011)
Drake, Thomas L; Okello, George; Njagi, Kiambo; Halliday, Katherine E; Jukes, Matthew Ch; Mangham, Lindsay; Brooker, Simon
Plasmodium falciparum, anaemia and cognitive and educational performance among school children in an area of moderate malaria transmission: baseline results of a cluster randomized trial on the coast of Kenya. (2012)
Halliday, Katherine E; Karanja, Peris; Turner, Elizabeth L; Okello, George; Njagi, Kiambo; Dubeck, Margaret M; Allen, Elizabeth; Jukes, Matthew CH; Brooker, Simon J
Impact of intermittent screening and treatment for malaria among school children in Kenya: a cluster randomised trial. (2014)
Halliday, Katherine E; Okello, George; Turner, Elizabeth L; Njagi, Kiambo; Mcharo, Carlos; Kengo, Juddy; Allen, Elizabeth; Dubeck, Margaret M; Jukes, Matthew CH; Brooker, Simon J
Community-level epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths in the context of school-based deworming: Baseline results of a cluster randomised trial on the coast of Kenya. (2019)
Halliday, Katherine E; Oswald, William E; Mcharo, Carlos; Beaumont, Emma; Gichuki, Paul M; Kepha, Stella; Witek-McManus, Stefan S; Matendechero, Sultani H; El-Busaidy, Hajara; Muendo, Redempta; Chiguzo, Athuman N; Cano, Jorge; Karanja, Mary W; Musyoka, Leah W; Safari, Tuva K; Mutisya, Lennie N; Muye, Idris J; Sidigu, Maureen A; Anderson, Roy M; Allen, Elizabeth; Brooker, Simon J; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Njenga, Sammy M; Pullan, Rachel L
Impact of school-based malaria case management on school attendance, health and education outcomes: a cluster randomised trial in southern Malawi. (2020)
Halliday, Katherine E; Witek-McManus, Stefan S; Opondo, Charles; Mtali, Austin; Allen, Elizabeth; Bauleni, Andrew; Ndau, Saidi; Phondiwa, Emmanuel; Ali, Doreen; Kachigunda, Virginia; Sande, John H; Jawati, Mpumulo; Verney, Allison; Chimuna, Tiyese; Melody, David; Moestue, Helen; Roschnik, Natalie; Brooker, Simon J; Mathanga, Don P
Individual adherence to mass drug administration in neglected tropical disease control: a probability model conditional on past behaviour. (2020)
Hardwick, Robert J; Truscott, James E; Oswald, William E; Werkman, Marleen; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel L; Anderson, Roy M
Individual adherence to mass drug administration in neglected tropical disease control: A probability model conditional on past behaviour. (2021)
Hardwick, Robert J; Truscott, James E; Oswald, William E; Werkman, Marleen; Halliday, Katherine E; Pullan, Rachel L; Anderson, Roy M
Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection among staff and students in a cohort of English primary and secondary schools during 2020-2021. (2022)
Hargreaves, James R; Langan, Sinéad M; Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Sturgess, Joanna; Phelan, Jody; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Ford, Benjamin; Allen, Elizabeth; Sundaram, Neisha; Ireland, Georgina; Poh, John; Ijaz, Samreen; Diamond, Ian; Rourke, Emma; Dawe, Fiona; Judd, Alison; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Clark, Taane G; Glynn, Judith R; Edmunds, W John; Bonell, Chris; Mangtani, Punam; Ladhani, Shamez N; COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey Study Group
Improving Literacy Instruction in Kenya Through Teacher Professional Development and Text Messages Support: A Cluster Randomized Trial. (2016)
Jukes, Matthew CH; Turner, Elizabeth L; Dubeck, Margaret M; Halliday, Katherine E; Inyega, Hellen N; Wolf, Sharon; Zuilkowski, Stephanie Simmons; Brooker, Simon J
Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia and clinical malaria among school children living in a high transmission setting in western Kenya. (2016)
Kepha, Stella; Nikolay, Birgit; Nuwaha, Fred; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Nankabirwa, Joaniter; Ndibazza, Juliet; Cano, Jorge; Matoke-Muhia, Damaris; Pullan, Rachel L; Allen, Elizabeth; Halliday, Katherine E; Brooker, Simon J
Rapid shifts in the age-specific burden of malaria following successful control interventions in four regions of Uganda. (2020)
Kigozi, Simon P; Kigozi, Ruth N; Epstein, Adrienne; Mpimbaza, Arthur; Sserwanga, Asadu; Yeka, Adoke; Nankabirwa, Joaniter I; Halliday, Katherine; Pullan, Rachel L; Rutazaana, Damian; Sebuguzi, Catherine M; Opigo, Jimmy; Kamya, Moses R; Staedke, Sarah G; Dorsey, Grant; Greenhouse, Bryan; Rodriguez-Barraquer, Isabel
Patterns and Drivers of Household Sanitation Access and Sustainability in Kwale County, Kenya. (2021)
Legge, Hugo; Halliday, Katherine E; Kepha, Stella; Mcharo, Carlos; Witek-McManus, Stefan S; El-Busaidy, Hajara; Muendo, Redempta; Safari, Th'uva; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Matendechero, Sultani H; Pullan, Rachel L; Oswald, William E
Implementer and recipient perspectives of community-wide mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminths in Kwale County, Kenya. (2020)
Legge, Hugo; Kepha, Stella; Prochazka, Mateo; Halliday, Katherine; Pullan, Rachel; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Njomo, Doris
The High Burden of Malaria in Primary School Children in Southern Malawi. (2015)
Mathanga, Don P; Halliday, Katherine E; Jawati, Mpumulo; Verney, Allison; Bauleni, Andrew; Sande, John; Ali, Doreen; Jones, Rebecca; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Roschnik, Natalie; Brooker, Simon J
Evaluating the sustainability, scalability, and replicability of an STH transmission interruption intervention: The DeWorm3 implementation science protocol. (2018)
Means, Arianna Rubin; Ajjampur, Sitara SR; Bailey, Robin; Galactionova, Katya; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Halliday, Katherine; Ibikounle, Moudachirou; Juvekar, Sanjay; Kalua, Khumbo; Kang, Gagandeep; Lele, Pallavi; Luty, Adrian JF; Pullan, Rachel; Sarkar, Rajiv; Schär, Fabian; Tediosi, Fabrizio; Weiner, Bryan J; Yard, Elodie; Walson, Judd; DeWorm3 Implementation Science Team
Structural readiness to implement community-wide mass drug administration programs for soil-transmitted helminth elimination: results from a three-country hybrid study. (2021)
Means, Arianna Rubin; Orlan, Elizabeth; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Titus, Angelin; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Togbevi, Comlanvi Innocent; Chabi, Félicien; Halliday, Katherine E; Nindi, Providence; Avokpaho, Euripide; Kalua, Khumbo; Ibikounlé, Moudachirou; Ajjampur, Sitara SR; Weiner, Bryan J; Walson, Judd L; Aruldas, Kumudha
School-based diagnosis and treatment of malaria by teachers using rapid diagnostic tests and artemisinin-based combination therapy: experiences and perceptions of users and implementers of the Learner Treatment Kit, southern Malawi. (2017)
Mphwatiwa, Treza; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Mtali, Austin; Okello, George; Nguluwe, Paul; Chatsika, Hard; Roschnik, Natalie; Halliday, Katherine E; Brooker, Simon J; Mathanga, Don P
Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection in primary and secondary school students and staff in England in the 2020/2021 school year: a longitudinal study. (2023)
Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Cook, Sarah; Sturgess, Joanna; Sundaram, Neisha; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Fine, Paul Em; Glynn, Judith; Allen, Elizabeth; Clark, Taane G; Ford, Benjamin; Judd, Alison; Ireland, Georgina; Poh, John; Bonell, Chris; Dawe, Fiona; Rourke, Emma; Diamond, Ian; Ladhani, Shamez N; Langan, Sinéad M; Hargreaves, James; Mangtani, Punam; COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey Study Group
Assessment of lymphatic filariasis prior to re-starting mass drug administration campaigns in coastal Kenya. (2017)
Njenga, Sammy M; Kanyi, Henry M; Mutungi, Faith M; Okoyo, Collins; Matendechero, Hadley S; Pullan, Rachel L; Halliday, Katherine E; Brooker, Simon J; Wamae, C Njeri; Onsongo, Joyce K; Won, Kimberly Y
Challenges for consent and community engagement in the conduct of cluster randomized trial among school children in low income settings: experiences from Kenya. (2013)
Okello, George; Jones, Caroline; Bonareri, Maureen; Ndegwa, Sarah N; McHaro, Carlos; Kengo, Juddy; Kinyua, Kevin; Dubeck, Margaret M; Halliday, Katherine E; Jukes, Matthew CH; Molyneux, Sassy; Brooker, Simon J
Local perceptions of intermittent screening and treatment for malaria in school children on the south coast of Kenya. (2012)
Okello, George; Ndegwa, Sarah N; Halliday, Katherine E; Hanson, Kara; Brooker, Simon J; Jones, Caroline
Domains of transmission and association of community, school, and household sanitation with soil-transmitted helminth infections among children in coastal Kenya. (2019)
Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Mcharo, Carlos; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Kepha, Stella; Gichuki, Paul M; Cano, Jorge; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Allen, Elizabeth; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Anderson, Roy M; Brooker, Simon J; Pullan, Rachel L; Njenga, Sammy M
Development and application of an electronic treatment register: a system for enumerating populations and monitoring treatment during mass drug administration. (2020)
Oswald, William E; Kennedy, David S; Farzana, Jasmine; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Atindegla, Eloic; Houngbégnon, Parfait; Chisambi, Alvin; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Galagan, Sean R; Emmanuel-Fabula, Mira; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Legge, Hugo; Yard, Elodie; Kalua, Khumbo; Ibikounlé, Moudachirou; Ajjampur, Sitara Swarna Rao; Means, Arianna Rubin; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana H; Halliday, Katherine E; Walson, Judd L
Patterns of individual non-treatment during multiple rounds of mass drug administration for control of soil-transmitted helminths in the TUMIKIA trial, Kenya: a secondary longitudinal analysis. (2020)
Oswald, William E; Kepha, Stella; Halliday, Katherine E; Mcharo, Carlos; Safari, Th'uva; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Hardwick, Robert J; Allen, Elizabeth; Matendechero, Sultani H; Brooker, Simon J; Njenga, Sammy M; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Anderson, Roy M; Pullan, Rachel L
Secondary attack rates in primary and secondary school bubbles following a confirmed case: Active, prospective national surveillance, November to December 2020, England. (2022)
Powell, Annabel A; Ireland, Georgina; Baawuah, Frances; Beckmann, Joanne; Okike, Ifeanyichukwu O; Ahmad, Shazaad; Garstang, Joanna; Brent, Andrew J; Brent, Bernadette; Aiano, Felicity; Hargreaves, James; Langan, Sinéad M; Mangtani, Punam; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Sturgess, Joanna; Oswald, William; Halliday, Katherine; Rourke, Emma; Dawe, Fiona; Amin-Chowdhury, Zahin; Kall, Meaghan; Zambon, Maria; Poh, John; Ijaz, Samreen; Lackenby, Angie; Elli, Joanna; Brown, Kevin E; Diamond, Sir Ian; Ramsay, Mary E; Ladhani, Shamez N
Effects, equity, and cost of school-based and community-wide treatment strategies for soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2019)
Pullan, Rachel; Halliday, Katherine; Oswald, William; Mcharo, Carlos; Beaumont, Emma; Kepha, Stella; Witek-McManus, Stefan; Gichuki, Paul; Allen, Elizabeth; Drake, Tom; Pitt, Catherine; Matendechero, Sultani; Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire; Anderson, Roy; Njenga, Sammy; Brooker, Simon; Mwandawiro, Charles S
A One Health Approach to Defining Animal and Human Helminth Exposure Risks in a Tribal Village in Southern India. (2021)
Sack, Alexandra; Palanisamy, Gokila; Manuel, Malathi; Paulsamy, Chinnaduraipandi; Rose, Anuradha; Kaliappan, Saravanakumar Puthupalayam; Ward, Honorine; Walson, Judd L; Halliday, Katherine E; Ajjampur, Sitara Swarna Rao
Quantifying Population Burden and Effectiveness of Decentralized Surveillance Strategies for Skin-Presenting Neglected Tropical Diseases, Liberia. (2022)
Timothy, Joseph WS; Rogers, Emerson; Halliday, Katherine E; Mulbah, Tarnue; Marks, Michael; Zaizay, Zeela; Giddings, Romeo; Kempf, Marie; Marion, Estelle; Walker, Stephen L; Kollie, Karsor K; Pullan, Rachel L
Epidemiologic and Genomic Reidentification of Yaws, Liberia. (2021)
Timothy, Joseph; Beale, Matthew A; Rogers, Emerson; Zaizay, Zeela; Halliday, Katherine E; Mulbah, Tarnue; Giddings, Romeo K; Walker, Stephen L; Thomson, Nicholas R; Kollie, Karsor K; Pullan, Rachel L; Marks, Michael
Heterogeneity in transmission parameters of hookworm infection within the baseline data from the TUMIKIA study in Kenya. (2019)
Truscott, James E; Ower, Alison K; Werkman, Marleen; Halliday, Katherine; Oswald, William E; Gichuki, Paul M; Mcharo, Carlos; Brooker, Simon; Njenga, Sammy M; Mwandariwo, Charles; Walson, Judd L; Pullan, Rachel; Anderson, Roy
A community-based validation of the International Alliance for the Control of Scabies Consensus Criteria by expert and non-expert examiners in Liberia. (2020)
Walker, Stephen L; Collinson, Shelui; Timothy, Joseph; Zayzay, Samuel K; Kollie, Karsor K; Candy, Neima; Lebas, Eglantine; Halliday, Katherine; Pullan, Rachel; Fallah, Mosoka; Marks, Michael
The impact of community-wide, mass drug administration on aggregation of soil-transmitted helminth infection in human host populations. (2020)
Werkman, Marleen; Wright, James E; Truscott, James E; Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Papaiakovou, Marina; Farrell, Sam H; Pullan, Rachel L; Anderson, Roy M
Design, implementation and evaluation of a training programme for school teachers in the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests as part of a basic first aid kit in southern Malawi. (2015)
Witek-McManus, Stefan; Mathanga, Don P; Verney, Allison; Mtali, Austin; Ali, Doreen; Sande, John; Mwenda, Reuben; Ndau, Saidi; Mazinga, Charles; Phondiwa, Emmanuel; Chimuna, Tiyese; Melody, David; Roschnik, Natalie; Brooker, Simon J; Halliday, Katherine E
Epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths following sustained implementation of routine preventive chemotherapy: Demographics and baseline results of a cluster randomised trial in southern Malawi. (2021)
Witek-McManus, Stefan; Simwanza, James; Chisambi, Alvin B; Kepha, Stella; Kamwendo, Zachariah; Mbwinja, Alfred; Samikwa, Lyson; Oswald, William E; Kennedy, David S; Timothy, Joseph WS; Legge, Hugo; Galagan, Sean R; Emmanuel-Fabula, Mira; Schaer, Fabian; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana; Halliday, Katherine E; Walson, Judd L; Juziwelo, Lazarus; Bailey, Robin L; Kalua, Khumbo; Pullan, Rachel L
Long-chain PUFA supplementation in rural African infants: a randomized controlled trial of effects on gut integrity, growth, and cognitive development. (2013)
van der Merwe, Liandré F; Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony J; Halliday, Katherine E; Drammeh, Saikou; Young, Stephen; Prentice, Andrew M
Assessing the feasibility of interrupting the transmission of soil-transmitted helminths through mass drug administration: The DeWorm3 cluster randomized trial protocol. (2018)
Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Ajjampur, Sitara S Rao; Anderson, Roy M; Bailey, Robin; Gardiner, Iain; Halliday, Katherine E; Ibikounle, Moudachirou; Kalua, Khumbo; Kang, Gagandeep; Littlewood, D Timothy J; Luty, Adrian JF; Means, Arianna Rubin; Oswald, William; Pullan, Rachel L; Sarkar, Rajiv; Schär, Fabian; Szpiro, Adam; Truscott, James E; Werkman, Marleen; Yard, Elodie; Walson, Judd L; DeWorm3 Trials Team